CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 1

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0 <~ LIBERT YVILLE LAKE COU NTY INDEPENDENT INDE'PE'NDENT *VYL. X~XVl.-NO. 43. ?O URTEEN PAG ES IBERTYVILLE, LÂKEICOUNTY, IL.LINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IX ADVAJ PRINCIPALS IN COUNTY'S BIG NEWSPAPER DEAL W. J. SMITH-, Euitor Sun. Fý G. SMITH, Mgr. Sun. Above are shown the three men Who figured in the most 4mportant newspaper deai ever made In Wauke- gain. W. J. Smith and F. G. Smith, owners of the Sun, purchased '-sm Messr. A. H. Richardson and James M. Woodmon, th of the. Waukegan Daiiy Gazette and the iferger thus bringa a one-paper pro- position to Waukcgan for the firet turne *Ince about 1897. Mr. Wood. nUn has edited the Gazette for sev- oral yeara. Messrs. Smith have own- .d the Sun since 1911 and prior te thon for five ysars owned the Go- sotte. Mr. Woodmanle Plans for the future are not yet deflniteiy made. (Modest ordlnarliy prevents tb. publication of pituren of nevrapaperi men in ther own pubictions but1 . -.vW.fl., Edcuuror uaztte hecause of tbe importance attacited to today's announcesnent, the variance tromu the rule ls obviaus.> ANNÔUNCEMENT Waukega.n, October 18. The mioft important biiness announcement of its kind ever nade in Waukegan comes tomight when it be- cornes knom-n that, for thie first tinie in a great many years, Wau.kegan is to have but one daily paper. The Daily Sun is able this evening to announce that W. J. and F. G. Snxth have purchased the Wankepan Daily Gazette and that the Sun and Gazette thilswiII be merged uîito one big daily newspaper. The pîîrchase of the Gazette by the Daily Sun is a stcp qîlite in line with those being taken in other cities throîîghout the United States. Since war came on and the eost ()f issuing newspapers hbas gone up so rrMterial- ly, there bave been more consolidations of nevspapers than evier before in a period of the saine length, Ad- vanldcr-u expenses ini many cases have forced the con-. solidations ini order ftint it could be possible for a coin- nuxîitx- tu support any sort of daily paper. Wýauîkegaii is onie of th e last etties ini Illinoiîs of its sîze to> ev. a uerger bruîght about. Mergers have taken plaue liiîiman «v îities iîn the state. If -as oiilv on Tues- day. l4tli, just a few days ago, that tbeC Gazette andi I >u'ti-ti t Kaîikmkee, IH.,-.aoxsolidated. It lins ifen been a source of wondcr whv Wailke- gan lîad f k'o îliily papers when cities the size oÈ Kenoslîa, Aurora anîd Joliet liad but one and cifies like Racine, S~îîiît-ii.1. ee, had but two. Factional controversi -s 110 (10114w-as the answ'er as to 'Waukgan-and. as po!i tics have ehanged, as expenses have lcaped to the ýsky in riuiiiiini a iiew%-slaper, gencral conditions in WWaukfegan11 have thus heen ellangcd, possiblv not through desire of' indiv'idmi1s buit throuzh tite wil of Destiny. The piineipal reason why the IDaili Sun has pur- chased fthc Iaily Gazette is because w-Rh the expenses for issuing the newspaper baviîîg inereased to siîch an enor- mous extent (llrlng the past two vears if lias been a knom-n fact l'or a long finie that the newspaper field has been overtaxed by the two* local papers. Both papers bave alwavs heen a <redlit to thle town but 'the public generally have flot re.ilized what a suprome effort xvasý llecessary in order to maintain two p'ublications in a town! the size of this. Negotiations for the oîîsolidation of flie fno papers have been progrcssing for' sonir' tinte pasf. in faet they hav~e coyered a period of about eiglit weeks. Bv the consolidation. Wankegan will have one strong newspaper and if is generaill.