CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 3

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TLXB RTYV TLLEDT 4~THRSD SEPTEMBER 25, 1919. IJOLU PARA»E IS 6EIIDTO UNDW City and County Officiais meel Union Committee Sunday and Decided. LONG DISCUSSION ENSUES. PACTS ABOUT TH4E WAUKEGAN MtLLS 1891-Site purChaed for the W&Sh burn-Mosn Ca. and plant- wu*start-ad i899 - Washbul-fl-Moen compony od t-athe A. S. and W. Company and the latter ha@ ince operat-ed the Iplant-. Company when t- start-id, employed about- 6W0hands. Prisent - nupt'er of employas about- Monthly payrol0f original Wash- burn-Moer, Ca. about $W,000. Vemrly payrol then *M0,000. Mont-hly payroillof presant- A. S. anld W. ptant- 250,000. Yeart-y payrol now n3100,000. Acreage t-overed hy plant- originalty 140 acres. Acrt-age covered by plant now, 140 acres. Record as t-o trikes--Never had Strike tn local plant- before; nevir had any lab0r differince, of consequence. Prisent superiniendent - W. E AcOmb; assistant, C. F. Blackmer. 1. W. Brtttain was superint-andent of thi Washburn.Moen Go. wAiîn the Plant- statted up and rimaiflsd for *orne years. Other supeint-endent-5 since the A. S. & W. Co. ownid the plant- ncludîcl: Hart-y Rce, F.e C. Gedge, Jay Waldeck, George Seill$, Chartis Put-narn. W'aut-,"gan. St t-1 Tlllrt-y per t-n'a o ftho normal fore t- t-be Wire Mit-t reportIéd for work, t-Is motinig, This meana t-at about- fromn ttt, it-i 700) men are at- t-batr t- tions tn tho mît-Isast-be plant oper at-es today. Atcording 10 stat-orent-sof thoeoGi ciaIs or t-be campant-' rany at-ber mon watt-d bave been at- work t-aday bai t-bey flot- been turned bat-k by t-be Vlcketc'. Accordîng to one oMiIaI of t-be com pany, intimidations were tried on a nuanber of the men who worked t-day and orne vbo ptat-maita voIt, liSee as vat- ho said. "We bad repart-a froni a number of tha men Who came taad t-bey ver. t-at- by picket-at-bat-Il t-bey ditd net t-Mr back t-bey vould Ilck t-bem. W. atsa hua repart-s tram mem 'ao vire t-Dm- ed back because of thèse mon aai tbey vould bave tomne n bai tbey n«o besa Int-midat-od. Tbey at-e saued t-be word '&cabs' tffqent-Ir ta some Of «r men vbo came ta watt.» Ake t-day wbet-ber t-be 30 Ve Cent- fore Mv e r 1mit- t-he pIMlate. operate. Oof athet-be fltlaseMi t t-wul vont-i th -em to ruaeSoit-a dePartrnest-a.Inqulrysavei t-bat- ofly certain dePart-ment-a of t-be Ma- Milvere runnlng toizandstAi vt-ba t-brd of 11, total force on t-be job. t vas ren ', d.cte Out-aide t-bat-t-he milis wou ît n' i ikeiy operate a great- vblle on any large "cae. Aaked whbat-ber t-be coenpany vas taking an at-liit-onal men vbo mitt appt-y for vork, an ogAïacian th -e comme Psay said t-at wag a maitt-r t-bat- bai fnot-beau decied on as yet. WbUle vire vorks officiaIs say t-bre are thrt-y per cent of tho men at- wr, $k.s-r, î'ît-x tut-duist ot tho union Assted sut-h la not- t-Ae case whon ho. safd "W count-od but 132 men wbo îlot-t in to vork t-p to ten oct-at-k t-da',. Thts was ofi-ce fart-o and at-i XW, have fitteen