CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 5

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S.RIMPEDNTHrYRt8IJÂ, SEPTEMI3ER 11, 1919. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IFarm Tool s You Need Now New Idea and Emmerson SPREADERS Deering and Jolinson CORN HARVESTERS international and Hocking Valley SILO FILLERS Titan, Case and Samison TRACTORS Schanck Hardware Co. I DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND THE Last Dance of the Season AT Ray Bros.Pavillon DIAMOND LAK, ILLINOIS Saturday Eve., Sept. 13, 1919 Music by McCormick's Orchestra i. COME. AUCTION SALE 4 miles wuo! of .thcg,2mle oieso Bondont, on the Irelamrph romd où Thursday,S2t. 25,.1919] The following desoribed property to-wit: 16 bad o caIleh god muksrs i -baiste gecultivator. aneepînarbaaneîik=:c, 1 vo w brrvgrau seeder. m &ii y .oun vacomang Ibeir 1 gaen»eer. secou ndprod 1 rUer. ô barees, r ngng tram 1200 la 12 milk cana 1600 ponnds.1 tbal be4 16x30 foot. 80 eiekena. 1 gai5ge6O ±xl4 foot. . 1--l -- nof W r. 8 lumbr agoni; tva 4-loch tira waon mana 1-horce wagon, poloi and obaves. 1 bob sied. 1 wagon box. M et idm boards. 1 iComc corn binder. 1 =erng grain linder. 1 mnvile con planter vith 100 rodea fvire. 2 walking ploya. 1 MeCorsnsck movar. 1 Keystone dse. 1 bey imIte. 116fo ay rack. S3-tion hsrrow. 1 diamond toath cutivator vwith aeedar attachment. 1 4-aboyaI sulky cultivator. 20 graineacIa. 6w, oud latiforscale. 400 b=i1slarley. 50 bushel oaIs. 10 tous of mixed bay, clover and timotiy 10 tans ai timotbyý bay in harn. 1 stick et slssv. 18 acres af corn in shock, cut villi binder. - j, vnzdstock tank. Ma medmlk tank. 2 setsaidouble anoa 1 beavy ingla barness. 3 sets of fly nets. Household Iurnitura, farksanmd othar articles 100 numerous ta mention. TERNS 0F SALE: Ail sumos of $20.00 mmd 'onde cash. Ail cama o,., $20Msixz»w à iewil b. gven on soed appror.d nmottes h.alng FRAK ASMA, Owner FREDGRABlE, Auctioneer LONG- GROVE MILL' 15 OPEN ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: Griot Mil-Wodn.sdaysandm Saturdays. Cider and Sorghu MIl-Mondays, Tueadays,' Thursdys and Saturdïys. J. H. EI &M P, roprietor. rLibertyville News Hugb Pierce @ont Sunday wiîb friands John Alles of Evaniotun, calied on haro. trIende haro Tuesday. Vctor Davies arrivad la Libertyvîlle Mira. A. Martin lae spendinw tsevaral last week. daye wlthlMr&. L. %ay. Mir@. Emma RItta froni Ares, calaed on éMIss Helen Spate ofCbicago, mpent tibI friande bora. weei at tbe Chat. Smala hurne. Ilire. DeInlein was a Chicago vfietor Mire. L. Z. Prolîne snd @on' Fred @pent on Wededay. the weak-end with relatives berr. Perey Snow, rural mail carrier iselMr. and Mire. R. C. Colemuan (A Chicago, enjoying a Oteen days vacation. attended the fai ro on Saturday. Mr. and Mr@. Nicholas of Waukegan, lire. R. Vicerman of Lake Forest, Iattendad tha fair he lat waek. wae a Libertyville viellor on Tuasday. lir. and Mire. Phillîp enoinger attended &Mr. and Mire. 0. E Churchill drovel to tbe Millwaukee fair on Thursday. Oawego, Ill., lest Teday and viitedj lire. Mary RaIter *pont a.few dayeo! wlth thaîir con, Dr. F. H. Churcbll,j laut wei *Îth her brother, James resurning Theaday forenoon.9 Miurray of Wauconda. Mra. Flora A. ttyilfe1 New York, le lire. Ed. Carroll bas racelved word of maklng an extandad visit wlth bar >theaeuddon daath of bar uster.