CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 2

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-- - -- z-' F~sTWO. Foi mt M rial eapÇ" * o corealy m ui c ctheniaset <J There are r mnany of the house. <ln many hou years ago, l6 phances hac that efficieî efficency1 brouglat th~ generaluse,'1 and wal o lackrin . Ç lefs an easy add these ta stallationL pense 15 The investi, PublSc Scm of Noilhern F. BAIR, MANUFACTUI Meuble and Monumi "Zmetery Worl Descripl torm.pondenc 116 Gem M 1 l iitl.M usua-1 to 8:80 a anUsam. on Broadui mD. Pl F. I Ubert"vle, EDLKANAN1 Attorney.ý O" at Home, Cook UUSERTYV ILLE, LYELLIL ATTRrBT- Libertyville lace Bu au. bm l lE. PAUL MA AWvOINE1 NUbetMl 0" e.Pt à" Pb( f.?RR'1VUILE PTDEPENDENT. ¶1UPu9tDAY. OG'1'BIM M1&1919. i î'tvIEICA BEP JAMES ANDERSON DI 'WANTI-:DetLEAWS ESTATE À iiisimggmBAOLYNEEOEOcesor0F $240MOO TTEWANT sevee-l wide-a wak rOD AND CI.OTHING NECESSARY Reefh r.~i 3 W hi gh p r iie 1 IE EASTERN EUROPE 18 The will of 0e taine .i.rý' .nd' F salesmen to xcii the Fi R EQAININO STRIDE. son, ploncer meichant al 1,a, 1'o er Shock Absorb, (mt, who died q, wa,,r i owners of Fard Car' ý-d - mitted 0 proiiate iod.- It showed Trucks, and to dý.-3. CTOR . RVES SAD DETAILS ',%r. Anderson l'ft an erîxie of 3240, ma, garages, etc. r _____ 000. Of his. $200.000 lareai En The Hamier Shock Absorber is th best se'--cd estate. Geor-ge Andtrsýon. son. and the< rd Accemry in the Worid. More than 4iý, tuatio Abroud-St8MVtf O-~ George P'indlay, son-in-law. were of taowr have ryheenarcied. Look to Amgerlos" JrMwih named executors uRinaiut surûty. a1 xdoLuWnea verwber teyra Relief Cowmmtt le zt llovi<ng ~beQuuest.s were O teben Hasl abourtas tey for Aid. made: long "Y am intereated in Hasler- I¶ h îecmeeb prset.Dealers, tno, ae oeo-S eaorrcpondencm.) lTeset up a wodvsul monument infe ktmded ' Pim g he mure of war suffered grater Mllke folowtng bequûsts after five abe alire tram $60 tg $150 a vueek ,-g rdOdM s utalned @resta-er mw& roe:ex Shock Absorber, ither ln your -'anj d bave becs ieft In a orm CCc.OIDic Graedscn. James IVtdif--t$.Cfk). tic e oae condition tnan any other p@i Son WiltWaza$4,500). Ton doupiehee y Europe wt the osibe xcpton Son Tbomias-$3., Ofi .1 d 1111111101- _;zzthe Armenfi5lli- ID Bouge Of flle r- IMles~.glona wbere thl~ e esîlje. as maay as Danghter. Mrs. Annie Findlay- lat ER SHOCK ABSORBER CO. ave different arnica have marctEd P-00 1 *b Micign Ae. Chcathrough. ach bearîig away wltb Il Sons Georgc-12.00Ûi. an j.Mihga ve, ncbo 11.geleproperil as v deared or noeded ; Son Joseh--42.00o. en and gnaly thre bolshevits, .iD their DeughterAnie Pniy-t00for h PROBATEfu-pvwerf ompleted fg coonekindness tb hlm inIa..t iliness. o! reinor te Je iLor âof Fi i b I thîs nsanne Dr. CYruas Adler of The reaidue ist 1 be dîî d, d equallv0 MATTERSTAEN U Philadelphie. one of the moisi proiiii- 1 ot Ii ca.:lle âance is M TTER TM ENUP tent Jewtsb educators o"i Amerira, T litated hy ,ho bai; just rerurned from the pen-e r, utet; N O.CO RTMOq~N.conference. aumrneduP tUec situaton j- WSINQTON NEWS IN RE o lt;I C .C U Tthat bspot r -alth coe _________________ Doctor Ader, ubo i.