CrLTS IN Â OrMIL 1I et ofient-i . 's>. la*, 00 the let. ~ tee île cthe tie #articuler spot. $t I"ver -yor t'sud bail occuired. Ho 19 te pierl s bebell a craforeuco $u SIt ntervlewed hlm .. -1' Imoeloy came Ste look over te ituation 'ita officies and county oui. z1udthe m tsmat«r Je eOut mt. Everythiitg oemed te- il this eOmlo am i Ian mi lImaI Sheniff Green leablemi qi Teopemition o èec çumly acli~c1by Fim une nvertoc mmay of thele'any ucythat bas .gbtthemiato uSIue bueboerd à waondoide une ýmsemy trtter to. i s niodmrte.ý $«Vite Co@ 1m, e,.' UIL iomR 1W ha kili .1tu lien 140 4 "W eU.ICl*«J& deuPty eherifis aend «aj ho. -ml bffl004h*en duty te PMo Mr sî rveodi1om.l" *àOf." tisa rlWeg amSed I i tato i en n troops provid. ku ae - *ami fouiid ho could nUt hatidie ta. situation. H evaded an 1810"d scorlxg liai ltheigAtter I À~ o reaeehi iat pointjeTe Soutl besaif. as là civi Ian Cia- tbh le tiheti olanel wàB* la juil TIà. pi'05flce Q Mle hostde of the ,*tats mitia aused consideable in- taregt tobut tovRi but vhen Gener- fl.DIksOii leftibere be expressed ie lielIef that thse situation wau in b*Ud sud prelcted thott here ould nei be auy more serous distiinbaflces.3 Mluer*kGreen wvU huer AU thO, morning savOaiifln ludeDotiffl. the deputies conslated . f business M "D Who toe he gatb cf Ooffcbefore lbe couaty oerk vers Ilveli star snd ,vers told to report for duty at f16e o'Oiocý st tii. Tenti lt# station. tirer-1 tif Green sud ciy offiis belleve that the. preasce 0o thse .deDutesr nov viii bave a airons effec 0on ils strjketa sud that future disorders vIl! be prevented. If cilbimrtant Cbufreu" Tii. rlctlns near the. Wlre 'MUIi Tliurd&y nAtq vheu stoWes vOre hrid and jevoral mon vere (n.Jured viieuith.y 'worm coming ram their vork ln autos. resultsd in a-very Im- portant confe;,ence bains bld at the city police statton Tbursday night- The. codevonce lssted umiii about tel, Oclock sud tbqn lator -anotiier conference vas beld and It alaloat vas a tact toda,' that a formai ne-- quest bad been sent te tthe govrnor for tloops to corne bore and btpidle the. loca situatilon. Ho*over, siicbla flot the. case but it -Was mrel,' by ,the ouplet chance tbat tle .ret quest mas flot made, and tualthe~ troopa are flot on their vay to Waukegan IodA'. # At the. conference ait the police sta- tion wero State's Attorney Welc-h Mayor Bîdingon, Chiots 3MeDermot. Tyrreil, Sbierif OGreen, Supt. Âcomb and Blacknier of the Wlre Mil. The rioting of the. Thurada,' atter- noon was sos Ito ln detail and It vas docîdmi hat the offliale ahouid Lt in touch wtii 6pngfietd relative to the caiilng of troocus te, ibis acte. Accordlngly a telepiione message vas sent to tii. cCvrhora offie the Idea hotus to maite a formai raquent to $end 'troopa ber,. The Governol' vwag absent but c9nversItlOn Went uni viii his secretaIl.Mr. Sutten.Th outeome of it vas that Mr. qSuttel Mid bho vould <et lu touch vihbthe A&dJutant Geneovs, ils fscud later 0,Usd bock ta, Waukegau