CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 6

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JA.LLJ .Y.JJ-ifl ,-----,- -TV1TTF ~TM1WPFNTfW1. TTPRT)DAV. fll'CBER16, 1919. Couny Seat NewsI RAI MIJNU fltAIJ RELIEFDRIVE IN LAKE COUNTY County Chairman of Campaign to Raise Fund.s for Suffer- ers Reaches îWaukegan. Abiert B. Ilandall, memben of the Siuie Campaign Staff of the Anîcri- cari jewisb Relief Commilîe. was in îWaukegafl' Friday conferrtng wilh ntiers of thle commnitîýpefoîr Lie Ctou,-înty, to the endl iliSI very- Waukegan, 111, Oct. 13. Aontiay e6ltertoon Mis Irene Dixon ,sp-i ciiD unly stret on Grand avi-nit. voiniiig ýasi, <iris ing lier Fuord tonri Car. Mr. samd Mrs. Fart Strir.ît. riving west, appa'oached lte cr0- Miss Dixon sas aintoct on tise ci oseing, planning tu t1cm sout h Mr.Slrang didn'l see lie te l'ecl car cting soutis unlil sitie aiîctlw»-hn il ebrait-sfrii on te crossing. Anti then ksue failed 'sftnof a relief drive doing the weli tu consider te îresîilce cf a se-condt et Octoiter 926 le Norenuer 1. auto. l-he rei-t work la "iiunaniltar- AndrsetScar. In d ou t t heoItu-d t and non-sectarian." The terrible wth Misa. a Dixingandlie 10 mat,"hultering-iofcfile JçmWjtîbpeople in wit mss ixon ndhenom-, Polanti. Russia Retimania, Gaicia anti maltera worse lieetretcar titIlletiti-r urckndetit o e Strag cr ad hmpo. i hadedvas tatet i -trope, tiare led men of that against tic i)Lxon Car. flîitcars' ae, aatil arle vraia were batily damageti but te ttrtuinaiî- c o salsi eif raia lion ant i le organizat ion lias madie part of te accident was Ibat I,)is work one ihtt asito bt inl boady was hurt. creed beliefâ il l ite aim 10 pro- un Fraaoes Jackson, White 014 WWs Colored Man at folice Station. >'EFERS SERIOUS CHARGE. 9«"Alla weili talendis wsriU" q» r eved by te W'auke'ian Poice M ateruaon when lhey saw aa ap- it*atpomlaed ta lie a sordidti âIý ation. 7* s f, aylon, a coiereti man em- okl by te Medicins show, wh-ici Dbeen iocaied liere for tie last i, weeke, was taken mbt cuslody tthe Wuukegan Police titis mcm- got a serious statulory charge& Ombmed tir Frances Jackson, a bbmg whilte woman, living at 217 ~tmpect drive, Waukegan. tbei couple were trouglît îogettu-r *,tbe Central station where ht de- 1%0ge bat Taylor was wiling ta Io%" the young woman ratier titan belite chtarge site preferred a&ainst h1 d iss Jackson, it developed, = =lmo i at Il averse tb this ar- iIeuet. Ilte skies itegan ha brighlen. 19%ylor was .accontranied lteilie obut houe by an oicer wbere lie took WU a marriage license. Police Ntagis- $9te Water Taylor itad taken a Obu.dly Inerest in te couple and b&red ho lie te knot. Tiis was SOns and te coiored man and tis !oht wlfe, their faces wnsathed lu OaiiO5, lefi te satiton logether W~ARDUlS 3, three Mackey boys who served. Lieut. Robert was tu thse engineers, be ChARGE FOUR WITli came borne same time ago. Ensigfl Walter returneti trom nav; service TIIREA' TS 0Fjr DEATII ovreseai flot long alo. They are sons fMr. and Mn,. W. C. MarkeY *ofAG