CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Oct 1919, p. 11

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i. T r ~ I ~ lTl a rs~sn' Ar, ~ -.È LAID. BEMOET OCT. 6RM»NIW Many Witnesses Examined on Tuesday amdiIndictnent for Murder is Asked. Tise Lake County grand jury Tues- day beard evIdence on whieh BAte. Attorney James Woe asked for an lndlctment of Mrs. Grace 9ra«, cbarging ber with murder of ber hue- band, Herbert Strang, former coe- ductor on the Norths Shore EiOctric.1 Mrs. Strang sutNinlalaPennayivania wbere she went after prominent iiigb. lansd Park business meni igned hep S25,00 bond. Foliowing tht, discovery Aat trang dlied front strychnine afttI eating a hearty meal prepared j bis Wlfe, Stuteg 3Attorney' WSIrh gSured the ,country te, see ii krs. Strang pu>- ebuseifd .oiion of that nature. HP never annauncefi vbctber hb fomnd such evidence, but dlaes pool. tVl tl. I.,tic wili convict- ber for muir. .iddlng that ho ban evî4enee to ;Au anoer' man ffurished he m()i,, NIr,. Stranrs brother. %ho iîeîîs:t f--years aga, wau RberA lVc.4, supecrinenlent of the aid Chi- ~K~*L1t*Ii~. -- a-- t Nv(p*fS -aBd willicorne beforq tht grand jury ~UflUJ t'AIL~ F AIR]LLYaurai- s me t.tuA week. U waukee. 'He le lookIng up sone tn Judge Eaards today. Ail were de- Mrs. jlrennan testitied ber bus- fruit and vegetable drying company t5uit easea witb the exception of one. band sought ta force hie attentions tat bave purcbased 'the Sexton lac. The cantn, in ail of whicb Judge Ed- UPO te women. Even whila abe tory ou Stanley' street. wards ndicated decrees wauld be was at the hospital, about to btcomte Fan Banck aged 24, wais hookei granted foliows: a Inother, she says Police arrestedetteplcsaio udyngh -nna M. Meade vs. Water B. Meade her busband because Le was annoy- u .eplc tto usa ih -desertion. log other women. onl a charge or "note." He had ber-n Mltst Burus vs. Harry Paus -. Mn. Lundstromx testifled that bt- Plcked up Monda>' nigbt but relei-ar-ed crueity. caune she did not get up gnon enougb Tlesday rnominng on hie promis,.tu Mg. ebrry vs. uy Caeibertn get ber husband'a breakfast be continue on bis way to Milwaukeer, *ry-d ea n . Ewr . e-beat ber witb a razor strap, beating where he subidLe Wlinted tao btain na--rutraand a.dwar Enn . Bren-br until th blond flawd f roi Ah ensPioYment. -Sophie, B. Lundatromn vs. Andrew w9unds. CaPt Mottatt, fOrn*ry Great i.akr-s Lundtrom-crueity. Lundstrarn was Préent but dld not commandant, is spending a tes, das. CtIla Maduen vs. Henry Madsen - put In ahy cross. at bis homea Ad Lake Forest. lA. e1, ~ ~ bis sip, the Mîssisippi, Bt san iPedro cago Miwaukee Electric when A. C. WAUICEGAN LOh$'arbor, Califonia. Thea captain caîî,j Frost waq président.ntteBnib Teaatinx, I The Tbursday evemlng club met-s Str-"nig, a contductor on l'e Nartb Policeman Petoki As recelvlng tbe aithels parisb bouse T-bursday eveýninz. Bboe Eecîîc in neritweîycongratulations of aIl for bAg bald R. J. Dauglsisa m Old-'for C E. Shor EletricUneneary we ySnmith the six acres of lmnd on shieri rears, dd suddenly toîîawîng npiece of work of Sunday night. When dan r;)id, Just soutb of the Wilde-r ýheaty osa whih Ms. 3trag pe-ana considérs how weii tbe tbree rob- résident e xtenèînt back to the Pared.bers were armed It do"a show a fine North Western trucks. Thie pur- ) plce f wrk.Mr ,,ok g.illbasIWOcbastr A> Wlliam Johnson, th,. (;l, n. ,JtamAnaint lisowe4s biss tamacît i c fwr.M ~k tl a U0coman Whîo bu In investinrv in couatned .mucb strychnine, andl revolvers, two dagers, ons biiiy, aj property An Wauragun sa extensively States Attorney Welcb bas asaerted Sfasb igbt and Ibreet à-beets of fly of late. Thin truck la one off lb. finé-t ba can sbow a nsotime-tbat Mrs. paPer taken from the gang. One of résidence places on Sheridan road Stranji wanted tainarry anotber man. the daggers las a universel and thse and As one of thse few vacant r)iecs' The Investigation after the, buttai atber ' lefeont0 a idbaa wât brought about by thé insistance nt. The flash iighî MIu an eves- Mis. L. J. Bleg o ifAlo Of àtraag's fatber, Thamag Strans, raady." Tbe revolvers were cbeap and I isei of'hoeIiutcS ra. CTts ýý for more tan fort years postniaao-r one Lad three buliets n it and th' to Loganport a couple sf da of Wadowarîis. Mrs. Strang denies alLer two. The tbree men were taken whsre a famlly r'ulan w Il tult. ta the county Jali Monday morning . Ieir oid home. -Il ' hleAm Dayt of Hevy Sitress.