CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 25 Sep 1919, p. 9

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LIIBERTY VILLE INDEPENDENT LAME COUNTY INDEPENDENT' C AU WeekIy SU r. ~ ~ ~ ~ I YY TT..Mf q q ,I iflWEA Tr,Jr-«r.Pm,-.---TIC, gimmai W, W-BERTILLE INV I-ENVENTSEPTEMBER 2.3,1919. MEALTE RESTORED, BÂOK IN POSITION 0F REBPÔNS8IBILITY AS PROFESSO]1 Suie Is FatherVerhuîlîrn.formr mis t ct.t. *J~,vhA nhA. w-ho lias jut t een given a professorshil) in a big ,ec in California, according to wvord reeeivcd by tlw Sun. Ileaily $200 Worth of Loot is itaken from tbe Fred Funk r Book Store. ýRY CARNEY STORE AGAIN 'Rurgîars cnti r' < one do-mn town store Iuerday night anîd made unsuc- gesstul attemPls le break into tiiree lIber places. Tite lst o fpiaces via- led la as foloma: ) PtFUi INK, Bookc Stoe-Thievea k= e t hérear o!fte ilote and avec! îit founlain lr'-n and golil sn iiser plaled pencils te a value W$150 togeher ritit $20 in cash. bmtmade 1te"lirmy"the ne-ar door t5 te arrangement of bars on te 1sde frutrated the attempt. AL CARNEY, FurDiaiting Store- Plce finil key in the rear door where *115ent attempt ramade te gain bc entrance, but prëcautonna on te Omt o! the orner prevented. *ALEX IHEI\, Oulfiting Siore-Bur- 0Ea appared ai tb. rear dorir but fOre fiigbtened ana> b>' the nightl atcitman in te place. - Wonk of Se" Thievea \P'rm the naluie oette nork t Inl ipparent îhaît te amne thieves op"e Fritnds-pf Father W. F. Veriîa;en. * led ln boti thlitFunk andlisutiet ycars ago Pr.esî ahet st. JseliiaW DD D AVE D Mok alires. icîturcit, Waukecan, nu ibe tntlested l JU I0LY ARSe At te Funk store tite tievesii taîg ia ehs uthm tans- WlSeeed ih forcig te lo. h Fracis fr h v'ol :0t a ts v!'Ic 11AGED COUPLE ELOPE Feu made their ray mb lte store terni& ON ANN'IVEKSARY jdt tro eedd empl> te Ira>'. of tater Veritalen asaalsgned tal O Il t0tulIn pen. and higit îriced a professoi-trhilî aI l'e coicge b>s the mmii.. The cash rei-ctOer itad brioen tgitI Rev. t'anla cl, of Los Ange!. s. Oen. Years aga Fatner Veritaien was oine Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Underwood At t, Buler store te tieves Of te COnSPicuoua prieâsiin Wau Sea ~leld titrougit a panel o! the door but I kegan rte-n ho presidcd as pr e,; . a t; a Away in Auto from Pfer., balked wmien they struck tete local Cermafl Catholiec thurcti r Golden Weddmtg Fete. eavy rood bars on tire inside. The>' lie wa.s one of taE moat poPulir mmspaired o! getting tem "bse and pri-i-s the cil>' haa e-en had and tbandoned te attenîpt. rtrcd ltom the citunch hrre riten' AN D MOTOR TO THE DELLS ; Snco liet riplo robberie aItte AI 111tcabtt osertoo)k hlmi. It flccE-siju!-t- hi-e>' store the propruetor han cao,- aird hlm going to a saniît fi r. (' Ronance fias flot dead for Ni-. and s teel douoate be piaced on te, some yr-ai s and t had not b- .