CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 12

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- - ~-~-,- - -z~ -~ ~ 'ALWftTm *~*~ MIJ NE CAI*Ei CITY MAY ESCAPE Physicians Here Are Keeping Close Watoh; City Physi- clan Urges Precautions. SPREAD BY HANDSHAKES Waultegan, 111, Oct. 1.. Nottcne case of the Spanisb In- tlueliza ha deveiopéd ln Wanlcegan this fflaitulbougb predicticans werP made freely a fois moatha ago Ibal a recirrence of la st year's epidemie rnilîlt be cxpected. WùukEgan phymi- clans M'iîl are an the walch for a "osible autbrenk In order that Pre- cautions le prevent a spread cau ho taiennnsdiately. City Physician J. C. Foiey anys it ln Weil for peaple tn luke every Pas rible precaulionas ti i viihave a tendency 10 lessen the danger in case the diseuse does break out again. The follkwing din eLtcb from St. Louis, Mo., shows thut the POSSItaIl- ly of aa culbreuk la Ipso thon wax it firt beiieved te be the case:, "There Io no indication of un epi- demie o! Influenza Ibis winter. accord- Ing Io speukere'at the convention of the Association of Miitary Surgeons of the tUnited States bere. "O-'e melbod of apremhg th. dia- jeasb Is by bandehaking, It vas nid. "CG. VctoC.Vapghn. in an ad <l'osai. deciared thé dl-lies' the. moaa j'e0and the mor e bueberia one breelbed. the more immune ho vonld te te diseuse. This vas proved, ho raid, by satisîles comited duriag the wur, whlcb showed that the great- e-t dealh raIe froua diseuse vus timong moen from rural distrcts. "'The ciby rCured mian,' ho assert- ,ed, 'is accustomed ta breathilng filtby air, ishite the country bred ma is n01, and consequenlty a foui almos- Phere viii affect the latter sooner tban the former."'" Ï11-0 ABANDON DEMANDS. FOIio0ing the returu to work Tues day of thlrty strikers. the Vulcan Louisville Smokting Company of N. Cbl«Oego vbch han been losed for tl.iat di-.or six veeks on secouai f walkout of bewoon seventy and /etby men, flred -the furnice Tues-1 /Eda it an fd resumed «oeratoto - 1b day. A flamber of theetsrlkers had1 requmted that tlb. be gi-ca their1 au, pSnitns beei Tbe ftm inla .king batit the -men who aPPeer tb have been malcd imb e r.kkg- The irm aisc, i. getting help frou oher aorces, Latisifactory pro#reisa Inbeig made and produe- tion in expccted to gain dally. The1 Compan y aisures its men Of fual, Cobnlete and adequste protectin. The trouble startel ix aueeka ago when the Company laid off about a score of men. The employez charged that waa an affront to their rlghts And wallcéd out. The company had decdined to recognize the union The strikera verS flot demanding an Increases in vagçs-thotr demand vas that tbeir union be recognlaod and the dibcbaaued men put back tu work. T. H. MclClnaey basuiheaontract r for puttiag tb. sheet mobai vcrk la s the ,ev fruit and vogebablo drying faCtnry an Stanley etreet. t A conuaiattee of mon met etthIec Presbyterlan Church Thuraday even- Ing la arrange the nov pevs in posi lion. The Sunday Sehooli roosa ciiin nov h. in lbe bsement sassoon aso competed.a A large crOwd of the fricada ofo the Proobyberlan churcb gabbered aij the manse flday eveolag ta attend tbhecue-armJag party to celobrate the completican of the. nec manne. 1ev. imd Mrm. Marsoîf and son Rer- aI..od m.oved lalo the nov borne 'ri- ~day lust bln ime 10 o wecoae thei guesîs. The oev churcb homo la ae large seven room bouse, mioderm la every reopect and la a credfit ta the1 few inefachomo.slan our ciby. 1ev.a Brovn of Chicago, isb a i chairman of tbe Cburcb Lxtinsion Board of tbe cburch vas preseat and gave a short -taULkRHo poke ln ll4e higiacalteramea of tbe work of 1ev. Maracaîf and ofaf ail ho bad dons la fis short. atayà àsre. He also congratulated the ea- pIe of Oie cburcb on the caanple- tien of Ibir fine churcb home and aise spoke - of the great opportunttY thse churcb badinla Iis ccaamunilY. He sav a great future for the local churcb. The American Ace Girls' Club have ele<ted tbbc tllowEng officers for the emniuig ysen: Captan. Isabielle Jen- âmou; P'h'a t M, MarlouNeI&Ma; oecond liet., jamnue cLearn; Sgt., va". nebmmet. tai A-0. Mii' m~»aan zNo ek rlos1 8 O dogted a baby a"i Pre- MJàb-P»nisgrlh Wl.OuneRne weuh a sllver,upooa. fise moiiige Mr. Ya-Mo-K» o f Cambridgo. gsdatni six monthu abesd or bar eiaflmala.. 