CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Oct 1919, p. 3

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.4.' N 0 use argulng sbat it or making chffi-mnsl in a morkeyl If you've gtt the jlmy-pipe or clga- rete ald'snotion coenereà in. yoar mokeppeit, sip t a few hIlba Ie of Prince Aiberti Bolled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Ptince Albrt iick ti«M '"pip" riightout of a pipe! Pute pipe ple.soe.linothe 24-hou' joy'us dams! makes Cigarette tquilng lthetopplest of qMspt P. A. 1880o fr-agnt, ço fascnalnghI flavor, go rnfreshlngI Prince Albot cWIt bMe your tangue or parch your throat!Yougo~n far asyou likaccording to your mmoke spii Our ezeuve patented proceus cuts out bite and W -.e- - ~sa I. J. RsymodmitohaS oCosupay, Wbunasm-aJa N. C. -.V 'TourIoaysWèk fS watresthtgl oe Mago&oemon.-unrdl New Mo yonto kaowp Siamo*.me ~ ~~I~~ la..liiluu-n ou how u- why mot take out wor for la? W. a"y t You--ther aneno Ii.tte dmebithaUa$ItteTrsT. have proved viod by pértôrmaice. Tbey are tough, hardy,.ecomomln effciet.They stand up, and 'weir, and live, and £sad*ef. There are f ive of these ~tire let us show--you the one that WIi « actly "fith, bil" for YOU. W. M iow lUuited States Tires ar gqd ire&. That'. whyqWe senl them. Uàbertyvae Garage, Libertyvilie, 111. Frank Fok.e, Wheelixq, ID. Deerpskbth, Deerpath Ave., Lake L.OtP. Yens, Ndrth Chicago, laI. Mat. oechoeer PaIieV*~, IM R. L Neih5 uag.1 II. Jow-&Boolaner, -on D .C.-G. Wenban& Son,' Lake Eor*t. ID. Oeuntlngýtle Cuge Good Ativice for Pearmita peetie ErItiQroo 4j 1 .CWIidren neadlly copy visat tisey Mm abop)-TUb *tten: , 1Mband en, andi as a coosequonce tiuy ~~~~p ~ ~ q aI io4ho b kud[u ear squabib"iem m oïl* ltllis , to observe coutsr' Napoleon's Faitls iu C 1Napoleon bati a large lp *eIte lt o!tue .aworê h Ye4dujg vitu tii.'l ànqu *e hoe ileledeti aitlý brl*gbuegootm 0"- , nul'. 1919. beur what tbey '%nid. ~4IRANTSZevie worketi for the. Wire Work§ for a great many years. Accortiing te ~statementa of officiais hgte uen ASRE of the four men left ln thi, boiller Tsroom who are expecteti-ta keep Up 0T< TuRF steam. AcC0tingly If Zewie anti a few otiier men leave the plane' au a ________resuit of intimidation it mlght men Arrst Wpuday after cern- tbat the eonPany coiild neot keep U pIaits o~f =-iat on life enginsan"d i>elers 'iwould have te and ftfoMoê ar Made. sbut down vbereuapn i ncase Wanke- - an bAdte eu Ron thire Worbà EFEN UT UDER for water when lit own boUler plant DEF 0D% o$pUTUDE as dowfltbere Wealdibe no ae BOMO, U TO$1 0,000 corne from the vire milii. As one officiai saiti, "Everybody in W4iaS, eptemtb"cr 24. 'town, includlng the strilters, expect Eigh néjýoe, eitl)ov-te ha'e vater ln the. clty main. yet ~ Eiht l.goes eii.plo- I w.d lotrlmn. aur pump wben ed, at Ù6. Wîre -NI il1 .nd *110f ar remen are kept away anxious to ,eoIv1nue work, fi'om tkq Plant. how are We going to finaly ve u, anîitinglend ts 1utance If the emergency theY are afraid of the strik- THE NEGROES' $TORIES ers.O fow to negraeo, bath of wbom *Four Wbirrants issued worked -lu the milii long andi wbo 2 vare a"10118s te continlue working, weuu