CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Oct 1919, p. 8

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LIBERTYVULE INDEPENDENT, TffUiSDÂY, 'OCTOBER 16, 1919. by te iines o bi faherRlb.. whlch le trom 15 ta 25 Ibo.. mors weà RrlI arfails.__ - _ _ F. Towner and famiiy were guests of ProseifdsIangMEb a lvte ak _____Mrs. Chares Parker of Grayslake, Mr. Towner's mother at Dianiond Lake 01 e 100 tout elâessuon. A triple cycinB- J. A ~F ms . L r and Miss Rena Deeker of Evanstun, Sunday. . der electrie pump' ie uso tft' pumipig idt !~uICUItYgecalled on their friends here and at Ares c.A auradhcs umaofndwl Otasu ti ak Ii2 iue) d a.m.-SmellIFarme-Farme Saturday, and were entertained ai the Indianapolis, mnd., called on friends one Tirepunmp vrarks autotmatlceian Th Henry Gralibe home. day this week. reiiuires very littie attention. Tliey Mi for ash .. Frms old Mr. and hrs. Frank Dopli and Mrs. Mrs. L. Ritzenthaler and Hattie Hute have an 8S' Ich drllled Weil 274 tet deep was SmlPayoeents-Farmis C. L . Dil er akgnvtr were cty vstors lust Friday. and have au abundaut oupply ot water. E ___ Investment. Wednesday. Math Herschberger and family were Alter' gottlng comiplets data thie Party 0 Mr. and Mir@. Walter Stark and little Long Grove callers Monday. . thoSheevlewih otreti e son ttededthewedingof he ormr s Wm. and larry Knedler and Hattie eutSof Dye'. A silar ystern Ile 10.the 'btylouad olas $0, ister in Waukesha laut week. Holtje, visited thse city Monday. boing lnatalled bore and tMr. 'lekens tleie 100)to ssia inFinacin Geoge rainrd pentWedesda in Phiiip Hutehings of Manhatten, Kan., nineWho laid out the plans aend te A, firmn DeahIs.-mproved Chicago. and George MeNiel of Chicago, visited overf-olng the work, met the detegation Of t Lad h Sf s ad Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wrt entertained at the Leslýe Hutchings home Sunday. and toether with the ,ty offiIaim, ever ail of their rel&tives in this vicinity and A. Kiest and family vjsjted at Sher- sliowed theni ail details of the systeni ý»est Invesnent ---Farming Rogers Park, Sunday. This was in inerville Sunday. eplatnlg probable cois and highly 'a MOSt Profitable lndustry honor of their son and wife, who were Mrs. W. Lockhead entertained coin- recoutmeuded the air pressure mysten M recently married in Indiana. The yuung pany the week-end. Over the elevated tank tor our village. Oct Mteer in te history ut the United cOuPl.IIi soon begin housekeeping un Mc. and Mrs. J. Keier are happy Bot"t o1 tlies1ý towis are abolut the site whe Widld trm products convînd such the1 n they purchased, of Henîry over a new arrivai in their home. (il Waiie ioda sud n ilete 1).' ver system dui Wbpie.1Vani v Thelyounge.,t boy of Frank Stahl,' waM lut ln tour venrs ago v. len prrites ta tb aintthe history of the world was TI),i was a large crowd gt the Mystic broke is coliar heune last week, but ia wcel1 th I lannt tSl-hoerviIIe wllI She lé Pe. iaio od rdcs olw or. . s installation. Thursday nght doing as vieil as car i e expecnied. nl 's ne h.ilihpie~tt)it t S * I pet' caitaottod rodins Sa 0writ and ail report a fine turne. .1.A. Mason, C. J. Mason familles ead h.goring an.tii, .a.iuis.willl only & Misses Emma Fisher and Emmna C rcbrger and Miss AIeweeave.r.age97e a trou,' foot. Il ewet was sel, iY lâ hir o de a e i nrattncîernngGralibe were business visitors in Wauke- Gleiîview and Deerfield callers Sunday "IlIn tlitthe d 11am It %% uld îueau an cla gan recently. afternoon. ,aiton.. 