CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 5

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v *1 s. _________ LIBERTYVILLE IN'DEPENDEN'T, TIU SDAY, OCT OBER 16, 1919. ~w --------------:- IRUJDY MOIST AIR FURNACES THlE RUJDY DIVIN FUIE- FURNACE PIPE AND PIPELESS A Good Furnace. Installed Right, It la Heating Plant 1We Know IJow to Do This Schanck Hâ'rdware( Liberty Theatre SATURDAY, OCT. 18 S nid Bennett in "Happy Tho' Married" Aiso Arbuekle Comedy SUNDAY, OCT. 19 John Barrmore in "Here Cornes the Bride" I EDNESDAY, OCT. 22 WDW. Griffith in "Romance of Happy Valiey" ALEX FELDMAN TELEPHONE 307-J LIBERYILE IL I Paytlie Higbest Prices for Junk and Old Auto , Automobile Parts for Sae Presbyterian. sonday echool 10 a. M. Premch11 ila. m, toplc o1 sermon, "The~ Mira ge and the Pool." Special mugie, Preaehing 8 p. m., topie of sermon, 'Balanced Acount." speclal music. Christian Endeavor 7:15 p. m., topic, 'Ounr Piedge and Elow ta Keep It." Prsyer meeting, Wedneedav, Oct. 22. at 7:30 p. m. Topic, I'Looklng Bath Choir practice omitted Frlday vag o! ibis week; resuingagain Di Friday. Mir. Mattison, choirioter; Rra. Dur&nd, organist. The regniar meeting of-the Boy 13conts and the Camp Fire Girl@ wlii ho pogt- poned until Fridy night. Octoher 24, when a joint meeting wilii h heid tu the chuch baaement. Camp F.. Gils the cabin Fridny, Octoher 17. Mothodst-Episcooai. Service. wll beld next Sunday ut the .M. IL.-Oh«& m - foilvm: uada, a Good Co.E NEANEST SAILOR DISCOVERED; lHE ROBBED A NEWSV a iniIo ýîfr h w api nc-,cd n i ngir: o011r,'tbarge of rab- rn . -1-ard t PeZ-acus camner, Wi- ,rrn4fiA .-i n poi,., court ihis fIru'.naon rînd rtpo),n Iiteir pieu o! guil- s' '%-r.' finul $r-9 4o, Tir-v wnrp un- ýIn n. Iýpa, î mdu tijt boird ouit.. fine lu tIre 'tantv jail, Tatitifor i- i ti,-t .,î id ut a e; rt-a 2L , c.- .,i elisr-vs n-nIlaie Surtday -st ning eb. Orffîvr Robent ,Wilson stationed ai Pt-arc.-.- corner. T?,, ulitpn the- milgiriin Jail auý i;t viiiof lîaving in-d te n1,-.'sIrndi rut ixten enctsi,.placed tii;i-- n.. r1iii'o as hvtht- affîcer. i r.- r. iîow It itatpened: Officer Wlson saw a nunxbcr o- Iiallors hzruging about the stand. sit- itldmnig n u. Pfr -lite though t boy wr trynlg tapick Iup money itfrt (bore by people bu>Ing papers lun te absence of thse uewsv. Afier ihey left ho walk- ed aven sud saw thse mouey wb go%&a Later saine addîtional purdtamo were mado and finaiiy 21 conts, so- cumuiated. Wilson saw mare sallors there. He waiked m-er plcked up thé 21 cents anmd later, as the deoay. put back 16 cents. Thon he vstched. Sure euaougblu a minute s couple of salinors ent io the stand, q1at n It andI scon stsntt-d ta leave. Wilson de- tained (hem sud tlaced t(lneunuder arres;t, finding on temr persous (he 16 cents' wltcbhe had piaced (bore. A wotnan standing luside Pearces drug store corobarsted (he .seficer's decision thatOthe sailions Pet etthe money for se. declarod sbe sew one of tht-m put it lu bis. pocket. The 21 cents vas tnrned over to the newsy by offîcen Wilson. Thte salIons gave (he naines of Wal- ton Helmndrack. 