y P. M. and seere threatened with deatis andi mob- thre W 4(eday eeIing, bing "like the coloreti toiks got ln j agai t m c, hareilý% 'b('icago," wus tolti by Charles Ei aganstni~ chrge '-ith wards anti James Thaopson. Foi. threatening i M»h trx-ill' to iowing their atonies, the warrants work ini the Wilre Woî'ks. agalnst Terlep Drifta, and .effers 3. Womçen and chiltiren wer. issuet. Their tonles: - "thro* atones and grav- -.1 metTC44DLon thé>Wteetnear el at work.inen and police; 13tb street Tuesday. He saiti to me coniitte"~in of st î rc's 1 botter net* go te work Wednesday prornist police to * . Odsaii . hveelgbt hundred ie the women. 'on th e steettsorrow anti w. i 4 Ere MHIi closes lun ail en- get you fellows. He diint say me ln witranes to the iil and patrticular but hie midti iat he would ail x4does ae to ~ ~ get us ail." all n-mpoye aretol to In- "I have vorketi ixteen yeur& for ter and leave via the' w<'.t the wire company anti never coulti gate leadtiig to Marioni St. have been tresteti botter ne matter 5 Chs Anesn, 15fine andi a treated ont~easquare Lennô1x Ave, eaims toandifair,.1ihit -no grievance andi have been assaulte4 %while therefore bail no resson te go ont proceedi»g.froný the mill to andi strike, 1 baye been palti a bet- his ime mornng. ter wage bere than moniitong. the bis hme ths moring. saine kinti of work I amrn a -ar Aswu gaàuj w police officiais, Plaitla other factorles. New 1 face t'eetse athe "Sotrike zone" ln ,. .,A ..*. ,.. Waukgaan t.. ees n, ssues Y familY anti 1 mu.4c De out of work a moral o uj*4l and trouble aî uic tunme. appeau'. on ite tIPEl. .'Steye Drlnka sld to me lut *It pseclpatuj uuidenly Wedne*day week, 'Ali those who keel) an work afternoun ils n~aft@ were issued. îng >at the mille vhll have ti er ues sinst tii,.*b olsîrging therm bunied tiovu.' wilnti îtli0--le- ufworlcmen at the *yAISTHM N plant Tua , 1%I question were: laMe. 'nuompeon, anctiier colpreti M¶lf) Tý 1126 WadsvOi'th man, saiti that it vas rank leffers Ave.*. who maode a tkreat &Salust hlm. nie J IRANK CJU 142SS ilcoU a id.tbst jeffer,&aheinilmMonday artfft (mesnbej.0 uiite ,iQ fli a gigte work Tuesday u àsketi Sund ti t1uWews lie nam* ho repllejh, vas& No ,y, bat ad as pllcemefl *i oer to prule e .îu. thm snid: "Dot yo, u kov order.> ý1YOD belong te the union STEVE DMR& A.1011 8IL Lncoîn "z«torai hIM 1 tidWnt."sali Tbmp. street. L àA<NTOÏNBUR .zo. 14i10couth Ad-&l- "i tsiti* ":'Tov botter mot ami Street. Z1go te vok or v. viiiset 70."' Thei, midresse Mbbethe gpouce 1 vant te vorlibeffanue I fl et ail proveti vsong amI 1Il4atheOore momer sal&«&TbeMie bard te locale thse mm "W.ý v vou't .110wyMnte," bho aM An thoin, *W.smt* I9 evenini Jeaersrepi1d. came warrantse 48~ tlate.otber 'neahy Mogfn ie hoMalU or men, aise, DJ'lns tbU»à*ête kUL, Madie the r»Mark: *,If yois go te. vork Theme men vwon: ve vo vit on yS t oulhtY JAROB LÂSKOV'C. .ÂnYway 1 vent bock te volt aMi fANT TUER&MBe.Tuesday eyening JeEffl met me. lhe JUAN GRIOKM.grabbed me bYIii*,arm, sMd Ipush.4 Tedlep Furniho. *wds hlm avay. The&i bo salti: 'oYu kaev Terlep vas bits aret ii arreaitd. boy your people ln Chicago veire Thse police teck hlm lu. 