1 lu .'r front tout or a I Payn antd ou reintrescd i'tl cst ute2-57 trontîî bot fur bpth, Mo F. M. HAÂRDING Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pye.n On accounit of qickness the Cemeeyuuhi.stnntewl tre agD OMA. Phone 184-J ILLINOIS daughter and Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Dolph associatioîn wilmeet with Mra. S. L. mc e))ta iwl tre tD e of Area, spent Sunday at the H. C. Tripp the 23rd instead of lfith. ereulated tu kil ti. pII -ej iniiîîrove N ý_»acres, 4 miles fraî,výGrayslake and Payne borne. Mrs. Jus, Richards hada sinkingspeil meut As tire ceinulit ni i. L e Put dey '4 odes front Ubertys'îlle; level< sirong, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dorfler entertained Monday afternolon. Dr. Taylor was trough aur vlll"LzOIl'uixt sent. iftithe Int ko"tive soit; ail, excepi ane acre, cul- the fîrmer's brother and other relatives called, she gained-I consciousness soon sewer aend water i, ùuît put ii ioito in1 bile* cOmptete set of buildings. Or- fcor Chicago Sunday. and is s uualnow. Wileer be Pot iilu i, w Sut tigo 9 liee burd, gravet roat, lîcan school. $5500; Mr. and Mfs. Andrew Wagner. of*aiong in the same uidi rut as unr for@' haN *l,1,0;balance quartenly paynlents Waukegan, visited at Martin Wgner 1s8E1AU DF tatîjeis withuut uhY lfiri to ItuProve He I5ai.and C. Dorflers the first of the week. Two important events will takte place 0pp1rtnii)tir Now i e ou.. o! tiie the - 140 acres, 4 miles frorn two calnoad Mrs. John Wells and daughtec, Helen at Haîf Day the coming week.Nxtporessivet ow i us. dzorth t auoins an grtaveltad;godn; 100eswere guests .of Mrs. Henry rabbe Sundny evening,,OctoIber 19, a Harveat Proressivd trs. .ti,îhîsattedi3 »e tnhigis siateofcuitivalian; 20 acres rcnl.Home service wil l b eld at the Town Rumir nionth in la , i llagce, mored lre tair aul e cumltae;of0 acresHall. Farmers are aked to bring in taateaWda.iîyneetiu f me~~~~~~~ lltbratr;cmllstadiy R E'i "ONr CN ER jtheirfinest samples of farm, orchard rn t ue ' l.age esIit rsu.Iuee tend lIIfri «bhil, ail Painted and in good con- 6- ' anddgard Ln produets. Houîsewindves wili 0"; -east ront doar overlooks a beau - Mr. and hirs. George Traut entertain-'d re rdct.Hueie ilmako their homie durluug tiec wiater ait W uir.$5prar;vr ayed cumpariy froin Waukegan Saturday please bring canned fruit. jellies andmoh. ermayiicd erluber W*cusr.$10pe ce;vr easy nonpreservea. The hall wililie decorated m t s tiieiraetman agled-er te l t rev 4 M acres, 5 m iles r m tow n, n iard John T ekam e and fam ily spend S un- W i hare ni l pea ch a fo e ios. Migni- bet a v ut M anadermL eetu e wint day with relatives at Vain.Warnwl raho RlgosSgi ath udsevterira u I*o.d; 80ired andcl; iv aveagexpt Mc. and hirs. Mike Obenauf spentfilcance of the Harvest. mutslvnga 'ltiuii aeo Tuesdat wed andoctiSchmitteandexcepiy On Monday evening a receptjon will eOw thrvi genyPaati inlaces an & ACIS Of Pasture land Ihal can be culti - Tedywthewecmttnfriy egvni hnro hepbi c o o r iI teeegn ame in, plas u J 1111d complele