CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 7

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bd4 -- re»Nhm-" bFUe bar " Cao ~ i Um 10cbluo bMe. de go bave ber tom% rnmovu d m tbou 0 W e.A. fn.oé veut o wbom Babudag m mt.nd uvedq «oq IM" or ahem of.S ai m ":éhsu. à si U be lua ne t em Mi vuk FWtIa .v.m gby tie Smmda4 sabooLouamoordhfimuhai. M&Pituu PE HILDEBRANDT mi 1 GisT SdhooI Supplie- Al» gme a-themmd b"eV940,1 - oe bSdISd PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS Caffully Comp.and THE REXALL STORE GRAYSLAIoEs IUMOIS k. 'WENDLAND OIROCERY AND MARKET Demi IffI General Merchandise STAPI.!AND PANR YGqOCMRES MOOTS AMD cmO CM&, ryProaq.S Domlgk &W So aisgbu Dma int . Chago~s to the; report that tise carpenters' un- ion va.ta ba vaformieas*âu lion ag UiO id as be.. .0Oieday niglit te tetermine vhethaS it aiMsaeW k.d ' owltibe deiedstte ce th.e em- Kun au wu >em i Bf» trsctor8vWho dl d actital vont them. Mr ML m s.Kaouo"a esm a" nu d"rlag ta. tria. t l'y 1bat mila Lie OM eau t &aiE.Tiemai. th. uni=onen.dollar for eve'y bol- W.hwe sentveutgoJoUsW idaiadqthugsput DLia. k eimathat gmeecau- Oe dot 70e118110 forbilé 011113l ester enade a canal rimat thagt Mms.VaMEasai. mddaugièses e "IL 'itwoulti b. Weil t. bave the. contrac. &à Mm..IL houai' SudWafêsemoon, tors do that and am ew oythey likit W. lebirea&Ima m iddaasatTlevr, f t" aut he ramait pas on anti W. ns,, *atis asumeti a "Maewea aspect. 110v- osella Amena wu ii.w la »Wln ever a eadingcarpuates- todmy »Id Sur tie Wall. tbat fit va. foolisi ialk a"sthtIIit WUa Dot ove. disonedet APPRqAISORt PUT IN ing Monda7 Egh. A kSHFR. 01000 Aordfiagt t data ram d'e Iocai union about tzventy4ve ý%;pener@ Cliart.e woreanmd Damiterà.AWho have beau vorting elsee- wée ai.,souted the Bout or , durlng thi. tIte and vio took their vie tu, malle an appraimaof the tUanfers ta Kenomba and ti ber pis- ProPsrtY la Wankegan tI>day sulimt. l e ee re'tram.fenred 10 the We.u- ted ta thse boua M fa ther a kegan unfion liondây iglit.Tbf. les. vices at tae rate of $15 pet aygghves about alty or elgbtY stIlon'tse Vita au atdiicsi$le0par day for th Is o ftlicee vio took tresefer rou lime ut Mr. Worsck's autopobfle asWaukegan anti Wbo bave beau vork- ULa". lIsaismaPet lua abill for tng la Kenosha. Tbeie viii rtsm,. sitty5ix tisys tises, momnag t * U lly coule backto Waukeg an md viîî for ascii- Mas ri. Worck dded to get pficked up vill d'e local. hie.blli a charge loT ustng bis auto Accordlng to an. carpenter vork thirly-1roa daya Itittnnaiorf$330, la nov pogesi5g vos-y sa±if..c makig atotl carg of8230.- toly, lu facîtisae contractors, l ias Theinbaoadli cara« o th331 t. cas not get men to help dodh job. morrov. Tii. apvrafiiers recestly put ln a blli for services up 10 d't tisse but the huard diti sot c because Ex-ONwENTSIA the vork Isad sot liencompleteti. Tise board of reviev snmnbers stateti C il A DGR tIsat because tIse von vas sot dose À on scYsdule lime th. e rt ai thm apprahsers wvu vithout vais. mmd MD they Wat 10male a flat fIncrease of 30 par cent Its.d or making a re. IL ouis McConnell, former manager- valuation of all property. . of Invesîsia Club, Lake Forait, Mmd Despiteu the atiudie of the board thse Bdgevaler Beach Rotai, anti hWd th. appraisers veut aiiead ant com- formier secretary, Misa Gertrude N1ew. pletedt hem vwon andt odsy stbnll. Uns, wve ,rre.ted Iat veai Wed- ted a bill1 for the total sanount. affay ln Indianapolis, lIn& Mr. McOonnell. issrrfed Md !tae Camp Grant, Sept. .1.