CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 4

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,îbertyville Independent de £busUy Independet - Woukegan Weeley Su Office Tlephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. ed &t the Poetottioe et LibertyVille, Ill., &a Second Clae Mailàdater Officiai Publication for The Village of Libert"viiie. Ilai Publication for Lake County Board of Supervisoral Procoedinge à. Every Tbursday. Adv.rtising Rate& Made Known on Application $CIPTION PRICE. 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE SMITH ........ .............................................................. Editor SMdITH ................ .................................................... manager 1. CKHAROT .................................................... Local Manager Caga It loolm as though the beer ruiners, encouraged be. lote ln the thought thaý they could get away with their sre bos, ouglit now to ait up and take notice and realize Uth ib end ha arrived. With Judge Landis so deterrnlned after these fellows it is very apparent that their sou haz been spelled. Judge Landis is one of thosemae Iddof Jurists who gives out severe puniahinent and geslu Î the bottomof the thing. Ths laillustratedin the fact wot IUhe called the brewers thernaelves before him to show ra *hy they have been selllng beer. This in our way of by th, tkiulking la the proper course. That ia, the mon Whxo buy var obould not be blamed for it as much as those who manu-,rî facture and seil. Stop the manufacturer and the seller Ed, and you stop the wholeaale smugglillg. Judge Lanila meut asomuto, have bit the nail on the head and it la aur belieft feis ttthe smugglers btter take warning and stop when he sa the stopping in good. as a bloMi nle new stat.e law compelling pupils tW attend Iid-. uchol until they. are aiteen. which oftentimes wîlleu- ngty force a portion of the high achool course upon them. 'wil mayS bàve a big effect i extending tho education of the chl Ii- if t dben of tuila state. Too many cide believe they e. gihd their schooling when they get tbrough the eughth sîderi Vpades-and ma.ny parents joi with them and lot them thec ab Now itis not tobe so. Tew MUST go on until a tbsy are sxteen years of age even if it sbould carry theM Brû Iwo or tUiree years ita high sohool. This law wifl do pente maà, tn ncourae tuiUs toconiete their hiogh school. 'r.- m amuOr Once they astrin lgh achool they wai't wiah carpetenaad wonfber ffght. - b di m mm ae until they get the diploma. There. IM .the new law wlllbave a benefîcWa effect on educa- 1.N YL M E oUmnthe stat& . _____RLE And no the Allies ane ta quti umua andiseave tue IS "STIJMD"9 BY *nld ave oue o hont d bavm eUthey Ti UR EZR ààffl ba" m lelong &go; th" o bveperMit-. 1 EB E -SI Mit»I%.100 Amoeioeazandi othar Aiied fr&lo corn WOeSa.l.c. >. i.- 10M MQ« than ta keq them thon flghtl it e»vo. 9fates Aftoiney V. 8. leimle,' Of ~~ ti*@Bus"quitterland idaardjâjt& iow McHemry counf-y vwu ilermjil,'«tpa -~~i* theo AID..widrawn, lot tUm go aM fart Iiy Wl'tb etasf n oio aee, Mm g *tbou.lo-thu l « y tlsin timi Oumhton fsului Woodstoefr more or bas Impli- *tIshiun.ocm ts U 4. r of ULOI& tSnm -q- cafid Inlentasf- FiSa,' nlbfs bolealo BSSW SC4 ~beer t fbtta.ho ie<laled foSa, that if- r q100, 1 . i 0ti."OpS CU Y D vuX e aIm aUt. f-lme te proeoufe ~~~~~~~~~~~~wb bd wadoecMi mnetonbsdvtei1 ~e ai lca f-e £01lf-y partise& r, leuwiu tua" a i lig o