- in iis citY fora The Parcel Post is earning a profit of Ai never tao conference reatve ia the jewlsh re-$1,000 yearly and rites have been i Coun,'y Ce-k .Le .e HendcLe t10 Uef prablem wnita oParis as a repIe- rue ince the beginning ese in any da, prepare c a tabulaied reýpr of senratîve of the AIOCriCIIO Jcwlsh coul- constantly eud 'ei -.-o b i n-s transac,d jrn mttee te urge polî1ticitl. civil and te- of the service, seven years ago. The ni m eun' ,'j* Moda. Te lilon rghl fr jevs and other mi- postoffice committee of the Hanse e iil ises ' d pr*,folo .wsnorities in eassîc Europe. He be- now ait work figuring a further decrease ly se 'Iwre o'flW. Ilteves that Je" ry as o the thee- in the rates long. 50 that a large th efore Ap- let7e:- o' Admîinsratitn do tsre 1 ict-ory iliat ît set out la win n easure of the protits wyil bc retaineda d reaChed n,,oi àe'.0eIo rone J.Gro in .lutbrough the meilum of the peace table. in the banda of the public. cy that 1e k. .. eF11-id. il but sîsgtes that wiltesoeîmb tisaî~~~ ~~ Is cad .ixn-rio :m for the (t,.i-ri id en omeer cfbis Experts of the Agricultural Depart- r. that haspeople sbrcd to recover Uic morale àem. ito they have lost trîrugh generationa of ment neyer gve up. After yeurs of ti ha d Wrn S'j.: 'b!i:' Adrnns' r.zor la rpreslon, poveri! and disease erhand experiments. they have 'n- E-ah - of XVil'hum Sch1 dAthuh it! netactn:alîY visit deisd a ncw and deadly poison ta ex. w mdt a" l ir \'rft-T siOniEd Iothe regîins where tbh e lIef u-ork was termninate the holl weevil in catton,. Uicaa rL'rnma J T-yen n jo ta i, ..t ofj la eperaiion." said Doctor Ader, 'Il pest that casts the coton plantera a W i-a.- ri ~ Ivas! curse closelv oneted with bundred million dollars annually in lasses, cg th1 tule by my dut es n Paria. 1 The new poison is sftedonto the cotton r r nateter toa F t f 'a_l, Gu-in do-t d- earned enough 10 aee that we cna plants while the dew is on the foliage,v o an » t Esisie o! William E Sunde:l1.n -ti cosed z the w.unds of live years te ha after which the pests drink it and die. Cl The ex eidVmih- li ltnriS i-dau *, jh5edl~7 Zt- t slvv cg--I As yet tce fight to kili the eggs of the- il î~~~%' Ws ng bak t- normlal. food and clothing hl cvlbsbe aucsfi ment pays. Pn 3b'fýd n e frh-.rm are abacluielY nece r. ieseae IL N' ; :4 be undmentl neda hatcore ie Now for tce Per'-tag babies. The race i_ j s'ae of NMa'Itcu usick. inane ,fore &al atheru I 1would Dot ventue iaon and la going strang. The admirera o. te my hou-on AmerIrait Jewt7y wl coft.e great general uho have recentiy iC O. côe be required to eecP Dp thia relief become proud fathers and mothers of tVtl ü:, Jam-s Xtdeiiont o!tGC vr-kbut 1 thinis that we ihotild pl"J ale offsprings have littie trouble in ______ Tmn- r ,udu aurtantmcha U5dcingli s 111 t admiitéd '.o Pro:ba.te. and for another year at ieat. Thesitue-deidig poariaDame for their progeny., « uLezz rson esan GearyJ lu-dI t*. u gtoald a uneti ta mcha egru? at Hardly a day passes but wbat the m.A» Aro! n ,andte f.Fidaï ausI o sithe a srtor akerb udgeteie received by Pershing doge not contain estate ý-14feiü(j.oirlter a hiteraoms not rcmpeodible Ucglati news that a fond parent bas fil aof Ezab"'b J. Whitmorc ad fiat tca e aot settlpossIilenamed bis son "Pershing Smite" or STOW ' tiitttti'robatanand comra Testa-fiat Urne 1 mi,*,d t prbat an Leter Teta-th& une.'Pershing Johan' 'or "Pershing What.