bundrod ment-t-t-rs , f t-be union and at-I have st-ut-k. Tht-t-shows theost-rengtAiof aur ununt-i Vilîn t-boy say t-bat- t-blrt-y la -rit are working, ik laflot- t-le ftt-t Tii,' Iriot-,' steel mut-a of tho c-ounltry --I.ct-atmed t-at about- 7o Pe-r ceolt-- tth(.t-rct-',hauve gone an t-be ;t-itk,,-,l lit t-ut tiîîears to ho anhut- -tt-l ut - i .ut-o Iht-tViitikî,gan. Wamîn on Strtk. tt-de etops t-ttat- t- ta fot- mon alot-e wbo are on a atrt-ko but-t-bat-111Anai about fort-y vomen are Inct-uded i t-obre who did nat- report- for 'vot t-bis morninir. Titase vamen watt Aa vIlrleus depart-ment-s in the mAt, aons t-e whîcb t-bey tan banili. Take Women n Cars The vnamen eoîtaes oft the wr wort-s t--t--t not- rîît-t5to work in st-rott cars t-lits lîtornint-. "The company sent aut-o., t-iWasht-ngt-on st-rtt-arnd t-bey rot-t-o ',n in t-be machines, t-is plan hein., îalt-îtî','ilbeeaîspof't-t-ho desire to aî'ui<t-anyhouty h,isg suip jet-ted la thoLttl-tss reiîîark5 tromt $arie tr ttot iî-'persoli. It- t- Said t-is pt-ati ait-t- t- ntillti, durini- t-be strike. A flootinit. au, lt- &d n lie Slo- vent-Hlta-ISunday aftetrnoon abAt-b vas att-ndod b>' a large numbor of t-be strAking Wr. il amen. At-t-ht-s ers who ut-lSd th-hmen t-o h<tioldtot a iet-ebratAon. W. want- ta show boyw other ieç>utles opened lire, on the t-bat rght- at-sa. Green at t-be milles Mteen years ago. unt-ilthe s. trAke has bea edclded t-n rnny there are who heiong't-o t-be workmen. Jeffers-iut- sPeclals bave beon, wby wouldn't- ft tbaAr favor.' union." "We don't want- a.îything ar t-be 5worn in~ aireadi by t-be sherif, abat-I bc atI rtght- for t-be ctlty t-o appoint- at- "tt may De tliat- yeu wi ho at--of We want- an apport-unit-y t-a prOve kind t-o bappen bore," NIr. Jeffera said. we flot bave reprosentatian ansong loast-ten deputies t-o protect- aur wark a long tArn," one of t-be &eak- t-at t-be tatments givon out- by Mr. "We ail are iaw.abiding citlzçn..W them? t-terest-s. Wu aould be wilt-ing t-o terssai. "It- ray ho t-bat- you wili Gary wth regard int-at-e number of have ilved ber0 for years and we, Asst-. St-ate's Attorney Doeane-The psy their wagos out- 0f aur treafiury. go bungry at tiseaid poesIbiy yonr union men lis flot correct," Firank do net- wisb t-oflgbt- wit-h any of aur speclals bave been sworn n merely Mayor-1 wouid offer any objection familles will sufer nmre privations Jettera said. "Mr. Gary gays there net-ghbors. We are flot unfriondt-y t-O te pratect- t-be plant; t-bey ait-I work t-oBut-h a pt-an. If you are willng ta but- we are galng ta wAn out Au the are ana per cent-, t-vo Per cent- or not t-be wlre mit-I anudau do not- int-end Inside t-o prevent any trouble t-bat pay their wages I arn sure t-bat tbe ýt endd f va ont-y *Il stand firm. We tae eceed ten per cent- of t-be empîoy t-o do anyt-blng t-bat- wout-d reflet-t on mt-gbt-came, police wouId ho glad ta appoint-t-en, muet- presorve an unbroken front ad ean t-be union. Mr. Gary bas been US." Jeffpr&-Our ordera frein tie union deput-les,. providîng