\ feit that it will be hetter for the conunity, for, by hiaving only one, factional dif- ferenes are sure to be el.(lilatre whieh exist whien therr iq competition in sncbh a sinail field. Beginning witb....he issue of* the Sin of Mondav, Oetnbier 20fh, the Sun Nwfflbc delivered to ail of its sii- scribers and also to the subserihers who have been taking the Grazette exclusively and this plan will bc confinued .until notice to te ontrary is given, by subserihers._For, (Contfnued on Page Four) FÀXSON RIADS LAKE CO. S. S. AT ANNUAL MEETING. Officers Elected at the 49th Annual Meeting HeId at Antioch Friday. Th,-Joty-nînth annual t"oniention of thi, Laki. Cauniy Sunday school as- i ion CIoi c hîsid 'eîecccs folI oday s-'1-,i0f at Ariloch Friday nîgbt. Tlie l'rîgrim was lilonounicêd ane of the lIi , h.. ti'uoci,îtion ever hais bad. Trhe invtaior,. , o ld the ilftieth or golden aninivej. ary of tlîe association in 1ie .'l'rî'sl.yterian CebUreh. llîgbland l'ai k, wais dc('ftd. It i., sald haw- "t îa(i dmiay be decided ta change tii, loiii fîtota lilburn 's bore the- irst cumýiisais taok place l'le iillowîng atltteis were eleet. Cýd tor ne\t year: Pre2ideiiî-aaai-ry tD.Faxon. High- land Park. Vice-President _%. C. MedNeil Wau- kegan Sec Treus--F R. Sherwood, Lake -Villa. Executive Committee Addititinai nwiînbers o! theî execU- tise cormitee, were elteted as foi- lows: F. D. Evenott, Highland Park % V R t.irand, Highland Park N%. C. Rut herford, Waukegan S. NV. Saughter, Waukegan S. E Pollock, AnUioch L. J. Yager, Wankegan District Vice-Presidents The foikswing di4rict. jviceççesi- dents were elected: North Dsrt-C. W. Hudson, Wau- kegan. Second DIstrict-L. J. Wiimol. Waukegan. Third District-Geo. W. Foilett, Libertyvhlle South Distrct-Wm. Norrenberg, Hlighlandi Park Oepartmtnt Superntendents The fohlawing depomtment à upe.'- tinendents ere elecled Chlirens D.partment --rens Rock- enback, Deerfield.> Young Peopies IDeprtment-Helen Wright, Highland Park and Gertrude Oitiendorf, LUberty-vlhle. Aduit DePartment-Â. E. Eaton, Waukegau. MI.sionaz-v De;,ýmez*-Aice E. Smith, Graaslake. Teacher Traning Department-T. M' McDaowell, Deer0tNd. Home Visitation Department-Mrs. Fred lIcîkér, Hlighland Park. Tempeanoce D'parttoent-Nlrs. Jon- nie', hibertyvilie. Administration loepariment -%. E- 1ech, llh.thtliind Park. There ~15' delegate igistcred at ih- conveniion THE PROGRAM Thursday Evcning 7.i) ta '.immunity Sing. 'lusic Young Peoptes Chorus and Oichesti a, Rosecrana. Prayer-1ev. WV. C. Rutiterford, of Waukegan. 8.-sIt Irnpressed Us." Gie in lîk1e Conferenc-Mirs Alice Slîîcve, llighiand Park. lil". tt."eva ntitute-Itichard L. Scliaiîck. iber'y îlle. Lai.î f)'oo 1)- lt. r flove' nter- enci---Ltîcius A. Hines, Jr., Iligii. lctýi-J'unic ani Offering.1a 8:30-Thîe CatI or the Dy ta Toutu.' ,.îFrank F'itt, Beendir! îu (îî11v. C. W. Warren, of Half t'ay Friday Morning 9:10 L'ioti.,alpeiod-R, i C. A. Katen. tPrairie \iew. jMar-gan, Lbertyvllie. 10:00-Reports a ornnimlttes-Re- commiendations, Finance. Recognîtian of Standard Sunday scluaols. Rî'part of namniating commîluse. ElecI ion of officers. 