LeàaeF Il t t'f tw to Mm «t -vas t iRe a bw.garm-"ho uiu mo oiiti'Olyapproe tlifr iit.bOÙ& Wil liverybeiytu laf .it Mmmuty ; _f - sw .bearof th-e raid' aaf-bey ai @veuf, * U'tf-i. cliliren. as voSas ovm UP -M ua" vuei., bave boou m us1 * gvm fuu - r. ire w m of the strlkersjoi i stay- caf- 1 si. u ogrRam dý en er NWKseAN MiL. STRIKE ______ ung near the plant But. no- 1CoudiS 8usb f-b.job if i vaute prces i - froMiUacloe o y bu c~ laCuBed S31ytroublèeue V1*171111eSa f*0 aMW~ --4t ice=hSane therefére raid te vide citeul rafrostt oriinalforcerepoisrts mc lae.tamities vas liste S feistumtiem WOÎLk.Proment force uurelY HOW STRIKE WAS S<TTLiO on1t -LRsifb eh ase vif-b f-b Wbndmting U Pup in pilant; î~no t.t r anme, asbut more no noe w o(rk belng started. The eaa'ponf-re etita'*slu chllceo as a loRsa u aayf-klag eWs O '.-IUULIAffl ail building in that te itory mma n ce-ifarpot t-l. oter actories hoewhîch subeeque.U mted ts fhé lumuber <rculated switf-y and ~score t oer, -raw materialcorm nes di- ad -oial yards te@-.,sa. iîn iety ,' mebars v tfo f-be w"reAs T ecly from concerna no-w f-le endéavor t. break fhe striku, vas Womeu and ciitron fve la lb. bit b etrie, brngsataffl s""y -*tled lau Chicago. Piday ci@5t LiRe everyono eeef-ey ver. bit bystrike brung star iîgtt à smeeting ln i4eteilLoino. offered bof-f-le of ber a" l a ascores ing poaibifities home t Aà a reoult set fhe seul-ement woventof cases, f-boycaried if-&,,&y. WaUeff an' N)rfi lui building linos in Waukenan sd Just vbo vIli, h prosecuffei for f-le Nerf-hu gu*e vili rrsifÎ%. simui. f-b e fboff-.mbanot boen iof-oumnlned 01(0.tanoualy vif-h ft leinChlcago, naob.t. -is atternoon. Sfat's Attorney -3 Àssu.u'ane giVeS Wire el>', nut Monda,'. Lomle,' deelai-ed tbat f-vo sgs0fo MM leMployes that they v7Tho carpenters gef- Il an boni-, lb.euseS--aTe lu the fraf-, edt fhree in -"rotetetiage fom which tii.>'have conf-ended the seopud-wei-o SirectI,' repcisble viii ne poetdgoing to SuiU - e tn veeks' ft et ftrength The,' bave contesd anS vii be Pro- and, front work; that they vif-h lb. contractors. Thé mon are secuf-ed,lhe selS. wuiiif necessary, be ted in. - o nef-unr- fo vork nerf- monday, sepLt. neinTestiatlon bam practically aide the grounds while belpl,.TIs,rreentativels off-thounion ing eand Rair,' Mannln&oemployoof ing keep -the propert-v up. ver. invesf-ed itif-tull POver f-o f-e Oliver Typeu'u-tor tsctory, worn 'dWire MiM advances pay re-cb f-e aof-fleint, anS, inasmjucb reletsed trois fine county fl i yester- 4 dy wedasp as f-elr Seunnd of $1 an heur la day aftteroon vien f-boy acRaS per- .~~~~ aa w as aM-g con4.ied, there via be neceuser,' unision to tell fheur sfory. -off today; strikers and oth- no referendtinsvota orau'tr-er rati- *J'Ivas-u.heoine vay vlth anlOCf ers march to pay office, ilc-on. f-b e nan' exzeaUOd StasAttorney i COntmracf-tL.mtsUutil 19M LUmie'. "ReSue 01 Ihpru ver.e &frifle *éa envelopes Mf-d go The aSTeemeuf-019i. eS incluSe, backvard ID cOnfeseiusg f-eir paot ia -eaway 'without any disorder. theme provisions: fh-' affalr buf-coucue aer -bey SOne man, Louis Zekus, "it tahebre uy mutueli,' agreed-bat t(l hIr fbmsoryIf of arreson complant f-le coetracf- dateS lMay 31. 