CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 8

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TLIBERy VIELLE IN mpqdEPEHDUITTHaRSMAY, SEPTEM1BER il, 1919. ________________ lks n Lake County, Illinois, mes, the Prices of Whuch fire sure, toe dv0 c IÀewe-4 milse from tt-,' ralroad O»wleevery acre lu Rang 5151, 0f col. WUb; fair ehz-voom bouse; «we oi- Sàto bore@ andl dafiry barn.salla, deep iaiengtue, amily orcliard; huld- Sbale. iSt front sud overlouk a U11 onalry; $175 per ocre ou very IaiMni crpi. tock sud Implemeali lmaboe.Possession st very ren. b .p Il i deareil. Au opportun. mre Oua vitb @aml Disns ta s FI'astartse vard bit ow n hiame, *«»qn-à complaIs, Weil Improyefi MM4 weil located; $225 per, r eab, balance ou very ta.y brins l*A»g-Two miles froin Area; very 1=1 black soli; ail cultfivâled andi Wafr buildingts; 8175 per are. poreh-'Jasuela Ironi lava; ou pro- e amnselro@4; fIrt.clas,*mooth à& l culîlvateil, good 8S ooue bouse Binue sade sud orchard; large coin- b"oa barn, silo; deep veil; other OMOsgste correspond; o igb .grade ýmu f ari,12,ffl; easy terme.! * Cr*&-On Milvaukee avenu ; ls Mes 95 Mile. 0fîles loup; on ceme t Tiovry bet (f black level landi; more w115.000 wrortb of buildings, la aicondiion; $250 per ocre; îulgbt arale, Iota to forma of 160 acres dL 80acres. I .sm-iod smooth land; 1 mile toM Allîbura; aearly &a il ud vhere vua eceaeary; uev bouse; g barn; brick silo: d&ep veli; orchard; par acre; filas lot oI dalry cova; Oes cropi; leed auni iupleieats at ry rsaunable prîes, sud uemed laIe q»no If deiirsd. 0 Aoras ou propooed cent road, i- x NOM sol; osev lO-rooni bouse, excep- *$O Weil mail sudn finiaheil; an old Ïi as gtood aibhsaverare f arue bouse; 6.MNoe couehination boras sud diry M; ,,Olhar dequate farin buildings; * i utfroisud flue ebed; hous. tacs >4ma. asi rain fhe esrosil; ou s 04 elevation sud overlooke s beauti - aanstry. 4150 Per acre-bld. à Amss-2 mnilée fromn Aras; baet of Oh fond; teil andilitvatel; large Ok1! boumsa;einsilve uthuidia; 06 Pu sera; $6400 vilI hondietlb et see a desd; balance long Ia St à par saut: Iminedate possieasion, ION4 c âRd 1Impiamentse t very WOW" apricas. sud e@«Y terni Il de- dlavi laund; &U tiugr = '3jlai; gqod buildings; $155 snAO-2- ms r.Grayalaka; bast 1* mu boroughl: lid; ailculi. ý8 'goal belilage, iuludlng tue. 0à"~- On a@a-tucmeoitrosd; gond 1111111kIl.go0a building@; landtor- 10 efl 6solaiD oolcondition; $150 90$ Very eaiyforme. This fax., 010 1111(4waabMrosi. 010011aolso sud belllluga; 60 M4i fin. rallromil station; 4175 pau 1. Acre&-Fine lake fronaiepg; goofi é& a .l ativâteil; extensive bud. 0 200 Per acre. This larmln *dfor $1,100, Caih rent. 0,Aere-26 ils. iroîn Chiago; good blevel laufi, bat asglecîed; mer. B atid ..Ii.... 21RO n.- I P. E. HILDEBRANDT, Cor. Ordori Token for Job Work. Adveufifling rates on application. H. E. Oale wae a Mlwaukee vitor lait Wednesd"*y Mir. and lire. E. T. Hartjeand @on, Jamee, motored tw Chicago Touday. Ai. B. J. Newton and daughter of RocMford, ame visliing Plton'a for a week. Grayalake puplîs attend- log the Lbertyville igh school. Mr. and Ars. Frank Wilkins have returned iroiDakota. Roland Wambold andl famlly relurneil froin Mukwougo, Wl.., Saturday alter a faw daý s vieit wlth thefir parents. A larize number of (rayalaua people atteur 'fA 1h. fair at Lîbertyvîlle lagt Frfida.