LIBERTY'VILLE ,LAKE COUNTYIDEEDN INDEPENDENT VOL, XIXVII,-NO. 39. TWELVEPAGESLTBIGRTYVThLFILAKE <N1IN"VTY. TMfl4-T TrDR.QA t -- - ______LOSBERME IM g T DS APPROVE ROAD PROGRAM NEWSCIOOLANDSIM SO TO DIS 4 prCee kiganSeptember 2;I, NORE SIMMONS JCTEfl~ Waueganep r-,~ ., The supervisors thls morning vot( d IR U IITERS HOlMD I T The starte ryof n wind todaybefaore led-pgîauioff ne oad M tenid S L .h I L n J JJ O U S E the truc ïç? ' or how m ch ln 2.7 ? " OJ l U L . > t î ! rn lAlI s A A U T t NA R CI OMUIIj44LAVIO erai Judge Landls In hie Investiga- m' O' e CNnt to ostupwrds in7o IfH I tienof te ber augglng wich000. The corimittees programnu n airo ie ersugin hc 'cudes roads as folows: St. 4ay's Parish at Fremnont s hengc/ ome fiteetruc ngd h. Over $11,000 of this Amount Iogad P elgakt riloid ligin.îshOi Center Proud Over its Fine automnobiIl. loads of Milw'aukee brew WiII Go To the Schools of Wood togh 01aktuD.eled 1b hsio f or Revie witfRegrd t New Structure. de2tjied for Chicago thirsty. The ýown of Waukegan. )a iiri Frlial Aid road i Ivan- e wwTh eadt Ftoplag appned varZionCityand lire; airi,,ýo i wo nits northMany apaes wsdn yloofiil.Wiïeconda t10,'lVilo; Hainosvile tai ~apaes WILL cosT ABOUT $10,0-00' waingi dou e byZI>no humciehCt off FROM STATE 2 MILL TAX Roundi l îLak, Villa toi Aniochb Thng sarc t hm ihîof iione il- nZirîn Cit. ;Ureen Bay ACTION AVAILS NOTHINé St ar aI r h roen Jatthe bat whon Judge Landis, foilowing T. A. Simp.son, cûtinty superInten'1- Ii eininid flounWashington tot Waus St. ,Iar"i ibis mummoning two days ego 04 Pm- dent of sobools, bas lunt prepared iously aw rît 0,, te coinpli on of th, and î,tlcals offour Wiscron- bis statement ru townsip treasurers W(,I>th i GeeilîardBoard o!r relew members have a Cliairnian ilairstow annotinced ntpr il the opinion that In many oa. IlW51,iadSi ha atn'Îi I)brwing bolises, tried te find out of Lake County of the amount of teillii i [diii- hiarthtie-state hrtapys nrw rho, an ng tr.'xpa>ir a t i av-e failed to tM thiîusand dollar împrovernent In rora Attorney Guorge Remus, repre- funds allotted ta oraeil township by %wbdle ieth onyaysa ernenntcssntte acl l which ail rei3îdent., whethhîr mem snt- îgtht owners of thie trurkm, and the stast- out of the two miii tax fund. HitýI i0nfey for thre ne-lt Iso years; Tt show wsiy thieir valuations have b -f:i o! thec Çlurchior fnthave bt-en the- heer vilat brd bt-cone of!thie The achool ct-nsus of ý1,8 showed ihi. bird noue for a vent'. The- rcasoii iueiii iee;e ae boom ke-enly lntet-ed as work bas pro-ltruek,, and also who signed the pe- li, re moet 25.068 pcrsons under Il ,i- thai tht- state aid mont-y La now OTlebîo0tui * Ya gîr'ruid. Ution or reci!ivenship that piaced yr ars of ige in the county. çile rate bilng aset-il a met the federal aldid h oosofirery this yer - money on relierai aid ronde. reacon a t tht-y