vitm the roquent to kuas jusi bow many de- palios bailbeau pat ou the Job>Tbutàs- day iu the. endeavon th ose viiotier tii. local oilliciais bail ekieudeil tbsm- oelvea lu tins te bans thiteslii tien. - àéodmiy wvbliàno refusa a Mode te seuil troops bors thie st14 'gestion amde thiatthie «oisis ezen t tiomelvea lu n ruW te bandie gth stuautiaon Vithout aid .fromthe u slate julItIa Doidu e 0Wait Ai the coliolusiosi of the 4elphon conversation lit Was decîded that ce cM, b. v ouid go abeadfor a "ay or an sud tee if-Ut"7old IiaediUti atuation by eeartulaluabout two ow. vproVUu tbt lthehOu« ous 'veri le- éom, , dftilesas lie Gren la svmetu am#" uela ~d te bave emouei ce bçm té tat mm ea it ase devloffi boreThuas Wbaus tii. Meou beteck part l Vbat vwsu ig # wu-s 86saM Lt - uUflDse tbàet tus, gavtum te raina mou vu mWWi ttte me ile t *é esad mUsel toI osdMut 1U 1 8< ta < or. abouteevepty mmon stSi job -ithui&da- oveted ,'gviesutiag the obarurs Od"ice d tue luiSe.dé. gealmemuf - Wgkop mi ,North chic"& -.lié wfaitlt large: ameet douiss 1a4 bon once4* w . blest suItte nl»_utem a demade 'fl on rbi Ar Oyes4e&laoIs àto Wt t*a dAndatomh't bsl geanbu tw Urgu lu 811 ofqse oshee u *. ilii o-ou ne luatter hbe hé îlesnkq 1'bat the mâlitIa depsi-tineufmett*a stale vUsé *Oloy locêlugSI lw situation, at Wakuss u a ~dse b,' the tact tti Shenhif teon W. *tolil by tbe Sprln0eI4d o8kie te kenl le close 0to the telegiiome duzisg iii .. ught 80 thai Spsingaed coud k.< lu tanick v1tb lm "W. iLre So18< te bave enough de puties to baude the riot lihe tlae that teck Place lu ais hli"Mid etatems Attorney' Welcb ioda,' lico -aulia ou th. dochieste W lt Rural Wibu teecI4oii If ,cUberand. tue "lection 09 a. oo"mti00 Cit,'y rpoi asociatien cam to ; lo e I.Frie ej sttWiedwng ibm Daytou vn -w Ï lhe A1met-8icaFederotion cf 1.1er for one year. ý Recoinmdahlo 0cougroesfor Mini0 Ssalary of 81,500 tonr4mleh lm0 a year for equlpinent mi dialar,'of $,260 for- 50-mile motot routés. Equlpinent maintenance of $1,200 a year. Resolutiou for gradatory acale of psy lu accordance vitb piece, veight and miloage of invividul routes. 1. Deitymi One :Yser The proposition of affiliation viii the Amonican edration of Labon vas vat d da Thlarsila,. Thia resulted in poutponement et action until the 199 convention. The. delegates veted 151 th 42 lu fayot of accepting lhe report of tais speial committee, appointed ivo years a«o at KansasCtyt 01sigt taiusbillt,' et affiliation viti the union. Follovias dhis ths recanmmandation cf the conmmittee ta vitiiolil action for one ,'sar vasadapteil.1 l0c" wes vof t ib opinion titthe. tnation-vide unrestinl labot- circles sud tue political uncetIinit,' expediteil pont- pommsmept et jnlnins viti ihe union. The report in substance mil: "Wbtle one delegate le slrongi, for afilation. anolimer le absolutel,' adverse t10 h sud tvqt are favoMable tovstd ft visu condi- tiqns permit. A forumel resoluion wus adoptein l ilhCist. goawill le salied t. pug