CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 11

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ER 2ý3, 1919. . 4- Dwislon Toibts Red Cross. KSVOTE OF CONFIDENCE W Woe Mt £ntirsly Completflsd m o gfai peos@prgram Outllne afqlusMomber and Fund&s. Dy IL K. HARDY, imar central Division ^mrle"' Red ross. I2e vsEled forme of war actity, ta Me Americau Red Cross bau de voted amat 1Il tu- tire euersy arat grndually dlmitisb1 lIng. Mucb tiiought, have been required ta change tibis or- ganisatiofl trou a le 10 -pes efootingbut a cMol program ha. been ii>PPed Out. ,» 4djusted and read justed as needs tàMs for chapter, division sud na- plorganisations. Naw ov fo. 2 and1iltheiedad âwlll oe iIs rail for tie third9 WBiidBSke th, people to gîte Ia votea aecs la the peut performances. <raffirmatlono f the prindpl« 1 wb wUguide [ta progresa in the. war actvlties have not ail beenl and will not ho stopp.d untIl1 Musat American solMer la home andi oa ée again ta taka bhW place la the = a or Industriel wor. The sl Wfamlly asem ansIbchooroti andi fiorteti and aslisteti until h.La »o cr for tiem. No program beh laid dowu by the Red Crosé; I~dom fot ludude this munnished ir. swk as first obligation. Drort mice the organisation of the . hiCosstiers bave beaui reponshbu- wih now have hecome tradi- TeeInclude service to, the phding army aud naval forces. mîti- Mis of suffering eltiier t home or Mead front famine. ffreï gdoP&i ori puat disasters. The Red Cronssieno Ma continue andi broaden Its work1 ti fieldi of nursing, maltain lis Uélua maid. dieteties aud home ,s M orite slck. ra esponslbilltles bavaeoa.wth *.a1 Hgier stadardé, have 4ei Ubyindfivduaiesuandinations lu rito hunian lite aving. andi pre ~Ugneedieus sufeérlng. lin cou ~sluwlti the nw aw saktis ese re hsblities entait, the. B.d Cross wlll elt timulate andi supploient. but * upplaut, local agoncies engaged atii. samee hues f audeavor. 'ievolunteer spirit whlcii brougit Sa mensure of succeus turing the. *wlllbc ccarefuily nurtured. lYs neeti volunteers te couductthle Roll Cali and when emergencles Ona w. wll cal for volunteors tn Mif Ifnecessary. 1 XeThird Roll Caîl In the Central *riio" wll b heldt t enrol 4000.- Qà auaI dollar membera for 1M2 *ta raine $3.00.000luadtheOve Ét inthe. division. Illinois. Iow, OMpaa, Wisconsin aud Nebraska. Xvery membersilp la a vote of con- useq Inu the.PB.d Cross.eaciidollar ÏâÏs the. lifting of orne burdeu. qe e Crossneeda universelco-, incarrylng out Its posée Il needa lithe aMtuof ka e ï¶~wbo enrolle turing thiesec- «àrt 1cli. Iitea Tou. -ýAN WORLD WAR ON PLAUIJL TwnysxnationallRed Cross aocietes formlug the. Legue of R ed Cross socleties, have gpeued ýjted war ou disease. famine aud qrnail parts of lie world. Tii. gleba tartet ls wonk lu Poiand. wberî typhus la raging sud threatenlnag o uproat over Western LEurope. A med- ea'I commission lam been sent tu Wn4le lhe situation ther. andt 10re Mýt on methotis of checklng tho lgoe. Tie router of the lbogue In- rgeutina. Australia. BelgIii. Canada, ijilus. Cuba, Don. France, reat Britain. >Greece, 'n le taly . .lp" 4N, ew Z e- oray. Pera. Portugfal.'ae- ;erbia, Sout Africa. Span. lih te Unted States and Voue- WANTED) '000 millon voluteers t en- I .wti the Amerlean Red Lafor the. Third Rol Caîl, viimbe2-11 and ekrofl an. 1 members. eRed Cross neots 1$15.000,- a complte Is remalnlng work sud for a Oush 'CH4A* 'IN -PAANT VOICE Peint etof srea>îlt I.whîlaï 'Meat People S&",te Pay Little Attention.t Mien andi women go to great palus' andi spenti more or lesa, money luaha effort to lnWrove their persoua) op- pearsuces. Théy keep lthe beautY doc- tors snd the barbers btasy lu maintain hheir "aknsud their hair lu good