CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 8

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-LIBERTYVILLE ID PENDENT .rutHURDÂY, SR1TEMER 25, 1919. ~uinLakf Nrai% the Pi AeSure s"; very acre %Wou; fItrsix-rt milio bors. andd country; RffIar, trope, 0 1 boiudiate posi &7nwseone wit > atabrt teomard ««».-A comul *14mW4 m i local 0946eh, balaene ýMcent. Moi blackeoli, ~rbuildingso; mÈra-'.ne Mile1 imd cament rosr Sain cultivated; au. ebade anS, miM barn, sil wibffl ta carresp ;M» tarin, $12,C oýCres-On MiIv mm25 miles of ti dý very beat cf bl 8i 815000 vorl 4 condition; 8S: wal. into two 180 acres. aè- Pood et qs hlbaru; net " !s ncesear: lbase; brick sui 05 aere; finu 014 «Ops; ftees r mmasale pri bai@e"If desirei 1As. on propo âet oeil; new Il i*11,l meImads o*ý pcombleâ ; ethtadleqi - etfrit sud Il hast seebal f iwsIsvaioa aed maiaie. $1501 e au#; S P* 6 p e onat I ellock sud per acre--soiS. a from Ares; bat of &Bd cuittri.tsd; Iwoge tmalve CIutbUlldn;I SM0 wlll hadis tii. a ds.d; helancolong imm.distop..sln Impismots t vesy ud moy terme 9 dse- Sorai land; ail thor tsi; goed haildiega; $155 mlles tru Grayelait; butI * ffld bsag.ieelldng silo. ms odlnaoodeoedition; 0150 sVwr «U sybrus. Thi foiaim Su I$S0, saabreat eso! soil sud buldings; 60 Awti iaiivod station; $175 iW .Aoe-Fine lait@ frontage; good ,Bif cultirateil; extensive blS.- $200par aiere. Thie tarinle nom for $1,100,ecashtant. level land, but ntgieted; ser- le bqildIngs; $130 par acre. A««e-2% mlles tram Oraiyae, 5 es roni Libertyvilie; beseco! black airoulvlvaces; good bUiliag.; d-p 'Asilo, fruit, shile; a good gee--cl Ie trin$85 pur acre; 'e4,000O ' .d.tbendi leSuai -SolS. lce-ons thbe toma ut Gra>tq. Se; alry beètsi;t ou;uh a.xcept- 12 acres ut hectare wmitici dSb te asllydraineS; botat fSarry luge; must te saiS; $180 pur acre; 10 tirit paymsnt; belance long timu. Write me fur detaiic'd Informatilon concernlttg any o ai-ti e tarins F. M. HIARDING ýýM-- Plione 1 -i ILLINOIS ,AWM -the rmarket for ~two good LÏake Coun- -'tYf1-mu, ~of 4Otc, 8 S. sdflt good soil buildltws :Lndnust priced right tor cash. Kgean business andi am t a broker. Bromuhoun Arssa t ew aalaet menue The Weuconda Commercial Club ac- -2ev.asd Mr.. J-Lueder ot Efimbuset, Un. sed Uta. J. A. iMason, Ut. C. J. epted an invitation froin Mr. Cair t-o are the gue.te of tir, anS Mti.. Christ tiaOe, Chas. Horchlierger and elece visit taeTomnside Stock Faira et- Voieo Kosiu. âmeAil@, am mwaa vtor eton Tuesday aftainoon. A Part-y of 8 Use. Timin sud daugbter of Gienco., Mh is. om hla, me"Wfor oed atr ad laft-our village et 4:40, arriving at te ere tb. grisme of Uta. 1. M. Vsut on l.r "wlutome hme" or odr aSfaim at-6 o'clock, just- as t-b.evauing TumsdBy. Chas. Sturm sud fauly were collaidtu hame by se being dona. They mer. Ut. and Urs. R. Lord and son, Ray. attend the lob"ralof Ur. Sturm'@ flao. me Un M. Jobnson, tahe erdman moud, of Ravenwood. etut Bude Rev.Ker» hata charge of the foremarxwho tolS teinMr. Coi liaS Vtb C. W. Peitàs. vise, utemmit Wg Ervecamitey.been