CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 18 Sep 1919, p. 9

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LAY£ OUT IDP ~ViLJiINDEPENDENT IEMNT' Lake Counry's. Big Weekly m.e.a .r... ,. -QumNWFKY U PART TWO UIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT.SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. ~~EN 15 MUDIEN SLOADS SgrnZa» was necessary before the truck coutil PIVE MUfT NEAR DEERFIELD M L P O>J M EN 1 U1)IEN lca- s go onudrd ataftten eer i y tîg a knla hebol s e or iige Rasmusseniofn Lkesidp POC RIC % Ni T R and seven tons, a bundred and flftY and then refond ItL of the overturned Packard limousine T IÂ A of beer, were seized by ZMon consta'o- ln thîs connection lit ddvelops that Bay Road alMody WHEN IT'S ILLII> day night aobut nine o'ciock on the a tourlng car by Constable DePew proteaîed, "'Lest Sunday the thrpe I E U n orth and south road ieading. ta and lis asistants. Tliey saw a tur sisters, who are achool teach- Strange Rulinj of Fox Lake O',riiee ad but a l eos opf te ls ngCr cnl aga4hae r n dear frIends were visiting me Deneen Move to Get Papers Jusic W en Men Ar Zon rod ndaiios1 PPe~ jnorîlh agaln with DePew atter hlm. I aj!ked my brother, Arthur lne, aeinRadFis Charged with Violation. This la the greateat amount ofl between the two drivera and the the car. My sister, Mise Dagny flan- Prosecution of thoe eght milk pro- __________ beer yet taken in two ladssince strangers car went fastest. Up billsen, was wiît them und s a ydcr hre ihabtayfxn DI ytaevr nw ha amu.hnthe raids began. It was the firt andj down, along level stretches, 12-Year oid son, eVrfltiii the pr;ce of mallkit n northern Illinois: Di o vrko htamdhnraid minclenlat Friday night. There- arclund corners, through wooded 'When they reached the point oee1qltyTedymrigI i a long bird? .,fore mtfer tire lapeseo! the excitement truckis, and through 10w places, sped where fiopefil ettae turne itito Creen Chnicgo. uedy onigi When you hid tritthe bul.rusheand the beer runners apparentiy tbought the two cars. Severai rimes Dellew Bay Road the -back wheets kidded hi ai eno.c 00ha e1 !lttd for à fiock «f ducks or mud- the authorities had Jet up in their was alniost upon the victlnt but final- andi the car overturned. 'Fortula teiNi Speciaveteo10 Ins t cene otier dld >'o. ever hour iearch. iy as îhey aproached a number of no oneS~pnt ~eat p cCalled and betore adjournment four h. mudbans singlng a lulaby? Tw9_ men were on each truckt andi hil up near Russell the bigger tar No one waîs sriously burt. Miy boy Chicagome ha ben tatey Weil it happeneti at Fox Laits Tues- they were ait taken ito tlie Zion hulied away from the confitahie andi cîcaped withaut a scratch. acceptei by bath state and defense.1 [y that a muti hen waa classeti as Jail. wa ilnally lait ta slght. The belle' "iiargaret Carolan recelved slight' Aistant State's Attorney Marvin! isang blrd and thus it eatablisheti The four men were arralgned tefors was that the driver puileti Into some' sca:p ,vn,îndis. Agnes hati ber back flambhart, prnsccuting the case, que&-' OV the Ilritim,- in a courttbe fact Justice Bishop and gave thon0 names yard, waited for the constable ta pass 1 wrenc ied and Beatrice, the tna tineti the prospective Jurons aboutl malt muti-hens shoulti ho ciassei as Frank Maetse, 723 W 60th St' hinm anti the9 double tracketi on the miiter. was brUiged about the iml,a. their attitude toward union labor and; ong birds and tîterefore came undr Wm. O'Connor, 7840 S. Hasteati. trait.l. %fiss Hansen hurt her.elbow àiighl. Iheir kilawiedge of former Gov. Don-' ho law wblcb protocti long bIrds. Andrew Seaman, 1747 W 59th St. 1iy. lyv brother was bruised. Thcy en, aoquaintanceship with hlm, or Thedaymarln Gat0 aiina Chais. Wiiiman, 6240 8. Monroe Av. ENOUGH BEER TO FLOAT A e were ail lrealed by Dr. Patton at afflliation