buildings, including silo; who reside riear Grayslake. Mrs. teachversn I in llgivf te a puity oliaving chlagee othe Wucnd M.anoffce. Willamesi excellent state 0f praductitile schrnîdth pohab vecyil orsoefor parents and everyune interested in a____chageothe_________ ffic._IB 1ares.)ml et ar. A mine and Ms.Jo T5 the school to meet Miss Johinson and LK U I H I]J MIrod $15 pet'ae. moy mke r.Jsehics.dJo Teksxne w e hi Gylren.Miss Marh and extend t tirera a cordial - M Jolesph adagaretwee rasik welcome te aur cornmunity. Liglit Miss Della Kropp is home for a two 1 K*00; gond, strong santhi land, tiled SudY guts ai the Wil<ow fi refresments will lie secved. The coin- weeks vacation.. 101 W cultiv*ied; new 8-room bouse; large were Wiiî Hironimous of Rond Lakte, mittee weuld like to have the faim Miss Marguerite Clark wvas a Chicago ba "a, brick silo, deep wetl. $150 pet' hcs. Elizabeth Dowe of Waukegan and produets hrought ta the town hall Satur- caller lust Thursday.a.b day ftenoon togivetim fordecra-PI Mmcs Frank Dorfler and children of da feno, egv iefo eoa is. George Wehrenburg visited wlth t -42 acres. 2 milles front Area; vety Grayalake. tion. Exhibits may be taken home lier parente lait week. 1101111 o black soit; ail culivated and - Monday evening at the close of the ev adMc.EG.Bersnt d Bst b uildngs. $180 petacre. DIAMOM piD LAKanEr. .G.Bze petd Ofl liraeïGeo meleatraiasLakeauilla, Anspecial eeting is called for the Wednesday in Chicago.1 ', î10 arenuei;milefrodLaen6Villag " &@aWeueg Ladies' Aid Thursday afternoon, Octoher Miss Bessie McCarthy spent Saturday c3 bROsd a, enue;rne, oumr oe, v o aIj, laet wesk. 23rd, at theefiome of hics. Ernest and Sunday witb fciends in Chicago. In pal w e rioiry s, èse, Mlr. suîd tis. Jo. Brochkianad tamlly Sciscadèr te malte further plans for the hics. Diehl was a Palatine coller 17vtewtr k,00i aaevsiled Mr'. and lirs. Arthur' folland baz. . Thursday.c Urn bose.~,<)0and tamlty Sunday.________ Miss Martha Voelling spent several c E u res on Milwaukee avenue, 24 lit. and lir@. George Ont left for their I- - AU D "-da.inChcgolB4wek frOID Oiicg; v good coiptê$Me hom a outbakat Le t r lday, Miss Bertha Graber spent a few days10 01111r«M ffl erro stos G $50aamant y.. eaMcelad Mransd lire. iHoward L. Fisher and in Chicagolatwk. acr; y CrS.GrsemaOi. amily o! Whston, wers gusate In the, Rev. and hics. Bizecentertain'ed cela- b .éeUO crs, 0 rdaaitBevîdre aa, lt'.aa lia.J. W. Huichîngo et@Pont homeon it'r. and lic. Caniphîl, Bunday. tives from aMannheim Sunday.: . Z_. 28 i1es froiii (raysiake; 80acres level the latter part ot lait wsek wth reW' tr n is .E aa ii~ Ls audy atcon S h W*j. PsuM s.e n te aesilinesv. satr. ksuad Ur@uhauke riendo at DesPlaines, f8uda' .Barrington Evangelical church occured 1i ~erpotur, erîcebl buldng. lt' an lre GergeOehrkeand tamily Miss torla Francisco ie .penadlng the tise maciage of Miss Leura, Mller and fi qfper acre. @pnt Bunday witb lit. aud lre"Auguet week witl fielnde la Chicago I Fred Sehumaker. They will reside in *.