have bt-en paffl Africnd oft ibi ariepr In feîîîng Ihi Test trucksi in tihe band- of State for distrihutîin le$1-21. %~ .'Ir. t'aîrstow sais that stiiîe otn-less taxes than tht-y silouJd lu U or the rOc ifichoo-slsters' bosaits-nlii'-oertWlsnatter Mr. Siiîiisuii's i Doit slioV, tirt Ot C' mlePst bosiersoi RoetWisnjais liav e tld hlmi' hit f1jomie 5t speas fi5 !t ad toliows and iLake Zioli officieis had packed tt-he ueri onOcîibtr 1, 9l he ifl u had0f sîtlronde Year but 'Thesp peoplee rvrdtntly are afrQ Coi.iry pe-ople wil ee hy the des- iaf"ly away ln a garage. 1arri'ined 10 $124 ci). The t- iv iîi orne of the AlpineUl ke Lakes in Mount Ranier National Park. 250 miiles bave bt-en finitiheddue 0thatriftht-y reine t us and are P111 crîption o! thà.mlprovement iliat a Judge Demande Information. r -lfrin tihe state this ytiir s gent-rai <cîrditons anîd due fo tht- unifer oath that Our qetiingW very attractive addition bas bteu car- AIl tht li to corne out toinorrow, f$313,01lî6, icogf-tht-r w-th intere8t on tht- ____ dealie t10 iko advarilage of the sixty reveai tie tact Ilertheyaut-sonng million dollar bondl issue raînds. bt-en payinî7mr ae o e ritQ brogu nFrenot:for Judge Lndii ftrr st-ries cf tiffs . !îuind o , n o mf 111t-'1It3,Tl666-17.itoado aleccnitte.9 t ' ,one nmember o ftle board &Mt I sbrick building wîh Atorney thtmuts, settled tho - ar d 'ir1birio 0f 336617. ER T roail Prognani was made by Webbad * - 1 fou rontage. fitid ai gumr ot by demandtng that Informe--iT Tbe evîdeîly ae3witing2.I&" Wrtl)i rht supervis2rs accepteil sunirvit-he mattr tbus., figuring that *4 achêci and aisttrhou8t- lu anc buiid- tho rnthIe location of the- trucks hie 1 -rThns under 21 yt-ars if aan-intîta' Ing iud htbuito.galiîw style but t- h' roiigit Imb court omorrow. a I l ýt ~a' d iuiach 1uii0iýhip n i su iii IH NN O T F O TS A LS I te eacikndne ttewilntasa hmaymr rooa rcbîil Tt-t- a bsehie iger o!hie ettin-cr i ,n onf îiey dl3triliiitî-d t1, *,'ilcoanty farm Thuraday at 1:30 iristead (bey bave ileen paylng. I C&au thia large portion of itvii be ltiished rgnnulM. emha-ve becxîan 1Ci $537TA R IDTYV~Iirr i L IN ION TYtI t\eredya Ilripane. 0 oobrrao h byaoj nient undcitî'eiientire building. A 8I stilat tilt-petition inuay ormii> p Pî'rsiion enumer $:5a'ill.i7 ' I II ILE IEI>I: Ii IThe- maltte e!p ofing oide faîlt-sond ho hour" i for a nîe-llng plceraof t sovominin outsyde fa(E. taiocesP4on' tawy urinotouse,»'a dat aal ~ialafais ortil- riinl n tiat od it, andmuha- he46-11 (Newport) 411 r5.Wa-e 7u.4]. qay rt e our, et cilote ang o sthe utoy lb. ard CM fe ametn PaecMtah.o pug ay ntt oin-s at, dcler the146 1 (. Anjoîh 81' Il126.91 , (1*11 îo t M tetororrow. ov ercr hesngois valatin u ci aeaatsca afiefrteoisbina eist an9lt oî, r. d46- 9(W ntob 1 1 17 a' Lrgining on ' Sundav mornluqg n. ii TMre Are Now 175,000 CiMlîî clerk Brockway's report whrhientcsavbauileg cRrh.cpeu'(uqgn -,,, -.