called t-o McHenry on businesis but Ur. and UMm W. A. Wbtegcil Irving vie., iter.n~a Log8~veo.ol.y. ss ePected homne oon, snd in the Park, sud Ur. and MUtCifoid Whtig *Lu ymisant-ie b.would show uns rouac the. sud son. Robert, ot Winnep.p, Canad, Sdairy baus in mhîch are bougud 15Oho"a pent Priday caillog an oid friande. A content ta u st- nowmmmr sud of thoroughbred Hoistein cattie, mny Mr. Pettraon sud danghtor of Rock. bout the. attendaun. of th Haf Day Of mhich have exceptional milk and lhie- tord, apeut Sandaai u,0.Patemson. Snnday Schooî mwu orgaulMoslutS- ..tei records renging from 28 to 411h.s. in Tbe i. llees anS touchers or the. U. 9. day. Tie. preacut mebershp of sixty a 7-day test. AIl are excoptionally md lcburch béid a busies.meeting at lb. bus boau divluted inta tmo aide., the bsilt suintais, sud th. young stock, the. churcb on T@.dsy evelng. rodsansd blues. wilb Major MeLaughlin, yearlings more s large 'un most grade Mt. sud Uta. Fred tIlg ame makinag su captalu of the. radsan sd Mises Annxa comm mhich are full grown. The. Part-y exteud.d vlait mltb relative. in sud Gebert, captaisnof th. blues. Thearoce mes quit-e amuseS ta sea ao of t-heoMmn arod Waterloo, Iowa. . ii start- Snnday. October 6, sud'con- faadusg a yearling bull meighing '1250 Jouik Knmesbas gong tua Minot, N. D.. tinue until Christ-mes whan t.eside panade1, bis allomance of ni hici ta spend sevealmonthe miti big aunt. having th bghast- average attendance Mr. Johnson explainad le givea him Wmn. Bo.tcber, Jr., mwu tii. gueet Bt wllb e glvmanuentertaimnt and sup- t-ica a day along withis other f"edtise homeofo J. A. Riecheit. Jr., ou Per by taens. e The folowing main- This particular animal le valueS at Snnday. bers bava bean ciiosen hy tse rade;$2.000. While t-ha Part-y mes beiug tirs T. L. Kneak satefrtained twenty- Walter AIcLaugblin, Auna Lindst-rom. shown che dairy berS AMr. Cox arrivaS fire ladies i-te Presbytenlan tdiulsonary Emaline Cook,, Ruthb Hanson, Myra and escorteS them aver ta t-ha rabbitry .oclsty, Thnnsday afiennoon. Un. Wm. Gerbert.. Hessie Sneddon, Mary Sneddon, irbere 500 fulbiood Belgian haras are Dean of Chcago, gave an Intereot-iug Lillian Linsetrom, Leona Foute, Elsie kept-, ones-of t-be animale being valueS tala on 'The Work ai ch. Future." Foote, Evelyn Risberg, Florence Ris- et- $50.,'Mr. WiIt-se bas charge of. the Louis Sherman of Osbkosb, wle.. mia berg1 Et-bei Gleason, Mary Fa rne-r, rabbit-ry anS brought out severai of t-haelias iteen vls§tiag hie lather, Clarence Grece Bock, Mabel Bock, Bert Smaît, 1 hares for e-bsu observation anS expiain. Shierman lu Virginia, stoppaS off anS Marshali Scbroeder, Sumner Sprague-, cd the ejieciai gccod festtines of t-hiseapsut- the day mît-b bis aunts, Urs. A. Rudoiph' Hansen. Er-nest- Lindctrom, breed. Next we- mere sh- mn t-be boge Shermatn and tire. Sarah Adame. William Gerbert-, Carl i Xt-, Russe-I be- r ail pore îrci. Durocs anS M re. E. H. W u lIma mas t-ha guest of Schroeder, Ernestblertel, Normnan 1 an- mcfy rizt-e animaIs, lie iargest ber bruther, Aibert Osterman of Oat sen, Pobert Hayficrd. R:îipi linyfovtil.wetgbîng X50 îaunds. 