- 111111 OF mentary su£cd Annit - B Wbitmare. «T'he orphan situation abroad le ex- ever-tbe-eurnam-happens*-to-be." The GUImimLILValue of esaie S.og trernely serous ameflg the Java. The general ujl lig a busy man in betawing Gra ite Witt o! Marie Price admitted ta parets Of thOusandi Of JewigSl - un-some form o! recognition andc apprecia. ens probate. Bond flxed ai 42000l dru have been klled i the ianksoftien for te many honore so heaped upon le tsEstate et B. Carl Ivy cioeed. tIebm plu g iareunor bave e, fhirn. -Estate of Jens Serensen cloacd thm nhpp lans. Theme chUmis Esai f Emmna e DeGroff <iosed- are aov dependent uopo. Arna ru- Altlicugh it wus the expressed ii -k of Ever> ette ofGiardiaiu-hip tasued te iuef Tbmes, oo.there aee the malmi of Roosevelttat viien he died his buri ion Harvey . Broyn lnt estate of FboY a"d Ubme prenatureir- aedfier dm place mouid be magrisedinu a simple and - May Brown, miner. bu"Otha .Pout ive 708-t5 MOO unpretentioua vay, i fie utile oemetery ________ P-$"Ie- ly witu'Ot -7 -MM at Oter Bay, it in novte talk in et UUPPOt a"fe em e ooo Congres» ta eret a tonib or monument M M S AUt M S-ÀPf ÀR umiad« nd ur tuif " luinkeemig vith the ddes nd greatneu Jevla relif mbuld sey. « i 0 thte beloved leader cf men. If the -W BY WAITrlevRa«ÂRMED ta= Pamln of:the Rolt amiyC WI'Ili f'M1V3D1I'V aa.uzbecriptlon or et thse expenae ofth *mi " snaim Wil KNR RK I «Atact Ibat a in i~5 ~ lde governument, or bolli, &long the lineq cf Mid tu 8SP. M. -omuti-Y do Dot apPtqdata l Me de- Lnln'a .resting plac eat Springfield, 'ar, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ObbU Opfle as Ptrn f erpthIn aviAg JevimI Wk-l ]McKinley'& at Canton or Grant'saet blu poe P r atr fe Jrpau n t aehn. i. b le h se o f Jevièb decitudSt N1ew york City. lThe ides, bus beeni»s d"ol. Fres, wre hron ita Pale blO&s-,and il " '< ec1I ** The meuleof Congreoainal ea"rua nd ad, Saturday night adieu Julien Bell, s- 1ev bua bues80 long PleRW1 mirera of Romervelt for nom. tinte, but 1MRIEDW. negro valter attacheS sad oerely many coentriesthat &a Uifemnaor. et aon ecnlybeaseo SUEGEON. eut twa feltov valters uithra hucher aven a *trente face, unfilaslmwn .-lamoeBd&e aou rc ntl ecaus cf katte. Bll mad is ~ ~r ilihe This naturel msaldm eu the pilgriia*ge made by proinetcU vvaaiaAMÀIàm if. Bl a i saea rboat be aUayed by mom oe eWho oeu ns ta acevet'a grave, sud uho have Uie assault and mansgcd ta get away opk ie ng agu-.a"ei eisuthe ezprenoed tha opinion that a flsting sud m Illiois. because of lte delay tn notifying thre situation te, him. Thie matter et Ion- costly ahile ahould ire erected. police. gags pi saynImpotet tpan rt i-l W. CO" That he had premeditated bis est wOtIl. and tbmu. -ýdiere e,» et Women Urge Congres teSocur@ thre wa sbown by thc iset tat ire 1b5ad rli-sIudereandin iaIeiab. oefrTa ni aILs-wa big atone urapped lnt a iapkin. Witb tueern people of these me racIm. 1 Ae. hODl6& tat e Biruk te ire waterqve Trom usu on Amerlas1 vol e tbe Mnh cone.. la mmanited &mous Avc.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ola Phn 6- htb tucUcfrtvle e?