1l:0Oý-"Adults ln te Pible achooi" D. H. Wlng. 11l:t0-The program In the Sun- day school," Miss Pearl L. Waavcr. Friday Afternoon 1' 30--M uia-Antiocli Achoal or. chestra. nes-oticnai Parlod, A. '. Ea, Waukegan. t: 4&-"-The prog rani oflthe chili. Irea'.division." Misa Peanu L.,. GAR C ASI A FIIN PRCE ON crs'cose~Uîa penalty for mica offense b 97 ob,. MILP rnP JA lng lIhe sum of nol lae than 1% N 1 TRADE PARLEY MLLS EA EjLJO THE GRAND more'thai $0th 1b etSa Nithodls e'nplosed by the aunais action 0f dehbit ln lie aMe l C I likP odvrs' Association In fixing pJURY oONheAtaCleofIt(iEd Wahn tonD.C, Oct. 30-Gary mi ie. W e ar(.1(liriday by Sta,c lbR.ON À heuse of any porion Who mal and Gomplers, dominant figures ln te Seuitor Rodney B. Sw'.ift, wha con- 03C1C E tF for thesaine. h.'albseml anutilstain lse ver the ttnui,t i i'.tesîl .mony un J lidge OF ilty 0fnd mnademeaonor sabed UN steel strikoi- iîs afternoon ln thse Ftcll.qc olîrt, hcaogbeuegî _____cnil*on tiaereo a eni ta trade conference.Chcg.weeegtcnltnteef alb tedg Mr. Gary, frich tram consutton tcal f lFi-rg'ii.tiiar Of Robert Fiddi-r. agod 61). a rïlsidenithtie sum aioflot les. titan $215 nor mM Sthathîr , orprat ofnflnltew ial frofiîrc.Taylor Gros,,was phaced îiiîîî,-ithan $500 ar imprsonsi la thi.e qm. Yotature îcisCoirnc Nw l andib irnsî iportnt 'il- rret today oni a warranit sworn out îy jail nef longer uhan une year, W Iakl roel iecesdretrîe î'cilled tiîîîc far by the prosecu- by A. C. Jacksonîf tte town or Nv'.c punished hy botsuch ino uaand lum lm its htat the oflfroversy is not tw p onf.- tuacrtitrai. on compronmise, in i'uîi , illlOt. etnsIpart, but forinerIv af Waikga, rifment In lte dIsct'toi i~w I ans oftitItifi xed opinion. said Mr. ,t ai %iIii t rîci' !txtng was discus-si'd(. court. Cary. re.iti,lîiî front a typewrittc-n le a.( ue t oiîd î.rticularly caot cfruî - a\jizso l.ei ie- ATRnOE.BE UNR statem-ni n' ' tifthe strike against l ll l ýbiay 11; hr rn iii ttî Pîdd 1,1 arage b-CpUE IR.EE UNR tuhe SI' IC, îl i ti st.ould 001 ie a rbi- ' foîu'li as t i. is iren P- liuce ,- l a' i niI.Ta ylor or W.all- trated or toiit;iro-ai.sed, or any action I itth. t .a t'-Icti'd prt-sidi-it. kI a this acli u-,man :îd st.%uàn!ýVuîkgîn ct taken by thte ctnterence which bears fthi iîe' îitg v-as the fareruniier of ta the- grandl Jiry tn bonitdsf $1.000 01.'braton upon u tiat sulbitct. it . n . nIni, luauer. le defaul t urîî'îcidii tg bonis b c was Taiboer îket.e0fiee!a Consideratton for Capital 'Vital iilplc tta ingTomrtukIad fberM Iii' li tress oison (bus "open shop' V i e' lc alhtusioig Icked up t twi-coutilty mil. tuctriuiîring cars crunmed Nil hi aiin( i t.uîuogaie ao l A - sttir Sî,tes kltorney X\alhîr Aotasc-n , h îl serre o'r 'ert' cauglit by thseZMon poi*' tu 1 tqa.ias ut tîh consideraflon by the. s 'uce rrled iiiio cou0rt in t. bai.,' as e v «ji.t Nset of the citu- about noan confi rente ai,; organized labor. lie scuss Sprunig CamnPaign dence. Tho crackli'g ttnd îrawîîîgdc CheRokrrcid expres.etu iîoself in accord wilh the'-da. CifBre eevdW4- desire tu e0.t1utili Industrial pace. but .'.' -îus i-aiîidirahl e discussiton as'îit.isOntliPlCe Ort wa uotuc lad aib - hie midoi t tlain tIsat he wouid note t."