31 e yearlings Part, tionday. lie-y Risberg Cet-I Bock. we-ci. nî;nîroth bcgs, weigbiag aearly tire. Howard Durhamt ot Ksaiworth. Blues: 'Annas erberi, Blanche Scia Si>-100 ..r aqie-i and re front t-be Mre. DeîulagVoit af Wlmet-te, artS lur, Florence Sehuler, Kitty Storm, I leStt 1.g i tii e-d stock inttc eicUnit-ed aweIsyt- iNirAeio ere t-bs Et-clyna l'tee-si,, LuelIa Glea..e-n, le-t St-atecs. Th rc (.wî-re- aier 300 iags about gueeseof tirs4 J. A. itît-helt. Jr., oun Gleeson, Reva Gleasun, FrancesIFoute, thbe farm. As ut- mas nom 6:30 o'clack, tionday. Margaret- Saeddon, Edna Risberg, Helca tha, tiire ce- for- rc¶urninig, t-be part-y Stewart anSdliordon Kebler speut thbe Risberi' Maris Bock, Alice Peterson, thankeil Nir. Cicx adMu. Wilt-se for paet week on t-Le yadit- of Tiios. LaMant Eusa Farner, l'rances LÂndstrom, Eddie their time anS 'nt j-t in shaming them of New York. ilsyfurd, Raymond Foute, John Sciroe- aroîunîl and fie- îhcÇ lad neyer spent- a trs. Ge-urge Guoman entertaiued t-be der, William Miller, Clarence Sprsguu, more iaîerestiag tmocîours t-han at the R N. As ta a taremeil part! for tirs. Alfred Stancîit, Baroaid Puterson, Allen Tuwasiilc farm. Thinlat-he atry Alliprt Nehimzow, iro moeS t-o Chicago Petereon, Robert Gleason, C. W. War- wcre, "':r M1 oa eo.J.- .,Xî. ci.u iîîilay. ton, Walt-er Linestroni, Freddie Fat-net-, W. F. Dahms, Fred Bangs-, H. E. Price Mtr, anSdtire F. ouunckis mii occupy Edwinf,'. llarry Fat-net-. Re-gular li-. . .t counts in the- rae A; .[L, -. .etingof t-be-Ladies Aid -S-i r iii, , wing oui lerts met-c ice-- t ý!it *:i i, vyear: President, Ars. - ,, %î !';vice-presiilenE, Ars. J. G i . c. .. . ry-creasuter, Miss Etta i ei '. c- tant secretatty-tt-easut-- c- c - ,-.. r. Thîe ladies at-eI--amg fril1,u.î.itui.Le heid claie tisfull. Thce :sci ~,l .tudy mieeting wi,11- IAIl i- I'ris i il'ntstead of 'isla '., ut-, t ucI.lac.. itte ICxt uni îr< tc c~îcl iuke- iiliLe sîi.~a li n tad l"i tîitce bas be-ur- tutreo.irî, Ii t i: i ed t-batl (Offriciai Publicatton) Report ofîthe conditlion af $tâte, Bank of Cake Zurikb LuiCatu-i tt Lait, Zutich, St-te of Illinois,, at t-be close of business on t-b 12t-cil lcy cof S jite-iiîict-1919, as maSe ta t-be Auditar ot- Public Accaiipt of tse Sta t-e cf 111e-i,is, jîr .,uaujt tu isr. RESOUItCES 1 L.iî:n, tcnd Di-cionth ................................................... $ 116,735 86 2 (i. crdraftciancl i )'cc.nt-s.............................................. 1,021 32 4 ins-t-ment-....... ....................................................... 32,56 59 5 lianking hIcus........ ............................. 7,754 90> Foraitare- ad it-tut-e..................................................... 1,245 10 6 Cma~ndiDue cii hîuBnkts........-........................*.....35,926 37 7 Other resicecs ...................................................... 291 69 Tlut - c es............ . .............. .................