CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Oct 1919, p. 11

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LIBERTtnlL. NDEPENTYI\NT. THU1RSflAV ' OTflE'1 ) lQ l'A ~1V CliICMIO. MAY VOTE TO KEEP ON DAYLIGJIT SAVIN6 Unless Citizens Approve Sug- gestions, Old Time Iýeturhs .on October 26th. TitisIi.Il '-asiîîg for Chic-ago Il, nt ;tIqi, îl, it tti' f iterepeal of t he day-1 ligles1t11 w'law Il),congreiss oveir :tit'T "' li n 'i c 'lrtlay orderedîlý th' i l 1i;,t t'ilo n te10 ttt-nllî Iioiîn ,f i.l t'lii saving liefore tlit i l T' - .i' Iaer,' anti mcd te the, nA'1i1 ,1 l i i I Ftt of con lt rîinance a mymtem of t"i T I itii' li it-li in tîi-I ocid n il,'- t I tint, lim te ren effec- Xh,îî IlIt ri îck fb)the nid t LI' an , tii air-i-ifltiamong ail "T" I Ioi se c[îînand close on., i l. ri t g"ion I1'. t' i ) --iT 1or wlhnos f-Oban te thse cMbinatgOn Iscail and veil wiich protcir i-n- Ii ii it-iitl îîîîîî sih nits fa Lbb ace a ad warmIY awathe. thse throat. witb ouougbf r%, lii i il- nlaî îîr and it ls catI Iont over for a graoefnli drap"d cape offoct. The Sontt vieil cITi AIl ihî-iît'wge'tlion'. wouid givt buppIIOOthse 11pop11111ili **Ilor type t Meh a.nd la immd. tevenir lia l'lic'lztw'tolits> terna.-rairoad titaO CUrtAlD ffect andciy is ut. Alloi>jnîy A. F, npaubien lias re- tiîliitîr,,i a husIît-ss trip lu Peci- 1' ii- 'i ilt'tln.iiand Grar., lif \-I;itc)nlAR6I3Stkon OF LABMI (,ITl :i1 i îi-Iit--eci WSaukc'eran. H RS w 1h -t it rt in.agi- t2, and 'lta- Ill l ' " n iu -da , oth ora e l icn 1 G A R Y S A Y S U N IO N th e , corpo ra io n tb ld th e , sen ate ccnn. ('T % -' i a ' idas. a i. 1ce <'iit '.<lI;cra and tAnna 1, CONTROL MEANS DECAY nittee invemtigsiing the steel strike l,t , iiî1 îf lFotrt Shcrlîan: ahiKo .l. c.1I oday that in lts opinion there was !îî,tîî' ttlune., lîcînse in %Vau' aigoba)COt II O~lsait'inductîrsIn Il-ie 'sorld wlîlc-h Ica itin -- t afie>rnoot. lien'. control industlri-bliihe'niletj -- - - A~~~~~~~~~ d Iffencnae iI States, **t mêan'.decay andl th.,drop-pirlillarge.- wigf-Ti than the United A c--t if*fîfo,(n c nd7atp. wll )8 ]oS'at 0 Sit-i 1corporation and perlîap'. itiktiiil TO-t' I ii'-Elks toniglîl fte- îilng of producioin,' F.trt Il. Gary, nro t large noir lias treatedl their t' - 'tîilii!le -r% id and Il <harman tof the tboard of t1. nitcl P -' - t- Ut,..I4t IPlo,% in greaterr 1espect and con- 't i iii aî.,r a ,ii t'aStes Selcorponîlo, "'.' ý~iti-rn tion, ifas gi-tat' lt" i'il . yday in pre.enting the cîrporatlon "lbaaee ',gd ht uing E iii '-r j, n-. a slocal contracter Ir; side of the steel strike t the iserrat-titi- pending scirke 1h., subsidiary * t' , . Iýna.iid lîtile fimItr InsestigatIng contrîe ie "It means its-.l lî lîinîl The fingc'r was this country cannot keep U 0 bcolîpanries have been guilty cf attack- î i' tsi. etrk accidpriali race wth the world," said NIr. Gary n n iteln mlys"el I - 't h-Ili-cind 'it'ige Ilint l'I means the condition 1 fear Eung*M r* Gary. "Thert' Is't a vestige of i r id 1.4 In today" trîîlh In that statement. Photograpi Nexl ilis1.annouai raliY day - were displayed ber., and lit wausaid ir l ,, M,'h(wisît Stindlt Schîîîl t a woman was kllled, This photograph -l -t,. ..j!' - iinilal promottn c er PY lias beepn qca.led ail over America. t i fii i :1.1'filontîtwilh [lie rogrsnî PYSNIOHEST WAGE, with a lin., over It. 