CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 4

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8P~PTNII!BER 11, 1919. bertyville lndepgndent SAILOR CONFES Comtylndqwendnt .- Wauhqgan Weely Sun AUTO TliEFT: IL Office -Telephone Number l. Lîbertyille Exchange. et the Poetoim e t LIbertyvllle, Il., me Second Class Mail Matter Offliciai Publication for The Village of Lbertvlle. Mai Publication for Lake County Board of supervleore' Proceedinge »Pery Tbaroday. Aderzlclna Rate. Made Known on Appication MIPTION PRICE, 01.60 PER YEAR 8TRICTLY IN ADVANÇE ÎITH....................................................................... Editor *nrl1.aeri -L m, 1FACE A WONDERMPUL COUNTRY- Tie.ttip of the. National Editorial Association, wbich Sjuat ondedbas given to members of the party a new of Canada i that they have found that Canada is Mrauoly one of the wheat.Ipainerles of the world. El. t4ey saw wheat growing in acres covering thou- W&d and thousade. They saw al kinds of grain being in the various provinces and while i one ér two lcsthey found the. soil very dry as the resuit of ab- ïc. of rai, in other places they saw the wonderful . ido whlch nature has given this year and in other lace they.saw wonderful resuits where irrigation bas uon successfully adapted. t wàâ a great tripi that the Canadians were found D bave advanceçl far beyond the point that, the average ditor bad realiied. The fine constructed buildings i the various cities in âmay caues where they could flot é called a metropolis, shows that the Canadians bave Mnu building for the future as well as the present.., The Wcadiain hospit.ality was demnstrated on every side ad an Important part of the viiole trip was the. the Oaa- lima and the Amenicans have been f irnily cemented as roanit of the recent war wherein thie sons of both coun- h. were fighting aide by aide in this great confliet. b Canadians used to refer to us as cousins but ft now .a cme viere We ýare known to each other as brothers. Canada furnuies a woîderfui field for any pensons f "bi country wiio bave been unsuccessful In obtaining &&M that they bave deuir'ed in any particular ambition. tls a groat country yet it bus lots of roomn for develop- WW. W. prophecy great things for Canada aid it la ~atob.tebrought about tbrough the co-operation of tcaand residea of the Canadiah territory *hio -ohad such confidence lu thelr future and wiio bave o, thair lands during the. trying years tbat bave pue on bof ore- W be Md lt ofelg o trubutagre n*0,0to- L*t l a m tatiothctya o Vt a laof tii. proort i= &dgyau on could comêro h and pay Iré ýtrumteofthe. totalcoats. M the aate Ir.vualugIha y construotIon ougt ta proud" a M- of.a mofor a coqnunty of tht ais. vin pfmlayriorulm lafuMd«takmn.MZIo î~ ~ ~ ~ i dm W 1 dis ato b. hopod tbht the saite oplw iM»forvard ad a"ulinlcarrylng Mme blà eq portmnt pia. Of construction. i.'ý board of r.ylMevanaaother moatii to continu, wunk-woD. lot tbm. bave it faor1*. loner they arein W@14 tii. -munpald tum..they aenoa-rtii nad, Sti. IL Cu of L., tiie coty also noodeaUdtional re- sêx.q tbin sessi.on aufl v i f aocoaaar milmgthk.pM on brlnging houe .the. bacon as tiioy v. fer sm» timm.put. MWIVPWELLAÀT .1i Graham Cuiiles off Coun- ty Htonore In Grand Ameri- can Handicap. losulta mcentl>' publshed la thé Aorioan 9'lld show that Laie Coun mon «acqulttod théwseiveqvel la ti Geriand Americaa Handicap heîd %é vuéke ugoM at the South Shore 0 anr hClub lChicsg. This