CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Sep 1919, p. 10

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L, ~ w &r ~ ~ tT~TTWLL~ ~ I RSDLSRTE~B~R 4~ 1919. .~ ,.' -.~ - _ _________ of ôItIhes dis- tinction. ea-l a 3on et f uiy*ee -et w ardrobee Mer* Ilmit0d mi Bore respecte. OSut.l caft nover, be a seeson when the detalle of dreeà nsay b. iihted, for Arn- trican women have leer n- b=dtno ttne messhem t the ode ffusTri-oýFrench alonsr, and kmsow lettes sand Taffetas ieadth en» o-àdaii In populsaiy. 4ghlshsd eppearAnce May b. expiaiod let thse terme Of Fali, wpQIA.s'areVeslvsac- most intirestiuj. w«ar, holIery, Wp wir .i»ýco0tlnhapdkerc (p< or 1 en~U~ tonsae This epetion p nent e~O, . taa *Neckwsratcd .Waletcoate . W 4 g on s 97,lukeepin o with the Full ha Adope Suite, Veile te hormnie z lwuk Thhl wfth thse new Ilunesof the. tatair ats, most.ry mafthing the uoi* e.otbot» con le ril ich sl*potty Am oits tint d favsu ew s ihou ette 010v .. 40 Meet tin a r"- fannsthse rotrnl in e s of navy ed bowns.-.~Won ethons are new datail s. EXHBIINGI- EW FASHIONS FOR AUTUMN at9d W INTER Thurs.o, Fra. and SatSept.8190,1- IBAT careful specialization whichl is the noteworthy e 1 uateristic of this store d'lis predomizient in this Autumn an d Wintcr Fxpos.1tipiL Not only does fluai I Autunin Exposition reveal thc care fully eherished secrets% qf the great Parisiani I ~Ateliers huxuwnRng again this sini mer with il their oli-tirne inspiration andi Ioriginali.y, but it ruakes a spccialtv of grouping .colors and sillrnuettes m-ith nîuch thel saine are the old mnasters ini portraiture wv ere wvont to combine lovely colors and allur- ing lines. Authentic Milhnr W REN one lias waited with ai- .-Most breathies anticipation it is gratifying to harn that here in gratifying to learu that here in coni- piste readiness is a display introduc- ing Fashion 'a Millinery Creations for a new season. The- assurance the designers give of a tudy of lie, placig firat cm- phasis on this before any material fashioning is considered bringsaa quiet elegance with great becoming- IIesîmý- The assemùblage 'presents mode& for overy preference in dress and street Hats. FaIl Blouses CeirWan of An Enthusaatic Resoption With lier charActeristic love of novelty, Faýshion Sponsors Pepluin Blouses, ]Russian types and Basq~ues, and so mnodish and distinctive are ber newest offerings for Wailý that ïÉ~ey arc certain not only to quieken the intcrest of ail, Nvho dr nividual- ity in*Blouses, but to out-do alli mod- els of tiie past mionths ln popular fa- vors. Instinctivcly the sauti reèsa- es looks for somiething exclusivé ana differe4 ecdne"- seagon and lanthÈa assemblage she finds hoats of exquis- ite blousesenbodyiug 411l4e r re- quirements. Retè are', .fringed- ornaniented ovrblouses, gorgeous iu hue. I3eads a.nd embroidery also eio their share to beatiià these offer- ings. The Sui ts are in High Favor w HI LE skirts are som4 shorter, thev con-- NYtinue straight of line. The short coat in ripplé effeets, bowever, suggests the return of hips to the fashionable figure. Thiese vie for approval Wtith thc thrce-quarter length coats of strictlv tailored lines, Jt is a sea- son of soft farics-of duvetvn, dîrt-et de laine, velour, tricotine, silvertone ani two,(- tonu xterials. Tb»se suits that are flot strict- ly taiored are heýndsom1e1y enbroidcred or~ elabgrately fur-trimwd; beaver, nufria, kol- insky, naturai, an& blentded squirrel, Hudspon Seai, Austrglian oppos , i4tail, fitç,, stonemartili kunk, Jap inink-a'll lençi their beauty to the Autuntn suits. In color the niew browns have the -preference, with navy blue bidding strongIy for favor. The Aikfumn Footwear The happy combination of hcauty with the qualities that go to inake for satisfaetorvy ser- vice and comifoyrt characterizes the handsome boots we are showing for Autuznm. fine black glazed leathers, logether itfi llht apd.dark brown. kid are good, while a fcw others are attractively used in conmbination with buiek- skin tops. 1The celebrated Red Cross. 