'Mrs. Vannie Sel- ini l.% ;Y --îîî o.f ihe tihîîl TREA*rS MEN *EST; is oygolshynctetdb titi-Tii ,Ih ,nt iyland plan îo liriiig GARY TO SENATORS ýn'bd ghu.slrliret y lie stleel trust's fiendlsh crew.' Sise Wlthi-îîtî-eî Inih Wnld Str- Washington. 1D. C, Oct. I-DeoY- was idiot at Bfrackenridge, Pa, We '5~ ~ ~ I T' -ttî the i a ,,S it' asing that lire United Statesc Steel Corý have no works there, no men there. !,. il- î pnabl- ios fa s er s poration harilmitreated Ils men, ILI;If S11P was killed it was wtbout even ail- l T. i- 10 'aukî-gaîî \lai, harged by union labor leaders, El- the- kncwledge of the steel corpora- T -' ~'T Ilt îi'unî arc on evenly bert . Gary, chairman of board of tion or aOy of ita employes." Ilta -il 1; i lte> b(1 ti t - Conti- Il'it' i~ ri, i i l tig lihe V. oner. lt-il;, T11ii-e orf hne New ~a-~~A%~C~ MMESIPCM il - i"-P alir,, :nnîîunce I today m> tuaUS RT E BE S IPC M lie Iît I t Xii u .iasal le stock D sf ful l i,4-k iai, îîcThtorBÉLR ~TRUCKS CAN PAIGiN FOR II ýI:' wi ut on a new show nI) n -n-i IlI.Tehaui, ThtaIfre lyi- DL tEPLEVINED IS IN FULL SWIN4i w-i i I thal aSal. T hematyfrei h ý;'ii, lt I r ir, Il I 1a5cln- of rire. b-. tii comnîisnl onthie road.Ga k.a '1i-:iiti1Tiaîîirk of-iing nîelting County Clerk Addresses State Éa for theWaukegan Asso- otf lit-, 'tii;lî. irt-ign Mssinnary Convention Being HeId ciation Has Been Set at Siwtn ll b eldouliniorrow nîgbt at ' l eIi.' ieîo f .\irs. Agnes C um- At Peoria. 750 Memnbers. linU.- 4 -t'o ýCry A-.The spieak<er ____ hl - i ii- fnit _wili be I)r. Willough- SVRý LCL TEDM N IIe CM EIG Ilty A. llrnîiîgaav, wiin for fii et-n E ERL AS TEN M NY CT S C PTNG %îîî,, lail] iiarge of' a hospital in lit(, inti if china. Pir tlentlngwey Wauicegan, SePtîember ",0. Waukegan, September 30. lit- -t- ii'P!-F-%ing ihine'. 10 iii 'Seart-h and S(iauir," wutlite ra- 'lh.-n Y'metiber'.'iip camialgn Ilie litiInti itiilirdî n liii- ('. ltrIer 101er.- i ng topîci -iiglcI t il 1.1 t)i t-Tueisilas nîorntng andb at 7 p. ni. titi- i ti n' il ici ne.county dirk Ips' e t liidotial tflic (ti lmn 'dvthsela oa eoesti Ion itiim '.are moi ilg froni i,,Pirke, Cirtuil Clerwelta.otald enlier -i intiiiil te-îan Roaî lto t e lbsace siitore, conN(-tion bbg lt-il tt il~oOf 2Stl. binîskîong up ;hememîter- n il,I4 l-ymat iSeoct-ipi ai ria '-%r. Hendiee was asckedIl)iii t- siIji, tîcri,îng lu the truies o f onç- ti îîî Iîy te ,Nelson n*ichfrîe tPlain *wl»elîer Or 001 a cOuIt l-il'i rt. Itai I-in'liiiigli Conînitte.,, no stui Iltti-.ieii iiicl larger slould l'litte a wrlt of rellevîn titir t-ln le coîtoteil uninss lhey ail hitier qilarlers. 