le 70édd as one of thé liguet shoots et,*é Fear la America and marks- =*m trmIl over thé Unted States lPt n thé cia>' pigeon cracking. IMcCornick of Ubertyvlllé. and P* an Tam rahau of Ingeéide *M lti.themon>' o! tisé big mons. 1%0% (*ham, 'wold chsston igibsd dovu thé largeat percentage 16'lAie Caunty maw-n iti 96 t'e0le hietlu>' Ré vas ahootiag 1 tl arda. "arésulte are sas foîove: 16 yd. meIBlusstrom, Waukégan, 87; 79,130ftmn Waukegan U; D. Jeeni- mil WaukéanU; WIiam McCanney ***@Ma79; V. Tovnad, Wauke- au79, C. 5Oe Inglésltede,- 87; %%il, yard min, Bd lcCommick, :aoetyvffl oc ule .Oc Avrénco, 86* fi.t Orabmugseld, 91. Tom Qi*î 1 nsee Il Aqjtm sr f Ts>'"">iowon théý 1ba ule". jet l. LAKE CO. SOLDIER DES, FF. IIOSNITAL John Bush, aa o! Mis. Rosé Suai of Libertyville forw-éiiy a résident of Waukegan, diél at riut Sheridan Hospital Wédneoday nflht. Re vas tventy4hrée ysesro age and had dons oversea servie, and bad returued tram overaeas service ab>out tva menthse ga béing a victini of kîdne>' trouble. Bush vheu a me-ber orCom0wpan>' D thé 32nd en- glneér corps aud vent abroad a&bout a year ega vhée éhé dia activé ser- vice. Hé vas a brother otrMUn. Rosé Costéhlo of Chicagoa nd of IN,. Ma>', and Hlén of làaj*yyfle, ZION WILLINGi TO 'BUILD MIAF MILE Thé Rond and Bridge Committe o! thé s;upervior, accomitanied b>' Chares Itussell, ecant>' superinteud- ont of Rlghvays. thaew-oming con- ferréd wvlth Moan City' officais viti L regad ta thé pavlng of ohéridan road ln that cil>'. Zion' offlcaIs ex. prelaed navllintneos ta pave bal! a Vilé la tise business district but could nLot ses their va>'clear ta pave [i;hallIg l. ooaeM&aide of tue Otreteb. Dt IN $1500 BONDS Howard Knapp Brought Here from Milwaukee; 2 Com- panions held Thre. A SERIOUS CHARGE Hovard H. ltnapp, aged 15, a sail-1 or at thé Great Lakes station, accu- pies a coll at thé Waukégaa oity>' mul, chsrged vlth larceny. Hé was1 arraigned before Jýp1llce Magstrate Taylor this marnîng and vwas held lu honds of $1600. Risecasé vas con-1 tinuéd for ten dans. Knapp, accord-1 Ing to the policé. aduits having heen onle of thé three sailars vho stole an automobile o! Joséphi Guer- la, Lihertyvilie, ln Waukegan sever- ai nights ago. Re and the othér tvo saihors were placed undér arrest ln Milwaukee. Knapp vas brought to Waukegan Thursda>' night by Cou- misloner Petermu M4Drmott. Thé othér twoa sailors, Omniston Farrow and Lewis Kelly, are beiug beid b>' thé iMilwaukee police on a charge of havlng assaultéd and robod the clerk o! thé Mtropol0 hotel lu that City, Thé Police on>' that Knapp bas made a cleafl breast of thé affair, couuesaing thé robhery lu an effort ta clear hilself o!complicit>'lu hold- ing, up and robblng the hotel clerk. According ta thé stOr>' tOld thé Waa- kegan Police by KnapP, hé and bis tvo coupanions stols the Guerlu car. trom Iu front of thé Heury' Beckman borne on Steel Court. Hésanys tCy P981hed thé car to thé corner so tint the ovuer would flot hear thé motor vhen It started. rrhen thé>' started to drive tovward Milwaukee. Elgit miles south of tint City' the>' rau out o! gasoilue. 