t-bey could make stick ountil victory las ours." misififormed by thbe farernen oftht-e Poit t-o Carpent-ers are t-o spread fia blood andj t-at t-sat-he select-ion. This st-at-orent vas griSted by Toct. tact-art-es wba wiab ta make t-be best- "Wei, t-ho carpefit-rs inat-u teeouitwby 'we want- aur awn officers, t-o pre- Jeffera-But t-bey would bave t- o b faronss pilause. There vere no maay Passible abowlng. We want t-o show at-rt-k for a long lime but we have vent- any trouble arisiflg and t-e pro- union men. *men piesent-t-bat t wae neS»ary t-O t-at ntead of bavAng merely ton perrfat- bad a bit of trouble wth them," vent anybody gettlbg Inta aur Meet-- Rundquiat-Yoa, we wauldn't psy boid a »snd Meeting. cent-t-bat we bave eigbt-y t-o t-he mayor sed. "*Tbey nlot made inigs and atitrrlng ut- a miess. t-botr salaries unleas t-bey were un- Cit-y and count-y officiais on Sunday per Cent a f the varkers n t-he union!" sny roquent t-a boid a parad.î and I -Mayor Bîdinger-We'll treat- bot-b Ion nmen. iafternoon weighad carafuliy t-beçea- No Tinte For Aejolcing canant ses wbat- cout-d bec tain-ýd -bv etdes atike. Yeu may be sure yau'Il Mayor-Tbat'a Just t-be trouble. *questof tht-e Iron and Steel Warkera "t-n ry opinion," St-at-as Att-orney a parade oftht-e wlre it-t- union," t-ne bave protection. o- 1 That put- is nrtght- bat-k t-o wbere va Union af thbe Amercan St-eel and Welcb assert-ad, "t-bat t-snet- tha tirne mayor sali. Runquit--î cant- see vhy we t-sOt were bel are. tt wouid mako It- oasior yWtre cornPanyt-bat-t-bey ho permit-- for celehratlng-th15s lt- a t-ina "t- dont t-ink a parade wout-d be bave t-en apecial Policemen front for soute sort- oft-trouble t-oart-se, I t-ad t-a bld a parade t-day. Then, for rejoicing. Tht-s strike las a er- vise ait- -is t-tme," Assistant- Ct-tf among aur own memnbers t-o prevont vant-t-o be perfectty fair. I concede after dlecussing t-be mat-t-orn dot-ait-, tous propostion--itlt a a tlia for Tyrrel saAd. anybody getting in and caust-ng trou- your rîgbt- t- strîke but-I aiso concede t-be Public offitcils declded unanimoug- alemn consideratian, yen, for pray- Mr, TYrreil at-sa cOmmentoît-I on t-hebt-e. t-be right- of t-be mon wba via t-o ro- t-y t-bat-sncb a demonat-rat-lon would er. it' my bellot we abauti! view tact t-bat-t-be Carpenters strike bas Mayor Ilidinger-if you antlct-pato main at- work. Our pot-ltIn witl ho flot- e a good t-ing, and declined t-at-is matter as serlous tbt-nkt-ag, t- e hon conduct-edIn an ordoert),juan- trouble we do nlot-; Yu seem t-atstfoolt protect- Oie men on bat-h aide.s tgrant-t-he requent. vel-boa<Aed men. Yeu mon wbo bave fier vit-bout oven an argument. trouble As comlng and wo fuel At Aa net and t-foot- equaî t- t-be t-ast-c The requeat- for permission t-o par- decided 1a st-rt-keodubtienss bave Want Sworn Depuliea We wiIi preteo-t- yo,, we wtt-I bandle Cbt-ef Tyrrell-If anyone st-arts ade was made by Mayor Bîdîniter doue so bocause you toIt t-bat work. The question of haoî:îng ýwOrn de-t-be mat-t-or satis-a't-orit-y