CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 11

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LI3ERTYVIILE INJYEPENDENT, TIJURSDAY. çýEP'-.IP,,BF,1 5,93. n a I~W -. - - ----.--'-z--------- ------*'-- .s-~ -- - - - A ~ GUEMEA3IS NPflD AS lIE VAM MOItOM _I well t0 t Worth twir me, sor ts dieu- eau do bni eî le care- aiandir APPEAL TQ SPORT WRITERS 0f PAPERS TO DECIDE CONTEST! No Decision Yet Made on the, Contest Between Wauke- i gan and Kenosha Te -ms. Waukegan. St.pter.îber 2:; Tht. morguis of liethi.Cbcago il.-at" - ahdtheir bands of tht.e ora odvî-r the Wauk'-gan-Kenosha game v.i-î thc-v mît Mlondai-c 'c-ni ng ci Chicago. They toid Manager C'oie antd Hîtton tuait they ilu'it carry Illuir case Ii to ig ' couu l l tiîghvr court t8 10 c o f Is u tr'e' siiorting editors utf(Cbicago !io bhav-e agtrel d t. act on Iiv ~--c ,scca iiq b ru-fs iîe t-d hy King Vliand Maunager Iltutton. 1EEFS ROOSEVELT GRAVE FRESR PARUS-The grav et fQuesti Roosevell. aho *as. hIhilla 6 It was pointed oîît a- the. meeting that it would be imîpossîible lu seî rre an absolotcly arbitrurr% décision ocn tht. affair fronît the dire'-t<rs andi hicv readliy fiil upcîîîliiie planut 'f - pa4ing j thc- buck- t0 the nelwgiîarîr î'uî. tli, tiît.y Bay coulci îulot ;oslibilyÎlie blus t.î for <iller ride. \iaiag-r (Cle lm liusy oday making <ot a eniîtcn state metnt hitbc'aueitMotcr, anid Manager litton itu-c pt-îîicîcd j zo-t iii,. tutemc-nt lu the- judres erit- l'nthe beenti ot the ceci.. Iti 1 opc-d 1' tat tht.- proteat sîlb.- settlcd b(- fore, tht. feurîligante tftht. seriesw toî b.playelij- 'Thils -was not the. otly inierestlug tiiing shich baPPeu'ed u[ the nmeeting - 15ILî~- 'Nthp meeting tomonrov shoulti for"-i ofthe %partage-ra -Monday eventua.' VIQ.51ÀU1E iv lyconsider tht. organisation of à VIS- Managers Colt. sud Hîlîton agrc-ed ilance committet. conasiUg 0f ail il-ah the gantsncrxt Sunday bettwt..i eu tIDfIIbT he mnerchants who wouîd lie deMltau Kenoccba and Waukegan sutouid le II ab~ e MITT IUOE T by tht. city police tlucarry unast d îciayed ut Nashi Park lu muke ttp lor - ~ T f U D II~ gurd their stores, secita tist»r the content tilat Jupiter Ploricus buoke 1IJ police department ha n t met muol tip lamit week. 1 S OP RcERE uccc'ss doing il ef late. Thet. iid game or ýn.' seirte5 wiîî ThLi business man pojnited )%ut he played ut Waiîkt.gaâ l le itetlieing Chamber of ýCommerce Meet th.ct lucre bas been about twe.nty4 Suuda> - Thursday to take u Matter ive rubbtnies lient. within the »&«t Keitoshia nîay have Hippo Vaugnln'Up ceeal weeks in the. down town dia- tic' ('ub twtrler In Sînday's gante. of Many Robbenes. trîct. Ht. mentions the. tact th#ait no It i., net yet decided deî, une per.ion bias ben seen commt- _____________SITATIN I ALRMIG tig9 the, theft, uo arrests have been. SITUATION S epteRmber 2made and no property nicovered. Clat.. ameap*g - - As lte esutiket th. fequmetr2-,li e I. ns-ista tils il un apalliag situa- charée ame POI Astheresut o th freupn rol-tion sud that aomnething radical muet Charlesr James Fox was ane oi t» 1b-rîciet oflait. Il developeid todsy that- progressive@ et Engllt.h politicu. as well t re aken amoug mer- lie dont. and done Immeilately. as oneft.hiie