CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 2

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- UBIIETY VILL Pý1)EIT, TBUBSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. ASI' iOVERNMENT TO PUT WAUKEGiAN ROAD IACK INCONDITION, A requeat bas been 11ubuitted to thie teserai acccei'niiccust through te ýorsat L.akes naval training station. *skiag ihat MWaukegaa moaS wbicic saun s past thie naval station be put ba ln l a scate of good ropair. TIce heavy traffic ot the naval station lias rendered tci aroad extrenmely raugh muS lu view ai the tact tlice nic avy caused this condition, tics authorilies Of Loke Caunly feelIbtat itlaIsDo more than talc ta expsct che gavera- suet 10 put tice road back mbt con- billon. Prollnsnary taquinles by ocal au thorlies bas brougbî forth lice state- -mont ticat orders have biten received froos Vsashington, tochîddiar the vv station ta take fin- furticer Sillog toward cneS building. Jnstead of allowiOg che malter ta rust thore. local afials pan ta lay tSk. malter betoie thce local ccpi'Cdtcti b*einlacongress, poiotbflg 0oui aw Bafair It voald be ta execet tIis can- ty la psay for relu crs cc the raid wheci lb. uavy vas cesponsi1lel5foc the con- Sillon. ql The operation of Elec- trical Appliances is greatly facilitated by convenient outiets; qThere are neyer t00 many of these in nny house. c qIn many houses, wired years ago, before Ap- pliances had reached that efficiency that efficiency that bas brought them into gerleral use, baseboarci and wall outlets are lacking. leIs su easy malter to, add these to any in- stallation. The ex- ese is moderate. Te investrnent pays. w do c t"wrS Public Service Co. of Northern Illinois, f. BAIRSTOW c Meube and Granite S!Monuments 4emetery Wowk of Bver) D..eslitjou 110 saicitèd Weest- ML 1. L TAYLOR mu la mNm" a"Do.k Dmdà 7to P.M.. Uemm o 8 mêivy, ppodi. Pas Uàbow*ylW. iil"ois. VIWANAiNV OD 0" a4 nome, Cook Ave. Phone 1684 tABURTVVILLE ------ILLUNOIB. LYELLH MRI L.lbestMls - Illinols es.é Ibm..U5.d. Olice Pheme 1 PAUL MAC GUPPI. AIIOINEY AV LAW. IlbertyviIle, Ilîliiol. MARTI C. DECKER AIWWBNZT*T-LAW SOT Wa.blogton Street WAXJKGANILLINOIS 04cS Phono 848 »ms.Phone 1860-R DMCARES 6"VIC99 ULTIMATUM SENT WAS TOO PLAIN; TO STEEL WORKMN; TALKS TO FOLKS MUST DECIDE BY WED Infaronnoclion wltlc the article be-t LOS NGELS, Ot 16-Th. ~>low from a Chicago eveccing pape. il LO-S NGELS, C-lt.16-Te no ta]of lntereat to kaow that ln ail oulyt tariousfiii taste of 'Mr. Jigg., la se- about fur, menbers of the Wire ,Vrkeýr:s'Union have been taken back iéctng lhity boor asa ciiii.i to 'atheir Jobs ln the local VrMII vicen lie might just as weil enloy the A fart of furîher tnterest la Ihat anf laat Sunday three acembers of thce compaay of Baron Island or Caunt Wire Workers' Union were expelledl Gazzunk, is parallel tes the attitude f roni the Uniion at a meeting beld in Workers' Hall because tbey bad re- whieh hroug-ht Victor A. Rosaboclî. turned to work In the mili. The Chi- forcr,*I> of Evanston, ]L,,ltot court cagoeventing papor priaIs the follow- as a detendant tu bis wife's divorce tnig. -Thousands of letters placeS in lthe action toctay. Mcails taday by the UniteS Statea Mrs. Rossbsach, a Bigler Of the0 laie Steel Corporation, wblch incluSea the Sent' Smith and one of his belle. îcorks of lthe Illinois Steel Comîpany toldthecour fiwas mposibl inof South Chicago, as weil as tbe great tol lie curtil as nwosîbe ~mîlls ta Gary, vere ta serve trikere apply thce ligitest polsh ta ber hua.-csth the fIat ultimatum that they band, tormeriy telegrapb operator for niust auffer the boas of their jobs, teS.Pauîl Italroad. ttîeir pensions and ail properly rigicîs the St. ucs tbey retura bo work nat later Despite ber protestaq, sice saiS, he tîîan next Wecunes<tay. insiated upon- hobnohbing cith ltce Therefore, Wednesday mornlng street cleaner on ticeir treet, kneew promilses ta mark a crucial stage of the graet walkaut lnaail sections of ail the bartenders in the neiglibor- the country, inasnîuch as It was sa.IS boaS by ticeir first namea- and was a that the warning applied to workers close personal triend of each p'olice- of the corporation la ail of Ils nîtlsa man near their r,'sidence. throughout thes United States." 