$9,6 8 - LLIABILITIES RADO) B D ALE oti2r- 1 ~ -I Capital Sti,e-k Ilîcliun ................... ............................ $ 25,000 2 .. - ...;.......J l>-u-ts F ndtei.l.......................... ..............................68,500 '18 Chamber Commerce Eldg. WAIJCONDA 'rgna Undcvided brotits (niet)>..................1,................... 9f CHICAGO dir>. Rau anS Saugteter. Miss- . i ia, lt-eserve-S for Taxe-s anS Interest.................................. .... 671 rturaed tc t-li-r borneiecn Ciiie-tg(o Isat Tot-ai Liabilities ý $194,56 Thurgday. bav-cng epent t-he- -aniner at- - .î A. Laun, ('asie-r of t-be State B3ank of Lake Zurich, do saler th .ý&'er th e-bte abat-c statemneutitetrue ta t-ha test of my knowledge and tel t-be-r urnr borne bere. Mies VtrgcnteWia1A LUCsir iii attend cullege t-icy.'ar. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) AT LuCsir otmê N o au, o e eitt, t0% eS Mis,; tiIi a laGrtange, a.i a 1CcOI 'TY 01 L.AKE, iwojS' sgsoh eo ~ev m uaWee-unS gue-et- ut t-leibone of ber sb-i Subie-rti e-S sd 'mofa ta befure me tis 20th day of September, 1919. y-ý = 7w ter. Mms T. J. Lee. UzmAN~ L. PREaiw, Justice of tae Peaea 00 (0 0238 7149 6883 the home, The feuille. of the Pnestilterian church ând congregation ml boiS a socli at the community bons. on Fnlday eveniug. IVANHOE Il ~Misa Cecelia Fruend, of Chicag9, Geo. P. Bakun .jLeadH Farrnsi. 1 9 ý ,Jspent lest week at tehome oflier %l-Biackun . .Lcsu .E Miises Elizabeth anS Aunae Wrts e e ' ter, Mrs. E. Lý Murray. On Saturday lest, at 4 o'clock occurredà "icego vitora Saturda.1 Ray Murphy, of Gary, Ind., was home thés marriage of Will Daley and Mise o8 Coun1ty, IlliflOiS, John itâaec and family inotored ta over Sundey. Mary Baseley et the Catholie Parson- eceofWhich 1ilwauke. and vîiotedtheii formner'e Misa Nettie Murray splent Sonday at ae, Rev. Fat-ber Murpbey perfor9uingi iIOSe parebt. recently. ber homte bers. the ceremonty. The groom is thbe young- te Adviiicê Miss Emma Gralibe iras the gueet of Attorney and Urs. Pendergast- anS est son of Mr. and Mrs. John Daley anS - trienda lu Antioch lsit week and attendeS family, of Wheaton. visiteS t t-ebomne the bride is the only deugbt-er of John the Elkhorn fair on Wedriesday. of -r ed Mrs. T. J. Lee Saturday Baseley. Both.sre prominentýoung Peo-1 train twu. raliroad 8choof Basns ta le prngressîug nireîy e.venng.- pie of olàr community and millmaire 'e lu Roog setate 0fcul. -h ieBs rt icn s Harry Kirwin left Monday for Evans- Wauconda thefr future borne, havlng loin houle; new coin- taMse ns ii 7@ogna ton, where ha wiil attend the North- rentel the. Haminond cottage on Main S airy barn. silo, dep ttoAliolera Cicg. petth Western University Suring t-be coming street. W. axtend the, happy couple mils archerd; build- Oweek-e ateofe. ao @eitteyear. our best mishes for a happy anS pros. rot and overloak B Mies AvisPayne expee t teave aun Mr. anS Mrs. Harry Bristol anS fem- perous journey tbrongh life. $175 par'acre on very Tînrsday fot Terry, Mon tana, to @pend iiy, of Nantht Chicago, maved to Waul-1 stock and implement@ a ton iays vacation wit