CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 2

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T.mWPVITILETThPMDN. TUUAÂY. SIPTEM«ýfBER 25, 1919. eemnstdowtiu ti rai PUl7J< Of Antani Turovaki and vife tn John te menus tLoKN doszieticiand Tt.,Ilot 24 au trensing expenditures in Poiand, of Ta4OfIaskiwczan im, os 4 n whie r. .C.ARv.RY btag.25 block 15 Dreyer& Sub. North 0Ch1- NE TO BE AM RIAiJEW T ar.B.h1.Ameva ied Cricga n u W F cae. W. D. $10. A naA i s Aissosl:$ 9 w R UO Samuel Gald and vite ta A. F. Beau- .."It ls a purgatory, and In It humaien yj~ Ien, lot 41 and E % lot 40 block OLE IX ER E IÙETSIbeings are sufferlng untellable bar- TIN AN à 66 North Chicago. W. D. $10. tons.. C. E. King et al to, A. F. Beaublem Atbough Ameican .lewlsh relief tract of land in secs. 20, 29 and 30 ml wouldn't be surprised to see JULIUS ROSÈNWALD GIVK BSALI- ageuctes are spendiîng $100,00 Pry Window Bars Loose at the Waukegan townsilp. W. D. $10. kerosene as 11gb next seasou as ga- £NT FACTS CONCERNINO PRES. moith there. tht.saura t. leua than a soline Wh Beaus thy'r uing ENTSITATIN O WOLD cent a dey for each needy Jev la Po- Goodmfan store; Carr Off seol ite. owb Becai byre aIug NT ITUTIO 0FWORD land. The 800,000 PoUlah ebtîdren whe Cmlt ohigSck âait et ItLenv tofmale gaande WRare In ueed of food are reclvtng I CLlteCohngSok Coitday rcLgnrofLnadadMore soup kitchens aud mili stations RbenwhswrksmPdtm Ca tda. re belug opened every month. At lr woas bwroie luto themE th otis e fane earbtPe sînd TE.S0 ELE O DONE lreont thon. are 30 lu Warusawalne, Goodmandepartxnent store, 704 Teut2i ibacot f kreen ~5atrtun and a cornespondlug number i *«M7 treet, Wauiegan Frlda.y ntght and Pm tth e tact that 80 much of the. large dity Of Polatnd, yet mon, women escaPed witt a truckload of toat, Most î pu Io being uaed at preseut by trac- Carried On by Amneloan JewliIi Relief and chldren stand for houreinl lino ta ly mens, clobitng. Mn. Goodman thue toc enggiues througiiout the, country~. Committee in the Wam' Zones Whore get fto& Fùty-live thousand fuitives morning pîacomt hia losat between At the. local office of the Standard Thousands of Mon, Won and lu Polaud ane carod for sud .Jewtab 110,000 and ;12,000. It vas the OU1 company todsy It'vas said that oeldren Face Ruin, Starva. haspitals, whilb wonld be aimait on- biggest rahbery perpetrated here tu kroosoin bas advanced tn price trom l tîrely vltiiont medietnes. doctors, food, yeari. Not anly did the thieves maie I1i 1.10 cents per gallon te 15 1.10 bed-lineuisud clothig. aue kept la OP- off tto racutticaly aIl thenclthen teit&. The. supply or kerosene le Dy JULIUS RO8ENWALD. ortian by Americai Jewiar tenU sltestore bt theynsoe yid the nniidta 1h scarce. The great var bas wrtten a nov The war bas loft 75,000 or More or- thef e, inaglu an emeat ao labrtcattng ail remains the. Bao and tragla ciapier lu the hlstary of phans lu the countres of eutera Eu tites, ombnatin. ud rem ibe I r-y SU0oO se it was a year go, if nt the Jewlsh rae. nope. lThe future of thest o Jwtah b li- qti, a if valetnclindg lt a lttI ebape. a ol copmn ma Sde y sde lti th toy yarsludren ta ane of tie blggest afier-the- watch sud Chain. j-'-tleHoéeed aoi n an - ho'idernyaie wthe ativty lu aby-invan problemis ot the presoent 1111e. Entrance vas gained by pryinf thie os& 1e quted asolne bas1 io tbe .l 0 ersm e apt 1 t I . bY-American Jowtsh relief asencies OP4 eaevy trou bays off oue Of the rear \«sOt a gallon. the seame pice l hIont h ato euae;adtepr