CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 7

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-- - a cee- St- - 8' -ê-- - n~. - --~ t -~ urTtRYVruE DMPiNDp T IIRfDÂY, OCTOBER 16, 1919. LAKE VILLA w" the first e! the week ini Chicago. 1 DRUNKEN DRVR ASE T LAK VLLA~ JMr. and Mrs. Harry Vanderpool moved DE IVEI AAU O BI tthOsodbueon Orchard streetFO D S N son waa born to Mr. and Mra. Saturday. DRIVES INTO OR S N TO ASYLUMi; Ernest Gratz on Sunday 0fIstwe Mrs. Vera Johnson returned to Chica- and ail are doing f Chcago go Wednesday after spending two weeks C RR NG 4F L SO STO E N T N Mm.n. W. GrayofCia, spent a with relatives in Antioch. R YIf4 O K G E T E NS N fil days last week with relatives here. Henry Herman hias rented his flat on .'Mrs. Tom Brompion, whu hias been Main street Wo a party from Fox Lake Louis Narsted of Gurnee Vicin- . -nOc t. f3 very illi iii stili c,înfint-d tu her bed, but who wiil occupy it soon.itO Wrn SdeoRa, A man walked i,, ' o r Geo. hn~~proving. Mrs. D ineen Ieft for Chicago Wednes- Causes a Bad Crash. fl.i-sows ff1e)u o-b r mornlng. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Dixon were gueosa day ) spend a few weeks with fier "Where la the suoýr .-r' he saîd. of friends ini Chicago Sunday. daugh ter. 'ýWhat rdo you want- ckîd 1the Misses Lila, Harriet and Mildred W. J. Chinn has purchased two lots FORD TURS UPSIDE DOWN 'cupervlsOr. Glynch and Miss8 Lewis ail of Chicago, on Orchard streettromnhisuncle, Joseph - - 1,,want to be senrt 1, I :in as were guests ait the Avery home over the Turnler, anld la erectirig a building for A drflnken driver at the whel of! lum.' replled the man. reked i nin n ýaajr an automobile truc-k drivlng tacr 0v- 1 "W cil, sou look it," ruîliod the Mrek-endM E . W lda dhai e ener a eacae t o c er tG au e n tho wrong ide o! the hgh r ui-rvisor. "but 1 canr d-, is thng Ms.E.L.Wad ndfaill Avey adacidntocuredatG asee n tlmrfor you because youlc ft cr ien and M rs. 0. arntable enjeyed an auto Lake; Monday when a father and son rn wa l aturia a terrible colil- ,1 qdn trip Lak Genea Suday.were out hunting; the father's gu d on at the south limits Of Zion City, of ýVaulkegan."1 accidently ischarged.Frlday night in whlrh a Ford tour- N,1lv nChcr,,i h tirs. L. E. Scidenteytdischarged.i.The sheli enter- Igcrwas cc'mpletply turned Ovpr stranger, addlng, "Flow fur sEvne Saurs. L. E.nyde fr swen g an nigtebyslm tteke ht ing Ear- th byslibathknesaterngand that the Ford occupants apre *. Evînttonfou Suday amoning orthe opng aend on the bore. He was rushed to Chicago. kîîîed mseenud the most Bsurprisîng. Oh, Easnle four rfive mlesf Mr.nday tde the cg1onfernc wth Monday Mrs. Chus. Herman left for The accident happened about 9:0'ot'th,"satif Mr. BaIcstow and thet Mc. Snyer, reurningMonday Wis., tu viit bier son, Gean 1nfoto u lanFry 92 stranger left the office for Elvans- MrCnhetckB., inadsno nfrn fth iamFryfaci n ton. Mr. nd Ms. C B.Hamln am son, jand family. She waà accompanied as Sheridan Roal.on Mir. and Mrs. P. S. Daniels and Mrs. C. far as Milwaukee by Mrs. Hugo Kelly The driver of the truck wa-4 Lewis So fair sa kno-wn tht s1,tht fit-stF Blue enjuyed an auto trip te Racine'and Mrs. Robert Tarrant by motor. Narsted of Arrînglon Grove, a-est wo?, It¶me any pet-son bas toîrrd thet Sunday and spent the day with friendse Ivan Stickles of Bangor, Michigan, Waukegan. Ilé 1, the oleco o njutoelbodY ho st luzgthI aslt there. 