-u gg,- MrIs Hi. l Undetrood of Waukegan "r windows and door. A littie room 1la yknorit here tuai he had grnt dÈesýpit, tit, fart titat the>' have been obcit formorly opened Into te store, hack int active work again. llrîs<. mQrried itaif a century. Thua, for a nt rih has heen bricked up, basI ever, it -ierns l.hob bas been i ark, thes- dc-cdcd toe eope durlng li outaide door and Til ýas o re taI charge at Lousville for Somte tirle lite m:dst of a Coid reding anniver- be tilves atcmPtod te getlin.1 and non cornes tite assiannien'o! aarY recePlion at tite home of Iheir Ney evidently rie frigittened ia>' profeksorsttîp in a coilege in te daiighter hiere a fer days ago r e teir key itecame Jammed l n theite Wsî insaswhoi]riterein thore ai-e Wlî le the c. lebration nas.ln ful Pk. - hurdred and elghty young mon as btast te- aed couple siipped out of Tht Alox tloIn store empllo> a atudents. tite hotre. hoppedilftottiî automo- udgt ratchman and tiis tact has Aitnotincemenb 1b5.b Patter Verbal- bile antI disappeareil compietel>'. No1 revenled numeroue roittiem tere. on has been transfcrred btete wcsb one knew witrre titey itad giene, seotil Ne. nalcbman ta.siteen given instru cfjýaat tieti reak-ate news for tîhe ras an elopmenl in man>' respects.e #lon. ta shoot an>' intruder tr>ing frsI lmt, Waukogan people a Mr. antI Mrs. L:'nderroa.j have just1 0 setln Ibut lite Ibievea gotaIa a>' I wtole tat hi5 heaitit has brie-nres- retbjrfed freinitheir bnyon 0 oon am they dlscovcred Ihere was tore(d ta sucit an extent titat lic has trip iaving sPent ttie tirne a i te rmtchman. Titey dld Dotget an. been aible la i-e cter active aork. Dlla and othî,r points ln Wisconsin. Wprtunily to a tiPer niit tbe lock- ALL NEGROES QUIT MILL8 Il developsa lin te total there ave bteneui ttnegroos rorking in SWaukegan Wire Milliamie te hke came on. Those flegmoes have presseil the desire lu officials 10 litinue nork but nom dectae te>' ave beon te bull of altacks and in- ýmidation f rom te strikera and that varlabl>' rien te>'have entereil pd ieft te plant te>' liSse reccived breats againal Item lîves. Ilt go happons taI most of tese Wn live 1 nîhe district nitere a lot 1ite Wirc Mili enipio>sahave liseil 1U nito non helong toete union. At wat fi ram explalned tb Ibeir fore- mu hat the>' coul not continue ta hkltte panmucit as te>' rta location. Tite> admîtted taI [ýwasta came of beng afnail a!ftemi f0 0continue rork in te plant I Ccordingl>' te>'dii not niai tot go. and lte ' uni i" necessar>' " retiehile lhey oud. attor-1litly WeiYnsday Ightt 55w e lai1th.fleigb cooed mon arkig nliepat doring te pro- iut criais. PVVaà uay Is te ont W ~ruroad tormally undertake. sM nort4,litla I. maui Rt ra la M12 Ea ApplucaCll Toda the Appisu r.; bern .01 Ue mont notaLble, mr O Cll. e ilu oe nos? the- Utwemni 1 hy ,tombe sf4 lte iulmget t e alla rul t " 11W pp« Y u h Tite> are as Pleasod aver te afair as ncrlyweds shoUlil bc. Mr. and Mnrs.l'nderood have FIJI1 - 1 J mde titeir tome un Waukegan for a nuttber o! y cars and Si-e reil knorn InA Fli TdarU. S. AMENT IN 199FO110 SRIKE ZONE The federal government made ils Julius KrigBlue fIand, sho iaS first mos-e un teste-i stiike situa, te Contrait for building a fier bridge titmn yesterday when aeScore o! ueri-et aci-oss teFox River at Fox letke, service agents and d eprt> marsitals suife-ror peritaps fatal injuries îaîc a'clc asgiied to nul>' ti t'ie stt'ike Wed. afiernoon wh,,D he fou ttirty zone. The. fedolragonfirit s-oereai- fee. H ra o a Sc5fol -siged b u ppre"rs