Institutions for tiiese chilîdren. get Windows. This vas douehy Mens i~bon for the tast 60 daYs. secutions of the medieval ages, world hmIthoe.cnr aekpofaeaylc f2%nhpi. oer 0fbarrst ot dte a . earswltb the. parent, lu the cases viieroThis pipe vas found under the Win- tram 1914 ta t. Iresent. tebyas tfather or mother ta living. dow. Tbe clothlug and othen stolen ~erve ong ets0fa end.Ts ent ofthe n th-le stricken countries f Europe am. hasemet dean aud loaded Into te laon elof tii anciente i ace th uneaslng. Tiie "Westvard Ho" bai walttng metor car. maiorefarte acnt anauybracela made tvo trips ta Danzig viti uPwatd A enmaitboy living in tbe ueigbor- Tmatperormd fr is ti in fth gosnyvefr. s oftyet$1.000,000 worth ot supplies on ech hb-ood teilaetofhaving beard a noise Thatperfrme forils he illeof he gda wre ioetuIntbe rear ef the store about One ctistomers by thi s con- grndlug eut the long years etftiie voyage. Severai other shîpi have cr- '-eclock and It i. believed tbat tbis payincludes the Best world confilet the. Jews vere caugiit rted lu the lest few veeks cargees ef muet bave heen thie lime the thleves Ariiia ihtada remorneiessy between the uppen sud Jws suplies. Gonds are R13o sent were at work. The robbery vas net AVrtiile Servandwa nether mlîstones. from Paris, European hesd0uartena. dlscevered untilthe cstore vas open- Vaing c erant ai eey Telatfv easbv ee Ubt The relief provided by the. fund là ed tis mornlug. lnip ockedt. a d he et bive etav11e lden afitsrat not distributed exclustvely ta 3ev.. heu il vws fouud that every ar-.18c tsap ka ovrsas sîuto tn hemei ar l As an exemple, lu Poiand this year ticle of clothing, wîtb 1the exception oii. warrlng uties.dedn for themn atith sulplies sent on the rst relief of a tew mackilaws, bad heen taken. tv arn ontue vapnean r ip fan Jevs ver. dtvlded hait and Mr. Goodman haditucreased bis stock c...., thein living upan wr the oma rit hait wîtii Chnitians. ot clotinlg barely a veek ago by th1e -i-.pad. Wou yupysfwons~ stopped. driven trom ter onqfrt Palestine and Roumanie, far spart Purchase et $1500 worth et suits. clgoeeu.; o« h.pmanS. U < byth eiiesetfrmr utnmHun. umts r si ucsaio f M.Gomansamys lie bas bunglar ~ i~. n h~.P wukte foier afforer vant . ohaut awuntOf boo j"_f«_aServant___________do gary. then by teRs lushnb h n ieaeatieI estino h nurance te h mut aeoth h.f ni am faiywshigdantu e ~business ans h bg 5n 2500. e hn a a idmore but de->7, ý'hu.coa0k iflY tstfil ion ta picture lie era devastation ttostnlead svl nSa sce a few weeks age. He declares _______W______as_______geneamng h po-amount of relief von lun homes, mutthle uieves muat have hadt al lemat dj s di ud merous wOaUs ho pi .provtded lu these ivo la.nds. vna truck ta haut the.10ot avay. alii bor..yar om ctuori? Heo soe tct:Ainerican Jevtaii relief agencies wll Net content wtth takilt tu th Tiare ans about i6.0o0,oôo lews luamIsaenlange lie scope ofter ot clotbi n an the sgond fon twhe I Li~~~~te vanld. Seventi-tinoo per cent of l i.Bain.v.eei .eseilythev e vent t tforsecodfleiene difficut ta openate aimce lie railioadu hymd erh e itlg e Aboltat o i~ î Wat thema live lu tue vm-swept countries. sdbIge etoedb i i ndlug auy tiiene they to0k notinlg AbuThesorle, havead rdgsdetoydyte nese on tint fcoot. Several paire of ande av been vitieut exception of- tiaus bave nt yet heen toplaced. saes vere taken tramn the stock On .th e viticity i t t fecied by the Nvar, somjetimes only hy ' mncj te rs eiftrainthmanot rntemachinery adap- Atue nierictl Redetros relieu thn ssnlibre pllanccsthat atce cessaatenb ie oof til buiessuadmourey f 31 cari ha. just completed a trip The cash register iu viich about hlitt teiils. 