'visitedi relatives in Antioch this week. hiles, tallyw, et c.. and wa- relut-n ng wîtiuameoyfrtstgîtn t Mr. and Mrs. James Ata-eil are spend- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacey and family front a trip tn Kenoqha and il tfne youeare-ult of .thmIn d ing morne time with relatives in Michigan. visited ai Earl Sharles home Saturday. and his truck a-as full o? accumula-> W'ukegan a-ho ought tu, appty bt, Lira. Cic.'rî and family spent the. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Çhinn and son lions o? the day. wohv ese atia week-end with frît-nds in Chicago,. 1Willard, muwored te Kenosha Saturday. 1 ateFnttui~car a-as IL A-_________ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eberler o! Chicago,i Louis Shutis is atteriding Telegraphn Staîrck of the mediral garage, Grcat R and James Leuntird of Lake Forest Institute in Chicagoî. l.-k-ý, accomptcnied hv George $30 OOOAYa Academy, were Suîiday guesta î,f their Born to, Mr. and Mn>. William Lasco -'l fWak-a. tofnilcye tin parents lierre. on Tuesday a baby bo. 1h' gartage, tand twr W-iWtut ýgan viung riN P. S. D)aniel, acc,îîîjanied Walter to otn,-n. Thov wcrr. (,itr for a littile A L Y TCK T c Chicago Saturda\, . a atercwas on bis,_________________ rds0Zin(r nlvin .ot K IW Y TC E way t,> is camin r,\'irgînia fcom which M LLB RNlth, ii llt- c-ý If S-t t tn RoaId FR AITfl REVE&i r i hie was t,, caifi hur-î,e. RyEcdn fMan, o 1g nnorth. A' ý- a'rca:tr.S<thAJI K VE L Ray uadei o!Marn loa, spent ,1ndc,? he ptivc-m nIt the"s '--la a r___ Erneist Sbc1,ar'I,on,îî as taken very iii several days aiith the Bunlter famîlies. ln 1h., oa ,t it'arîpioatih Ihni'Three Miwauke to. me ni-r the irst of thei- -,, and taken wo the Mca. Cura Andersen and daughtt-r, 'Starck Putl,-d bis-,car oiit 10 the and tan conduetors o! the North c German-Arreritan i-pital in Chicago Maude îof loin. Kana4., is visting ber tjght as fur a. Possible and 1thought r Khorfc Etetrie were Nr,,~ l oliîUr Tuesday for an î'îcratirun fur alîpendi- brother and istt-r, J. A. Strang and ihat 1o b ailnanagpd t,> nsoid a col-dr înMlueeocarino- citis. lie liai, liai titse attat-ks for Mca. W. B. Stewtart. livion, but despiti- lb'.ftc'-t that lungtc in flan eeon c- tiket sety Bornieinte anîd a,.- li,jý nî,a fur a cum- E. A. Martin tr:rruac-ted business in 'va"a-ay off In the a,-.ds. he ii- t indle, by a-ich ttiî-coîii,.nî- lias th plete cecoserv%. Chicago titis s.kt- ýnl " found hims,,lf bumplng i 0i Mn--. Oa la nstalit-accî,raneî by Sevst-al of fii,ecier., incri s s inity t,.air t's the truck slru< hi cr ii îîcheated out 0f frun icatotc hec sistvr, Sirs. Vi atrs of Chicagi, attended ten, hi,rs ititute t Libetyt- Ttce Ford turnr-d Ciiîlî.î 411o(flû a year foc s.ii tat si- atactt-d Wcdricsilaýf',c DlnhacI, Texa, ville Saturd;i\, ndttîltifoiur occuipants er inn'-,l tFouir are sald to have- coinV'-s,-l for a tw,, weeks si-lt îh tht-cc sister, Mca. Icie ' a, Ir ,f t.ily Lake, výn i ,-e 'tah. Thie..truc k un]rier î'pp,.d d i ýmît lnLdaed ant.Ji,-î !ilwaukî-,-'e bIcs. Ltee Neisoi. a fe-a-day i tfii, ur fitî-,A. Il. leitirdla tety andl il happe niid tiliat nbu-. m'ai. man and at-s r., Ic-onduitrors. se Ste%% rt. nirtnthr of person-, were nenir and a lii ce arr-st will foilî,su ANTI CH t t, ,;h,ý1 i,, t ltat i ti- -'i,stid the occupant-, 1 gi-t from -Tii,-mn-nIn cusliids art: Frank an ifl ,',l eýeniu g they l-rp iospgtu.