NS ClIS R Lieut. AI Mackey was te 'Ynewbo iocked up Lieut. Homer Dabringe's Four Arrested this Mornini grave. valsing 1h on Sept. let. ".It HeId in Bonds of $10,000 la wltb a lot of ailiers in a cemieterY witere fi,. thousand men are buried Each4 More Warrants out. ln a plat containing ail Alnericaits,'" sald AI today, ading: "I saw a WINDOWS ARE STONEI Frencht woruan who saw the debris Forwe ilsikswr pac of Hrne's achne ateril ell Heunder arreg Ibis morning on a chatl felu fifleen miles inside the Germnan of itavlng m ate deait treats againi lines so il shows lie waa doing busi C. S. Chilstrom, ?334 1-lemhoiz avenu nesq. Mis grave i fur graves fom wre ttewr ýj.Alg liai of Raoul Luiifberry, the famious threate tu take Chilsîron's life af flyer ofthlie Lafayette Esquadrilie. burn bis home were made on Oct There la a croas and a tag showlng ber 6. Silice thai lime arîned depui thatIlomr les brio thee- s,heriffs bave been guaî-dlng Ch retut n on tihe monthas anniversary of Sitrom'sibouse nigbt and day. oui- depature. ilt tauiTîilY sentis a Those arresiei titis morning wLi pangthrughme o tinktha Honer Oscar tleckiund. ageti 4û, 114 Mc iîad Io hc lefi beinti. avenue. Atîgruat Bralîhot, aged 37. 707 Mi TAKE TW1O WOMEN AselGorenson. aic t-ed± i210 Nic DISTURBERS AS NEW MO0B FOR MSs PIaced Under $1 0,000 Bonds Each After Intitýnidating Workers and Police. Reporte were current today tisat the sherlff had annDunced decisive- ty today that lie waa going 1t opt the gatberlng of crowds even on McAl Istar Avenue tonight and tram saw on; that womnen who seek to stir Up the men and cause riais are la b. seized as fast as the deputies t can land tem ln the patrot. Twa more woinen. tîrci' in ah smnce the strike camne on, were arresled ti-iday nigit on Msy sîreet anti Mc- Atister Avenue, wlien tliey were jeer- lng lieetaiihers anti trying la incite a riol among the tisousanti people gatieredti Iere. The women arreal- ed were: Berta Dlcksai 718 Sth 'Si. Joseptlne Yanavlcb. 722 S1h St. Thte wosnen were take to lte PO> lies station and itelti unhil elgit o'- dlock wben Andnew and Johtn Dick- sas, slgned the bonds, each woman b.- lng iteld ln $10,000 bonds by Justice Bais, Thte cass were continueti a week. Biacht luSn sciteduled properlY wortit $10,000 anmd sw ozeh ie fact they owned prorp5rty' womi t litImucit m6ney. Thte Dlcksas woman for a, few days itad itee causing considerable trou- ble by ber infl ammnto'cry remarks andi efforts b oimîdate workmen and jeer lthe police. Site was inte front ranke fdl- day nîglil wten the police andi depu- t5fes were eacorllng a lot of menh fron thle mullt 1 them boineaabout McAllsiem avenue. AI May aadMc- Alisier a huge crowd of men, wO- men ant ildrcn itad asseMbleti for te pumpose of scarlng the workmen when tiey camne along. Aller titey hati passed the cmawd trled ta double ln on them anti depulles sougit 10 boidti len bark. These lwo women weme in tront anti whlen lbeY began calltng titi police namea, a deput> anti an otticer seizeti bot of lten anti ttiirkty ,hustiedti Iem imb lihe ptatrol 'sutih as ecose ai iand.A ihird w-tinan whom lhey badtrircti la seize ns:unuged 10 gi-t a-way timougi lie cmowti. Irntiediali-ty afier lie two woincnr were carliti au i thIe cnowd retîlizeti tbt thle oficeti-s w-eme going 10 ket-p ortier, iuî-îdodwn a lot andtilie x- ciii tennt nde B16 FISiI TU(i IS PULLED Off SAND BAR ON THEf BEACHI beir, 's-uin Illintois uil raiae te The glant i hlu ug., F3nst Lude urhicli SititinT t $l ,'I.w-cnt azr<iiittil n tic norlh (iach i a W'tuuke'-an ontititeunighofocttaler i1, THOSE DIRECTING. WORK usas ftue-sirns us precarieus 1leai- Plnow lite the constuittecs nanseiti ion Sitntiay and was lowet i btte hy tic Jeu> ii ljreluet dr-ive coveifle local baluor wîeme Ilite tempotimy e- Lake Couuiy : pairs 'itlit- nmade, Thi, i5wIli er- Counly citairnuan, Satnuti Scbiwariz mîlt he ccci te 'talu lie crafît to Vice citaurmuin, A. M. Robin. Chicago wsheme il w-ut lie placed inh Teaîiuer, 'i'iieo. flIeci. duydet-k anti over-iultd genctttIly Secrelun>', S. Il.loc. VTe boti was freetihy ite aid et Direnior Pliciity, W. J. Smiths. Iver Johinson, a titrer, andtihie ~li Siieakter, Cioi. A, V. Smih. ug, Ililnois. Ttc durer irinoeilc Ciluttinan exerulIre commilir-r, sente o!flise saud îr, whidi tise liuel Jaituta G. WelCt. cf1teboast was Imbetiti-tianti by Cluttunian . advise.ry centmittee, gel tic cther boatl mb deeper water. Daulet A. Grady. This was ancomplialitît onîy after iwa tisys -somk. AL MACKEV IS HOME 'the Ludc went agounti durig a W'aukeizat, Ill, Ot. 1.1. foc, the skiitper mltakilig Use banlor Lt't.AI Mcakt-y,, w-tu, wilh Mo- ligisi anti coing 10 t northi iriteati rit-r Ditringt-m anti Tom KnIht 29 of tie SOUth 0f thse nemhilliser The tîttînuls ago todtuy uent to Fort Sheni- reaultlvas liai tis boat -cnt dîan ta enter lie etticers' training acrounti in iras lts-n six tedt of camîp, rettirneti honte taday fromn v- waher. (rstua service and it la is belle! At finit Il was staledt Iat il would tent tht-me lent a Waukegan oman left be Impassible la fr-ce teboat w-it ou ýseas naw. wa namcieoui tearnuail 10 places but lte 0wfl Lieut. Mackey wa namahn ir decîdedt take a cha-nce on gel- Fuis company. Me returnustifroint ng iis boat free. l a uaL knowfl France on te e wttl be dia- I bat 1mw muci thlb tug tas beeli ctarged at Camp DUx on te 201h. dantageti. l la one of lte largeaI H ie rtura binga beck 1the laoto!f Sah tuga on te ISke. ng D ced rge nat le, ced ind eW- ut3T hii' Li1i ltt da) loit venue., Fred Jobnsir,1aci-ti2:", t 'tet ot trîeet, On motion cif,\sseuStateus AttY- >cane Police MagLsira tTaylor tius noritine coitiniiedthetii-cas(-s t-ldai-. tends wa-- t t'd itiilflttti i<h. 1t d-fault iof ehu tii ng bluttht Dten ',e rc'rimanded-ti10jail. Warrant Otut for Thrce .Ilatous liiinizian, 121- S. Shteridian îîîtiad ri r i uit tl Poîlice aitiftn this morning ana swore ouht'varîiants for lthe arresi cofilîrce men wboin lue 7itarcî-d vith taving assaultetirl on ltenne etofSeliteinber 29. The police ptanned te serve tic warrants today. The