în.îaw, brother, 0. E. Churchill and lamlly. 0> re. V. Jedlicka of Chicago. James liclillen, of (irasslake, who Mr. and lire. BOY Chamnhrlin and began bis Senior yaar at the.. 'aukeganj little daugbter @pont Sunday In Ivanhoe hlgh echool hoa retnrned tu finish bis at the Juline§ Chamberlln home eourea at Lihartyville. Mir and Mmr. Leonard Diseney enter. Mr@. LuIn Mattocke la ni!gotlatirig the talned lr. and lMre. C. M. Biler of sala of hier proparty on Lake street. Batavia, Ill., over the week-end. While no money transaction bas bean Mir. and Mire. Fred troker entertalned nmade', it il, apected that tihe d1-ai will be Dr. and ire. (G. W. Blatherwlck and ceised t¶îls week. famIllyof Morenci, Arizuna, ibIs week. Fred EGrabbe Bay& thatlibe- s willlng to The firât oftheii-@cries of the Sharyl s-cp out as preeldent ofthti.-L.ake tCe, Girls@ dance@ wlll ha given Friday aven FaIr Board, but wa tbinîî tbiit witb tLe 1[19, SaPsanibar 12, at the nudîtorluni. suces..s thas be and thersr..ý,! ti..- ulicers Hazel Smale. wh ba i enern~gbdl tis year %bey oughî w tullI the hi)hasbee mpnd reIgne for apother yaar. %% ibli. th.eod cometIm.. at bomne bas returtied t.) fier wr u h detsmr.i ...ii dutien ut the Jane %IeAilimter bospîtal. ibs r ard tbe faî ru rîglî Mri. and Mms. Chas. W~ard and thoir itftlf neit year. To achie%, inu ... ua daughber, Ev, vislted et the home of venture depends on the- .rîrauizatiou George ficlroader tu Chicago, a few days'k of It. and the Laie Ce>. Fai r Huard iLbst weeak. was ail organization tlh. is -er witb J. M. Fuler sud grandsun, Tom pi-uty of pusb beblnd n,. i. and theY Mofett of Weucunda,sçet8unday witb should hae reatuled another the formers mothar, lIre. C. M. Fuller" The W.C.T. U. bald] tîir reguler and fausily. mreetIlng *at the hbome ut MirH Il .1J 1At the primary lection beid blb.theHaîerty on Tuesday, Septernml.. iTle t] town bail Wednesday thare ware lmH fcllowing afficarc vare lu.-calicd and si votes ceet. This seanis au nnumually sulerintendents appointed:] Pr.eidenit, sE emal vote for Libertyville. Mmr. Edith Herrick; Vice Presilcut, lir@. E Miss Isabe.lle Cerîson left the first otf1E. C. Morgan; Secretar3. lir8. Rulew the week lur Batavia, Ilii, to resume bier flagerty; Treaemrar, lirs Jennle tAller , doties as teacher, aiter a Ibree weeks j Su perîn tendon ta: Evan)geliý,tic, lire, . 0 I vacatiou wlcb lier Parents, lMr. and E. Churchill; Foreign Mission and AlIIId oc Mmr. J. 0. Carîcun. relief wurk, lir@. Jennie Miler; Temper- st M r,4. R. Moflet and son ut Waucooda. ance Lterature, lire. Sareli Morse; c( Misai Ruth Broncneon, Miss H8apke and Medai contact and acientlhic temperance, .