CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 5

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JJE~xvu ils ~'~»~f2 H RD Y SEPT MI ER 25, 1919. 5errno I a the edwce et R-v R.'am. Ail 7 Z N dL b e D e N ewsi f ll be t'le lipn t %il- Ewr',reou N O W a ~ î e T h u s d a y i n a e c o r d l l i i l t ë e . .1 onFrd orhMmJr, a G. Wehienberg >.î eut SIunday mpmh..r< ._ urg.lnilt, NusdmousiVn rob r e av ephaa--cize atrposition in North Chicago. w th ber parents ln Lake Zurich. Choir ,iib 111tlq we aub e f alk n s roorn .~~~~~~ininierson ~~~~~~L. Hutchings and farnily of Prairie ý .W. Colby »pont a fsw* îays ]&et > T rdyeln 1(f<'p. ~ vaubsofilkd. aie New Idea and m iesnView, spent Saturday here. lae I Wlaconoin, vloltinig hi., wife andOntIdelBrfo. tary, @0r0.'an undpr tl . lo.ip et M.rBalad MotM.and Mrs. A. C. Peters of Prairie ~ unrk etMîa irlgAil mnmit r urwed tc, attend. MONEY AND LIBERTY BONDS Vie, vsitd rlaive bee Snd Uvruîa;.' where be wili attend the I thrhi ~ irlgare the two things mont saught by robbem Mr n rs o es enetie at2,e P il rh ieh SIn knda coln Dait 11Uivrsty 11~lr. ~esI o'clock, ltally D)ay re.rci8.e by the, and should be securely kept. Money is their nephew from Titusville, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Avertil eutertained seliool. li, the afternoon and evenlng most secure in the bank. Wu e r gandJo n n and Mrs. Cavanaugh, of Evanston, the latter'@ nophew of 8t. Louis for a addreouos by Mi#@, Sine. Clark. 2105 ter to Mrs. Mowers. - fow day. luat week. CO R H A V ST Mr. and Mrs. Mowers entertained H. E. Underbrink, former hlgh bclout Reul r res ofte hrch andETYBNSar otse ei Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganiere, principal, violted at the homne of Mr. adSunday school will be taken over byteour SA.FE KEEPING. DEPARIMENT. front Miwkeandcire seten ciln alite hoar Swnalm ofu Sunday achool lRaliy Day service, be- The service of this department is free and I n em9.1a n d H c k n m otored from M ilw aukee l n autos. w 17 m:d h v od ginning at 10:30 Sabbatb nrorning. This c n b a e o r a a u o e e y h l e randl lir.. George, Bon bael ol is the flrst service ofthe Golden Jubilees. cnb aeo ra au oeeyhl a e A car belonging to the Oakwood Stock 1 t ieir bouse On Elrn Court to )r. aid At 8 p. m. the speaker of7he evening of Bonds. (B I 1y~.q~,farmn was atruck by the North Shore M ro. F. H. Miartin. ir@. io nd w i 1 corme will be thc Rev. J.' B. Williamson of ate Sr ILO> r1I.IERJ¶ Electrie at Wheeler's crossing, west of front Munnesota to Bitperlitend the saile' Pataakala, Ohio, who mili speak oit the you uc ie have caBReTY fO, S ca t aortown, on Wednerday. The driver was o ticîr furnîture. 'hme A Living 'iactrîîîce." Special If ouhv LBET BOD that egan, - s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lightly injured and the car slighty ii.PtrNmearasleeskfeueswilathJnorcîrad Y-t ia ,C s and am o dafnaged. for quime tirne bas been nored tu ber the Oid Folks choir. nurreadgthsevi. Rev. J. B. W'iasnadwf fii, i'al ebonat South Mliwaue Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. nurrerdgthsevi. mn. Pataskala, ho a suhurb of Columbus, avetiue thé frat part ofi titis week s Lae sElh a. oi jty R CÉ and brother-in-law of Rev. E. Morgan, botti danghtes refused te taka vanr' lof "The Chris.tian Athlc-ta and Blis Train- -* v oviet is visiting ut tbe latter'.9 homne this, lier. ing." 11 1 1 îrt N to a $~ o i eweek and wil i ta the speaker this Sur-, Tiiy.,o nt wl gaoes W orer cîîîîîia F ia h a i n l Bn vagesBo lient willes giîér tell -a n merida rna-. day at the Pre sblytrian church. cia