tollowing men are oam'-tinii the warrants: Carlos Megedilesian. IDick Pezzigian. MBedi-osian. Pilmizian quit work ai Lthe nilil when lie strike ttariei. île was on bis way tu gelt hs pay when ite was assaulteti. He says lthe men tiemanti- cd ha know why lie diti fot join te union and being dissatisflet wlith bis alisier assalilted imn. Windows are Broken John Onan of Oak street conaplained ta te police titis morning ihat Iwo windowE in his home were smasheti lait nigit. He blamedth ie vandalanu la stnikera. as lie said tey bave titreatenet i hm wiih violence unless te quit work ai lite mill. He planned ho swear out warrants today. Thei windows were braken storlly afisu midulgit. Trhrealened with Scythe Mike Siefanelu, aged 39, of 415 Kennard aireel was placed onder an. reet Monday afiernoon on a chtarge of haring matie dealli ilreats against D. Robinson. The police Bay tat Stefanicit met Robtinson mn the cemtery, carn>-ing a scythbe or sickti ai the tinte. They sa>- he tirealened o cul lie allier nman ta pieces If b' did flot quit work ait te mili Sietanicli was placeti utder bonds of $i0,0oe and bis case conlinuedti October 2:,. lie usas uînaitte te Ob tain a botsdsman. Men Obtain Emnploymnenh The police tu dax a. seriedti altv naîtîber tir the strilo r., tiave otainet ena;ihymcnl,iii ig tii gettiflg aon.- withuitulny rmentner.,i'on. 1h- y ay lthat corne orlteie in a4-e ss'Ointl in oliier places in wauki-gan, sotin- in Noilu urt gi, cuie iniLt Blluff ard uiril, 0ti Ohîtplaces. TVi - jq-,r mlttiat tmure it-lt tre mi huit nie te wuurt, daiiy. AUTO STOLEN vide fonds for lie relief of ail neeti!, TIIRUE DEPUTIES PlaneJes t xedWr ITADJI ~ IE A il plana tae<-zienti ils work te ail QUfD H ME O À peoples andite wour lia, alreatiy grown te 8suci t remeitdotis uopor- n MIREMILL WORKERI ! tientha a large rond la necessary si IFoodi, ctitinc and thieallier necea- c Man Who Was Sent Picture of aries of lite, te 11ii vitat needs in Coffn ald rave Apeal thle sîncken districts, andtihokcep il orfin a roection. l counîllea-s numbers front starutinitantiF For ______Proecio. treezing te dealiti uring tte winlem, A REAY T PRTEC AL mtI le suplieti.a READ TO ROTCT AL. The campalen cavera every countY i Sa fn a - -In te state oulside of Cook, whicitl Sfaasknown terra la only anc a conutln.g a campaign scparately, bouse on te south side that la5 bi> althiougihuai coltnty but recently fin- lngl e gureiiy speclat deprties dur- ished ons whict netted $1,.250,000 in lng te nightl, This bouse la, la- sbcitos h onsaeqoa cated irat off Marlon atreet, net siaclton.Tc oflsas ut fan fron thei.hail groundis and îî was tas beau f5usd ai $1,460,000. County tearneti today that thnee depulies quotas are baieti on a flxed percent- iteavly armeti are wtil watchItng age of te Unitedi Work Wonk quota, distance o! tiis bouise durlng te e-n- id every effort tas been made tu tire nighti. The reason for titis site- have lten equitable. ciai guard ls titis: Red Cros Endorses Drive A f.w day igo a letter came to10 Titat the