> Boru to Ar. üd lira. Jocob@on on Weaterfield etreet, an 814 lb. daugîter lait week. Pouch Smnithaud Alîke Scloser are again effiploysd by Inderredion compauy pickiug corn. Sunday morning about 4 o'clock Mrs. Elizabeth Whitmore pasasil awoy, she was one of the oldet resideute. AMrs Whtmore had been ailiug for sorne lime. The Grayalake bas ball isaun played the North Chicago team at the Liherty- ville fair Thîs wsons of the beot gaines of the mason. The fir@t six 4nnlagas tood 1 to 0 lu favor of Gi oye. lake. Then ihrough soins errors and good hfittlng ou the North Chcago ten thsy mode thrse rune. Everyobody was well pleaeed with the gaine aud only hope 10ues Gropeioks perlorin &gain. ILAKE VILLA ira. P. S. Danil@s eut,10 Chicago lasI Tfiuraday 10 intet ber motber,Aidrs. C. Blus of Davis City, la., Who hos corne 10 @pend the wiler with ber iloughter. lira R. A. Douglas wo. lu Woukegon Aionilay an huainees. Mr@. J. R. Wsetlake, lla Ayrtle West- lare, aind Floyd Westlake wers week-end gueals of AMr. sud ira. C. B. Hamifia. Charlie Chaplin fln four ree lal ,be given at the cbnrcb inovles this wesk FrfIday evenlng heeldea otber iatereatlug filme. Wsteh for date of the Japanees ed. ding gITan by tb. 5uud ay achool lu the user future. Air. ond Mmra.B. L. Wald entertaneil Burlitotn relatives &bis veak. School begon lait Mondai vIIb a full fore@ 0f teachers excapi principal, wbo had beau eugaged but bacause of bis fatherIs il hsstb, bail beau oblinailtu reaige daring thé pust veat. W.hope to have on., redy for nait Monday, bovever. Aire. S.Sherwood aud F. B. Bherwood apent a couple dais luit week wfith Mr. sud Unr. Hhndiile ntaIInglealde. Win. Weber, lüMsa.elen andl Edytha Kerr and Mlra.George Mitchell ere Chlcago visitora 1mai Thursday. f Sevral if roue bar.attmudeil tefaix at Lib.rtivllut aI yak. 89007y Wallac moved lait wsek 10 tb farin rMâaly purchaaad o!fAMr. Câble. Henry Câble and vii. vilI for the preasat lîve wllhhbis parents at (irayalake until rhey decile vhsra tbey vîli locale. 1 MILLBUR iY » †V"" '~ ~ Win. Mct3aIrs spent Tbursday aad 0 Aoees-2% miles froin Orayelake, 5 Frldoy vîtIt hie brother la Walukegau 'qgu. raruLiberlyville; bet 0f black and latteudedi te lair. K04aIIclivsîed; goud buildings; dbep lire. Scott LeVeoy entertained soins WM0 io, irait,, ebsie; s goond goueral cousins Iroi n uss the paet veek. "cmsabrin; $115 per acre; $4000 Johu LeVoy isoattendiug hlgh êchool WOlbouallie the deul.--Sold. t Gumuse thfis year. " Acresý-Joins th. îowu of Grays- W. A. Bouner booktfiret prise on llnroc lotsa; ail veryheel fai so; thoroughly sov sud pige ai the Lîbertyvilie lair. $W acspb 12 acre* of posture vljich TIhe CarmunIty social wîli b. beldi »OU b a sily drainefi; best af dairy Friday evsuiug aibinler Cancn's. flnga, muaeth. solfi; $180 per acre; E. A. MiartinaIosmtieudlng supervisiors Ilffl iret paymeut; balance long lime. meeting Ibis veek ol Waukegaa. -&u. MiAiluesme Pollock of Chicago, la viel - 111tte me for deîailed Information log ber ouate, the AMissas Watson Ibis vbncernlng aur of the&@ larmes vek. F. M. HA DING -' ir. T. Audersonuof loba,-Kanseaspeut F. M.lIARDNG sveral days vîth MAr. and Ara. W. B. UA, Phoes184-3 ILLINOIS Stewart. _____A badl lire occurefi laat Frlday wbile LVEL M."Oklý,muet <otthe rî-ghbrbood vere attend-. ADJUDICATION NOYICE. lig 1 il' luirut the home 01 Tony Jaunes Ptibliilu. , hu..(-.Ly, u rnsw.' i luilîlip Detmeyer. The lira kebcnibe u 4 ycu. ti- ,t i ll and, irgluu,îl inu1h,.gi'aiaary aud'spread la Waamenî î 1'. leaI nauli. de- I ara <surd al utitside buildings sud Iheir *#seui, Wilatl' ni te C uliuty C"onrtI vo[lt lits ru'..ued. Th.y mouageil la tLike C("o- u 1 t.:,hereof W isu.'1hittfiuse., The bouse le ovuefi hy s ~ ~ ~ ~ i ol'i 4,.luWauke. "U("1'. iykm ofu,l bertyvlillo. ~o, îx - u i,, on 'lue tiret Monday %Ilinuu 1,lit)uughtuy relurued SSatur. t Novnub0îoct, 1V4. vIen and day I roluc1aukga 'A flurs sIte spent estatbe are ruai iied adreýquesteuîî, Silo iliug legirIis wesi, the corn Meiet the sarne tb ouî .urOt for 1 rl; pfrwn fri JLAL PRI< t, Et:ûou tix. ____________________ Waukegoiau,Ilinois, Sept ,1 5 9119. Ars. Riebacis aud Leroy venlt t'O 121li.26 Waukegsàn Aiondasi ate ruooR. Lsroy lase bogun lu take lessome ou tue violin. NOTICE AfrgtcrolîruMc~~ -to Wlom It Moly Coacenmu 1 I viiiontl ooge sud buruefi quite a plie at poste. 