1.ýots for wone and young womep are to be found here ozn1y ip W,aukegau; we are featuring'them lu in gh eut patterns with higli arches and Frenchi and rilitary lieds. kutumn Bbirts Not Ï0be ou t~y the blouses. lBite skirts'-are hemaddl decldedly am 1i îe modes faahlonýd,'4el ha.nd.M onkehmp4niq, %Weeds, serges,, -ttjco- lettes snd uvet ns.e Tlhis te selt ton or styles In plat . W plain tolors Off e ptac- Wraps of Warmnth and Bat NE VER'was there such a divcrtin g and de- lightful tvorid of choice offered'in Coats as this new scason. brings. Each model takes on a new charm, dcveloped in the soft luxur- iolls fabrics that Autunin prescribes, andl of- ten ricbyi rMed yith fir. »uvtyn-is th dominant fabiie and ýrown the cul9r t14it bon4s t3.q ice-àor ,of fhe ýtagp, but,,tberl jpre *maniy other utaterialsandl colors toea.w cial iIteist to.tJ il ew niod". çp gtiýje of these new coats um 'e a - *ing, s~i A fascinating story of beautifuil n-xater- types are t4e5e nevv frocksà of, Waffeta, Paul- ette, rcfnTricâlette Poiret Twils, Charmeuse and Satin. Silk embroidery, Tin- sel$il Co~ nd'Tassels iend charm to the new inodels. ~ Mel for Stout FZW" Ths assemblage cqf ,ceul atf Ofr Ftout figures far Éurp1 ases any previous sh6wjvÀ otbieporth Shore. Each niodel bas been specially deýnqçd, orlgwo.y X and thc selection of n4Ïtèkàa1 ue,» Çeré Meteor, Kittens Ear Crépe,-'do'rgette ,Trico- lcttç and Satin in ail the wanted colora pre- sents an unusual showing. tUllsenl Appareî lo tes ijortant than the new modes for wpsmen are tilese wllieh tis Autumnn el- Position 1 *0p IWO Misses' appUfâbohlb'iLu, youth-ot '0hl4 Sae»-' certain, éevsW tilese neW dti'- signed for the Mis.- Thse newest modes in &Hl the favored fabrice and colora areprommit. Y rrê The Luxuriant Furs F ASIdION says _ variions of the slecvelcss' fur' coats." àfink is favored because of its jo4 lbýexiding Nvitit the ncwv brown suit qades. Kolinsky, Squirrcl, HIud- son SW 1aqe much showNx. Linings are pa W~arly gorgcouis-brocaded and ril dil<s. If it is truc won buy furs»iqre for becoiingness3 than than yarmh-it Ls timelv to seleet now frp"i-fJe favored peltries in this beatîful Fali exhibit. -Childron 'a - Fr±9fs an~d CÇa This store, with the very spirit of youth as an inVpelling inf.luene, an- nounceg, te completed p;reparations for he1pif.serv,,ice ini the inatter of outfittjng ýlildren in Atîtuma appar- el. The Aèliltion of Coat sand Dresses presents styies for every preference and ei iy age. WÜFitted -s' n aOt!lselectiflg your Fail apparel j>yq In sl hould ile ted aIifBloflîe Corset If elle wlshes to atteig1L neW silhouette. Corset de- stgndrs <hce givefl ffuih thougilt ta Fali Ino keeping with enw stylef. *ev models ame, If posible au- prfo* to',thpse of the ýPast. We are tes- tuintg aS the new models In Gossard, jC. B.-La Ppirite, Redfern, Warners.and Nemo. R. 1 -se..- I -thet Ieiud exqui- ite charm to fil f rocks. T las a delightful ser- vieta Introduce t0 you thee new "!,u 1919" Silks. Their 1 ery heauty Siggests thet lit Ule dded trimndungs le necessary othe tilan self 1 -lý. -

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