1 'Weil, the oui>' thing ié!t toi us to do la to boid up aow-ébody and get some moue>'." oue of thée ailom-s ls credlted vlth havlng reuarked. About this time an autolat came aling and voh'utéered ta givé the L!,,ýet;oýsa ride ru Miwaukee The>' acceptéd. Arrivlng there Kaapp anys he vas atraid bie coupanlons would Carry théir pian out anid vile hé vas villang ta b. a party ta an automobilie robber yhe dîd flot rellsh thé ldea o! holding up and rohhlng anyone, so heolé! t theu. Havlng noa mono>' hé vas unablé ta bu>' a lodg- lui; no hé vent ta sloep la thé park. Héevas !ouud théme b>' a park pa- licémkan. Later- thia proved a mont fortunate oocctrence as Il étabiished an alibi vhen thé other tvo sallais ciaimesi that h. mad béen lupllcatéd la thé robhéry. According ta the police, Farrow and IKeily' vent tathé Métropole hotel at four c'clock ia thé mon" and Mwaited for thé éldéri>' clemk tu lés,. thé élévatar. Thé sallors ver. acoowpaaied b>' a civllian. As thé botél cir left the eievator hé vas knacked dova and tien vas ilkésedIn the face b>'one of the sali. ors. Dep gashes vére lalicted ls bis cbéek and foréhéad. He vas ruahéd ta a hoopitai vhére it la &aïd bis condition is regardéd as quite, critical. Thé civilisatle nid ta have taken tie hé>s aMm thé cheik ad opened thé cash diawàr. Whea thé sellais vére arrestéd Iter thé>' bad but 059 althougi 0900 vas takén Their arréet vas brougit about vhen al eallors linMllvankee rs raunded up. Marndlw and Kelly said thé ybad gané ta Milaukée oon thé etreét cau lMe but vben Knapp vas Queetionéd hé admtted hav*g acmé theelnaua automobile. Later Kelly sud PIarrov aré alhéged ta have w-nde a compléteé onfeedoon At thé pré- sent time thé>' are bélag baud pend- in& the outcome of thé hotei clerk's condition. DROPS TUB 0F C1 CIREAMONIIMS le.< FRACTUR RESUTI John Callahan also Suffers dis- locatel Ankie ln Acci- dent Wednesday. Waukegaa, Septêmber 4. John Callahan, fit. North Voulti Strdet, suffored a fracture of thse left leg and the dislocation of bis loft anikle Wednésday about 5 p. a fivé galion tub or tee creant sipped andi fellon hlm. Mm. Caliahan, a brother or James Calishan vbo conducta thé Waakegan Daim>' and Ice Crent campan>', vasi unloading thé tub a! tee creaw- aI a uitIl store on Washlagtan street near thé Edison Court station, la Borne mannér ho caught bis héél and %tumbied. thé heavy freezer o! cream dropping upon bis log. The Y'oung w-an vas criéd lutta the store ana bid brother vas notifled. lHé vas rmevd ta thé otke etcfDMa. Foie>' and Béliave hers an Xii> PIc- ture cf thé twouuded w-émier vas takén. The fracturé tien vas ié duced and the victlm vas réwovud ta bis home. Thé fseMac llaidM to havé beén relier a bal ou* sud la COnxploaîé4 coniderabl> b>' thé tact tint bis auhcle vas dlshccted. FAIR WEEK (Contlnued tramn Page One.) Uibertyvllle Pair Grounds Sept. 5. -Conalderable excitement was creat- ed at the county fair today when Ike Lyon, nlght captain of thé Waflke. gan police force captured a man wantsd in Kenoebt for torgerY. Taro plain elathes men came tram Kenosa with a description or the man they wanto<i. They found Ulmn ner a *'game" and théy described hlm to 'CaPi. Lyon. The latter Piaced thé feflov Iln arrent and thé a0ffiers took hlm back ta, Kenoaha tu an auto. There elfe about 5000 personsaet thé grounds taday, a fair attendance but fot w4at It should have bean cansidering the weather. The day as Ideal and the space ia thé track vas filhed with autos tram ail OVer the couMPy. Larry' Bravn made some âine fiigbts ln hie airpiane anld mafly persoas were takçn for joy-rides ln thé air. I hfl7ftlhè'1! U¶LYWhe jli' A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Waultégan, Septembér 4. Thé anual Lake County Fair at Llbertyvllé which closed toda>' ua- doubtédly vas one o! the. most suc- cestol