01 Slcpt in Garage It is admitted at the Wire MiII that Ilis practice of sieepiag lnth ie ga- the moen are returning ta work quite rage annoyed Mca. Rossbach also. steadily. For instance, on Moaday niorn4ng. about 35 additional aiea re- la reaponse lu the assertion that portedl for work, and ainiosi as many he :'COked is hat over on ane sac, nmore went hack Ibis îîorning. Put bis feet on lice table ad aithlie The Wire Workers' Union lias tableand soked Il thotigh the ansferredlits beadlquarterlh tram tue. tabe ad aokd al tcrugl tu Sovenic Hall ta Workers' Hall on bcouse, and ai lthe table tri tua shirt Ilelnchoiz avenue. This is donc, il is slee"Mr. Rosabach sai i lie sateS, as a meatis of retrenclîncent, lied aIways enjayed life ontil bis as the Workers' Hall ta a smaller w place an d the rent theretore ta mucti wtte hera to"put on airs' and 'be- saaller. gan ta eut shines." Ia connection wit1h the reportedl Asked regai ding hie, drinking pro- notice f rons headquarters as ta the amei returning ta work by Wednes- cliitieà RIossbachi aduitted he Sra.k day. a local Wire Miii officiai tated now and then but insistedl he hadl that the local plant hadilao knowiedge ncrer coiifled the drinks anS had no of auch a thing, but admltted It waa knofrledge of bis eapacty-"*never', Possible sucb a notice would be sent bavig dicovred t"f coic headquarters rather than franc bavin disoverd it~ the local plant. Toiti Where ta Sleep ÀAked wlcetber be tbought the rom- Lsst June Mas. Roassbach, aileging îany oteant ta carry out the ultimat- umc, he Seclared Il was enttrely ylth- habituai intemperance, sougicit ta I the prababiltty. As ta the men for- have hlm restrained froma interferiag feiting their pension la tbis manner, with the persona or thce resideace ai herciteS thce clause Intahie pensiona -NoUyood ourta;reemnent whereby il 'tates wltxi the, «olW'ood curt men are paid ticeir pension and bonus Tice court ordeded him to steep tin that: "the back bedromnaI lice end of the .' have worked for the company hal." 1iý %NýstheIurh.ýtront ! falthtcîlly for thes past - yeara.- bal T li ci s flc iatlco :t,acI ng ofthlie matter he suid: tronc Mus. I<ssbaciS apartasenta. 'tic view of thia clause whtcb ticese The Rossbacha lived in Waukegan men have to accept before tbey are fora nmbe ofyersther hme e-given their rîgicts, lice menn ica ave fora aunier f ysrs thir ome beiesa on a sîrike surely coub fot say ing on lice veat ide of Park avenue they have serveS the company fatth- at lice sxtrems nOrth- For some years fully; go, Iherefore, there ls no aller- Mr. Rossbach was dejiot agent for lc native but that thsy boge their priar- th ty right If they do nal return wllhin St. Paul ai Gurnes. hLaon lice deaîb licetlime specified by headquarters..'" of Mrs. ltosabacb's brother, "'Silent'" Siich, ah, was given a fortune of a M I quarter a million dollars. Howeccer, M1IIII.C YOT nephews, aieces., eleP-daugbter and the widow of Silent' Smith got lice AT DONI SIIOT BY bulk o! hie fortune wbich consisteS e! Oves. lifteean million dollare. People vere eurprised vicen Mrs. 15 VEAR OLI) BOY Rosebacic got only a quarter of a mil- lion dollars outI of thce eiiorflous es- tale because ehe wae his anly lm- modiate relative. , Thbe neçaews of Smithc, thse Msons, living et Evanston, got the blk of hIs prolperty. Mrs. Rossach sud 'hm brother, '«Bilent" Smith vere hotu atI MUllau la"e Couuty, and liv..! tIse, Surins their chilihood The boy vas talon by bis nucle, George iitu. a lweothy New York minuandIlivoiS viti hlmunutil maturtty. Upon the Soas t fthe ufeLeth I, Young man came into hie satire fortun, sud