-to iflie Spring amanign by wasa 11, itiJsourd nli Poiceurt. tif s'.or, uiite trc odst ofet receteI'rt-miniis;refusaila odeal wt h 'it sii omits. i- au- s t-î. tii to v s4h tai - u c-nit. - îg tNIil ici th.ond, . irho sent labor rciIr-setttativea net emPioyd l îri " h lt lt' cea îîd el it tl -rt t uckeîîs d 1 nirligti at t C ro ad5 theî carîtr:u'îtîcplants. rd -li I lt.iîllnsa oo ea i hiE'l, i rt ,apsi. ad B I n ' nt iithe statement was ~fin tjliaa . ciîu tepic ii nlk -s is. lie hluis-lî'Irt s lest 2o(,1P,-a - asistei by Lieut George Steiqç ittît d if was answered by Mr . Ganu- ' kt tti is c.lil dtauthe fict that thit han~~uiero l -Tlili tv chuck-1Iltomalte the arresIs. pers. icl : i it was ntno oc t'1 s-si uîs'li 11, 'a hun- tii,.5i tero'ttîuii iitit iil 0lc On arriving at the spot fhay foit) t oa h. -irn ttlietul trtîgîo ti-d-aes' atWCilsdu1igt t. Is lt tvabig auto trucks toaded wili MII" Gompers Speake for Labor " -", ittttndutiy imee-tig litt.l'- nti hall uas Wtarr 'canît ai--'beer.Ont' truck hadit~ Thet' s irI>tIC Itior leader repeati tc titlttI,. prii- ias lxpd.' i ('ilt ithit't it ii'wellf icaîseis, anid te tîaiuur bcd 40 hai?*a labors eîlci, iion ibat thea "open "Yt-. Oli' li1, lque,wh"nthe Pr-Ii, t' e enil;j'" ýI' ltit -tî y antid ,e.Teeierr 0dznbl1 shp ,i tlt tiisFue. (lie grew ai-1 tfxda fbe.TLewr 0dznbtM. mnast .ýiîiîti 'ii slite dwelt lupon the t 1 ti I t$fii dentîlhilda iiutitiî i- i -ieh ei'br ln ic ttiiii'ng car. One t- i tbEý stateens I' t tht' steel campanles "The warrant fui r l'ltu~ rnest touriiîg cais hail Fux Head"H I~ ttîat Ili,,nI lpeterung out andntise100-MILE BICYCLE RACERS To caine te ' uIt.T!. ! î t't i wsi leer nîudeby the Milwauke-WWe men ar conîtti t back, and sald if put PASS 1'HROUGH LIBERTYVILLE servI,d tC(','.iittt I 4j '.l', ;il- ko'-h.i Brewing Co.. and said net tOa hin in ininti of lb cal which ate lte -eco %Prcn'ac10 canary. .A ru- i.'t 'cas iaPtul' arshl i lîîut. e en loo ~ 'tu,' i t IlMrs. Gompers, sbaking utrrî or ii-riiiLsDiifor he C' weight.04' bis fîîtger binhe dlr9àction ofi]Mr. lirEiu 'iisti , u euîetuoL ISCUFALItlNJ oth of tise touring cars were Gary., ot.- usswallawlng lte cen- j tiiafili-tIi îteerace tuiimth, lriiugh ovl ae wt ort ary iliy nitht. indigestible food'" u-r 1 iIonii uuuuday. Novuumuher 2nid. prIIICE bos wli lad n 'ît flet,. a t ________ ITut" rlicvi- ituî tar% Irait. ilusîiitldti JUJ IFY I VOlI RCE irosaeeaittfaaii ver. p'tit, .lllwaiulîe, Wls., ai 7:30a.iii. DETROIT,.o(t T- i' it",iîih action stabls t sspct that odoherled i l'il "rht Catîîstv Ya)ung Peapies !an l itiii a lt HuimbuoldtPark, Cliega lof lte laYnten of th b0., stant Epie- staboe assecta.tar a Divisioîn andi Ils program of work, D. 1Tue race htu10b. etrîctîy ammateur,, olaj an bo hocnva cmêi- Tes-md relckdu Di.. R. Fi, BiggarInui.lii lu of u tues mnbour. rbe rae tiemn, sustaink'd lu- toth cierîcai and te inCIýjiaatn h 2'4.i--tes,îlutimns and, aunounce- rc a t, li býinoettru ute i cltej.u awaltn bo met 1lemîianiiril and .taged tuy tue Norwegian.- Patyteu ý orce.. t'liy, it Iinoenddt uo f Jti e b. euee p, 3:00 h ..PadRpe- anmdi1@ ixpecteul tu attrait a gret numn- in tii,> ciuutet if tIi,- bi-.hip consente. up tonfght and bonds viii be Geritt Verkuyl, P.DFedRpe ber ai aMAleUr bicyçlsîs. The rider. Arndment of ftle cannons to ores sientative, Preshyterian BJoard of Pub should pas. titraugis Libertyvliie between vol rensarriage by a Epti3ooPal ,Wsns-.FerPar le, orne licatlon and lIse Sahibalt SchooQI 18an sd 1'2:80) Il tbey maîntalu a speed priesl of a persan who bas a divol'ced 0EPS9N ýM* Work AdJolramant. of 15 miles au baur. - humband or i06 living vaa defetéId 11011« Lake County "s Big Weekly OraaladmtaW tOethaoeeWeekles im ooty Conbmn WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN TWO PROPOSITIONS MANY BRIDES MIDDLE WEST MiA EXPECTED TO, DRAW WAIT IN VAIN BUT TIIREE WEUKS OUT RECORD VOTE FOR TIIEIR SOMY SUPPLY 0f cou EIlFetion notices havebIl .t u Huddled Together Awaiting iChicago, Oct, iS -{.alo!:I!e lu the varions poîiing ; , ntsi Claimants, They Form a lu tho aîiddl, w,-eî; have an -Vs( rag Waukegan and th rouucl. i.' Lake te ti ih.ofthrc0 kS ý1pDly on b 1h ',unty. caîling attention ,, .,.T4 a.t 1-tîî.