8h. vas tbe bride of tbi 19190 ots..N« eatar, Mr. Kuo. latier. ii l soth hbustudio. at Masashusetts Insttue 01 Teehology. and take bis litte famllyback ta tthe Orieut. 'WAUKEIAN'S POPU- FAILURE TO BUILD LARITY AS iRI3TNA IIOUSES WILL DOON OEiEEiN MY SUFFER OROWTIunieCITY Another Wisconsin iudge has Secretary Hollister of Chamber Ruled With Regard to Inval- of, Commerce says Oppor- idity of the Marriages. tunity is Knocking. A SLUMP ALREADY IS FELT DELAY MAY PROVE FAL. pone9htlity or another ban beinc Waukegan, 111. Oct. 13. plaoed bu the marriaup ini Waukegan It lies with the residents of Wauite- of Couples froua Wisconsin, la seen1 lu the rutiag of Jndge A. H. Reiof Wausan. .Wls.ý eho bas beld 1ha1 marriages made outalde the stabe of Wlsecusla vlth the purpose of ci-ad-1 ing the provisions of the Wisconsin law, are vold. The receat ruling of a judge ln Milwaukee in a slmitur case causcd a beavy ahamp ln Wisconsin marris g- es bore. Other courts in Wisconsin hold that the Iudggç us ln errer but the number, f Wiscosin Ucensea ia- snod at Wau:egan nover bai rosumed is former proportions. The lalest ruling may have a simi- lar effect. . ore la what a dispatch rom- Wauansays vibh regard tci tho matter: "Jndge A. H. Reid bas fiied un opinion tn the Oneidu county circuit eourt holding Ibat murriagos made atalde the-saalo ly reaidenta of the sate 10 ai-aid tbe proviions of the Wisconsin mrriage lav are invalicl and ef no farce and effeetlal the sbats. "The opinion isys: 'He muy go acrais the atato uine, conîruet nir- gan tu suy vhether Ibis cily saah develop loto a largo communlby or vbetber Il shall romain as il lue t m'osent. This la trie opniop of C. W. 1-tolister, socreta:-y o! the Wuukogan Chumber or Commerce. if regard the situation as very serious," %In. liclilsIer aaid, "I amn ccnvinced tbul If vo do not sieze the opportunity ibat la offored tusnov ho grue loto a clty of large propor- t oas that fi mosy b4 yeara before the Rame OPPorhuniy *'viii be offered ugain. "The oaly tiing that la holding us buck uaw asthie luck of bousiag for the bundrods of mon who vuuid ho brought bîre if tb. beauda of prospec- tive factortes cauld find ucemodationa bar their employes. WVe muy laie Ibese concerna if vo do not bealir our- selves and hulld mare bouses. "WuuLkogan long bas oxprossod a desire ta grov biggr-lbe people bore bave endeavorod 10 brng flOw 1* dustuies bere as- ibis la cne of thae surost vays or increasiag a cltye growtb., We nov bave a number of lhe-se Ofctorios knaeking ut aur door- riage, roîuna ineiitely 10 Ibis Shail wo shoow thern to paso by be-, alato and sap bis fingars ut the au-1 case we cannoI provide bouses for Ihcarities. 1 can not subseribe ta a their employea. Thot la juat ishul It consruction of the satutes whlch means.' voald permit that.' j "'Thasoe ho la t4efr murriage bave When Aedresses Were UnkneWn. made a mistake meroiy,'sya theoIn ancient timesa adresses voie un. oplaion, 'muy remedy the misauke hy kiawii. The people of Elisabethan a neis and logal marriage. Others lmes ver. pcrfeclly content 10 stand onbht not ta ho assisled In their vil- for a Young maie Jullet Arounil abouti fuI iolaion ! th lai.'"16W.~ thougb, Charles Ilcof Englassi fui violalon of th law.' bef CMn P (eurninewUUJtUM LU siv1 POisrful New ExplosIve A nov and i-cry powerfut explosive. ehich mai ho nsed la mining and for Othe Purpoees, la lead &aide, a sait of bydo.itrie acld. Tbe aeid formeas dreat numbor cf salts, au mercury aside, ili-er "Ode and sodium azide. Large crystala cf tead azide and mer- euris aside bai-o bren 10usd te be very Sensitie e 1 mechanical abocka, the aenfiltivenesa nreasiag with lbe ize et the crytals. Even lbe breaklng of a singe largo cryslal la said ta brlng about exploion. A Great Record. (leu. Jobn Broynaesa vievas bor a in Kmaueky usVmwe 7maurs amovas lb. hero et et Ibe lais (loueralilMiles d.clared te be tb. mont datrlag exploit lanMie bistory ni Indien varfaro. In 1891 '<rr atthe bead of ',l bratve bind of 2e men, tound hlm. self surrounded by more tban 109 Soubb Dakota Sioux Indien& Ont. numboréd. fi-e ta one.,Kerr and his - e q0t îem viiny and hand *Mr am vîth mc* aeet. thsaI mma 49 *0 