anld wben it any trouble just- cali us up and vo by t-be fallowlng commît-tee tram bt-e lng conditions vore not- wbat- you put-les t-bon came lit-.i The- union sn ail ovor you'll s'iy that vo dtd It vit-I be on t-he job t-n a burry. slt-ovrkers union: Victtor Rund- t-lîtnk t-ey sbould ho. That aboot-? mon seomed t-o t-bnk that in at-t- fair- In gond shape. If t-be sberit-t basa1Jeffers-Yes but t-le troubt-e la t-bat *quist-, secrettuty ner Moberg, trea- fnot make you aant- t- oltd a parad ness t-be ct-t-y 0rt-ourit-y a îthorit-î,ýýs wor I tn deî,uti,'s, ho wait-i andt-o t-hemra everal mon might be kitled befora murer, and Frank Jettera. -a celebration. Let's take t-be situa- sbauld svear t-n sôme of tlie union and belIl hanît-e It-hemr satisfactor-ly t-he pol-icco uld arrive. 1 wout-d re- Becauae ho dd flot- wisb t-a trust t-on serioiusty" members as spocilid tlt-t-s t It-to prot-ct- t-be int-eres ta o fUie count-y. conlmend that non. 0of t-be de-t--,t bis own judgmorît-n a mat-t-or abAtt Ot-ber of the Public officIaIs prp- dueing t-be st-rIke. They t-t-'t-' t-at t-tislsi-e will prat-ect yot-rbone as well as carry we~aPens during tbe atrike' nigbt prove t-o ho serious, t-be mayor sent-, t-n tact-practicat-Iy evory ana shouid ha donet-n at-t- taira, s t-o att-t-beat-ber toit-oas. 11011 keet-order 1Fiat- Effecte of Orink V"I-Ecd ili .oter offit-ks Inciuding expreased bt-moet-fn a sint-tar veln. parties concern-ed. Sberift Groon-Thats wbat l'Il do- j odn t etrth no a ('ammîssioner Atterbery, MeDrmatt, Ati t-ougbt- t-t wout-d be a mîstake t-o Jetters-We underst-ood N,,rtti <'tii- l'Il pra7lct t-po whot-o caaînî'uaity. issuod instructions t-bat- durt-ng t-ho ltlt-ars and Dtetmeyor, Sates At-t-or- bot-d sut-h a demonstration ait t-is cauge waa going t-o 5'5ear in some There ait-I ho nu part-ialit-y, strike, inm-tbers make t-t a point- flt 1ney Welcb, Assistant- St-at-es Att-or- t-mi. Thie states att-orney sat-d it- spot-tat- front among Our union and Runquist- \Who asked you t-o st-s ii t-o bave any liquor an thaîr persoa ney Deane, Sheriff Green and A.4W. was lit-t playt-ng with dynamit-e. wo toIt Waukegan Bboffltd do thlt- saîio n t-he, det-ut tes laddre.'st-ag t-tic. cher- or 'mt-e It at-goy, time. He -atled at-- Chiot Police Tyrreîl. TAes6 Officiais Rcelle l4amrond Affair Chiof Mt-Dermnott-Bot-h i- w 'it- iffl. tontion t-o t-befact- Oiat-fit apparently gst-bered n t-he court- rooni over t-be Commtsslonor Atterbry sald t-bat- ho treated Alt-ke; t-bore wit-li e no Green-t- dld it- myself; nobtody easy for mon t-o get- At tn Nortb Chi- cant-rai pot-tce station wbore t-be un- t-be biaodshed at Hamrnand, Ind., n parilItt-y Ibown at-rkers nor men asked me t-o do sa. cage and urged t-bat- as one of t-be rea- ion commit-tee was n',itod t-o meet- wblcb sevarat- monlest- their t-ve aito are net- st-rlk-n.- f et-ther side Miayor-That laswbat t-be st-teriff t- sosns las want-ing "unian policemen." witht-h em. durIng a st-rt-ko dmonatration rot-ont-. causes trouble we'li arr' -t- di, ii for-hAis t- oo10k into situations of St-at-Os Attorney Wolcb t-ban satd: Want- Clebra tion ty, shtnxtd ho a warnlng t-o Waukogan Mayor Bidin9er-W t'.