20, and Harold Penny, 19. Caci- catinued ton'- dsys. Perry admItted ho tDok th mony and (bat H-eimbrock vas mereiy vith hlM. Holstein Breeders' Sale At te fair graunds 4t Woadstack, lit., on Oct. 24 andI 25, hhe McHenry Couuly Breeders' association wiii conigu ithe pIck af their herds and offer for sale l30 head of animais bearing tte best bond of the breed, inciuding eu dauahters of King Segis Pontiac, severai daughfers of King Segis Pontiac Chicago, severai bred ta Rag App le Korndyke 8th, thse$100,000 bail. Every animai soid subject ta 90- day re-tesi andI every animai guaranteed by bath the causiguar and the couuty association. Plan ta attend and write ta Homer M. Harper, sale manager, Hebr on, Ill., for catalogues or other information. Peanut 011. T1he petinut n. wviîcihla ueed se fubstitute for othernuont al tetee.!, Ing spechal attention fram gmr@Whvo Sund this thse moet proitable festure of te fnuntry. About 40,000,000 bush- ObIL ear are use4In theDtGI2 tg à aL a I1-o" ;dp =a ORDE R NOW PrT '~J'hrough your Carpenter, mU I>ulder or Lumbher Dealer STORM SASH MADE 114 LIBERTYVILLk. H. W. ROBBINS WCOD WCRKING. CO. -Successor " W. A.Nichoas Mf'g. Co.IL S A LIBERTY VILLE, W e e A e o r L b r LibertyvilleNews lHORSE FOR $21901 Wee r or iet ilrd @ bee -. d lni1îierty vile B onds? John Su> dat,, -petit Tu-mday in Mi.ssi, a esBishop spenrt \na .a-l trotter. lir.-d andl "wusd ly W. eg.Chcg.M. V.rlght o!(ilLiri> vliii,. and iralni-d Numerous robber'es have emphasized Mrs.Beah. o Ivlibu, s'.1t %Vdris- Ms. . N Berardand -n erethe wisdom of gîvxng proper protiction to M rs.Ld feuerspen Wedii,-day ir Mr. Wi. Wheler Mar, >r andVervaluables n vofab ailOf kinds.s j lq li Rdro Clîlcao. Chcagoehpporatater'l'.lie .oli humas & ark uof 2:Oiit, and im a MONEY AND LIE T BO D Mis Elie adk, a t2icao, peu îi.- The M. E. Ladies' Ai,] Ilhold a j.rombiîsîngtrope IL] futuriti.. week-end ut home. Bakery sale at Decker's iirugr e n Tl Plteuae ,,daareth w tins otsag b rbes Mr. and Mrsi. John Lyon ofi Waukpgan, Saturday afteritin, Octvdîr 1 &, thr(ee.ysar-oid teldliig nnd lt y fur ex- and should be securely kept. Money ie wère viiqttru bore thfi wie.k. Mr. and Mr@. John Dryer arai,.orînî-e the -eedd the worldi's rt-viîrd i 'v a cash sale , rost secure ln the bank. C. H. Aserlil was a Chicago vioti-r marriago of their daughit.r, Mîi..lirma prive of $21,000.. TI..-sire of this i-oit le t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t Wensa n eolbsiest 1ke Hehm of Fremonit, 0ii .-r :10. Azoff, raizéd andI ov. sil i.,- John R. Chre hmeli fCiao iie Mr. and Mmr. Walter Grt-cnlee ofOak Thompson. of L.lhertyrille. Thîis let the LIBERTY BONDS are most secure M wit te adlefaull o Wdutsay ,Park, visited with Mrs. Greenlees momt talkod of horse lu tihe î-aunîry, our SAFE KEEPING DEPARTM ENT., wlî th Maolofamlya Wenoeaj. parents., Mr. ansd Mrs. Warl uver Sun--Th seveofhi ear enisread MI-@ lIsabel Young, ai Area, @petit a day. Teevco hsdprmn sfe n few day.. o! last weelk with relatives@ee r n lirs.tet. CONSTABLE SIEZES C0W can be made of great value to every holder Mr n r.VcrL.ami.ert<and ON WRIT 0F REPLEVIN JcbPoluscîlte o Fort Wayne, md,. daughter, Eunice, of Highiland Park, 1 of Bonds. spent Siundav et the Fred Joclihein. apeii the week-end with Mlr, andI Mrs. 01,Irn P. tayers, wbo resîdes u..î uîrih home. Wm. Fendick. of thjs vît>-, sued] out a writr of rpplet-lu If you have LIBERTY BOND!ý that M tr. B. J. Hagerty Prtertilned I%î. lijà Ms Florence Carolan î,îo-ni,l.