CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 3

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LIBERTYVItLE fl<D~E~E ~TffU1?sT~A~. Or<ThBEU W, 1919. Pair Thr Pa 'Plumai. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ b'~ ~ Talce Camels at any angle-they surely supply :igarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced. They're a cigarette revelation! You do flot miss coupons, premiurns or gifts. ýL You'll pre fer Camels quaiity! 18 cents a package IL à. REYNOLD)â TOBACCO GO., Whntoa4alema, N. C. ut. rnim~ '%W ' Wbby' Most EconomiA1 Wear- life-service- mile- values means greater econo- age-safety-comfort. These my-less cost of maintenance are the things that count in -less repairs and depreciation. a tire. Car owners who do -their These are exactly what you own thinking prefer United get in United States Tires,- States Tires. Their merit is general ail-round tire satis- recognized everywhere. faction.We have them-a type and This greater total of tire size for every car. We know United States Tires are good tires. That's wby we mjli them. LibertyvâWe Garage, Liberty ville, 1lU. Frank Forkc, Wheeling, lit. Deerpath Garage, Deerpath Ave., Lake Leo F. Yena, Nortb Chicago, Ill. Fori:t, 111. Math. Herschberger, Prairie View, JILI R. L. NeIis.Rusaell, nI. Brown & Boehmer, Wauconda,, IIl C. G. Wenban & Son.- Lake Forest, 111. DaIIy Thought. Foxijtove. Such laLite.. Schaste and lucid StYlO la indicative The term oxglo)ve la anild ta be ' Ilh mali tWlfl. Poor-mânU et the same personal traits la the a.>oerruptton of the lterniS "olda' glevot'tflz," la the way the Evergtt nori UàwL-Hos« a Bou. « -bt E1'p-"puis 1*. Make Hot veeervations1 0f t-be. Nut-It- -6 Wus 12 Ther the crovdsm largeat la i Iismmc e EN R0 L L9 ~ Nov. 2 to il Inov e tIti- Naia! establis-hment nov _____________________________________________ Also aillthe sîremtla and alicys in occupying t1he Mastorson and NOv. __________Said subdivisions hii4y e hn coin. combe properties, lyimi between t-he msandeered wit mjiinirovements such Chicago & Northwestern Railway and 1s ster, sewer, snd sldewalks, to- the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railroad, M USS ASKSwaris the construct ion of whlch a sourt of t-he Fve l'ointa Road, ait I fîhegeri rnds ltInt-he City also aiprovod this recommendatioà VOLUNTERS DSASTERCALLSCity would be reirnbursed by in-bu cased building actîvity In said eub- maine a date on which t-be departnient ired and Fnfty Thousand Re r8 ahneyo gj litsiOns Also tbait tho city water would b. juetified I va<tatlng thOU& . Re Crs8 Mchiery f Ogan., rlçs are located on thle lake op- properties. -s Needed to Conduct ization Ready for Any De- tiosite Bord du Lac Bluffa ýSubdivl A- regards t-he properly taken Over rhird Rail Call. mand for Service. son, and aIl access thereto have been by the Governient est of t-be Chi- eut off excopt over proporty under ag &NotwsenRiayI- control o! t-he government, and af- cas othetenT-iwy f