-m chllla f thîr of OU cilêee, Vasrehisus tbcu aI Camp r6sm uS e puma. 0un $1.000 banl viol limasNewmn nently anspended Oi oiptember l, ie Ield lu Iii for tva dé7t, acarilgita oordenu reeived goday , Btnng by Mooaus mu. tram the War Dilartautt. Tostbwam mati"dei «~ena te' labepopeber vitIs Campa DeYiUa, TA&S. bdi7, <B e e & Man. lia. Mi 71e, Tais md trt Diesai masla builliMd tubisr% bau am r met u i e.4a s S m OIOr to thé oveau.mam saeit a duisuap uomae. turs ad hiipo trugaUWOOMWi Sun Ïehebd aan u vt&matic pistot ant NO DANGER Waukegan. Beptamber 23 À report va. ststted ber. lodsy thât, beause of the abutiag dOvu or *0i vire varia that Wauke» gafes a water famine for thse !iaoa tbset the vire Min&. bave hein fadoui. " potion of tise City vaier aupply for a fev veeka during prugrai cet r. Pains at the City Walter buant 10ucs a report vii o«M xnaus andi 'nmerlt@i aàcr.. or tile ruaOn tisat thse vire mn1, no MatIe, boy serions d'e strfte sitIatinq haou. mOuSt continua Orea nil. bdWlrg JO presserva the plant and therefori, vitIs -etesubetng kapt up, uothing t. tiltrtera vlth Wsjkagagotuin Its vater front d'e plant 4n ase»an emlergency by fire mugse. Furthermnre, tiqe ripsI-, Constat. fing of the base for tii condenser pamlp aitheli.City plant wuva iippel SaturdaY bY e-Pressanti *honid b. bers Iodai. WitbJn 24 bourg mter it arrives, tise City plant viilbin', normal condition. The Wr. MII novwfi. furnishing but 15 pounds o fthe 66 pouah preasre c4g led by th cqy gaube.Tise ck( plant i5 able totahLU~ib 4() lb.. vitis Part of the Plant not befinq used. In case a lire came andtiui case the vire mili vas NOT Conected vitli the. city mains as fit las beau for a short trne turing the ripaira, thse Cfity caulti furnlis40 POunti. undth Ie se-w gasohîne pum,) truck cijIlt reie It. 'Ihus, tIsera la no cause fo.- alarrn. fiu the irst pace becausîs the City take care ()f tS-if unioesa a Castra- ph. Ceurs, andI secitstiiy because the vre mi --ut keep up Ire Pressure, for i4laf andI woold b. In shape taý bsIp, the di luinfuturs as fit hli thde pait fIn case the, omergency arose. A Wfire Mihl man sal4 today: -'«nh MOIi surely vilii iep up vater prels- sure for fit. <iv Protection anti- vile v. miglit set vsis e tafusiswau- kigsn vater as an ordlaary . hig surely fIn case 0f mn emei'geacy Vi voulti ot keep thelea gmt. eloiei' ve woe able to ellen bt.el, 1 wmatiiafisw ei, t Ovue gay ik"du f lgiasm lmd te umfitwi gpue i ueeegot ~clore, am ftui-vtoe v4'001i aiebudid Md p_1M6 Fouimnu» 1867. MICtI4ANMURA LIFE fIS.JRANC COMPANY DETROIT JOHN HODGE, DîstrWctManagu, Ar.mIII Dear Sir:- During the last fifteen years your life-work has beau, shaped and determined. If you have prepared well, yzur future& holds many good things in store. The matter of lnsuring your life la all'irnportant Thig you know. Whou yau acquire the property which you feel wil b. suflolent, you will> go to an attorney, ait down, and quietly and deliberately make your will. But your Itfe Insurance la of more importance; your ilîl simply distributea, but your Policy providea. You may make your will at anytamtî dûrlg yuur natural 1f., but the tUme to take Life Insurance is when yoiu can got it. ImpMlrd riska are nat wanted. Let your Life Insurance Salesman quletly ait down with you and tell him what you want the inmurance to accomplish. Let hlm be your insurance attorney sud advlaor. Re lias made a study of the buoiness and1 can explain luow Insuzance Wll serve yau best. No higher compliment Cen be pald yon blia hie deaire to Interview you, for itou are snpç'osed to be af eound health, wlth a good family record, and of good standing among your fellow men. Your Lite insurance ehould not be neglected. If you are lu the market for more insurance, please let msi hear fram you. Youru tr 'uly, JOffl HODUE, District Manager. 