i lar,' increeos.A feaire oetbsl remolution lenltme requst for eqpipuent e uienaffo tondsau item liai lai t- ever beau commiderel b,' the postoffic 1-epartinet heretofore.. A mWpmuu salai,'cf 8,100, as compareî it ilb rsssui minimum of 83,80le oughsti l *&md tiu *00fer hwmàsedrav ouai squlpmsmi sud ,3In0for moler rmeeg maltenane 1 Pet Mite Rate. Dch i na, yfiguerts, bývever an flexible insolarai taie equipomt fmn cf a miover tils regmber 2d or 50-mi routes s cet-tain pert otnmeu. oft l mnentuanxqenleslredvl pdgt tlpat oeeseeto SMgola u an lm MD@@&*,pur a "la settoril à ÏWlàCN ew swpIicv speaersai brequ "tub.'elu Ck. E, evb 5wa *hO So la erb Md otcqu lu**usvM& e b »tise m W, i àd l il.A' oneet4rne#I$ put. ,U It bire u uSemalsu0emsu m bu d e mytly cUm ti h th th e Ceeortaiel AIS *1110i"a le vulehbecae weSv6 t 1 b. ie lsfee afgt il aiâWdo*I I *tm soléeom, tueSsatif l7-1 le t , eh e~% ll o 'fer e *gîluIo 10%ai e iÈý lMMU wiPatiPSilim lai Min b* leeure a fUem ffor il a Y le «PlaiOSim ot 9m er lmm*ért ea ats,' noveiMcroe in .ajmt, 1 to recvedmi0* l mio mmuI*1 frot cet pt-atloMa 60.18 Md 1; af liin n*thcee % mnofi lu ii>; 2k telàOoui,' SIMIIIO tbehm - ea prootion ofl" t u doee an g e tdabli 4resit*, 'dla la lioueu!0le" atead ai ý*0. le , lSrIqivtg'uud ie-o- V gis U mra M mleoes .Ot -aedllllollà» * rois oMie mgte Amoiit 151 ireput âm, MW vet cllyko~ as be»M. the- P ainl eutena uropé g wceý,.tbey un e boo 04 meat but ftoW 1,' forgotten,'th cf Pull,' 6,0Slm MAf Jewsim Europe are al!ls Ut. op~t lupfor grIMOvn4.e bs mlk for cWuidas, dlos- ToeiuIeviý<. tii.sufferingsof taie peoples o oàstern Europe the Amiee Jovimb #Wb&f comnmittes s s1in -mta fIMd et $60Ç,00O. Illinois vin cmm%- tribut. J00%000tathis fond dMua île drive <It&«en26-November 1. O*M It FOR DUATI Janms UoreW 18 Defendant' 1n Sui PO@wng -Death' ol" miss Uabel CÔoper. FEU. FROM, BACK PORCK. Damaseseort410,00 are, ismanlel, ofj James morrov. 318 Boutai Siieida RoInoilua auit i fed in circuit Court 1b,' William J. Balli. admlustratoi 4 fthe esase ^of Ifabel Victomia Coop, et, tb ycng voman vbo met. deati n, fsv mois &go 0 ybe st ell tnom lie tird, fioot- rear ponci oft tue Jamea Mot-now sPartient building en Besvidorse trel. The nuit wvsas dI Sb,' Attcnuya Okel Fuq sud Ceokt, Pope, snd. Mi01s Cooper vas preclptated LW ber deti viielimte Punch rBlIg gave va,'. O. struck beail.fitet c ace meuat sidevalk. Thte coron«sjurl 9 t*O=mmae4- ibat Mir v. tg* t 4 i *1precauttona ho tender île rliad Anothor S1<0ffl Suit e or'ge Odom laIe W ed e d , a law5agslnst tX:Wstfi uo &ob eqhmmpan'. The- mmuirovs *b,' Atiorue,' 14511IL Mori. ' KatliesA. Setsecei1. Atte . 1fenliIL MeriS hua iet i 904 fr $se 'a n ud ole bmM«-l a d A p l e u l~t à le u s u a0sqprwti gmarna evtab bi tp stec*U"ibwpdig.lut go 7.1tais i - a*bumseurbffl M"U" 9. v. îeal tumree ettue" tuu "M ef*ésperme"catie Mi11 use tu stesmb, veling to-be ollte- t guuie!jwyaamain uroctre, hlenh" amsu bildna bêleasdm au, Néa te lu sne'mii.ccgic lu h.chter quartra. Dmingil twe«* ofgre 1h00O0 tenftcs building. He&sl lysaneb pouh la e,'fastul boveer, t.ctdu ivo igMsu « mi"& a 'e uels, q cMW uns U~ ~îl hei yqMmt.