'teeir truîckcs shit-Ithave bIlensei't'1 ' r( Jr A. f. lludee, Noîrthî Chicago, This bas been a moûteliltIt-l ti Wr-bgndsaîîg Ia e h rîtlI ll fýtillrOetl from ovi t-iea ls CCI site ieeizure of the beer laîlcîl tioiîîterthip f.,e mus itaeher lie peid viclte. luins aitced l[t hîs Office On trut-ks at Zion City. Soeuciae lali- iîlîld ie-lifypt etpl Sonut i1 fuill t"n l-tI itl Pricreetl ,!oeLincoln rik en the posion tîtat t., coîînîy cîerîk lp. Il %vais neCe.Uary for the local T'appe4 roi ie ooc. it0~fion dIk e hoissue replev 1 i ruts 1Wý ri tt c iiferefor 1e coutt tott1y doiranjdi:n if.i his coonection. Mr. lienden a-as ilise wlîn coîîid mtet luis require- tonlnddlnk l.aslied te discuss îhir; soltîectbecaiîae tiletn n as a rtsult te net meni- AtIlwh îîii wpk services heldi atiletînsittîshion arose 'ai ZIon 'T'ity. ht-Ircttili suas reduced 10 268 at 9 e. nm. tlii NlIliîlislt ('lurch toniglît rit Mr -endee in giving lis addeaT"i î h'oînn1dy0 b ai Ihil ht iiilu, r. d dRopl woni tie Tue.,dayu took the position tîjal te P l The comnitî.,e hopem thet lIn I:siillslatc adres it l~coulxmy rierk has ho volition in tire chose %%-ho ire Jn arrears with their* muortddîîîîloîîlt and tie worid progrant. ntter. lie feit Ihat If an itidiaviti'iiiiilersiiii1î a-ltpsy UPlieforeonoor- ThTi sj.ncia uilbiljecttfor toniglit wlli for s relîlevin writ was i'i tibrat rOw'vPning. lie "A(n lil' icrdî'r" and wiIl give tl" cierk was Jo duty boliod Lu issue The fcllowing T., M. C. As are n-t a gi inipi- the situation Jo Mez- tiri- replevîn becense b.,coutl! net bcIl'arlicipaling in the campeigo. tien and fticeMexican problem in the exi.ecled te pas-. upontheit'mailer. tTueda>- border States. i.- 0. Broclotsay, circuiît cltrk of l'il v (Goat1 Morîîîng P. C. fthere suil bc a Meetl'ig of the ex. bLake, Courîly aimea was down on the l'eonfla 2iIi) 1500 .750 t-C"Itive '01<oititee of tiree patciolic piograni. Olhers froit ber., iho are Beidere 500 1 s" .623 i.eague insi Oi e iags roemis thlis tt9oding arc: Suiervlsori WiiinnMiinmnurq1 800 30q .375 eSt-ning ai 7:45 o'clock. Importtant Sîrhiton, Ernil icke anîd Chartes iWttuk.,ganlcli f) 2186 .373 pltanosub'it be dlst ,Ussed at this nilet- Crape. jFirl, rt 11210 227 .181 lue. !)ixoti 70() 122 .175 'Pli Lulie Ai Soieiyof I. lin t Ilîoiiiiitonn1100 lThefLdieslloicl liaieofS.ain's Readings by Missi Loîlîse Suess. t ('anlîm .7100 ltico le î Mr. ry %i3auer. 440 I1lu-solitCsby Haze-i tickerson and inter- fI)nvîlît- 12001 frn(y(i St . ary aero, 40Sins prelive dancing hy Mise Nfoutilon il , i-ttin 850 eirlySt. hursay ifternon Ni b., eatliirte On tire progî-aos or tire Gtcî.sburg 151,0 rcîîoris9 net recclvpd In wi]'t- î,tiaer snb rs ltery bel.ig fLiii iatt>'and get-togeiher 0f the î*îîefor ,publication ah I»ldP eiain Soiey.f he lîn-Ptrîntie i.eague aI tîce Armory 011 h K( wanep , 450 Tln ii, grcie Atid ocityoa te e iondity