1915, b"t Marquise Filo# Appogl. ofTom True, who claims a-sucaf-ion anSdftbe Carpentar Con- eut>' Of the search and siure Iav, ý'tZekus proinised, W "Iget tiactors' associlMon, shah rfemain as a rimuit of f-be arreet f- he t b - bîm" -if he continuied work -n fiili foi-ce aut offect untIl e.fd teUiped beer ruulning le Mefleéni )EaY 31.,1921, lna'N if-sdefails euSPro calunt>, veme alortod fod&Y vbon et- -'at-tho n=01s; (Zekus is mot visions, witls f-e,,4e exoepf-lem-i. e., tmo' o avyMrua,050 c»eoo! the i strikers; o he f-e age scal-- -mutuel gWm-eemîm neri f-5ukriavey-s fouissumo»tiof ham not worked at the 'plant Pitered lie tofbis laie; suS, as vi- trnuPOMSn boom, ileS an appeàla l deée b tesiy 'tures bereto athe y spru-emort at SpritleM& in two yearfl' facheS,f-be vase Maceotf-b. PalS f-o Durlng f-be boerin betors Cocciy The outstanding of the tise canitenters duiuithei balance jtidge C. P. B5u0, eovory PossM. strikeaft te Waukegan off-bhe above rnen"meuid exlatilg co- obs.cUn o -c-ua», lav va» raie, j)nll latht there lias been --"t la boeby mutuali,'agi-e 4.Ths jetomWMb r iw no disSlder of any Sort to f-be minimum rat.vess w eon andiS f-. l fi pietsa toateSpt 2 1, "aIui ig e a81__ __0 -watch~g lie p an d purt 1911 «14 if-le fuitbe «Si &UllmLA EOODUV'al %;em>itt nay le repeuud eo wage scale, ouI>' on or betore 1, 1920. by elf-her Party f-o this ment, provided either aide noti- the af-ber in wrUtlng sixf-y daya rta Jue 1, 1920. of is Intentiou i reopen; but no change lu wages 0tal<e effect prior to June 1. .Ali Journeynien carpenters f-a >rdered immediaf-ely ta vaork lay, Sept. 22, ui.' Men Who Mode Seftlement eo jtiurieyf-en carPeuhers. vere qseted b>' William Bruins. Tho- Flynn, William Schard-, Wul- Wh'it-e, and Daniel Ryan. ne cauiracf-ors were represented Edvard Huaee, W. J. Embree, E. Cormack. Clarence Webst-er. L inyon. P. M. 8f-resenreu-er. John fihs, W. J. Scavu. Frank E. Do- y, and E. W. Sproai. hé aris agaomen continuons ten weeks. and bas practlcaliy *epd building operaflonsin l Chi- iand even aftecf-ed construct-ion nearbv f-ovns Iliions of dollars' wortb ot cau- tion bas been half-ed, including Michnigan aveuie link aud the Drake' hehel. . Materiai Men cloeed Planta Dme time aller if-s Inception the erial men cioaed thcir plants aber, brick. and af-ber fuPPlie's- sympa;ihy nIAIs $hecontfractars had oltered f-he carpenters an lu ie tram 80 cents f-a 924~ cents aour. This increase vas refuseil te mien. vbo beld ouf- for $1. arions efforts f-o compromise aud Iate proved navaillur. Mr. Mines' Sf-af-orent dward ilimes expf-aiîied f-le self-le- t tram f-be sf-aadpon- of tIseiras- a] men. lhe situat-ion lad hnucome acute.' said. "Sorneihiug lîad ta be donc a inatter of PuLE-c Policy f-f-ad id had been eugendered on bof-h %.Millions of dollars of building been hi-Id up eugbt veeks. Wash n lad retued ta aid us. The ars plans tailed. Tbe interests se geueral public vere sufferlng. had îo farce tbe -situatiîon anud net- And, as a maf-ter af tact--con ing the present cos- of liviugJ carpentf-s i-I not be oveuliaid Il an bour.", Othera May Seok Incroase ims, who in president off-be Car- tes' District couneil. rusbed Int e' ýI' le Chicago Building .es ùuni ad anoucetbat the "WIRýMILRLS STOP' RUNNINE; 20 PC 0f FORCESTOP WIIELS No New Work Started at Plant anti Present Force is Get- ting Ttiings into Shape for An lndef!giQ _Sut-down. ADVANCE PAY-DAY TWO DAYS.; PAID OFF TODAY Waukeg5.n, September 23 MILL NOT CLINNING BUT READY Whili. fhe vire mills ore cioeodl, i- Was Statsd-d ey that f-he jobs*Sf- the plant sf-i i re ready for mon who want ta work. in short, t-he plant is0'- runnlng but if- tg rosdy f-o. run whon f-he mon wanttaf-oretumn