-df la01i *~rn, Sd bd.WaUdli "0 0.fluIf2 stb abc" -the, avoress, -lb* 0fal»# an e m m aigton sad waxt 8rato md *0000 Sud gave hock & iru Wiam Jaobe loUXithîe Wairous iv Ba g lu l sm Nb. CouRt,'lSt. fc~nomina erîtiop. JohnaS. Nemi,' boat theis. Dsmggan place i ut M 1e No t,'et -St. h cfFrankina for IN consideration. Wankedu te rs districtbum Mioran placeos West sud Eu. for'$8M. Alvin k LBremond lmubt on esa ai 410,CoUS t B3. 80fth for MoM" 0OBI dOI u Einser HeW ~bouahi ths Hno place ou gt eade Pc, South et Udvsrd S.tfoirnOi sideratlea John 130yso esiê vie:be feet ou South aide @OUMu&Ag of McuJaseAve. from Fr. N sou fonr48> la Lie4 Vest Iaffot ut Stuat i ouait tie VaimnDur« on Ma,'fcer, Ave., me Hall fer IMM0.0 la UIbertyvIllO: Andre 9bouigbt the 4000-8. BaOIR Pi 'outhi «ç t mnsr711.bat ebrd Ut. to4 OOC. lu Highlanid Park. Han, mana bousait thi. 1511Place aide lmcld St sot% 0f IWO hello Ave. fer #14M. Ar B,'meid &"d vifsbouglit the placeou Mest"ideUndaAT, of Ssci et. frtl9ji, ~fqs l1- boud illî '14seahmtae fat. Mo 4= ý-M ffi g.Ileaîlse W. hx 94. t. sème los. patlt lbocê & Oaelaks. ý. Da "O- ffilad so-4 à h lom tIa buebpAad t t ilt . - 4 * M1 % lblci d sus&. W sot W ieSa, W.Dsle e 1.10. C. pu« Cbn ud a b iet a t.rC iaa lveonu.t viteM ar lot 2118 9. UMM 20 84 oAdditio, lIlblSndPa.0 . 6 M pi>e Olive M. Pack sd busband te aire Waabà- A. 141e. If ?Ç lot 2 bock 20 Orig- tudicat- inal wauhagan. W.* D. $10. wt deed Josephulme loeyer te &. G. Hop- kias, loi 1 block 43 aIwke Bluff, W. u5t aide Mieton 0. Was anj bueband te coSld-Ip. p. Ledd aud *Ite, lot 26 block 73 Highlandl Park, W. D. $10. ac.H.Lplein" Peligitue and. vifs tea krauk o. C Caringetia, Pari lot 4 111mghvaail. W. Domi nD. $10. B3onard uGerin and vils tai L. P. agat tic Dora IL Sceuer, lot 1 Povelîs aimu. Waterot cf9. 181 fi.bloek 9. MaICayasuàd Adl., Wauke<af. W. D. $10. 8 lotse ,- I rom W. a.mfiss.w Initative. oralcun. Wiçiflg plea u eploe mots aAbert Ote tamd liai qmplo,'ee bave bon' plar t*0sudboipulla dols thmp s Ih a" 'con- t.e wee ut tl10 d.. tSbW n~t 100 the s pirit cf laitaile Il mlastes tise Te. Trest ii îon teget on, a villagueuste N. Joli- ps,' ie-T e. .progressive e- ployer bau Utile une for thi.e UPlOlSS LoClure vboueer doma anutiing be ia net tits td Pl" ~ t -e d.Orlgnalt,', lDteuttvèeeU n- Vet,' mOrefoiaee arepa"purts 10 biu tsvor-aad ho promettOIL-Tbe NM5 k' Caa-£. sfamocesFrenchi artietGoa o c« au* Dore. vus bora SuÉd test-edlauthe oger WB.etmde of Strasurg catiodral. r»» tii, IF. ia. Betbs-Edvards, lu "-ne. oat * hab a WlPo Vouge&"<At dis as. ci elclt le toï lyeas-à$m e te bsriglt ana, but be. eau., mi if lb7 magie. ambdtno. A be tu e bclmertd5V pie. m t- ax.tolg4a i P.rIe 04 of xa4Déns1 10 for fie»,y« gisega"se me @»5 he ont of-'do For fqwthor M.imatiob appy to OMsg. IIR.