*;Iu handt-eitbis sort- and at-t. He aparontty bau "Two det-octives tram my office " uIt s why you vant t-o parade." net-t-o permit aiytblng of tho ktnd ibis trouble wbich You Sf-m t- o h' st-tted mat-t-et-s down and doterniined haie boen workt-ng for several days Mayor idlnger asked. t-o oct-ar here. He t-bought t-bat-t-be aati-cipat-lng. We baven'r aske.', our t-bat deputios were neoded and bas in North C(hicago and t-boy vere un. "Bocause msnv of aur men are but-dIng of a parade Mt-ght- tond t0eAnu t-tolp, we dont- need your bet-p and we swarn them n. 1 dont- belteve yon or able t-o lot-ale a single pt-at-oahore goptt-iLng aaady tg) t-ake a varaion cit-e soOt-foo -Owîth the resutt that trau dont want- A. We 'ihait-t-tr i,.ct you anybody should ask bt-ma ho askod intoxicants are being said. t-f yoîî many are going avay on pienIes. somot-î fle mlghtbthostarted immediat-ety. and 'vo sball saeplo)tý-t tîhemen hlm t-aenamo doputtos at- a t-mlinottko union eln t-an furnish me vît-b Inter- are golng bunting and somo are go- Fi"rank jettferasasd t-bat-Oie trouble wbo vant t-o vork I at-n tîmif i.îy t-bt-s . 1 arnsure bhot-s boneat and re-,t-mat-Ion aber0 At- t-sbeing soid, even Ing at-ber ptates." Victtor Itundqulst att-itammand wasa caused wbon one botloftt-at- you mon t-wto want- ta garded as capable of bandIt-ig bt-a if you phono nie wAt-bout- gts-ng your tht-e Union committee reptied. "toe f tho spetisl deputies wha hsd been strike bave it-t- rigut- ad yet- 1 office. namos, t-aat-Iimmediatet-y take at-- taore t-boy go away vo vant- t- have jsvorn in ired a shot- into t-be air and, tact- t-at t-base wbo wis t-o work have' Jeffers-Yes, I worked under lMr. t-ton. I sbaIt- taka advant-age of thbe 1searcb-selzur, lay and raA4t" YOU do0n'tnead t-o gve me >y~ es if You are sure thbe ntut Au sd. 1, like you, want t-he' 3 t st0pped ~fort-bwitb. Jet-fers-We have naniod à tee frOm Our union t-o watch the, of booze anid çwe have urged flot ta use At durlng the. strtk*. Rtundquist---Our union hfe ed our men flot ta Carry eti flot t- o tucbiquar durint] b W0 want order and we vant the Obaerved. Cblèf NteDermott-if your ouw~ t-be ather crawd either, carry ve t-elli us wbo, tbey are and wi asu themi and t-hey wan't bot-ber nl any mare durlng the strlle. a but deptîtized persans "Iii hA" edt ta t-e armxed. At t-hts juncture thbe union ogaM tee attat-n maude the urgentr t-bat none of thbe deputies ha t-hraugh fear tlhat thbe passesiM g weapons m'gbt iake themiar« anld overbeaning l-n the assumtciL unwarrantedt-aithortt MNr. Jeifers miade ît very cloar lai t-he union inen are friendly to th wire Mill. He said that An atr*Èý t-bey are mere-y faîlowAng t-be arduS received fram headquarters. -1 -We have 't-be strt-e ordor a must quit ', be said. At the close of the rneetinag I Rundqist assorted ta a Sun repuE sentative t-bat t-be local agtOSAwVU ers union includea 1800 men. N predicted t-bat when the wire U apened t-bAs mornAng there vlwin be sut-flcAent men show up ta ruaiê he sa-d t-bat msny of t-ho,. vWho not belong ta t-be union badl aaId t 0 WOuld flot show up. The plan of thbe union, accorEW ta Mr. Jet-fers, lat-o plcket t-he P" and Anterro.gate_ every man starts ta enter. 