f-o work' Thu it lea paradoxicai case of whero f-he miii isn't running but if- s, so fer *s t-he mon being guvon job@ la con- cerned. THE GREAT WIRE MIL.LS 1 N. WAUKEGAN ARE DOWN' M'hilef-veuf-y per ceunt or f-e meus rePorted, for vork t fia mum'ung. re- Presen-lng about f-en per cent Iss f-ban f-base 'eba vere on duty Mon- day, If- was learaed this mioruug f-bat the' plant f-s eutirel>' cloaed. No de' partme -nttais pera-ing aud f-be men wlua are nov employed lu the plant are f-basp wha are workiug and stragf-ensg f-hf-ara ount u scha mnianer f-bat f-h,,,.son't spoîl a,,3ftbe plant ýea IdIe snd clu-a limn ui niîoa tl;ugs whieti w cri uîndcr way. If- 11180 was le ,rîucd tha- noa fie work is being etaîled trous ail deduetions f-lut cuuld bu made, if- ls very apa-enu tuîaîi the local aff- cdaIs are closinu livlu. ,' irc Mlis s'itl a nies' ta kXe',Pîu-ien taclosu-d for au indeite criof- Today vas ruv f-un uithf-e Wire Mil1 although thei-dat,, origiuaf-y ",.Id came on the îwe'.f- fth.lî ow- ever, seeiug tIhat su. iiau>'mcn had ref-ired tram work if-u decisian vasR Mnade ta advanue the puuy day, thuis f-bey wcre aIl asaumnueuf- au f-be Wtre MiIl office ibis morninu, inclîidiug the strikers, aud vure luanded tbelr at the plant there was no rawdyisni aud no f-rouble at aay sort as f-be enu clapes were hauded ont ta f-be men, wba up f-o Saîurday night had been emPlaYed lu the plant for yeard and vIa reti-ed on their own oSr- caunt, This moruing about four or live hmnsdred men look f-helr sta-iam along Marlou Sf-.similar luaf-hein sen- oral attitudp.f-o,lehe vb ich tarn- e<j f-ei-e Manda,'. There vas no trouble, f-beie vas no boîsterousac-( f-ion of. an>' sort aud f-he tveusty Per cectf-bMe employes via veuf- into ,lbh plan 't vere flot hal-med on any occaision. If-won reported baveor, 1f-bat f-bei-e ere laore osani remarkg 1bhrled ait fhoraby ftbe atriker f-han f-bere were on MondaI'. A Ànumber 0f the me% >vho vrk- ed on Monday up f-o Mon, decided f-bei-e asn't anyf-blng f-odoeat f-he Plant and leff- f-Sn. 40Mg f-otholr boules andsemylng fbUm e a ab se 0 ftoturning fo In lqat darini f-e 1 etriR Rovever, conftbs otheir baud, s neniber o ff-bues ubo verRai uSai f-the day deced f-bt f-ber ooeu 1o Mbock f-o voit a.long a.sfthe «Mr .peu,' bo e i t f-b.vs a sfor tf-bues- 1TeY XPlained that;t bé - badbasa 1 Oisis.dprfotou motma li gesoi f- tbth plant but hInitb f-ie pa @t" SIinI tbalr bomaes. rf-bemor L ngeOesary If- vu leanoi 17theis ft"11 btaPlid basosmla -ote eSd the me. laside thielnt- Who mlgbt be looked upon as»non-unoutmon but vboe proence f-bore vould ha, ab@OlutlY noeaary f-baeein orde f-o prOpemi,' look atter thi property, sncb as keepin f-h.eIre g61ng. cf-c. Offciais of f-he COMPan,' 4.linedtu - diacuas f-bis aspect of f-be oifuaUoM MF-ORO MAS CGUN-ISTA&KIE John Hunt or l4tb stlot sud bis brother Henry of lAke Bluff. colored. are to meet chiot Hemickof North Chicago ef- 4:30 and exPlain aobut, e gSM proposi-ion on vbicb f-ho police VerkeS f-oSay. TboA-,tàBlunf man !brought a sn ua zî ertidesas fo 4tb brother John by appolttient. Hie 1 anded f-be veavos ovor te hlm.and strikers saw th. sot Tby report 1Oit the maf-ter sud e spinelal police. MM f-cR alftos Emt Wio ma* a set- a*. Later ho vas loca-ed and Pro maieS f-oappear and e«Plain matters So says ho vas merely bringini f-be g un f-o Waukegan f-o set itf- fxed and openly f-urneS if- over 10 is abrother. «Nof-blng f-o if-mat a caste vbete If- 