- days of big chages that reac 'h every business, every honme. Thie phrase -norml conditioxîs" bas been înSde mPanin- less. Practically all)usiness andmihoiie finances are in a state far frorn what ivas "nomml" before the war. Wlîat peace-tinw "normal" wiil bc nobody kîîo îws. But In Spite of Discouraglng Uncertainties which mfltiply our difficultiis ini ser-ing the public well, w-e are eoniin g np, out of the cyclone cellar into which the war foi-eed ail peaceful pursuits. In The'Toui Weather" Days the t-e are soine features of our service which ai-e under our control; and soute whIicli aire not. lligh costs and labor tînt-st are coniditions beyond our control, They af feet our business vitally. (xur job is to prcveiît thenx froniiterfefing with the 1) ighi standard of service w'hich it is our1 ainibition to maintain. We Art Golng to Try to '?ell You sornethiîîg about this "job," - notlhig technical or conplicated,-just a short s cries of simple printed talks with our eus- toiics in the good cause of inutual und . rstanding. Wc are constantly istriving- t<> understand and provide for your ueods. We want you to know something abiout our-s. Our next statement will appear iir this-' nevapaper nezt week. North Shorte Gas, C'onimny Offices:-Waukegan, Lake Forest, ÈI{gýh nd Park, Winnetka and i bertyville. Quaker Craft curtain netsiii severai good 1)at- terus fori- hn'ssinig, 36 iniehes wide. Tiiese arc iii 1%-ory only. Priced for Home Craft Week at th e y ard .........1......................... ............3 A finer qualitv curitain net iii Ivory and whit--, 42 and 45 juces % wide. These have finîshQ lae edges and are verv reasonably priced a the yard 79e to ............... ..... .................. Curtain nets in assorted patterns 42 and 45 iieli- es iide,- a vcry ni-e quahity, prieed for Ilome Cî-aft Weck at per yard 59e and 67 c Quaker Craft lace (tir- tains ini sonie very l-- cir patterns have arriv- cd ini tinie for Home Craft Week. 2½/. yards in Iength andi the quali- ty is uery desirit î - Prieed at the pair $3.69 and uieasv Newly arrivcd Marqui- sette durtains shown i creaxn, white and ivory,. fuli sizes in nice mater- ial and excellently fin- ished. Three lots priced at the pair $2.98 $1.69, $2.69 &s N ew Materials For Overdrapes Feor overdrapes there lB a wealtli of new> Crétonnes, rich Scolored reversible Veltons, fine soft Dra.pery Bilks, printed Madras and Marquisette and Suufast Oloth ln several of the bestshades. Âltogether they offer a wide range for chooslng at ail prices. Cretonnes %vith appropriate design,, in dcelp rieli coloî-ings, 36 inches ivide. These ai-e sliown at priees to suit everv occasion; priced at l the yard 39e to $1....... i.50 Reversible Velton is an cx- ceptionally handsoîîîe nte- ial for overhiangiîîgs, and thej eoloiigs are deep and showy' w-t]îot being gatîdy. A ver', rmpular d rapermy fa- $1059 bric pied at yar-d Vm-riel, and ]uands-oii îe are tiiese soft dî-apei-v silks, as well as easy to liandIle as thiey ad:îpt themecIve-, to ans- drape. Strikitiglv handsonie tice sigus ai-e showri.-Piicd at y-ard 1 .9 ... . ............ . Whv iî~lot inake Voni-ow-il lin pshades 1 Ifti se as y .and we have ani exvellent lime o? fthc silks, guîimîpes an~d frînges in a good azs- Sortment of pi-ices. XWe ait le ei~ ' it Ifliii' tcwvsilkolP-eslor t-dt'O )l. UIlS, as tîey Sil 'w Aîtd thetu there is siir-li ; m-ffle svetioui prîced at thic vard abc Somme Jf tlicmo,;t or-- geouls diapery Filks wc lîav- ci ci- shown ar-e tiiese Lî1c-yRose and C(bld. 5,è inclut: s wide m iv.-r v hanldsoi. e design. 1>li mmcd( lit yaurdl$ Pi'rnted Madiras andi Marqui- spttes lcnd themsclves admir- al)ly for overdrapeB and tho patterns and colorings are ex- ceptionally pleasing. Wi'dth is 36 inches, prieed for 69C hloie Craft Week at yd If you want a fine durablê-ý drapcî-y that wil hold its col- or we suggest Sîînfast cltith. Soft in texture it drapes beau- tifuilly, and i not affeeted by' strong liit or sulit. Several, shades priced at vard $1.79 $1.50 and ........... Some Ne* Screenh We have Just received anme very bandsome tbroe- panel screens with mabogaày framea and sateen fillitngs. Very decorative and mader- ately priced. On the Third tloor Oiir third floor présents a wide selection of appropriate articles for beaiitifying the home, sucli as Ta- ble and Floor Lamps, Iiandsoîn.e Vases, Fine CJhinia, Candie Sticks, Silveriçpre, Cui-Mlau a"î mie-, onu Gift articles. ýý -.- -. , 1 1 1 4rl*ý, -1,%Mý XMAIdLas fu A Week Devoted to The Beautifying of 'Homes WE GIVL Z.9P T&ADING STAMPS AqI\ ý ýý\w-jI T he Beet S&ore -On the lyorth SIw This senii-aiînual event offeis vou the chance of seleeting from the larg- est and best stock of lace curtains and drapery niaterials ini Lake Couinty. The new-est ideas rnay bc had by visiting our I)rapery. Section, and a wcalth of rieh draperies arcelicîe to greet and inspire yoti in the beautifying of your home. We have a first clam8 designer to help with any plan you may have, or go to your home and take measurements aiid make any order up complete.Borne. speciafly good values are on display th is treek at very reasonable prices. Sectional Lace Curtains Those who want the newcst %vindow<laigings are sclecting the handsome Sectional Lace Curtain- in)g like illustration at right. Buy just the aminttI i oif sections nccded, therchy edhiating any wvaste. I ShiQNNn i choice exclusive patterns and hand- sonw quality inaterials in a good seleetion of prices. Per panel SOc. to $1.25

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