CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Oct 1919, p. 12

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OiE E n-the, igh hu. The pilg e o oas he Sugaib A O ÜHi htenthe Building Committe L teCiyaany organîzation» and societtea for B U IT BY BOÀRD 8 h eicprîrnBes te mte L-SchooI .Board Autthorizes Pur- 1 arcitectThe recornmendations o!, ntte oliasé of Weighing Appara- PladrtadSceaywr i tus for Each School.. edt ne it ats thîtif. h 1 1Webster. The rcltect'a fe wil PORTABLE BLDG. FOR H.S? 1be rive Per cent on tiae total contrac' The burning of ore barrera o - - H. piclu l e1-1 Sholtachle1r et the Naval Station.cauaed genhe Waukegan. Oct. 6- during the' construction of thee halo- acite iu North Chicago Tuesday. As as esuit of action last eenîng fll Bdus wil b asedfor as soo:l 1 ve c aes Ofgth ch v e d0fte by the achool hoard, the weinen who, as possible, contract awardud. andaloe mn th t'r fte are handling the child welfare wktihe work of construction prfflecuted. Ncrth Bide this weels ¶ wit.l ail deesonabie rapîditv. TIhe1 The Young-Ladies lub of the Prus- la Waukeitan in coasection with the e ~w 11gh Sehool must bc eamdy fo I byerian churchl lamcet with %ih- natiou-wide osovenent will shortli>occul ancy ltteOi n f d uvening on thi seea-sd4 ,haïe a pair f scies in each of I11w ln Seytember 1920.enigc hswek. ttty achooli and ecrishlid will ho The prespeot 1-1gh School Btuilding The ProgreLs Club hait pianased al weiged egulrîrinonhi1 was huit te accommodate 45o. pappi ag a prty for Oct. l6th but on ne. The. board last cvening agreed tO ofîy. The total enroUnient ln 1w cont of tac Ladies Suipper on that pi"5tLs sclaS fr ic snoo an Scisoot during the laat montit eveul 'they postponed their miel- qi. order was placed fodaY. was 622, and the average daily et- ing te 1the next Tharaday even!ng, Uildren in thse schools ail wcrc ru ' tendance was 604. 0(1.. 23rd. 'the nicu lu charge o! the eentt>' weighed and la record a; May Hive Portable Buiding stag Party clainthey arc coing oin amd.lo! thsiroveinht e igle.rniPrincipal Ragera sdvised mibers <cfi one of the biggest &aZafrs o! ti ucalewaa ovudlu tseodfftrn e linai e%,r stagxed iu North Chicago. ochoolq for ths purpose. Noew a anale Board' thRt it wonîd bc utterly Save thec date. wl epiaced ln the office of each 1IrnPo-aible te cre for the puplil now Ther ilb eua itcii wili be I ~~~~.enrolled. îunesaddilional faciiti, i cuwt camglraaoi building and the won i charge e ofteLfde l fte rsyeti tis wor1c will go therc once éacli werc provided at once. There la nul. !facLde ido h 'rsyeia jnonh, wigiithe ripis, mkinarc acant building ln the vicinity or Tharsday afternoon o! this weck. jionis.woah hc Iiapls.mak a er ~ 11g Scooîthaili ;~ Rev. Mareol was a gaest ut a ordan deemain wcicr hechid portable building, to bc erected im' dinner at llignllend Park Thiiarsday ,. needs a change of -nourishinent lit sat ieoiyst ~eig ' medlately sesi l teeeig home snd if hie doe. suggestions %%ill 1ie ) is role.Th "melanAsogillou. hi Ils Offered ta 1the parents hy 1the work- ino h rbe.Te*%,eta c"grscu)hl ers Who n wilnalie a specilip to Tho' matr of the advlsability of, their regular meeting aittheacCentrai that part icurffr homne. turchasStOP a portable building fui. scisool Tuesday evening. 1HIigli Scisool purPoses. was discusseal.i The l'resbyterlan Mannse willl h The aim la 1teleep tire physical Thîe huildin.g and grounds Conit chavse taed a osev.ud ia. Mar01 J oudîtion of tise chiltdren UP to nom toe was authorised and directed toi v iuna os amn at fW à" » sec that wisen a droppinr a obtain an estimsate o!flihe cost o! a for Wriday evenla É. Rev Browne. of 9W a uthe weisit eusses, tibal;tthe portable building, and report te Ueleah Chicago Preabyteriasi Bot, wtl. J.. ta loet s . pusihle.JBosad.asu,,won as nay -bç, thia 11ýe pregent and b hiro h.blurcla OTIIEf WORK OF BOARD eorimenations. hâtve pianned a short pregrfafl. Ait elle board belli a husy session andl A iarger attendauce ls shown in frienda of the churcla are Invited. aasong ather thlngs tiiet camse Ut? the grade echools than as expected. Th iictrst Coqnty teachers meeting were lthe following: lvûry reul iscrowded, and a new of flac year wiliibcbu ei ait Liberty- Uilm ardia Townseud, of Pari. sraocl must bc provided fur flac norîla- ville Saturday of thie waek. T1he imiton, Missouri and'George R. Lock- west section o! the ciy. Contractea Northa Chicago teachors will attend. .Our' Ez ery Day Fresh Pork H ams, small - Smoked Picnic Hams, small Beef Pot Roast, best Soup-Meat-- Fresh -Hamburger- Ail beef Steaks - - Home Made Lard - - Pork Loin Roast Frices - - 2lc - - - -foc - - - li - - - - - 31ic These are only a* Few of our prices. Corne and see. the pric es on the rest of our M EATS pu 1 8s &Ci P.caktre P. J. PL U G Ei r o i t r OPPOSITE EIGHTEENTH STREET STATION ý10 Sheridan Rd. Phone 2273 Lake County'a Greateat Stor. lor Woraen and A Great Scite of Eminently DislinguistiedMQdeIs in-V Women's and Misses' hort Coats, Ini the Soft, -Rich Fa frics Prefered of Fashion, at- 22,9 Up 32.w50ý42v.50 r62,50 -82e50 Luxùrious, Modish, Lavishlyr Befurred Coats-AiI Sizes _________Announcing the Season's Greatest Sale of Wai stýs! At the Following Five Sensatioiial Prices 1-.2 .-2e892 4e69 6li7 1O Continuing Satarday Zr Next Week y More than thrce thon- sand waists are ineluided in this great sale embrae-W S ing the newest styles and colors in the season's most -~-- j ~ favored fabries. Maiîy of Y ~the georgette and silk I' crepe de chine waists are elaborately embellishecd c 1.\with qilk, yarn and beads in a variety of colors.*t This great event bas been montha la tbe maklug and our never-endiug efforts hlou- j pied with our- great huying f f power ave securedthfla mont rt remarkable -money-aavng values we were ever alte te off er. Voils-Georgette CGrepes-Crepe de Chines-Tub Silka'; Ail Sizes, 1. ",ev dCa, th(- - T MOI 'l ..m

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