1looked baS i andnf-'" mal Anet. chier Tivril. LEADIERS DIFFER ON IIMBERS C1AiMS of sf-miko leaders and coin- offciais on ftho number of sf-rf-ers 1are vriiely Shfferent Pitt-sburgh votres esart 71,00 meni are out- tn f-at dist-rict; compeiiy 1officiel etiaate f-b a 01>15.000 are 1 dis. The Youngotown, O., vorkers .Clelili69,000 on strIke. Company' os- ,tUniates; ero butf- a iaillpercentage WANT AD9 R AT 10Cet Mw inima., Char o t 8ouf-inChicago ...... .......20,000 Indiana Harbor ...............ooo00 Jo1Iet.Cblcago Helibta........ 2,000 Hamnmond.................. 3'000 Evana» ' ............. 1,500 Wsislean .................. 2,500 Milwaukee..................000o sterling, Ili ...............>..100 DeKalb ...................... lj5Oo HOLDUP 0F RAW MATERIAL It la not mersly f-le elfect on the local Wlre Mill wblch f-be strike lo golng ta have iu Waukegan and North Ch icago, but It la thbe effoct f-bat wiii be broughf- on af-ber institu- tions ln tf-is comMUnif-y that is catis- lng deep concern generally. The tact of the rnaiter la thaf- a concorn like the Chicago Hardware Voundry Company canant operato ver-y many weekm ln case the steel Stribe continues. The toundry d<Çes nof- buy any materlal frei f-e A. 0. & W. Co. and does Dot buy al of lifs Plg-iron from lthe U. S. iSteel Coin- Party. However, a portion o! If- cone. huom that erporaf-ion and in a short tMme thee toundry vould feel thne effeCts Toi-y OVrely. In tact iflf-he sf-rike dragged on long enougb it wouid men tiat the plant would have f-o close. The Cyclone Fence Company burs. mach of if-s material fromt the U. S., Steel corporaf-lon's vertous plants. Soin. of lif-s ire cornes from thie lo- cal Wlre Mill and provlding If- can ual get enougb vire ftram indgependent plants, flot effected hy the sf-rike, wby tof courseCif- would mean f-bat thbe Cyclone Fence would close 4own be- tare very long. If- 18 a foregone con- Glusion thaf-thie Independent wire Plant woiîld ual bave cat7acity f-o 611 the demands tar vire tram ail over tf-ils eonntry wlth f-he main plant, f-be Steel Corporation, closed. The sarne would be truc with reter- éuce ta the Northern Bra-s Co, whlch ures tbe metai f-bat canis ram satine of the, alîhsidiary plant$ of the Steel Corpoiration. The. saîie gaca wilhb f-e Sager Lock Ca. ln Northl Chicago, whose situatimon ij, much luke that of tle Hlardware Foundry Corn pany'. Thus ilta s-evii luat thu- general et- fee f thf-e sf-rike aithf-e presu-ut tiin, mere!>' applies tothe UicWrc bit that as turne goes on, If thse strike laits, if- wilt cxluuid sud flaite iii liracr tlcally ùîely factory Ila f-its cola- muulty ivhoam' raw maf-erial conius tram the plants nos' ettected f-y tf-e af-ike or .soon f-o b. sffecf-ed. PLAN <iFilING AÀ SITE FOR SIMPSON OUTSIDE CTIIOIJSE WkIl-t4 WANTED-Mfald lorgenemal boumework; tbree lu famlly. $12. Phone 214 Lake Bluff. 39.1 WAtJTED-Jaultom. Apply st.uh cburcb, Lîbertyville. "II FOR SAL.21-2 sf-oves, one a seel range, burne loft or hard coal or wood, and Osne wOod heater, C. J. Casterton, 118 Maple Ave., Waultegan. Phone 2368M. Wkly-1t+. WANTEI)-To einploy ait iarrled iman. as feeder and lheller on IPuuifry and bug tarin. Wiie w ill be expect- ed to board tarin beli. WiiI provide a gooti houin and wiii îuaY gond wagea Io rellable party. For fuil informa- tion Phone Waul,-caîî 1U7 tirng office hours. kyl WANTEO-Meuor Wo~nuwij tutakmordeme amonig Iriende and imîeîib,r. fur the genuine gu&rautteed iî'ustery, flipurb Lut-L, wornln, and chidren. Elirninate. dairniu*g; av>euîoriîeyv; ,î -vl uym. A bonanca for agenîte. Exj,renîe un. nueeeeary. Write the' i iterniatianal Stockluiz Miii. N rrifîw în, l'aà. :P8.12 OELAYS TH-IS FEAR ARE DANGER- ous,. or-ler Starju SveetEarly. Zion lusititutione & ludueirie,. l>.it. 4, Zion City,.111..Pilotât,49 >Zion 4'ity . 