con-' dition. The. masseurs malie a gotsd living ont of almost $1l of us. 1 This le. of maurge, perfetly proper. It la rlght thet we sliîuld look as well as Il la possihie for Uns 10 . We shouit even b. urged ta weur very good clothes. Shakespeare. aho said everything, said! that v.,. simld %acar good ciotliec. "COstIy thy apparel fts thy purne ton b m: ald ieh; '*the ni parel oit prorlsililtii. eiinn" Andl, ertainiy, lt procliis the %woninu. But tluere'1l4 oup ery great dmiioi about mnewomen d ui tli'y neglect ta cultivai,, au a raie. ItleI. their voicen. If God gives us good voices 10 atart wlîh. ail weli sud goati. but If we are flot so blesséd by nature we sem oin make no effort ta cure the. fil. And ti lni surely a miefortune for any one tu go through life witm a dîsagrenable voice. Il dûes nol seem 10 be a inatter of general knowledge thut a person wlth' an unpleasing voice cun lImprove it, wonderiuliy under an intitructor es vreil ai; by simple though seit-impaeed efforts. If there be any mail 10 whom a gooti vole la a neeesslty lt ln the ors- ter. Weil, lhe greaient of nil orator's. Demnosthenes. waA a itutterer. Be enred hiuasU lf .rQlllug pelbie.1 under bis tanigue. Let womeu. partleuisrlyé reMeMbe thaI no malter how plain and hlin0l their physîcal tentures may b.e, no mat- ter how slight the grace of Ilueir hod- les. they canoutili make themsgelves lnfinltely cliarmlng hy the possession, of a pleaslng volee.-Los Angeles T'ies. 'Deughbeys" ta the. Rescue. Frenchi newspapera are wamm ln their tribut@* 10 aur saldiers. The Amerean'a appearauce, their behavior. thelr nbility ta meet emergencler., have *on grent admiration. The Paris Figar.. tells the fiullowing story: A train for the country liad heen etalled by sanie atrange condition of the locomotive. Tiie iasegers bheat tlî,lr teet on the floor anu uttereil oh- jurgations tram the Windows. 31ore lime went b>'. The conductor walked vni>' uop and dowu the track. Noth- lng avalled te start the englue. Suddeuiy saine ond sliouted: "Why don't you briug lu the Ainerien.?" The cry weut up and dov.n asd laugh- ter ulien, sure enougb. twa young Amerlean soldlers appeareti upon the seue framtsaine corner of th. train. The>' want to the. englue, tok oli oses- alan of fi, dump.d an thé OI Sag out of the firebox. booke up soine cool Into mmi lbits. renewed 1he.f lIre, hammered a littIe her. and liere. sud, presto! op starled the train ail at once, sud pro- ceeded wlthout interruption ta ls journey's end. Fish Most vs. Beefsteakc "Fleh ln notl lilg sald a business mnuhe llioter dany. "It's aIl right for a liglît 1I. clîcon, but somehow I neyer feel liýa!t ile reaily nutrlîlous. For renl'lo'.d give me good aid heeL" ThaI mani mecils educatIng. He ahould kuîîw corne oi the simple facts slated b>' il. F. Taylor, a sceetiet of the bureau otf fsherles. Whio toits us thnt pound for pouud there liq nearl>' If nat qulte as manch protein lu fligh ment as la befsteak. Oily liait, 11ke sImd, harrljrg and eels. are especlaîlly nutritions, affordlug a large quanltty of fat as Weil es proteon. Piah ros qontla more proleln lien leet, witli saine fat Fisii nient is <pilleas cash>' digested aà other nient aud ta a suit- blée fortn of protelu for sedentary Practlcal>' ovor>'lish taken froin pure water la lit ta est, tie oui>' Ob- jection being ta sanie varleties being rtougunessansd coarmo texture. which cona be reinedied b>' propar cooklng. Gathors Unextploded -&hall& Genoral BaBogîlo. underchief oft he 9Itallan géneral staff. lias presenteti the minister for recoustruction uft he lnvatded, terrltorles. Bigutor:Frndeletto, hie. report on, the recaverl! 