es'eniIig, Octobt'r 6. Pep i ap,vitle 3t-, mn CtreaonlChurcit w11trceta iall-i trin 0 mif',ith I ra. FA Robthîtg on Court-îieeclics andIousr sui ii-Se~n 0 fi. streel tomorrow afternoon se duo i ic 1w enjoynieitt uf the evlen Reports must 'lie sentý in at 7 p. m. Drr Ilabo., staiem that hl i ddnt ng. In the sociýtîl flour foluowingIeduîlv Many associatIoo'ý arnent ak- "-run awa y" when lie collided iili piograni Punchiîwil le srd by i ng part in tht cempaign because or D)r. Amnbrose's car Tiiosday; tbat be iîîem bers of the :aiîvleory board. planei for. later dates. was eiiute 1e a hurry cail; tIbat lie Mr. C'. E. 1.egg, president qf1 the sîiw il utas Dr. Ambrose whom ho Needed Mucit Energy. -Poîtitiac Y wsin presett a beasmlful had sl rut-k and thpt lie menetay After relurniitg front e strenuouasucler loving t-up LteIthe Y having tihe calied the latter ulion bis returu te play' with ber raLlier clbmlineerlog; lit- lar&est percenage, 'lie tPontiac X hit; Office, HflaYs Dr. Abobrose iun-' t frienci, ferla complulned about 1 won 1h., Klbourne cup tbree years deratood niattera and thet the qolti. floýby'a inanner, wblch aLlier ehiltdrec 1 sira;ght and no keep it perinanonty. sien 'w4s due te a merte Iabllity te ecoe sbln ule«os I l.b ie'frWneu t "tee titrugis tp isefu., Me adds usat - ,rle sblgqle"os lWtl efn'frWueest ho.hadstnusdk .lowa sve* ~..It!'C"O>-cmothser" aise ende4 wttisg OSa S 1.cuk thli Y7 . .l o-tbm Joliet milîs gave iheir firsî' signa of activity yesterday uthlie stcei Sîlilewa. aid.TheIlilinois Steel cumpany staried Up ilsisItse-nler and octe again the rusty aînudge began loaaing in the direction ort he ieP-yl- teltiiry. Union officiais badde'urc that Joliet was locked up tighl u:nd ibaî tbey hbailconstanîhu gnîoîd in sîrength, but semi-officlal compan - ' parts a',re Ihat morkers bave beetu cquielty îiflîng back. For the ist ut- 10inciglut days, stpec irsbeung made int Joiet yesterday. flavoc bnlb., union rankp ItaIieing iiisyed by the "One Big Union" idea -sucit wes tue impression observers gained In the('alumet rcgion, and il wasi eciuoed by sMhsel-vatrve labor leauders. "Thte arafismen won't lolerate Ihis On., Big Union siufr' aaid a conserva- tuve labor leader. "Tbey won't ever sland for an> connroi by lbhe utislit- ted. Whene auuuld b.- the rewari for sPclîng yc'ars in tearning a iradi-, if imider a 11ich-lurian cohcîrol systin the coomonn lahiorer, by dm1 o! larg- e8t numbers. htaî th., vice on wb scales, for instance? If tbey to- troled, a inan would get as muL'b money by pushng a whicrlbarrow m~ by running ta tmachine Ihat book lhum a long liln ote e uuser. Wbere woid b., Lb., nceyuise for skit and nalut-al viptilude? Thalt tii.,way the crafts mu-n are lalking." ,IlluetIlinis Mtnufacturers, associa- lbo osent a mez-age la ]L H. Gary, licsd of tbe,1'niled States Steel cor- poration-, jndonrlung big p~on1cBi, I usas signed blv' Charles Pies presi- dcnt o! the Inhi Sait Comspany and former lit-td ofIlie Unite.d States Ent- ergency Fit-et corporation. BOY SCOUTS ARE ENTERTAIEDIN DELI1I JI IAY W nukegan, Si ýtember 30. Tiç Y. -M. t' A. Trnccp No. 3 Boy Semis., of Atiirca were entet-taln.,d ni tue IliioliiScout DenziliArnoldl. 