beid ia the count>' lu sevéral years. Weathér conditions throesgb. out thé faim vére Idéal and l.bls had the effeet of brlnglng out a larger at- tendauce than nuaui. Thé éxhibits weré unusually good, thé spécial at- tractions ta mahrý thé even clean and worthy o! patronage. Man>' compli- ments havé heen heard on thé va>' the fair vas managed. No financini report la forthcoming as yet. For séveral yearg Thursday bas héén thé big day ut thé fuir-thé, day wvheu hundreds ot peoùpc- rna',,it a spécial point ta attend.This year "e faim startel e@e day 151er in weék Mtth the mesuît that thé "Iblg day" vas frida>' . The atténdance Prlday vas tbe hlggest ding any day of thé tair. It Is estlmated tlinro vére tram 7000 ta 8000 people pré- sent durlng thé afterunon. Oné thlng for which thé manage- meut Ih helng given .epeciaI credît lalis efforts ta prevent gaubllng devices. Fred Grabhe, président of thé association this yéar vas ohlig- ed ta> close sévéral concession vbeîe hé round flagrant gamblîns. Many of thèse places soemed ta openly dot>' thé association. Wben mémbers of the 1aÏýsaJation wvere 'Present thé games appéared ta hé baraloss énough, prizes of cigars. etc. heing offéréd but as soon as thé operators thoug't It itas ste thé>' voie mua- ning gauhling devIces. Boue o! tisese gamea vere aothlng short 0f roulette. Théeatunts pertoirasd -b>' lemy Brown, aviater, calied tOrth constant jappiause. His looping the loop. ucee 1dives, tail opina, etc., vere,of a de>- lng uaiure and shoved hlm ta, be a elpérienced fiyel. B That succéstul hoiee rame. can hé conduoted wglbU bottieng vus proved this year. Ile thé entris. lu the races veme um uaténivé as lamne yeais thé qualit>' as tiseré rand thé progrant vu Umaiapprecist. éd. Frldsy"sRésulte The secon deyaim u sattise «tM annuai cauftt>' tai, onM Prda>mm Bow-e good finlebo. ftact L tiréeraces puled f on e aUs gea as aybody vouldwish téeeém.% vere a aumubeo f bo« Iisheu. T%é rosulle: 2:25 Pace-Pume $M0 Cap>',.................... 44 S Cliffard Wlikéo............. 8àI tJ. B. Marqu@ ............ 1. 1- MsiBarton............... 5 8 l3erter................... 8 a4 Tlmeé-2:231:22%1; W%3 2-30 Trot-ýPuree $»0 Biiiy Dunsam ...........1 211 Artierm4a ............ 4 4 Dir. Darotby Kaïis ........... 2 1 2 Tîme 2:25%1; 2j%;; 243; 24%1 .2:80 Pace-Purft $180 Anle Oakland ........... 2 à 2 Uitile Joé ............... 3 4 8 Babe Gratien .............. 1 11 Buinter Gratton ........... 4 a 4 Time 2:24%1; 27%1; 28%1 MAKE AUTOMOBILE PARTS. Théerapîdît>' vti viainew ta&- toiés are lacating le Waukeaa fit- 17' taies thé breatis avu> frosa local résidents and thé'e v ond.rlng boy long thé rush ta locale hon ,le going to, iast. A aév actoai>'waei.thé reoxrd w$ch Wlukeganbas beu able la aNuo 04 usvel'. The latest conéinta o te iéqe la thé Auto Accesorlsqu sufactuitlg Co.. vichh u lessel £or fie .->em the four @tory' buftns st thé Tor. lainai knowu se théeKiteon- Service building, thé buI1dla bavl« eg é occupled b>'- tus caeon. up toaa short timé ago. Annouacemént tint the contract for the aev concéma to1 locate hère bel been signéd vas Mad, toda>' b>' Socttar>' Hoflh2sr. of thé Waukégaa Ohambér oaf - w- w-rée. Thé Auto Accessorisa Manuftiir. Iag Co., la -a aev concera headed b>' Water Pesicosé twolo ame III aI Svansta4s. Thé plant viii manufacture ail sorte o! accesgorla aapplia-. for aIl kitds of automobiies. inalid- lair homne, carburétors, spsrk lus.