CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 10

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-~ > ~ t êbI~I.~ I-j ~ * L~IsT~I~URSPA~¶ SFWTE~13~R ~, 191% Libertyville Inen ~EUDU C9unV I4ojandet -WaukgnWeekly Sun aLfE5N *,Ma qqk votod 4 pi e nohboring oounty lafolo a gthe elad made by vb?4b ~hwau. oinsof the liet cowties in ~i.ela tuborcular hospital a county institu-, Ac -00P~CTLY FUaeSING- ~1iVO1*P4Id4k1D< th~jnao er qrysio- lY f W li It ý ii ave bàenqite onAb to ffiur ou t t hy Lake Coiwt ho" be askod -to. or why It4ol46 oluataa lioghmudertioMicm of Poicng ibe bwn#ulto su'tbai (044- e. $riolc owmips 4r %Vtfrffl h4e>g lpsp ro*a KeAQ0baa to 1h. NIai w. sanadthie ex fuaqof Mbnithat i 1 hur~ à muiin&dY aad tuaM > I MEwii enforc;ed? Tan't W&l eaue of: "We ahould wrry,» If ithe Oicagoana get boer? Let us koop our ovu sidrs cloaii 50 farese we are oom.nociand as to our own folks hore and as to the sale 0f 1h. stff hmr i n plaow th t w a-but WÈr îbauer no mnuioâh upuo wiPrC (> hicago vulin tu hat oty. boer liai 13 TM , la uld d«Id we14 po &U ail . andlitcir great' xponas 10 Sohl«tq, ZIF OWNBOUNDARLUSi frm lb boer =~ers? Ité, It Rk as if vo ipia bave a lot of money to -- f prmu ouly adt invs avn't ouomth of our =vubu= etpaid t1but are gmg out of our way to aàUmd W lia wk" hbMaomgm W '> W.don't meo Oook County gst4ng x41o *ad hlng ope"lalofficesa to nab i.tmuckloadu aDO gsi by Lake Oounty. .The. " in, blie . m t bom an sribst Ifi Cook County of a tru a im açv&d dlah. OoupIly conatablea and reach- ad *0 COo* Ooeû i eliai M& .uoII cmo kop busy fIndlng out WHERE Piun lremaei Oqt. Why worry about it 81099 194 t*U alPO U ilt and if (3ook te n.MRlit and if C.ok vana to W rIxk t? j kPU»Bdm es that nothirm8 atarted <uest6ofl arome at the at ceca- -. ci UiOtIii abothte amount of a tusfor~pà6lg.On mani bai IW. andMi r. Nm h O hal* bonsm 'rta amember W the ocuneil 0& théir besyrn u la IWSAÉhOtatho à« Pauo a One Of 0.40 uhon Md ther WWadtn glite arMveà theorecorda tMÉho hoai ,mld amiY bfto -oatoi an md aare mdng a fl40. '1he <&W( tated that ho. bld f» &Yb aat the bomne cf Mr. amnd andae hei n o nei )&X. Hm"-Dsacon. -e=- b. oheUc~i' tale vau ?lIe , « aam iawed la tueme = = ; Te. T Plice SoomnUItt lh&ay"te iguberhmbd a *ro edto met utthOe City hall ?bUrdayte cta er uabsi ivttneeaay ngial a semancp vax an* vhc bave beaulirs fer @0jiven (bat the mmm veu b.hothere tifie. SeY *1 3Miali.thetr bombeta towdly. ,Thons belu no tbsr bore and «II*Mce tfothe * »W b¶ uina 1eu e uneil dJeirnhd. lMane uaMDasmlit Stgeemplte; T lhe Nrth taaes..irary Bar Mlra. John Tldy resumeti ber work a" i hmmg te #ut tàmiv ot cm*te' e.ýthe Commowveallttscheol Mon. Auitorim. Bn iehave olsady U« dâ1 lafter a veekà"dluea. ilcivd or cithd -01 ad & mm d sp '1%i Iew OvceOfliOflt fl the baue- MMU&g «VIIbon a jse Non mi-0e of1te -*edbyfnrlaa *urchr evelog te tàke up taismattr.n la noncoliObS Unv. Haimo&%mmcstato The Arnerican Ace Sgilclub met 13uaiar ereniag ho viii dopamn 2 Iat the Cntrat acheel lat eveniiii. thb. gresalai 'eid erV m aivndm1Wa A committee of three yonng miii t r4tR&- Of"gtUg IL monho vil! the Probyterlan ehurcb met. vith lMr. 11 6 an adire»S on the uhocI 01 HeMrYBraaach lait evénng te di- *Thé Werld OutleL" , Th.e ther er. range for a Play ani onction saIe te vkmmo09ttase &flcb SuMday vil! ho ho iven ornie tire neaNo'ernber. thà mmn