~ place trom ublcb t'oaima rellef leaders of bath poil"l Pbrdulin0.1 ILLINOIS thc bead and stunned ira bettn ire supplie.. Dur-tEthe var ami aev iethor lt.he cmuea ofthe country, ail seized the hutcher Imlf v ands tairbed tter th armistice fer a&tglong 0019 e o of e and quallad, I l aitsepart the victim ln the heattins- a. ho threuwere noahbIpeoeba&. Itwu inlthe.national eoctons la 1920. Tire LMOREIS threu up bis arma to protectbil»- Possile ta Cet supplia.f O. 511vma. îhomalvoi aremach conred -AT-LAW se lib, etabbed hlm la tihe ar.a. sndmach ef oui- clotlog cmre freina"o. Us' ta th@. preoent lime but mie- Illinoistisaliqudationoaerd of thbeumy or lini- jThen ane moe.gash landed cear the malanrlif tousstatua, thi-ougir their lIIltau. iOdlat. mans heari aB& nov thse irpplug ituti abave ratifieSthe propoad consttuttona OMe Phme 51Just about thie tirne the aecoad ele..alg ap ands uppie fovta M M 151a5agOM t1ngteightcfoiiIiago walîer tricd tu înterfî-r and sve tire country oaealir ho talon ebrosi. ta omes. But l in-dartgo niaira thie ,C Gt.PI. first victime and lbe recived a lght ln apts of the bîgir coet of everythisE ameudflit o pralva, tirti-oz t».tam r'AV LAW. wound ipsy. He uaflot burt get!l- lu Amerlca, suppiecool moto abroad thrue-larth@ of h o! l.e u mber, muet la. Ilinoia Orsiy. hhrint vcim L.owever, van tisa they do bre.,Amates munI mou»Wiatifie.TTb. electlooa are lues &a utie . rs&badiy hurt and vas ras1i"5 t) thù ho thre soure of relief airipmeta more tiran as year ava!, a»S vlth aIne. a8 Lake Forest Iospital. The wvue mý I' n vluew ft s-il itualation, lteétuamorbo.tatue yîta tlfi tire ouf> coarng CBmpalgo cf1téAmmen oos o vmnvolglantconsidered ucre not fatal however, and lio re- Jeuîeh relifdcommlttee ils-oa m loe frute vtvel CI DECKER porird for work agalu tIis rnrrnirix. tisaI la wrtbg of very dlne» Wothh s-eeneoarefagn. Ou t our tata egbs. v-.Av-LAu A var .n va - u. cbag.n .-sup-r-- bt- Aer.- e-n__ vo _ ltraPAU ho.eantad oion te hold ISILLUSIONMENT iWAfS MANY YANKS MARRIED OVERSEAS ed Cross Worker Says Many Foreign Wivos are Crooks an oItveIy Worthless., Diiaa i dlillusiomnnient as-alla ,ay Anserlcaa dottghboys ubo 100k nglish and .FWnCi brider virile îyl ucre averseaâ, in the opinion rMises Byrd ' McPli ' elTaise, Oklm. Red Cross verker, who returned aboard the Whrite Star liner LaP- Mine McFall varsed in France for arteen manths. Lateiy she bas een supervislag the enibarkatlea of eout 1,100 ecidiera' brides, sad abo presseS recf Inrather peseimie- lfasision concerning tbem. "it le a shame liraI many of t-heni e sliOued ta pl from clîber Eng. ad or France," Misa Mofai aid but Uic moldiers baS marrtedtent, ind ubat 'acre tise army authorities Sad? Tirere seenied to e b» nnul hat ceulti keep thom back, and even bmen Investigatlin sirowed ibat many )fthem shauld net be landed In -Ain- ira. there vas tua mîîch red tap. i o bfi tutestop ihem fromtigoing. rhere wcre girls who leftt uthout a iecessary examinatian. ublch, Il nadte, woutd bae pres'ented roui0 of hem at toast tram emharkîng for &meriea. Fr-ee Passage Wss Miatake 'Not until the latter part of the ar- valinb Amerira vas there any ai- 'mpt ai medical supervision, and ten only 'after il had been repeated- [y howu taebte army auihorltces tat these vamea acre net fit te ire apart of America's cilzenship. 