1# rqu$oible for debte clistracteil by horîha Dehayer 1.le ber ome bbny myNail oncle, VIctor Demeyer sud bos entered Louis i zaI'rLs.Prairie Visu, 1-11. Garces hlgh echool. NOTIOLihol UW» "* #ardog, eptembir là,, AMra. Below bas a hcao U*slpasi rt thillece Mb Me Willle &nud largareî 4tJohin Mise Dala arsh o! f ysuton, le viali Miise BEmma V"Biaeeke bas.. flfahei ber course oit BuafinSsa collagte and ha. a poaition wlth the Cyclone Co. SCHOOL ItOTàM fichool ovemeil Septsiaber 8, wIth su eneolîment ai Onfy on. fallei to he pracent the Brut dey. Nichola. Porte, (Gardie VOMflaeke sud Ithoda McCormack m"#kean interest. Ingcbarilaas. Durlng vacation Mir. Winey put reglatars l u .brnace. o 1 hat the baae. ineu haheated If deaired. LwaHelen aud lbbie Mille avent Sunday wlth Air. aud Ars. Robert Bouse. Aira. arl Kane ha. hesu on the elck liait. Aira ifiannah l)arhy of Lîbertyvîlle, @peut a few deys the pat week wfit b bar daugbter, Aira.Alhet[>yer. Ara. Aoune Rouesel viitiug ber daughter, Mrs. Arthur RoUiand. Air. and M rs. J. W. H utchinga andair. and Idre.'C. W. Hutching ansd daughter @pont Sunday evelug dit the Dearlove home at Northfield. LI &ie Boules Gebrke fie on thie elck liat. Air. and Ara. George Aitebslaud Gradmo Ost sud Aisîvin Kuhi were Chicago viitore Suaday. Ailsa Dorothy Bahrtst visited her igraudmother, Ars. Attridge of Lbere~- ville, a couple of days at wsek. MIse Lillilan Brlîst returued home Sunday alter epeudlng o few days ai Forest Park. Ar@-. MarshboliButchingeof Waukesho, la viltlug relatives la Ibis viciaity a few days. A number froin boe attended the fair at Libertyvills at week. Air ud Air@. John Wtt an4daughter, Edtâý called on Ars. Sophia Towner Fridoy svenivg. Air. and MArs. Barry Wells of Ml- waukee, @pont the week-end at J. W. H. tchînga.- IVANHOE Ails Emma Kuebker lit for Cornlng, Iowa, Thureday, where ehe teaches in high achool. Mr. andidre. Boy Chaniberlia and littîs daugleter of ,Ltbertyville, andl Charuse Chamberlain of Chicago, viteil the home folk@ Sunday. The inany frande of Ar. and lire. Tony Dardier offer hearlisît eyiupatby lu thein lu thoir hereavainent aI the los@ of Iheir Infant dougbter. Horm Grabbe, William aud Bertha Wirts sud RuseailShepherd are attendl- Iug Lîbertyvllle high achoal. John Raasb has pnrchaaad a n»w Ford. Prof. John VauPlew of Beloit, @pent lbe weekend wltb bis parents. A. Youugs!lromandsono of Englewood, ver. caller@ boes aturday irs. Wm. Vckery returneil ou Weaus dey froue a wooka s t.y la Nortb Dakt. John Wagner and lira. J. Rasad u eilidran vere bumineme aIlera lu McHsnry a short lime &go. Mr. and lira. Frank Vickery aud 11111e @on niotoreil tu Beloit sud vîiteilblonds rea.uly. Mirsud lira.John Ramb gteteriainei the. formr's father and molle., sud bis siter'a Ibras cblldreu iroin Ailwvaukee racently. envevs,.Raaeh ylurned wlh thei n d-expects tu attend echool there. Elizabeth Knebker hegan ber achool lu Nouth Chicago luat week Tuesay. Ou Aouday of Ibis weet Mise Aune Wrts hegan teaCblug lu the Amea sachool andl Mil@@ Bertha Kuebker fIa the Butterflid sehool. Ar@. Fred Wirts of Rogers Park, speuz the week-enid vith MAre. Bertha Wlrtz aud the Mies Liazie and Crr'e Wfirtz. Eéthier, who ba