most brillIant ortois ciant. las-ea ntcet;ng ut the ITht. largu ment isadance putaIon andi statesmen ln the. history of EBgr Chamber ot Commerce tomorruw and tim omeic oannenofthcoat;puaon- land,. Like mont thinking people Of tuhere take Up the. itr of doing oeIe leas fth ou c lt day, he favored ti'etdom of ltS seîething ta proîccrly police dcwn , tordingly this business mn n Igurét American colonies andi was, conm. town dilstricts. that the. blîsîuesa men ly lu apposition te tht. Germâa lSS Ont. husluet;s man, in taling about1 ut ten rise to t. t.mergncy, George 111, who was thes .itIlLag 1 tht. matter luday said that lie fuit ar-m themselves andti aie nemisury- th. EnglaIshthrone. tps ha guanti their eau propenlv. Dur Repreentative WiI aeI4aoPwr te Cali Case te Attention of Il Powers-.Cordial retlng et the Pacilo.- (Dy Mount Clemens Nfwm Bureau. Aboard I'residenî ison's Spdta Trrain. Sun Frncisco, Sept. 19.--b miost s.erions opprostion that ie bu envouriterc-' inywhebre pn i Attantk- to-l'ille tour pr.sentedi tuelf te Pré&. Mdent Wilson ln San Francisco. th@ mptrop.'lis of the. stute. represented la tile so-nute by Hliramn W. Johnson, but ont-e sigairi,.sis bas aiways beu te cs.e, the. logic ofthie chie! executhOe sud lii' forcettil éloquence won th* pinil î'-"î'e. itegariess utflîow-thelif poiiticiii ( ii,.tititi stanids. the. ordinlm. itizry r t ilat part of Callfornaà18 for tio- . -uiîî of Nations, and for the. quIv-i utteît r the. pesetreatY thîît % u,,î Vilson and Hilram John- son1 wili 1.- the coutestants lu 19W> for tht. rýl'r-'.i-'y ot the. United tate.; but n iiijorlty outhIose who ame fOs- watu fin- lbr andldacy of Clitorola's faoit zo is hs e bai n t UUIN -This renarkable pbatograph wuVmiapped Just -Goerai mi li hes loegoue » sb liso, Dw tbld M.der-a-hief ot the fore. Ln lrelmnd. fell from hihobrze during the peam . hehllg-nes.thy.i h wudttib. «oelant training or the. hormis anid the Immediate attention of hlm atti liere ,nttélPacifiec castt, Just to n sie as filthe middle West sud the Eust. Ile î'p-îpl wat a peace rtght WAUICEGAN LOQM..8 Aneican isiand possoasi'mns. wilii , The 'f. i nov' aje- that wll b. permanent. ______ hown th a et..ning aithpi. Meîliodie,'T he~* office1 and tii-y ts:t lu get things mttted <hîîr<-làtartlng ai elght o-clî bourg t a (y] and star! In .1'bing bumînema. Bes.Um0 Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Tombaurh have Th! ana .CT 2 oneto tit Itne the. Paclfii- .-,ust ln mord itoemtd i a iert for a three weekH tripin the (îonty v.iii lie elîin the Congrega lng worried. lapan ltien 14îiny other section wMiebsalît. Amioug other placesth.., wil htonai <'urch ai Arc-a Thursday Si - kindly. uld, tfileîr.s1-.tbs lte. dVt idsi Wheeling and Richmond,. W. V.,' lember 2ý. Me eing op)ens with ai bttebo the gr-it--r part of hlm early addre.sme, Wahngton . DC. and Btaltimore Md. executive session at 10:30. Miss lil there must hi ln Valifrloa to the queton e 0 f ilem aNeie Porter, cidest daughtî-r P' I1od State l'r.,s4dent wili bc - j .horne. Tht. m glianttiii,. le admtted that tihe ft- of Mr. sud Mrs. Cy Porter who for stl IL and deliver a lecture in thet lad suddenly il nc'îtla îr-grd to tat penluMUla merly lved ln Wakegau and who: eîening at 7:.30. Box lunch at noon elt.ri and InD but amerte havet.made their home in Floridla arendilvldje ilsre upr i vins te L t s îttie ent that could be m uch o t th e. dne for corne vyears iîi& .h w d o éeftetedý%1î-n lie was delng wth the died 114 Chicago Wednes.iay nigh TheTflursday cvening (lui) of grent la-- n Paris. Bhr Itist chu, ch witi b,- enlertalned by j Te Il Sa..f.d ~ .