CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Sep 1919, p. 11

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LIBoYVUL INDPENDENT, TERSRDAY, i8EPTEMNBER.18, d- - JUD<iE LAnDIS DE* Mnus TO KNOIW BEER OWNERSI Isue Subpoenas for nun ofMen in Hope of Estab. ishing the Fact. IS CONTINUED TO FR11 BULLETIN. RUM SEIZURE 18 TESTEO N SUPR EME COL SPrinnýficiui, M.. Sept. 17.-Ail rEcull 19)Ih Siifipncourt tn deg thle t-otliit hit t y orni @ gel, and se mle , t Iwas fiiid today ID 1hî.v *lail]UisWho was cofl in -NCI I-1'Er ienry and flned $1 n ni fo i r violatio<n of thea .Marpqiîs wat arrested while ti lirtt'7 Iii i uor Irojm .1iil waulkeo to4 FAMOUS ARTisTIj To APPEAR WAUKEGAN I E~l'.proinefli Wa g:îîî ~ ~ 11;1] it ii Siii-Plans ta ;a c'1h ilr', (!i hi itdy. hy ari f l E , 1h11roihitai in. 'i1n-i .4i- as pretenti lai rl Til]i,-i i i - n file 1 hofir îi' ,cIe atroizi/d Xi.'ltut -ii-Pori-m tuai lit r ,a if'- 1ina ny Siithocriptîln5 Ir ji nl'andl viinitl 'i '~W.>i -ga (hamin lofr(,i i> r. -e nt husitntiç fver CwitEr, a.ndi as gvn ifiits full t y('Ourse Is comPrisci A f4 'T., Uiil 0f th, chic <t il t ,'a anti a-k nowledged Ui ihi- greatest colaratura Bor 1V-ý ,î'T 1lit, concort itage. Paul Aithouft or tif th,, %letropoîlian Opera wlt Nie Xorli rritiî-,compare- tu C4mt f;a110îî ti- isLîn DiaiiiiEiiand ultrar (h-ut E î'mlE,-ir n ho lsan an.rtist l '-tN- A 'ilET'INI-Feb. 26 iJtilitind'!i gE-at,'st niolinisi and SO El)AD I) NtON-The Spanînl C< oratîla, alto Creatcd greai coînniý in musir rircles last year. CHIARtLES Af2FlLl CA MAN k- PRIN('ESIS 'PS[lNINA AiiriI -M.Cadman la probably i ~rî(' living -A.Xnercan compo.9 and atithoritv on Indian music. iI "viii aiscar in Joint recitali wth Tsi SIna tiçýIi~ndi:în Prinresr,. (sotprano) E-('olrse tii-hei ofiret a redutt of 40, Pelrso(ns lnierested Bhoîîid imnu lEttly eomtlncate wth Vr. Trarhs at hIs studiio, 10)6 N. GeneseeS Studito Phione 277. Honte phonne 219 Wturtans ail Subsi'riphons mu bc i recelpi b>' Sept. 27. Wki3- RECHAKOL And when you do tell you about the STI with THRJEADED RU Côgbw'eu Str 116 and 118 Madison flEAnd cago ln an ýautomobIle truck. The al W'î IILLJILTS WAUKEGAN GIRL lîquor and truck were seized. Ma, NA M ONORI~ I(ES quis claima a- nuMber 0f errors itl Can't &et away te marry you to- the trial court and aac attacks dir" IUK. O flU l dey-my ralife wont let rue,** aug a eûtiy the -constiqutior"îty of the UIIE jIJ.""VAL- handsome Young officer atrthe Great Up sPart-b and saizures act under which liLake- naval traInIng station a pew hie îwae eonvit-ted. days ago ta a popular Watîkegan UE LaF. P OPER Yaung waman to whom hi' had bt-en l3afore .Iudge K. M. I*ndis of the paying atîtntion for severali nonths tbrfederaI court yl paso on the* prapo- Delae The ae eo A n ewouem et as te gaed.iti- abr illon of the trucks an lieer whlch he aePrp aln b whOmevas tenegati. n - have heen aselzed by the oMiaIsaet: Interest Sufficient to JUS- 0f the couple vas madepupii,c wo Zio1s Cty hie Insiste upon knowingi tify Giving TiMie. cr ihrep menths ago. The yoiing ý te ownership of the bern He In- man appeared with a handsoittp en- eîti upon belng intormed Who soja gagement ring ai the samte lime. To )AY the beer and to wham It vscn OBJECT TO 30 P. C. PLAN. frienîla site admIntted