'We wut-l Offer na violence," sald. 'a ~sim'PlY will ak aebI if be doesn't know t-bere An a gtsib an. That's as far as Atvi- go,' W wt-Ine fltseek t-o nterfere wtth t-bu Foîiowîng t-tils meeting t-be. CM mAt-tee made their report ta a Ubo lng of thbe union at the Bloveb'16 tlonai Home, Tenth, street ad a4" aster avenue. it was an overobg. meeting for aitt-ough the big audit lum was flled t-here were ma"y Wb couid flot get inslde. Union officias frorn Cbicago prosent and addressed t-he men. urged tbem to refrain ftranvWcI 01 any kt-nd and ta conot Buivea as peaceful, »W.4bldAa U 4 YRS. TIEIN Marnied lm #tun yw Divorce; iv s a Grounde for DwlvtL Att-et living nssl' 0ryfiB a maon Uitosam esipi~tO2.' Iawtut- bshi s.M Waukem. as,'asItormeulb t-bat- under t-be lava etU b1 vas Dat- lagaly mride bail marriei Arthur RBawx yearat-r divorciai ber mire- band, At-bot Boggess, abt --t«WS 81an. Giviagi -b-aie t-be mole or ber acti* Mrs. t-abn. Att-y. W. A. Dean. t-aday Ctled h cutt court a billt-t - anaul ber u The bit-I relates Oiat- abe va. rled Io Hahn at- Minneapolis qa Su tember 27, 1915. Pst-or ta iblsf. Mtage she bai marnidAt-bSer àt of Wankegan an Oct-aber 1@,,MS St-te divorced, Boggeseatait-b.IMai terni, 1915. lier aeconi mat-rt-e t-ook place harely sti mont-bsut t-be divorce vas grant-ed. Un. Hahn gaya ah. liveA WU ber buaband Juna 15, 1919, sarneofie tnfrmed bar t-ttat- undis' tav of t-tt-tnis ber secand manm vwas voi-t. Then she laft ber bu*b« and says-be bas not litved vit- bbh stice. Aniot-her Seeics Divorce Mis. it-johla E. Haynes or Wa kegan t-braiitgb Attor'ney Deane, IC duy it-ed t-t-billt-at- divorce »ÂatuA ber husband, Walt-r C. Haynem vin she marrt-od lune 14, 1913, at WM gan. Sbh,c-arges t-bat- ha deaertin t-ie" Sept- 8, 1917. INDICT BREWERY WliICli SOLD TO BEERSIENGU Naw t-hoy'ra 'st-art-ing t-bts beer-ig Ing itrosectuion t-n t-be prapor Wva Pire Jt-dge Landis orriers t-be broya ita- court- and nîîw rend t-ts:1 Mit-waukee, Wisg.-Lt.nted BSt- MarsaalRandolpb t-ada>' serveai01 Indttîîent against Atfred A. Etai pt-est-dent of t-be Valent-lneBlastl ng Comupany uft t-is t-t-y. chargil t-bat- t-be comîpany bsd sot-i has il violationîof t-he varttme prohbNtt-t at-t. The idAtment- Asmade on t-kIN coitls One for t-Ae sale of 20 ce 0f beer t-o IHenry Van Curt, t-bs aW r'ond for t-ho sale oait cases at boq t-a Alvin Sornt-net-. and t-he t-btri t-be unta iseot-tc -test-at-ngrinue t-be maînufact-ure of neer contS! at- lat one hall' of ana per -«H alcobot-. Chart-es Muet-t-r, a Ma -"' 'ee sat-oankî' was arri5t-'in mat-oingt-o a li targt-orfeight dot-t-trng t-bat Aie bad sot- i vt-a viol ation of t-be var t-t-ens i act-.

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