besu apeudlug thel enamer wilh relatives bers, returaed bhonis wth ber Suaday evealang. I IPRIRE VIEW J Ars. C. J. magou ls ou the slck lisI. (GronàdinsHerechbergeris able tositup. A. C. Peterei' fsmlly entertolued coin. pauy over SandayV. W. bIlle anidiainlly of Lake Zurich, vialted witb AMrs. A., torep sud grand. nia Bruckinon, Sunay. Are. S. E. Kaedler, who waa operoîed Gn lait Frlday t Wauksgau hospital vas able o bastup s short tIpis Moudoy. AU. C- icharde ouokbis bruîlier, George home tbu GIeDviow, sccompauled by Ailes Wakefield "ne day lest week. AIl;s Conrad of Chicago, viafted as the A. C. blchards borne Salurday aud Sunday. Grandrua Richards spent lte week-end ai Ares witij Ars. S. L. Trflpp andi ttended Ithe fair. Air, sud re. A. C. Richards, Ais Conrsd sud Ted Kuedjer speal Sundav St the W. Rtay home at Are&. (OLEcQlVED TOO LATE POIL LA5T vEKt) Air. and lAtrs. AlbertIdAutray aud sou 01 Chcago, OSeut uday at tle 1houge of Air. and Aire. lenry Osory. AM&~ Margaret ilouay returpesd home Frtday, liaviug speat lte pool monlh vith relativeso and irlende lu Chicago. M re. Boiter of Lfibrtyvlleg, visitefi si the home 0f ber hbrothey, Jantes Aiurray durlag the wee)r.'11 Ire. RobI,. .ludson andi son of Chlcagg, sPeut the week-end with Waucoedai Mmra.Aice. Gry relurnefi home Frfidai frous Utile Rock, wh.ra @hoeuat tlb veek at lhe home of Mir, sud Mrs. Beruey UmseNollip Murray ralurual te Chics- go Monday wbre sheresumeil bar dalles ai ilauclor lu ths Chcagoaechools. Mdim. e an and Helon Dllon af LaGrsngo,. speul the week-end vll Wmconds reibefives. isa Alice Sesdori of Highland Park, viaiud et lb;home ai Helen Murphy over lbe wek"ed. Are ion resdy ta attend the big Homo Comion celebration on Wedneaday, Tbhisfla ta hb Wsuçoude'e big day adthie meansa ollu day'a enjoy- mint for Waucouda naver dos auytbng by bai,.. The Wauconda township bigh achool apenil morulug wiîh 51 puplis, a 20% Incroms over lait yeor's enrol. ment. A kseu dîsappolilmnulas felt lu the absence of the new principal, wbo for some unkuovu reason bafi Dot arrIvei sud tlb dîrectora voePSplnning on e ngaogg sother teacher vben at 10 o'clock a telegroin arrivefi slatlag thoz ho bad been uaoxptertsd called 10 Philadlplialjy a very serlousoaccident wbicb bail befalse bisbrother, sud furîher parîclcars woulfi folIo w by mail The achool board nov beel cou- fideul thal the uew principal vhli arrive durlug the week sud mmediately take up bis dutiee. The other threln- siructors, Prof. R. C. Kent, H. C. licCOY and Miss Hatn took up tbsîr .dutles and our high echool Ibis year promises la h.ouo!o the heet lu the couutry. The Waconda Grainma a cbool open- ed Ainady marning vitIt a hall day's session go ai 10 gsI the work Wa i 1ud op ready for regulor busIness Tueoday. The saine efficient corps of teochers are asalu lu charge, Mie Pools, princIPal; Misa Kusbker, lutermedials; and i us Hughei, priaary. Mias Margaret Kress la vliting ber suaI. Ar@. Paltlionoan of Muueapolis, Alun. Airs. Wm. Sehiaisher wss the guit Of her brother, Frank Arnold of Chicago. the pas 1eek. Air. sud Aire. Fred Bec k itanentertained a compauy of youug people Tuesday evening la honor of the reliera of thelr son, Lewis. vbo bas beeu lu averses service over a year aad one hall, brlngtug bock viîh hlm a vlctory camPalgu rfibbon vitb liv, stars on il. O. i. EBockeuacb returned froue (lien City, Wie., wbore ho bas beau on bues lbe peut yack. UmssMargaret Kreaa aatertalu.d @il young ladies t fiinner ou Thursday Ar@. Fred Labelle bail a@ bar gaminte Mager Details kThat - Have on iray, Ara. P. Lagh &., iir. Leaked Out Cause Fear on Neihur sud Aira. Bauman of Evsnaton. - Paij 0f Many People. Ailes£]va Roeder of Chicago. vu tlb guset of ls.