'q H&.JPPNMIUGB AT Rn. tao, ha. if that ChicagoGoldergaFrls t CaI da-V illeht.eek vlsb heru@Interln Clcago. HryGlbr al oClu À O V R1"'" e rL1 Te Ladm'ILLINOISt BEER lielate Distance and Speed T E 20 T vte .xnNrhUoZ regar tflot wîwho ave v- t'jexJjV jOregular meeting vwth Mm .C. B. ILofS FasOR TEt90 Train.1 Nrt hiao o,ýWb, H amlin on Wednesda, October li. As o FstTai. eigu l orteT [r'P,9" f rond asprnvde 1)0f,1,1 l 14119'i :; the elvherethy hava baersIn oTukt lau-the:keganys mî2i Boys S ER<Iîuariir: u bi at an) of 11 1 P. E. HILDEBRANDT, Cor. Sbi elaREon 0f ffitani t i. IJlA n F . SUaC OSITAL h .. . ideslred to haa. iB uembere preaneft. ___ A young man by tho, riaille of Harry Te1as0 oýsst ban intcrgw t talus the. LATES? coatiy ews. Orer îkm frhobWo rk. Mlir..Bulord and childrenhbave retiirned BcsZo iyPlc W oGlbrepoe t heTatîne Tt ponîe Advertlslng ras on apiain rnu Dr. and Mr@..Il. Struters entertalned M. Dau~be and daughters retreed kee Bitw. ed te ote th~e rapid aoroacli of Gased Are Liale t beRepr ftecniino tan12budfrCiago and'was ogtenNw hie aiter from Chcago over Sundaj'. Mondai evenlng fron a tva menthe hurled fInto the ditch as he tried tu !rtSae a k o on day or teir ornefin hicao. Manseta.share of thsefaine of lilwaukee'un- Goldberg did flot die insta.ntly des- ANE The nderidin C, fi putingfiLder the questioufing of brewers and Pite thse tact that lie Ca firf day of September, 1919, smd tJIeAuîo.fPulcAconafb hooa ours over tissu, setieey eugttheir agents by Judge Landis, who je quite a distance. Conrasd & Wetzel Thse var fis virtually Over 9o oaroflPublie pursant ta law moriMILLB3URN trying ta lacate the fountafin head if<> ambulance wa callIed but the pa- the publie is concerneId but il isaflot RESOIJR(FS Ihur crn ackd. l a eid ht.yulhiChicago'sq suî'ply of 23% per cent iseer tient dfied before they could reach ýover for tihe twenty-nine ttundred ...ons.....sco.ts. th blaguâtî corn pack ever packed belon. re. MmLibbie Paddglett lots Friday for John Niederprim, Kenosha whole-Dbrgal'sOfcke A aled in orne w sFort ieridhoarHospintrafi tetat 2~LbryLa od............ b rooklyn hee he bisahaer. aso eiof tHesp ia e ft îît 45 Certificates of Indebtedness..*«..............*'»'*'«"* .... Canning Co., vent ta Chicago Wednes- friands befari reburning tuober home in te recal, ai ttr Judge Landis had Pri- Hie regitration card showed b4m ta now facing a war for healtis whileh Ohe W onds ain Stocs........................................................1 der on buisa.". Butte City, Muntana. med his memory, that two-thirds of lie ninetarni Yei.r aid at itat time. will last a year or longer fIn many 8 Banlsing House, Furniture and Fixtures .......... George Crocket vas a Bunday visfitor. Mr. and dr. Ed Caddock and daughter the 1,000 cases and 200 barrels ef real iHe carrted a slip ln bis pocket show. cases. Most of tktem have been, 10 Due from Banks ................................. RusllKplewea ek-n i@trChicago. alice July 1 were loadedon tetaSept. 