10f unez- ploded projectiles and bouibs inlais gofle of war, 'anti lu 'thé lôcalîties 'Where lhé pfrélÎdps batlos oenÉre rom the, beeçlng et the war tc Octeinpl>7. 1918, ,M00O0 dit rait e. plode. Up to Novel»ber *1, »7, lttie wéeeôcllactetidaon.7,.000 w unele. 4pladeti bombe. Froin 1917 totaelindt of hotilitîns.. about. 7W,000 unox* btliiîld 'p,.îjoétlles were faôuitÏ. The. raklng of lhe grounI.lta flt thern goes ou actlvoly; but St wlll -be a long lime betore th. work gerieral1j bas been completed. Hoe Somothlng or Other. My' great-aunt recent>' wrole ti follawlng about ber -sou: "Behitîl4111 lu France. Tie oýffleere are siateti taî returmi. I tiou't know wiether Ber will ha colnteti na oicer or 001,*bti hes been, on guard liat>' ver aInes tho W atrndiln thu Unted States. PEACE PROGRAM PLAMNED Enrolîmont le a Vote of Confidoa la the. Futyre and an Appréciatiorn The American Red Cross la prePar - lng 10 lýnuh Ils thr Rolu Cail. 10 ho hi4 froni Nov. 2 m 00anual men> borsansd $15000,- 4 . r 20,000. TiceOltques& tion liaI villj arise la: 'Wby doahle Red Cross need: moue>'? The war la aver." National heatiquarters of the Ameni eau Red Cross buaswaeredt tua quoi i tlon, sd anti soitinet grapbloeily'lhu reasans wby l la nncesaary te raiane $15,000.000 for Ita International . M~ tiouai anti local work. la bref tic answer la as follova: Becanse: The actual war work l2 not complet& the Red Cross caunot le>' dowu Il@ responsibilties 10 lhe American soudions, sallona or marines r.ii everyone of them iiu heen rei Issd front service, recover.d train- tllneas or Ir mmdis or reCelvln prOpes i cure, or back lu lhe place bli e world froni whlci the war suatched Iheni. Recouse: Tic Amerleun Red Cross la planning to a uuci a compreheailts prograni for pe. times, desîgnedt c preveal lie mentlees wante 0f humar lires thrangh prevenlaile diseasesan accidents lu Aielea continue sud broaticu lis home service. work anÉ public nursing, frl aid. home byglene anti Junior Red Cross activitIeo I Because: B>' a receul sel of Can.' gress medical. urgical anti dietari' food supplies valued ai 8$W,000,«0( wer. lurneti over 10 lthe led Cross bi M tie govurnumeut.the supplies havins - boen purciaset for use wti lie Amer Iran forces. Tiese supplies are seat leredti trouglout Europe,. inu>' 01 lîmer froni lie places winre lie)" are most neéedt. Tic prompt mai efficient distribution aud baudling o thea. supplies mens lie malulenanct « of a force of traineti workers wiere . lie supplies are anti vhere lie>' are manl neetiet.1 Recense: Pestilence mmd starvatiou have grppet man>' EnroPean cuna-E trien because of lh. war. 1%eoe cou& . tries an guable ta coe. idi dislr owe t tîfficultles. andth. ouly force orgau-1- ied wlhh fdiIties capable ofatpl' loto lie breaci aud brlnglng ortie< froua chaos la lie Red Cross. Typhusý- la sapping tlicmnustreugthiof insu> countries, andthle Amercan lted Cross lit coing ever>' avsalable power la' Recanso: Tic Red Cross MUni* preparedt tameet emergenclea arltng fron i lsasters at home sud abroad. Tic led Cross memberhlp munst b. maiioalued at lia present igi sMai- dard. every enrolljuent l a vole of confidencein the enat performances et.f the. American Red Crousudatia test-i 'imation of lie beBlef luthie prlnciples. for whlch Il has stoadt u lie pont snd Il@ plans for tic future. Te loedCroassiaving commlttetd ItzeIf to a deflite sut compreuanivo prograin, cannat turf back, andt t go forward l mueI have as generai a-j uienbersblp oz possible anti ample funda ta provîde for an>' coottugcncy. LOCATES MMTER WRTR FOUR -DAYS IN DESERT SANDS1 LFour <l y b' amnel tram Damasens. in a l nrtvillage neslatithé i Mings anda, live lie Syrlan modior of an AmerlSeackol iller. vaillng, b û for *ôm from. her son wio adtt gone to far-o Amrl&à. lu>', lb.ebkn.eniuto vili is th nce ucolon vien hua country vopIt tevar, anti .el iobghul lu thie Aronue, loavingb*otie nli' a 85,000govlmn o Inura cely. Tic atidrensaof th. moher vas vagua.1 Sic lîveti lu lie icarl of the dosent. four taya froni Dumascus-that vas1 1h. oa1fyattrelà. qere. 1me.