1 -oilove acarty al] o! the troable sas carcd hY the fart that thse aruîy o!. Ured ta rond back withaut charge the girls marrled te soldiers. "If the soldiers had known that be mouId bave te pay a vife's passýage ti prevailing rtes, 1 fhink fiat iherp wouId bave heen far tess îaarriagcs coniracted. The malorily o!f tl,' iar liages, we found. had been made on very short acquaintitoce. and some fr the girls hoasted fiat ihpy did not ntend te live with their hushands afier their arriva]inluthse Un Ted States "Thcy sald that they mariî-d oaiy te cet te the United States 1 illh net say that ali o! the girls ver.' like thie, but there ucre far too many. Many Are Cracks 'We receivcd reporta lu the con- dorstrattpn icamps , o the Mebapor were under arrest when tbey reack of the brides on board the transports ed New York, bccause of thefr sa- on whieh îbey were sent to the Unit- tiens dýring the voyage. Severai ed Sltates, and from one weli known were arrýsted for theft. liaviflg itoI.5 former Amprlean passenger lîner 'we everythirtg that 'they found withi.a received word that five of the brides reacj1 that was of value," t -"and from there we went to Japai"< TaIk about adventures 1 Men ini the Navy corne homne with the kitad of experiencesl that meut chaps read of only in the books. Here's your chancel Uncle Sam bas. as you krnow, n big Navy aud giv,, r-rd- llooded young fcitows ike you an opportunlty tr, tc;-:' Jioaxd and "shove coff". What yUl you rt eut o! It? 3uist tItis: A chance ta rul.3 -tbowi with fareign tolks w sirangc parts o! thse worîti. Thse chance fc' good honcat voek on eWbpoar-the kind of ver-k that tcachca you somethctb i-sl; lthe htnd of, wuri tait put& beef aos your uirauldem sud be cm your ceet. You vill get 30 cii-e-fr-e. vs.- Vocn das a yea. net oolt!ng (tiare leave in hom eor ormilg parts. You wvIShave th ire lIfS cf radeship las travel fiat malin Lnow. -You vIS bave regular poli c-:cer and aboa your mais, Iode- i -g and youw firt unifori OuLft -Caodcistuff ail ef it. You can join for tua pu. VWben you get through youll ie physicafly sud mentaily *«timed upl for thc test o! your lil!.. You'Ill ho eady througb sud through for SUCCESS. There'e a Recruîtisg Statin right ticr yau. [f you dpot know where it le. yeur PosI. mastcr vili bc glad tt bllyas. Teonay Father and Mothtr- in, eh*Na. pur bcL',1 fon.thelth. yc .' 17 nd acel ak.'.aie Adafw yrepa 9i..p.. Shw off 1 JoIn the U. S.Nv wr id a Shoppers m Attention Chicago _Trains ]Every 30, Minutes Leave Libertyville every haif haur from 6:32 a. m. ta 12:32 a. m., con- necting at Lake Bluff with lizited and express trains from 6:54 a. m. ta 12:54 a. m. Express and limited- trains operate straight through into the businýess district of Chicago, stopping at stations on the elevated laop convenient to al department stores, theatres and business houses. . To Milwaukee Leave Libertyville from 7-02 a. m. ta 10.-02 p,_m., connecting at Lake Bluff with limited trains from 7:23 a. m. ta 1 &.23 p. m. For further information apply go the Chicago, North. Shore & Milwaukee R. R. 71 ,Libertyvi1e Ticket Office Phone: Libertyvile 74- ï@ý 1 ý>ý J .11 J.

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