CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 10

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E~I~ 1919. ilY T AI l ,O~l ~~WZ UI World Sm. the Dawn of Unvr- t alDemocSay. j W1th the Dewnfall ef the Turt andt hq Hanaisanta SophIa Wtil Ile Restofed se a Chris- tian Temple. Among the happy rejoicingsetC tuese vlctory dtiys wo are Inexprese- tht>' glati tsaIt the war -titi mot eue 'udtUl the unspeatasle oTpk %vas w*en stant-t don-nthe tobogn dit dotes! Ion-arthte bttouesa«pil, Writeà Dr. Chartes Etinard Lockée. it la a éaîght>' Cýtstumpiî for terspocmac>'. VilbJerusa-1 ,lomuanti Dansscua la the banida of thé Christians, ant iwtît Constantinople no longer desecralet as tue capital o! a f1mb>' Mohammedasslsm. the tout Turk la aow getting is long-detsyeti de- sests. Conutantinople *as namnet for à &iOunsClu'ltian prince. lutn-a. luade tue tmpostng tostiquarlers oi the %rek churcis. anti a beentful temple I*tbuftIth e yeumx5U7 b>' JustîIfan :: c1h la no aatet>' anti gorgeons tai proud i bsder on the dedcatIon *V exclalmei: "0 Solomon, hive Buta in 158the * cIl>' was s ptureti1 b>' tue snerliegeous udantibfide! gara- eaz, anti for 465 y70cm It has been tue -ceaten of Matem worshlp anti propagandea. Tt le.beautltell> site- ateti on tue western stopes, of tue luesporous, antiloks out upon tue t9cIturesque Marmora. jtiitnlasmn- a drgrand was IranaterméetIte a oulem sioque. Anl te allers anti ceilsoes anti frescoes ant Insigitis of ÇbrWsIautty n-smo uilessl>' removeti, a"4 for neerl>' Ève centuries, ;ntiat t 4 wnsip et tue mont higli Goti teuoffliîog honentb twoutierfutdouo Wblcb Michael Angelo sait v as like a part 0f the totivens brought tiowa tu sorti,.1:hutas issathe Pacet fMe- liapuetan mumerlea anti seul-pagan Wtllthe vitoin or0fthts wsr, ne desabi magnîficent Saàuta SonhIa wifl ho restoret, anti once agala the praises 0f Christ wtt) rosouadt hrongli Usaetuar ant i osie; anti the mas- veoilos franco of Jesup anti bis tilac- h lus ta te hîgisome. whicli tor ces- tutu. habu hoon coacaleti behndtbth IncrustatIons etofa tietestable Mosdem- tum, Win dace agninlutler nspîr- SU& anti artistie messages lt reversai Christian worshipers. Tbe overttnow ' et lIe tuk Isnbot' ouI>' atriumph of demnaçy, but itle1 Ikovise a ulghty ViIes>' for the truili anti justice wich 0"se terpretodte 10tue vorîdqti yton- p t he Smof etCod andth tle soi t Xe&., eas uChtrigtt 0fNaretu. thati!tue savage Prunastnsi nap- parodt b.Tenk bcd conferreti upc. MM thie Ignouiny of hein>' tue manl br lutal tiegenerate of att humai 1,1.10v>. A religion of tuai, re-enforei b>' tht blooti> scîmîter, the Turk eut bit way tunougli buman ol4til, <>aa Ignsobe place W pÔowop lan Uaope:anti ,Aant biudnshi@mréous 6ste venttg Ilsl nt e ftosléos Chrnloi,.ai uspeelall>' upon the Innocent Armo. alais. Wltu the eoase 0f tue Turlab govemmeat, the Dardianelltes wiffho- cone &abWasway for thse comuserct et bê,jh.*e, ûions of the vorîti. hi lace et Ik w.terway boIt b>' pirates;" the leulytu terror aceus e'a c UV, tgne4bW eàO" 4%n~dttluéb f l =luni o* f 1the Christ of truth -The >mn bave valted, loag for tIse trenadous hIserI, qveiuntsl d are' now hein>' êiketedti Iv honrel3'ing nuc- ' csson. Il was ont>' >elerday that thes ere four pon-erft autocraciles tbo i seusti no lulrencbed la opulence »dmiglit thet the centuries wouidý ' â ot ovssthrow; but lots>', linsla. sut Ati*, ait Tunke>', and Germin>'. bave an fallen, anti gros! has teen tus fA11 theroof; thse twilght of the lInge bas despénet tata niglt, anti the davu of unIs ersat tomncrner la ai. seat>' etideibe>the esera sk>' n-th premouiloits of tue ewn-ds>'o!fte people; sud the harbiager. of the morag are slîouttng on an ilblltaps anti l0 attlangianges. *Proctatau lib- est>' tbroagttont ailthtié land andt tasi tue tithabilantsteroof," Old Selle WIl Ring for Pesce. The six oi belof aIWetmInsqter alile>' are betng restored anti augment. e te10tsko pari lu tue etlebrationa Ibt > viU foilon- the signlng of pe. The etti belle are o! gresi bhistorie inter- ot. MIl except the trotte enr. cent eit te oit 'htlecbapet bell founr>- the tenor, ws!gtiasg 1% tons, Ia 1738, ~the flslIn 15M, thse fourt anti sec- ondstinlu,1743, and tihe tird It 15M3. -Tlic Ie steel.uatprobabi>'ntlbh .efd tthe thîrîsonili or te egtnnîag 'Net q*e fouresutcentury, anti mu,! 