706 N. Ci-tuisce St. Tuesdny eveising. Ffftet'n it theuc' îoutsewere on lseîd itnd L prograsiu of games and stiiols a,'r.'carrildontl sethuaI thiere was -'ituieli in a tdiîîîi. ail thse tinie. Onte of thc' tiunit5 was toa it on a juig a-ihbothbfi-et exîtu4ed e& 0bel' resting oittheii'loor and tht toe sdi>' porting ili' helu-I of the other foolj WhiJte in litlis huuincing poition Ilei. contestantl tnit'u o write bis name on a cai'î. C('uîtuI Smith and Edwin tloiret-ht vt-tut-uiIt-eeded In ariiing thlIt-r irsituuuîiueo before ihey "bit the. clerk". Tthe zi.tio!flt.,scouts suie ceed-d only un gîîllbng a leller or two an tht- cutrîlbInbthePenu cuir- t> iug cciiit-st i lhtonors a ment 10 St-Cou I Mcstier Il. A.tIî-ewOr. Edwin Gob- rest-lut gilii.i4 scond 'plac.. "Bre-su- wa. neclîttdilof httsinu1 î'u'cliced ithe eveut bt-lare rt-itiOK Nlnny îchiitr gulîes were played.and Ibertthue rt-iimîprant Came of Ihle evening. and tittut sas t,. cats. cuit vin Kucker Irvinug Townqend and Mrs. B. i1. Arnolîd a protiie, ais commitle,> sncb tht' everai s'ri-tti.s of sandwich-La andîl, 'loitlchocolat., thug. tiey sers'- eci provcdi liattbhey were rIgbi on lhe job andj knew wlîat bungry scouts ougbt la hav-e. Afilr the re!resh- motgi eac'it cout bold a couple of Jokes and Iben came an external ap- lication of -raiiwoats5 and aver- ehoes and umbrlas, and -1he bbke gfome ieach fellcaw giad taI ho AIJT TO MARI a I __________________--------- ________________ The Target at Fault. Oitng achne&A compaity of milîltits iad been eo« MCL' woneon Il their own machins a a o'tretpatadc FARM RS A K AL frquenil>' and"cuentnlly. as; tise>'their return the capiain said t10"~ run houlil. but lht-y forgel 10 put a big of the gergeants: "Mow are your ~ TO TOIL 10 i0u RnS drop fo nceamoth ln each endcolun lgsre 'lWi.Z one-h r the expenditnreoaf effort ilt pride, "my cmen shot very welil od«7j lniaaplli u 0 - ,sn.Ii arglal os.very well, but lhey ssnuld bave à"o hour wuorklng dtîs- fnr ait productivei better perbaps If the larget bad @tmýo4 industrie., in oriier i int fuinniitbtirI Biblical Lilie& ae utIle more ta tihe lefI il, t nesy be an a aiui-siîh ailtit hîr - e 'iles cf lte fleld,5 se often fornis of lahor, suas Iëintldi-l ai iIii menlinned In the Bible, are thaught to Stili In WIld Stato. conferent-e cof rfipresettnuiitip aforielie the-ced andt itlrîîr. partlculariy tise Thie-nelhlior'w lutIle boy came te siate farni bureatu f.'uitranltîî, of red aaeîîîîmnes %i 11. black denIers. play silt baby Carol. Aller tryloS'tO -Michigan, Ohio, 'ui,sauirlowta , x.