30, which meant that Sept. ecta for rplease are flot very lirfiett. 12 E xeh au'ge* , .C'heécks suand Cé ollec ëti ons.............. ..... u4th bis parents bore. Dr. and Mrif. Jamihon and daughter, bearing Illfinois ice se taga and that I 31) woulddbcafthc end ofi hi. worlcing Most of thse cases now are croule 14 RevenueeStamps ....................................... «***" ~~day periad. cases antd many of the boys are i Total Resources..................«"«**"*«'**"* Tlca t rte t 'ryale Wv ea 0 orwe- haegnoniitr@Mod ln ai issym n In s ance eromahicago. Goldberg had been hirptd last 1ri- bed where they are befing îreated e...... .................. $82 cattie »t of tubguno endln the pamn niiacefdyt ok ln e înshing depart- for wounds or other conditions LIABILITIES P.E.Hldbant a aCicgoMao a usttinier. îislaîga ment. He ail d worked reguîarîy brouglsî on by 'Car epe1;.,s. I Cap'talStock Paid in ....... ...................... .... .....000 Tbndyat rdyo atve. E. C. Martin t. attanding superviseora fi juee bewes. and ti u ring overalept. 'h at httexrpaer eans2 Surplus Fund .................................... %n Tharaday an Fridey of aut week. - litss accurate knowledge.0f te Wls;a ý he vas la tethe belief thus that people zFcne,>a]îY, who during lite 13 Undivided Profits (net) ........... ............. Malng boverai tops nf kuovu friend e etinoge t d@ yaok. consfin-Ilinois beer smugglîng, went I fs that lie wae hurryng tu the plant war perlod, were s0 responsIve ta 4 Deposits ..................................................... .. .. 2118141111 thene. FLre Sprfing leqafite ick at priment lane on thse stand and will lie re- o make uit tîme and that was hov thse appealq ta aid $eck sofidiera, are 7 Reserved for Taxes sud Interest............."*""«"»***'**" Mr. andI Mr@. Edmnade lefitat Tbure. vrfiuig. exanined today. h okthe chance" ai crosng fin lhable ta forget that the boysswho Total Liabilities ............... ....... ...................... day for Tenineoisoe where tbey etiiivieslt J. 8. Denman, secretary ai Mfillburn In asking thse court ta dissolve thco front 0f tii train. sacrificed se much are stilfi earrYing 1. E.C. Webber, Casher of the First State Bank, doesolewyave ub relatives. Insurance C., va@ called te help adjnel injoniction te restrain offciais0ail This faut train fia dut in Wauke- on their sacrifice while the i sOlo- tas the above statement is true ta thse beat o a inknwledge sud hti~ Mfr. and Mr@. George Br andstttfr jnst thrleetire@ Monday causeil by ligbtnfing Zion f rom destroying $150,000 worth gan at sfixthirtY and it was ,:45 when hiable tin forget the tactE.RC.-Wma.uCai. returned froni thefir the tru ai Bunday mornlng. of beer and imotor trucks confier at.-d 1th accident happened. Thus if twon The Wonnan's ('lubobr0f Witîkegin STATE 0F ILLINOIS, _______ln______________Wisconsin very late and the engin, er was la sending down cookles frîcqîîcni1y COtJNTY OF LAKE. 