tht th,, 'neddlng slgned. This development occured la - vas to talrp place as soo.1n a lifant federaI court ln Chicago today. . It develops that lwo or three pro- c"e, an officer ln the aviation depari- Judge Landis issued surbpoenas fur 1 minent miilnaires of Lakce Forent mçnt i Great Laites, recivEd hs Milwaukîee brewars, for thelr agents ztPPeared before the Board Of Revlew <iscliarge frram the, service. Thpy OUR1 In Kenosha, for the drivers and forf Tuesday and obJected te the plan of werp ln eacit ather's campany almost the books. Alil are te be present ln raising the valuations there 3o,,,, constanîly, attending many ort he ap fedi-ral court Frîday ut whie time Thesé men came back, howeler, witb fa.nlionable dances. ecide it le expected there wlii be a full the suggestion îhat a revainatian of With ntch anticipation the yotîng arch hcaring on the case., the- ProPerty In Lake F'orest be made woman looked forward te0il, lime by The court dia net indicate today anI'd they astonished thte board wahen -ahi-n 'lier" afficer would roceivi- his Icied hmw hi' feit wjhh regard hote pro- hîvsald tht-y themselves pereanaîîy uiit'charge from tht- service. sh' vas I,00(1 Position, hie only deSire att hisptrm, wou it ae tht- rtvaluation and depiirhted when hie ld lier the- date. at-t. apîarciitî'l>, elng ta establali tht- wauid not charge the county or the~ "Then w-e can get marid righ' rans oa-nenhip of the beer. Once this le Ilty a cent for doing Iis arduous awa-" *slip whispered. ('irtabiishced be la ready te proce-d Pii'tP of work.Atailhe vnfu arried wiih olhî-î degilg of the case. Thi.4 kind offer an the Part 0f tht-se The 'otîng offcer laid slde hhti uni- Attoney . V.Orv-9, eprelenin men illustrates tht- public spilrited frrni'anil donned bis "civn'is' Then RIN thie truck drivers, Atly. A. V. Smith, men thal a î'lty Ifke Lake Fort-at lias lie mate his vaY to the homeo ofEhe. repru'stnl1iI. tin -atorney gen.edal. Tlisy exlainied Ihat ihey felt called youing woman who expe<'tl,-dtl) lbe- and States Attorney J. G. Welch vert- ilPion iii do something in tii mat~ - ýoni hi. tbride uk- the Waukegan attorneys preseot etilt-r because îhey fel that if thep val- ,,Xn to as hie ciinîd lie hrokl, the ge te heiring today. ut-s in Lak" Forest vere equaiized onls to lier. He toid bier tlîîî much ia. itTe aubPoenae are retunrable Fr1' ihatIil would reaijît ln as mut-h aildi- as lie Wouid iik,' la go aheati wili thé, tists day. liernai laxes Sa th.p thirty per cent rIans as arrangea that thi-re vas a he co:timanefor vhose offiiais hûi rzorlai raine eau liring at the- pre- strhi ,which stood lntliv wy- S. Val]Iliatz Brewing Company. Il wan explalned that the time lias Il(,' wa about to returit. bY Pabst Brewing Company. Paasned w'hîn lhey t-an do sut-h a 'ut' - been a bully gootd paE.l,"ep .Miler Iligh LIfe Breving company. hlEin as revalue the- properly in L.ak<e naidl,'and we bave had many god ai- Al are Milwaukree concerna. Tht- Forest and accardingly. their offer limes îogethpr. Titis may be snabhy roei disiributlng concern invoived la the muet lie taken advantagt- of later If lreatinent on my part but i longad Seidpr-Prîru Brothers af Ienosba, ut 'ail. for tie companionsh4p of a ynung om- Win. However, tht- offer of thesle men te