6000000 evalu Plan, Czco sro n cas Suberia. Il caxriod lied Cross 20 pennies had been lef t, vas not vskia, former ÂustrlaHflngary, RBR- and leviah isplios Jointly. Ameni- clased. The tirteres teok the. Pen- ils, Uinani, Roumula. a a11 ealwsirelief &sie* a vlIcou- ntes and even broie epen a littl. box tinue lia vonmad onamgeIL. They uned as a container for geld coins. We ellThm A ir th alay ns. dpandothepOriont- are alsecacsing for hundredi of St-. Tii. police ver. natified immediate m d sl< Roily tepedevi poout-afbeian Joiai tefugeeos. attempt. ly snd are couducting a seanci but Eont ly aym e ta eaat tourpnat wr ld thot aoiar ie Dg tii vn eIndicasradd u tions are liai lie ouly x 0l w y1p y we ts lop ennlii or abol os i. o or u rn, or lapl t e wm d eesi een 0 b sr a in ting vhicb pr.ventod lbthe thevii ; »U& orhret ss, or. iit r ad-n l»hr ftetarvatian. thromtakin&morevas lie tact.ia oruau f thon. and rCo.osnt th point01 a ý thlu rmtor tucvould bld ne more. of Norfh. Ilinois men., vmen and cilidron. saut asSitswoonunebaboncu of Norw;m 11nois ma" 'peaple as lv. u I hOI0 Mt$aimait lunbaW by lie vsr. Mnr bavi SAYS m et Blinolin, dsliiy tadta tiherosad-gone Insane froin hunger sued duoiar lims e gl tuirany iai ro .&or- '1h iappuil nov Ls tu the people o 5u Suan lovtsh relief »onestrainmUktihe lsot eubte à0000tevarde «DM 9 fl f. 8" STOW tbousmbdaOf thim en ook fflt Winun ta teeu- us ËICO A livng ettino aIbir reoftian as the 0* 00511 Iii mmie amnt. o. 1 u 11111111SOU 0F m vp.Ummoschiures bl&"aaéilboSOOtTtiiOS05- - ', W laaie Iaa yoaelaae~un ppwiiiBdteethie athée, r es t Wsqu4flUtomber moisumnt e. if"A & iCs qm idopiy l h mt.TwItnsv rie -West 'it wu l i"s010111111sae lce t og1iter a . lit Oot gola or M M & mfu ioo.T e T m bamgn lia eool e - -V* 1 eu î o éiesflf laagt~e~la authm% 5 eie mpls iaIU4lu 1111reteaaueL Zm a ' ac. ho V? 5*11 t tâ hpue fini - t=I giîsBi11 t w 30.etokm a a .ifit ~ i~~ Ueq " fl he mies ai i « *0< "Mm& s« ,bonm ho Wiu ~ hoiauner bonla mtk àd" as *, isa, *te~aIos.iht eu 15?~0 ?8 ___lan_______*Mte Ivr 'e n"e" are t D~ L 1.TAYL* .meu é* et ilagWoutipi - th<UMUW t htlOUiO 4.t st o -Ml-zu10'W Mt ihé&it t> alU eSt Wf1iaii to l lb . al ge tuho he.vttcag ,. . hUI. , ___________ - tc lcalug spamnieM i*vU, lhli oelle afe Amies ma iwai A11TUSINRYu. amyiu 'o o SI& am oIe ealflsMMunin. and liuigltut o n rm.1111 bPe enuiP e &W d 7 a 4àP. M . h g iwkti ab n oree v eQO"ulthaldn aa iet âWeie uBota'vo. --It par.. ve0"atag ht adusTon tat so.'laetti. ossaenaaor idaa b 110 i -~ ev) orf01,cbthi n* .etw . Irevodi.ILtePtMyP is ud Wh7:1 a 11L1IF r usm mthe Oustra ei connavtrai terciv b H1setH.SA d , etdor saaint vfte lalti r s i distntl>ul.70» momit sthevi iaIm-le amn i mitass té e. Daept.Street,11 bou li fun = t=n ntw14. votomChMadisl-o.n. andn Wo a imta ubwwvmb.Tb011001116 .. sa blevtal e " net lim a p l oft-e "Oum «r011.S a f. "tot1S boaLasallOrigiVoi - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - teb oas t ue t w uho » ate po to n et Torr 00et t m y I; o urp tim o S w C. A4egan. W . b . i $10.s b e De rb 12tutm ln lion euiefo.oo, W.éea H.11ate, Mo, o 1 urphy tabehrliptnDlnicas ad tht O ?* W.C Y atlateuin00Wua m y Savod loutendluacudeanWMbol Uhetyvlle -.l OnziAuferng lu lvta&mo. 015â r- TarpopeAremaMse, paiN oth3CuhiaNo.lDe" $1400. ph arvl u Qnfalsd Aofterm"t.