bob-tes-ik and I. fePt He as n a caffidauPerun- W. IV. agitators alto are reportr-O ta bending ttc poîîring oh Çotcete intc, have, itlched a plot to fonent vI- tite last form niten theo Rcaflod col- ieneaflîrnfi bbcstrikei. Iapïseiland bcue punged 1t tcground. Edrard J. Brennan, superlntendenl He auffened a broken kg and Inter- o tite bureau o! investigation, rould ni sjurica. Ho ras remnovodIn10tfie fot dîscîtas the orders tie gave lt lis Inn and la to ho rusietc 1,eqre of agents sent mlintote district, tte Waukegan itospîtal a. aoon asno the plans lhey cxpect ta follor a amulace arivs a FoxLak. A sulPPressing the agitalors. a amulace rries a Fo Lee. ni Tie marsta18s office does not cx- inspcctor on ttc Job alan raa lnjurcd pe atkea cleltn1nlt in te faîl but nol asoneieusi>' as j strike unlesa an allompt is maie la Nîr. ecg. At four o'clock te name: haIt raliroad mhitpments or ta Inter- of te iusPecto1- cobld nat be learned fere .nitb te naliroad9i operatLina. but titere la a possibtty tatIt ia If interference along tîtese lUnea la Philo Burgess of Waukegan nlîo ras r Stemptecit il nl resutl in ai-med de- one of lte inspeclors on te Job. uistknchre Nen Yor-k, Sept.ý 23ý -Americans WINDMILL VICTIM- PIJNERAL FRtioAy are eating maroireadl aDd lesa frlthe',Tite funeral o flten yeir cli Artitur iigiter priced fooda, te cansumpllon floeal, son of r n iGog of flous the Ial seveitty day. showing Eoi f akMZr adh, G h erge an ilceaeof 3,Z00,000 itarroît,-or 15 Tnt.>ay e uefrontlte home. The 11ec cent over ite s me perl Ii x»'boy m ol destit Tu eda i mWh eu h. 1.11 =>. -according ltealmn ifO a ndal.adtacc aot Oued bore ioda>' b>' blittni, a M- twb dit 1.Ifla1itanc~ e faap nt un H, B -oAes, 40 ite ii W, »*Wh FOUR PAGES ~-l.*.'r~ i. sq $1.50 PER YEARIN ÂDVANGE. 1d:The luiF ÈTî18 Deteclive Bill& Anolter sensation came ta te commitîee riten lte>'looked at lte detective bis put in b>' the central delecuive agencyIn> tiChicago. Titat shoroil $10 a day for opcrating on June 7, 8, andi 9, a total of sixI>' dollars. And besd les titeir expensea wtiich inclodeil railroad fane, huying bOOze, pla>ing.siot machines, buying cigare, hotel tills etc. of $8765; lte ttal being $14765. Then on anather bill covoring simitiar items lte total ru, 81265.67; making a total ofthlie Ino biSa $41532. Local Court Bi. Andi that -rasn't enoîgit, lte com- mlittee hita afurtiter drop hnitet> sar a bill from. Sidney H. Block, lo- CaO attorney,O.0.'d b>' te atate'. attorney'g office riticit called for $340 In lte total. Seprlling hig item, of expenso Il wrsfoani ltaI a bondi-aidallars c9vereil theinmpoc- tiencftccitain store no.10Laie.CoutI>, Kenoaba uni Racine, Wln., Atoter item -ai $20 for mi-r it te. le court la Waukegan sti almo the lave- 811,Q court . liteéCourt bouse, PTiti. ltéme at the police .court envers& Ma*>-cases nblh piaren2lty MI. Block .bsi itanilei for lte 1SatWa At" tbmru,>".pWce. Thetc omuitte rwu needeil. RigitI non ter attention la Pearance, itrougitt anotiter itrosdide drected tothreefamiliesofPoorchnd. G E FE 5 OEMNfronD the boncit. re n ile are l n eed f c oth n g . G O E A F T R 1 0 M R E E N o h n H . S h a n n o n a n d H en ry B a n- Women