%.1)ýi.oienzo, manager 'if tir- Mitual tr '-iFi i I iiF i ia ilt de tir- , t,c î,doja.t. Purtues Driver r Put: Comnpany of NitwaiLke-; bis i Mc. and Mcm. AirihucrI . i , nt-('rIiialiss- .,l rît t v ht- tInigi t-t-ari10ltiapei.a b ,li ,obn 1eLoren7ii, aî,--.nan for pl Lo Ktnî,iila uiiai ý-prt lia- 'ay horni- of T lsid's -, as s,11 att-rideil. r ciwdriui-kv gathoed and iîrionZ1th,-,l'ut ty Film Company; Altied aîtki ctlatis îsJhnbi'ranlSc.w M 'i .aho hurriç-d bItiibscene a-as .NIs.Joh Unnýr nd ir. W M i ffcýrStipr o Zin ity NýIbipTanzecr another fim man: George nt Mns,.Vida 5,tcbas l-eti,r i te Bonner andl art, Roy, lt-aset-iis we irp a a -a-uvyo ii-L il ndE.Hlecnutr.H sick list for a ft-w Ity s-f',ir Fremnt, Ne-,.,- t',s tit Mrs. t-s tr-edjnpdm od Tlii,-potice aay that lioinici refusez r Born W Mc. andl sIrne ,r,t brai,, on Burner'ibtc rand l asu relatives in sien wbicli aaspas. ing and bpat Iltto.tiilk.1 Monday, a lttie son.Iw.eil.Stcl fewcl ttdds Clever Schemne Charg Dr. and Mrs. lit-tbe etîrtaitrt-d a few Supt. of Sthoola, T. A. Simpson visit- -cirt- asteds absence and.iul - heir aileged gaine, wluch tiftil friendsaia carde iaut Tbucsdny evinîng. eil the achools in titis vicinity Thursday. ing intey anotber car. purrsued hmadnow ba.;detled the efforts o! Brit- Mics. Ruth VanI'att-n ta nursing at McI. and Mrs. Wilmec llook attended osc-rtootc him aet h( Not-11ît liniit- onlri1. tluîd, prsîdent o? the road,4 the Ernest Gcatz hîrnt near Liori Lake. the- funeral if Mrs. tlook's grand- o! Waukcgran. HP. there foîînd thal and bis secret service men was 0. W. Wineh ta building a large- dance mîsiher, Mca NarthaJohrsori at Gucnee Nast-ed wag intoxlcatcd and gave'!Iicipand pavilion unie property ai Channel Saturday. theaI rnngi, explanation that the rea \ M'ben passengers travling betw,-,-n Lake.1 Mrs. George L)udge i e aciaîcalled son lie wan hurvlng away a-as to Ke Mr. and Mrs. George Johnsumn spent on relatives and friends last week. go t10 Waukpgan to get a tructk lot Chicago and Milwaukee gave the ir h - ~ bal 1h.- amagd îucln ca 10tickets to 'otiductors the latter dîd SA GA URtoan. He aas taken backl te Zion flot puni-h îhem and turn hem mail M.VanHaecke and dnughters mtor. c d wl e ntectyji hr-ýthe- conipari3. -To fool paseengers, w P. E HIDEBR NDT ed t Lae Foest Sunay fteroon ed ithdriving bis car on the wrong 1 the conduciors bad a supply of tickets e P.E.Mr.ERA D ndtoake For rt Suaya ente r- . ade of the rond a-hile lu an intoxi- from une toaNn 10 the uext a-hlch soldes DRUGGIST M.adbc.AbtSuin etr-ctell condition. He admitted lie had for 10 cents. it wasa these the cou- taïedreatiesfrm enohaovr ad drinks at the state liue and 918o ductors Sunday. in Keniosha before ihe tis.ied for Thecnductor then tok the tck-h Scbool Supplie- Mr. Riebock and son, Leroy enjoyed home, taotefii et wo hysi the medicine shows in Waukegart lait None of the occupants recelved etsol he film25ent.e aterya Largest asaant.tatnsd hast vsl week. hurta other than a fea- scratches; the 50dhmfr2 et.Telte ueé vo haadlad. Lionel Bull o? Indiana, spent the Ford truck had a badly bet Xi - sold the tickets to a carefully selected Aiso e IIIsilthe al nisdla 0 week-end at Laurence Amann's. the tourlng car a-as badly smashed. liaI Of customers for $1.60 each. achool boks for Nde R. Thomas and family motored te Narsted lu Zion this morning agreed Regular price la $2.32. Ivsnhoe ami Aires, calling