'is Mn. anud tre. Melberg bave roturned Wl ntani rm Wicnî t,tryîng ta make up tto, ta the boys ln te haspital and thesc. f Ilinots, Attorney Remus, representlin' Se fatr as is known fl'tbîsiy wtnes- go ta thse fellows who are forct! l Subscribed and sworn te before me this 18tIs day of Septemnbe, 1919, fra. their trip madIe by Bulet routs. RUSSELL Ithe o%% ners of the truckîs, placed Frank Sd 1the accident. atay in lied. If is explafinetl that 'NI. B. W ESENtrPbl, tire. George fienehan pamseid away at R, Johnson, a statp chemist, on thse Goldberg's nearest tt'.sUte was there fis a very urgent uet-d [or jell _______________________________________ the Milliter bospîtal, Waukegan. &fier The postaffie.mbasae moved ta R. stand. Johnson said that the ber oi.oi,t Goidberg of Brooklyn. etc. and Just naew when evervbuîf i a_______________________________ a serons of operation antI a long oeige L. Nelli' itore. R. L. Nelfisla l the nov 'expolid ta thse rays af the sun mfght puttfing up frtuit is thse lime to ren- oi sicknem. She was brought back bie poujimaater. Increase the a.mxhOc bcocnttttas I4IfEf1 IJljeber thse felows who are dosvn tfitere A u'0' Shoot epsa1t terecent and Fxpiode. n0w antI who tfitdi heir bit ot t Thei road] vork le progree.lng rapfidfy end at home. "T sretnt a court lnsesi~oninWitrh the excem,.n-rt of war 01cr i 5 nov. Webape taLake Ceunty until O3ctobcrr Tortî AhE~ AIiard te ieep up the interest in stîch tht. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 ea.fcolirtdlivekwtMesRemua stat.-d. 'i-fere ls thts colos-A Jos ear b enEsther Caral ai Milwaukee, a. eaher. eal amount af proptrty in danger<tth Wo n'sClbSfa loeen' titI. of the propcrty tnov occupled bî titi. Léo Lux and son, Chitonunoai eing destrayed if it ilicantîncd infJT I 111dln the fir tie talads.n R. Wambol and wli move Ino fi the adoworth A sUNeTreertiarelnmRusselaysPtEat. lIser.pube the Thes undersî pu-eThe lldrbinat publicaa publi firit ai the uouth. at veek. Judgc Not Startled lic can heip these fellows antI onless th lfred Meade farm, 2 miles west 01of o, Conte te the drug store and me the miss S. C. Brave il vfoitiîng the J. R. "That," Judge Luindis said, 'doesnt WmtheerTraen Of e - i ublic does rmember that thfy miles southwest of Lake Villa, 2 miles north oi u Nevîr-vintI Tiffingg dock. A novemîy Connis famnfly. etrl eabt t vdneSows aretstil bearing thse brunt of lte var Lake and 4* miles northwest of Gray.lake, umi* time Placers. Laura C3rrie fe vutfinghcerdaugh' t(bis valuable property a ble in viola- ers with Shotgun; Had Fir- experience they are fiable te think mencing at 12 o'clock noon on tecebr, Mr@. Ornie Koanes of Watertavn, tion of the statute. l*nder thse cir- ed Throuih a Window. that te people generally have. not FmWle.. r.ti fciiyatne cumstances fit ciii be difflcult ta excite appreciated what they did!averseas.ý T E D Y E T - B - - LAKE VILLA Baveral rti s i iyatlâidte Constable Karl Casperson, teho _____izW LLMAK Lie toc---Thrten hadof xcelet fim u4 P. R. Sherwod won - -the Efkborn lîr. <'<f the beer cargo andI started tIse R N W L 14 ELieS ek -Thren edofxclntar ad fi'~R.Shrvot v.a Chcago huai. Warren Bîver ta vorkiug with thse rompus, was Pfaced on the ,,tand ta- William Shelter of Zian City, em- work horses; one Shetland pony. endi nqes vslor hut week. carpenters again alter tva menthe getber 'with tise exhihits, sixtefi bot pioyed ut the Sinsmons companv, Ke- uftcn Ml.. Champion ai Normal, lit-, iàthinea.. tiès of Miwaukee 22, per cent beer. nosba, vwent on a rampage at Ziba TEST CASE 0Fr NO. ouftcnisting of surrey, hamnesa, aaddle and 011111111w Richd. oirn e time vitb ltirs. A. 1 -.