galtered, this aflernoon aI man, driver of te machite and a- the home of Miss Himmelroici te Cleavlng ner trauitsmb toe fait- loon-keeper etd 0f ilonator Carroi sew fer titese chiudren. noes of Chticago neal heer disîribu- mita more arresled niit him ln lte -'Iere ta a pas;sibilît>' tiat man>' lon. nith lte aid o! local brerera' ltruck eoîzure aI Zion rers called men nIll b0 out o! rork livn.n books and sales records, Judge Lan fromt ante-room reftecîlon-, Nellher ter," Miss Hinîmelreicit kaid, '4nd dia Tilemday oriered 150 ublicenas couid telilbtherboresbout@ 0f the tIîelr citildren nIll sufer bardmbtps inoe for additiionai saloonkeepenis, senalor, but Shannon ieclare4deh unlesa re can render tem asisbt. PrOi"e the mabilization ln caurt af vent ta Ronomba as a deput>' rere- ance and ltaItla juat rital me hope ever>' man wrta bs dlsi llte pro-Unue collectai- ondes cmdors 10tooiler te be able la do. We ian't muait *iiitlei ier, and ulinounceil grimi'l te beer runnera into Chticago and la ace a single child .îufer. Ihal bis federai hoaning nIl be kepl aae.m joalocnkeems Iro raeel 'We hope to broaden lte scope of alive until evor>' nltnesa needed ha. lii contraband for the goyerumeut l-ý the Humane Society and makle tis beent irougitt in tb teslif>'. .- quor lix of 8,000. lte momî siiecesaful year ne ever had.- "I'm going 10 dissolve lte injuni- "I picked up Senato -Carroll and But ne muet have coaperalion of alt-ion ltat las saved beer runnlag Mr, Bauman camlng b"âckho de - te malle thîm pomsible. - ruck~ib'î 1e Xald epirtey Gieorge lared. 'YeÏCY b au Ironical que:- Remua, rita brougitt tite 'back fire" lion fromlte befch. "1Ehumnv as oFCsa. iito cout as a complamnt ugainat cansclous and &0 mu theo enalor. working aver Ire bill. todu>' ln the lte Zion Cilty autitorities whoiiamled Tite>'knen lte>'vemori-fiIng îtb eniogvon loauscertain rit>'no muci thlie ral conli-aband, and l'in going -me," aditional expenso ras bnougbt upon 10 &end tm hock ta thte Zion City' Zion Cm-lot Deacnibea An-ait lh. counu>' in handling lte juvenile Costaable. Il ranIt do a particls of Chie faf Poies Becker et Zic des- cmas" and othera titroug thlie iring gocd for wilneases ta talle a vacation., ciared be bai arreslteenasse- ci a apeclul attorney. WeIl beho bre Faiting for lem niten bile part>' a. il vas convoyîu ite Higitra>'Supeintendent Russel lte>' cmo itack I -,beer trUcks andti Éat Carrol bad Of- MM~8 that lte mork la, piogeing ni- When the aalai-ne>' Prolestedlite fered hlm "Jackt" foi-au imm*dW@t cOI' oin te fox Lake bridge, h* .al< coutlm acticm, be ram orderoil put; robae. nlthout-jimblictty. 'Au! tàres ltey more makingItheIat ahutmont talchim £081 and relired 111.1 lu ime èie aaid. mere under the luflume etý tbas>'and rouli begin allher lpiay b emaps lte orden being osrrlei .ontj lbeer ru lte Wlocomia . 