ss. wll met t the holi. t.,. lrl night for ail nght; rgul.ur meertingof L b ry il ,B n is> uring~~ri. Lieutenant J. I'arcy Foliett who [].,att an F1rlday afei,îî~ 'jt .Tuesday. ('ami) l'ire iiirk '<t the nian',e Sc a c a d a e C . visited bis brother, George Foiiett, last fiera wili be a picaîr- lot, ani ail, on Tuesday Ci entig. RESOURCES 0F MORE THAN HALF A MILLION urdegre -- ----------- lýeft Monday fo Boston ai. eh iîber and trlend, Aný t'-d tii bu Choir practice r'ach Frilav evening, i'iLti ULLAU _____the__________ resumne hi,. studiesaBt the r Mr. Mattiso,coitr l..1grri p"e fur '_______________________Theologicul Semînary. Lient. FuiS-i t I Inutie IAFTER A LONG -ILL*ESS gave a very întarestîng talk <'n his mtsev; pected that Hrrr.ý *fhli m-l On organis . <>cti4ir 1, a% ill ha the B Suet AtMR.J NBRB RDISexperîance in Francl' last Sunday~ a ov loto Wsnwreaih, I hon'o1îgtoa Wedîîesîe0li.r.Ol (egn.B Sr o t MS JH AROR ISchurch. Orchard street tbis w'ek. 1i haý luililing9 Ccnreg atinA.1i hunî .tllriJds ,tiDa in a th M F onesthl mr-ha, been remodeled and will inake an fmhe pastel a s. aisnî. ilitd 3d12thirs. JonBarlieur çîaseed awaY So- Ifenry K. <Caule anneurc th-îrdeal place for a greaiir shep and a; GER- 1day alternoor, at thp honte et lier daàuMbi- riagc' if bis daughtar lien tii ;a'I'ii gi storage place for cars. S.Ltwec Zian PAIlînesa. fauiy residenee, Iligii:nii Park, Ili., Dr. Kline, a denitist in the %'oli% a Thec Rey. Ci.r.-ter C Bi.lia.î- CARD PA RTY** Sarah Jane t>Iýly ewa..lbon frc i n .SaturdaySptemfncr li)('credfactÇln at Ziou Cit diid i ikr7n- i~;~'ii1f.tir~,;t $P E, parentm juta relatives were îiraant. Mr. Stagg Pleiîri: 3'helng the Il' lit W< s; lirni ýwt éete Il.ury couaty. aber., Ii an iivarseas patient ini tht' base hc.s,1i fy le leaves a witu hi' no cllld- j iurnîng wariri o,'l nt 11 00 iiý iolfrývr1yart]a otS lrdn ren. a. m. Er I ,iliiýer aud e-rulglîî t bouée- 8:00 îvdfo çea P.a. mn. ~~~Oper~~~l Lie yte eu ake cinity. Mir.,. Biarbour had tdîn(uriliirs ai-r' a-lectai ut the W'orkmen are nom' c, id:.n li1 10le ie yte'sftil for toîrt V yare in L.iiirty'. uic. lu High Scltiwî'ak . Senîirs, Nlerui, Gland Avenue road i, LI,,k, V'il'a en('iiTi.ia :iiî.n Cahoi ScilClb Na.-ili'r .0~I u., %a. Unitedl n Neville, Itl,langwurthy, Edward and< it in said as tlit rýsîit of t'Ile j omen', î,uîlî, 'h ur.da.v;'I.l. tf marriaica toia JClubabraîér i'. aa ahtîaIun Mrî rf-cent grains, the roaîî iii le'-li Choir prfî'tîre i -rîdaà. 73 J..fil hie,.,hllafuntJre shape. Th el b iter tîkke mai -1 aged wlfe. Ian. Juniors: Janet Smith, Edythe 1îng and in goîag to iase V'l tarrtin OBITUARY t aur- *.T î d v [ î n n a t l~ T u this alon wer., lor n ite ebtîdren. agiardi, De sia' W agner, H ,.rry Engia- it t the D ruce Lake roit u ngi aie o a S ep nl p 12. ut vu r h e (1 ti f Iluiff IÔUJLlIl, i.d [four af whomi @urvive. Mir@-. R. iert jberry, Paul Kohbout. Sophomnores: the road golng outi ro-îial Pourfi i pnl. .îîîre Beorace Grablie, Joe Kelly, Edlward Bîx- Lake. Que thus. wtlt nol gpt advart lr rdt tl- h as a r b f in~ ~ ~ ~I re Ch icago, au tiré. Erneet McDonaid ier,- Harîld O'Dell. Freshinan: Bath- ":.