-d tirelielote Justice Lypil H. Morris, Saiàlray, you would like to have cared for, cal1 andl Mary Craudail, ofliglandut Park, urer Wedneeday ut 1- ilaIli-r for the revovery of a.-",. wlivh hî.ailiged Suday. p3lster, Mi@& Besisie Carolan 'i, James-1', was beng unlawfully r,-taii.d i> Wiliamî inquire regarding this service. Mrs. F. Mitche.ll and Mrs. tt Lyoans and !Jaraii of Waukegan. 1 Staitzuîan. Tb.' writ waa placed tir le dauglîter, if Ar..a. @petit Mouday lu Miss Lillian Kohout, aio, au. îper- I lande aifla1t).îS htiWiho,-ri i Monday lu Lîhertyrîllle. ated on for appendicitis ut the Jane srei tiie, writ tiaturîiay ..v.-fiîrîg anid T h s N a on l Bk M rm Wit1 V. lebaui ntertalneîili-r McAllster hospital son tîrme ago, 'wthout resîstanc.1Ie I L ir a o i I ni1e..!.rs tahl i.uRayburn, of liliornirg returned home Sunday. it iý said that the..w iad bl rai., ui ri tu ton, 0rib.thewerk cutINirs .John Wood, wh'- ha. l..e- rit theî.iMt,-s(il Mr. îua:z1lîii, us tii I of Libertyville,JIlinois Eari Coriet. Warren Nivhulmsan sd tiire Jane McAfister hospitai tir ti,. jiut few U. oe r rvýUqM -h xs SItou.... Bîs , froaî Arr.., w.-!.. rttiiirvims weeksre cturned borne iSaturrî:i>. Ht-r îr-rîsd. b.lie.. said t.. haie -iîiîîti.. ri RESOURCES 0F MORE [HAN HALl A MILLION DOILAM 0laire for a few l>- iî*ý urntg Jcondition is mach impro - t. 11,.v.,.- il b r nte t imw for-fi. rii, and______________________g_______________e_______ * A niuîtiii 1bo a i-a ttidetI the.- 'lhbuwamou's Cathali a O rt r (ii-For- h-b,-u.i tu .aga i t,. Va- u r ru i.n. tmeet ing hure . iin r wlý Erîîll r.'.,.-rm 111 i Iv. a card pan. .ý,1ilan,ie r.cs i we.aot-iar i Ïfi-k..sud F1- r-î<I r,m , ,f Lak, .Z., r(hh anu'1 hurmda>-, (Jtoher 23. i-a h r.-a î -tr;e o f p r.i.---iir.-, as vti-l iR.. lru. Alli:eSwaift la-e iiin.r, t hi ' îaypd fllowed by (Ian,îîiz. Tii..lsu.. wili it..- tri-,il efor,-.justice fin )peration at tlic lioApitar MIr. aad Mrs. W. J. Snriiir and son, Moirris u'rtIr au, ni,,.,M'oi twrî aeeks ugo, returnid lit, l.îue-s- Kenneth, Mr John Sivuîr .nd Mrs. ii 2îî., da.-. iomr cDole ' ail of iriaivisitedl Th1 ie Clri-ilan i rîjas or of thie Prers i..wth Mr. and Mrs. Wo no. a few NORTHCO1T MEMORIAL tvrlau clîurch yl i hld a ii.-.ting îirxt; days last week. Tueeday ev.-uîug a-i a star ber for the; 'l'lie Ladies Euebr, 1i liV a-t W.iins-i DEDICATION AT SPRINGFIELD flii acivitli.. dus utrrnoon a% heh rrMlrs. Arthiur 1 -it thki meeting oI tii- tii,ri id-.Wliti,- nners (il ti- rs In' m itro Former State Officiai and 'Promneent virrîi1mltte,-daturday uight a r.soutioli Mr". lrani-es sluss!er andi ldilli.y. Woodmnan was Hor.ored Oct. 12.J v.s iv.pased antI rst tiithe saî isors A 'ilight lunch. waas ors v-I ______ in. %%auiki-cgar tauliave- p.rt aofIthe. nîiliu Phtographie portraitun- b>aartist- W'thin the nf thein init ta dollars for guod ruade exiend4i-d i piiit(igrapher durlng il.. - ..-, of o, t. Lincon'. monuîment in Oak Ridge, Lib.rtyvil. 2th i .l..ponets for sittilige lîy mail. cemetery, Springfield, Ili.. cher,- wase Tuhei'r..s-terian Ladies' Aid sýcîsuy 1Charles .Mdiller, Studio 22, Fre-.-Studio dedicated (on Sunday afternoon 11-tuber J aili Lold an ai]ilnia> uieeoing atthe h. idw , C hicago Phonue Snip.rir 2785. i2tiu, a memnorial in honor of th-.att- v-hurch Tlinsdas-. 