on relatives te, pay for lhe repaira on tlhj tour- Put on Select List -Sunday. lug car and waa released after the Ta-o operativea of the Burus Agency PHYICINS PRSC PTINS John and Frank Beeloa- have return- oa-nen of Oie car consented.a-ere estahlished In the film business PHSCA RSRPIN d fbotrMinnemta. _______ _la Milwaukee, wa- lci eeadjolnlng CarcfulIy ComFoùnded John Petenson viited the Arnann those o? the De Lorenstis. Thelat SJmiNySSunil LLenflt ter's confidence a-sa fiually obtaned Misa Celestia Young visited Helen SE DSS ELoH nd the cePeratives a-en. Put on the THE REXALL STORE Et&- seof r.othyarsud Helen PICKI3 UP ON select lst of custontersa-ho oould GRAYSLAKEs ILUNOIS Beckaith attended the teachers' meet- W SbuIL hy b tickets,oebc n lut___ __ _ai_ t Dert :niile Amanu 'ëDEM) MAN'S IILL fJ ing tickets rd oda ct Emm ______nd___ eAmnnors. In one instance, lit l.a ald, a IR.____________ Thomas Da-yer han juat recelved an ticket a-as bougbt frottnt De Lorenso. AND mrn~s.a . IUaint ltrestilng aar relle front his nephea-, given 10 the conductor, bougth the OROCRY IRCDtDeald C. Morrison o? Chicago. Mr. next day from De ILOrenzo and the GRCE N M RKT IMNQ i B RT AND MBlrrisonis not wMlr 1.nnwn in-.-- ----- .- DEALEP, IN General Merchandise STAPLE AND- FANCY GI(OCERIES. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS BOOTS ArND SIOES MIATS AND CAPS IIOSIERN Country Produoe Bought and Sold Phone 107-J LAKE VILLA - LOI Le J. SLOCUM GRADUATE AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALES1 MADE ANYWHERE Farm, Live Stock, Real Estatc, Write or Toelophona lSâ.W-I et M meor kTemms and Opeun Dates WADSWORTH, ILUNOIS ROYAL PAITY PASS. ES TIIROUiII COUNTY King Albert and Queen Elizabeth Of Belgium are helleved ta have seen a IltUle o? Isi. Cointy lais Tues- day uigbt as Oie apeclal train bear- lut them to t-be Pacifc omeat- aeut out- avec the Chicago, MÎiwaukee and St. Paul roaad aud It a-eut througb the couuty some t-bue late Tuesday night. Whether t-he King and Queeu looked ouI t-be ludow o? their special car aud gazed upon i e scenery lu Lake cotinY a-hIle passing t-rough, on wbther they alept peaceably a-bile paseing tbraugh le a matter or con- gecluce. At towns tbnough a-hich t-be St. Paul rua lu Laie cont-y It la stated ttat a nurtben or trains poés. ed thbtgb thio"u places Tuesds.y night a-lt-bout hosltatIng and that Oie p, ole bailco Itc.,whrch ome carrieîl His Royal Hlgbuess atnd the members o! bis part-Y. jThe agents of Lie rond lu Lake ICouniy lad uooardens to bave auy suecial lropar&tlon.s made toaDseefi King Abert on bI& a-ay. D)eep %ecrccy waàasmaintaiued &bout- thé movciin*s ofIbuetrain sud @yen hlgli officiaIs o? t-he cilwasy oompany laid that- t-ey nea- nothlug about It. The King made no stop ta cîther Chicago or Miwaukee. ldia'tzsia belng- taken aven t-be boit-lium but bot-h o? Ihose cities. Waukegan, but bas a fewa oaualnt- ances made a-hile vliting is uncle, a a-el-known resideut. The relie la a thcee inch ehell knoa-n antong the French as a seveuty-five milonteter shell. A seveny-lve milonteter French Shell, aocordlng ta Mr. Morrtsou lo the same as a U. S, three inch abell. The shell In question wasa red by the French in 1917 againat the Croa-u Prince' army. M5r. Da-yer appreciatea very rnuch Oie a-ar telie and mauY peoPle have stopped to lok at Il ou dsplay at t-be Sun office. Referrlug toe t-be bli, Morison says ln a letter