Amerucan Redi Crass en- th hou., on whlch was crudelydors, tise appeai for tonds of the drawn a grave and above the grave Anterican Jewisit Relief Committes s coffin, box. - l hw nalte eetyrcle 1iThe notation wss madie on the e ti- I ioni etrrcni eev ter ltailthe iteail o!fte housesbei- t yHenry Rosenfeit, national dîrecior ter gel additionai tIfs insurance for of ttc organizatlon, from, M. P. Davi- bis famllty- son', citainmS-n of te War Council Il seemus taIttis otan itaticon- Of the Amnaican Redi Cross. tlnued worklng lInte mli andoune Thte leller la as toilows: son also b.d continoed working teme. "Dean Mr, Rosenfell-Anyane fantit Me reporled te malter ta te ar wit conditions trougtout central Wire Works off icais andt ley lu nd ester. Europe, and aise famil- buru look Il ui wlh ts he oelff u'tit lar îiti te organixalion and relie. lb. resutitaItte peclal deputiework doucity te joint distribution were assigntet walci thtt bouse. commitîce, ehold welcome an Op- Il devetopa titat imost eveny nighl sInce te Iiree depulles wcnl on buoninity te aisitut yau In your under- guard. titey have noliceti an aulamo- takig inthe0intercale of S- suffen- bile drive patt tira place slowly, ing humnilhy. fîlas ligitis on thietbose iii question Innty iraveis anti observations as anti'tic conclusion lias t-n taIt hairittan of lie War Couli lte toneiady itlririg l tiliOte plce - Reti tross, i1iatiad cdl'gion te sudy antisece if il i s ifi- te gel near il t5 tj)eeda tif tic peopicu iluhin ttoe' -enougi te coninit s,îtne violence. countieic and aise an cyportunity to SheiffCr(n s-i hatbc i iruethe excellent womk don-- by s -ýnough titputies oit bandti itu gtrd leintithbigcomtete i- i-nýy 1tiOuse (u ln ;ul i.itTIP t ohi-j(,e tit iitlitn:ofiligcoîlen. ieme tut'iIaes nta iuvei- litiiitint îîiurn-twu Sinam titîeti andti ir(,tlîi'ietandti lita e r-terhiday, ns eutIian tiurint Tic 3lsad cti ni titi-aIs signîtuini rua. pets ii- îriti of tie war. r iat cm low niai s tuiersil laki': lle -"I title >0 i5 ' ii eet 'sit sUC- anditi lIte,\Vte Millt)peple dticlia-ne cü uich1 it , sure wil lie te 1, liat Ite mon w-ie w-îk are gitigrseif ilseitsosiile for yOu se te lic gi cciilsîsiint protoicti murs la~ rly p t-heii i-situation lte Ittu ti ti-y eau tei-I satf itheir ltoi'uut'5, 1iii, if Il takes î-vury iilLa lu lown te Vr rl or biing about lat postioun of ai'ctuity. ieyîul or a Thename f thewirkmn in u --Il. 1Il. Davison tiem la withheld tomr i,vius niasons lle f uiswl emd titt-lt-t-be liào t- ve rýVek in uJt-c- Ibfh'IirTtI'ftITln S-gain ttey are met golng te b. Pftv3U I111 FOR go considerate, ~it la mol known just itow long lte L<AIJ VIULA'TJKS inspectera wîîî ire lu Wauksgan but lh-y expecita te hcu up on .sontf those wta receiveti warrtnge lthe of LAW ON WOMEN1 lait ts ettey were itere. If candi- . Fimployens o! wornen ln Waukegan are going ta get tmia very serions trouble unleas ttey obey the siate kmw whlch requires ltai a daliy re cord or lime steet sitail bc kept to sitow lte exact number 0f hours worked by eacit