- etc. It la flot knovn st ovw Maurn>'we yull hé éw-poyed at thé plant trin thé-fat titit la a uev coacera but this yull bé demonstrated sas thé bilai- nes grave, ONEU MARRIAG IN EVIRy NINE .Census Shows Divorce Rates Increased More Rapidly Than Mamiage. DESERTION IS FREQUENT About one w-arriage la every niné ln términated by divorce. The num- 1 ber or merriages la proportion ta thé e Population bas iacîeased ointe 1890,f but the divorce rate basincreasedl much more rapidly. The returne for 19'16 show L050 mariages and 112 divorces per 100,M0 population. Thèse are nome o! the mare etrWaig ten-1 tures of a report on marriage and divorce coverlag the calendar year1 1916, vhich la soon ta W lIssued b>' Director SamU L.Rogers o! the,-bureau o! cousus, depaitment of commerce. This report vas compied under the supervision of Wlilau C. Hunt, sce- tistician for population. Dlvprce According to thé returus, twhich cov éréd 2,885 counties out o! a total eit 2,980-no data belng avallable for theé 95 missing countles-the number o! divorces granted In 1916 vas 112,036 or 112 Per 100,000 of Population, as agaluet 84 In 1906, 73 lu 1900, and W3 In 890. Exciudlng South Carolina, lu whicb F9tate ai l ava permlttlng divorce were repeaied lu 1878, thé lowest three divorce rates in 1916 are shown for the District o! Columbia, North Caroliua and New York-13, 31 and 32 Per 100,000 Population, respectiveiy -vile the hlghest three rates are those for Nevada, Montana and Oye- gon-607, 323 and 255, respectivey. The divorce rates were bigher la 1916 thon In 1906 and ail the mttes éxcept elght-Mane, West Virginla, South Caroiina (lu wh.ich there were no divorces lu eltiier year), Alabama, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota nd Colorado-and thp Dis- trict of Columbia. lu 31.1 Per cent o! the cases the divorce vas granted to, bhe husband and lu 68.9 per cent te the vite. The latter percentage comn- pares with 67.5 for 1906 and 66.4 for1 1896. Causes of Divorce Thé Principal causes tor divorce theu ta the total -were: Désertion, 36.8 per cent; crueltY 28.3 per cent; InfIdelit>', 11.5 per cent; négiéct to pravide, 4.7 per cent; drunkenness, 3.4 ipem cent; combinations of preeed- lng causes, 8.6 per cent, ail other couses, 6.7 per~ cent Désertion vas rePortell as the cause Of, 50 Per cent of thé divorcés granted to the hus- band and 30.8 Per cent of thosé grant- éd tu the vie. Childien *la oui>' 37.7 pear cent of the divorce cases ver, chlldren réportéd, la 52.1 Per' cent na children vére reportéd; and la 10.2 par cent thée recorda con- tained Do data as tb childen. 0h11 dien vere reported la au.8pert mt or thé cases la whllh divorces ver. Kianted. ta husbads; no obldron la U8.7 Par cent of th e«ss, and la the romalnlag 13.9, per ment theé records COUtained no data s to oldren. Thé corresponding péentages bu"ol q> oS divorcés granted, ta vives ere d2.2 peu' cent 49.2 par cent endl 8.à pam cent ,mop«tivoWy. e Merlages Thé report shows for ?.874 ont of Uft countîes-na o dMation belng avaliabléla théecaue or thé 11 miss- lot countiee-1,040,778 marrieges es hnving beau olemuheed during the Yser 1918. This aumbér represents a rate of 105 pet' 10,00 population, comparee With 10s for 19qq, 93- for 1900, aad 91 for 1890. Thé marriage mate, thereforo, 'sla nceaning, sliisough, »i0t 30 rapid>' as tise divorce rate. The, marriage, rate-1OS Der 10.000 POPUlation, or 1,050 Par 100,000-vas a littbse.mmr than aine cimes as aient tas the divorce rate, 112 Vem 100,000; and