bqM eMe FM nd the Ms on the Eaglish stage. and aince tisi actresses bai-e been appearing ail ovrs' Oie world wt varying degreesof s»e The.Bible and Woimen Preach@Mo Women preacheis are taking coM,- fort train the tact that cane cbnnplio bas discovered what tbey tbink la bib., lical weeognibioa' for them. In the prayer 100k version ca f aam lxIvîi, occura the v erse, "Thse Lord gsi-o the word; great vas the compaay of thI prencem"' The rei-lied version Oi the Bible traslates Oie passage lImaI "The Lord 51-011 the worn.The wom. en that pubisb the tidbnga are a groil boat." Tise claseeet I$rab& Tou isba areaesed e« yen'PO* erty,land binaI for yeur COU=lag9M 0 snob; as are you vie bornaIof< 70 pedigree, or are proudetoyeFm wesItà -Thackeray. eecs 0.w B w$Ibb mwe CANCEL EASO QUAE R BECAUSE Of A CRIPPLED TEAI I Waukegani; football leam viQ lbe il1ven a rest Satürday to-recuperute tram injuries received l b .two lat gaine-,; it vas lcarnei taclay whcu Manager L.yoa cu'celled th,, Ev.,n.g ton game. The lI.ghbwplgll:â 1mw- lever, viii battie ant the Weutt S d"ý Park witb an aggregu loi of i04'il stars, compoied f many . id bighi achnoolplayera. Intensive placte wiil br" stren tIn. regniars the rema!nder of! Iln wvtk and naxt, accordIng to Coâ. 71 RwiIft and il is exp"ctcit that th.' ontire doyven iliie la ehale' wltiIlie r v IcePiion of Jack Biarstoav, ircr The retivrn of I ill q11 .iylc,, ni and qua. ter barck b the lii t :Si1 after a ypar Il, 1ie cMarine Coi-, %viii Istrongth the team f'nii l>I i Jpaper, aenosha tlooksalike a'ln r but accidenta happen and wltb n break or two, \Vaiegan abauid bring La k thie bacon tet Wanklcgaa for lte fird lime ln seven years. Pregara- tions âtre hein-, made for at leart four Pspeciai cnrs and il la expfict.d that ove r ilve hundred local enîbhusi- nets wiii foiiow the teilm the lwenty lfithb. . GALVESTON 1SSAVM- ST SEA WAL CALVIma'fN,----alvstoa*s wveufa' somawail. bult aSter tIi. Uo"of et1906 . wixk1bs wortlb &gala la theroment hurricane vbicb a~etthe Texas coant. Hug. caves dashed *Ver the s9a eaU and watajr ran tbre. test deep la tbe troesa, but the City vas asaved troua tb. damai. Ibat toi- lowed tb. 1900 hurricane and tidai cave... esea isali la 17 font bigla. 14 foot vide am base a«4 av$ tout Maiset a" icev e s e e.ftag eofthOe City. t 00.1 $3.000.000. Your Dollar and Our 'Dollar are alike. But wby mention it? Because that seems the.simplest way to point out to our customers how prices have boosted the cost of providing good jyas service. To Quote From Uncle Sam's Reports and other reliable and autheitic source, your dollar today will buy only 55% as much food as before the war-only 45* asimucb clothing-only 53% as mueh labor-- only 42ý as xnuch of coMmodities of al kinds! This means- that your dollar's purchasing power is about haif what it was before tbe war. Again We Say, qur dollar is just like yours. The Costs of Goal, 011, Labor and general supplies for making and delivering gas are the highest in the- history of the gas industry. They have'ihcreasbed oz.k the same Iscale as household necessities. These cokts ire býyond out control. We have to meet them in order to con- tinue good gas service. A Recitation of the Details of these eosts nakes a very long and duil story. Part of the figurés would tell you littie or rîothing. Ail of thent would bore voit and would mean nothing to you unless v ou arc an engineer. But W. Want to Point Out to our etomters that OÏld High Cost of Liv- ing bas chopped the purchasing power of our dollar in haif the sanie as he bas yours. How AUl the Factoanad Figures on tii is subjeet are brought together and the price of gas fixed accordingly will be ou tlitied in our next statemelit to appear in this newspaper next week. No rthaShore Gas Company Offîces:-Waukegan, Lake Forest, Hlighland Park, Winnetka and Libertyville. SEVE Fallu deputie arreaI Tuesda district eclis.l Iwa: lia. Pl Dyyn ffleen ber re, Weleas.e vere si er. If; spent t police MiN bol defauit The OS sril Belin aa but ae their t former Tuesda tbey p The th restedl night i banda NC Th.. vas ab, 'wok abeut i lthe 1, bhe $1a lichi t pourt i the bol l. mi taes tuisan muc h pd a n ea Fi 1 j

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