voman wite 1 vas in the servit-e. I thet The- charge 113 tiat the beer vaa go out and do this diMlut tank ap- Owe vol' a big dabt Of gratitude. Yeu I-n" sbtped by rail front Mlwaukee to thse pealed ta the- Board of Revit-v as a nîay keeti the- engagement ring" Selder-Prîru Brothers and turned ovar very wortliy dlnplay of public spirlted TheijnOElg voman vas net nearly a Of by tharu ho tht- beer-runners. vno ctilzensihip. go lhearlbroken aibe officer llEotght would have bruoght It te Chicago If ___________Ihe wolid he. She la still wearing 6- the redoubtable Constable Earl Cas.-OS LDI ALthe ring and oad related the details cage perron of Zion boad flt lnterferred. BOSHL AI of t4 eafair te a number of at-quain- as 'Thethirty-fIve saloon and reatur Frank Joyce and Bay lggins, tht-ilnces. pra. &ot men are tht- Chicagoans ta vhom twa yauths arirested ln Chicago and Name.'> Oh. what's tht- us4e the- beer vas consigned. thargea with thet- ieft of tht- Frank _________ Tho wbolesale order for subpoenas \Vright auto ah Libertyville Saturday. vas Prt-cipitate>d by a request trormwrp heid ln $2000 bonds est-b an A ý'iatEry b# ve1frhing 4,000 Chartes Mtddle*auoi maistat .19 Tuesday be:ore Magstrate Morris of PIEtld9 and coating $1300 vas dedi- the attorney gent-rai of hUibos, tirat iîlbertylviiP- ,O .siNl~c&ga f0oltce ratled by Btshop Muldoon at ihe St. the fleet of trucks now freld in a lad turned the pair aver to marsbal Lim- llary's t-hurt-h ln McHenry Tue.sdaY. ierai reeversnîp under an order berry an lis assurant-e that Lakte On liEe hpi] are fnscrihed namer af 56r fromt Federal Judge Sanborn ta e eCtinry would prosecute titen. Ana- MrHenry county boys Who died ln relurtled tn the tate to hae dtspose4l il Je about time auto thieves under. the var. "In gratitude to God for of under the searcb and saizurea att. st<'ud ihat lhey're GOING ta Le- pro- tht- vittory of cuir arMna vhlth thase .iudge Landis began asking ques 5'ct-d tel tht- luait. Iterops of Mellenry county gave their 1 tiens. _Who vas the recelver? Wkere lives" is rhe inscriptIon in raised let. vert- (lie truckts? Who dia. tht-y be- ecaon h ono h e h lop3g, Io? What kind of beer vere OptimitlleTiauht.hlshnp laPped the bell once for each lhë- hauling'> Who vas tlia be We have mai17 di'm fat tlakait ,Rold!ter whost namne appears upan the 'golng to? Wby bad't somethbng hIg la our pslgrtmag.. imeînorial. -been dont- about It before? - ___________ The represantatlves or tae bat -i-______________________________ terests and of the state did thel, Lbest, but Judge Landis was fao fast fer theru. Pnally he burst fO!rth tu Fam ous characteristlt- style vtb an order to Jose Sullivan, dent of thea court. .Subpioenas Are Ordored. A t s u i i n "Get me subpotenas for ail thase A t s u i i n p)eoPle," he sald, 'and malle tht-m re- turnabie Friday. Then we t-an put will ippear in the tbîs ting Into court. and may'be sift soame ense out of if. In the meantime1 tbe truciks t-an stay wbera tht-y are.', re.E .Ove akgnatre, A '-'oended te sea Agofihe lee s C ourse U.01teInterstate Cmec ct n nthe - Tewas teeoeunconstitutional. - ,m- "Tbere i la certain element that ofOfly lia. use for îth,('onstitution when Il gels titim into îrou')le," ne- a e t c h a r 6plied Judge Landis. 