It Mny hé 5514, théréfoie that If tisé 1916 rate voie ta continue un- changed about one marriage la nia. vonld b. termlnated b>' divorce. SUIJ4IVAN TELLS WIIY WILSON CUT OUT CICA4O Rager C. Sullivan, Just back trai the Pacifie caOM viti comne optImlstie tv#ewvs cOnc4rntni the latutude ,.of that sectioa o! the country tovard thé 1éague o! aations, gave thé dirat lucld explenation tada>' of vis>'thé Président lgnored Obicago la- hie tour. *1 Beoni ol>' troudeductian,"' sal <MýI. Sullivan, "but I preauu Mr. wi-. son Io flot cow-lag hors because hé la 'nore Inteiested lu thé sections vhose sénatars have been particul- arhY active in blockdag thé peace treat>'. "I imagine hé tesla that b>' gaing lato thosé Parts 0f thé country, hé cou brlng to ber pressure tram thé People vhIoh yl recuitltna achange Of sénatortal attitude,.lanw-y opin- iou, hé bas nD o 00dered an>'oit>' os an éntit>, but la mçrél>' anilous tu -alaipublicesentiment ia sec- tions vwh- osérpentativés havé mlscantrued it." ------------------------------: WA T-ADS. DRIVER GEERS 0F LIBERTYVILLE IS INJURED IN À RACE Heglar Falls Through a Fence With Veteran Reinsman; 1Geers is lnlured Badly. IS PICKED UP UNCONSCIOUS SyracU.", N. Y, Sept. .-Edward "POP") Gears o! lAbertyvillé. Ili,. veteran Grand Circuit driver, la la a hospttah here tnnlgbt sufféring trou seilous Internai Injuriesua a euit a! a collision l the 2:16 trot at thé openlng of the Grand Circuit muqe pro- grmr Ibis stterpoon. Physiclans late toda>' ver0 uflble ta report thé exact extent of bis injuriés, but they atated geers vauid not hé able ta drive again for ooue time. Itva u nthé third boat uhén the accident oocurred, and thé veteman, Living Régler, -wsa caughit ila aPo* et. Durlng bise etort ta get clés! on@ of thé other boisés bmuke and threw Bgiger aut ofthbis snd.Ail the boases ere cloue togethor andi Gers vas fooced againat thé fonce. Thé aId w-an triéd ln vain ta keep ta, thé track, but Heglasn usmhe through the rallng and out of thé in, c -losure, diaggiag Geérs vlth hlm. Spoctators muaked Into théfe ld and éxtricated thgé vétéran front the Mrékag ofa!his sulky. Gers vas un- consciO" s hea -plcked up. SAI» ÀLL BIRDS, LOOKU ALIKETO mi 1 A1"FFTY Fne Chicago Kani Fined for Shoot: Ing Sano Brds; Thought They Were Blackblrds. CHIPMUNK LIKE SQ4JIRREL Tony Bracco, chef ln a Chicago botel, vasà fifled $25 anld colts for shotting w-lgratary sag birds vbént ho vas arrnlgnéd -béfore Justice R. B. Wlater at Hlghvoad Tburaday. Hé vaa placed nader arret by (ame Warden Hemi>'Remn "I conséuted ta té minimum fine because 1 to soir ithéeféiov." Mm. Kema caid. Be vas théewmast Ig- norant w-an no ftrai asbIrds oranimale aie cancemned that 1 éver Say. Ré bad shot a ahlpmunk (whlch hé triéd ta tell me vas a young squlrol. Hé aséd w-e boy aayoneocauld éxpect hlmn ta tell one bird tram another aI Mi y féet. As>' bird that looked daîk ta hlm vas, la hie opfinion, a blackbird. "I vonld bave asked for a hlghér fine but I vas hopeful that this vold serve as a hesaon. It ceeus a samé thât a menna o voéfuliy ignorant Of birds and gante la able to obtain a hunting ilcensé.» Braccovau arrésed noir thé santé point vbereanaotheî Chicago m-an vas tién lato cuntody a tov days ago oa a chargé a! having shot sang spai-ravu. PIRWi on LAKE ONT-h 114PIMA' Liberty Theatre SAIURDAY, SEPT. 13 "String Beans" Also a Comiedy S UNDAY, SEPT. 14 Vivian Martin in "Jane Gmesa*Wooing" Bray Picto W VEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17 I19SpedalArtcraft "Sporting Life" AIE In thé xnarket for two good Lake Coun- ty farm&-one of 40 to 60 jacres and one up to 800 acre&. Want good soil and building. aid mugt be pniced right for caslh. ~enbusinessand amn >no'ta bi~kr BRADO B. DALE 718 Çharber Co.mmerceDidg. CIIICAGO rL ALEX FELDMAN TELEPHONE 807-J LIBERTYVILLE, IL4. 