- 1 hri ie-o.c .rîkti an aO referred to commîtet Pet-tho on InBome cases tht-y have Ptt *0 Th coibl w ere nteRmuknoibadme. 4511l (Warren) 477 639-18 «)n tht- Henry Cater place luit north ~ '" erront-ous Sassments for tbret pt-r- autosbcwerteyve4 back lea a malchapel ahicil lu Fire itnez Calîed 4-lt lo 80 î7 t,~iblyuead ue h-hjni Custody of Police. 5a eeretecOmle hIer cases tht-y have increase l o:17 st-parated trom thesechool by uîavîng git-ii bis orders regareding 45. 9 ( Grant> 379 i07 af, an shedsa te the- - _____o___ la-1aed for achapol. Ht-r.massesLbilettuvklla antht-ponehitne barntaBons12e(Serde1 62 2O27(>8tTert ialauatitns. Preprty ovuora u yullngbdoura 90t ett-e Sek brout tuckgnbh otto n is4-2(hed) 162 22-0 he property vas insurt-d for bt Th( ae 175W ot-s o ee UT IJUNI) 0Ftikt ecp b nragt Q b d r cap..g emas$signera. Tht- judge ailowed theietal44-11 (Lîht-rtyvile) 1243 1665.62 $800 aud thus a very at-vert- lots tle torei ai the Zion City police siae- iIjiF mons are doomerj ta disa nltm Vinte alt- erngte bIslding vlU g vituesa tho b. ive.x.This wa5 <Con- 44-10 Fremont) 401 637,34 i ststaint-d by the Catera. tien. Tilt total capture of tht- polic. wieasentvlsafracabudi ill listal aproncwin il exd ~ Wuod 417 68.71inm~AM1  mshtt-tate brhvi ny b e and e prMwoved raie 44.- 9(Waen-d) 307 416. Tiltis bt-aides buildings Includes: under tht- direction of Constable Bant " iJUSTICES AND CON. ht i afmcan il" ltebo ber, adh rte ahrd-43-12 eril 312 45-8t(0 toue, hay. Casperson anseunted ho 23 auto trucks JIIINI IAABLS OR lunh uelAutheCarc Mli olSTABLturigSars ad oe Ampwaon hete fr îas n unay cuît Bunt for Mr. Remus te crack- 43-11 (Vernon) 4155 6".10 500 bushels a taI. 6turn cr, nu nkdmewgnfatt ie ated fo ra shon u a a lrg _ Tht- lfli m ilna is regard*s 43-0 (El) 139 722.26 40() busheàa barleY. ail of vhich vert- h avily laiton .with E A K O W S j si e 0 fle p s n roomy and bse in ca end Identificaion o f the wiiuens havlng 43- 9 (Cuba> 455 609.7n Buggies, -Wagons, sand tarinimpie- Wisconsin bt-tr E lSlesofa o fqe andam romyad ase dr oen inejebeau verstled tbraugh, Asistant At- Waukegan 8678H 51H 8H OH SH CM menta. ont-et tht-se trucks contaInait eV lei c>! Waukasaada meig i Iré o uk, n bidoue le n 1d torneyGoueral Middlekaut letrodilced Wkgn I.cty Dust. 7415 9936.10 Harry Cater, veili kuovu luWau- 6,000 botines of beer vilenseie ad nBoard of eiwaciW eeroosu of thsacourt houa. tht. Bron. iiincoun at kandopthe btlb.ovdcL akse F. City it. 1299 1740.66 kegan la assoCiated vits bis talhor the- average number of bottlos ho anoefrteP S f $10o.00.It vas usougît at ut he his drev a oeaniua of nocisa frot Cash on baund 151.43 in runuiug teUit-aim. trucks vas 4600. If oeevet o taise Hfd'd ! apyr a uni fr theDut-ma. t-f buidu ouitbeSlsodseseea rom the ,acked court room whea a poep mbt