wanan. Titis state- ment la matis by tite two depul? stot, facto«y lýspecors lwho bave been ai work bere durlng lte Isat week. 1 WIttl a number il apparenhly la 4 case of ignorance of lte law. In tiieme casies te Inapectors are ln- clinedti t le lenlent but wiere lbey have warned violalors of wbat lteéy jecan expectlIn case, lhey are laken1 violators wIlli be baled loto courft and flned. In the pasi lite visita here of lte state Inspectora bas been Infrequent. Titey now maake vlsiýs bere every few montis and are able ta keep a dloser chteck on conditions.' Waukcgan Higit Sciteolti football teausi were badly beaten Sahurday, lte Varslty helng watioped ai Kenil- worlt by New Trier 500, andti he SUgitlwelghtls rounceti by Oak Park 43-0. Thte Varsity piayed wlit a pmac- tically new eleven, ftve of the lead- ing men sIlîl feeling lte bruises ro- i ved lul te eerfielti gaine. Twelve Inings; Score 1 to 1 $aukegan. l11, Oùt i:.*. the bail, but failed tu ail for te By "Kirk" strong wind and hi. tiînw w-nt wIiiî I'uu le ue J~c>nt uait-1), off te 1>15., Ilur*ga îi1l counhirli, tho Wîî--nand L- ýî ,ýs mn that kelit MWauk4îian frtîin a leatn teiriay's baTî i., on 1wti', , 21, Ito () win. Walsh turti-d in a 1,Iau- wili go itoNn i n te ri eordls a tii- lfui gaule for Wauk egan, iciing greatesti-, ,- tagId 14.-I *, n sept-rh haLll al] 111,- way . holi ng the lhe two cit-Is. YeSt, rdlays î%yo 1 'lt'Tti1ti-avY artiIir\ tOto Tî ste Inning 1Inle1itin ce ntet coolti not tht. Itî -i4l'hînning'-.\ft-r\auke- lie ext cli d, Evsen Ihgreat <'-.1worIds g atu h a I tsgolii- tin II- tii niIn 01 al Ot*ricinylucomin lt i-d ilid n(,(Illii tnhi, K(ýitî.-a inarasi rong bld irndutce thIiiirit is toudtitin tib, 'n t1ijr hlaif. Coie wtti fî-îlI.lurgwald second gainte cfth,. ied iii rivthî.i rt Ii iig Iiiîd to KKenotuha seri-s. Ne ý.\Irittdoîi'ib dto teputtlng ltig Jini \'atghn i'<titu.'i Sthe 1igLaid on t1iîril luibu.s ttit-w out 1top Iuniýrtof the soutipav.-tin te Do,bins, litinir- i Iked te cirai lite National 'League gracd ifte itcuîndti entit and was sarrificedti t second for aur northern neiglîlurs, andi e by Vatîghn, Cook tir. w eut Nichol- 1neyer worked in a harder baille-o son and W~hite turneti i a better camp. In tari, as PI' nn'> wdl,. tia-e etarti-il Col., in one cf the fan-s aplly saiti, *'Vaitirin ti' eh "%*ýnItit urgwalul sacrii-ed. was tie whole Kenosha tpain.' Ctet Iing lîned tii l).buit-A iîretty NinPeen of tlie local players eWl'rt, lay. Flynn alsc lbrPw wid. ont 1retired by the strike-out rotute, y,.i Mariotl'.e relier, putting runners on 1Waukegan lime after lime gave the tiret and titird, but Tommny rculeemed 5Kenosha tans thte scare of their lives. bimaeîf by grabbing Dobitins lsuunder Our represenlatives manufactureti and beavlng hlm out a mile at ltrst. Waukegan's only run In lte first Debus and Cook witi thle assiîstance sinnlng Flyn, the fieiding star, whiffed Of IHolderman retired Kenosha 1h Burke, alked but 'Was forced ity oder in te twelf lb. Game was then Johtnson Rellable [kie HoldermaClled by the umpireis. Bot hurlera 1slngled bterlght aending Johns.on ta temdl ImProve sasthe game went 0tbird Wltb Debus up ibey plîlle<l a on only one bal helng bit out of 1 cean double steal. Joitoson scoring. the lntleid after thte ninîli. That aDebus wss calied out on sîrikes. was Flynn'a blow in the tenili. T After tai Waukegan hai l Ive mur" Ini @Vite 0f Vaughn's Impressive a GPO'.:Itleêtes l a!