CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Oct 1919, p. 5

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4 Ua6tsqW&h ore. '3wv#d Noyas 90*t Wetuibdy amd k~ a im Iner Mhave rentht 8" Atiev ias ewhsryive.., MIao. ati hamaêpeti spoil. lie* au is ai Lagwor*j aor.. A ssOb ]a "ri Pobike 1 Air. »dm a~.Paiov o P0 %Wij. U~Ila.m li ie «I.»rtbmaedMina ~ldeSubhof CheaM o or thle vaek- Nb 6usd.. baiber tondis remaieti 0 Jase CMeisehoopitThora. A Giood Foenmç. JmamLd riat' It le a We Know How goDo This ISchanck Hardware Ci ANNOUN.C.EMENT! l'av" gprcm the barber business f orierl coductd Iy alew Flagg, 1 wish to announcc ta ailwhothoeW baber work that the pohcyoc thisaiaop wiD be to give dth estofeserviceai anl fimes. To patrons of this dxn 1 hope ta enjoy the coatinuance of " irpatronage, M ta tic customers, 1 assure a hearty wcme âMn firsi mevime JACK---BRADFORL "Adiu~uia" MAY, OCT. 12- mmvseV h a m bol siO Vls, tai U lao-U i" Mau*sali b"m Oud iseasW à lu b5Wu"»imW Tas P. w- eu* i a 307-J eoEPVww hmet Pricas -ta ýQd utosBrosis & me Sd~ ~ am Auos ifjo W. W. Carrile Miealo ighi«biu MeMarY Croil of Ncw York Cty, la *Ul. Dorotisy.Portain.of Rarw4w Coed IIL, visltd rdatalfvsa i a foie uer. la X"dOlph Thonsanti fmill of Baux tue«. vielted isli . ai lirn. Byrc Colby, Suoadmy. MIss Dorlothy Batwst of lilainoi Lake, speutt di. eee nt«udibntht 00. grantmother. lire. tW& 1 àr. nandiMmi. B . Desisa nemeDa Bebuffhe Deuman and tiussButh Polli nifihUiburu, orithe veak.ed. Mra. Wm. Whel, son, Le. ant Mis» Maujory ma ti an. peut Saturtiayi Mr$. Sophia Tovue'. Mi>unnd Laka. Tbere vill be a Meeting of &h P.1 A..Fiiai afternoon, October lOtAi,j - thegranuar chol. eryunair lia.(lra0obyad John futuri Mâhifflga, wbere tii.y hava spet the lm ifJohn MCormlck, P. 9, lMartin.l'aq at antM C. P. Graenvoo4 attenffstt grasti hapter meeting of theb. .E. i8 Chlcago on Wdetieaa. teJack Dratiforti, prolobt Lbertyvill citizen., bo bnaght Ioebarber .ts wof Lau FlaggWin taie care ci jour tos aorwal on lua agondotieUlst nl ms J. B. Willm»aoadntiwbolgat.skaOk Ohio, Vhs have basa viiing wkb ES astilra. B. C. Mort»., fou lia pautIv, vesie rdtorn tbo iu basa Tbursia C. A. Trdeami L. e.-VanAmati of, amelanaut bi, ubo came lut Chie. o$0the Voeu 1 1 eon flauris L Ofl quat uhe d iai Uth Dr. am un N On Moiay ah. Ossqo rasbytae WM ave* s ie dalel haiag ai ~aimé. <dTb* -a-à âr wagoin *0*0 S 5 ' «Y eqiWM W@9Lý - - 1e~~ T.b..Lye* abi Tl aiselas, - 111a1u1M9in bbDr. aof rI .Aalgm sw G. ai ,0L MmokhI~ iiajvea. la lS rtvpu seh.efoilspUOyJa W qg o 14= 4ipa 1 ~ i '!n I amm ai has PIJ#bD POR I4INTING Willin A" , wusapprehended by 1 UWshIL6nibuiXy. Frday, on a warrant. i"ueo ijJu$W EL D. Hubbard on a oomwmt. to by John Murphy. Ril *«cfge"w ooting on Butler lake ant "ie w#k lahli crporate limits of LtbortyvilI, At tbe hearing he ex- prucasei s. sbelng informedithat tise wuti. p*e vspoteti aud a"e tia he ~gaIolinitsextentiet "at tAie 1"' ehefully enteret ia pieà o f Wmmi»dvas assesseti a o Ilaius, [atf& NOESJ "Vmttiïi ý* WaConda. W. IffltW Ooqffihour victory over Wa00*ess4a ý hiWý bave arouseti the Intierestot i tbW'$ peupte and of tise stadenta o#* vh sciSol. We hope thsat v. ifstgqlayour support for v. nSeti t, butIi foris sake of our finances CnM our mwpie. Ouar boys playeti a bsard bu"ttis M start to finish anti deserves aqapagL. We reeehvad gpoc treatment from Waucondea usi'hetisat it will resuit in a frienffly rild= sisp. et menour achools- Wupo4Ma ehuhi he one of ur rivais; aitisocéb eaur echool issomewhat larger, Wauso.