'lotober 23rd tu oou-ITh@e aîîîintmonts af tii. M. E, fastans .lieutenant Oovernor William A. N.rth- Y'ou Have to Face this ai1 .ok iercufruc a ad ott, wbose deuch occurrin a r plete arrangements antI fiisharticles, t' hdRokaierSi. amfes nehnrbChI-1917. This memnorial.i. h omo for the aunuai bazaar. ahicli ls 10 b..dsa tteSt ae hrb hla1P o o to held the frxet week o! November. (liber go. Th*e iev.C. F. Klilnhauer was1 scuiptured inarble bench andl fountain aniotucemnutsluter. appalntedi fuir teibe hrtyville M. F. has. een erected by the Modern Wood- P o o ii 1 ev. E. C. Margan has been apîuoluied churîl.. Rter. T. E. iteam, wièo bas bei-n men of America, of which socîety Mr. Building material je at a tremendous premsim Irîtructar ai the woodcraftciasftesinatthe the pastur bers for the past rive ïyesrs Northcott a-as Head Consul or President frepotpupss scoutiaaster seboul ta ho hFiIdlu Wauke- yl go ta Mount Cýarrait, 111. Bey. eana for nearly fourteen years. Thousands' o xot upsa ga, urti te et bre ouhs 01ahnil have brsmade many inonda bore of members vof that organrization volun- B uig prtiisat hm av enaway bkâ Thursday, October 23rd, the tiret e lase Wbo are sorr> ta have theoralest-e. tarily contrîbuted tsi the memorial fund n prtôs hm aebe ~ sv wlll ho beld et the Boy Scout cabîin Rv H. F. Lawler wbe wss a formter and a substantial amnount was alga normal and totally inadequate to our needs. (&5t35 wood@. lit le expected that a pastur goes ta Ottawa, 1Û., and aIeaoi@ donated hy action of the HeadI Camp. Hnsllgcly steedysnil esnt t ag ubro akgi' rfmlniRer. W. 'L..M bipPie Who remaîns et The dedicatory address waa deliveredHoetylgcayi thr an snibeeamt andI business men will attend. (irani ii-anather >ear. hy Hon. A. R. Tabot of Lincoln, Neb., expect a worth-wlîile recession in prices? w ho succeeded Mr. Northcott rit the .t Rer. E. C. Morgan titlted] lu marriage Dave teckr, lingone lie soutl. head of the Woodmen organrization. Mi@e Martha Meyen a! Grayslake, and of volai, lias a huuch of corn on thet Governor Frank 0. Lowden spoke 1Edward Enaui o! Libortyville, at the car lu the Sun office wlndow wb.lch lu acceptance of the memoriai inbehaîf 1homeofa Mrs. Julia Prics on Satnîday. JE sureîy as fine a specîmean as Lake oft(he state and the city of Spring- Oniy Immediate relatives and ilonde fed h omte ncag a were presntat the cremony. The bride Counîy crin lîraduce. The yleld perafied ofthe amttene oMcharge na le a eterof utoMis Ada antILouise ar nhepael adt ofi Woadmen head officers, state, county fModyerai LIhertyvflle. The happy couplaoetearg te county. an city officiais sand deiegations of 1wlil maire throir homo ln Caiornia . ur abe for th.e pa"e & Woodmen members tram ail sections of- 1 Thore wiii ho a meeting at the Town Wacna rbîodhvebe the state had pisnned ta attend thoe- Hallon atuday lgh, Otohe 18 atWauandarairos hav biecon.