'I vant suhpane- olis for ail the trot-k driv-er, owners Col- 'ifthe ht-pr, and awner,4 of tht- truc-ks a -ea f-nt asnd 1 vant tht-m ail ta appt-ar btfore 14) o'tlark on Friday martt1ng"1 AD Judge Landis aisa orderd subpae' s aas-*' A-nus for St-hlizand laîz hrewing Asfine aoeries a n ofrd o h Û Pl cOsisr n thMiwe eadahr public by any city in the County.i.s ' 50'lnplctj nIh ransportatlornof1 bi le IntOxicating lîqiior into Illinois. to be, presented to the eo le'fWa ke ýan- Alt-r tht- judge bhad namred s,>,rai, e p opleof W"' e l)ie taked in hi, sharp lîghhening flash gon, Lake iFqrest andu vas.afiiy byE'3 ' tin marnner. "Have 1 averlooked ay.r> rc sli teA ts o re body In ('xtanding tihe invitation T ahe nteAt s o re tel- ,lst I1'lon't vant t10 hurt anyhodys sel feelings"1 St., Judge Lundis aise notifled the et Prices A re as Followrs: 19() loi-nya for deefndanhs that lie vant- Cour»e aaate of Single iust ed tht- truckts kept ln the Jurisdiction 5 Concert@ Performance -Nh of thle court. Nl____li__Min F1001- i .................... $6.00 Iplus fax $2.00 plus tax -I-'r- st 5 î'ows baleon-y ....... $4.50 plus tax $1.50) plus fax 7 ~~lelîaiîîiîg row's bal ... $3.50 plus tax $1,00K plus tax «a 11 aI ... .......,..................$2.50 plus fax $ .75 plus tax MAfiîî fît' bxs (8 seats) $65-00 plus tax 1) and REBUILT lony bxs (8 seats) $55.00 plus fax tneed a new battery let us ILL BETTER WTLLAItDCIPOTADML 'JB BER1 IN SU LATION. CI U.ADMI ige Ba,ôt<'ry,,Çp. EMI L TRACHSEL Phone 2022 106 North «'encsect Street- Waukegarti. Traci -You Can Use Farin Tracteganufactus tractos,this con*% <yenr. While there wiU bc thou bet soMeLm ownem Who i iong that it wl!) be hupoUIbI> iur Fordson' Lor Now It Throughiout the Wlnter Mer Wini U unable ta suppy the dmand fSi M"d of Fardion Tractasisrae, stull, th-r- vii I vent Fardons and wiildelay tht-jr aider, so ae mire af getting your Fardson. Order it now.-_Stait it ta woik for - you right.away.- There are maffid-ent drow-bar and beIt Jobs on your faim ta ha dome /between nov and spsiig ta keep the- Fardson bucy carmuif mont-y faor , - thouul'out the- lntt-r. t ' And wh- urigcames, yau vili have yassr Farion, ready hibrthee irst 'f sprutg job. hou vii hafamlliar with its operation, so that youvlll att 100 rt-suifs thraughaut the- year. Pulls Two 14-Inch Plows-Operates On "T~ Cheap Kerosene-Runs Your Beit Mhnes -, Tht- liordsan will pull two 14-incli bottoms in the- stiffest mils a fl *bave enough reserve ief t over for the peak loada. ! The Fordson operatesasuccensfuliy, economlcany. on cheap kero.ene.P . .t.&» neio x e ,.j.,.. And its 22 H. P. in the- beIt nke it cp&be f unnng y u pin t ~ i k ratai', you' com hsumke, yaar hulýçr, yaur ulo flUitr, hoy haler; l isabotit! t mppes- a steady, ecanoaîlcal, dependabie power for anl hit jobs vithln kU Ct=- idat-t- tht- Fa boa. Ltus give you a folr demibing it.,- s' e .~: .1 Ask Anybody AFTER THEY HAVE SEEN THZ SHOW AT ~'H~stîc - Sunday, September 2 1, '1 9 -and they wiII tell you that Waukegan is again on the show map, and is getting the Big Loop Vaudeville -at Loop Prices Sundays Only, Startinr September .2lst 7-l.,Big Acts--7 ,4t 3:00 P. M. - 7:15 P. M. - 9:00 P. M. Admission-30c, 40c, 55c; Including Tax I.-

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