-lE0 acres, 2 miles froni Area; besi ait Golrko and iamll near Lage Zurich. Muse Mai Malman te visiting riends the flt above the W. O. Sehumaker in 'Mac* land, tiled and cultivated; large,a Albert Dyer and Arthtur Rolland were andi relatives la Chcago and Htghland home.W WâoIern bouse; extensive outbsildings. aS Batavia an business sait Frtday. Pari. thils week. Leroy Helfer expects te attend the 1180 per acre. 16,400 willi handle te lic and Mrs. James Tcuwner and @oau Mis.. Cecelia tieacy attended betcer's Waukegan business college soan. h a n d secure adeed. Balance - long lited lt Palatine and Chicago> tire u utt a r ea a e at w e.Mis Ca a P em a e n v r Zle aiS petc nt. imetpsse- aterr. i an TWmtit 'ek Sur Mrs. John lMeyer of Round Lake, was seriously ili lately. aiey eas.ock and eîmpeasi e- day5t tir sdMr. aiEiin pn t Su.t. uineesdcahier ta Wauconda, Satur. Mca. Wm. Tonne and daughter. Alice vey eaambl ad as trm i d- ay igtn. n tr.HuLchfune t day. apent Tuesday n Chicago. BaIlaonJounatiurray aud uephov, Hud Lystan F. Clark and family expect ta go F.e MHADNHenrcy Mille. I.e :,' MiiI..(lisytua of chicago, vîited Waucouida eaie autsit. F. . ARN , 1 Hu.thehracerad tubetutimietlalrde d tonday. Mrs. C. Andrews expects te go ta A r s I . ator d m a e n e iou.lI i rM. t a tr s. V u i. ia s le Y re tu c e â lh o m e M o n . C a lifo rn ia n e x t m o n th . NSatre> ýl: T,, Lv' day ci ealug atr a wtek's vimlt ta Union, Misa Rose Kropp visited in Chicago Vivtuie t ~pIrusT.,, cta ~ ut 7. e hume ut Mr. and Sire. JO,.Wednesdlay. 1nl ntemre o éuer Mr. n ia. kne T u'rm tea î.'ey, Mc. anc i Nrs. Henry Miller vere m the m aket forn duter tLir. duguudtir,'. h ustid în ti ésSarah Gcary tscpenlding fie week Chicago callers Wednesday. two ood akeCoun Huchias tnul reuclitr, ir uud ire, ehMr. suci M-r J. N Zizuner at Lug Misa Ruse Kruuîp called on Wauconda ty !arm---one of 40 to 80 nad childss , li ý, friends F riuv. ,, kre n neu î30) fld nIr,' u aud Mi-- Iuo ti i e,er' 'ul te:. tI i att reýuî Ied iiouu suia. - >ces an one u s hiUr ud tt Ir.'SIIi, -îtI,-rl, and sun,' lv ri i ua uswuek: m isfit with Chucica ace. W n odSu eurSaa sutra i the Ladies' Aid of St. ý -Mmd buildinge and must a t Ir,tu.rp ateeIl ait l. uî~ueui >î, tLhcne ~etPusçuc eeetraue yMa be priced riglit for cash. huîes4 fu r Idluuuuur .ai M sttr. . anddasîtn ' Ofaur aGr trie s Fred au.' hri eeenetie yM Xeaîrbusinsseand amtyuI,! ,ie trta] Schi I SMre . Jo. Tuîîiiay and daugli- Miss 1lualuçl Bedertadt cf Highland n eta busnessanan ieler? luMi ic . i*ui 'rrY0tucI La6eu. @Peut Suauiay with iPark, ..îunt the- week-end witb hec Hea ud ltli'ii.tnkHl uîiru.lsi our..parent, Mir. snu Mca. F. C. Biedectadt. Forroe.ank Bih frand ,tý týt er Itay .turph3 i in. a detson- The1'. 1T. A. was vieil attended Fri. BR D rD L akriedetaierltedIue(tarl'tnunu iuat Li, uîIufI. tu'ero. day afteruîuun. ()ver ffty mothers wece M ~~ Prk Bhuie calu.r.Sulier ?ca Frti.s Rouîu~ lct dà, irbt tut ite yrcent. 78Chamber C'nivî'ce Pldg. tir iAn litàîe v.lua h,' d'yue, W'ek ifI lui.aivu Mr". George Guuudman entertained the 7 1 S r t i ' ' l u u l i n i a -î i' u t d e M i i . . o e M Su r r a y a s Il . u ' , ( v r l u ub( .k o h m e uw i n g c i c l e o f H i g h l a n d - P a r k ChC\> -S 'uîaday. on Wcdnesd,(ay ferln :sn Rsu.. en cilir' tre. l'rarik, of tuui itLaku.husuil. Mca4. hayînuund Rceds and son, Duncan o, . uituîuii e nuitneill luirlsl îuiuilli ilt ue nuk fier'. of Irvinug Park, lpent Wednesday with - ---RNT 1ý - .. L.YKIpe n M n l I ,evr'i tiiruuýYiiy euui.ue val dayo Mrs. I.E. l,, ie *nu uIî. tu, 1b Ic IX aut i au tCuum. CaritBenrnett cf N. H., who COURT GR5.NTS) Vatiird, .lirry tiu..y tuofjit a,, , us ce,,'it uec'.uuI trcountryuna sukimarine chaser, W. u.uu l r Ioigu'.Ilkv î**. . !I ý Wsî uiuIavîcîurpmitentsueérai ulsys with is sister, Mcs. . 