- bua orne very gooti foot bail mm Muidw*» not outelasseti by US. Wauooso's lime vas strong in the conter but *oM flot hold MeMillan thoogi ta" AM swbS he went through it Enmant oqaluvmfor Libertyville. Altisodigis e'sw pimed a good igaine MeMWgal.~s*b tihe star. Our tiefenaive piW *hlé vas thought tu ho veak provil tole b srong. Wauconda ma mclnwl e t Itgame hy forwarti Passesi Ïfuies on forward passes. These von MM bhulen up anti Wau- contia dbciid »atont touchdown was enugh Maik4dlm oto make four. Tue vas tIWiBrut gamne for both toaat i u Mdv* wue rather soft, tho daY being WÇM- , -Movever, no one vas VeI7 ario* igffJosj. Most everyone vUii mdA 1&W 4gassto reminti lâm of tise gans. OaW*Ray vas matie very baPPY by the Mugfy antiexpreaseti bis ffeelingby à i~tréat. ()Ur lict ,gsai bAe playeti athbome v. rai Ttu~ih achool. ItvilA b rmsmaeê k took tvo defeata Mdu ut Shall itbe the "Y«r? SmIf ve bave yo sWort& a Im Ow *a lt you Ste baknus ap. 0 'The FiretSe1sW oçity. TIse tire aV-Wel** eS lbie.year, lirs b«4st4 04b&r in the e.~acisool audhoImu m~-~paty va e-gr. bY t.Is.clasmen ot, 14, 'Mfor lb FPresbinean.& adThe decorationse Vrq*Plst by tise plouatily decortei a ýcons ulth wBdvi overs anti T beprograin vas b, hie sis, dasenti v au Mdibus* uRmaulat. tisasosn apl The Prouvrauvsb 'di deam Tabi.@ i ~ t aur, ummosatiDl p but I rlemmg soue o 0 # ce s Of oif«er lie ing. Ibo mat number wvaaý moi la mm w vas. Wehbrought «* seat" hmas.the viant a afle uhdw ioeda Frshu. Sahg.a Ne fleaa, and ti ail S. aslipeof paper, -ot, geI14purpie aMdivIste, wvoi eu",sA.aL#fI ia li te stantiens Isati ropAaait-l aeats. Ilh ui olding M%4tau gk reu p pyetifférSat OM 0mata helti pr *be MI mini of cveryomn,b nîMag a». ineuneti that wv oud«btvq lie BrIntrclaymotdpe"» m"Fcuty vistors an"i . hbo yg.b t"liy atjourneti to làsb" " àoan, Stisa otisergroup tasSiU»'I'blu *bai finisieti, visaitpl*OW w»ex-. oSangeti. Rcfreshmeatu àsaaiM of mivlcises, jello, aiWes. ti pléo. iM *%mVanZant mWidi siovlbewng tIsat va«W 09suy Wunai PrerdsttEvelyn MiRer; Somtaay, NUnI Kohout; TresqUrev Otto Rapice. Senior- President, Jean Scbanek; Vice Presidet, Elwylnlghtrno; Séeeiettry andi Tressurer. Rosmbelle Hagerty. -The whole student body eleotdth&e follovlng officers foc this yeta Nautilus. .Etltor-in- chief, Jean Sebtnck.. Businesa Manager, Alban Lln<froth. Paculty Àtiviuor, Misa Saberg. ATTENTION Thse seanon tickets for ail Athletic eventa of L. T. B. S. are on sale anti may b hat from an boy in the Athietie Association. The tickets oeilifor $2.SO andi enttlee the bearer to admiésion to m&l athietie *vents dursng the seaso of 1919 andi U. By buyinga ticket youà saae at hast one dollar audi aesaveti tite trouble of bu$4ng a ticket for eacli gaie. Every person who is intereste i n ltie davelopnent of the L. T. H. 9 ought to buy a ticket. OTTO HÂPXV. T e AtivanCati ewing Clasa The clam buau anenrolmens of @le,.