ING USIS OPEN 60 BASE HJOSPITALS REAY riants feel that the City of North cluding the Board du Lac Bluffsaa" ______________Chicago should be Paid so tirat se- Woodland Bluffa Subdivision, 1 re- cees' may be bad thereto front publie gret t-bat 1 cannot accédé et-o 70 I Captr WIImue Me tiaperePrvid EmrgnoyRelefProperty, to-wtt: f rom Posa Park, suggestion t-bat these Properties lie own toi Obtain Annuel Committeee and EstablIleh SupplIY n order t-bat It viii not be neces- vacsted by t-he Government, lnaumuch orehipe Freom Novei. Cefitert to Ana*er Appelaie. aary for City Em-ploye and t-eae ta as t-bey adjoin t-be original Nava ber 2 to 11. Preparednewa for 4 t-ter relief on Dilasthrough tbe government roser Training Station and are neceosaar - a sciais neyer hefore possible le beins vat-lon t-o reacli said Dumping at-ation. Cor the operation of a station t-he adred anld M t-Y honsand undertairon by the The pet-Ition points out t-batt-be al bc -edptriet em rorkere WUI . needed ILAmerican lRed t-aklng over vîtbm the city limita of tamits nteGu the Central Divi.. ~necessary t anano h rs tli Cetrl DviCross@a" oe Of land adjolning t-he e J. & E.'s rlght &akea. I understand, hov&ver, t-bai third roUl call feaures of lits newteBado vlaino oà the à.merian lRed peace program, n Ut-cutarly rthe Northiern Jîlinols In mandeerlng Property wll Include an Crose, November s upport of vhicb a dustrial lut,the Newcomb property Item inlié tareport vbiehlatesA ute i4> L ationvide Tffl on morrow avenue, the Harper tract account t-be claalng of t-he former j An apeal fi tou CoUvil hoconducted fromt NOV. and t-be Neala estate, east of MorroW mn5Oacest -eCt'pu" Made fron Cen, 2 to, il toi abtain 20,000,000 members aeu, sage* adca at esngoplant, s ts t thaCty vhen 70 onheaidquarters in ChicagI; snd $15,000,000. devenuloisent O tehndiatri e areat, aed I stto t-b flnd n vlu I the men and vomen of ev Plan Survey of 8uplien. dlinento t-ba dut riey. leîing abreIt vi e at-s trt-Od:o f OU. lty t-o enflât for t-le toend.j S-ice 1900 dîssters of peace have IsmnsI htct.Dvrigti lwl cstsatr oyu t0 5eCura dollar infaicost many thousands cf lîves and property tnto goverliflent use it 15in -l ' ureudrto u s. Wlth aPProxlmatel3 have brought personsl unjury or prop. t-bought. brin&s j'uetiV,tl M he t nluon!cour urnping plan s li te lvlic, iis un ery as -o ,50,00 orins.det-ry-city of Northb Chicago and owners o! and walter t-ower vitbm the ora- w for about 4W0 vorters tc lng property valued ai $1,000,000.000. property. mnerdlmt a nn-n-Oi Every chapter viii be a During 1917 elghty disasiers vere . Iten-n p -e ettIo -b to d -ert- imit-e Deparitent sud office for these vorkre. ported t-o t-be Anerican lRed Crosé,oIn wnng ptahaereitin te: ontbe fartaiofutheent- t l entmar Dm Will Wear Badges., 62 tornadooes. 