1 f®r t , iî, ,uofiirut'(E . , Ih tu,k4t'. Jas.tMurray,.%.urgu.t 1H. Savagu.. lie la on hiaway teomaha, r t hu ' uiu tu;un, e uuik.M. ',-tflsric, ieurge ILl. ias c,, tist hi. motter and brother. gi u.ed ii. usdiiiru. ' , i ii. ~ I I . Mamasu au u î, Mr andl Mn.. F. Waikec and Mc., and jr.'lXud îî-Y ai,.: t u .lrutuiclue a .' c ay iito rs. 1). M;,ure wuere the gue8.ts of Mr ,' t ur , IuuIî . 11 Tuoni , r iI:u .uuuuiu, ,in'tiuu.rrwtt'rwurkeglilir twilîh I aril Mcii. tira Fitsch on Sutiday. a -,r-I0Aîîul] Mcc J.A.Stryker imattentuitiga 17, INndapr, >.l j. PP 1h te- kusasndtuaîli Itsu , utuu 10,01 m .S.îrud ay uuiiuu,il and lChristian Endeavor I4ude ru nv .d lcr ti iutailten sThi..pitet) frt 'ur evieI cîu'uiuu h .E hcha 1-IlslresP.e'Iu',Isud îoQ ly P RAI RI E 'V; nV it 1)lài t,. rrie lng la hilig. urShu uuiufIIthés eM'. F hrh ci on.r 1 . 1. ~ .un k I Si, r 1. uu~ ny vlle i l i. ni. C 'cy isîi rî'uuel u r u.d sahijiecu '. hs e k k with friends in Chicaga. 1 Mesdames T. L. Knaak, H. McDowell,î A. Riecheit and F. H. Meyer attend- the quaw(erly Missionary at thse Iewater Presbyterian churcli an irsday. Mrs. Louis. Osterman of Chicago, t thse week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiiiman. 0. 1. Rackenbach and family were, eSunday guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' ànetzing.r of Lake Zurich. Awald Winters entertained the League 't e St. Paul', churcli on Thursday OBITUARY May> Handy Crawford vas liorn etber 5, 1M6, at Piacerviile, Cal., here hec famil>' had gone from Maine ring the gold rush of '49. Retucning Castine, Maine a few yéars later. le was cf Scotch ancestcy dating hart William the Conquecor's time. She was educated in Castine Normal ruaah. Gcaduating in 1885 in the same tas with hec hosband. In 1889 she vas rnarried tot Harry E. loore and maved ta Chicago, mouving to 'erfiehd foucteen yeara aga. Mr. Moore taught un the U. E. Sun- ay achaool and graduatud the. lirstý termediate Teacheras Training riss ,Deerfield four years ago. She bail een inpoor health for severah years iving spent several winters in Arizona. or st ilînesa vas caused tuy abecas in he intestines, for which siren'as taken othe Washington Bl'vd. huuspitrul Fni- ly evening, where the end carne Satan. ly afternouinrat 1:15. She leaves àt husbnnd and ut hust cf 'rienda. The faneraI vas held et the -ving Park Baiptist charch Wednesday rternoon et 2:30. The services vert. ad b>' Dr. Charles S. Fiehds, tire ninister. The burual at Mt. Ohive. GRAYSLJAKE Madame Millet' and Hartie and son, lanies,returned ta Grayelake alterepend- ng a tew days la tht, city. Geo, Rite wrltee home lue le Weil, lue t8 tn Wyoming. Mir. Stat'k'8 nephew tram Cbicago, vlia Iliving wtth hlm and going to echoul bad the mîstortune to Injure hie nous badly, wblle tutig the emery wheel.a liece fiew off bltting hie noieand cuttlag lopen. Dr. Struthere vos called and rok several etitchos, thie Ilttle lad le olng nlcely nav. Service. nexi Sunday alternoon at t4ie