bler sister, Mirs. conda lest waek anS milli ncrke their i4I isslo t very rea- A 0Gulde future home bers. leîred. An oppuortun' F. S Dulpb and son, Charles were Geo. Blackburn was a Chicago visitor Bora. to Mi. and Mirs. Ankele a son, Ib emBu means ta Chicago viqitors tionday. Sunday. on Wednesday, September 17. . i hieown ome. Miss Emmna Figher of Ares, spent part Victor Situer, Jr., je visiting at the tis ..Scnier dle e Mr@g A wt piste, weli iniproved ai laot ireet et the hOm' oM ber brother, homne of hie grandparents, Mr. anS Mre. ln Chicago wiihbedagettr.A eS; $225 per acre. Henii rabbe. W. F. St-anciiff, et Prairie View. Kircbbaum._ e onver eas teme tr. rs. . C Pays seutthe r. nS Ms. IoydCar, ofChiago, . H6..Bilîman @petit three day. lu the ce onvery a.y ernis Mr. iMr@.0. C.Payn apett the Mr. nd Mr. Flyd CChicagoi stock hicyarst sk yars lugln attie.e weî!rk i wittb telrdaugbierin Chicago anS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carr, of Bar-i Eminei Branding wae a Chicago calier ilies tram Area; vers tir. A. 1Mtrs. Dan Rete, )avld ReSte rington spent Sunday ai the home of1 Wediieeday. Il aIl clirated anS and ite utfUbclago. Jantes )àvl anS Mr. anS Mrs. F. L. Carr. Mites Neitie Hliman epent a week et $175 per uere- family of Lbert.yvilte,'célled on Iriende AMr, and Ars. Andrew anS son, iS.veature visitlng relatives. front towu, on pro- anS attendeS chnrcb liste Suaday. sho Edirard, of Fremont, and M\r. BraS- i1tMre. G. Webrenburg of Libertyvilie, good s rooni Theanes ont-eco mi tslSun tischre beard, of Waukegan, mi-re Wauconda vlited witb ber parents over Snuday. a d ; Éi st el m m mist tnv n ti n liS u n d ayi n. s h u cbO n T u e ,d a y . S Ep te tn b e r 1 6 a t L a u s in g rcherS; large coi- nx udyeelcSp.2 v Mr. and Mrs. H. E. aiatan were Mii., occurred the atarrtags o! MIes a; ep ell oterex pected thaiî the caunty preeldetît and Io; be gradeil; ret-r ta Wne (jan . B. Grayslake visitors Monday. Mavine Hokemeyer and Albert Prebmi, pond; a Folletaf Liberty ville, andS perbape atiter The Home Coming celebration given bî elkonl bsvcaî.Te ,000; easy terme. pkr3%.Mb hu. Ee m nteby at ensa a neetwli return ta Lake Zurich ta lire. lwaukee avenu ; ileseetr u ewî s vr n nteby etWdedymsa vn theloo; o ceentthe concrunlty iavited and urged ta t.e long to bc remembered. The program. lack level land; more present. began in the morning at 10: 1 o'ciack 1 Evengelocai Church Noies. tb of buildings. 'in with the chidrens parade l-eS by thei The Evangelicai St, Petera cbarcb miii i50 ~ ~ l pyar;mgtIPalatine banS and mas most ýnteresting ceîebrate itas ision Festival, Snnday, la5 reo acre s Pgti PRAIRIE VIEW the little tots taking ther parts lie September 28, la three serviee@, et 10:30 > aras0 arry Kueder returned irotu Montana 1r1nup.