tht- unprett-utioua Police to R«ffid to Notion. am eou t ofathe iaat ea, L bui atari êy ta ira on t c. isIxteesi photographe of tise axtoen 8$U66617 Mmu. AU" lMafliB«eNorth «le station referred ho by Attorney R* i=or j ,utice or tise PaaM i ttay viii 'do goti If ready for oc- selueit trucks ver. produeed and Iben Itlai sesn that la Wâsskogan outalito cage0 and EeBO la0 . a& ilmi.muBs a a "levuifiWOULD HAVE BEEN LOST. ta"' asom«e cuatonbyNo. . s av o-a gasp vien aperson staggered tute ity of Wauliegaa the aum of ver. rldighome ceestau*W tàainbarraol f boul- a oredup baide the qu* S ave Su aidramai, 0f the moat be. îfiLurc hae na-r.the vîtuasa stand itilterni heavY $3122.20 vii be recolved vhUiiouide Satirday vison they vase Bnayaj by dcorvay, a lithia uot h. stairvay Propety ~valned ai huudroda er Praient-W. à. ' IN oW. la ath a mont b-ttpariahuhns a th droe3suit cases. Tht- £asp i'eloved the- cihy of Waukagln tht- amnont a ma» ilttiug non te son, IMey be ouid aud scoros of cases e tOf sntc olr I4h(tttfn Our nov scisool and aliters' bane vabis unocklng of tht-cases and the for distribution la $161110. caaned tise coubailtbeau afi tisethan bt-oroks ou-d Up, aud ahM.the rear, kueva have a aishî to well hb. preud t-L aying ont of thrtythrt-e botties of The S33,646.17 allohed tah the <toua- vas arrt-d ai the Vutrai Street as tht- stable, ho vould u husasiu a-nl-lof h a okatn Vcras-W. . m aI, lustaNia l'here art- or "it 61)familles la glistenring «mêler. i5fr. Remus vantoit ty by til tate lg suerelra "drap lu station lu Evanston. Hova s bokai or botties piloit up valut 51gb. Beer 111017 tIlla oar or vas dacraei uma- Trarer-Ehrd IoF. aa Ol.Mary" - ni'abut tht-y bave ta bo certain (bai. tht- wint-eAsknev tht-buckeh" for tht- total <ot of op- auP. L Hillof eNew Toa on a Bt-t-r! TaIs aobut bat-r! Why Zien teriliy, is bting put back on l.theHihand Prk.Nvr W ta already - aout *soou a vaî as l' tht-bottins. oratlug tht- achoole of tht- couaty la charge of disordt-rly conduct sud ne- Cty ha. neugh bet- tuaorago 00books b thaBoard orReaviev. Thou.Hshai ak ve ondy . a nbot af8er0aino "Ob, veliassume,' Put In Juilge about ont- million dollars a Yoar. it-aseit ou houas eof0$M. tlent an armoured crisor. sads ot dollars verth of revenue ,WDGIE IANDJS AGAIN Landis vearily. "iliat an jIlinna co. c ______________________________________ v unl esbe at hcorshilbeau~ NMUTN atable In L9 knhova vhat bt-Cr la cakenty nulesa (hia course oa beau FAVO IS EEN 'ct-dletn rceed ,l » eO o O C I fD > II< .Y ~Whou the Board of Rt-vt-w receiveiloers OPeratlu: baeasa Kaaoahaaz FÀ O SKE NM.Mddeatpocee.aidO.te a ok tls- te eeMilwaukeeansd Chi-ago vwonlUiicate INAPE LSFO ectosby Mr. Rernuswhich t-ere lrnpressed by tht- tact that a, large by Judge Laudîs today lu hies aaW IN A PEAL FO overaie geudialy. he ttorey nmbe or ourpayera wrenet dju'n ional inqulry. Hill Purpca