« Mabal Horeubermer the RAISE THE RENTS ALSO? put wyack.- - Air, sud Mra. S. P. Rutchimon of Irving linger deUihi vhlich bave leakel Park, ara guesae of E. Bleimehl sud ouI vIth regard te the fIncresse lu oties, relatives, valuatIons vblch thse 5.5 County Mr.andMrs 1.M. olsandfamly 1Sourd 0f Rsviev viii naare effectve Air su Aia.I. i. olasu iseli ~tis uear. ani vhich viii b. anune- London, Cansda, are visltung Mr@. L C. ed vitbfin a short lime, bas causel Hale. a panicky feeling gla the part ot WSIt Ds.rflliltovusipSuaday wbooilishos vo have learued nome o! tise convention vili b be4 lulb the fIteilfacta. Thal taxes for ibis yeax may vgralfal Mcbareh nazi unday "ree- lie Inereaseil three or four limes 0v- noonSept 14.or lait year la tbe stalemeut of one noonSept vbo ha& receiveil a itatemeut Ars. F. H. Mesyer enterlaîneilSunday of the taxes lin bis ovu varticular Ia honor aI Ar. Meyer'@ blrîhday. The caue. out ai ova gasis vers: Airs. Eleauor This vilI serve os a concrets ex- Gihbs of Platine, W. A. andl Ar, sud ample: Ara. D. L. PËutuain 0f Waucoadm, Thboa. A certain Waukegau man Ovni a boue. Last year the full value o! Puluaand Mise Isbelle Waumham of the housvas flxed by the taztng bod-. Harvey, Air. ad AMrs Wu. Muller ondl iesata $3150, bthe asresoed value ha- lamlly, Ailsesa Elesuor sud Jeaanette iug $1050. The tax rate vas $9.12 Puluao0f Arliaglon Hleigbts. on es.cb $100 ossesseil valuatIon. Tis Ailes Eva Enflor leavea the last of the mans taxes, thereforo, vers $95.76 yack te atteund achool et Notre Dam, fer lait yesr. Efi Fsbd of Gleacoe, vo. the guleet 01 TItis year, accordlng 10tieth re- Air. and MAre. Ed Wllmau. Sand"y. cords. erIte boird of reviey bas rais- WVi. Ostsrmau of Chîcago, vos ltee dlte fuil value of Ibis mon'. pro- gueat of bIsl brother for several dayo the penby te 16900, te asse.seed value pat week. tefing $?400, or oneuaiof te ful George Nialdeld, Harry hou, liox value. The tax rate banet yet been Winters andi George Karch, &Il boys fIlZd but If Il la $9.12 te saine as froin oversas, reelvefi Ibaîr dlachargei lent yearfIt; vili moan Ibat, tItismnu oand returuef haine the puit yack. ivill hé calied upon 10 pRy $310 tg Ailes Loy of Ohio, ho. returnsd la lake taxes, as compareil 10 $9576 last yean. up ber dutles ase boullekesper for Dr. "The nesulba of sucli a tremendous Davis.Increase lu ta»es la Itord ta forsue," The annual couuly C. E. convention oue promineul Waukegon man as afef marshaeallov rosI vIUl bbhelli fia 55rted. Deertfield Saturday eveuiqag aiIble week. Anobber mnan points out that audIt Air. Ag. eeallg o Paonla. ~an unusluai increase lu taxes voulfi Mrs.Aug Weselng 0 paonla. lahave tise tendency teoreoile route ail vislinig et fHenry Wemiag's. over tova. A tai of $.100 a ýear on aS Orvil NYeelinr o! Hlghland'Park. vbo oswulmena otlyaxf1 returnefi froin overesas duty Saturda os alimanamnhybx0 la speudiag soversi doys 7amog -hl@$25. Owuers of properly vouifi ho1 relatives lîcre. Obligec t0 take Ibis Imb considera- - tienu, itlaf arguei, fin fixng rentais. Thte board o! reviev bas sent out POISONED FROM tt-nst itytxaesI v SU<A"UJthES Icrease. ia jete rocelpt of SCRÀT He DIS th s saboments vhicb causéd lte NV-ailcgân Setemer r.ecIPIenîs Sud otbers te beconto Sundy GadysHanpu aeil6, au.larmefi. Sundy GadysHanpla ged6. du- rom another source te stabemeul ghter of uMr. andi Mn. Willifausm H=- otoa hl bi It ae sou Of ltItand Christian avenus made soins in at wh Ilit ho taxes scratched lbor face Suudaýy mornnng. times a large as l year bhat l SuInday evoning ae@be=e 