2f-f WANTO-W nee a es'More men. Steady work. Amretan Wlre Feue Co. 27-tf WAN rEo-oo<i girl for general boue- s'on minfamily ifIfour adults. Ail iiiimieif n M eî'e.I-illpuy $10 per wee'k for ib.',mpetm.nt beli.. Sre William Webem, Lk Villa. tf WANTD---nondhandbleWANTED-took, gti or middle aged WANTD-Scondhau biycle; Ranger wouan. (ood wageî. picasaut mur- prelerred. AddreaiXi cjo ndepeudent. rouumllugm. P'hone 81M Laie liif, 87(f reverse charges. 82 ISPECIALS FOR Ir FRIDAY and SATURDAY Fresh Pork Shoulder, wboI., P«r Pound ............. 25e Caliornia Ham,26 per Pund .............. 26 Sta MBacon, 3 to 4IL paoc.sP& Pound .... 46C Muton Stew, &mg aand N.k, p« Pound .....12C Mutton Shoulder, cii.p P.ound-------------.23C Pork Loin Rost, Pm Pound................42 NutOleo, P« Pound ................... 33e -E. H. CORLETT uLibety~ile - - Phonos 339-340 I. ýOUR SPEOIALSj Credit AcsuntwilBe Extended ona Faney head Rice, per lb .................... Evaporated Milk large ..................... Sauer Kysut, No.2 a ........i**'*****' mVeribee"SauerKrut........................ Parowax. per packa ...e.................... Heinz' Peanut Butter, I 2-oz..................... Cowlere Corns.......................... Red Star Peu ........................... 14C 1 7e 8c 16e 14C. 35c 14C 1 5c MEATS Sandwich i(pecial .........................32 Georgia Squares (bacon)..................... 35c Berlnr, New England ..................... 32c Skinned raw Hama............ ................. 45c Crysta1cwhife SoRP........................ lc China Séap, iwo for ....................... lc Crystal CocoaCaatiIe per bar.,................ 9c THE SOUTH-SI1DE GROCERY 0., H. MOUDORProprietor Phm 31 Lbe~vJe ful + AL E T+ 1 FOR 8SLE-iiavîugsold My borne on 1 mCourt, IvIiiheilf-b olluwlig FOR SALE-Tbree wellocaf-edi On 1piecem o!f uriturew eIt private sale after propertiee la Libertyvflle. Gond fen. Septemiber 22,199lpu Uie aak led routa ente. Prices. reasouebîs if taken et once. suite, 1 b.d and mettre... 1 upholsicroit Cali or write f-be owner, F. T. Hlddiemon. coueb, . hall tree, 1 golden cak aide- 89-1 board, everai oak rockers. 1 ascref-aIy, -i1moll top desk, everal af-hem plees 0f FOR RENI -250 acre farm 1% miles lumiture; aleo one rubber fire top buggy sauf-01B aialf Day on Mlvaukee Ave. lu vey gond condition. Mr@. jenie H. Phoqe 152-J. Wm. Whigam. 89-tf Bana. 119-1 FOR SALE-Thorougbiy modemrsix LOST-3efween Fux Lake aud Wall- oom boume lu Libemlrvillie; reetly kegan. 33x4 tire aud rirn. Phone 2105 rebulît; gond se nov; desirabie location; f10il lo«; garsaned. ellde. F M Wankegan. Reward. klardlg, Area, Plions 1114J. 12 t!l FOR SALE-A nov. fhoroughi, modern, 8-robin bonne. lu Ares; euat front, beautiful view; Impravemente ail In and r aId for. $8200 Immediate possession. b. boume could Dob be built for what le aaked for th.entire property. F. M. Bard- lI.g Area. III., Phone 184-J. 84.