MUtmL i4taffld arsoli anidiBrnard0oDeor 'ia. John 'Tiy la able to oil op WeM apoinlted a comimtte tesai- fiter ber menut ODertlôn and oa- range fer a Play ta ho givin at thie Pott te6rmne ber vork'at th< erno- Anltqtum.lThenantionm sale val màonvekwi m clieoi nexî 5ieaiay left to Henry reaucli, 4ânther H07"- The big teel mlI trike Ihat la land F. eyte arrange. threateneai for lieniay wali eecti The bioard or. local -improvern.ent a lurge pumber of the peopl e tl wifl get tbla evealng'aI the Cty 4rth Chicago. haIL. lir. Milon -Davis bas Ilit returiued firnan extended v$lt in 0hio and WORCI<RSFOR S. A. DRIVE indiana. eâi d fiiitt the The City cougcil met lut evqpng mIstit al membersa presont. Thiterg.? lar bitta we re ami andal alcwed. A ccattituctleawua recoivsd frein the NOM li Ear Ritbber Co. ask- lmg fer a Years ime twm-voe his' veaien builiding nowv hi a a sMv age. Thei building h misO bai juti bcoc Painîsi aui h. couli net àaMen tg Put up a brick building ait tis tLe. A Years tise. vas givin by tas Afltiior bld vas retetred for tbe pntung of tho initie o! the. ciy hall but as it vas mt furnishel by F th etices* vaaauke te bar. t4 ef bliarLve th.Irice by raclas 594reAort ai the net meeting. AI- kp ~ p 1 PhilLp 1lald that a member lbe staté lord of Héath ad'aias- ahi- é h.cafitmlttçe that he * voulal help theni le geting a lest-an -tihe cmv 4MU Î% theisevtes utrka. Thse hithh o8ne alaidhowv.r tiat b. taot tbMe tii. ealy vsy tb get pure va- tOF -fer tii.cily vas by P-,fitrat4on but ho vag told tisaI the clty = Qit llOwe4 le bond ituelf wth S od odo te job. l'h. Scutalend niercitactsasaked h. cU -bprlveleg i ! tlayieg PoMèeltân te guatd *' the mè«b&W&It ilsoofl t ters bas been w* geVt Ithe maThs reQunt !oloemt,tetab. Ulvation Army Drire le Nor-ltChI- 'Nei' ebid* lirm. )o aPucin, North Çeatrml Dmt"cý: J. I. Przyharski, Aicîpi taStanevltz. Ceftral District: T. H. jMçlCnDey, SSt End: iHarvey Hyde, Oscar Berg. Facltoria:* G. L. Brevster, J. S. Geincral: -Mrs. Rose Nelmon. *0 W. a Tee umeM. Os emuîaiéir wêtbbhéedâabc re 119 %W»k'Ml$ dins ~.-t lewana 0plaèiu,'Sbute:W6. éIy t» é tffftff orthOe *»egaicamie thutie. Ab m i Oreek potruman ver. ta. hocaltieut et tbs poeilatMo. ud m lirai thie loi1- Ust.- Thbe umialla obvon-ifyen want ge apphi' iL ' MRé> Wt urvive. Oui ,~*f~lÈén trtnce e> I~tJ Mdegîco" Otimn etinf la'U coUeumlo< Victorté g.bas mn uie M..e*-t a bunsreilines. M4 Ç~*,jwbock ltu 0e0or the WMao*qstIve 0fW*terfoë, lucre q~qy,~59 ttaopt t stoabp onlteIb.bcL- act. anc .,eLo o ForeWn 4om 1*ely Hge M14 Oetimip Çth Native Werld Netv t V <Peage M. Wlitef ToNs 'Bismarck Audence- Wasnoe 0Oangerm WIbh. eut Longue. Aboard Preideat WilmoVm pectai Train.--Orbe great ivermlty et types OC Ainreana evet vbcm Wecira W Wu- uSim prestdes carne' trkingly te bt attentionl asho maie bl@ val tlireugb Northt Dakota aid Montla boyard the PactfieCoat.' ý Copiter-med Indiean bravos. vitif liel squawo tai papeameés, teck thc hband of th. Great Wbte f1tbr. Vair- liairff iba ani voefo for , ai f- diavia preoed fervard te greétti preoldent. Otbera vtio moi te kuov as Iloir fttbetlaGeOrnm", IRonia Maec sv usa hallel biLa. Orzli cavaîrymen wvoin la era goo. i tfoqfft tac redakins la taisma=»re i le aluctea. Coviioya Md towkurl ta fashinu costumes rodý, towezd>li et brwakbéck gpeed Md i itliÉ8 qUll'b over tiselrbea&Is. es mai bb emPan- kmn MW