~ exorcises. As Lieutenant Governor for Hall o t rasea Lgh certy8lletac structed ou each end orthOe rond. A for ight years, as chief oficer of ----:: . oi the Amerîdan Legion for this district. ~ et iepsogrgsln Modern Woodmen of America for four- TELEPHONE- ' AiJTO~Mmg Thepâe or the Lo il t neuecar, whlch was recently purchasod, la e n yes and as Unted States District LONG DisTANcE 50-J' HEAQIAI % l a&l saldiers, sallone, Red Cross and Yi. M. &xeldt rie hriwe amis Attorney for ten years, Mir. Northcott C. A. workere who have been la the w111 h0 piaced luto commîselon over was:widely known throughtout thoeIy m . servine overseas iand ln thîs country. this road. ontîre st.ate. H A R TM A N N I1VU SE. Proinint speakers wilii oertm Zion police Monday caitured Mar- Woa u.eIyMslld Highand Yarkand Chtcago.Ex-Captant fleIN lew& flR ARTANN, rop BreoHihadPrwl rsd. tino Pasiore, an Italienuwho was Note f&MnI *00utiook ýcD "Whst H N Y a ~i-,sr Bnre i igiad ark wllprele. fottud tearlng np afl army coat given verdi, are aot frequentiy nua.up.uesÎ WHEEIN,4 ILLINOIS William B. Alleman and bie bride, Who hlm by a North Chicago man. lit vwala tht pe q Two candidat«. for vas iormeriy Mise Bergheid Edma Hove- di.covered that Tarnna bas escaped tite bOooirave tend elaime. 'Haler- i and, who are maklng quise an extensive îms.Iol o ihsvnOhr aldft oe.oeaaçsms hosmo n hruhteeu r mS.Lus e 1hgVnOhr Wdfîetw-ot peua stopneg Strithe oe nihe mcet .are as holng sbippod east ta the l- ali.d. mtw , .o»n. rous On MiiwsukeeAvenue 22 NuSes IteM itg i etoppinir et te home ni hie uele, J. R. In- esson. la fnue.tiy printed Indeuli- -------------------- Alleman. The couple loti Tacoma. sane asyium at Stockton, Califf., and ty. gcUr ansd 'd-____-------________________ Waahington on September 26, and are when (bey arrive at St. 1im da yope, igbt r«ce«» bonaubi. lue- stapping at dîfferent pointe ta vriit. Tornna sllt>ped away. âint-lu"adp de C sWrdA$Pg. sk n sr« They viii go ta Mlvaukee today and retuin ta Mr. Aleman's home ta com- FINED FOR ASSAULT ** p p p p Plet@ (heu visii. They viii beavé for seguOtf. 0-83-33-0-3-90-0- 00 (he hoe Otobr 2nd.James Burke, aged 22, coiored, wa Mi@. George Kendall ham maet kindiy placed under arreet this mormin u given the folIowing booiteto lte Liberty. a charge of bavtng drAwn s kuife on ville Public Lhrary: "The tionqueit oi J. H. Jordan, supertntdent of (ho R LO OD Peru"' by Win. H. Preecott; "The'Con, Griess-Pflegger tannery. Burko was qusat ai Mexico" hy Wm. H. Preecott; arraignod lulnPolice courtt sud upon "Inaugural Addreses," John V. Chen.y; ploading gullty ta a charge of dis- For busi~ness and sobool dreMcwa we bave "The People for Whom Shakespeare orderiy conduct was f inod $100 sud ~' Wrte y C. D. Warner; "The Struggie cool... On failure to a py i wiliI oa g o u e o td p ad 3 - .w d toi Immorîaiityý' hy E. S. Phelpe; "Wbst ahliged ta set-vo twemty days lu tho o d ln fw r t d p ad 6i .w d lo Art?" by Leu Toletor; "Tme Old WIves county jae~ The trouble started a few dsys Taie" hy Arnold Bennett; -'Capters ag hn uk pPere t te 75c a.nd 85c ,per yard irom a Lîfe" hy E. S. Pheipe; *"My Mark paynnater's office and presented a Twain" hy W. D. Hovella; -.'emlfini tne slip ta wbichî the foreman'a nnusin o l~ -'iwwc-u nv~ hyd"ti Justin@ McCrly,."The Ila eatd ta have bot-n farged. The W o Serge, blacki, br w green an a y Reation ai Lite ta Lteretore" hy C. D). cashier hesiîated and Burke selsodalat tr c iv p ie . Warner; "Lite and Le.tiesof gairrut th. omdor sand disappoarod. l at tr c iv p ies Beecher Stowe" b>- Annie Fleidal;'Tho Ho sppeared this mornlng again Theolagy ot Civliizaton" hy C. F. Dale; sand presentedl the arder frooe whlch Wri9ns f oh JmssI-ai .. '. (o orms ambd 1d à ,

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