ta Da-yer: Thle sheill aau icked up by me ou Dead -Ma 'alHill, near Verdun sud a-afred at thie Anny o? the German Croa-u Prince iu 1917. The "Clown Prince" falled lu bis effort to taire Vardun loslug 500,000 men. This sils, aaithe favorite sheil ia-th the Prencb Aruay lu preference to thbe langer mize, due te jthe tact %t-bat the shell a-as easily handled, its di- rect fonateful veleelt-Y, also a large number could b. firedi n sucli a short- tinte that It bail a more distressing effect on thbe Boche t-bau larger sheils fired at- a aloa-er rate. The carvlng on aboli a-as thbe a-r o? a Germa» prisoner. Willie Wluteii. a-ho waa eaptsired at Ohteau Tblery by t-he Amerlos» Army. WMi As , . a es in zame proces repsea tiree ioles, ai nîucb as $50 woth of ticketsa-aus bought at a tîme. Fiually, afier long surveillance of De Lorenzo, hoe asadlacovered lu Oie aet o? buyiug tbem front thV'conduct- ors, it îes said. SEEK BOOTLI34iRS AS SLUOiiIR 0F A JIIEilWOOD OFFICIAÀL t le lgha-ood's mysterY, aud one promislng real action 1IfO.0. &Gaoch recovet-s. The altack ou 000db be- came knoa-f yeterday a-heu police started to search north shore "blnd Pige" for the aisailauts a-bd slugged Gooch, a-ho le Hlgha-ooda city prose- cutor. The attack tooet place lasi Sun. day,. thea.sallaui.e stniklng Gooch a-lui a piece of iead ptipe.. Hie akuil as fraciuced. The elugging waa staged directly lu front of the Gooch home about S p. m.. the clty atton- ney faiIlng ou bis oa-u doorseps. lHe waa robbpd o? $200 and a a-atch valued ai $40. Bootleggiig niiecre- SnI receutlYprosect-ed by Goocli ar e gsapected. NO AR ACCIDENT AND HEALTF @AN O MRRIAE t GENERAL AGENT WANTED 0 f WIS._COUPLES,i Kenosha Comments on Fac! ';1 Antiocb, Grayalake, Wauconda, Millburn That a Bar Has Been Raised A PROPOSITION WORTH CONSIDERING in the City of Chicago. KEEP COUPES T HO E u General Accient Fire & Life Assurance Corp. LVd* Assets Over $16,0()0,000 leré's more trouble for Cupld Baye s the Kenosba Newse. l'bc clerks at the Chicago Mant-lago A comlpany with a reputation for settling ail clim~ Lirense Bureau have Put atiother Stumbling Block ini te aay o? Keno- promptly. Offices ail over the world ànd U. S. D- sha people a-ho want ta slip offta sire to establish a general agency in Lake Coîrnty fa Iltlinois and have the n UptIal kuot, covcr ail towns and counties. Experience flot essex- tied hy the one day mpttiod. This a-as a.Mnepoe nfcois ueitneM évideniced today when the tait or --men imepoed icerndctresploerenduag, thcee couples a-ho have gone frontI- mn ieeprcek n mlye cjah Kenosha In ta-o days ta ge 1t narried j wlîfl men cari add $100. a month to income djrg relurned ta the e~ce 0frf'ounty Clerk siu-rt lime, or devote entire time handling our cou- Holdernosa wih their uclory o? hoa- bit. t.-n llealth and Accident policies on the monthly the Chicago bureau had ctampedpln Pi-im r $.0t$30uwad A clamped doa-n Oie lid and clamped I li.P2mun rm$10b$.0 pad.A tigbt. Tbey wcre not married andiý occiipa, 'ns. Good commissions. Exclusive terrbry a-ere juat as fan away from ltas If assigned-o capable mani. Write they bad fiiid application in Kenosha coanty ta staci with anîd waied Oie Ifive daye re<îuiccd by thî tai îî a-. a nthe sent brthn e puLif Clei nt GENERAL A UCIDENT F. ANID L CekSweltzecg of Cook, courit * vtt111ASSURANCE CORP L'd. nis, by the lmet of teihIlri-c utsuc- cessful applicants .1tbti,. Chrcago