- ~ - - - - ,t,;i, -aW~=~- - -- ~ 1'tt,&1,t>¶1'j- MANNDWMAN ROUTIDROPERSNO ONE INTURf ARRESTI3I; FAILED Chief Becker of Zioni, who] CENS FOR LEI TO QW3V DEMPIES led his officers iii pursuit DANFORTiI 0F I in Reeaed Tusd u shaites Saturday night I- 011 n Reesd usa and who fouight a pistol IBopa for parole fr-i Inth Mngh Goes$ 0,00 Bounds: ilduel with thieves, f inally of Lemon Danforîli. Waukp, Man Ges tuCiuny Jal. *ored Man acrvlng a :rie an captrlngmurder, when no one aplearûd SEVEN MORE OUI ON BONDS treefrhm we t board 100k îop bJs casa aftornoon. Dafforth, whose Paliure ta oui-fy the ordera of hail been hîgit. wam 4GoJectî'i deuii a"oi ln"caurd thie ie was led back ti ighI3ci-l. erreit of lwo, a man :and a cornai. The followtnîg dispaîcli'w Tuesday ntglt, li t,. Tî'nth treet celved by the Sun. district. llîîth W4ii* tabîen ta the' Cty (SPectal Io The Sun) lail wher. ti'; . r,'i lîcked u<> in Springfil'd.III, Oct. l5_-\V celIs. TIti> ai,'.ir i i r .îs'ae folii caqe of IÀmon Ijanfortii,m Iowa: servlng a hi-cm In Joliet Penet :,, l!7,of71 'ae froin Lake Counhy for' murdE EnallîîtIilIn :î il ti 71 ( ro-calird for hearing yesîerday Un ln. P . noon hy the di1lon o! parie Dyyne alîieiiii12, o.2;f 635 May Paroles In session In tîli;e Uticet.on,' a-Ioared for Danforth. Prienîl, or >1ma 'kklia me tan 1 anforth was arrealed a few ber rit'f 'liiio a night andtI.lietares ago for the. murder of bis CI Wlaîuliit'. r $1iii1îî loniOs v:îch ilaw wtf.-. lie admlttled having veresigipilIii (u-ý JuticeLeebýdr- ler In a léalous rage aftt-rsi er. lù'liti lot lu it îr'itiate. He rerused telîve wlth himlm ol spent th,ý ni.it n.1h,. City lai! anld lha feared that bhe ccired for Ws arraigii'-i!;h ii îornlng bt-fora one. cite. Danforth ph-adod Police N .~'.'.Watc-t Taylor. " I Hie ond, lix ai 10,U0. fi Freutent clashes belcean foimnr gîîttty" and aven toiit th,.v defIul horîlii i h- wt,; ir ii l,0.talthe ovemr harles S. Deneen and stand In hie own defensie. but hi AssIstant Stae's Attorney Ncholas. mony wso uhadmgn Theunty ju;i ;iiodri h codMk'h"Ig Tuesday ln Chicago featurcd thal conviction on a chargec Thedi1104'i u îrdîrel 1,.crod1the finIt days tastlmony in .Iudgeî degree murdar seaniod i lui of uîriker, iid ti at item lîich, court lu the tria leght Danforth coulai-nid wtth hie, s hamv. u-,ait s ot mI o ongregateî }lelna;i iii' nIwi,îlîl ~bi' rio oiRkt. o!tht Illinois >411k Producers' anid then aituounead lo the. lat buit al oi..;t,. gi- oud'îiiiî-i ires-Association. sci-usd In consplracy Whitney that b. cishod ta 1 rbltracil!y Io ix milk prîcps. TInta hie plea to "guflty" ,Ha Sota thaîr lia;Is Yil -i r.1tui net-il 1i helr and agaîn the court was coinpelda11 etua former P,!i,ti . p.elltntamena. entencea.ib av Fît,. of t . i..î n orho aRiia-oara have d FIVeof 0- jý, 1whoweci ar'Fied:Idéal prîconer. Waukegan in Tuesay .." 'i. e i. iI,.sîdlinf -whom lha norkad tormerly, ri Ing thei coti. i i . ,!ta irniioîî chen, car,. leu 1>1g. fit as net lonig alte-r slgned a Petîtion agkiig that tlaey pu( î t if) lof $10.000 aach.1 taîtaerecalser soldtdhe raîlroad 1t aroe.O asrn S'h,. two Ui-.niin, who wî're ar-jlthe conntt,'a of Ilke <'oitnînmon. pibIllo.n he sgîen a ba restad ",*î. i'î.rnî,on i. entt1he! îh'v taassume lt,. axes andl utt nîgt in ail -i t wi'ri' ri-I'ased 00n 'Tae commttea aplîita the tateii- bonda or imIii-i i h hib mno,-ntng. juIlît lia for permuralon 'o h-tu,' uîînds NORMR L aETURN TOOAY dîhyîcrdarîtto ntI, The :ii, Ot it a i' ntts todav, taxa of $1,000. vas abtot Ci, - io.-.î-sTîîî'-î.yTié An a-pIcâtIon cnt, made in ;('ItI- lantniat a%. iL C;r itir. turtîlng 1ta ge court ta hava former ('o Trea- wok Yi, l. îîî ie nîiber rune sur, r NçDonough and Couniy ('teck abocut 1;I.