1.11and témjnt fcssIe ei u ahs an one MeAl at h bpt.hémore tItan double. That they viii Si.e Tht mondes lvasanonunceil hé double, hovever la admitted. The sIt va dail tx rate for tItIs year la flot. yetP lier extremely suilden deathI& ~kuowa but those fin a -psion ta taid ta have bonu 0551s1 by blond knoy do met place auy creditlin thec POiIonlng. ECfforts vOe0mide as aO0Uproduction taI they viiiliemach as Itero the b loapli ¶0 P"$' laver tItan laityear. '1'at thsya vent te'spneediag of ti ~PoIson eat yl lisasoinm lvr iilpct fwils va f no, a> vait and elle graduually 0__________________ 1\1 becanie worae l The body 'vas takeà 10 Petroaihii W&nt l'or Sale. sem0l MO &4Ia. lu ndotaklng rncmen. "AinqUçat viii SPIENDENT rae M W psr be beld toidgbl. ki ARMY AT PEACE STRENGTH 0F 225 000 13Y SEPTEMBEIt 30TH wagbLugtoa-The preeent rate ot demohulfiazîfion makas IAtcertanthe orYuy viil eie educad te 225,000 .by Sept. U the Wax Departmenl au. nouncel toilay, Thae «imael etrength of the. army on Aug. 19 vas 461,390 officersansd men. IL4POTATO WMtT APKIRD IN CO? UL Se LIUE TO KNOW Has Been Found ln Pen 1y- vania but ln no Other stte Up to the Present To~e. SEEK DATA IN LAKE CO. A netw and dangerona potato dizeoae known as potato wart bae madIsfte appearanée fin the United Statesand thé governinent fis very anxioua to icnow Iftit existe lu Lake County. Potato wart con lhe readily recoguIsed Wart-like growtba appelr on the sur- tacW of the potatoes, usually et the eyea. Thesearae lfight brown when young, becomlng hjaek when older, andl are rough and EfiOngY lfn texture. The wart may become quite large and lin case of bad infection lthe whole potato fia transformed btoa rough spongy mass. The disease lse been reporteil fironi only one atate fin the Union, Ihat being Pennsylvanie andj vigovous measurea are being taken 10 stainp fit ouI there. In an effort to determinp whethr the disease lias gained footing in, other centcrs, men are beJng *sent out to, make a thorougli sUrvey of every state. Mr. F. E. Boiegtel wbo is working fin Illinois is noev ln thi.a couuty atudying the silijtî'ton herè. As fIt isa'uite fImpossibile for Mr. l3eghtel to visit .every garden and farin personally it Io highly Iimportant that everyone wbo growa potatoeýs, as well as those who handle and shfip them, keep careful watch for the appearance of the trouble indicated above. Shoulil wartY potaloes be founil senil apecimena 10 your Farîn Adviser, W. E. WVatkins, at Liberty- ville, or to the Experfintnt Station, Urbana, llinois, andl prompt attention will bie paflilto bte situation. A representative froin the ugrîcul- tural departmnent at Washington was ln Waukegan today seeking data on lthe potato situation. He admitted rlie lied seen no evidence of the wart fin Lake County. IIECOMJ3 PANICKY OVER REORT 0 INCRDEAÀSEDTAXES METIIODISST RULE OPPOSEIJ BY PAS- TORS AT MEETIN4i Bishop Leets Criticises "Duc- tators in Offices of Authoni- ty"; Applauded. ASK FOR MORE LIBERTY Bfisliop Fr'ank D. lkcIs, D. D., o! Atlanba, Go., vwu applaudeil aI the Metlladisl minlaleers' meeting Mon- doy eIteh Final Cburcb, Chicago vben lie said bhab ho vantail "1e pleail for more libierty for the Vetho- dIfit mlnister." The bishop gave voice tea s;under- curnent of urireat among tb. raakj aud file of te elergy as a resutitof1 the romoval of 'ninfiqters ouIt0fr te1 rogular pastorale t0 taire positions1 vitIt largen pSy ire thé -ceuteuary1 movement sud aise lte tendency te te11 te preaclien boy te rua bis job.i Auks for More Liberty "I plead for more, ibetrty for the Melhodiab uinistens," safid rte biabop "Thte cru'ation of no Jobs' îo drive mon out