î i.Id. tion to be heid In No%(i, FicTh LOCAL MAN SEES INCIDENT j by leading î'o.u min, oper îIu.sand election waa. calied for i (,.ip". According t aka o h dealers lher( of subni4iUng 10 the i ofa UIos 1 Irfrn lfrî oesv5~the si- ke if ni. nescall for.1 ftiltenoe f a f O wh s jan itcîeturndon g se tNoveinber 't îonîînues for îii,. lb ni sae th e nomed f as dl,. i t ii. u iif-.,igand rather patheýtic hIree weeks, thtre is bouilli o bh con,,iîtutionai convention . l ighe tesat 0fn1n !intense .âuffeiin accoing o0 u 'adîal hang. i th e , ~ Frenchi brides h have coIe ý jews expressed by ieading i.oal mn. t,(jelcane n h -Iýtu. xer ta thi, statîýs froin Franc,., eý -bsiti5My uie tion will bc decided upnn pecting ta make iheir futuic honwi Hltapuia '.eiiî any dys i o l1dir ordinarY circui . ý ~moihssu; ply. irhooI., tnin n voIt. on the prOpositio, ' .i f loti According to the rules of Ii. iirmy 1floJu,lfor, a iflaith witiý,Gî i c'dîtiOnil iii heai v but there ai e 1 1iuial the soldiers couid net bring hi ie js iel talodhs h 0-tep proPo.d.oiîîou which are uliI. l, biin.g back an the camne boat with thein. p~ fi hl i i~iît i onlt a gond vote inl k. ,an , (l loweeo-r, they were altow. d to have pl of I iOn hiii t iiii n Ttiî~~~~~~ : ldts.stosae o. hem sent on other hoats 'ýand the] 1918. Their work wîli bcs"onl 1-l"aasing on w101"" ,rLî of governmenr folIpwed the plan of hampered withîi a few da34 ai ter boinds. tagging the bride8 su îci a 96ayltesrk ucle 2-Etaliijmntcfa :".t iitaltheir husbands could cdaim Tlere is 1no hope of relief front serve. them upon thelr arrivai in New 1 burning einsas e~ of thse If le raijuer interestinir to iio', iiow York. iscnled entirely to the southwest Ihei.e two propositions ar. biiig re- Now cornes the pathetlc o! Tu upl nofsca. ed. b no alpatso tecd.i cm the situation. He tele how the ousehoîders, jaiiroads and manu. F'rm al prtsof he oînt'corebrides are lined Up wlth their res-1 iactuiring plants hais been as lom- ai. reports that the big nia.orny O! 1 pectîve nurnlers plainly visible and, atupresent onîy'once befare in the voiers are in favod of 1h. r,,id bondl hw teyave waîting and waiting conryshlstory," Francis S. Pea- Issu. I iË ppaent lia, ti 1i n rany cases for the men whornI body, president of the Peabody Coal measure will pasa by a big majority, îhey marrled overseas ta corne and 'cornpany, tlid the United Press to- On the othe, band, tile senLiirent claim them. He pictures bow Borne day. "That waà in the wînter of againat lhe establishment of a forn of them stand there for days anjd 1918.", est preserve appears ta be just as days and their lovera tromn overseas Factors Responsible en.wol The orth~e seedtligaogîa fail ta show up). ln other Words he Tbre e main factors are responsiblt edwoud eanliesadlîe o sexplains h<Yw these hushanda, afler for the present situaton, ha said. heavy tai Withicut lSie<uate retura. thay reait the statas, change titeir %irt-Car shortage. The