St. Andrew'e isihon at 4:80, erery une Ivited. Mrt. and Mr@. Hoopet'. ot Loi Angelee, Cal., are viitIng at the bonis of R. V. Rogers. lire. Hans Golden and son, Bnddle, soft Friday for lSt. Paul tojain lier hue. band who went 'snieme ne&go. Misi )aly accompanied lier. Roy Rogers la hors vleltng roni Midi lgan, aleu Daiberi Rogere tronBakere. fld, Cal. The Standard Pavtng Co. vers work. ng Sunday te finIsh ail work poogîirl white veather pecnit@. tire. Johnson, froni Hanipellre, Ill., la vitlng ber daughtor. tiro. P. Cary. Mr. Watlaee lett&turday atter épen D W EF RA Igabout t lre. months luire êmploy D RV RAI at the Internian tactory. Ldok tfor thei. si ll bh. tellnarus N UR abtte ehomee otihiiMst ralih. tr.AmCleaowaimtrtDr. Sttiay and ABROAD LAUNCIIED Uts. Ciaglowa@ vitesut)r Satuhran ttnnday at their buse. $27,000 1% the quota ascribed to Lake CoiJnty to lie ralsed ln the big EACII SE T. 26 drive starting on the twent-slxth, In e JIOODOO DAY FOR THE, DU BREUILS Except fan the 26h, ofi ut scceding Repteýniberu'A, ln nan niiecnui va>' of sîeaking, Nilca. Kathechn TDu Breuil, dauiutecrîof Frank Rpekituit- wald, Hilghland Pabrk rnurcnhant, ltni' rnany days uif h.npuirîs wuth u htjll Il. Du Brui!h, whirun ,holi is sceki ni la divarcu uln asuir fleul Weuhuu'suiuv aI WaîîkePgan. Hut wirçn hireIn coirn n thu tirj luiruve5u, bugan bto uth 'ver,' Septeun- biAiali af th, Jeu l, ulTerr's abroad. A nieetItig ut the aivîorury coun- utlttee held ln Waukegaa Thucsday évening la the Chanîber otf('arn- merci', resulted ins the electtun of Postiiia,,ier t>. A. Grady as chair- man of the cormlittee. Various cam- miltees worc< arncI dta handle the uit>. and utus uic tbe diffeceat tuîwiîhh;u,, nece made out. The ineet- ing vait vury entlîuia.4tlc ;nd every- buod.y vas glati to sec Postiiaster Cr.udy ,au u lcqt linut;l rtii ansiipbh. raiu. c' of litss uccos.s ln dicuecthng otlier irîi% su, lu-lu di iwi'tle war pûtniod. IL ber ue aut atince and lccided toi i"duclaie b is ululanl lruabi>' bu'tic i0. Iblui. court nuitervenu' uto ru u theîLiât aftt uc vuan dîlsu te blite hld ho frubl taIunhî ar. i. us ng.iun. Lake Cuunty and tiuuucauntys repu- He Vanish.d on 26th bathon for gaine uuvu i tht. tup iiyl lie In hcr suit Mcs. Du Breuli tells of!1uahlntàhned according taeçuomutrn buti stiTu rifleIn SoPlu'nbeur. 91lie lr outhtecdriv e. lioshuinut s. n licd un th.,i21;h 1-çitd Tht. alotmeutru are ta be a& foi- ise dnuvs IrurailltueIluoiwIoi-ru , lt :A1ni(-, Aon 50 tocglvenemHu lliefrufrgav" lîluiit, butis.iutsh,$ii; vo. 5OJ sh,. allhîg(.,es iii ubw lue listi ircn ut iteutui'i. t2uuur.Ebla, thurO. hiat e c- Fond dut 1.1c, and 1mev nîuîny ud, taui lii,$uuuîu humoîunt, $4(10; IGrant, of thse visi. $:Luttake.Villia, $ sOu iýtu iu.t Ile, Onu' vurr liu ,Suýptembc 21; ti? $C'i0; Nev6%uecu. $0o;uuSils.,$io Yeac, Il t ulu s . DP Ituah urk ru Wuîuke.rau. $2.iG. /et >cceld, 17.ytntr-ohl ;luýncaugirl tend waq an- i uuuVernon, $2'tù reste(]in i'iin City. wvu-herlu , Aurnmuinent., une beitug rmade by and hbus ci nu tinion st obuîuuoi ft bwun rty 1Itu huubhliutt> uuomuni tt. tu have uuch ri six huruîs un thbu'çtly juil. sàdeSl lýhIro Chased Him Wih hRevolver MaÀctay il5 as . u Su-it uIt-raior "ft i t rop 1 did Itruatun nhu-Mla'oau i.Jur' iuo'u. lunru'uu lift, once . aid 