-h af ternoon pi ogram bc- 'a. m., 2:30 p. mu and 8:00 p. m. The soootb land; 1 mile Tnssday anS 1isaat home for tbe prosent gan et 1 a crack with a fie stî et parade ptamlsed spealtere are: ltcv. A. Nieder. early &UaIl tid ibere Forencetiasîher -@pent Saturday tt of floats, the largest ever given lna our gesa«oe, o! Chcago; Reç'H. Tietke, ai ~; ew -ramabacs;Oryelkevillage. This was followed by varions Barrington;-Rer. P. Stange, Milwmaukee,1 -; ew p omeiouhar; ireS lae ia bst i oe aamusements anS speaking, concluding Wis. The evenlng services wmliib. con- lot o da Wi;y c s; Abisedhomein ce ciiyaletoub unabe towith a moving pictore show anS dance ductedin Engiieh. Speclalmnelc througb. S iinpîsmo-its at ait op. He iras accompanied by bléinsheeveninrthg iner byan sappewst- t theday. A hearty Invitation lees, and imnmediate graudmuther, irbo wli help care for ervS for the Soldier bs aRelid vet-- extendedt ta vsryans. i. hlm.everytbing being free to the boys who )oeS cement road, ex-tir, anSdtirs. F. Mitcelll@peent Tues- mers made ta feci that- Waucondeap- LO-ronhou., zcsp Sa BttheA. Kesthom. . preciat-eS their heip in doing thair part Frank Peterson, wirbashe been In St. aand fipi@bed; an aid Mr&, F. c3tancliff mas a city vistor in winnimg tihe great- worîci mar. As a Luke's hospital, Chicago, le stili very 111 tevetege farm bouse; Fridaji and Saturday. ttnfuuem oraafieouetatbghm. iation bore. sud dairy tir, and tirs. J. ltitzenthaier vlélted ltigftr eoilafn ouete i oe le ta be erected in the village square Mise Frances Catier le teacbiug In ate farin buildings; the Miwaukee firm, aiea relatives in that rnear thbe Sepot mich will ha a P'gra- Kenilworth. Mise Aune Cuier mili tue sheil; bous, faces viclnity.- nent remincier 'of the valant mork of attend the. Unlve.ty ai Chicago thii from thbe rondj; on.a Me.srs. Mtchell of Freepont. and Diek our soldier boys across t-be sea. year. ANTIOCH -il Mr. "ve.. asho bu. boom oondudlg the ic lhards' drug store dnrieg Mr. Richarde abmecawtll take over tihe storé lae b.uam future. Tii. WW Storn famlly ame moving labo the. Lyman Paddock boum, on Orehard etrmit. àThe. old house on main etreot owed 1by Tom Somervilhe, but bott*r knowa me tii. Emigel bons., le torm down go umke roomforau.wbaehop. Wlilau iBrazil boughtl sud ladoing tWith the. asig of ti building many of àoot tmer. e. mtbe end of tbolr card gaîe.s Uthey bad nsed it for Ibie pur. pose for sorerail eas. tiMrs. Etta Daîziel bas purchased tii. building anS lots on Ida avenue frai, Mirs. Jobon')tt. Jndd VanDuzer banght the boune and about ou@ anS ans-hait acre lrom Norria BProctor. The Vanùuzer tamlly wIl 1occupy t'fils bouse. MIr. and Mirs. Proctor wllli mve t0 cbetek where tbey bave purehaeed land. 1 Mr@. Pitcher, Who bas been 111 for e everai daye lesiawlwng Improvlng. Dr. H. F. Ileebe and Dr. 0. R. Olcott, dpntiet, will move their offices ta the 1OChase Wbhbuiilig about Oct. let. tiMre.Nlary Hoye o! Brimtol, bas charge 1of tireq Hunt'ej horie wble the latter la lu Keitostia. 3 Dr. Ikebe accompanted tirs. Frank tHBout to Kenosha, Wedneeday morning wbere she underwent an operation. 