CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Oct 1919, p. 12

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MfTTD TETVL! !DPNIN.T!RDY COEI2,11.I JC ____- 81 Knee Length- Union Suits -t 85c Womei's fine ribb-<d, kieelengli cnt- ton union suits for early Faîl W.ear,- very specIal at 85e. 1.65 Union Suits -at 1.39 Womén's and Misses' fine riisbed an- kle lenglis union suits9 of a good quallty at $139. $3.50 Part Wool Union Suits -t2.48 Women's part-wool, arm nunter un- ion suite wth Frenchs ban dtop lis moat Il sîzes. Special at $2.48. Ilundreds of Suits To Select from;at- 2 2 50,2 7,509'3750 $45, $50, 62-50 Probably no description however lenghy nscaus an mucis 10 "suit liuntlng" vomen and %lisses of Witukegtn ani vicluity a4 sinple state.usent thut - ..IT CAME FROM IIEINS." Hein Styles are Instantly acceptr'd in this ecc.nnuniy as thse Isat word ln clever Suits. Smart Suits in Serge1, Tricotineq. Velours, Silvertones. Elroad- clothe. etc., are included in this collection accordlng t0 price. Sine are fur trlnsmed; others are quite plain, ail colors. W itkegan'a Largest Asaortmonte Colored Corset Covers -at 1.49 A plcilturchase provîdes these tandsolne silken corset cruvera of lIes or navy and otiser brîgiter colora lns b oýaded patterns. 3.98 Flesh SiIk Crepe de Chine Chemise Very Speciat at --at ,2.48 An unusual offering b Ie sure so you lugi t 10 act quickly. Pretty new styles daintlly embelliahed with lace and rib- bons. A Lot of Slightly Soilèd- Waists'Up to 2.50 In a Gigant»c Special Sale at- 1.19 Here are walts of exellent voiles and cottols no velt y wraveis la ail Mites and pretiy styles to cme, out at $1.19. SiIk Waiststo$5 -at 3.98 Heavy etik crepe de chines, tub aliks, and pretty georgette crepe valets in ail coora and styles. Other Waists e.75 and 14..50, These Sensational Prices WilleBe In Force To-morrow, Saturday and Al, Next..Week Lake C,)nty's Greatest Store for Women's C Children's Ready to Wear W'01 &? Silk-- Sweaters To Close Ou't at-........ The New Ruffled Slip-Over Sweaters 5.9897.509,9.75912.50 Malmy aboolutely isew styles are belng shuswn la Ibis varlety of button and slip- over wool sweaters ln a Pomplete range of colrlngs and sîshes for womnen and Mmses. C.A Sale ot Childr.n'l Apparel Jor Schiool Wash Dresses Ultra Stylish &fodels in Worm W inter Coats Ail SicsUp 39 164~,~, r 1.98.1 .7 -009 or wom5 ises9 -5u0or Noai, styllsh, Inexpensive wash dress- es for gIrls frirn 6 to 14 are slsown bei-e in a wido rang(, of clever new stYles In plaids, strîpes and plain colora. Wool Dresses $5 and 7.50 Girls' dresses for school Is wool plaids, serges and s.ool and cilk co nain- ations. are, being shcwn In a nîce alay of new styles at $5 Vo $750. Children's Wool Sweaters 4.98 Nearly every child golng to secool needs a warm wool sweater. Tise corne Is ses irons 03 o 4 Is good colorlngs and styles and are reasonably prîced ai $4.98. Childran'a New- Coai.a, titat ln thplr every Uine and styliis swirl of their graceful aklrts reveal thse hIdden skill of Amerîcas nsmost expert tallors, are offored ln a bewilderlng ensemble ni newly created models of ricis velours, novelty rlotlîs. sillertonffl, broadclotlra. nobby mîitures and ilusise. Four Coats are llustrated above. e- - Cap tivating Modes~ 1in Sty)ish 1Fi4Il Milline ry Interestig a- 8.759,$ 1 O,$12 $15 te 19.50 A v.ry'-i' lra b .l of , Fall inod 1. imalt.,I I 'ls Among thi e 11ai- 'l' - . sy limaitiflowsr t.rnn 111;.111q., the <lln cmin ,n , uw f f it and large dru, p a i I Ith ,'allr !Ala peg triI d MI burnt goore Ahi unlyr f,,ilr - iillser and metal la,, c. Tailored Hats $5 to $15 Smart, new tIr i - rd In llattpr's Plush. l. s .r. s,î andf tjlv,.t inhs;sso. r ai] thse 1atfeat crown ai ,, i brinm shapes Womnen's 1.50- Chamoisette Gloves 89c Pair W rmnon'4 and N51 I s' s, s amuoi. elle glvin al i araîsand rulnr., rtu closu out ut 85e a pair. And Now a Special Event in-- A Sale of-- Fait Coats $3 Corsets 7.9$9 10.7 5 14.o50, 16.50 Warinsu ug-looklng conta for tise younger foliks front 6 to 14 are ready In thse new styles and fabries. Many are trlmmed wltb fur or fVr fabrlc and are elther belted, pleated or button triai- mned SilkHdçseto 1.50 -at 69C Women's .llt and sîlIt boot hose value. lncludlng plain and striped ln ait colore ln 89c, $119 and $1.60 effects are priced for clearance at 69 cents. $ ompers and flay Suts -at 1.59 Womnen's bacit- lace corsets lis a nm- ber of wanted model4 are offered for tonsorrow lis a specil sale *at $1.69. Corsets to $5 -at - 3.29 ln this assortment you wili fInS front anS back lace modela lis flesîs anS white lis mOst al sîzes.' Special Purchase ofi50 Dozen-- 1.50 Silk Hose GooS Isose too-in bltck, vwhite, Chsam- Wagu, brown, bronze, etc-., la ail Bil.. in Àrealiy vouderful occasion usai vl ai4 stand out 'boldly nUi 's aousgret- New Fai Dresses Very Attractively Priced a t--- $15, $259 29,b5O9 $35 $45' & $50 Clsooslng a dress fromi this coplous collection la at once pleasurable and pro- fitable because of tise great varietY of exclusive styl4q. reasonably priced and Ito convenlcntly dlaplayed is tre mosL. spaclous an,' beat ventîlated dress sec- tion lis NortbernIslîlinois. Hers are dress- es of serge, trîcotîne, wcool jersey, trico- hitte, iPaulette, sajîn crepes and combin- ations lis the most exqulelte styles. $5 Wool Plaid Skirts 3.b65 Here la a varlety of tood looking styles lu sklrts of pret- ty wool plaids ln wanted color- ings and a fair range of aises. Wool Plaid'and Novelty Silk Skirtg at 8-98 to $25 A mnost appealing eeil.tiOR of handsome akita--soit Scotch wooleus ,lns unsuliffl OWdE chsecks, etc., and heavy elika et wondrout wev.,.and colora make up tiho srowlng. LIBEWYV INDEPE . TffrMMAV.ý OCTOBER 2,_1919. 2

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