thon in later YuerU r. Smith marrieS Mrs. Stewart. They wventoachina al thelr housymoon snd hledo white abroad. IJader Bmtth'sWILla monument vws erected over Ith, Sgravefaie mohet iu Milbumcrn oery, a ev feuce, vasbuilIabout thetoemetery ad otiser lmprovemonts maie. Maay uf the older resideul et Mtlbera ro- member Sm1th very vell, roclhing the *«iays" vheu h. vas a lad lving la Mgsu. ASSertlag Use tuabaud "iu suifer- lng unier a burien of priSe because 11U vife boldo ail bc money,» Judge Crail la Lms Angelee Friday re- tuIst a divorce to Mmi. Ruby poun. boa. s~ttr o! Use late 'Bilent swntis. Victor Rossbach, ber icusband, tee saiS, was a regular Mr. Jiggs. pro- f errtng s saloon anS a polUoom»a conversation b 1er drawtusg romi and Use eompay of soctety foilk To Use mvite tise judge selS. 'ýYou go back wîth Yonr huaband. It'ii work outinluthe eoS." Nover,' Mms.Rossbach saiS uhen thes verdict vas annoumced. "Il Yul onic get vorse." "Perliapa," thse judge saIS. "lta tIc0 way IR viii work ont. Bth of you go home anS forge t.V, Testimoccy liat brought d stordor ta lice roc- -an liaI of Sherif Cine. who saiS ho hast baS a drink ilbt Rasabaci aItih, gun club. "Do you meana, saiS tbe attorney for Use vite,. "t'O gay that yoU. Use uhoriff ofthUe couaty, tok a drink osf lquor aItlice gun club?- "I mean,"tUesecrif anaerod, "Mat 1 sheriff of Los Augeles county, CaLlifornia, wIlIl aite a drink amy- wbere."l Zions marauffsng cayîe vhicb ba robbe.j scores of chlozencoopo at a boss of hundreda of dollars, whtch ho ban been sought uuceasingly for Mix moulus, asdudcpon thesecosf if ich a zincs of $50 baS beeu pbsoed, i8nau More. The volfIlle animal va sterminated loday by Theodore 34*.- son, a 15 jear aid boy living et 22032 Enoch avenue, ZMon Cty. j'bout nine oclb tht. morulng the boy muisthbcoyote lua agravai -pIt at Esahol avenue a"S 'wenty.lbird etreol. Re hurried borne snd po- cureS bis 22 caliber rife. HRb uot toak offect In the animaIl'a ck.With a baund tbe beaot vas off, but ho ran isarely 100 yars ~befre ho drop- Ped lu hIs Iracke. The boy tok the carcasm t Use Montou lce station anS thon vent to Mayor W. I. Clendenin <of Zion Ciiity 10 am sbis revard of $60. Thse coyote aieput la au apposr- suce about six moatha aga. Cwnerm of cbickeu coop coaWlained of thefte. Thon someon reporled havlag»Ms thse coyote. He vas seeea sevural tiUm ater licat but ail efforta ta extetuilu aie bita vere lu vain. mauy peope, tncludtng police officors have »t ap &Il nighî at different lime, but the cuntng of the animal seemed 10 vI& him of danger aSd ho tayd avay. OnIy last Suday policeman Tom Gallagicer fired a aboi t athUs.bfmet vhiob evtdently tbah efot lulate aicoulder as the woud vam touS there today. Many popi. have shet aitble animal but up tu thia moru- ing ho appearod ta bear s charmeS life. It vas ta spur overyon, lnuse <ily bo do liseir ulmost tos ktll the Mmruder ticat thce mayor offered S reward. REAÀLTY TRANSAC- lIONS DURIN4i WKe WURE ;"NUMREROUS BY A. K. BOWES Asat Secrolary Security Title aS Trust Ca. Business af the Recoriees Offe for tbh e k ending Oclober 18, 1o19 Number of cauvoysacos, 112. Nimber IT. 1. Diseharg, 2. Number Chattel Mortgage., 26. Number Trust Deois sud Mont- H-. P. L. Bock, et al ta Wmn. Oltîlng and 22, blk 53, North Chicago. and wife. WD $10, lot 5 Sylia Ludwic S. Kentecz.ny and wlfe to0 woods ln sec 1 West Antlocb. 1 Matt Makovec. WD,$1. lots 13 and Clara P. Dicken and busband to 0. 114, block 7, Waukcgan Hi&Iands, E. Carlson, WD 410. lot 10, Ayllng North Chicago. Bluff Park-on Bluff Lake. BWI'war..d Welch ta Joseph Meyer. C. A. Newcomb Jr. to iG. W. Mans-.W 10, W 66 ft E 132 ft lot 1 bIh field and wlfe. deed $4200. lots 21 31 original Waukegan. ages. 38. bli Il, Wrlgbt's add t Total, aunîber of Instruments fil- 3..0. Carlson and 'oit 17 8. Publications. WD $46f Total amaut of boans, $122.300. 3 blk 23, or!gInal Wal iuiesl still vr brisk, with M. V. Brand andw Businss s VerYMary Polansek. Wl)1 loans above the average. 