'tho evenlul treated Dfot long ago yosflî «et tise anti, taken before 1UUW -S»ah, he lame bers if 7011 bsep on wort[Wg turnlaheti $10.000 bosug, gied by "I told i hm that 1 voulti continue Jacob Grahek vhaIo l h bati $ 10, vork andi h. mid that Il 1 itittat 000 Worth oS property. 'lcane someboti! voulti set my bouse on conthIfleti ane veek. * i3Sska and Jeffiers ,. , >laoed Wedneutiay oyening shortly ater la arreat tbià mornlng Ud 'tik supper, Ignatz Rap>p, 1014-HelielahI befare Justice Fariner uwbe*tiselit Avenue was in the. Iasture playing bonde vere eacb fixed at.$10.000 ln bail ater working a day ln thSe ml. complance vis the sttua requel . aîer in tihe evening be, avore %iut Thse caste vas continUedto Oct. i. warrants against Jacob Laakoyc, Tony Otto ltunquist signeti hsbonds for Tuerk, Frank Grimakes. cbarglug that Drinka andi Charles Am:nbrose Sor they tlsreatened ta "get hlm." Jef ers. . Here ia his story: Later Laskovc Tuerk anti rimake3 "I was piaying bail wltb my lire- were taken before Justice Taylor anti ther. MY moiher Mmandalt calleti irellased atsr 1tbree frieutia, bti m-,. She tolti me lîow, my uncie'5 sîgneti $10,000 bon'd$ tu eacb case. wire Mary ilapip anti a Prowti of men The warrants for thse 5tirtfour men bal called asud tolti her 1 inust not came about tiirougis t" e toi'iee ttiwork 1I hustied ttche use, there by twa negroes anti Mrs. AnUtirew was a crowd. Zewie, viSe of a vell kznown Wauke- Laskove, Tuerk ands, Grînsîkes, gan man who lias livetiboe ail bis ver0 anong them. They tata nie lire. that 1 musnt go ta wark, that 1 was 1The. atories af tise DOglOO tell of a scab. thrVats tu, kili, ta hum their bomes Ms. t.sjpiadtid ltyat;er thati andi te prLvent theni voriting atý aU bher,, la a niickel -ise better tains st anti cost§; the story oS Mns. Zevie tells bang liliiself.' of a peisosial '.isit to ber ramne of [a 'Thse mn told Me tbey vould get committe wiso, ,Iletieciares, bisa i [se if 1 contiifueti. vontanti i toit lit of namee, a 'blacklist" aie cal. hib I mtould wark and tist'y eouldni't led it and lier hunbant' vae stop sie. Thecy calleti me cas anl on it. i hy had salti mfch mare ï voulti She ImnsoliatelIY vent te thse po- have licked somi'bidy aor got llcked. lice, told 1-1, 'tory and ti atieth lin Th finally went away. (warrastt agajinat Sk<s'hec tibarging' TACKS STREWN ON ROAD Ilila witis a Oreat ta kdu ber bhusbanti, ln thse apparent endeavor ta pré- Here l,.3Mms Zewig's &tor'y au are vent autos carrying officiais, foremen tojd It 10te pulice anti on vhicb anl othersia othse vire mille, smre. thse warrant wa.s IssUoti: bodly dîss!g thse nkht last nigbt threw Mrs. Zceiels atatement tack,ý ai iaiong the roati ruannng Into In relating ber tary te the Police, the_ conipanys praperty. Every auto Mns. Zoe vlslblYaffecteti and that seent in today was laid up by thse ber husband. sittinig o09toe Oe aide, pulictus'es thues ecureti. Workmeq tereti by the veat gate. The nonsb anti Ooutis gates ta tbe Plant ver. closet inl order to h. able ta isantile thé situation more banity. 