m more ihtoeO lia hi Arorisnathan once mhil<i rosi-k Imm go te maire up'cur cuatry. Mir. Wllsmeone speech 'ln Neor* Dakota vaslat Blsmarcký tase eplti.L Ib mnut ho chronlciei that bis remrs <bre vers receivei vltb -muait lou eatbuaiaam tbàa t ami ctainàtop le tu maie. Juat why tala vasnseIres nMM quit. aDparent, KCept porbaps that hie audience eoflm00 vis oin- "Mod bigel, -oft ùee uriteuicani &milaéWloiibrth,wiem.UtrI Dt Ms givec te nly entauglasi as bars Ammitesa - Wedit Needa o AlmwPom&e Iloevas lntradnced ny Ge.17LJa . rin r, yhos% t 0 yaiig isugbtem a ptt t atitioéf tbhe" pbi îî émuim WDhon bemuie ce-t ar - rap""thet -Gèvdmot Vveuor atesid tAs m ma.aatulto- alma mater eucalsie twlm -Dnise MA ths oher Vot" M", sdelgtted the '5e eau Sl et Dmwet aipeucsthe piwtul tidared. ?hylcly potp- haap lla11 bfuî metalg mo. l' ettae n lte SU 84eff s41 w8lbé ms'*m slqa yr4as Wt bo e"fllt -98140111 la for mor litwe P!.Iwbiicwr 4 Wu -v for oter 09 ce ef a e eI mles t teg0.559Mor«w thoasqi lis Justice and huinamtr vowlad say vltk thoehaûedp the prool- dent mid: Mattk-;Oà thercannemuetvti w w* vibabimpt a %*vçml Dire Dager of Doepoe, "Mms la imspair de Dotet etc tg Mr meba m i44; *pol 4q*pu» teS m e antahe »aft h t am . hos la MteSt e I4 utaùmt bu t 1-gainat toorve Mu by bAe AtOut mplinlaa the beciti t o bavtag alns t*y thir mmm betffl a 'ffle -telbmal -or ubwoS e7 ams t gwevotw4 ge on. ~WhIo eontinui: 'tm doré Bat »J: a IcdflMsMbO Ilore oMMIra Tq a ee «kOl Se yiOg i *» « ewi e es a gieià- et *or ads e g o .dplatoq « moi er mqoatis at lOsvoeudopa »t *emate uemilç a4" squgtv et Expal.lop *?IW4l Tol. Dlaequang ~e 4~g l1 sat s111124 44CSS Wa4 t's-s it he= im uh~ 1 te d w Irgo m P~ dha te ons did tOe w i u 1 Md 'eevjs4- ireoo. lbla J .ued.1 et Oauickvlth 4*eet amci quite ni.tcf thc DeW 'bramioro lana <ba Poa lab In- a yt b ltar. ductiln er a bar- gev bwomlr. thcoe r " dovwa f spp ecthe ceoiîwa< ohaptug theSm 0bove the vaSai atbec - «de- ýl"m00ta. volai- e aýn4 .dire"'a Ib . mebog*.. WORKIU( 15 R3SUmED ON BUILDINO OF5à, NE3W IIOISES III3RE Many of these Houses Were Near Conipletion when Car- penters' Strike Started. DRAW STEELE HOME PLANS f tsae beleg mdio l mtaisbh seriees et asunalty campeatura ss8 POUIDU eIla rier that the werk -I~ be expudlloi. In adition le lIte boe artly Copi Pleteal Iheri are a awaher et pas. Ple wito are plmnhlag te huli. t> soute cases the flans aftmta sulil shape that Do ila. need eb ltWl startlagt la othbOr cafes tii. plàWai net yet complesi. Theve are aaoý ber of people wha ieélayed ýtbé "ak lng or Iplans unti tbe carpeatora atrike .wa uded. Planas for the 82,00omern e I - ,SherianrnbvOm "P Wasîkegan. Soplember 2.' areibaetéc WltI thie eedleg of thse carpeftet'i and are la shape o 10turgn ver te sas stIkevork has been reoumei e& o hne ws u opli Waukegan an te large number ofe vleoncftimmbmttu boumes visici vire la course oetcon-anal tmposing in lte cil>. strnetion visen lhese trlki put an eni to operations. One conracting firm Few l1Ihnus st1i Ceunt aloue la putting Up ifteon bouses a mae can pile np a palae cf«umar- here. Il la probable ltat in0ail fiftty hie andli ivo the.lite ofa a uper vi*l houseal are ln cousraiof consructioni. la Il. or he may be abI. to bulli eiy To get *these bonns e opletei or e beys! uni yetl ie a prino.elî lit aI lemast nadir caver beoe cold via- vithin ils poor waiîm. TIti