5 flood, 4 great fOres, floigprgah eeue: i h iiajsmn twl emd rer wiii be .upplled vith e t-vo esrthquakea, two serions mine "Thart-h-e isroperty In t-he com- Clear that tieae properties & Umlng t-bat the wearer la 8. disaster, t-vo mnintion plant expîo- mandeerod area t-n t-be viclnily o!flnot luded wlthin t-he Goverrumen worker for the Red Cross sions and t-be tragie calamity wblch Morrow avenue, and t-be Eln, Joliet Roser-ration. to t-be campagplitM, 1. befell Halisai. and Eas.tern Railiay right o! way, iupon t-be shouldera ofi Under t-he direction of t-belied be ret-urnod t-olis owers, in order leer vvorkers, as tbe t-bird, Cross t-he entite resources of aIl l oIn- tTt lmyled eoc o nut wnot lie ssuccesa vithot munit-les yull ho mobilized for Instant itI a ed elpdfridir-DAYLJIIT SAVINGi Orgiinizution. use wlien noeded. Cliapters evory- aI Puîposas or sold thatit -Çiun tie Ose Of t-ho camPulgn l to8afoiN' ae vIl!croate coit-teos to mgke developti dand used for. such îiirlu1- ~ wryas possible, a univer.' surveys, locatlug emnergency food sup- Poseý, wlttîh tluv constUer ttr liit.i- PLAN INWAJtUEA1 eut in the t-ed Cross as an plIeS. Urusig, iospItal supplie@, Cots, est utij est- 1i,. of voii,dnce in the past1 mattresses, blankets. clothiung, anaor. AlIant> nliTe tis rTlte nu th MEETS V/ITII VAVOR es of flic' lRed Cross ada s,,. solloTls and ollier buildings frhei, htsi p 1t i lta ,i if ttlloiT'aTfce t-o thbe prlo- houing refuuiees and vvlll cunvass pby- ou ,lta alcdiTlttl'iI ,-iT~.~b t'stn er bu s.. I.2.deit WQk -nt-b Is!lai - nrseis, scoal, workers and T TP't tT UT t-bis every man T)titTrs î repTTrOT t-o respolUinst-antly TOf tii, N t! u-onutu S,, >it. iit lian, thir s iq TV litut idoubt as to iin Tii- terrltory aiofai lii tuil fîTr Ihuir t-,ricea In diststers. ,T (t if T! l - i i l t, t IýiuTT itil w b t lb, -n Noit!lihe when a st -t iiskeil t-o loin t-be Rted 1 National Resources Available. 1u;theluT Iitti i i Sql, T-I .Titi,,!' t cTiTT>ut'TT . i. î.teîltutdecide lhis vtîlI requlre t-be seny- u Thi.-,TiTiTi"T iiloniil crganiza- lvai; gTTTT,l. 1-t*--T t.~ h T-T- ,,,îu o tutît 1iicliht Sai-ing uudrc'us of vorkers. The lions a ýl e-,t t h dIsasýter relief St-p-Sîtitu it- , Il , uo : iii flai t1t, ttllei pt ,l-iuLî want-s ai lest 4000,- î ,ly ci-rsauni tuike charge o! opera- [ce1ch, ' )»I u, t ili fIa f-lut'- , cot i t. he i-cngrpe luur for 1920. Spocial tiens t heu, assistance la needed. n bý lIiý:Iyo Iiinsse t-b cmplg yl iecases cf majordîstst-ers wbero t-be IITeOtTIITnt.,nigtTilit il W itith eepla b-L the CaTTiT tT'o lanTs ab the pla an t-be annuel ono-dollari resotirceg ct t-le division in whlcb It oTtc - ~tî~nl bi >~, TTIT )in orlen t-o mairst-be roll occuis-e ontare tb u-ieIfr d u~T i ' il) Il l Matt 'S'. t ! i--Td l lat - eal t-o ail t-be-people. at-reogîli of t-lie -d Cr ils In the Colin- Sti,TTi T t.iT t l IT'i 1t. t Ta >1 advanlage of 'ampaîgna Suoceaful. t-ry ntaylie moblhzed blrough national In ti TtT Tt Uth. urinre.fT'rT'ilIe'!I1,. l ~ tin r Tfiliiiht. t-f it was t-s at-temuled &U Rled Croise headqîiiartera. i i. ni Ld -oil. , tsmt.'ts-hir ' Tu - - :1 T' ,,t,d iittg d'trunjg thewar and sav- rt-h Central Division In Flfty hase bospitals organizea by avî.. tt .