- of the concrete stretIli but hie ahii toe Lang 64 ... vr ber aebe 1 nie fr lu b r nd uligm tea. passe away in 1893. W aldron, Burueli Casey. The orgaul- tht on %rda n eve u cars a'ere stucit Cron h t' i n 6 dor u n i .AUDITORIUM devon nsatero and one brother survive zatiî,u elected the fîîiiowiug officers for in si at stetcfi at one flme. Crarolî n 0osbei sas 2 o6, 14.In A84ae@ __ yaecnroe ytelw fspY* Librtyile, lhiis their istr, §ra. Barbours derath beng the year: Chief tcuncilor, Paul Koout, Lat VleFrne o la 6 14.la14 abs, Tey a r onoled b te ofa upl n Lietvle lios the tirat in a famlly af aine eildrea. secretary, Stella Laugwortby. dnlvIng titroughLak il came to Amenîca WiLh bier parents, dmn nwt arkoldeo these conditions. wW T ty re:sr. Mary Milrof Wood- Fiamoasgawteeareso hystldl olfed iOntactabyr:MIlThse men of tbe St. Lawrence church bpr h nescinof thse 29, 1866t àe. was unitsd in marriage t0Ioyhaeîy Crsa815stock; Albert Dulley. D)undee; tir@. The Tfor soneBuII<tthae ir Dacln<ait 815:0 i hn. eslta odtc;tr h o neweWathv een rond leadiag to Antloch anld the crie Fréderîci& (il@@, tu thié union tacie ] ow I th LTlaDbre aa Tmltir.. oîtek Macr@ meeting at tbe pariah bouse on Tuesday comiag to WAukegau. When bce ne- chldre wer then Thee sons aud Byed Dandào! Lgdaid .,nb ar adM@ ote nov la evenînge, effected a regular organîza tt'ned la a couple or boure thse har-1 o f i t z e r a d , s . , w h o a r e n o n l a t i o n S e p t e i n h e r 2 3 , u n d e r t e n a m e o f r e i n *w e Mo e . B o m b o d y Bt an L a i t e bau ibd i n g p rbr e sn s o u u n . t h n e d a n g b * * *V illa la o n t a have a toast for, ter@ preceded b r gl a dea h . S e leave a a u Ct& ACàolie Banesof l be Mense Club of thse St Lawrence a fter the long dry spell l must bîave~ %p maIra bier fsu ber aged huab&ad, i YOU to ecOflomfize. vaukee: Mira. rlara Gniffia of Wautegaa, church. George Bundewselected see iea"u rmtesis oraatoduhesadfute eud Mira. Fruacl Smith of (darne., who oee iea"itfontesi% agtr n _____________________________la ow rItcaI> II.presideut and Herbent Dowden, secre- t0 fiad thse barrela of beer aloug t-b Rraildclldreu. ________________ la. o u ras ai. s o tbe '-teasrf. An adviseny commarittee rnad. The chances are tisat some of Mohr hnvrw pa!u you al@. Bwaou eleted aossta ofe tof thv thse truckts passiag tbrougs at algbt ohweavrwéea Flrat Pmoestn churecbof Ltborty,îll. Cho selete , cosing fag e d E. had aioa'ved thora ta drop off and Our eles wlth tedro are wet, Tis.fanraI ookplae TChestmier.~ ro Hllextveek'sSmeeting Ef Ese aever ntced the 1098. Borne body Oh mother, bow we iaved you Th oat ' plac e omts a oe lt er, clwb. as wesmeig ft.i Lakte Villa je galag tu b. the CI5vy And love caunot forgét, l.. o et 2eoc daii.l ra. Dni the . ho e. fbrc.u a been deaigaied as A. E. F. of bis nlgbors. You wore aîwaya patient îovîng and 1- l. or« ofthePruitel« hurh tkencare af by membere of the club What a ruuînhaa.aaoe Ualtrousait od as ted va s ass l id by Be. 'C. w vi have returned 1tram er ie in t hse B E UT FUV ILAthw as N AU& w ,. Wv W bi id. e u îf l a a î ry 7 u l 1%1 al e trebl laeces » L.&BIM. ehrh r n ay Marshal iLimberryHaNuTwenty. Heartbrokea buaband and hlrn T h e a tre_____ R RISSF R A tant ahsoag wokei abgnig Fve Yêaroge etBL N. MRRI AU,.ay. AUTOIO<g. _______ru______ ta convey into thse minds of mem who This 1118 ADJUDICATION NOTICIL LONG DISTANCE 660-J"u êtreu~ unkledti atteybv t oi Publie Notice la hereby givela that the AIIYIL rs TO iEE ta go atti a place and aak forwok.- aeo floled the beautitail naver@ Subacribe Executnixaof thse lent vill and SATURDY9 SqL, ASSESSOR NE T YR albrr traull ino facto;y adpride ai Marabal Urnm na:d thmos t,~ vil attend Use County Cour H R M A N H O S he wauld work for 8$.00 ta, 6. 