CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Sep 1919, p. 12

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~NT -1919. Supwifor Style., and Unparaleled Values Feature Thee--- Lake Co's. Greatest Store Éor Women'aS i Children'sApparel -.j Effecta in the Neweat BLOUSIES For FALL Pretty Wirthmor moûsets at 1.50 and 2.50 Crisb. tregh new voiles and atgaudie- sugd-voile cambinations arrive almost dai- 17 la thense Wrthmore blouses sold onlY at HEINS in Waukegan. Silk Waists to $5 -at 3.9 8 Heavy'silk crepe de chines andi georg- ette epe blouses are available ln a var- lety af stylet; anti vanted colorîng8 ret- tfly embetisheti, at $3.98. Blouses For Wear With Fail Suite 6.98-$ 10-12.98 $15 8.50 1 We believe any wotna "blouse- visite." can be accommodateti ln these emaprehenslve assortulents with their vide prive range. Mauy entirely new mwdels are shovu ln the short-tie-in- baek. sash-trimrnet andi overthe-skirt 7 blouses twa ai vhieh are pictureti above wth. nove! collars, leeves and trim- mlIng. lu navy, brown, white, flesh, etc. An Impressive Array ai New Modela in Theae DRESSES For EaIl Are Sellin9 at- $j5, $359 125- (7hoosing a des. front this copious col- lection la at once pleasurable anti pro., Iftable bacause ai the great variety of ctlusive styles, reasonably priedt andi »o convenlently displayed lu the inost' apaclous and best vantilateti dres.ssec- tUa iln Northern llinols. Here are dresses af serge. tricotIne, wool jersey, tricolette, paulette, satin crapes anti eomblnattous in the most exquislte styles. SUik and Serge Skirts to 7.98 at 4.98- We are closingý out tîzese ikirta of slk poeIitsi in wanted colora snd styles as weil as tbese skirts of novelty serges * Wool Plaid and 'Novelty Silk SKIRTS at 898 to $25 A naest appealilng collection of bantisoae skrUa-soft Scotch vo~ualinu Iusualplaids, dbecko, etc., sud heivy ailks of vond.trong wmveveand colorg keUV Qw eshovlnt. $135.O- Marmot Coat Very Spechsl at $9Àn7-50 A very pretty coat la this onp. ai na- tural marmot, matie In the baose, hoxy style sud It ie a great zargalu at $97.50. $225 Mink-Dyed Marmot Coat $-162.50 This coat oi mink-dyed marmot la beautifuiy marked anti has a large col- ar ai naturai opposstan with deep cuf ts $42.50 Mink Chokersf mat 1$25 "Fit-Right" Sateen and Silkoline Petticoats Speciall y Priced, at 193 An a.g.etrtiment ai newy "Fit-Rlgh t" pet- t1coats lu pretly sateens and ilîkolines ln a number of wauted colorings and very ulntîsu,, styles ln al sizes have b' en specially priceti at $193. To $9.50 Silk Sweaters To C lose Out mit The New Ruffled Slip-Over Sweaters 5.989 7.509,9.75,s12.50 Many absoluteely new styles are being shown ln this variety of button and slip- over wool sweaters in a complets range ai colorings and sizes for wcmen and misses. C_..,4Sale ai Children 'a Apparel For School Wash Dresses Ail Sizrea up ta 14 1 9 2!!,3~ Neat, tylish, Inexpensive wa8h dress- eig for girls tram 6 ta 14 are shown 'bere lu a vide range of clever new styles ln plaida, stripes antd plain colors. - Wool Dresses $5 and 7.50' Girls' dresmes for achool ln yodl plaid, serges andi vool and s11k combîn- ations are being showa i na nies array ai new styles at 15 ta SZ,60. ChitdÈen's Wool Sweaters -4.98 Nearly every chlld going ta achool needs la warm voal sweater. Theme cenm ln simes from 30 ta 34 ln good colarings andi styles anti are reasanably priceti at Children'a Ne w- Fail Coats Warta, sibug-looking coats a forthe younger folks frastio t 14 are ready in the new style. and fabrica. Many are trimmeti with fur or fur fabrlc and are either belteti, pleateti or button trimmeti. Silk Hose to l.O' L -at 69c Women's silk4.and silk boot hase values lncluding plain and striped1 i naîl colore ln 89c, $1.19 and $1.60I affects are prtced'for clearance ati 69 cents.J llundreds of Suits To Select From at- 22*50,27 0937 ~0 $45, $50, 625 Probably no description however lengthy meaus ga much to *'suitlmunting" vT A MEPO E Smen and Misses af Waukegan and' vieinlty as the simple statement that- Hein Styles are instantly accepted lu this community aq the lat word in clever Suite. Smart Suits ln Serges. Trîcotines. Velours, S11liertones, Braad- Clotho. etc.. are included in this collection according to price. Some are fur trimmed, others are quite plain, ail colors. Waukegan 'a Larges t Assortmente Autumn 'a Neweat Millinery 9.75 912t5-09$15 Particularly large and varisti is thîs assortment oa fl NainHa intnthe aewsst and naost becoming modela. Black Ly- ons Vlvet dreas bats are stunning with 7 glycerineti ostalch and burnt goose trinaminge. Otberq are finisheti with sIl f ver trocsde and ncsvel facngs of ruse, bitte ad beaver. Taffored Street Hats 5.00 and 7.50, Includeti ln this collection are a mum- ber of street bats 1 nstriking turbans, hattera' pliisb and velour tailoreti hats ln the neyer shapes suttable for every- day weer. Hem. also are some very at- tractve tams ln velvet ln black, beaver, »IF Mmd taffl. SMOCKS For School Wear Wanted styles in lawus and 11latviet' materlals lu white and colors In ail sizeà tramn 6 ta 44 are ready. Smocks to 2.50 at $1.L98 Smocks to 3.9a at $2998 Some New Mus lin PETTI COATS 1.49 anid 1.98 i'iettly nmade and trimmed in i.. îrI ty z tzrapidly at theKe prives AI' ;z4é 0yI tiPvm îee ni uslin pet t icoaisa;hould tsilite 0411Y. 10900 Musin- -gozwns -corset covers 'chemises 2.50 Colored SiIk Corset Covers -at 1.98 Plain navy or na',y silk corset env- ers with gold or other color"d eml)roiti. ery as veli as corset cav e rslu flesh and vsry caot-aed brocadtd sllks. Front and Back Laced CORSETS mat 2.50 Tis s a very niodvst price L.ut a very gondi corset lu bark or front lace in wanted styles andi most ail sizes. Brocaded Corsets $5 and $6 The". two I rires aftot-d an opportun- ity t oas oflontou back and front lace modela lu corsede of plain or two tons broosiet effeets In the neweat Fail style&- Ultra Stylish Models In Warm Winter Coats Are Attractively Prioed at- 16=~2 5t0-9$3 5,49~ -In Sizes for Womefl, Minses md.Juniors Coats, that lu their every lins anti styliesairl of their graceful 'akirts revea i te hidden sklll of Amerlca'K mogt expert tailler, are offered inl a bewild 'ring ensemble af newly created models -oi rlch velours. noveltY Clothm, silvertones. broadcloths, uobby mixtures and plushes. Four Coats are illustrateti above. -ýOther Coati, 37.5.0, $65, 89..5 01 $100

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