- ) nt t îil-t- h. iida O! dollar. In t-ho the test wur fund rtle Aiuri-an t-ed Cross and turned Sdi T,, u tiiitn lT. utu nt ' 0tt S ) IT s,,,,T T ivi iisu)ti îhy it woiild diiseion, aith a quota Ofof er t-,Iîle governt-nent for use with n sutiaorilied *21.307,602.83.tire oit îiy forces vili ho ready for ttTlu ttl utilin N'ru , t1, WTWim . -OtthtOnv-Xe bave rd roI! caîl, more than i4, nu' u!'sevceu tt t t i Ll t-t HTe' tl.Ufit T'iT- omurîuilodit. servce. 1-T' i, i ' ot inil itttt ititliluitely?" - lîî~Y prT., >'ht-iigit e It' matt-or t-o t-be -y quotalfor the Central -NURSING CLASSES PLANNED STT ' ac, o)uttTT, sT a .TT t L ci > aiikuag that an ardln. I(0>0.Tbroughsut t-be GY RED CROSS CHAPTERS.& t' alt lTtttTcuin :uilt RT ICrOs wti enîsi 0.-aile,, be pt,-sî1d cuulltiu for a M - trs.tuutis 0 a"01 w iLIl, i-sillp Iio i )i, t Savinil plan iei(ra tintIraise $15 ,000,00 ____ Claseinsi nursing thbe Ilittu' tu . aiswlitu r, linqt- h- -I , t-ni ut riTI tIi 'iin).til, h3%Vn It s intent'i5tonahl, national -, Ii>sui l' bytraned iTiu' s itt - ,tT tut ti'ul - , iT tt comme rttre tIi '.Vtuky rk. and ,î open t-o overy ic iTT, tttî it."i a'ti al ' ul 'iec mos? t-be local chuipters as a part af the T ""d tuir (lie i atdi'tts c-atîa . %il tiuit,' t»' i lans. pence irotiray oit-lined by that or- T0-t1i111 ,> i1'1T'il i- , t tt(ina O fn'"I i lli*TCfer t-urning t-li ganizatlon. The courv.e vîllI nclude ti .titttt h - mttO'wlCT ,tT'TUtult-' tOtiroXt t t-T'he Y'oil Ieed linstrmition 1. home' sanitaticin, by- T ot r'liilltut..hit, 11 nitutthelu ioid ',T"Ztt'iiytriigût--. giene, cure of t-le sick, and diat-etie.d Lt &Iî tt ' ad 1 I--'tu trl' a a1 o0nv I bn Tese classes are beiog Int-roduced lalT hh-ut tiitlott,'l, ... e roidd li n maRy a a d t-o public sehools and colleges and are Nrith tem1,1 Ilt ' i i )Ti'utdOd i ý effered t-o emîuloyees ai depalinent TIi, obieruln 1îujtohaveluiî huai. sores and fattnes, girl scoute, or th>,l lit,' Il'";t O-rtS i. [1e0-5,t-Trt I qir utonetohcur cadier, $ T ~ ~nyone who desires t-oilearn t-o prevent 'ni0 e clu3- uithu e rte ito -u it iii., tt-'r'-~uitsbut fOM a - ~~ness as far as possible, and ta cure ion fcultow-s: :L"T u'Ttt tiiniiigahad of t-h Xor t-le patient a-hen Ilînessms hO. 1 have iIIOti"rŽcomndtifaT- eclk lion of atiotli,r board,. coiuposed ofr -i ai,,.T roi t turning t-he, otel Retervatlons NOW. MotartrIieks *1l1 have a place In t-e officers altaclie(tut-othe Navy Dep.urt- T tiT.Ts iTî Si tt- aor ohe cifles fat l t-od eamy t-o make hotel exhihîts Of t-be Niitionaîl Dulry Show ment, wlo reca-nli itaul e iT(ai lu- fi~l ti,,'-ii-u on fu t-be diffoeb s I Chicago for t-he veek in Chicagt-gis yoar. The motont-ruck specion o!fIth, ttet Laites Station. liU,,~. . ofan.T [ort- Dotiry Shov--O*oer ia in generul use nov for moving the t-o t-he effettThat <ho Govorrimnm , - sugg'-t-tei tai te chanmtlng of biliel roi laeveny Indication ihat pioducts