beCWmu FOoSÀ e,al a.,d th,- i'ies ent thn- eo-r lin Masusent tisuYsear. Tu kuovu vhen rt-ports ver. mai. AID OR A M ir e;fo; r the ta-" the c urt fo: heUnff e Oz bait0ireord ovbich Capotal ilen te 4tesbi en eraehaeily.nsespone by uldg* IÈ. Prmoer ! he Slvtindtbbo s o tht- rut-ls. ns net- A check showed tht-ne ver t lt-ast dia, could net ba touni. rmyrivo e e aPulic tht desritersofth ow , ni-r fi îasfy six-nu undred people In Wauk-gan vWho "I'hese gentlemen may thini th"a- til- anfatuero0 tt-her.AIWere lit Ibis clans. viii escape Ibis lnqutry hi taye I M ostrive erestubic he onutJudge ds gahe iter tOnt- notlCeabit- Omission from thie avay frotteheme," saiS th. Juigo la Is Mst nteest Ibs pintJude Iandq aaintrier.books was iht- Nol-'on Steele t-sIatt- an easlierated (ont-. "But tisapUr riiptvil lt-il bas ht-en apearing on thsîay avay a long lie If thoy do. M Althoiigh exerythlug tga meving ag "Are anv o! tile manufacturrs f - - ,books rat $125.00, Tht-rt- vert- u, han- h leth n 1 ou . nlcely in tue Salvation Army drive thila it-tr In court,'"ir. askeui. tr osi oke Ii ae lv le Lakie Ccninty anil tilt promioters 'Tire Scblitz flrewing compiy la dreils o! otlera, renging tram $35 ho of tie lt- t r eedthal tht-rt-la 0ne ni'pr. sent-d lier't, >oiir ironcr," salit os-tr a touraid o lls. meM chance but fthat tht-y viiiraise the Russe-ilJackson, iattorney for ttireG RAN> APDB-...I» e fW OSttsflfd ilt9O nCh',t h. tat tr fte or ta h evn SP A EA Ifiteent ou ni dottars tht-y litj hrpt-r-"Edgar Uleîin, vice-presi-, dit i, 10 (ha s nrttin» berri cf tht- hîrnîrd that tilt-éru leavinzfomeraLAIon AT (5ktrv nvfl~ inct-. n: a tid'hrn, naiin F iik 1 cu]tîvate à< i .àh 'e gany seon tylng 1db, t*i-iea.ur aglsof( tir, ax boorks-ifthenialJoity ofet:3; .VS2a gonghoorntcn< nvat-pbu aenBt: %a nouebro!dtitishit-v i ida i flaiia-h-i tteb . t naines.Bncoaas.iai] qerrla AthdticesUSTLE In short. tilt-pronrotr r,>tre n Cobt,, agditor, andri lfrrt- iur e. snin-0 Inteuti oi0opeole, noestrt-1 going te o o(-k '-bu -ar -Bu as--n oft s hlitz conîPanY-.ingthrn tvi bb oissheIon.\ard gonicnty <eve'>if prand cr:neraIn it-,dntrp ' by te wclt boav ht-tn IJLA"O t-i i,s salil te have rented tir' c iii'1itotd Ziou Cilt' bard iand g .tlin oapt t f oreitt-io urdla 300 MILES TO DINEý thgontitai onIii ber- -le do e, o wywehveben2 TVOA T Stýý il 'lt ut lU'.day merning snd 'itînit. t tbstireaie moment bis cap- t<ieirr surprise thart Ibeir narne8 soheerbi. rathî - irtidu'r-eucr-, IL tii n anre t-ni or'thr n In letad n' . rt'ilin'NioliNus. 511 Sortit t ue ttntf h ihr .M igiso efrot scribe th quota. ritrd 0oknnw. ge TAVE TO ÀEM ch iý'ri ta '1ültt-iainitth oats ho ket-p crti i 'r hi tint liibroken. Tlun anit Ici redîrce i tre lix payei's ttateil salshsRcrdfrHs Evr en i.