~USiteI. had bec-n alling a long imp wth ltie .officc-is ut 1h.- boule.of NMiss EtIa Tht.toiiowl Not S Japaneme cKh oleagîie heant trouble and other compIi<ationu Joý.II.ila t tlTuedylt lghlt "I caid .. i;iy Jfle'Fllaueo ouiend euw oi-tdyEo ,41 uinsr t"u.dytelgbl the other sidi. uf the.seà, aud tt'. Knnd tun-d t' ua -.ning. abtle: Steaîîî t fore 1i ni tliberty tegayte ou'after havîlla been lu the service two Dde oeti 0L o ot- hubulio tlit1nu onstifidwihthsme-andonue-hait pears.le was on tht. eEterr ninu'rsity. poscd or eqU( tietient,-til!(- président to14 tao, alà Sub Chaser Z24, and as a ménembcr 'rle cast. of J. A, Miller against ter. Hiig It dli'-c-s on his tiret day ln Sai FTBI. of the crew huid a part intsînking the iliewes garage lunv'hich Miller press ti li <'boe. -Il illiik it ought te b. dt- twO Ger-la submarinep in tht. Eng- won a verdict ot $71..,'o in justice tlng ial'er"t' terent. luit%%heu gentlemen propose liai Channeir Mr. Kennedy huas many cou rt, today was appealed te the cir-_____ to cure it hy strlking that clas., ont exciting expertences ta relate. ci or of ti. lrealy, or by otrselves with- Henry Dovaut and Pister, Miss Ev a Cuit CIief 't. rl' utmbl holding adherence ta the. tr.ety, thOy Dowst. left this attentori for Oak- P. rCh: osie n P arri, atmobie k- proposî~e an Irratlonal thilng." land, Cait., wbere they are to maire jc:i omiso gî Tte r Tht e rsipt told miorne o tie.filme- thein future home. T-bey have dis. rePaintcd sand overhauted. Tt wî toryut Ice taningIncIentb uSo. poaed ut thein home tri Guerdon ttrew- waa don- by tht. firernnnet the. south lie. exptine-'tChina ceded lithe L natnof bave Msol th.Nelaone l ivte.idJi~. Smith anno'iriccx the. tory lu Cercîany upon the demand of oh It ii0a'Nso.r.Ole Ihtînt cîî,1re because smre em lu addition to c'ecting orffcers the. engagemi ot ot ber daiglit.r lierni.e niin,,nnrIp iesId hein, kUlled newiy former Justices ufthté Peae t.Lee to Willam J. oGsel lot Waucon -Tlî,.- iiaoîd an excuse oft religion,» and Constables association ot Lake da. Tht. weddtng fo talle place in lie dc-.-iîred-'l Then Ruffssi. ooi a COnty decded at fi.% meeting Tues- <coer. , iir., ksel3 *et.urned re- port andîî then Engladand thea day atternoon to work together mort. cetil fromn service overseas, France, hen tiie RussoJutaem losely in future. They heip to lie J. D. Goshrinat.r et ai today in cir-' war ieveloped Japan couterd Port able ln this marnDer lu succeed in cuiti court started suit for $5000 dam- Arthur. i puttlng over legIslation which titey lt7e, ý-gains.