'f o 1r tomorror la bogin pourinc lte hi MarialBradilo>'. Appea-ance ot Il." ft raisten laI U uWàýMI, onàcret. on one of liD. stand. a "v'-wasdti ormidlable staff of aller. ISoumoMu" . treet WI&.mu neyu. newly' retaiaed b>'bre*eta aXUi0,ItE"d »r. 1<-IL Beereizîe'WIRI3191-LLS TAXE:u ADVANTAIIE OF StIUTM 11h li p ïÇGîEwA,3HUTDOWN TO "IFIX UP" e Five Men were precipitated lotoWITH A FEW OLD MEN RE- gfoLeThaulgOeo h gm e theFox Rver, hree f thni hein;; TURNED TO WORK ANO ile. fi; lm an Important ts n atitYfoot section ld*cnrcet, i WITH A FEW THERE YES- I'l'gneral repalr wàrit wbch 0 M 1 ~the new Fox River bridge atIFox TERDAY QUITTINO, 'SITU-. atarted today will requlr0 a lare - ke oiapsed wthout warning late ATION IS UNCHANGED. tBon of. l enlan h te b ee oera-td $25 A Day Ctiared by Atty 'lin were rubhed to loal Iospi ri tiladte htte Forb9 for Il Conferrnng with Ther flaines are: BULLETIN. force now on band can vary bandlly State's Attorney," Etc 1e isinrdctor on-thcAt noon a rire aimrm wam turn. jPaire desired. Stat's Atorny," tc. tont-actr onth.job: euffered 0one Fwr Gt -~~ i or m ofratrdrb hP"obable Porte pread that a aeriusu1blaze Another aignificant thing Ioday Wam OTHER CT. EXP. STIRS IRE.; PlIncturQ 0fthe longs. condition ie r- had broken out The fire whatle that ther0 were foar legs men gathor. jols.aeral heIle utyofpla thedpatbewdt he vl- MIIaouthe morn o dayWre The lBoard of Supervisors by a ,e(GnIHsial.rî-nteer deparmn-mue as a iltiemrlgt ofnlon Of FaUrteen lo luthn e - rnornîî,,e PILIII- URGESS, Wauhegan -In n the piant-terned out. or Tuesday. This was explined hi 'Otr d to nmaittain the law librar - -i Pector for the cotinty on the ju b: leg "Mcrely smre crossed wires«; the leaders who said thât the atrikera the o0 lOit hse tissa iy t4e jiig. fracturcd luit above thte anle. oth- no gamage; tire extinguaerhnof doubt in mone cases had gome (offimile haeTheabyonuctinorwe tei end the- lawYers bit lAke c.'unt%. 1 9 rf vPrCby bruised. Taken 1In u!Ied matters quickiy," saad an ayovctinorae0tilm Chaalrman matheer explamnr,~ lit ,the Jane NMc.%ister itosiital. officiai of theCcompany. occupied and dfd fot Cars, to *pen the cos«t of briaging dovo the GEiORGE BAi-Il.DA Spritig 'bro%,-, pire pressure je maintained at the time gathered about the gate. cost in date ul b ,: -ý li.I Wrm- nJob: auftered se the plant ail the lime. lDquiry as 10'whe-ther the Waulte. and Iftifted that wouid bie about :!, sere bruises crit his rightit lg: com- - ian miii ba been atn mnI Coat Per Year hereafter. Dllg<ýri-,l plains of pan in lhsche-9t. Taken OiLIOS TEL tplnand keep ing h m en ina tiarhe w--r,' v-rryl ILtINOIS STEEL CO. tieaplantiantykGening l liotîpitai. outsoke aýýiiiý4l-Lak (onty eneal hePial.and night, brought forth a denial. UV, the board taking on titis ex>p Cha-ees Russ'i1, county silperrtea- REOPENS BLAB MILL bo the Prement time nobody ba been 'arh r--lirngthar- the Bar (se. lent of highways and ccunîy mur. aîeaSpebr~~tYIi nterrs uligo in lat niro'aen falith r1bh th, b,r.îd-<Yio paid a %.isît Io bhe bridge jcb i The Illinolq Steel company reop. elserbere inalde the fencem of the 10 lo nîinaiing the ibrary as the, d a e da ' vs go and suggested t0enc t lbmi nSuhCtcg S. & W. Company. %N ai s 11 oa h ie i-lri:hi~o le htlefr o today in te face of the atrike which Hrvr ugn ytedvlp nstalled. the conerfte bF reinforced a he dha alJ 0udltgget ik nîîg n bohr atot. the dývia. aId.v a i mtrî Ins tier lanoreinhwln Mr rPo 10k the stand that ibir fot think trey were sufflciently basorkelothe miiienatabli out