'Ieooobave uug out to celptrate »ue lgraivctory over te Sparisti avimada lan1358. Wbteclispel fouit. '&y. , vhth bas been worklng continu- eut>' mce1570. bas beea ttrusted w» i t e florattoitn-ork andtihIe g$gthte new belle.,The connoc- lem ot lih. olt irmnuwtt the athe>', Mfestart>' &W0>ers, is thon heIn>' important Anmy Omeie. - Th. adJutant roueraI of the Untedt>' .. ce -o-- An idded fëature or thîs jeaWb Ne- Jumpers with'rider. ln hunt costume tilonal cv>Show, whlch ia to ho held will! ho putiover the bars ever>' ove- ln theo International Âmpfhthester, nlng. Horse shows are spectacular. Uiaock"Yâids, <Jhcago, from Oc- antd there la an abidlng love fer the tobos fi to 12, wllbe a big Home Show sprlglttly thoroughbred ln the heurt ever>' night. Euh-les will comprise of Élot'everyone. The hast can be s9oueoft te best show horses ln the seen at the National Dair>' Show ln Unitedi States end Canada. Both har- Chicago this pear. naun andi satdile hors will ho shown. Walc tnt. My P.nioa*. ,A Ms. Ooit hbaum arrieti a Miss WVebli.,Ho knew tuai tue>' were neant tobe ho Joneilas soon ns ho aplidhe.- Lontion Fît-BIts. CIs.uifylng TMme. ThisI men bas grent tomarrows te- fome hlm who bas great yesterdays te- 111ad hlm ant isl trylng ta put a great dlentlof greatnesInta b!. toays.1 fl *R t t» W«M, *S*U *q -. .Im * *uymryIm , w a..V Worid'u Fpet Oalry Cattie Are Shown. (>ne thousanti head of the biut dair>' hreetiing for praietto. Sfub ti* eattie lu the eoutre world, repreoeut- witu.tsprovoti produee wiU Show wliat ing the Ilye leading dainy camte breeds. lntMIta ad welI(irectlng hreedlng wl! ho on exhibition at the National effoýft wi! accouilsit ln tue wày et Dair>' Show ln Chticago hrou October better daîr>' ostite. 6 to 12 tits year. What woulo eeu to ho fabulons For the man or woman who 14 liter- prlces have beau paiti recenit>' for sin. esteti lntdair s>ctüe andti seofor the glo hbade of dair>' camte, hotu eowg mai jin4 woMtk whO lbas no IaerteuIar andi bulle; andi yet these pnles are interest la tuen, tuis yearlas ibo!g hased ou actual value. One ban se- of daIs>' camUe at the National Daisy centl>' brought a price of S125,000 at show u!!olnsprIMtMt. Sooti stock of public sale, and $00.000 te reported t10 the Ove Ieadlng breeds wHI! le shbiu. bave been palti for a single cow. Manj Kvery-day eows andi bull. wtt! ho emen of tuese aristocrate of tue caie world, ln cosupetltion andi demonstratton trou wtt! ho seen et tue National Datry Show. the Oow Test associations of tue cen- :Dlfferent tisys at tue show wiU hoe trst Wst Thére wtll hbo rd démon- Iset apart for the judglng lnithe ring stratlàhs ou tue resuits of feeding ant'of the tilferent breotis, BI HRSE SHOW AODEDFUATURE 0)F GREAtý,NAN>AL' DAIRY, SHOW TAEuSsus; FI3W jEAZIESTF s. RAVE VET APPI»UI ' TfES0U1 UV te Saturday uight the postofficel it t lagt1a£lf'e<u departanent wau fourteen =en short, gez il-lug rjM n uwglyl em for h<a who are to take ths cenmus fletiOn fl Ktt preer orut h rSu ln W.,k-gala con #0 nih théwlth lté BII>' G(= te. rýe-arrin*o- <ovilmen tskof ewneating the ment of lte meçhanclx ati offic Jpopuilation'o! the Unitedi Status, force of course la neçusar>' andi as Urne Waukegan la to ho divîdedtuitu, 22 goei bu the pubilIc wtt! ae t hat ihe' tilifits mi t