1 Pay the Highest Prices for tJ1unk and OId Autos Fali Classe f Ini Sborthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, BusinessE. Sb ~ shSpeiling and Letter nrting startas eptember 9 Postions Guauanteed. MDa" n Eveaing Claus fMus. George E. McDonadd jPIe» 130 IAE b r ................ .. . ............................... ................. m anager i +. EAL leS ATE +1 Ibave soins very flne datebouseq 1at prlcee [raom 02,500. $8.000, 84,000, FOR SALE-Tborougbly msodern 'Dix; 04.700, 86,000, 87,50êto $8,500. Ail .roam bouse ln Ltbertyvîle; receutly modern, nicely locatod, wlll b. pisased robulit; good as new; deetrable location; to ebowonytimé. Edwin Austin. Phone fuIl lot; garae sud' shade. P. M. 16, North Shore (ras office. tg Harding, Aies, Phono 184-J. 29-tf - -.________________ FOR 5ALE-A parti, modern, 9rom FOR RENT-Two ni ce large maous, honse ln Area; vlsb 2%-o£roo of land;1 furnisbfi for llgbt bousekeeplng, vitb barn, poultry bons.; bog boue;&bond- gag- oloctillgbte: rity water; bath. an. af fruit; fine asiade; boue arrangod1 Short distance f rom eltber deoaI for tva famillut f diaired. The gardon, ;Id. E. Androe, New bermy Ave. 87-tf poulbry sud fruit of this place viii keepi, S E L N O S E au ordinary famnlly, fl8400. Y. M. Ha _______ M_______________ lng, Area, 111. Phone 184-J. 84-ci FOR SALE-20 four and Oive manibe FOR SALE-A nov.,thorougbly modern nid Shoste. Télephone 184-W, Liberty. 8-rooru houe.ln Ares; eout front, viills.87.2 beautiful view; improvementis aIl ln and FOR SALE-Wnd-fali appes; wintur paid for. $8200 Immediate possoession. and snow apples $2.00 per buahel. Tbe bone couid not b. bult for what le Bergeron faret. Phone 278-J-2. 87.2 asked for thé éutirsproperty. F. M. Bard- lirg, Aren, Ill., Phone 184-3. WANTEO-Nlue ceaI reiined girls ta, _____________________________ work lu good familles la baie Forest; FOR SALE-8-room modern home; 100 good waaee App>' Mire. Preoson, Lake foot frootage ln good location, Liberty- Foreot'Employment office. 37.1 ville. Very deep lot. Fine fruit and garden. Fi,. minute walk to electrie WANTIED-Second.liand bicycle; Ranger and steamn road. Priee $4,500. Addroe proferred. Addre@oXlcl:oludependeut B 1. lndepi.ndent, Llbertyvîllep, 111. 27-tf 37tf FOR SALE-Chocé resîdence lots on DELAVS THIS YEAR ARE_ DANGER- McKinley Ave. tirs. Grimes. 13-.4 1 ou@ ordor Storm Samb Early. Zian inetltutioDs & Industries, t)ept. 4. Zion FOR SALE-a room houe on South _______________________________2t Park avenue; ail modéra convenlloacée; WNE-Cne é oemn two @tory haro; corner lot. Twoblacks SATEDW edyr.erianewlmre tFee from High ochool and blockfrom electrie! tad27k Anrea ie fee depot. Wm. Fendlck, LîbertyvIlle, 111. Co. 27-tl ________ __________________________WAN TED-Goîod girl for general houe. FOR tiALE-Iloueand barn; largo lat- work in farnuly ai four adulte. Ail gusewor, wael-; deoirable location.,Imdm avulue.Will Pay $10 per Immediste possessIon. Easy terms. wek for roi peteut help. lirs. William Addrm os ca dependout. 37.11 Weber, Lako Villa. ILI 1.1

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