Power af th. forest preserve minds as ta marriage relations 'with Becond-~L.Oca strikes, withot commission that wauld b.e applilnted lb..0 French brides sand the girls ara union sanction.' would be almost lupreme, and with thua deaerted upon their arrivai In Third-Fallura of consumnera to the increased valUOton throUghOUL lb. statea. iay in a auppiy of coal duri-ng tbe the. country andi th.amaUnt 01 taxes ,He tlid how hb. amysevaral in- aîack menthie of Aprll, May and that could hoe asessaiyeqrly for the stances of thus klndd ad ded tual june layin aidof Woded tracts as for- tihe governinant keepa them for aL few "The0 supply of cars ln thi, central est preservez vould b. almost un- daYs mnd whan liera la no dlaim mnade cool district fur laverai weeks ban bearable for them sonds tbam back to Ibuir ueen icuro onîy 30 te 60 per cent 01 Those wbo are SaIioU5 te se e native landI n descrubing thea '- tb. îemand." Pesiiody staled. bon lsuecary ~dlia. ho refair h. bold how the. vomen Were "Radical agitatora hava catsed just as anxlous Wtadfeat the Forelst cbecked and numbar insu like One scores of minera ta iay down their Preserve pro.position, ama ezpected ta vould check or number a cow, a tools sud strike, ibreaking contracta make te vote on Nov. 4 mnuoi largo,. doit or a sbeap with tthe operators," ho continued& tbanil wuldho oherwse."In Illinois alone twenty-four union charter1 wer . revoked by the na- SIWR TEL S OFtional organisatIon beoeuse members L114qu TREASURERS MUST PUBLISII REPORTS, UNDER À NEW LAIM jAny Officiai Who Handles Pu. lic Money Must Publish a Yearly Statement. LAW IS RECENTLY PASSEU Snew iaw re.centiy passed bv Unij lllinoig i. gislature requires each pu:, lic e offic, oiher than a state omelek), Whio 0 hy virtue of bis office, recelV4 for disbursemnent and disbursee gEm- lie funds in the discharge of "verim. mental or municipal debts and Il"* itis shali ai the expiration of ess%* fical year. prepare a statemeet <> ail rnoineý s received and from Wbuê sources receîved, giving Items, pýý. t culars and details. f ail moa<M paid out, giving the name of e"* iniiidual to whom pald, ois iet account pald, and the amount p"éA 1Surh statemnent shaliho s ubeadlb. ed and gworn to by lthe publiec o«* maklng such statemnent, snd vitt thirty days after the expiration gi such fiscal year shall b.eflle<i lu t1 office of the coiuity clerk of lS county ln whilh sald offilcer resii«ý'; Such publie oificer shali Jso, wltb.t In thirty days after the exPilraUo «i sucit fiscal Year cause a tru, u plète and correct COPy Of IsnC111.StP ment ta bie published ose lime ta &ý newspaper publisbed tu the towm. IW trlct or municiDeMlai wblq @w^ public officer bolds bise e% or. no newVaDer la Dprinteildi 4~ ted Ini laid towu, distrit or mM pahity, thon in a uew5IIBpO In thé English language 9 u =h tie county tu wlbicb snch pibUe d> cer réalité. The abova ta the actuaiW u or te law asin &boutaes 0e01. ÎW1 la possible to make t. This lai surers (except état$). bwetheu be couaty, elty, towUihlpsi twllie b.requlred te ssibml# t. pie, througb the. columnas ff lsewepaper, a compiereport by Item, ofrlthe mone34 e had"le tham during the fear. Reading further itla found timat AMI cost of such publication simonl- paid by the. public oUcer Mi such publication, tob naie aM, b. paid out of the. fonds tu bia If ho tala to do so tlaw :i -il F- / . -rrrv F

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