-L11a . les, 5LOnl et bis araias"then; TorYbtairfen e y bre toirea. $41t3. it t oi ( r n flUs ii4LaUS 105.5 CtuaL Slaorgr, ocrtar. i Ny moins abyrbe lt L m heurt sta lts 8a &USar l ock n 0"es t On sya tht bette boe ~ooe mo Co o Av».Poilu M WestInien. ito?. Aiguil'5 gat of reeos bCuae flis ri,-de lietitofln al PAUL MAC ou ~ ditiution tecmittWIe r Ouilg digei>ncur Sl $100amtoi àN 10 los'tOlnhI A~OfNUY o thé, U fd& 1im am au M. em li rlef 0f suf hrins st» In- Ae. 13.reaudi tBM E LYL l O ISTh m-c"Jub -ls mmt ldeval u mWnryo at ope. Mary3 C. otbafr udiu 8 t tes u hretendsu htren 0ieotdi-of TourGnd la S MOd or ROteW. rayike. LW. Da $10. iigcr fte tetrt on omU vl ead hf ftes.J* . Mro ant on s W.. LFulionmd teBetha Sv teviyeo o Lb»rWvido Illinois t he ic a nh e tar e& lief anc We Jo ui. peh topl e a ny a 011 s u plé,f o ts 3and l ots th Ca i e b oi 80 Wiiahfot ad leu ino C.Chall sont cmissi Os ltrtaia nti-;yor rhanredlgm bothonr oi p$4 ar.1al3.iag.W. 41M pbm T-A'011118 gatlà Con UDloiIlPaa, atel. a ng li IIniatheu bottemr.Ha us Siue CechoILlevWa turg mni-AM OD5111i. my eles ecamnftngPM re fner rc 1 adi ethfl O th COMItéo ra eff leg ofseningtheIncoie $10 f r 4NW lo.10NWCiret. 10 Orma10 SA . PiN] 1UAt AW.0Bd jand Abm I melou ti Mrv. k n ews u r i ole ma. Marye C~ . . flo i ndite et a t o iiiie Ub«Wvil% Uhale IL O»Oe l is f ic aout. Mr.000 ;,t* Spi tc 3 lya, Hnaveu ti. or bo rm Ubrgl aooCOr»ofte oitdi- Sges lmJ.mB. 1, R W gin Llke W.o. 10A. P .M,7 wAmITh Ameiea ljevIérelief ecmmit-A laoir t -t oteidt .idatd1for>enle 161-ta Wae Joh  Ig t CarVP Diie. otsTwed Sb. oxLae. . . 10 Il sud 12 Ayltngs Bluf )Park on Bluff- Z. B. Williams and vif, ta Allai Lake. Deed $20. 1. Little and huaband, lot il Igimonab sept. 12~ 1919 Add. Antioch. W. D. l1e. Michael Mycu ani vite te, Jacob Margaret H. Dwyer tao0. E. Wag- 1)rozd and vite 8 1 foot lot 37 bit. uer and wite, lot 118 Shav$ Bub Long 11 Dreyers Sub. North Chicago. W* Lake. W. D. g.-c B. 75.- -Ana Lehner to H arg Lar en, lot Sarah A. Meade and husband ta - T. ed Pistais0e Lake Sub. W. (Mary Kolar ad buohind.. lot 2 D. $4»00. ne - Sa*vingDrect Way ART 0F CiICAGO :Érvice of the Noath Short Une tata the business. district of Chicago saves you tique and botiir. Talce die North Shre cars ai Lib- Lake Bluff fer the luvsrlau, &i-steol Mnlt "astainssd You Wittbe or transfier. luto the very hicart af Chicago -right 10 the very doors af a store and boltl. ve Lake Bluff for Chicaga'. business district aud lntermediate points .m. ta 11:14 p. m.; thon 12:44 a. mn., stopping at the fiowlug Coavuiuat Eleated l Staomm imao Wison s£d Broadway Rimdoipli and Wells elb-fo Narthwoatern Dopot. ,morsm Bigle & Chicago. Union sud Or$ud Central Depots. aBut-Lako Share snd Rock Island Depots. î-Rothachild & Ca. and Polk Street Dopai. eush-The Pair. HilImms and The Boston Store. %Vsbush-Miamsl Field & Co.; Caria Pirle Scott & Ca.; Stevens à andel Bras. ons, Suudays sud Hoilliys there la, a through m ited trien every rcelent C"r S"e , North Shore Une operato iglît 1.10 the Loop district ai Chicaga. m delay by traveling ta Chicago on the North Short dîner. You wili enjoy a well-prepared luncheon tuat wiIlcoat yau lesa than yau usuOllj ela or restaurants. Dlnlng cars are attached ta trains leavlng Lake buffatg:14a. m., 1:14 p. m., 7:14 p. m. n Tickets î cmmutation tickets between Ubertyville For furtiier Information apply ta tht North Shore & Milwaukee R. R. ITYVILLE TICKETOFFCE, STATION 1'bone, Ubeffil74 ý 1 , - ... , ' j* --- j .

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