3Ray t.oxad Taylor ili leave neat week ta etart bis dattes at the lltinuisUni. versity. A Chicagu man bas purchased the Antloch packiug plant and the dwelllng nonce trom i re. Raneer. The new man takes pooession ab once anS Mr. and Mis. liauser and relatives Who occupied the bungalow wiil retura to Chicago ta makQ tieir borne. Tbursday tire. Lyman P'addock and dauglier, Enîima, loft for Lee.4ebur, Florida wbeie tbey wili join ir.ýPaddock wbo iteont ta that place about a tunth aRa. 3 Joseph James and sun, liaipb went to Chicago 8unday ta cousuit a doctor tir. .Iaties' physical condition wblclî bas been growing worse of late. Ria3 Webb iras a Chicago pasenger jWedinesday. Mir. and Mti. George Kubaupt returned bomne Tuesday alter a visit witb relatives ln Wîtecunsln. Watieun W. Hall (A St. Paul, Mina., je 3ependlng thîs wesk at the Airs. ijbaries Pulen boume. He ls rsturnlng home t ram, the aid soîdiere' convention at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. ticioveruaio LosAugles, Cal., la visldtng st th@ home. of Chus. Webb oust of town, and lire. Hoyt. . tir. and è1ra. Chas. Kelly and Mr.' and lire. Willim Kel4y mtored ta Kenosha returnleg by w"y of Ut. and! lira. Chas. Shbl.y ad Mr. eud Use. HermnuBock returied Sundai @voulus etter e two irseke Ivlait st Chetek. Ur-@. Chas. Herman. tiré. Hugo Kelly and Utaé. Robtt Tarraut motored ta Milwaukee, Tueeday morulug. William Roeing maes a buoinesatrip tg Chicago Weduseday. ' Cire. Mary Anu John@ Sied Thnredoy st the home ai ber daugbter, UM». 000. Bartlett. Fuserai serylea wvere hslS at the latter'& home and the body w.. takten ta, Chlcagq forburial. tir, sudMUse. W ltrB..emoved thetr boée.hoid goode to 6raysilko ' wbore tb.y wil make thoir home. AUCTION SALE!. The undersigned will sell, at public auction, on fh A. Locleski farm, on Milwaukee avenue just north of the Plank road and 21 miles north of Libertyville, sale com- mencing et 1:30 o'clock p. m. on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1919 îLive Stock: Forty-two head of Cattie, three head of Horses; one hundred Chickens. Grain and Feed: 100 bushels of Oats;, 150 shocks of Corn, 30 tons-aof Hay; one stack of straw. Farm Utensils, Etc.: I 2-inch Janesville Gang Plow, Manure Spreader, Feed Cutter, 24 horme pawer Gasoline Engine, Pumpjack, two galvanized Tanks, Tank Heater, steel Wheelbarrow, Kalamnazoa Pipeless Furnace, Hay Fork, Carrier and Rope, and other articles too nu- merous to mention. TERMS 0F SALE Sums of $20 and under, cash; on sumns over $20, a q~edit af six months will be .given, purohaser exe- cuting approved bankable floti bearing itorest at the rate of 6% per annumn from date betore removing piÈoperty. FDAuctioneer PETER PORTEGYS LONG GROVE MILL IS OPEN ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: Griot MilI-Wednesdays and Saturdays. Cider and Sorghum MIlI-Monclaya, Tuesdays, Thurodays and Saturdays.' J. lH. WEISLRProprietor. CI. Mise Mabel Mlier, dangbier of MMS Bdwin F. Miller sud Harmon Hondli of the Kellogg tarte were married Satur. day evening t 8 o'ciock, et t> wparon- âge of the United Evanigelicai cburcb by Rev. Stlerwald. The narriffl of Iim Ruth Annete Krues, thIrd danghter of Mr. and lire. B B. Kressnand Robert J. Greensiade, Jr., of