- It-ir b[ u emcii g "'Tle Pains conupany fis represened fONlTUEC Mfor abrite or eil et ulky ochr the rua,> Lýwithtb uit eknowlerlge. ty CIGsing o! Deal. j liri', our lvoo," slil . S.Quares ~iymgni' n'u r fotlietr'.ro5 n ahore. Jio'h - ni. t ntin -hiim 2007 (out o! thu 600 a teotlif about 20 hie pîm ie . tr e noi' i d t ttr o! l'twa irk eet, attorney. rnil i et- nani - S -1ns t(, iAauk et-1 B UThunier5A art-j tA T have it-t vûry huîrty encourag-menît-il W . V. chail, saite manager andileu t-i ry d.î>, many o!flt-em briglit bow 'i niit'inilmne oitht-rrtm150tii aronly pst-iî îrtt-s Th UaHiA-ADNERDT and de' p miirtcliNon 0f viat thlIt- y annchf-ygeeratrna- nr 'lTo Ii h,'notagInannenrt iyiltaps n herch aeth lw (or b, ai-ul SavaiuAnrdI n tilt-war tht-e an-î-sygn-a aî-Gamne Wardens In Lake Coun- ailcJ.t>' rînrin inauefortoft',iJeffersonnth-,lî'cl 1w1hle.0,î pOole ai- tAri ie'¶susa d %b (ti iuc pi-auldent. Thal waa tBat- hon i tioft nthtit-gants. -Hunt-ritairncisd rt-portail dthir birilic9enrt i' a - dtth re- rtroto'ulh MnMod i 41 rm owr ihtety Tak<>..rMP-ti,'Into Custody clnsth-east-snentla stWakegn >tndafah In peopldihavrnielp[rI otwotyf.actory. as was thie announcement Tk ,n It usoy -,ri în-aasl l trîn o u r TliT-odone fBec-ker. 'fin ieboin ri hoah lIsgnfpre-t- ign !Jfesn cf epfit otwoty is ris renct- by Edward Landsilury, - For Early Shooting. finu strap.' a iiiîhc'ro iaan Indication:\i- f~v-î e a qikyt-rku it l! atio noîiigajptidfor bs ut-w,,Curtiasaiarplaneé organiation. gcirur;ti nmn ager f tht- Val ttlatz b t c-t a Iurt uc e tiut Oir. în' t'iinîaîi nn îl v tilu 'inî"ît l na v nsaIn"n \VIl jlop il Iiîn le m chnevliat uîouuiu bleciutvnrtr'rYl drewTht-c Ommy nl UKS VRY PENIUL ii\ \'Ii'cw H. wa-u lied îî, ir'.. taxpayetr donstrot -nu-rtar and ptlot, TTlt.. ii,Ï r il asa th(ba tt thierôtinantkean vy caeo hriirîgcrnjnrylt-cti-la oîir- 111-IINIFL sehffi- tas-en o'ucboct) ttilt-ldieo-nsfor ht-le# thty tr oln baite-aneCarte(-un-i t ine, iiscoveted Ernet Miller, soa nlI-,aHnlu eî»t ITS WI t ruR t i tho oekup. -loit 0e nmiles. tue rne o mg aketh-rve ovenatoe'- presidntofhet h-company, andl catit-ilgame waadens vit> are patrolliug tht-eON AR'lîn tl- tt- er h -tftlc.AK 1,0 O ARS h nrin hdhe qtml ina - tii-ci'e tteariven.vRemuaore ctar- tntly.Tweuhy VlOlatrsbavt-ri1),i<Ar >wia tiler îî i iitli t 'ui V-lt, SSCaCOFRARSTl-mîlnt-hadl-nem -b btr eusdca -t-n haioneheWiIfilTI anda dacelo thIIew fvln succes. f-ilonet han has ht-en uxtoi 'd an on thb viole proceedinguahtGrass Li altoady lte da u ataa.rI-I:ilîî -rnr fnlb.' WilW Waah. o it- tw lin lTt lrtw ah asLe tone sd t5I nuler il hTuai-Ni-LAcKEîi ATl Wbus t George Odoni o! Liilrtryvillui Weil-' o! Waukegain andl (rawford vaitai - i.A 'YmpalbtIc canvas et tilt- n-ibeigtit ia' !the-u niigin i .Braun, who net-daly fitlda suit, agamnnnt tint-West--r tfn-v asdrys ton (oietaarieE 'bopnci "tI ultont- persoltu viii hib iarch anri seizure act aVilci maires ou o sicsteady g fthrehunt hhe - «Ipt tIre marne nty lft $0ta0.behrmailellgandr Ipl i-ihaioin vhy is hir îe andtuo . n overooteilnt-ctspany a warrantlgsieil by a îng season 'ruteay aaornng pro)- on a writ cf HabesCorpus from Tt avas the-tms mrieenrca t of10,s0soc.