t i~ry eutat uatScn ln makin>' a marked Iniprnvemnent. ~dtft mnd 't a y e t 'al t5k. 1h everv respect. tcivil servléé xam ination w Il ! be held lelp b K ing, w o w ar, clty editor f Sitttirday, Nov. 1. lu the CentrarscjioaL te Gàtëtte foir louéte urne l conil bulilding at 10 o'clock. Thte Jbpy>ta the Odtorifi etaffof the Sun. Hq t ix dollar. a day and everybody roc- ltt on Saturday for a uonth's 'vaca- I titates the importance of havlng upu itton -a" *wte lie la reculiorateti ho hdtle tht. work who are iuallftol u iwlU ho back ou Ah. Delly Sun, *~der, that every name ln Wauke;an John Hayes who ha. hot a repor- ,ci9i' ho put on record. The condus le.'1cr on tbo Gazette buga ciaojoitethe- tak bythef£vrnaentonc tathuSuu staff. Ne will biad! a route in Ireors andi ail know the Dreoueaco- Wautcegan and wtt! aIma bondie- the e'ta taken ten Yoaireser neyeir dîid North Chicago n ews. When li. Suatice to Waukegan. Therefore It King meturuu, Mm. Hayes witi devotu ls Important now to get evoryone's hall 0f lits lime to working North ,hame upon the records go that Wauk- Chicago antihait ln Waukegan. gai; cm bhocretitet wlit ubat tt actu- "Unel" DIArts, cîreulator for ally han lu the way of population. the DaJy GettUe, also cm ornsl the Il lsn't hard work andi accordlngly Sun anti*1wll mrk là the Ircullation Pottmuter Grady Ia anxious that tho anti *âvertlsing depertints, fuIl lii be taken came of a cutcikty as Thesie la true wtth a rnrnbem of- possible go wtien the work ta started -the employes of the anchanical force It con ho pusheti ahead i1aIlly. Ap- who were emPtOYOetat tite (luette. pîlcatîong can be made with te post- 'Thy have comae to the Dii!>' Sun at naster for the examinatlon to hoietti s o taka lt as a whote the rè-adJu.tmen on Satarday, Nov. 1. ham gtven the Sun a complte stf wbth .ih oundt b rlug abouc h REVO ENRY OMPEL clded tuprovement ln the local paper. PR CHM S gq E ",ho a usanthtuketb go lualie.- yeg INWAK<iNbut aisoe' "g a tuIab'itehï l i tIak.Y FP ebrabvin, 'a IN ÀTIi N tesbdl. ul f od-è nj Rev. Henry E. Rompe!. who Iùt ecentty rretid ram tbe Methtilsi pulpit te assume bts dutîtu as cltap- tain at Great Lakes, bas. deciiedti t continue ta, reside ln Waukegan. This wtt! be pleasing newa ta hIs many frienti., as the concepaus of- opinion wa, that the popuar -mînisier woutti beave Waukegan anti make hta homer at the naval station. Rev. Rompe! purchased the Ntch- bIa, Itlsoln poperty, corner- of Soew- ard avenue and PoPular atreet, and ta,'eclato cmove finte hbsnew rtat- dence about Nov. lst. T. J. Stab! &c campany were the brakers in the deal. Frenc ou od..,of Lberty. The Goddes ofLiberty' was createl b>' tue Frencb convention lu 1793. nd wam enibroneti hy a public e«montai. XI t. not known %wbo porsonatedti tu gottisas on the occasion, but prdliahly mise was trescin luthe Frenci t h- color, re4, whitte sud bine, wtth cap and lowtàg aklrt of isscetdesgn. %te. Frencblberty cap n-ns reti, the Amal- can I l btuewttba border 0fgilti t* on white. The figure otILberty on e iarl>' Arntricun coins ba l oose bals, tled bebtnd. n sort af free and eauy gowu. wttb ow neck andi short steeves anti siidets wltbout beois. Hie Regret. One shrewd aId farmer wbo tiat heard bh i., t , lecture on titetetica satt i ff he'cl known as -muclt about feeding etildren as. hadid about ra-. tions for cmys anti hopi "hi& famlly't I bave becn a Ileafi eathter tolks." eau re otrlun Platterer. "Flatter>'," atd Utlce Ehon Mle te: oral)>' a acheme foli eau>' nots mnakîn', witoui even soie' to de trouble of fixt' up s golti brlef or a saichul oi-gremigoows. - -- --- -_ - -- r- *Very Best o'f Me«ts ---at Vêry Best P:rices Bst' V.eiShoulder Roaat, homedressed . j, 7 - Veal lBr.ast or stews IChQice »eef -Pot i Roast, Wstcuts -- Cerite.Man>' eapltmwu. Au halai aaneslIp calUe a Large alumber etDilanes mup«ed & ot the aISes of tue vessel, where th.