ý Thc task ut fanding the uotuer w*M. given tathie ledCrossmisainiln tSi. estime, andthi e arci wuastartoti lu- uctiatel>'. trange iy-palia of that land of lystery-lie great deser- ver. vislîti b>' .d Cross variera, anti ut lengthitue moher vas founut. a Sic vas taken 10 Darnascusb> I j caumel, aceÔtunnet by, vlludssu ep; 'r tabllshilg her Ideutil>', anti ater muclu a palaver il vas explaincti liat lie t Asereau goverumeut vuld piais te. t1v. affluence for bar tiecellulng das. CLUBS TO AID RED CROSS. SA serles oclub*yat rbbll * arrange . b>' i li .Co .sm-! 't -inugrates t he gre?test sale ever seen in this at of the st*a te. Store closed Friday to arrange stock and reduce prices. A marvelou*s saving on eve 1ry article in the store. Nothing sold until Saturdayat 9 a. m. A GIOANTIC STOCK RDUCT ION 3AL Spa. Saoney, Se Men's Furnishings Men's 35e Box. Sale Price ................ 17c Men's $2.50 Dress Shirta. Sale Price... 13 Men's $2.50 Sweater Coat;, Sale Price... $369 Men's $2.25 Mýnnel Shirts. Sale Price.- .. . $1.59 Men's $1.00 Luather Mittens, Sale Price..-.-. .48e Men's 65c Police Suspenders Sale Price... 8c Men's $250 Overalls. Sale Price ......... $169 20c CanYa8 Gloves. Sale Price.............. 14£ Men's $1.50 Caps. Sale Plrice............... 89e Men's $1.25 Bi1k Ties. Sale Prie............ 79c Boys' .$1.00 Blouses. Sale Price...........69M Meî's $3.00 Ribbed Union Suits. $ 7 Sale P 'icee................................... ........$ 1 7 One lot of Fine Woî'k Shirts-\ alues. up to 95C .13 .Sale Price .................1............... :ý1eîfs 15e red and blite lhandkerchiefs.9 Sale Prie. ................................. ........9 Mýeîî'e.-25 cent Sox in alî'olors lS sale Pt'iee ........................ -....... .....................1 S Men's 141.50 Fleeced liîîed Underwear 95 Sale Pi e .........._............ . . ......................... 5 Men'm $3.0O all-wool Union Suits. $348 Sale Price . ........... ........ ................... One lot of Men's 75 cent all-wool sox 29é Sale P rice .............. .............................. Dry Goods $1.00 Grade of $heeting.69 sale Prive ....... . -.... . ....................... 9 45 cent Uliallies in assorted patterils 29C Sale Price ......... . ............................. 45e Flanîtel for Kimonas in faney pattern25 Sale P..i............ 45 eent Peî'eales 33c Sale Pî'ice ... .......... -- ---------- ........ ..... ... .30c Apron Ginghiams 21C Sale Price .........-........................................... 35 cent Flanmels 24c sýale P rie ................................... ......... 25 cent Liiîen Toweling 1 7c S ale P riee ......... ..........._ ....................... Lzdies and Children's Furnishings Children's 50 cent Fleeced stuc kings 35c Sale i-ivî e .......... : . ........ .- .......... ............... Ladies' 50 vent Fleeced Hose. 33c Sa.e P rice ..-. .................................. Ladies' 65 venît 'Iilf Ilose 3ec Sale Prive ............. . -............................. Boys' 25 celît Suspenders. 17c Sale 1riee .................. .................................. 10 venlt Safety Pins.. 4c Sale Pri'e .................... ............................. Ladies' 75)vent Sunuer Union Siiits Sale Pi ..e................ . Children's $1.25 Gingham Dresses7c Sae P ie e; from 2 to,6 ....................... .. 