oCt-he dairy. lnus I i hln nlddwt-nees bý,i s îoutd b.'affc-ctod ith îeg. ai te sow vl b linuls ailo! -luelaîd lnludd wl-b-trouble. There are aninorme us Ofien yéas ~ ~. Over fleen tons Ini a single cheenlîltelfuîsd-,rbdb -b r, oeoan a eajit the'ften yarsof exThis cheeso vil ho uan exhIbitIon att jledent-s Proclamation of November 4. t-h0 dclWgu a i md.'te National foDakOhn S how t .o Os. 11, t he West no hclu., lae a u~lrh ~ .5 -'.4 NAVY RELEA SES Il Nîh'lsernoli f t,, wo racs no] M UCIt LAND AT STA. "I B UT KEEPS LOT c:S h ns routi ob ie Ut) are i:t needed for Naval pur- 80netie go Myo" i - ýand 1 uccurdingly de o fot ee Jolley, lceo J Y na, ro-ýet . ~illtittT.'in retaining .-uch lande at resentlng tir( ('ity of Sortit tti riat Ldkus for the Naval Trahning thle l'ro4iCS.s Club andl the i no .ttlB. mn s Organization, sent an allidii O 1 bei, that the îelease of t-hla t-o SAcretarx uf Navy 1)anieta. pr-la1iî tro.',ilum 11' lould go far testing againTit t-be Naîy lepartmenî u Jreni.u ic h possibility of any sert. golng ai l .ith its plans of cT)iou ahndcp ot.u ndsrilde tlscating ,Ilrouk;tl condinnation ,o hndcpISt( nds)) dvlp Tilichof he )roerý t Nrti Ch- uenTo t 01 tCily of North Chicago. ra.r 'i lTTi ci!îT- doitflt feei t-hv* t'T!TTI,-d tu Oin itî,< and and tird flepartiTwnit actualiy needs. The PagssOf >- l Ir io f'iAugoet- 3Û. prole st Parttj<T I.. ci a as directcd iflSs niucli a,,t TnIsîailable for againSt- thT lahinî0 iji<rof proprty indu.-trial e(5.. i ii iio the lands Lasidu lb. cîty Iiiik, son t he grounds% 0f ti, Noirth ii u 1o (( iTUTTl*ai Sub- iliat suclia eCOiTiitTrT Wsvilhthie(Ji %i ion uîîhiT h I el,a c mnT(lUstrial ýtI, JIýtTIiT 0! S OrTI Chi- iTiuinleTrT d, l'lu, thle acre ,e10th gao. NM a' of t h, I sdi in îîucast1i TTT Ti li o Tîîwtr îdaiy T. td rfaTri a' Railway immediat-ely adjacent there. The of. Or course, ii there shouid bie any TeafflUavi t fijrt-her protestil nu~aTflat-the, takno; iTiT r 0ft-he , mat-erial delay in the acceptance o! <TiOn tract of ian d litown as Bord the released propTrty on the part of! du Laic Bluff, just north or the oid titose holding saini eheore t-he prop. Naai Station pro>per. Tire protesuu 'rty sas comnnandeered, this migi w,%S tat it liad made the adjiniing have an undesirable effect on t-be ini- Pli Trty lesalàuable and ciosed ait duetrizil expansion or your city, but aCesa 1Lke Mich-igan except by5' tire deparirîent s ili do. in its powe t-h.. iu.ivO olTs Park and it explainslo0~ -t i0copoeaalblt IlIt tt-saase the building or a roa u e;,id f te o r the r aialtha cf ail ttc ltrotîT-r,'fry tert [ronm that Point wüuld lie beyond thé NaTal tisi citys abilities tb Iax t-!gger protest wa mai. agatnst Tiie afoT -said repTort of tire special coinnî.Tuil e, lrtg thiiè roperta. buaîTiT ut eoficer- aisýo rnakI the recom- 1Kirt-tc,1aYr iefoenocý, bhetg as i~fol- mremdation taýt th, Iepari tnent-ire. ýpýa, tu Me wuot ul wu %u4ýsu m 0'

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