'Ibis.3 ftre^ ii The ciairman, Samuel Schwartz la "but that was thrue sÀpeks bu tare In Chihcago toda>' ta ccs,,foto ne of tire Michigan bnip. i accused hum oflt1li-e ipu diur-.Tutu conmhittei' also linfaitulnessua n(] b,' tiagged iw i wll lits,. Fouir 'iinube speakers ai down the ta îsrs y hu ue bhu.l. Tiua theartermi i got diuddhuu s uIlvi.r anul chasudýf ThoEsupervisons yull bu the' chair- IlimInd Ill as aoutment, on thuir respe'ctive townsipsi. elime 1 titi someihung teprobect r> Sbolcuîde u leltcetdl self. holhlde lib neet I " Wlien h-e went on lths last trip Cehudive In Wautegan hîgli and he matie an engagenment vith me ut grade ,chaolii and the couuty scitoole. a corner anti 1 stemd ihece Ivo boucs The teachttcs vili gîve short taiks while hi' vas laph ng avec the roads[every day durnga that week. Thus vas vîit lilm 1mewver>' velilieo vas marred, liscause 1 suint my brother ta tell hec. 1 have notlfied the tederal autirorities otfni> hua- bauds actiona and have treen inter- vlewed b>' a Delsatment of Justice repcu'sentati ve. la flot a sectarian moveent but a bumanltarhaa movement. Durlng titis week, Illinots0 wlul raise $1,500,000 tor the relief 6! a5ufferers lu the war zone. Anoth(er meeting wîi li t beld next Manday evenlng. LNGGOEML IS OPEN ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: Gmrit Mii- Wednesdayé and Saturdays. Cider and Sorghuoe MIii-Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays andi Saturdays. J . H. EMISSLER, Proprietor. For Who, hIg ai la hi, out d. 'clan file longet tacite à6o,1 mayor At lite, s-cm a sover, alderu Harris tenus. yearc. boldo twa y, Dr.l years: 1915-1i Het druggIu 11. I Pearcq be tir Acc val Po And played Ont a replied. 1 eau, fëcted by the ed ati was-ntI but tua or a fe ws-ek o montbs. Il lu toid la draw 1 A leî *Pearce. elled that bi not havi 100k tht bumpi -adasînisi executil Wheu Dr. Robe miater.' <lai tbig tlé Idie .tuseoui inaiaàted for hila 'oisoen he poever ~IV lit aîh. mand y as uDE '»Vo 1~RI.Nc V Ucertainly get yours when yotl lay your smokecards on the table, tu-id.. .. .neuupad d Ycullfhatf eau,d <un hamdar- 1clfor a tidy ced tin or o toppy ced bag of Prince Albert and rall a ..d-thiih n4ýkin's cigarette i You'll want ta hic. a statistical bureau la keep caunt pdy,- of your smotestunts i Why, you neyer dceamed of the sport that lies th -. .. kle . awaiting your cal) in a home rolled cigarette when it'e P. A. for the packing 1 Talk about flavôci Man, main, you haven't gaI thee helen of hait youî' smokecaceer untiiyou know what colling 'emn with P. A. con do focyour contentmenti And, back of P. A.'. flavor, and rare fragance-proofs of . Prince Albert's quality-stonds aur exclusive patented process that cute out bite and parch t With P. A. youc smokesong in a maluin'5 ciga- cette wi]l outat any phonograph record you ever heard 1 Prince Albert le a cincis ta roll. l'. crimp cut and etays put lice a rogular Pal) Pintce Albert UPSets any nation you ever had as ta how deligisîful a Jimmy pipe can be i It is the tobacco that lias mode îisree men amoke pipes where ane was amoked befoce. [t bas won men ail avec the notion 10 'the joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston.aeun4 N. C.. i-

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