1 POLICE SEEK ASSAILANT. Waukegaa, SePtember 2 1 Tise fret real act of violence in tise vire rli til tike 100k place thsi rnornlng viiesiChnis ,Anterson, li r, Lýenox atenue, a nlght vatchinan at1 the. mlii, vas assiulteti by strikens vhIsle on bis way home fions vorks. Anderson toldthet .Police ise va at- taciseti yhyait a deyen men. Hiu InJuries vere su, serions tint thti services of a Physican ver. neces- sany.1 Andierson dues nat knov tihe ame oS bis chieS assallant but assuredth ie Police he wOilît recognize hlm if lie1 sav ina. 'As soon sa he .eatabliabes tise Man's tidentity a warrant viii b. avare aut for bis arreet. Andersons recelved a scalp vwounti several ln- ciies In lengtb together viti brnlues on thse noie anti cheek. "On. oS tise strikers talt igse tise tiret part af tise veek that they vouldti get me If 1 titi not quit vork," An-1 derson taldtihte police but 'l.have1 varketietathle miii tvessty-live yearst anti voulcl have lI t my pension1 rilat IL. 1quit. 1id li nthat but1 h. sais iti matie na difference. " Sine tiese tnîke hau been on 1 isavebeen vorking nits as a vatcb mass. 1 left tise plant' tbu5 m.ining1 about six-thirty o'olock and slarted 1 for home. About balS satiozen men iullowed me froin Tentb' street. At1 Elghth street, nesir the. cemetery they caugbt up viti me. Tbey tieuandedti taknaw visy i dIi not quit, anti salti aomethiug0 woulti bapinta me If 1tiltnt. 1 toiti1 tien J voulti quit but that tildn'tJ seern ta be enausgh. 'Let'u get hi. anyvay,' one of the fellovi salé and à vlttha tintwuvan trckon tise bad frorn isebtadti vî aôsrt of a clubq an veapon. 1 woulti neco gnift thse1 mans vso bit me.", An>derson lays that ater beettag1 bina the men proceedeti on their way. He vent Itsi s ihome anti thiai noù8led the Police. On the. vay tg the police1 station Andierson potateti out Ai5dre* Stranti, 1014 Lenox avenue anti ali he vas the mans vbo bti threateaed1 bina earlier in tire eeiLr.Strand vas takren tu the. Police station aad quea- tioneti but vas releaseti vbenuden>or son vas unabl@ t* state posltively visen ho vas tolti tWe'll set you," tor .1111 get Yo" Erie Joison, 1001 Lenox avenU e sald. Strad bail clleti bleua ".cab" but baiD ot threteneti hlm. OEV*LOPMENT.OVEf TIURS. Waukeuma. S11oetembes, M., Serjous rioting takon plaue near WlreMII nf:ne on Marion Stmet Thursday evenlng. -wheri strikers hurl. Stones into paMang autounobil cap'- mg Wire MMI -turning from work. Thre or four meinurt nonee ser- Sheriff John 2 Mes ie when a feliow- ,Workniàn n l is auto'fèli to the bottom of the ca, w'hen struck by-a'rock, tirés shot i into crowd. Nobody hart.. 3 City and county 0ff". cials hold long confer- - ce Thulrsday night téo-de- cbir whethe~r to asic for state .troops, get in toucli, with Springfield then Iater de- cide to once înora try to han- dle the situation locally. .j 4Ajutant O-erai Dick- 'son, 'head -of the State Militia, with aid, arrived eaî-ly this înoruing to look over situation. Left, after heing satisfied that the two huîndrod deptîties that werec« heing t-w'orn in. by 'Sherifff (ii-ete coîîld hiaidie ftic sit- nation. 