%Il@@c Tffney of Waokegan, visiited Mire, Mra. Neill@e Sehanck; Sunday @ehooloe, tl lioffett'e grandmother, Mmrs. .l. Fuller Mmr. Nettie Wlch; goldiers and saliora L and facmfly laet week. âuierintendent, -Mre. Editb iHerrick; 7 Thauflces ad mmbrs t te arat.Tam parance and Misions, Mr@. Martha c( Theoffcer anmeberiolhe aret.Cheever; Moral Edocation and Child Teacer Association Invite you la attend Welfare, lire. Franese Hoskins. Ater el a "Get acqoalnted Party" aI the Hlgb b uiesmeig oilhu a chool on Friday'evening, Septembter 12, teeuness mchating aocrlg'hlrthday ait 8 u'clock. 'ibis viii ho an Informai. Congratulatiooc la lir@. O. EChurchill ateigdsenyd.leoradtsd lMr@. fBagerty vhoao birthdmaefell attend, on thai data. Rere.bmentae oeuearved Hoyt E. Morris, cecrtary of the and the membare daparted, wisblug theae hlcffenry counly fair vu a cailler at tbe the laro many roburns oftheb. ay.l n [odependant tant ai tbe tait groonda lust Frtday and elatsd that the licHenry fair netted theni about 82000. That la «cA N J . IL arbat lbe Lake county fair made on their fair. ATIIETIC DIRI3CTOR Waukegan Athiete - Soldier to take New Course Opened at 111. Universty. STARRFO IN THE U. S. ARMY Thos. E. MaCano .Jr.' ubo wean sargeant in the Hospital Corps sta. tiooed ai Fort Snalllflg, Minn. up ta Aug. 1. but rarbo aines ha been at Gettysburg, South Dakota worklng on a ranch and piaylng bail, la going ta Illnais University and viii 11ke up a coacblng course as mss atlletic dirac- tor, vhlch la a oav cour"e tiat 1111. noa is a nstàllad bainsgthe. frat col. loge in the union tn, do 80. Mec&=m Jr. gets haro on the l8th and viii leave for Illinois University, Urbana, III. on the 20 as ochool opens np on the 22nd. licCann Jr. la a gradua. of the Waukegao Township High Sobool with the clmns of 1918 and vas one of thse hast athielai. Alai graduatlngl In Juna, 1918, ha aflisted la tbm ArmY In Jui7. -He bas boom la lb. niles and at Fort Snellissg, Mmm.L vhare iast violer ho played on the football testas. TPhis sommer ho vaa Placed on the army base bal tbai and provad tb ho one of their beit Pitchars. Chairman Georfge Bairulow 01 the hlghwmy committea of Lake Caunty accompanled president ElIrio0f the statehighway hourd ta Barrington, Tussday nlght vhere a bit meeting vas held In the Internats of tbe fivo million dollar road bond IssemPlan- nad fer Cookt County. Fiftean Cook County tbans vare rePreoented mnd thay heaitily andorsed the Plans for thea bond Issue. TAXES WILL BE HIGHER NEXT WINTER--FORDNEy Waabngton-No reductian ini tsi, es *III ha possible for ton reim, -e. D*~anta*vfe F*$dnoy pl Mlchgan. chairman' or tise Rouite vay aSM masos committee, sud -today. ru. creasad tagation in -Probable vbsmn tbe revenue 1mw la revised mmxlvin. ter, ho aaid.. . - -w----- unl ng sil latb. t t e utm o t Ibis isar and theb. hardI> have .nougb roomi for thaur scholaue. More chaire *lll hava ta te leImoilied la teks cars of tb. averfiow j Ibi pae. This @Peak@ wefl for the ldgb sehool. At thebregular metins a1 tbe Myclis Workers on Tuasdy sv.nimg lhe follav- tmg oflcr. verseleeted: Peter Boek, Ipmilst;-lire. MoIllis Doobler, Moitor; M lre. Lor Sturm, sscreb";ar@;>.. Emil> Lui, buners; lire. M. Water ssidlire flpis, marchais. W. C.Fraseil hm purchaced fro. D. NelotnIbsbarber @hop localsd ia Ibm pButler building, on Mlwaukevavsus taking Possession On lMondar af lb. pressent veek. lir. Pragsll vitàhlhi