tis oiic y nilbe cntl e dits- h'Oard nirt'lt be calied upon to fu r sirong. Thiswas dine but apparent N800 enl. Thee ar e aid 10 aebenwmout le oor lingbenenloto n;hi~sfrcretrpaint for 1%,the. reinforcemenis rere onot sur.t-so heodrwl legvn I)anteý, tc.if heYconinul h, fiien tasusaintheterAc eigt.siipped imb the plantlesat night. Many have men ale@P within the comp.nym Plan of brlying the law boobi.!,,o- r According to 1îîBr-ess the crash o h aeudrto ob o.,P oulmî I de and av tbo lt thelaw'r ni,,umeIn court seac:i came Vithout warning. 'The Concrete ored mon. wilhoieran d r10avold confthe Mr-. ('larie'. Particular Iper-ve ladien forai. broke dow;i and ptunged to lbe runnlng. The roar of machin- itroule o f go:ng back and forth to that the Bar Association htall biro into thc river Po ;ududenly titat ni, Pour b!ard furn;v-es are senaaid their bonies. Nothing along that faitit and ta not doing what Il agrc-ed one liadit te t reach a place of saaî-ery Cenes from withln lte plant short- uine, however, bu been pianned et o do in keeping the library up. How- ety iJt ras severai minutes before ly afler 8 ociock, rhile dense Cloud@ lte local Mill. eci- lte malter came to a vote anrdte victime rere resculd from titeir of smoke poured tran the ciiileys Accordlngly ln view of allte cl1. stood as folows. ' dangerous pretiictmlent. of the aiab sf111. Svldence that the Cumstancels and siuations at 1the Aye: Bai-stow, Eger, Holderidge Keg and Iahidar were brougitt ta created a great istir among the mrlk- Wtre Mill Ioday i:Ilremains PrUclcally rlinhlatein, Hiutton, Kirachner, Mamti.t-hte count5 itospitai in theteezel company was renewing operationa uncitanged over Tuesday. Strik0 1.0 er, Meyer, Monaitan, Murphy, O Con- and Peterson ilotor ambulance. Bur- ers. They gatbered In crowida about era and aiao officiais of the plant noir, Rindghai Vûeoe, Webb of Wau- gess, ras iroughî 10 the lcAlister the entrances to the plant anid seom quite maafontilh the gomér- kegan. liorpital in his 0w nautomobile. Ibreats were freeiy expresmedl agaînat aI statua of things bore. Nay. Barnsts1bie, (2ai.k, Crapo, Sut. Ruissell this morning expres- atrikebreakers. The workeras are ex- In 1i fo ltertaet titat thorealai DilWr a-iMCuluh adc sed te fesi- titat the accident migiti pe<bled to remain within lte plant, been Do disorder and no0 m- Str-:tton, Thonipson, WL.trb of Antioc It lisse te, effect o fdelaying lte com- however, until thte trouble la over. blance of the conâortea nsood lin Mr Clarke after thte vote, said that Plet ion or lte work until next aprîng. cause a clasht between strikersazild !e feitlt e library should lie kept up The bridge ini question ls about 150 About the marne number rita report- men 'wbo doalired ta O 'rk. The fer but fi also ras oi-y 'eau.ltaIlthe feet in leflgth. 