* girls, io umet tva beure saeb day. Tlei i.i. le oserally spent le aewlng, thoîegh on Wctinestials, one hoer le apent ci the alutiy of housebolt mansaement anti the other hbeur le useti for aew log. Honseholti management bcludea the sltudy of bousplans. tilferent styies oi builings, lifemanl style@ of furniture, anti varboue vais aortarlng @tep@ in boumeeaping. The cimes bas just oilulee the @tutýy af tao tvo @tory buding; DoIt yl ha lbhe @tory antibal# ungaiov anti #ben the bungalow. Pncb girl la maklng a vînter tirle fullable for sehool anti dis e r. . The girl& have ltolcabadti heir liret gar- ment..,snub as 1)nila tgovn. a pair of pa&Jamas, cria a ro. "is vastdons la order tbat ldila Warti voltib. abi. to juige esnobgil'*s sewing anti knov wiat bled of Pattars aie voniti bable Thes next article maie viii b sther a sllt bloue or a paritires.. Thiigirls led tus work very lutersat estllnganti va visIsthat more gls voulti taie lthe Home Enonom7 coursas VIOLA WIELLIé The Commercial Daportmont of la ortier te M fam ull e .etutient. wllb every day busnsaffaaire nti b enablethomIn o taie tissAiplamasla lthe husiasa ori, on. rouem of thse blah school hsllilng bas hua equipuad for commèadaI on atone. The equlpusaotu Btaelmlmgtoa type- vrlllsbs. à».Wooditoek ftypoviettre typlts'tabla, anti cair., tisb for boobheeplng @alui .anti a ifg eab. met aMidupil.atlng mhim e ls bhave basa pot to praeti meus. Tb@ earoBlmt for lb. bsglsnngdes.e in typewvnltng, sorihai ai boki. ba.plng la unueually large hua ppur, aking prospects scli ibrlgiter formeui lb.wsesta cgf the aadesti type vrltlngdM have provai ime ..ilê hg coiiemjoniw m i h y pebteu.gpro. gramn, eausi, $te. lhe .ajrtr of lie #$"t,,aspuaa Ibi cOurs, von vlli a adesa a Whtlfins midtwsset -hasi sabot ah.UV iii» b. mr «ai ohm ut*li lieomumareal ourse astila w L T.HB .snaias ay boyoam su tp ta" a plama t ah. uisase vedl lu ilahy "rfie No g seeoS'sehvIUs mamy eumi feroas iavauasasa, aseasi As the buodasasormiba.o po .W tmg, tie vorb of the comarial iqa met nt iiprove moMdame*a lisai Il Th«e oaprocl ta hi bcumii dW departmmn a ve u . g WtOg ba, hls aab yaar. Where Are Your Bondi?. Numerous robberies have the wisdom -4giving proper te~. valuables of ail kinds. MONEY AND LIBERTY BOMÏ are the two tliings malt saught by xnb -i and shuid Le securely kept. Moncy, t 0 ,moft secure in the batik. UBERTY BONDS are nmt secume in aur SAFE- KEEPING DEPARTMFENT. The service of this department is freeand. if cati be made of treat ývalue to every hoCdee if you have UBERrY BONM at yoù would. like to have cmr.d fàeoeJSH, a" inquire regarding this service The First Nateuna l of Libertyvll, lilnofs SRISOURCES 0F',,MOP. TRAN RAIl A MILUO H E RE is no greater sign -Of about your- place thaiiL the i needed improv!ements. >i1. mm who bilada i.tei. £hsýi9l money-maker, alway.. humae m oofpemis ta suiesArsas e just eme 'ai I Rhue d for LssIi.~ 'gmt of adm el h vse CAR oudaliim, 'r ~. :1 s O-vsé bmi , amu ah.

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