-U FOR 1JALE-Cbalce reeldence lote on McKinley Ave. Mr@. Grimes. Il.4 FOR SALE--For-y acres of unimprov- ed land 8ituated between Ant.locb andi Russell. .Addresa M. J. cl Daif-y Sun. Waukegan, 111. Wkly-2î4. FOR SALE-Three Polan-d*Chtna pure bred boer-s.'Registered, fittr service. Will be sold at a littie bet- ter than pork price8. Addreéss NUk Adams, IRural route Ont, Watiketzn. FOR SALE--Eilitf room mçsdemu houe; Very flne lui-atiouD; bandy to.*tOwu A eal ba rgain; fevery Improvement. Gond terme; price attractive. Cive Me a cbance tuaLsow you f-hie fine hoine and 1 amn mure3 ou will want It.Cali me a& Lake Bluff, phuone 816. V. W. iturrim, FOR, QUICK SALE-ln llbertyville. M room modern bou-.; 104> feet front. tege;etlooe to elcitrie and tenî roadJ Very fine; $4,50J0. V. %V. Burris. Lake Bluff. phone 816 88-t! i bave smre ver. flue u t-fodaf-eboume. et prie-efrî,m $2.,500. W$3,Otf.$4,000, $4.700. $6.000, $7.500 ta $8,500O. Ail moder.nlncely ltcatedi. wllibep paeed ta bowanytlme. EdAlu neuètîn. 'boun 16. Nortb Shore Gao office. ti + IMCELLAXEOIUBS + Supervisors'_ Committee Now Figurlng on K. C. Hall in the Wetzel Building. ROAD WORK TOO CROWDED Tt- bas heen a Rnovn tact for a long f-fme f-bat f-be Count,'Cor Bon"eusei been overtazed sidfbt man,' departments o et in unty mc- mlnlstration forces bave beeun owed. ed Tory sexili&Usat f-at la som cases f-boy bave not baenable te ie th. voit proIierly beeau et e gestedS cndif-lons. This bas boom upeeiallytruc it lats la fthe uolm Iadu f ali ois CoeU.s la f-he u noef'ws aonu Ce t f-e asmeuf-. Mr..Boum a" lae asistatsbave a1Mhtf-voip four tossand l i vtev*@f-s to elve rond -ork bolet domS atu h Veunfy lbey bave beau eso 0- à*, Ven rno Aooordlaglys a sait e!ttils M&t Mathil; déésv tfbat tb iMias eommiu t th -e upes'vsors isnovw looklag Obout Ota auimtable site te vblcb tbuy ceamove f-be supaer S dent o eat uy scbools. T. .4.. mpeon mi.. c lous offices areluit Met c Mr. -ussrs inthf-b aemenf- sd ho bas f-vo larme ros. Thunse tw room adlil , te -tir. RusselPm Pressait reois vould gIve tf-ben eflunOample roms for bimselt au for a stenegra. pher andifor f-be mon vboaue dolin thbe draving for thbe essmbllng of cont-rseetc. If- là Pointai t f-f-at lMr. 5imp- sou's outies emore eegregaf-ed trois thbe otber counf-y offies tinan otberm la the matter of operaf-lon. Accord- IlWI,'If-les hureS f-bat ho coul.!gef- SIOflg juif- os WimuIf be vere locafeS i some building avay froin the court bouse.Tlius f-e commi-f-e la Iooklng about andt fgurins on a nua- ber ofsesu. Among f-bernevhich f-he committes la çonAiderlng Je lbe f-ird floot coff-be Wof-aol building at f-he orthou't corner 0f Washington anS Qounty Sf-nets. This la the hall nov oc, cuPled b,' f-e iCulibte of Columbug buf- If- lamundersf-oo f-bat f-beylae go' Iug f-o gîTe up thoir Iseosf If- et the end of f-be monf-b, baving pro cureS fheur nov building on Waf-er tf-reet viner. al of tineir actlvlf-los vill ho cenf-erod. A fioot 0fff-is sort wouîd ivo lMr. Simpson e nice cois. unodions outie and the addltional ex- Pense vould bu more fhan mado up b,' f-be conTentence 'brougnt f-o bof-h h lm anSdlMr. Russll. Another site vhich Io beiug con- utidered for f-be offices of thse super- intendent Of Schools le f-bat on Mail- tion streef- usa oocupied by f-be Sent- fary District trustees. 1 ' . Fm Look ut fthe let ln, Siahi Get loto tf-b abit of boRinus et be sllver linlng of lb. louS; and. vbga ye« bave townd if-, ontinue te leut et if- raf-ber f-ban et f-be leaden gray la f-hoefMidle. If- vii belp y" moer Maur bard places.-A. A. Wi1lliu D. D mý 1 ý p 1

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