-î,- These s,îin' grosv nmong the thorn play sitblber nauthile without Mi*i ra-ka and Indiaauîuîluei-r olas y. nIbedges ln the East, sih accounîs for autc-c e 'î l "inimecl. "Weil, alise l't 1i-r suorklng luii . oui> -iLc pro- tise snylng, "Ililes among thsoras." ver>' lame. S8 %lie?" lucîlin andl increasp 'thte ottf <ifu _________________________________________________ tlng, the faroters snid. ____________STATEMENT 0F THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRtCULATI*1N, NORTHERN LIGHTS IN SOUTH- ETC., REQUIRED Bv THE ACT OF CONGRESS 0 F AUGUST 24, 1912. W huit are tIlîýi bluiih ligltin thi l., 0f Lib.,rt-vitle Independent, pîîhiiehed wtekly aI Liberlyvilie, Illi, for 8011h! liee ar thse earcligisOctober 1, 1919. What is ilîab iîglitbng îîp the sky ;l tîbi o llnos bihe waî- acrossa Clnoy of tLake.,isa. 'Ihese and doliens Otf iOIr i'r I Btfart- nie, e NoIary Public in andb for the Sîste and couniy aforesaid.- itflnstcamet-oser th lioîîne juin thi- peraonally appears F. G. Smiuth, wbo, having been duly sworna accorditig te i lu 11n ufi., hurilxti 1r uîhîîk Iaw- di-lios'a-~nd al lie is liii'business iasager of ite ?IIs-l lue Wsednesday niglitîand ;anhtiiiette I e î pendent andl thai lihe foliowing b'.. b liii-beal o! lus knowiedtituti-iiet- seconid Ssi Iol llu(uji iit -trii lrue statouent of the owner-ip, management (and If a daity papli'r, tbe Aurora oflrealis. alilas N\îînllîî-uî circulaion), etc., of the aforesatid publication for tbe date sbown Jo the abavo L.ightls. B-uI lonîg tehore thi, i aIls caplion, reuîuired by the Act o! Atgu'.t 24. 1912, embodled in section 44?, P'os- cdllce thie leli-îzi-udli :taIlîl long distaincet i tl Lawq andb Regulatlons, prinîedl on the reverse of ibis forti, Lo-wtL: buon., colltpane',-t npwt-a ie suit't 1. That the viles sncb sddr.eses of the pubIlsher, editor, managing cd- lOrm of eiecîrtns %%as laytingtuh itor and business manager are: %or wuti lius he-ns iii Pubihr-Lake Count: 5iili-ihing and Pybnting Ca., Waukegen. 111. 'The3"e tut osr ti hît i uînltîî'n s>' Editor-W. .Smith, Wî,t .111. qaad a ro'uident ,tf (tiin l *,n. Managing Editor-W. J. S:.kitit. Waukegan, 111. "Tbey%'t-o !luthlIt1sîîlltî1n skv,"île- Ilueinee gManager-F. G. Smnith, Waukegan, 111. Ii l' siuîieitî nil-i1 Prk. 2. That the owoers are: IGive names and sddresses of ndividual own- Il uaircu wnu 'lii- ar i-i tliglit was ers. or. if a corporation, givelils nanmeand lbhe names sndb addresses of stock- LiC brond ail lî iglît ut, ,-nlI i n holders owoîng or holing 1 per cent or nmore o!fbthe total amasint of stock). c'utldla.î lie-oit'îî t i i i .iîtic-na Lnke Couînty Pniblisblng and Printbng lCo, Waukegan, 111. sky, W. J. Waulcegan, 111. F. G. Smith, Waukegan, Ill. Womanl WIIL3. ThaLt te known bondisolder'.. mortgagees, and other security holdors Womnniy tt.owning or hioling 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. mort&--L.;" A 701M97 lady ssbose.