5 'bout the sanw iw îuber of îîîen repoî'ted for 0111: nt iii t1is isnox'ning. Oîllv one-third the nunuber o'f auto)i-toh)iles earried the iiiem to wvork. ý Most everv- i)odIV îsed Str'eet (,ails. No oîîtîréal, arnong stiierS titis nmornîng. 6 -Two mc aîresedini Ma lnrsday 's î'ioting, and held limier $1OOOO bail, chaî'geul -tlt hthrowiug of stolies at auitoists. * 7Police driven back by 7erowiii whcn they try t prevent woinim ni.ntinlddat- whieh he is'earning his work in naval st-at Waukegan, _8.pteual'u The flret *hot l In o se us strilce vas efjred Thurdoy , about 6:30 oelock on TealIh wlicn Jack MoSisane, 418 Lawe' diochargeti bis revolveIIýr eij> or more atones isati beeh hlm andi frienils in thei*. lut returssing from thé Wl,'. mISs, The shot did net ties fogo «, crowd but it Was àa itfrau did not. OnloOlcers deefls MU shot towai-d the QrOunti a&W more ln tse desire to a usnt th~ [&ci* of atones rather thon body. Thse shooting came asuh the worst rioting that Wausfl à Nerth Chicago have ever semn Practicalty ever auto that e along Marlon street Just munits Tentb treet anti up ta the vire 1t Ontrance, vas subiectedti 10the SU lade of atones. Thxis appliadti t noi bounti cars. Th, .iltent 'sen to be ta tirow aItihe mecbltieg Ing from tise vire voltsbut »A tinctiln vau mail for othh' lW tbat came frosa the seats-"" tlrnized, even W. J. Saokoa North. Chicago lumblir eme ing bis vinti shieiltibr0 mi brick - - Bricks, stois, tin ens, burloti at the cars. Moen beatsis n the cars an the. va,,. matie wee they ran tis let. It vus a iai for Sain. The. police vere unable te The tventyormrunfme CerIs ama n Ry moe u.nîfoWei lntely heiples viitii.tcrovi leoreti the Misi<ttes and WeieiI vltb farce. Jiven mambeet s &Mrkeris-cormtte lan I7#le vlaloh stresobett teeo. a~ Urgea tihe men and afm thU'oo, stoURes. -ftank JeeW@'s. oret Ibe tie t t <ue l te outbi'gsit mOrs alded hm b'iaal tag kept on àa t ie Mc8a vasu about. th* enat tepIMM sibot tibeaseemeti to brint a andi thsecreva acOol am leaders caïll to theate the hall a t sveà 1e'cctla t*Ietë lt. cae ont cftie yug,4the car, ho hmI4j »&F tbe Marloun minet amd ISUtIa- viii Sherw G roe *19 ImU1* afte r m«. Th" sM tiiross tise lineut '94 e câreasoe "le "mld -, 1 bocaue lusgYaue 'goieb' es,. vfasvti hlm lath . . authén cM Oe s El& a* ie iss**aceti bis, McSbae n sasvr1 n it atIf *bereSoM haa nlgb alm .,evovr. unteromo ben It pasac, amde tse VM 4 fulladye Sncks vus &f«lo or, naesIt Fib t ontothe .atru k ?iehklie atoanb.1 Mefi bseolag iaringe prs oe unise otdaS ed a' tizig e mb at-dn I 7,ufé gun an Firti F'lrebOckëas0* in enot ew t tise IUe MShane eauaeti ortise l. onute andti hetsa for ha e'a is ,U altevo aveFutier a ya 't ate tpat, eCeivetis b flle koeefrocks afnb o is' src c dba a d-thr ettidi totin. eigheren prob Darrthebati bis ofateblni thace b not very norluO. "W. DIslo uchae't teti' Jeffertsh~ldowu tés tse l $I uShaueti ta etise olice ano tise lirt hat; vo savbu't a:- urninbut th c rowti C h- Adlt(Irossl Ae. Cià, yd tse lntreei edw thecket vueo tsiseh rocks avind toad asd ptortn vab It nlgb tad sbandt. I dos usaSe ools! er !A vihe frtore t *iIe bvn> f a piSnto ht crwdh

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