-o but Vaugli strIkeout record the gaine sbo-wed à Btopîted them practlcally unaided. tat Walsht beaved tully as good a * Nefs elarted the~ second witit a hit. game. allowing but four bits ta r Debus tite fourtit wlth a walk, Hoid- Vaugitn's six, walldng tliree wlit erman slngied and StOle witit one Vaughnin ssulng the same number. outI n lte suit, but Waukegin'u. Hundreds of loyal fans ma-de the trip 5greaet opportunlty came In lte withth ie local team and one arnd ail , it. Afler Debus itad roleti oui, are fully satlsfled wiib Waukegan's ýeNets singled to lefi. Cook waikpd. abowlng against tite "Ki-rng" Ofthet It Fleming whlffed. Wîth lbe piîcher Nat anal League southpawe. it up Nets and Cook slale second and Waukogan cthitrd, but Wasitwas called out onj 12 3 4 6 78 9 ae strikes, and our itest chance had Ruts ... 10 0 00 00 00 00 0 d vanlshed. Flyn dre-w a single t0eHtii. .... 110 000 1i1 0O tari the tenili when Cle miejudged 1 Kenosha 1.tis eally fly. Burke suicided i butttn, ...0 10 OO0Ott0OIO00O .bu Hile . 0 1 1 0 0 0(02 00 0 )f -again Vaughtf claintet two strilkeott Lfi o« baes Watikegan, 9; Keno- )vii lima .The eleventb andti welfth "ia, 9.* Two tbasetilts: aMariotti. Firat b-were iikewise barrî-n. Ki-ne i:d t'le hase u)n errors: Kenosha 4. rirst base score ai one ail InIbo e ci nd,' id- on balls: Vuituglin, 3; Walsh, 3. Struck titougli they coutti have bren s1ui euit by Walshi 6; b)',Xaughn, 19. tilt aout. l3orgwaid waled andl r-ut lied i b 1ti<I) libin'-. Sarrilice hile. (I-s'cond (in Grîtliungs ott. Niarioti iîri- turizaid, \'aughn. SoleIt iPOPPed le Dehus. l>ehhins, te b'-.Niî>,ioiiefl. Johtisn 2, iloiti- e short cenler. i3urklie carne, up 's lh Moore zind Cennoiiy. S afegua rded In vestmen ts g ptating% go 12%, OUR PAruRAL.PlMrcNT INVi-¶MEN;T PLAN makes il easy u> pas-e morîcy syt3iematictilly atuti to accumiilate higla claie securities p1ayirîg go0d divideiud rs-îursrî-anud apalule tuf large ins'ruscSS in value. Lect 1113 sxpluin tItis 1plan lut. Trell os how maulh yc cit i'paydowrt anud iaw inchyen cari psy montitly. T511 ui what srctrties yoii have, if you have any, se we in-îy advise yo)t as ho their preeant value, staîtiIl j andi future. WNe will iitî-ke up a spettial investtacult sraggea- lion for yoîî aeoordiîug la what yora can afford to invest on thus j-ral- payroent plan, titliern oa I 0-paylnt or 20.-yltSelt basiti. Write ta auir De1iartmonit A-9 fanorar papes, 'Gnartanteed Inveotrlswtt," giving advioe an the nkut conditons-4t w-il inters oslyu. FROM THE i"Y;" IS FOUND ON SUNDAY Abotut lu: "$ 'rtut iai ns eninz, th' Iod tîîurîng car of J. Reyrîoîda Of Wad:wortnllisa'uitolî-n frein luntreunt Ofith Wi..Wau kigan y. The police venu' noiild hut rua chtie 'sa-. tilacovered. Situ rd *vnî'înîng L--o lCupskey, 78 1tnuadta anNorth Chiicago, w-t waîk- ing outi Itustale rond tewil-Grenen- li.y w-lut a tristit. 