Highland Park, waes olomnlsed la the. Roiy Cros. chureh. Wea.sdj morale«, September 17, et hall peut tee o'clock, Father Ryaa perfouaing tbd ceremony. The. bioo ore a gown of Reorgette crepe, and tulle vell fantened witb orange blossom.Rh@ entered ithe churigh on the arta of ber father, carry. log a sbower bouquet o%~ bride's rose@ and Ililieu af the. valley., Tae bride'@ siéter, MI@e Margaret. who wae gowned la plitk crepe a 1 black velvet bat, a&0 cairying pink roses ws uaiS of bonor, Etnmett Duffy of Highland Park, cousin of the groom was bestman. The ushers were: Jack Kreâes and Thomas Peter.. Richard and Arthuor Kress aesisted as Bta? boys with tne mass la whlecblts. Aiex WiIman, sîsiter uIt te bride, and tMr@. Edward Bingbarn ut Irving Park, s Log. A wedding breakfast for t4e Immrediate relativPs wae served at the br:deeâ home, atter wbicb the youung couple leit for a trip ta the Délia out Wisconsin. tMr. and tirs. llreene*lade w1li be et borne alter November 1let ut Second street, Hlighland 1,aÉrk. At noon of Wednemday, W~ptember 17, Mises tabel Amelia Horenberaer, .-ldeht daugliter of tir. and tira. Fred Horen. berger, wa» marrieS tao GorgeA. Ott by Rev. F. Boescher, wbo read the service lu the spaclous living roula. under an arch oftnaat leaves and terne. The bride wore a gown otgray satin and georgette and carnieS a ebower bouquet of white roses and lUuiles of the vailey. Mdiss ElSa Horenberger, siloer of the bride wealnjg a bine gorgette gawn and Mis Marie Rueder af Chicago, wearing a bine taileta gown, bath wsaring corsage bouques ai Ateian Beauty raoesatsnded the bride. J. B. Forde ofChîcago. anSd "pb Horenberger. brother of the bride. oervsd the groom as attendants. The wedding dînaner for the lmmedlate family and groom'@ brother and stator'@ famille, wa. serired by Misse. Dorothe McWillimu andi Eva Roeller. Mr. and Urs. Ott hi i for a trip th*ongb the wet. wher. hb.y wili viit hie brother. Vinftnt, tu Kauma and Fred In Colorado. Thuy wili b. as home alter November lot ln ithe Oster. man home on avecu.. -o' 'MA," tRY CAl IBurgiars store Truesa teffaful attà Ither place jbd la as i ~lsilver If$150 tos MIANK I tt the ans 1hd. trust AL CAR: lce finS 'Murent U bu eetrancg Oat of théi ALEX lii Ovia eppes VOte fuight wstcbman Work \P'rm th'- ipparent lb 50k mlites. At the F hisleStbr mccade ~dprocu-ed 'lte foun open. St te sed throu tee balkec beavy WMoo spsireS ni bsandoned t ; ince the kraey star, d steel Sou "ar mndo, whicb forme nt whkth iY p outalSe i te thieves Ney eviden r their key Pck. Th Aiex isbt met-ci reventeS n Nie mat-chu lion, ta ei s et lu b; XSon as t watchinan Ipportuuity ALI. NE, It Serelop > Ë. been SWaukeg hke came iPresOed t]I ,onlinue mo àva heen il Imidation fr evariabiy % Pd left t-be roate agali it s0 hepç eu liva i1IM t-e Wire IU irbo no, at It wes e tiiet th. rkf ta tht laid like t th1local m asoe cas Id accondin p &0 euS Srot-ire mii aordingî s lst df srkîag la 1 int crisis. road moi Ted «- th* lu L-by 71 i- Fiq-

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