-dramunttc all or oUhelesecurllle,.iare: 1If It-re are none, S tl. lty was greister titan ber pcrsonai at- There are noue. s tt. tractions callcd on a popultir tmanagter 4. Thal lite two paragrsphte next above, gi. - th Ie namtes of thse ovE- wltb the vlew of obtaining as part. ers., eîockboldere, and security lolders. If any, ,i.':,n nul only the Ibst of lThe manager clalled about lhe valut stockhloders and seeuriIy haliders as Ihey appear upon the bookcs of Use com- o& goo looks 1 to a oman, endlng up pans' but altlo, bn t-ses wluere the glockholder or securî'y holder appears upona wilb, "Bteuty isla 1au woinan thîtt tic. books Of the ,Coîmpany as trustee or ln any other iI--" relation, tise, brains are Loae man." "lTbere's only riante o! the person or corporation for whom quelu trust -Ing, lit gîven; one tiiing more valuiahie 10 a man than, also that thec sail la-o iaragraiflis cootain statements em'- t- uifianî's fu brains," sald Lbhe youuîg lady. "Wchat'g ktuowledge a~nd bheu-f as te htup circtinistances ,nnd conod t. inder wiic taI?" asked the maneger. "lTaclii"etoî-khîîld.-îs andîl teiuriîyluoliierq wio do no1 sppeicr upon -,t books of tise wa te epy.cîmpaiy ast lîusite, hlc stocîk and speurily io s captcit - ottuer titan tisat was lhe repl>.of us bona fildl' îwner: anid tluis tffianbbas non ret-on in belles', lînt eny othor persan. astsociatbion, ar coîrpîoratiîonttis in>, i-rest direct or indirect in tise Germen Siege of Parle. caiti stcksbonds, oru db-n si-cuiles ltian a.isu ssted by hlm. Tite siege of l'ars hegan on Sep- 5,. Ttîat tIi.a avoriugo nuîuubî'r of copie'. cf eaîb ictuhce o! Ibis publication- temiier 15, 1870, und endecl on Januar>' sold or istlricuiei, lhîrcuuglîi fie niai!' or othersise, to paid subscribers dur- 28. 1871.,suben the cily surrendered, ing lli' ix inouiîiis Ii'et-eing lie dtle s o ;hi~o isb Germait tronps enîîtrIng the cîîy !n (This inîformactiont is re.îîîireîi fratnt dail> publications only.) Mercb, 187, and remalnlog 48 boutre. P. G. SMITH, Business Manager. The tstt part o! Paris wsas bons- Ssuou-n cii ntîsî'i.-c biie tue lis 2nOu day etfUt-lober, 1919. barded by tih., (ertnans on Jactuar>' WAYNE T. STUPEY. 8,17,adaotawe ae hr SEAI,) (7.ty commission expires Sept, 15, 1921,)- wss a geni-rai bontbnrdiment, lnsuilicla--- maîuy bîuiilngs scere iumageii anci a nuîîiîcr nf pereoils kilîcil. Afler tea latter bornaith riî't France appealled £ 10 the. neu irai powers, but recelved noe A G B A '.4f.IIl respoose. "a 1 RECHA&GLD dRFUTI Farmec'a Good Work., Soiune t-tqI.' I,itt liitssl.qhle lta do tsi) i ii lir' t t w. l au' acu timre. The fiit' léi ýtt n c"foiur, ancd ctes thons a"l li- S u l.a. inkts, tuiaks, and kauflttti'ui tl it t"tici, Simply Mmd Tc. A 11111e girl sutn blb.thehospitul fol- lowing unn îptrabion for nppendirltio. Ber people lhotu ut fth ie ciîy. soa se was, and crled a groat deal. Finally n nurse gave ber e-nickel net ta cry, In a shotrt nîme ah., celled te tise nurse: "Piense taire your nickeL Frve just got 10 cry." Kind of s Mixture. At lt' hé Rî'tulteIobert oves tell- Ing us thituî"i nesv kitS camue 10a