'rbcy wcee oing hunt troc Tue>- sutîetla Forti in tl ite uîl. Ttey saw it theme w-inn lliy ne- tîrneri ittîne a tew heurs lat-n. Ttîey ûà<xth e l-Watkegan police anti ex- piauiei tliueytati foundtheticcar anti liauteti iltolutle Kupskcy honte. Rii- seus w-sa nollfied anti lie ctI atter btis car. Il w-as net dantageti toan cri caent. Ttc belief la lihe tileves rtînOut of cas andi abantioncti lte car atter taving bati a short j ny-rid e. Talerrted Youing Graduate. «Ycs," ts-id Farmer Wiggins, -Mny darlers goirs' la gmlate anti gel a deplunket. Ttc,, wbien site bas It we're S-gain' ta sentiheitet a ugWacl memgou ltorZ ta te fiaeti l, ÀIS CROSS; iETS -.*SamÀEiETiURS. , Uter t etyegtmonuts aervie Onspo 1'Iureday afiernoon- Colar ia carlpeiteit te station for ê o t a year. M e t hen heo mn e s ore- clan. About ute lime te ~p!bcted to reiSelve bis dîsoltarge. ai areqrîest hbeaen granteil, tetaid imim liuarben front ts 3statlion teere eioeud 10 repor tol New Vork ut M. e eaiiedtem5 Borne lIme aud 11aaily va. aasignedt o a tlp. inak- il; tres trips 5cross 'lba occan. * 'bile on S-býpboard te was prontet is, chîef siorekesiter. He ic a an op- .Ortutlrly tbvmaul Paris, ihe Paac- _Mirrsa st Versailes, (îiaie.iiu ~J!kerry Sndl sony tViîer pin ks ,of erest flise mlgity fiue tc tare P-ue ta, QUooanti 1 cets -etii--i tlhe b tp ut te good -i n '- it Srttis * pteuty good eouftb f-r m,' Cottar - amd loday. - He in to resumne bis position as~ Mitter .aiiteAlsitulen wraluuu'-r Coller arivet ai lite Nasal Statiton, &m NwYork, Sinday.' 11ts - Ulahage pas flot granlti ItilT OrIRST IN LAKCE COUNTY-71W ~~1 SAFE, GENTLE REMEOY ~M~~C ~ SRERELIEFý Fer 06 en- BSI.i ii-i. t . h s i-i t-ssdyyoru ne*&.Tak OU bSa 1 . T , ---everY d". TheibWtaila = ttand u .t -sis id lrnng I ý or atict .Ld - .eldrV'sciets. eiSODU -ana on nuitii -u «- .it w-ii sureiy follgW *rga n II ituid --- rntai vîcor bSa been re- eZ th, l-- reaimenl for a vItil esmont Itmportat i- . i-l- ~,: n cu"itilOS Sand pro- 'Watoo& bet--l-ylls-.t.îiv.r' se Me bloodu ut --ýs thîsy de tbeir usnlu t k- - Ineapable et " gMai dû"", ifi - - - tUS MDAL W. e.n, sc its.usnervourjj'ai-t. -tt1ii -t - - T our rdrUS- frmadnvl- bi.~ i, i,iitcit rou itSi-tts t ' - ... yeurmonr. 'c . 'n Ii gi i.jt-t1 -- 5 je y', V-- .Ithc reaull&k s ii -ThsodoreD.:Murst. Presidenl. W. B. S \iti icc! Presid.snl. F. W. Ch-orchiltl, Secretamy snd Maragi r W m - TELEPHONE 81 -SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABWIACT-S 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED - Capital $125,000.00 - - IL.NO ïNEGO ARREST, IAUTO DODGES ST e TMIEN WEDS lM CAR, lITS ANOTIIER; RIDROPS CHARGiE CAR IIITS BOTI Securties Trust Company 10 South LaSalle Street CHICA GO, ILI. ILWEKxl V 1 là, -M.

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