with bis poitical faction, oberta Schultz a e Mîie 0f Each waa piaced under 11000 bonds Glencoe and the Carolan aitera acre NIr. lencan ts caunsel for the tiefense. toe chulzanrdtt sxfre ilerwo and taken ta the countY Jail. There are 175,00 bottles of beor takien ta their home ln Deertieid." HP nmQved that the paliers selxcd Nest arestd sx foeigerswho The raid was staged under dilrec- stored at the Zion City police et&- The t'îro'an sisters are canfined ta by the state's attorney ln a raid on kd tomne out from Chicago ta bont tion of constable Casperson and as5- lion. The total capture of te polio@ their beds andi expect ta remain there tbe miik praducers' association heati-. ti Fox Lake. The hunting season msled by Coitabica StrIet j and under the direction of Constable Fartmoule daym. Miss Margaret Carolan qîtarters twat years ago sbouid he Weneti on Montiay anti sccortingiy llrunkas. ('asperson amouilted ta 23 auta truckis waa ýuffpring ftramn a bad cut wbicb given back. The motion was aver-' butey m wer dens werefeon the It develops that the owners of the 6 louring cars, and one dump wagon,. severeti a vein in ber fareheati andi ruleti, Jutige Fitch asserting there ob andt tey piaced six oftem n t rucks hv i a0arneet i fwk eebaiyldn %slh she had lait a quantily of blooti. Shp wa nothlng ta bo gaineti by granting Irrst n he hare f soctng tot hault te beer tramt Kenosba ta WViaconsin beer. B'~ a teacher at the Patrick lenry itliet this t:me. Thbis ruilng wa. co- andi oenIe cre t shoog hiîcago on the bais of one dollar a One of these trucks cantained Sehooainw Chicago. Her siter, Bea. sidered an initial victor>' for the Tmd bons bofo eor e Junice cse. ,Thesetruec wentnorfh eariy 6.000 botties of beer whcn se z',i. andi ftrice,' leachels sehool at Everett, îwo stale. [yens, three of thom pleaded gniity ensa onn. Teooeithavrg ub rbtlstaa -.D.Dld. The tiefendants are Charlos H. Pot- md ccptti ins ! 25 nt cit they hati been able ta get back tu' truck was 4500. If one were ta laite Dr. Patton recallodtheit caae andti 1r, chairman of the producers' seu- oth ae tis.Chicago ane wouid have cloared a a iieep into the itapretentiaus pOlice s-aidth tgail cf the passengersof the- c ai Ion: W. J. ]Kittie. Robert M. loee.akb o h undred and fifty and theoather a ban- statien referredtiat by Attorney Re- limousine had hall a narrow e.icape Onsatn.HRoy LewiCitnJ op *wvo, ukitartiic soGontnoti retiandti fiteen dollars. mus as a 'uhack,."lhe wotld find f reu, death. or, William A. Gaodwini, Arnoldi Hu- rhey were each fineti $10 and conte s p w d ar e trdu lad h e n rn .Ree sut the charge was changeid tl easiiy wben cft tem leading tha I doorwaY, a Iltile easl of the stairway !Of botties piiad up waist higb. fleer AssJstant states attorney@ Irwin bootin long îrtis.Tho miim1m-a,-.,an catrry ing an enortnouss [ast, he ---uId ind scores of cases of' Bepr! Taik sobut beer! W~hv ZionN Waernd icosMihlar us orn satong b gam Te miimum o unditclear dawn ta the hubs as it 1heer pilej up, andti atthe rear, known fCity bas cnough biser ln storage ta N aidigBrnaIn tihpol s ceutiare Ise of $25 and thereforo by cha came ta a iow kpot In the as the stable, lie would findit lousantis float an armaured cruiser. lus the charge long birdé anti cia--» I4g the muti hons as song birda the jstice wau able ta put the fineto 110. The titres Mon Palti the fine. ThPre la a lange nUmbor o! doPuty Same warticns working in Fox Lakte Vlclnity jut now when the hunting "*.son La oPened Up and the number et hunters aie h uaid! ta ho unusual- 1Y large at thiq time. BEER AIUNNING WITH PILOTS Tbey are running the beer tramt Wsconsin Ct,es Jnta Chicago anti Iown the north shore in a very lystematle manner. The fact la they 1 F 'ding it by sending aut scouts advance and rear. it really ro- a nionc a! the army. maneuvers the way the beer runners are