î P. Napoléon Johinson of "America mîglt bave had une Of have deslred for a long lUme. thi, Johinson Sprîng Cushion Ca Tht. thé. Chinese ports, asmo," Mr. Wilson Constables on Tuesday atternoon s-ui eus fied by Atty. George ield. explint.d, 'but Presidýnt McKnley rsîded tht. home of an Biat at H-igh ", ci ' tue praecipe of thé suit wasl belleved that Iumismucb as their doorm wood, conflscating neyerai errels otf Iied, wert. open ta aur commerce -e d!wine whicit was hrougbt to Waukc,-- Dan aud John, Hunt, Ui.cuoZd nutwan on.. ndat ht.sam tliegln sud turnedriver Iote he eht.rif. men connccted with tht. North ii svp ueed not objeet ho tht. otiter powerm Tht. ownt.r of tht. wine waa arresteci cage gun affair ut Monday eveningr. havlng theirs. and ls locked up lu tht. countv Jil. appeared before Justice Neison Tues- 'WVhen t.e great wàr of 1914 came,» iue edn oso h h a ih.Tercs thé. président sald, It was ImPOratVO 'grstntgt hwwytedi ih.Tercs was conUiued that tht. Pacifie aocean he kept clean of Chicago TelelihGnt. comcany -shouid to Tuesday, charge of disorderiy con- (Wrmap sipplng. and titat fie Ger- lbe alawed tu charge $7 for for each' duct. main possession& lu theteriEst b. Instrument Iflstallt.d wene çrt.sented Thomas Kennedy gel "lickene.] Up" conquered. It wg@ up ta Japan." b.ieTtiesa inl Chicago befor, the. statè In 'Mil wauk-t. Tileday uîght and tuok sait], "to du these things, antd Japan Public utiities commission yesterduy a treet car for Chicago, Ht. was put dld. She took Shantung sud kept It, by J, G.; Atwater, an expert limportEld off t Wufgn being held ut Edison that heing lher rewurd-hY renaOn Of8 frein New York City. The proceed- court uni il tht. police srrivt.H-e treaty she biad with Eugiand and Iugt dtd not get beyond« tht. intro- -itent Ilit,- night in the City lu. France--fer lher share lu the. war. duction uf statistica, Oting con, 'They calied tht. stuff 1 drsnk -whig- jmpan te Pêtain Shantung. munities went. represeuted bylxia- key, but il neyer ust. lu haveth iat *,Observe tiis." the presidelit Lid la yens Whou wil juin witb Chester 1'. eff eton me'" Kennedy said ruetuily expluInIng tht. incident. "w, are flot Cleveland, ipeclul corporation cotî't biis morniîig. lite wus sent tu Chics- taklng tiis territttrY awaY tIram chics, sel, lu oposîng a cantînuance or war- go. aissoume gentlemen have asst'ted, lime rates. A civilian and a soldier on tht. but we are takiug lit iaBy ftmGer- Tht. uver thé remains of ottlt side of Geneset. street lutt mnany. Germany. not China. held Obéi>r Hanry Goldht.rg, killed by a North,- south «u Washington, tought à vicions etfng before thîs war. It wu ()r m estermn train near tht. tannery - wili iglt t ast evening about niue-tlîtrty rights, not Chineme t'Igbt, that WoeO be btld tomorrew morning lt thte -unacrtgluamnw iue- ct.d.d a Jpan y Uc h sel Sud Peterson undertakiug room. . d It the. scrap went on for ut least lngand nnd France. AIl ladies wishing to attend tht .Wttennitsadatlsapoc- ",Shantung willI be returited. la due C. T. Uconvention uat Ares wilmeet t an mrinue anot t. cowdadol- tIme. ta China. 3aPîl a s 118g110, lu tPen.s onr i :1.