> us>' ho réatît> sud qulckty -df'ejpei Into the sea when occasIon occur. te mate a ffllit. - .. 1 Afly foot kflows hoVlto rest a,t imeuoqtut slqed aIst #&«»M Rhlx the province e oafa.m ace a** r how and. wben to sabrait. .. t-..'. If You tion't Bave S. anti H. Trading Stampae you are leasing Part Of Your change one the counter. S. anti H Trading' Stampa are sain0 as a Cash Discount, anti are given wllh over>' Wlth cooLer t-hèhre it is- tirne té make yor bIske and ë àQ~t~ see= Insfr ~wer. At no oteplife h th ~t y~1~ouf~4te ezt~ve assor et id xet- i ~ ~~pthtu 4tpbe1 ere. tnout1ylgep - exe ,eQ1ye >lyplace us in a fortunate position flot found atevery store. Cotton fleeced blankets in!mediumi weight, good size, seleetion ny be nmade- front gray, white and tan. These are an un- -Usually good value. Spectally priced at S 2.29 Wool blankets ini 66 by 80 inch size-4 handsunie plaid patterns in gray, tan, blue ' and.brown. Edges are silk botînd. Extra godvalues at each. $13.50 Qîber waol tlankçl. la a choice assortalont af pat- terna, lu aizes up lu 72 1by P94biches, pricoti ta SFull size plaid blaukets in wool finish with stitched edges,, shown lu, pretty eonibinations of. colons. These, are rnarked exceptionally low at eaeh Large size heavy blaukets iu gray wool finish,a deepnap insures.warmth, frw~inter. Veryattraàctive, borders are, to be seen onthese, and the pnice is "0 especially.lowpt, 4 Extra large sîze blaukets in a Un~e of beýutiful "Plaids, vei'y soft wool fi'n- itish, silk bound, edges. 72-by 80 incb size. Exceptional bargmepnced at téach Eiiderdowi P ull size coinforters, cotton filled, siîkoli-ne eovered tu pretty patterns. Moderately.priced and a good value for the money at each Coniforters in 72 by 84 incli size, filledl with hi gh grade white cotton, fig- ilred ' silkoline covering in very attrac- tive patterns. Pricedl at each -Very fine quality condtorters iu good sizes, down fi1led, high grade cov- ërings in different colors. An Unusnxal- ,ly handsome-coWnort. 1Pnîced at eaeh $15.75î rn crib blankets in a good Belection of attractive de- siglis.. Sgie' 6 by-48 luches. Pink a.nd white and ' Éue ind white colon cÔnMiiatidns. Priced éech Bedn t, 1 -r For Sedal Qpticat âervkè W. T. Stevéeson, Doctor of Optics, Regýstere4, by the State dfflhinois and form eiiy of Chicago luas. charge of our Optical Departyûent. 1 1- .Qr niodern i.nstrumrents and scientific methôdi; of exannation inean condortable and, satisfactory glasses for -you. Our aini is to give the people of Waukegan Op- tical Service that of any large city. *.SPCIÂL ERVICE 'Prescripton@m filleti or liroken lenses duplîcatet iwtua. ln two or tItree boums. Our lous. are greund i wth thse ver>' latent tauproveti AUTOMATIC MACRINEItY lnaurlng accurse> andi pronttu..Tht. n heutsonly autoxnaticlenitsmachine ln Waukegan. Broken franles or mountinga, ropaireti wbtle you Coule to lloy's 'for your Mlassies. Eyes exsun- îped and Lenses niade speeial for yoiî thesnedy saing you an extra trip. Tay Us8. -à 0Y 'S ~Te1e~hone 1714. 111 N. Genesce Street bMai P ceus was ~an obeée a = a or Wfored t be lai' or. wSok i 'tdugai d~ isa. Ut Fontd t4 fiel et tus hoiîllit t muppla 'Xbe vol, Sa me iwilll nee Onl we utIf Dg ~eTht 40te ra tsuin I ïâïs tue It ueetis si e rleil' MWI on Mpe T 1'd A Be mire and corne to * rih t * ecf<F your Sunday meats. Wé,ea--aye a 1jare eéqdrc sign (Meats!) You Con 1t miss it. rehLitt lePigîbtms Best Sbiokèd Little IRound,' Sëil -7smalj anilean. j Short, Sý4*k The P. &P. Market C P. J. PI2UGERk, Proprietor 'Phone 2273- Opjoite City m al 1810 Sheridan Road NORTH CHICAGO- gr -ý elephone 1714. 6. Genesee Street , - e, :1 : - - il.

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