try- Lsta avaid détection. A representative 0f the Daiiy Sun Onw a forcetul illustration o! Ibis si- tuation o, Wedneiday atternoan when iging ta Libertyville. He t00k the BuikPY's Hill route wst front Five Pointu. Ai he drew bar the bridge at the river a big rucit waa comlng dawn Bulkley bil. ru0 driver motioneti for hlm ta wat Outil te trUcte atîseti im on the taut side o! the brige because the gosI :aide i rther farrow. The roung man itopl)ed. Aithie big truckt anme across thé bridgp be saw It was Iatied with barrels. As teé car droPPcd off the bridge ta the raad hc eard botai grattling irtheUibarrea Very perceptibiy. Ie imileti as ho roeed edi on up teé billand upon irvlg ai tho 1.11lie naticec. an em- t>trit nantia ituFord 'witha anstanding alongslie. Il. looke rther susp'cicus so the Sun mani Irovo mb othe Yard and lwatcho-J the pceadîngs. He saw thpý mati standing at the ddo o! the Ford fitmotin t the truckt nartb and indicatA liai he shoulti east on the Buikiey roati. 'fli Plck turned east. In a minute along ante stother truckt andi then anotber, .uking four ln ail thaI matie the turn ound the llulkley bill bridge. Shortly afttr the man in the Fard Sot ta the wheei anti startad ta fo. tw the trucksi. The enupty truck gollwed i hm aiotig. The reporter went on ta Lîbertyville @ut happetedt t take the south route home b>' the way o! Rentient. As ho reacheti Teiegraph Rond he ,,w a Ford sanding alongslie the mati anti saw a mat ini the bighway. _ . woddif it was the samte man L" ehbti seen on Milwauktee Ave- proýve t f to he the case. Swa truckt coming frot the bOrtit a1011g Toiegrapb Road. The ,an standing on Rontaut Roati mo- < Oned for the truck tato eep on ging bth aIang Teiograiîb Roati. The Pln man kept a SoIng anti itoppeti a bort distance away anti watcheti this reedlng. In a minute aiong came cit numbor twO thon titres anti nfour. The>' ail passeti on along dont Rond aver Teegraph Rad the Armour place. The man h the Ford Jumpeti inte, the car d foliowed along. New thon If Ibis lin't a systematîc ner of rutining beer tiown btte h shore tell us wbat Yeu would It la very aPParent that the>' are the heer running- wlth the use who watcb the ativance anti sear guard. Autumn Opening Saturday, Monday and Tuesday '*1 * W-MgN' --s Waukegan, t-xendedoal'i XS WMAPS> _- SPTS'WÀ ACcFSSO'Z4 XCWOWE» POUR PAGES $1.5() PER YF~AR IN LDVANOE. $5 DOLLARS DO WH AND -bings this - Kitchen INTO YOUR HOME! Orgenize Vour Kifichen Like a Business Ofleie. 1Save Food. Save a n gour a Dey. Sellers Kitchen Cabinets wifo cati owin one on auch liberal terme. Don't mise this ch'-nf v-',r hfe te purchas. one ofthose famoua "Sel- en MamraM Don t lot your *if ch.n duti.s take up AI >uur Uite. Ccîrne In today- See thîs wondertul Kitchen Cahtnet wtb the 15 star features tbat women bave always wanteçl. De oane of the thotîsanda of women wbo ligliten tlîein housework by using the "Sellers." Ask for a demonotration tada>'. ORLY $500OWNw raio&* i Nobreare sue pries that should interest you. It wil wen p>4# >?ou f0 corne- to our rn1*kt and pur- chase your meats Sait Pork5, -faucy sweet piekled side pork lean an3d fat lb ........................... 32c Sugar eured Break- fast Baco,- any size strip you waîît 40c ...b ................... Round or 'Sir-25 loin steak.........5 Siugar eîued regular hanis, gu.arantced30 Swcet as a nut 30 Sugar cured snioked Cala EkiinB 2 lb .............. ......... 3 Our regulaZ 2 pure lard .........32 lb . . ...... ............... .34c Shotilder Roast 16c ,)Poi.k Chops 35 na iv er .................. ..3 5c..... h 'I I B 1< Il p Il R c b a e t' h Si s 3 b Il pi n u - - Oum m ~Jvoo» èe C«JM commed vvawaàmluwa 6~418 tolu. XXVH.-NO. 38. 71 m wi Pork loin i WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN $1.50 PER YFIAR IN ADVAXCIL m

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