I1t111i, reside ln Ibis cil>, boucs Je Dota Mlanger. R. fornwri> vorkeirdnacina, Wie., but for the putî ysar bau bom etationed at Great Lakes. A special Paramnouni Artcrafî Ssvon- rssl flm depiting 'Sporllgg u@s',vii besaboya at Liberty Ihestro on Wodnos. day evsuing of malt vesi. This was peoducsd noms limis mgo lu rimi lire la unsof oChîcag' leading plmyhoum anmd lb. film 1is said taoqafl ltu imlorest the original. Iii ta ftot 1tbilissmlermainisi nad fascinating. Don't faul lasesu té. At lbe meeting Of thé Lees' Aid social> of Ibm M. E. cburcb beld at the home of lir@. Protine o Orchard etrsol, th. toltowing officero arore aiected loir tb. eouing year: lire. Bradford, presidsnî; lira. Eger, vice preident; lire. Guiot. secretary; lire. Wm. Wbeelar, trasurer. The eocîaly voted $100 more on %bis year'e church bodgetand reportea aboya'. a very coccesaful yoar. Frank Asma, a farmer residing on tb. farim- inovo as the Michail lMcClure faim, four mitas wyo f Nortb Cicago and two mlot northeail of Rondout, on th. Télegrmvh rond,v*Hi haveoaua mo-o sale on Tbursday, Soptinber 951h, to dispose ai bie pomamsions on th. faim. -Mr. Aime a i ltlIng hie efiecle ai h. vili movo 10 th. sits, formerI> Ovnsd by t'h. Ârcady Milliag Co., at Roudout, vhich vas destroyed b> fis a&bout a ysmr amgo, Thesaloatt hle proporty ta lir. Aima diapollt aaildoobta ai ta whsth l t #rcady Mliling Ca., viii ihulql.t Frdlerlck Pick, Son of George Pick of Highlandj Park, knos when tile gante 15 up. Ail sunîrnier long hie ha.. heen beating the North Shore ruads. %Ni[ the tires of hi.m sPeedy roadu, The police ware liii., .tluî: 1liî But Thîirsday Chief uof police 1Ed- warid Marunay sliiJd fruin behinda tre and gut hlma. F'rederic.aut, and rçide the dc- cile )(r p)tj. îl. h1( luarters or JuLti,, o ftiîe Pe.îcu A. E .-rnîîh. "Wiil $1,. and costs be atbout -iglît jud9e ' lie ashi O . IHa. Chuzrc/h c51rvmrces Methodit-piscopal. S~ervices will be hi-id next Sunday at bhe M. E. churel ause olluws: Sundny ch(ol St 10 o'cluck, Morning preachingz aerreeat 11oclock, sermon by 11.v. T. E. ar.n. theiaevenlng at 8 u'clock wiii uccur the annuail Rally Day oerviha f1 the EpWurb League an.] Rer. j. p,. >urgin, D. D., o! the Leegus central office ut Chicago, wihi preach on th@ ubject: '«Othr Folks.ý' The public la uordiaily lnvited. "Nul Our it, but Our Beet,' viii h« ha cubject ot thea Ilily Day Epworth League service naxt Sunday evening aI 7 o'cluck. Leader, George B. Foilatt. A cordial invitattion la atended t all. Choir roheâal will bie beid Ibis wea on Thureday eveaing nit 8:00 oclock. Every member urged ta attend. 11 Preshvterian. Sunday achool 10 a. mi. 1l a. mi. Preachlng. Topic of sermon, Progressive Spirituality." Special musse. PreachIng 8:00 p. mi. Topic of sermon, ComIng tu Christ- 'Special music. Chrielian Endeavor 7:153 p. im. Tople, The Great Companion: Bow 10 Live rlth Hlm."l Praier meeting, 8eptember 17. Topez "Tha Art of Building Character." Bol &couts and CampVIMre Girls mi lbh. iurcb and the masse., reepsctivsl, IOuedy, September 16. Chair prêcceFriday svoning mi the aurch. lMr. Madison, chorister; lire. Duraud, organisi ci