00 per ta eume for tisem. la vbevig the begute b. boldea at the Court Hans ia Wauke-H M a.M NNP P M e m b e r o f i a d o f R e v u e w d a y . U p o n b l i s ti g q u e t i o n e d n t a v h a t f u i v a l a w h I eb : t h e Mi a r "h h ma . an 'in s i o t y o n h e i r t M d aW HN , I LO S "'Under the Top" suggmst Course for T<iose kind of vork lie wanted tud, hew h lava and Blow ll, vs c.mb laij o i Couernet, on19 Use n WandN , LIN - o a is too High. nan-commital, just aaid he wauited vark sMy tisa h. bus tise bati]&wava féSe whene ait pensons having elains againt Aloa~uey-and expected te, get 86,00 a day for it. village ai Llhentyille. Soni. of thée sid estate are notifled and requestedl tu Co NUae Avnu 22 Ma«i. tm ChIao Aise à CmedyFINISH THE WORK IN WEEK Th. fornman cited an incident where a Bavwer. at thé preat Urne arn, fUi pressat; the same ta ni Court for - [man vas employed' at a machine and Montait sud If you hav. aa#see tisem It adjudication.- - Tisat there ame a aumber of peaple asked bia if that vas tise kind af wonk vîli te veil worth a fev momente of JOUA L. PRmc, Executnix. la 'Waukegaa Who may ýb. givea an he wanted and b.e replied Usat it vas. youn inse ta ses tht. beautiful lavau W Waukegan. Illinois, Sept 8, 1919. SIUNDAY# SEPT. 28 Setunfalr bocet la their taxes an a X0911ît The foreman thon told bim that; it took ior, tisé front contes. 21-6 W Pneî lfl e d;PU s n sr«# i) W ailao Rei n o f the thirty pier cenlt horizontal In«. Uis mans ive or eix years ta te able ta A aog tie Bavwera aur! planta are tie s p. u i $ n e e d n l s ii d A . P g s u s r 0 eT5sae la value@ la admItted by mes- sit et this machine snd penfarmn hi& veli kaown klade anrayed Sa maka their b e rs f t hse l ak e C a u a ty B O tIB a io w on k , a n d U sa t lie o n ly rec e iv e d a b o u t a p p ea ra nc e ms a ttrac t v e s s i p ossib le. * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revlsv, but tbey say lit le one of tise t"Thag visîci 50na b.entsd a per da la the begianing, and tloishocke aloag thé bolidin o the :____ ____ a ithm» if tit vas the kid of w o te! sot andm west. thethe wu u ie uayS enssîng temte da ugsedyBut Usis vas not vbat the laborer Ii'e. la the botta around tb. ]&va aus It m or t e C ol r D that a eus whre taes my bae wata tc ork for, na ha left and ie aith titildlfersat ahadesaf Ater@, Balam, mmcè tise taxpiayer géan taite Use mattes' up oUser foneman nov. Bronsurn-Betty, Geraalam., tUvia, Mar- vC ith Use assessar or board ai review guerîte, Portataska Coiré., Double Children's Faîl Hats, cute littie turbans ai fine velvet cardizroy, in vari- 3c AL X F L M N ext spring andi have the amount ne- NOTICE. Cyneose, Sweetalycnrn, Petunua, Barvar. ety of pretty shades, some with ribbon band$ 15ad .5 5ke AL X duce so li wlilhe eqaltable. .To members ai Aemé Camp No. 176, tans, Hardy Flux and Uladyolle. Tht. and arnamented wjth littie fur heads, at an $15 4c"Uadoubtedly there are Borne peo. M. W. A., tise meeting algista bua baa comprIas ail tisé laver. Coatalned la LE HtYVI »74L ple In Waukegaa h are paylag thelr changer! f rota thé lot sud Brd' Tbureda il uthe lava aad la a credit ta olpoe waes ml o fteepplrgret,' eea 4C1Pay the Higeot (tee "cese mases rther dhrter Oen tis In. A. B. -yit Iir.Lbetv colore, made with long aleeves and extra deep purling, V-necko 5C ~ ~ ~ ' rC> cr. nmyb ahe rs.O h A#eSt.Pu depot ia aaatber lava ýornamnented with yarn pom pom. While they last at. $5 0 il1other isand tiser.s are more cases viser Ihc a enwl ae a@o ytý orn peopie have not been paylagsu- A L ' E P llcbebenwttkaca ihyts ~ dent taxs aad tisetut7 per lnt attendet ait thé depod, andi nome rais Outing Flannel aiecletqaiy i c aoteta Juk n U JAuOS lcrae ii ayandgtse axs bd3 a' uhcnalrrsdad ak ateN T hseaeÀuh nervluIt'o - Parts for Sale som~l eena vier .lea 1-1en tie1a-otacecettî ak.avr

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