o! bbe puipîl fia serious. We arc psyng big salarie. for big jObs GIVES SAILORS À LIFT; TUISTEAL. Mis $150 CIJCK John Adans Relates Case of Ingratitude; Tooàk Eysgîass- es and Bank Book. Ho Stops Paymnent on Check. For dovurfighIt ncratitude a hllo Incident that happen-d fln Waukegon Mouday niglit establisbes a unique record. .fbor giving i1h50 qallors a Ilifb," John Adams, advertlsing manager aI 1It0 Alex Ihein st,3re, diacovereil that llio bad rified bis coul pockets, tak. Ing a check for $1FO, a bank biook andi a pair of eyeglasses. Thoy even took te lead pencis froinithe pockets. "filhata tuglltuthea lesson," AMr. Adamsa said. III 1nover give anoîher sailor a c;do." Air. and lira. Adams and thoir ebilfi had Iteen ouI auto rldlug, ail slting fin te front geat. lb vas worm and Air.Adama had îhnown bis coal ln te roar seat. Near the Nothwestern depot fin N'orth Chiicago three sailors hlaled hue and asked for o ride t Waukegsn Mr. Aduinaai first vas for refusing them. "Oh, give lb. poor fellows a ride," bis vle sali. rorgetting taI bis cool vus la te mrseat %Mn Adams atoPped bis car snd fnstructeil the sallors to ellmIt ln. le Irotegli bhein 10 Wau- kegan snd thv got oul ab the Broad- way corner, tbanking MIr. Adams for te "lfb." It vas fully an liour lobter 1h01 Air. Adamns remomnberefi 1ha1 h. hOfi 101 hi.; coot ln the rear seat. Thea he discovorefi that lie bail basa robbefi. He Iaok precoutiosa Iis moring te noîfify thé bouk to stop paymeut on lte check so bis oaly los viili e tb. eyoglasaes. But ft vos îhesungratefulns 6f lte sallors vhich makes hlm 10.1 die gruatîsil. and t ien vit are being dlctated ta. '.We are lu danger of making the UN T REI TR 14etbodîst preacher s sort of littie P N T R NT " automabon. Wben a set 0f mnfln Our ntinislry are xlteil as blgger Slierisor Ira Hoiderldge oud v ile and Mlr. andl lra. Richard Green- tItan the preached thse day of ileom la alIn one car, MIrsnd Airs. Charles at band. l3atngov and daugbter sud Frank "Yeu n'iII not gel millions saveil Miller in o second car. returned Sun- util you exait lthe pastorale. Thé day niglit front au i100., mile auo Pastor la the mon vbo knowFi' vhen trip Into Wisconsin suad Mcbhigan. to lold a revivai sud nob some bilg Tbey aay' te oade are 'great" Sund Palil officialin uNe oron." tbey bad a vituderrul trip. They drove -Nasht cars an nover bafi a par- RADIO PfRtrble an bie vhle trie. And ssy, talk about lires. Mir. Rolfi. RADIO PIION INsrfidge bail a blowout an one ine but A1"IN ore allhouigh bai. liaI uscd for 7000 milsorIrm OeMEmehegothN LEcor. A second tire mode thIe vhoia TO B PO SB trip and bfs siso bat neyer heenof TO E. OSSBLE thie car bllrough puncluire, Ilov-out. ec tasgone 78Z0 Miles and fi Nov York, A WIreless telephone lin gond :shape yet. dovice, vitb a range o! len 10 tven- DECID ALCS ty miles, vhich cau be sel easlly IDeLa E C Vny I 0fCASE lo lu a "lpony" uireiesa panel at si or- bas orturned a Verdict lu thé Henry dfinary amp aneket aud Isi'mltga Shebrman '17511estate o! Higland penton ta talk bo a neighbor anoufil Park lin vhich Il vas charged tIb the block, or a frimaI fln atoIer taxes bail ual liss a pSd Upon coutil di, bas basa perfecteil hi Dr. Lee erobla PersanaI property. The board De Florest, radio expert, sconig Iii behd thai lIte estale muaI poy on an announcement mode hy hlm to, $14, 00 Olitional persona property ilyce iaays eris iefor theyears 19l4-1r,-1&-17-18 Sud 0on Thisdevce. e gyspernts he 20,000 for 199. The alîltionai taix aie! h uuaihoue.iglt.ig lle. ilI amouri t 10 ppiroiimaly $80". use of g usua oesgtlBayalite-,forlte six yoars. This la lu afifittIo nallug current. De