9 Boys' $1.50 Ribbed Union Sunts 89c Sale Prive ...................................................... O Glirls' $1.75 Unîion Suits- 9ci Sale Prive, $1.19 and..... Cliildî'en's 75e Fleeêee* li"neëd "«Uîîde'*I*«'rwe'"ar 4""'** c s ale P rive -............................................ ô Stockings Olne lot of 30( ehildren's Stockigs. ,Girls' Caps firls' $1.50 Wool Caps89 sale Prîce, m........................................... 26,9 A. Ladies' $5 bîtie serge and black skîî ts. sale Pricee...........................-......-..............$j i Oielot of ol Blankets. Values Up to $448 $7.50J. Sale Price .-............................. Oie 'lot of $1.23 Baby Blankets.8on Sale Price ................................................ One lot Infants' Sweater Coats, $1.50 inlue 89à Sale Price.............................................. v C $5.00 and $6.00 GeorgetteWaists. $33$9 Sale Price ................................................ (1hildren's $1.25 Flannel Jun'pers Sale Prie . ...................................... Boys' $1.25 Flannel Blouses. 8 c Sale Price ................................................ Ladies' $l.50 Ribbed Union Suits 98 Sale Price ................................ ..................... .. Ladies' $2.50 Flannel Night Gowns.... $189 Sale Prie ................... ... ........... One lot of Children's wool Sweater Coats $ 6 Values up to $300. Sale Price ................ One lot G-irls'.Velvet Ilats. Values up to$j 9 $3.0Ô. Sale Price ......... ............. Ladies, $1.50 Fleece lined Underwcar. Sale P rice ....................... ....« Miscellaneons Boys' Knee Pants Boys' $1.50 sud $1.76 Knee Panle 11 Sale Prie.............19 Corsets Madam Grace Corsets, -42.00 values. Sale Price............1.e29 Stnckings On. lot of i0 chilîdren's 9 Stockings. Sale prlce ... 1ç Ladies' 86e Home lunblk 5 sud white. Sale prie. ... 15C Girls' Caps Girls' $1.60 Woal Caps. Sale Prie ... . ......89 Huck Towels 35e Huck Twl 3 Sale c Laies' $2.00 Ml-cuver in2 Aprons BaleprIce,.. .. Union Suits Oui lot Me'a $3.00 fleece fL1.1 ed union suils, lun large ases. PriCe ..... 1.79 Stockirîge Oue lot of chiltrens 45c stocklngs. Saie price.9 Mens Bock. 39c men'e Cashmere Sox. Sale Price .... 3 Bad Shout $2.50 B.d Shoots. F ullI7 lize. Sale price ... u..8.7 Men's Clothing One l0 of Mon s and--Young Boys' OvercasatiMciaws Menn's Ocercoats: Values up le, St Inis ta wiobesaie cool. $35. Sale Price, 1 A One lot of Mou's Work 1P>04lA $1595 anti . 12as.45,.83.50 values. Men's $5 Corduroy 9~l Sale PrIce.........46e Pant. Sae Prce ... 389.One lot «f Me's Dresa PAnS#.. $1.5 'Cg'o'd 1.29 Values hp ta f.. 2.. Shirs. Sle Pice ... .29 Sale PrIce,......24 Ladies' Furni'shings Ladies' $5 bine serge Boys' 81,215 Planuel & black ikirts. Price .U039 Blouses. Sale Prie. ou, lot of Wool iîlankets. Val. Ladies' 81.50 Ribed Un. ftmàL nos up ta 07 50. ton SURS1 Sale prica Sale Price . ......44 Ladies' $250 Ylannel oue lot of $1.25 Raby -e Nigit Gowns. Price .. 07 Blankets. Sale Prie . ~Oua nelot ai Childreu's y- ool one lot ai Infants' 8weêter Sweater Coats. Values gg Coats. 81.50 value. ln,$3. Sale 'Price.. .8... Sale Prie, .........8 C Oua lot Girls' Valvet Hala. Val- 15 and $6 Georgette Oft nes ta $3. m.,e Waists. Sale Prie ..3.39 Sale Prie,........... s Children's $1.'25 Flannel Ladies" 8150 Pleece îine-'U imrpers. Sala Price .... 89C u.dervea.r Sale Prie. Shoes! Shoes! Oîne lot of Children's $2.50 Shoes. Sale P rice .. .. . ......« .,........- .. ....... ........- Oîîe lot of Ladies' up-to-date.Shoes. Val- ues up to $,0 Sale Price, $4.89 and ...... One lot of Children's Shoes. Values Up to $ 5 $2,50. Sale Pî'ie............................... Liberty Bconds and War Savlnks Starnps as Good as Cash With Us 219 was iitbîi stl. Opste8ikM a gs Bank r

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