otrice. -Gîve ibis mana r îîoî G. H. GARRETSON, Agency Director sh-d ingWisconsin'eau bi lt-alic i ar-1811 Insurance Exchange, Chicago t bas siacted Cotuîts tt'-rk li ttder- less ta thtnking. "Titis apparenîly meana titi the Chicago bureau witl grant no ]ici-riscs inti'as tho ces idetto! Keniieha cotin- y bas Ouled the ht-e day ntirttti re, its as is ceqaiîed iîy thn law for te marciage ta lake placu'tin K"- t inba.' sald Mr. liolderness. "In the Inet ta-o daye îbnee couptes have gone ta Chicago ta get marrîcd and each and cecey onle o? them bas been t-nt back t 0 Kenoalia foc the lcn se. It us aillthe more confusing- ha- cause Lake County bas not donc tHie aNOHdwI3.L OOVMffl and aPparntly (upid stllt las con- troi of th,- situatioîn tlire'" 1 t le aaid that severat Kenastia cou, 5b oola4 poJ uesupi lies have alneady founul a solution Jojae4u le ue 'pioa suoill unr the diiticutty and lane'gonc on .eî e qe Iaa;old sauag nia Indana and bt-en mtirried in the loosier state. It la lboughî tu tli- thet'd", '0 mo i iAit- itîltude of the Chicago bureau may 0 0CI hep ta discour.9ge the practice o!f sUioq U ads-It M àogla@ tuiarryiug inIllinois." as aptulicauts UV '1C#10M jega W I ptfqAimai nw i gain notbing by f. it. i p O tt D!- t.. -1 im Macassqumn es £q »pio je 4 KENOSHA SALOON MEN 'mu ~'I-ARU - R'AY $2,800_FOR WATERI z v" ,odii !teB 'PUB iaptil 0 Bla puoe la" Kenosha ealoonkct-ters lenrrned todiy anSltOwJO suo lmuoww v bat theceaat,"no honrioniuoîtg cai" etadnumnq ileves' "Yeiqterday four Mila-tiit,,'MisuPlinfe, os q us> pio> tp alesmen took thenu toa abarn hi-i c q3m q "Ts u uw ait iatLu bher, tbey said tbcy bad tour bai i3umauýd e of whisky. They Pnid ouI $700 0133 10 lm '.tsuemdmbePsoq -- mch sud had the bain-I., taken ta IP<1 5t1 Ct Suoqd*laîi noÀ heir saloons. Laler îhey found eacb e&wuuo3 1tutti PJo03acU34 )arrel filled -ith a-aten. Acouud thte ilgot was'a tin eau a-bîeh .iued the '"tcbee fingers" foc which mcb had paid $700. FoUNDICD 1869'. MICIJANMUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COI>ANY DETROIT JOHN HODGE, District Manager, Area,-IIl. Dear Sir:- During the last fifteen years your Iife-work has been shaped and detormined. If you have prepared weIl, yôýur future holds many gaod things in store. The inatter of insuring your life is ail-important This you know, When you acquire the property which yen, feel will b. sufficient, you will go to an attorney, Bit down, and quietly and deliberately make your will. But your Life hIsurance is of more importance; your will simply distributes, but your Policy provides You may make your will at an-y-tintduring yuur natural life, but the time to take Life Insurance iii when you can get it. Impaired risks are not wanted. Let your Life Insurance Salesman q'îletly sit down with you and tell huîn wlat you want the insnrance to accomplish. Let him lue your insurance a" torney and advisor. 1he ha8 made a study of the butainess and eau explain Iiow iflSuTI'eo wilI serve you best. No higher compliment can lue paid you tbaR bis desirti to interview you, for y'tu are suprosed to lue of sou&td health, with a good famlly record, and of good standing amQ!Jg your fellow men. Your Lufe iuurance shôu1d not bie neglected. If y'ou are in the market for more insurance, please let msi hear from you. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, District Manager. à

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