-,to , a %,v now. Handea held in contemlît for sellinge Thig n w,; i îîiiîg alîîng very rallroad property In LaieCoîîoty. 1 fictlv ,îom-a:il- îîî-n art retitri- TIi-y tlnally were dtaharged andt he ig .',iîiiija as tha conîpany XùCeivar appearad befoi Judge Per- wbc. - r n ad quaîtionad the sale. Jude. OUT ON BONDS-'- PgWU'I Mthat Vil-lils al w 6 . K. Acco-dbngiy Poster 'onk thic tax dead liaitii5; -i.'.li'îIitl lui0 5 and to tha piopartY and. wllh ,ah lu exlàt- ýend iti.- b it ti f Mii. yyna en te hecaMInLtlea couid Do Issue ~ok;ir niiit;.1 -t.î,îil frointcia.bondi ii. planuod. 'The rallcôgdat ý Is j o11n Nl~ o rîna algned - r-'aal d the ec a e fro m Jud g t I e,..ons ' 'n!l'nP 0maW au Hntisa $101 !'. .; . i oîa lc'dIU niln-clîlnsdtaegîe -ow Heit t; g- îîf. îi' tola> daYs to fie a 'n.The ijîl': elapsed - and no bond was led. A"cordtigly WAU OND RO ) Judge Persoaa nliUg stands, W AX TITLE Il a i or tPstr il ave laim for damiages againot thea rail- ncaryn t::rogh. Iacal on- R UNS TO FOSTER n-tion it la Iieresting ta note theL Fi t - - fi', for d,.fendtng th,. case In court fr'ifnueîl trom PaL,. t.'. and a Chicago court allowed t. - - mat wiiy l,. asked for isut-h a i fac peas Iatil; af.in, i ii atrn A* hEn lhe did net carry the case Copn .0-tl;il iiCia Iil 0 i t thitil 50h.,througliicompit-tini- hi,; apipeal la (h xa nirîîîî ' ii .în01 nalard ta figuré 0out. - prad;tod ~ a Many Lakte Couniy peoiple aie la-. ~ W. C'. -o-tir, ni aikeaamntertared Iuntaestatua or the road and Who bu»s tax titles antd make it a wtit¶stain1 uhacîoî busine,-.wil rot, ont' of iti,lmu- aiLte n verybody la wondering. Srtint fc'riîrs in lie ni-w tbgle oo, how thlg are gotng t0aendi. NoneI,'er - tit railrojit, 'wliosi .existencte ba-9 I cf thos, Who subtscrlbed ta the new~ -'bean one of titiih inii'rt.et as coiltas jplans of lise railrond bave avery Yo. Mathlîuntioiaini>- silicei l cas iaîînch- Coîvatithelr cerUiflicae to prove theyl *ed a nataliîi-,. n'(i eits :1o Ttî,. fact i îad their Invatment pi'op,-i-y taken Z aliIhb, f l___________e- 4 Colors: Stween Waw-iîi'i nd i it'e soîthern Riyj IaI Bsnes point of Laike- t'unly iiit it rder t Rîn1aym ta rpideoi i t wîlt Co.4l the .o: çny Somanço fignrad that a rainy day Posnpeil - cnade;ibo îînî li'fri ti,'ltn cst. 1New York an unconsclouable M rc conideabl iienv ufof-thethig.amount of mouey. Women, hae expain- oo c L done. l'p btti- pcî'senit -trlae ,.4. daburiad 85 par cent of tha monay $9,00 , nv t it in to>.-s on tIis rail- euruad hy men. On ratuy or dar.t day.' Reiiidee -road, aindlse long as the tux deed thay remsin Itidoors i tostly. stère exînts. the iailroad Is unable 10 ipsue Sles cati 9fltalled. traffic redutedFafison the bonîts lroinis.-dtat ise nho lput and uearly every cas and chaetst ol of business*as affacted udverwiey.1M l In lu nîy a long tiine ai-o, and wbo Tisastan., movie shows. bail gansand' have ntv,'r reviîi rtd thair bonids Inb uriaueet sfee ,1odf rturn for, saine. tfi 'tiertra ueaauaetsata-dpFîu-. Srotv ans lit nîîp i te ax rada Not Hie Unlucky ?umber.T'upe eand lotcr toîîliti t in, :aylng $2 000, RcadWga a saisi py~ Staxes that votir. lile lias continuad chid oi tise 'nunthar 13. e,Nvaeis bort$ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I MSo pa h a,, aîiya ic.b 4dd taenunibars 1. 8, 1. 