129 feet hein,- over éd for work at the M'ire Mille Tue.instance& tbat bave ariden have been men, nleaning te iaw>rerm. rito ioid thc ater. Mfr. Riasseil assertis ltai day morning reported tii mornlng. trivial and tn oach case theî have thcmnselssup as nmen and gentlemen the exact cause of the accident may Il ras adrittedl that in aIl titere been, due la individual eondietg rs. should have gone back ou titeir word i fiescr be knoorf.j were jual about a hait a dozen legs thon titan to conaerted action on te in Promising to kcep up lte library; __________ Itoday 'titan Tuesda>' and an interest- part of other aide. wiuen ttc>' sad if the board would ipg part about lt accordlng ta toreman Sage Trouble Drewing establitit the 'would boy lte addi- t the Mill waa thyt they watettcheîlil raNorthathtcego roTe a tional books necessary. This h le IJ! fer men tack In lte milla loday î Pnenrniitotsaoa wi« insisted, th ite ad flot donc and liait cre flot there Monda>' or Tuesday. Tebgaei trolaietoe Malle n0 move to do. Hwvr hr eearw-h fcneaUnlsNrhoilIil 0f k- nvlitalooksnow )ais loth ieo Be r Bils L O O K S FO R W A R D T O eHowevertut ar d rer e sday ro . a u lo k n n aa t ug The pIeentation o! bis tlatn did not report for work thl. moru- "niulieh trouble hers. Tuadai lgbt rom Attorney Tlteo Forby o!r E B S EA O ng. a big gang or men rare out ln tbt. Zi-nCit in heconnctin wih te VE Y B SY èEÀS N .field North of 0eut 16tb Street laî- Zio nCiynigth e tnueln rtb 1.e Another signiflcant, thing ibat war 4g for lte Wlre MI, men" that outie berfnîgcase,5bt -n u.1 learDed about the Wire Mils tblC down the Northorastlr traeks. Ouli ondth Auguat 9, cause ahensation Humane Officer, Miss Him- mornlng ras that rork alarted cdayI one man came tîbat way luit evenlag in btand. melreich, Hopes to Keep alilo extenaive repaira, repaire nbich H ' as threatanod but no one w«. inli tetotal nIl reqTflre about .1.l lued. Il look» non as thoffgi the Agiance at lte bilt show. tisat Children from Privation.- rocks time. lnelude.j among ltese police force boerew-ould lie kep~t begy NIP. Forb> itas chai-ged the supenri- U sors trentY-five dollars a day for bliearIsu ttd a ienokloigalr services as a laryci-. Then besidela 15 MAPPING OUT THE WORK lie has citarged Up lun,-nee, carrare,thbie sarefileaMlytl t an te s o h8auto iDn ebeliitg The Waukegan Humane Socety la BEER TRUCKS AM e mrees the juige.' tebe unretc. 1-'rthermore falrly launcitcd on Ifs faîl and rinleri And thug tourteen ofthtie boer there arc 5peÉi-lled ifsances rhore actîvities and If lte amount of nark OU IIRED RACV TO rltrucks are ta ho driven back to Zion hoe ha. charged the îwenty-flvo dol- thal bas beeri doue during Septem- ~ ~ W5 A and piaced in cutody ofthlb author. lars a day for holding conferences ber, thus far,.lmasany indication of 11es e. n furtiter action. Il null wit Sates ttrne %elc, ttri htalei ,ta follw the seaon wiwbe 11ON AUTIIORITIES h b ue caravan" hen It p»«. kauf, ofte Attorney' Gcnerla sOfince, es-or id. i lure to produce Tom Chamales. Tite Zion City printinr bouse band- Misa Ida ffummerlreîch, itumane ofll- Judge Landis says he Woft toi Proprelor o!flte Green MilII Wdea. ed In a bill for auto hre et $30 for cor, la iinaping out the witer'a rork - ~and Blate Senalor Palrlck Carroll, à* pre day and twent>' dollar, for an- and hopes to bie able ta ho o!f81&In u Ter Out of the Clutch. Ilatter aigberla" onog otiter day. aIl instances ritere rea! assistance la es of the Law. belore lbe court demanded hi. roa- y %4MI OZI.

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