------, Remus stated that tise con. Sunday, accotduîtg taete Zion police . ment; Sixty-two head of Shorthorn cattle, one r&iW Rihrd.GUNRE8 stable liait acted without autbority and net nly drove bis wte frtrnthe W JE A Shorthorn bull (regliStry papers furniahed); Thirey héi tie.FrnkBanln pet 1v aseBverai men vire nured ai tlia Boy.i aiig h erhnis0na ontwo 'o,,vho vent ta bis bouse Of haga and about two hundred chickens. lest vmek vitb frIends lu Cbfirago and «tI patDoe warrant antI arrssting thse me-n te pace imn under arreat. Shîcter .Brasttin gn ortmmadF edm0are fconi sok C. M. Brownaî vtlati.nBailin. man Diryopant.under thse searcli and seiuzre lav lias ben releaned fin bonds of $200 North Western raelron!ai atN Goranfih 0are fconi Albrt Kappilam aaing tht. viek te .1.Brv .l i.oeno Jugd<' Landfis belli that thse officer Thse police say ho hall been drtnking.d thei SidneY Walaâca houme andi Mrnandibsie. rpacteil vithîn lits province. Mr. Siletet ran terror stricken 5 à,' ln aflh h aldt on fbyinmw 0 Mre. John NatIr vîllilalain occupy thaîr The bome.caning receptIan for soldlers ________f rontthse Isonne unday maring vhen f thse Wheol Tex atdfinance t North els oats, 800 bushels barley, 00 bushek sof oadcoea houme on the corner. vas leargely attended i'rlday iglit. f Mrli~îfuigs er busband ta Mid te have tibrea- Chicago. Fat that tessonIhe enter- Mis May Krr eA alid t Miib ti r.atidtire. Barry Flood iare i-te-. S 5NEBODY 'IJIJIJLU tened lier flue. Bih.event tathe Ai- liosetino defense vhen lie vas ar- at0" grain. Minwe May tenrvalled ta Milofber n tIng tiiir, Mr. oodhad. ~ken home and told ber story. The raiged n Justice Neaona court Fri- ir Bpin. ~~3IL I'IV IIRE andI au officet vent to tii. Shîcter fi<fi te 5 mdcsawelta. I aedarato PrdBemacmsidh@wle N. Young andi WiIll brigbl ipont .N L N m home. Window panes lbed been saat- as fnd$6an ot.1colsistng ofsp atta Chcrolued e Boehm amp an d vle 10s. asîrday and Buaday t Liner aie. rftVT n ACTR S nteed vIer. lileter lbed fired HveraI Bran ho vas epr en ietedby Atty. i bu ming eng ie.etc.; 3-bottom , plow; a large u * Chlc aaotlait vofiChidagodaâe adoisre.sonnel PabtereonobfePA at Waukegad', Immediatle Boe"mtartid ona trip teber old benauhiag, ba.ore P eie smeiaiayobetot y pelt 'ecs I I l îcuî firStCIia.f rmin mahney and utensils. ln New crânant,~lait vek tumue bis tir, wvobon ie ybaildth u e h ie Mn1 0.Batbl dti.Calbeaua very III alta- filbeter afes-vard pWnd thîCourt at Waukegas, expresafing bis fi.1M Mmla vire lal aond h r@. arlit Mr. and Mms.N. 13. Browva"mmd0. E. Report They Would be Forced hae vas shooting ai t rrl, but tention of fishting d'e Casa te theUu Ti an rs ieenm MârwniClecooCbohmlut e ndemmd vii.attend e S.Eh. t emï eUinfr QufIcty tnto a statement about being higliait courts if secessary. H. e sys tr tat 7%. L= » O i t 11:30. 1%«oay. to eimuru nionfor a prisoner in lit. < u se. Itfl a mater. 0f ~Pist levth hlm1 lir. andlire. 1, I lPestair ver. in akir Wdnudal. Woulc Dons Selves. As the tvo officers slepped In bilsud tht lieexpecta te psy geverai;Hl A M TN Milva.umest buoislaut . ~ Jai Viaos. ,mrmd tros a ltp go direction Shleter t .tewil ta w h1i imes vhat tibe ft w ould bave cent H. A.HAUINGTON, hie, alvi Sudm moala ro ~~ b MAY hm. Th polie ,ld overed" nbut liopeathv a t t.d' AtiedauoF ED A O LE ,P lins. Eily ber, a for.., ,aha Woudaa "NY RE-TRANSFERRING 0"» 1c.tere<j afb.ockngottel odaime. * fd .MI LoagusaiOmo., for M a .z W 61 1d viii f" Septe7 e. 23founé! that in addition tthe lici t- se, amurtimg that lho voud paussent m". a . à -#t."...- .1- T eaett- hmw.nti P". 1 à ý -%l

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