3D to ayth tae,; ar yer ine.and , a have agaîn 13. Wagnerliîad D resses fg e IIIn $oster flinit bld on tthe taxes, là ltter, bu is namae. le copomc > ha recelver, Mr. Peck. t;ad faited t0 13 gëent works. Ha finil d . nijiil &pay te taxe, and neither iail lie ap- heuser" on April 13, and IlWl, pros. paared before tha state hoard o! ducad'on March13. And Waugner dled equalilatton (o complaîn thut tbey 'Ou FebruaÈy 13. C a s o - - - -From the1 alümED A PRINCE BUFRIENIJBOY: lHE DISAPPEARS FOLLOW I ING SAFE ROBBERYI j ar .îî to li tr .lo I gui a il t n ('lic-tll and Serlitu -:Ja,Iwi-li 'i(:n 4t' ,'" ino t. WV ky,:1i I41 t-'rOîîlinitn-F '--h ;iii ] a31' calibe- r 'itt'i nai i aloin. IVben the-a a ti a -:izr agt i:tht fa Whotar is ' a-iin l'îiloh. litii ,t i 'h wtntas t i Li,, utnts ;tore ' d. ( li 'oiean der w sIr t1l i nit <'îlo.n K, fii't'til lo,, and lIii Hi î'îhiiit i'îw - .n Cit, D. 1 -1 tindaNt: i ilgtt hle lii; .sI'j ýw yai. i lis bî,nefac4or for flic kP I.,o it;î -f i -. a i thar xas il w w i ;,e CofllfOfl i * 0-A lot or formai ,aiet 0, do.0 i o (îitîn id flot lhaIe ng kllled î.r Ieîtrtarnilng royalty she had ' i;tida:,ldO <>7Mien Anna ili0 liiist hrd*:tiil-y lit tiri iî )%îIr, îiugliter of Charleti S. i. kî,y. 19(r and ! Il. orhile roderai Reea \ondav rnornlng wlin l;'ie (i:tred t orne- %li,i lamilUzs milling 1n li.ofehIond tli lit iii liail d '-noit lte' Ielgian Crown t t-îold 00motOr wiih hi <0 open,.d wlth the aid oîf a pair witneamsA.- royal party larided (If îi rs. The e$11; n î'aýI wtith hie teall- 'ii as uccopted and the ie c Pliad ot n filas oe ýgnature w î as shoWn ail the ~ < tna~'l îi 'IlIs ior! Bouton. inellidtng I rilY tiglt IJtfpiPa wlie 'fi A r- of lirai -, i d t;. I SQtudiam ;irbetnngtng to Rani Sertiii aIt;, avtorney- Ti e millier was -ep-rt,,iltonlVie te Judge Ith, pardon board. F'allure 0f ;-i-.1" otu i nmr'îîj'ît,'. The t~ iî i ochange o intarcede for hlm resultu il i. in S'îritigtteld have tIin comiiii*it.td off wlth matter tî,.ng dropped. wîî Similar action was taken X; been an atternoon In the cage of Rev. t'>-.,i t nm-n for Finley or ZMon City, Who -ta 1i ii--- Muet H-ave Somnething to Feed On. recently wlth a serious crime In tînît i ilIri Affît ilen t: i, Oit lî'.înd very sCevere titoirix of i f t.itnot a long polar ilie ho wllh a tîtîrteen year old girl.. 1i ho-Ittiitterence. [Love of Iis apVelared for FIntey and hfna'a tt it 11.,!.,t s i' l.î.'IItî'rfutly 1Mille hope. ring b, ba'ck 10hie catI, but mît ;i'-,' vtIlu i. Su"ndà%.y Evening, Ocia 19 And begiuning Oetober 25th there wiII be dancing in the Slovenic National Horne Cor. McAllster and IOths StreetsI Waukegan, Illinois Every Saturday and Sunday At 8 o'clock p. in. Sig Garnilval and DaoeGlber 25 Lots of fun. Don't fail to be there! Take Electric ta lOth street, walk 2 blocks west. d il il ~'ts~~o' ~ j 214.North Genese Street ikegan's New Store for Women, Misses and Cliilren datValuesfor Strday nécively Styled Fait Suits and COg Its ;In Comiprehensive Display Meritin.g Your Particular Attention. tS 29.50- to- $100 Desirable Material and Style, Plain Tailored or Dressy Fur Trimmed Materials: !an Red 'W001 Velours b; Silvertone Brown Men's Wear Serge ]Brownq Tricotine Velour de Saine >Tinseltone for Wonien, Misses and Children -in Serges and Wash Fabrics Women $ 17 to $85- plain *a mzl sd hea vy practical styl es to iféd, full silk lI* mcrations of ~1 i s N s il il c "fe rctors'C1 Coats for Childrenp 5.50 to 19.50- io carefully tailored and so replete with style that they vie with others in every detail. usive Line of Dainty SiIk NegIgee, Brassieres, Camisoles, I-osiery Knit Underwear and. I$andkerc.hiefs 4ppii 66ýNerce" sgolreis pQfl.91fgg>py that îwsàovýs thomiands 01 patdcW$ï rwomen. Strictly a cash store buying and seiling for cash makes it possible for us to give you real vtlies. -O e4 aaN, Truck TArpli émis" HEWES GARAGE,Irc --------- 10