ois 10 lIetOthe lt axlaypaifi. It vaa bell operýatIon o! Ibis devfice fis no more 1ha1 taxes bal not been pofif. upon o difficuit tissu callflug central. .lzuambex of stocks and bouds. %pOL IJUBY TOLD BIER SE WAS WORSE TIJAN TU DE VIL Mrs. Ruth Huiman Tells of a Case Where HustJand Frac- tloed ExtrnnirueIty. SAID HER HOME ÏAS HELL Airs. Ruthi Hulman, daughter of Carl ffderman or George avenu. Waukegau. bas fI#t1ted mit for divorce ogainat lier huahanil,'Danlel O. Hulîman, forenurly of Worcester, MIaso. wbom sIte married fin Wauke. gan, Juns 24 1915. iler divorce bill ba been biled Ia coturt ai Wauegau. Aînone te pet remarks whicli abe crodita th ber hushanil are that ha safil she vas varae thon the devil,» tat your hom' e fh ell" and "I vas afool ta msrry yoII." After their manriage. according to lte wife, slîî vont ta live vitlier Ieusband St Worcester, %Ism. ons morning in Fo-briiarv', 1917, abc soya he Iocked ber ln the bedroom and Iben openeil the ou¶ýsIde door a a rosuli. of whlch s]w cauglit coud aud became 111. SIte finally was relleveil ftorn ber predicament by nelghbors. Latex the vife came tb Wau7&egan Sud n'ont to the borne oflier parents where lier hasband found bier. it wasthIere. eh. said, tailie colle hr a devil and said lier home vas bell. Oine day sIte slartpil ta follow hlm upisirà, she sayq. snd lic told ber that if shç. followed ho w3ild kick ber down stains. She asal'a 1h. cus- tod" or Iheir lwo year old chulfi. TO MAKE TEST Of BEER SEIZURE BY A LOCAL ARREST One of the Local Beer Cases to Be Appealed to Supreme Court as a Test. HOPE TO BREAK THE LAW. A flgbî bas been lauinchn ta bhava te Searcliand SoIUire law dpelar- ed uncnsilutlonal. Attorney E. V. OrîlIs, represonNiun several of the beer truck mon vbo voro arrested et Zion Cty reecntly OdmIllefi toilay thot ons of thé cases les befinx appeal- sil t the supreme court fIn order thal te higliest tribunal in the state cau ponsa on the valldlty of lte law. "I don't blle,. the law wil bol vater," Air. Orvis enfi. "aud 1 sm flot vorryflng about the decîsion of the huproate court vhen tIie case cornac before thera. We have anc- ceededin luobtaialng the release of al the ee% truilka that have beea semize sud 1 amn confident that mvs also vili lie ahIe ta obtafin the release of the beer.' -Up b lait Saturday tventy-elgbt bas, lxuck di'iver* has basa arresteil by the officiais at ZMon City, on Joba Dos varrants. Thig, tact in list.. according 10'Mr. Orvîs. is suifleat ta vin lte case for the drivera, os he saostho lav fis plain villi regard 10 ho vinen may be arreated under the Search Sud Selzure aset. He thinks Ibat Ifif Ibi matter once fa decidoed definiîely thot no mors trucks tvllhlobestoppefi and the con- tents couilscated for Itlba sImpassible for thse police ta arreat lte driverasos% auythlng but John Dos warrant for tbey cannot obtain tbe naines 0f the men. He soya fit yl net suffice to taire te men tebIte police station on John Dos warrants Sud thon avear but 6tber warrants for ten. WENT 7,000 MILES ,A very wat paIr or froin povî fi Pm, cami w«4 that akteafln !or vert evere Forteil tc 0". 0# tt it deve Thnst esht hir SECOI'u Mil anid tien smm lîminon, ;Nov UI lectar ha breiîed It hauen uners Wbould ni te provi nuialt bic Ibanon i: ment to I loue folt k. J. Has Oply tbre Vent bac Unueil hi !Ore he>in ïu the IV preeeut i rveaue biby sud lug tbLng hou Cib' Iucludeil Ia coul la reealli ,an'a Co cou"., I Mil Revi 4iey ver Vexe, te le Wh vestlgal Vas luaa ralid, ne ýbut asez lex case led Ua u rsd olg te d vopart: Sevce. 4rs tbau lez 0 E oni u Foun Cara

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