*rgt ur, ill eg ilprst on in irankl s-en i i.Tcwsd nid tu-a0 ILLINOI tHERIF SEIZESJilge bt-mn' re izures anmhbemaie. ahiv will rt-st(o score,.iJudge Landis, SheriffGreen (bis lool nxierieiicus?,Ion (City bas; baildeapite mu tbssn rbr reti slfiSb"rn irtr ath e - ~Tilt-argarmitnibrouglilt lunti-, il- .' r aw tuor'liinters oIsent the tw-i '0-f-'ndarts from the- i u.-'îî-rougiti sork on tht- road ril. tinluconneîc r'tionîdisapperrncoihomo In tinte for auprier; tei1 IL5IOIS CAISE FIZ SKE re-gn-asassato.S. 0nh: nTeia ouu, euty enyji i h eos or n ________o iety front a saleIt-luthe- CM, f olks ev'd TIe tht-and ryov e b,-'e-hrt, attorney ft-hie drys, vilo due«CimGa M' arden Henry Koruait-rt-' Clfrnnn fer itrtedtste hesnhng. PELLK O AE aysofcee ra ae.M.raegn. -ai.IiSept. 22-A truck con- ap tthill, atihe il-court as vei la e 'uy,"ndt I neyer env mors1t- I 'Nu cct-. in a ntitr-of ht-tr - APEA LK C. AS. S lainoffice aton-a aie nt. ake gso ioil"ail sw taininîr 150 cases of vhaSey j , aintethqt promlat-d to laS i':11 ll ducks In tlu, vicinlty. Tilt-pît-elle c utît,îniirl ,lt {n-troaaarbon Sui- S îfeî,Snh 8A ap-iv lebacui, itr-ot nifn ubirdBsea n ver tov sud stait route frcom an Fast St. IoLat vans-dtlernoon adjournult-ut. Ort armi>'dut-lt5pnebably socounts! Inv>. toiliîl tfuir cirgo Tht- llp-thn. l i fii<diii bile upreme courh (oilay b17 tht-eyes o ttile law. Hie tbtof o! tilt- veat rt ninet>nnailema&il, boeuse 1tlt-e Fedral Dleributing <tin _______-foc tilt-lankoe number of hunit-ers Wlon 'nit-ttko'"a puintidslip î , \t'e"onr Met-k ftel-circuit court tire' monri ii'iiiineyer nefinitt-ly prev 1 'Word ves -tpeeted front P a y o ! C o v in g (e n d K Y . v s da t-iz e T h e L a C o un ty b ad f r fe It- fI la s a id t ila t o u ns a n ie of th t- u p n a p a in te d e t-t- &n " u lil t tt - ei o . r e C u t l - t a t o G a e t i .( a e n n t h r P 7 th a en lu un er th- tae e rcs t coa t f Mita h lies thet- hunIers ai-e nse thici that o cloc kIn lu hie aftbrnoou. A. .'q & 6 M ason M et-k. b d nof jle . P te # thakmring palvi e gltest-a'fft O01" n M o ALL (he famlly, Theatldepea. Perbaps he vaim ands eai r a ct. It as Placar ed iv ek. An alb-ged delinque tl tax m at th rt- bave b t-ouim ur cloue ç aiIa. T iln C rl Wt-hi, T vtnty? eoond . aubain ptwer er vas heard tilamornnig. Ontnet-asrt keeper vho bas ant-brun. stît-et andl Wabash avenut, Chicago, -T ise loapeniomt laads &aIL I st#sst >1 G M I. 4 R t' e t' s I.' t' s. 'i s; t -n ievler Il zes 1"1 LakeCounY's Big Weekly CàriJ*dmGW oeu drWeekies in County Coinbined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 'f &Bd t h cov- ihiroil. bhe ni ,ts ortun- [lace