vu eh D. ATIRACTiVE POSITON<S FOR YOUJNG WOMEN EXPERIENCE UNNECESEARY SALARY rAID WHEA LEARNING RAPI» ADVAJECEAMNT Appt? Now te Chiai Opesolo, CHICAGO TELEPHONF COMPANY UBRTYVEJA MURRIE.McCURDy NUPTIALS Wednesday ajternoon, September 3, at 3 o'cloek océurred the marriage of Maurice E. Murrie of Graysiake, to Misa Gladys McCurdy of Lake Villa. The ceremony was performed in the parlor of Rev. Howard Ganster of Christ Epîscopal church, Waukegan. They were attended by Miss Cleta McCurdy, sister of the bride, and Wilbur J. 1Attridge of Chicago, and the groom's brother, Howard Murrie and wife of Grayalake. The bride le the eldeat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCurdy of Lake Villa, who have a host of friends at Libertyville, Grayalake and Lake Villa where the farnîly have made their homes for the pat ten years. The groom isa a son of Mrs. Murrie of Grayslace, and a promising succesaful aud rising yow.g man. He recently returned from overseas where ha was gona ovar a year. That no clouds will obscure their happiness la the sincara wish of thair many friands. Gurnea high school but fail opens Nlonday for the school year of 1919-20. A registration of 200 is ex- Pected on reglstratIon day, the end of this week. At thîs rate tha newly but high achool wIl exceed its ca- Paclty within a few years. RESOURCES 0F MORE THAN IIALF A MILLION DOLLAIS -17%, NDER present day conditions, you caa't un afford to delay a single building im-" provement. Sheds, barns, etc., wiIl increase your profits tremend- ously in the care of bigh-priced stock--in the saving of high-pricecl machinery. It wiIl aiso add ta your poffts to get the materiais of s TUEPHNF.-AUTOUM LONG DISANCE SêJ IIEADQ UAO HARTMANN HOUSE HENRY #IATMANN, Prop. WHEELNG, ILUNOIS ludeeMet C "fid Ad Pa. 22k ag te ese ie ---------------------:ç - -- Cbildren 's Dresses and Middies SN ITEM of special intereat. and of particularIy, gaad value is offered in Chilclren's Ginghamn Dresses. We have'théïe in~ medium sizes only,. moutIy for framn 7 to 10 years. ' There is a wicle variety ta choose from and the darker, more serviceable plaids predomninate. For chool wear, these are lard ta beat 1 You'll want several at, each..........................~ $2.25 Assortment of Children's aund Misses' Middies and Smocks which has recently came in comprises ail the most-wanted styles ina variety of materials. - These are specialy priceci at ...... $2.25 a Some of them are very dressy models and are suitable for small women. W. W. CARROLL. & SONS" COMPANY 'e, Phou. 29 -------------------- Money to'Loan on Improved Faims and on Desirable Village Property If you are conternplating buying farrm st village-property, or If you intend improving property you nsw own, or If yau desire ta stock up your farm aa.dsu in need of maney, or If you have lans faling due that you #A&- ta refinance, ' It Wili Pay You to Secure Our Terins on Mortgage Loam Reasonable Terms and Prompt Serdi. The 1irst National Banik of ib, ertyville, Jiinois RESOURCES OF MORE ', on Nawmà« Air«ue 22 Riom from cwOffl THAN IIALF A MILLION bOlIffl'

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