-ma -vdbu h cod-a her soiemut promise tUit this wie .A t.rt' cre t :5 ring reudv begun tlu dispurse and tht. two donc. JaPan will rtain Only what Pa,. box lunch and plan t0 stay for thie mnmlea-e-wy vate corporations bave elsewher la evenIng.met ad agtaay Chn-the right Of cOncemidsifflThe Fb Royal Neighbors ut America At tht. Mendiants' Lunciteon tomor- with regard to tht. operatiofl Of thé'5111 hOld a meeting Thursday eveniug row noun, uit tht. Chamber of Com- ralîruadsansd mines." . Septt.mber 25. Social houn will fol- merce Auditorrium, there will lie a Tht. presidet repeatedl that h. dd 10w, Gentlemen are iuvlted, rspaker f rom Kenasha. Ris topîc la flot approve of 1h15 secret tretty. but The. Queeu Esther Rcview ladies une thut 19 moat vital ta tht. Inter. lie wes ntable te qvercome ILb. Flen wli meet et thie hume of Mms. Alyea, ests ot our city and tht. mendiaInts. he polâted ouI ttat wth te League 305 Fraflkln St. tomonmow atternoon TVien tou, the question et Police pro- of Nation.ila eect, the eprésente'' o1 Fiday. tection agaînat the numerous roit- tve af the. tnite 'tates mîglt rise 'M. and Mrs, Runnerstrumt leftIIis lieles tiat are Occuitg will be dts- and gay: "TZisl ua aist tht. covenantý aftienn for C4icUgo whera they cussed uand aIl merciauts ane invit- ef pence. it cannt tl' dont." T.D wîîî attendj tht. graduation exercises ed. ether meinhers et the Citamber lie wdnt on: "And if édq4gsion anis. utr which Berice Runnerstnom ta naut Commerce ornont, Tt will anily 1e we co say: '11 shall not ec dan..' The t. Of5t iM. Wilso'. eddes was mnember.. necessary for such te telepione ta .devatedt t ti.beaefifb of lte- lddte1 'Ray D. Meyer ut Washington, D. C. the, Chaunhen of Commence nt luter ta tht. wtak nations ofIb world. and t i sitîîug tienda lu this city, titan 10 o'clock tornonrow moruing te unUklefltiaaSq = th ni'oud eves be wr if te Q.- ud* à, r. Th0 W,.B. C. will ghro the Tiret et for ne5trvaitions. Muait vilIlibd pro- bitruted th rn-dI a sertes ut danct.k at the. Pantsb House vîded iantitht. houn sitould 1e ,prot- - ,San e -'Muuday Ôctober 6. itaîîîy andi ejoyably spent. Sm Francisco gave wth e Bly utwucone ih î a cordial. though omeurd &XBlyMi 4011on.dwt ali-_________ reception. The pfttluSi dd t cycle tire yestet'day as b. finished the. warmth Of fBëtttle, iLP11 is nTup4s ae oigotDr pAý1 lan or lithe wu ton Kenyou ou the. home .Or.tch Op Brne ReMUMNa es eded. e re r he MO ve. * aâ iiigtofl ta W et- U 'J. W IlMOL I f Tifsbau flv Ci led yu down te bersons fla.6b.them te Judge, sud D. . Douglasu tbe paths ai romance. ;o lu ercut of it ol1 ite unWilto £1'ttir, ouer of the. tire. Other contetaatà 'à tl ~gj nri jiotme luaneola *re Bidon Lmtdy, Làwreifce Olsert. paer - a~p~ o egd e ne.- lalb venlug 1,00li mg * Iand Mayiai'd Groat Let.t it u On01 ti thelb.workaday -Vt. -aminI Meueso Porto Rico, oue of tuie wworMdirOtroeb vos THREE-PERFORMANCES -THREE (SUNDAY QNLY) New Maj estie Seenan ÈanchBoyd'- &Company Nine,,P. M "The Chameleon Comedienne" Majestic AugmentedOrchestra Concels-2:45 and 6:45 Sunday- 2 -16-, Navassar Girls -a revue with fumhons, tuneful miysic and gorge- ous scenery Mack & Salle TWO Southern, Mammies "Mondaiy Morning inthe Land of Cotton" Warner & Sullivan Two Boys Who Sing Sing With Tascot! Clayton & Clifford A Novelty Surprise Corne ',arly AdÏàts.Sion-30c, 40c and 55C Corne Early TALKS 0F" JAPAN Shantung Arrangement Do.. Not Please Hlm, He Says, But j WiIl Work Out. 1 LEAGUE WI LMOT AffAEl Waukegan 's Foremost Temple of Ceaseless Varietyi i E s E j

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