chool today." As t1cutoys tairesa Itnteret, ln bis achool effaima I asked, "Â l>qoy - leaur "w.u. 4 Amitk»o.',Mfflý ASKSTATET*AP. -rn PROVE $ieOOm,0 C.Bo##. issdÉ, I And when you do need a new battery let us tell you about the STILL BETTER Mr[LLARD with THREAI)ED RUB3BER INSULATION. CoIwelI Storage Battery Co. 116 and 11i8 Madison Phone 2M~ HO~ 'OFMS. POSSIBLE BuBRI I SOLUTION 0f TUE * IOUSINfi PROBLEMl Waukegan Can Build Cernent Homes, Suggests Lake Bluiff Resident. CONFERS WITH HOLLISTER Waukegan ,itI 70.e " ()nn solution for ilie hoI'u- nz i.1 m il,. iniWaukegan fi; off, ro I to,'ii-r.e la lioll ter 0f the l ýi,îi "-r of...... ('oiinîereby a well ko iii n n'. dînt iotLa.keluîff who conf,>-r. irh l he 101>a! Eecretary today. ('.' nt hi ouses, whlch c,. lbt'or- ectolicl a 'llrie, a, <-hi-paot hi tk 'ýr frilme dwe!liflg. and it îîilmore ch. aply in mL.St cases, wa-t Ilh.sin- lion ho offered. He sa:(!l liii' Ian la one I alia as been fî'Ilowî I itc-i s' fully oisowwhere and hc sîg-psld ,ltat Waukc'gan look lOti lît - siua- ioîn voiy carefuLy. Tîi.i saine man said thalî.I k.ý Bluff haý a few honmes te, olT"r 1iti-. Wa ik ogai who havc no tialli., lii flnd locations.( Plans a r- ioii foot Ilere, ho- said, . 10 rti liiîes con inuit of thL vacant propei;yi ' ,like Bluiffwoule. lit, ip) cooper- r rat,. mnore' closely with W'auk(,gai.," lie siald. "Jo tact we woc'Id I. tibe j Us[ ad ctlool.y JIntouihWit)tu îe sit- wation as Lq North Cliiî,aà-o W., t rade In Waukegan stnio's and w, LONIJOZ-BaOlioBaplu actuld Ilk.' to work Jno lstr liarmony at 19, la to marly. shi oe \%ill %V1.auk.-gan in eevrs aay pos- E. R. firèighton-Addortoy wl ibhe." d&Uhter e %&telLs Ord P4 ,-)tdc niilwayuepaiIInI13 Asked to Pass on Two Sep-ý arate Resolutions. ST ATE APPROVAL NEEDED. 0', S Piemnber 304 Siae î ". f i k ('nuncr*s prîîii "l $ iii' ieu I ding pro_ r îi haï; 1, **ii '.- StAtp ;jy deparil m, solu l0ns h li liaie b,,ili i rîngfleld Th.ill'i)POed boniiit qibeen siî!it Init tu ii ii. t'ng for - 111 1.11 ndî Ill.e thic i l -A , 00.o . L0r-s liiion fer Ilie :i-e, r amo" nut pim idecls ti liati ish IIl Je -ted for a h,' llmwork thai isith( slate -hill pu tilt Uian n iual aîîinunt of môn- T hp rostîlil ion foi, th' simaller titlt t i t 'hall b., for stralght efîxunti wnrk, 11.0 cliln(y tiglie it for Iititwltt res er il il; dcidc'd the n: l it- îîî.îneecled. llrf1i'wlebnnd election can bo tihi-i l lie îîîney approved lit In illurii iv, tit'lias %hnip ni appro- ia i oùlii- iej-t. ecdilse or tho ni -d o i îiin Latke Ctinty il is iot .1 -n lna lii' hédale co.ild tut tîtîrld ils:lîîîiresval The ltin t rall the el*cîjoe cariy 0in lie sîring an-I chî.wilI per- mit nf no l i~i Th,. -only delay up i0 110w lias bt-en lb., lownecis of the, ahI. lîiihîv dpaito n bgiving ilsiiapprovat of the plrolect, of tise year's nmt beautifal debutanteO, I b. Lise bridegroons. Tise baroaemuià sire.6

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