thiag that ter seles down a . bét aim of the clin reaily Iséip orbIsnder it buma coutractors and fer ltaI riasoanet. seul are, afttr ail. comasrmiveil 1ev. Come To",Da'y ]BU, TomOgy, il, 7 Il malte this apPeal to eveiT citb Of e Waukegan: ta do tbeir ulm"mI l, tu .9 1Y helping ta, raite ail the roqUilrei amount. The ofcerm o e, ii. s~àt M~OR13 I4I~I<&LLI Army, bavre purcitafed-tbO J0DOý-i TORÀISI3 ~~at th, corner ofiridnW~m IJU1 layton Street andi-ha"e »M vie 1, t, mIoney -for it. On Itat lot tbey erect a Salvation 4iinY bti*wk W baiager of FaIIng Short of tebulinmecoIme;o 3a POO and W.yaukeng»,6nom$rnedl.aii eU* W1 X~t0jSbuildings Of' tbiais thaý t Itci4OW mmit¶eJ ay. mbly get. It 'w0ifti b. a mai cdiIIOI%- ýy tary upon our spirit of alireclat39n ~tBSRI11ÔN TO MALIvor-ie to te t t nthia drive. IIý ýetltÔN- OOSM L hopsi thoretore, that eety d41 wiii anale ltehe flts go '40 At thes begtnlng of the campalgu un, ail* dIantht o t re Pfâr boing cohducted lu lte Jnereet of t Home lie et the Sahatli tho SaivaticaArmy, il vas thought, Army. ovlug teo e popuimrlty ot that or- aMi"atan, titat It vould ho a slaWlc loattor tii rals tas quota swora- tkSedO te tihe Cltiy of Wukfgan and Nfitt.Cblicgo. without trouble. At .ile 0111 0fthe lfret tires daîs of tae cs*mpilgm.bOveor. the lndctlei are bbat csttea.tb. contrIbutions are in ore lîboral titan they baie been no Sm. tisat -o Lll taushort Or Our chiE- iattS- . uil et te aigtemua fer bb" apiatenAraylave boonm m.. v- o0v06 É.üdiietab8U5 vbat they Ml vs al knôw *mtaa5tir Ilarne Service vill d«.* Ikt lOnmty. Thi. -ommtme. ln 01 oi t tAe cajapalga viabea te A V ten of e q t le veti tue gefr hgt te a*&tb.r. w8nep frs. bul net te tarry by t, instemd "etlght- Ing a tcreb cf qon,*s owm." A îorch ef enea eown 1 That la a ponaeein wortb baving. wbather it ho a lamlugp* eon on bbc bflltop or a tilt>.tmp the 44ndo*.' *eeàcnisot tii .lti a Ile candie tarowb Its 1 beum, lIer wbo la laylag hl* co ursé by ils flieb- ertlilgbb.Ti Themont that ve ea de -dlbla 'almothe Iloaabba * shentai do-tla te tend tisa91a0e Cure- fulty anal toeop Ihstendy.-BErerO liattaews. need a -new battery ]et un ILL JBE1'ER WILLÂRD IBi3ER rNSULATION. I~111 A G o od Used Au*tio WAIs. Hsp~ tii. -.JIew- Cupplel Tires -7,500 'Mg. Gu.r#IltSSçI Sce these cars at once -ad give vs'an offer. Any a- oný4b1e o'ffer .taps #y of thesé 'Sulendd al4Qs-l91 models'arid i,-A-.1 çphdition ler-e.lis one for y0urW e4ge may it be, a 7 Passnpe, Passenger, Sêdari, IRoOr*ter or truck.' We'have « in al iïding makes., Cohi.en& '~hPP2 1678 114 W~e r ýe4Waukega, 'à I .t ~ua -a r~ 's quiî-k %ilx i Maît V the 1, but n fans-I muade he tui drop Eust. and 1 lapas tise g) lhe El fitagnt I sé grent the .o fore. t hiit dics tes-en holdii proîp Thc il lia.d port Franc wasr1 Arthi "A, expia beilei flot x sac ni havie that clan eonqi ud. tret Fran explia takin as E but 1 man3 etung rlght Pngl ber donc vate Chin ral he v tire andl he v Tt te t! be n acet the Lotit lani uta. Weare -40 of the 'best uSed cars in »,aulke;p. We are forced to S~1»gselthese cars at>any price ap Iýe Îlot been able to get Ail f aheating plant installed in àùr ihow réom It thus is im 6ur possible for usto'keep tee cars over winter. This is Your Opportumity to Get a Car at Haif its Real Value l'y Acting Quick ---- ---------- -

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