1,t 12 blk 6 McKay's i The fallowing are the more Import- A. G. Larson andv ant doals: Delhaye and wtt e. WD WAIJKEGAN-Joe Meyer bougbt ans sub of block E. Hl@ the Edward Welch property on Water, Estate of Hermon K, btreet, Just east of the Wasbiburn Ha0- Lagesehute, deede $3 tel, for a nominal consideration. land ln sec. 36. Ela twl Alek P. Beaubien bought the Delta A. W. Pleade and w Maran property on east aide SooutIl Walsh and wife. Wl) Geusss etieet, just forth of Lake St., blk 6, Orayelake. for nominal cansideratton. OCTlOBER 13, Thomas W. Frazier boesgbt the .Iennte H. Bond ano Mare E. Green place on east aide F. B. Martin and wltt No. County street opposite Central J. M. Triggs and wift School. for tndtcated $4.600. Pr, WD $10, lot 6 Tril Harold M. Durst bougbt the Wm. tyvilli. Grains estate proprty on Glen Rock Sarah N. Smith ani ,Ave. iand So. Uakkson street, for ohn Griffith. WD $50, nominal consideration. Bartletts sub Lake Fe Fred Jahnson bougbt the Ambrase Estate of James Tay Runyard place on east side Bo. Park A. C. PoIfra. QCD $10, Ave.. near Clarke Ave., for nominal blk 1, Sprague's euh. 1 coaideration. A. C. oPters and wli Wml. S. Brannum bougbt a 30 ft. Julia S. Kelîs, WD $1'E lot on Nly stde Water street, east of Sprague's euh. Prairie C. &. N. W. Ry., f rom A. F. Beau- A. F. Beaublen and bien, for nominal consideratian. Brannum, Wl) $1, W1 LAKE * FOREST-David Dangler 28, original Waukegar look title to the Dangler estate in Victor Sauer ta Wîi University Place and thelake for ln- WD $2700. lote 51 dicated $76.000. Knopf,s euh Prairie' Ralpb R. Bradley bougici the Roy Evelyn A. Sellers a S. Wells place on lot 31. Rose Ter- Carl Meier, WD $7501 race, for $8500. 19, Caunty Clerk's su HIGHILAND PARK-Ruth H. Mar- OCTOBER 14 tin baught the John Canifleld place A. P. Beaublen and an south aide Hazel Avenue. west of ,Fischer et ai. Wl) $ Lake Ave., for Indicated $25000, and S 26 3-4 rada N 53 1-2 gave trust deed back for $20.000. sec. SW quar. sec. 20. Melvin L. Straija and wife baught P. C. Smith and wite the Florence K. Cohn place on Sheri- Canning Ca., Wl $20 dan Road. Ravinia. for $18.000. la sections 14. 22 and LIBERTY VILLE- Frederlck H. L. M. Smith andi Marti nand wife bouglit the James H. Scheurmana, Wl $10ý Bond bouse on Elii oucrt for $7,000. ta. Nlax Kohuer bouglit a lot on Elm R. S. Wells and wifî Court from J. lil Triggs for nomi- ley, WD $10. lot 31 Rg nal consideration. Lake Forest. Cari Meier bouii t te E. A. Sellers OCTOBER 15 place aI S. E. corni-r Stt-cî art and Lin- W. A. Rortng and coin avenues foi $7.5o0. Fredertcks. WD 11200ý ANTIOCH VILLAGE -Win. J. 45. block 2, Rostng Bi Christian bought the Win. Garrett Lake. property on Channieli Lake Road ia Lillie M. Scott and Chinn's Addni.. for $3.500. G. Britton, Wl) $325( WEST ANTIOCH-1Benjamin Stone 19 ta 22 Tweed's sub bougict the Siedschlag farni tiu Secs. E. A. Ficke and wtt, 2. 3 and 10 for nominal considera- Wl) $10. lots 1, 2 a lion and gave back tru.,t deed for Park, Lake Zurich. $8900. Margeae Waintew.î Wmn. Oelting and wiJfe bought lot ta Adolph Staranowtci S Sylvan Woods, on Channel Lake $10. lot 8, blk 16.,l)re framn H. and F. Bock for tndicated Chicago. $4500. Adolph Staranawtt LAKE VILLA TI.Rlt C. John Was3ntewskf'anS Ferman took titie uider Master's lot 17 bIh 14 Dreyer's 3lDeed. to tbe Sexton farno; of about caga. 183 acres tn Secs. 2. 33 and 18. near C. H. Pedley to J. i Sand Lake, for $38.000. $4000. 120 acres inF AVON-Inderrieden C'anning Ca. 25, Cuba twp. bought the Fred C. iiiiith tarmi of Ambrose Runyard a 110 acres ia Secs. 14, 22 and 23 for Johnson, Wl) $10. lot $20,461. L. Brittain'p sub Wai George Gooding bought the Lee A. OCTOBER 16 Williams far min Sec. 27, just narth L. A. Willitams and af Grayslake. for $5590. Gooding, WD $5500, IVANHOE-Miebael W. Jarenuss Oakland sub Grayslal and wife bouglic the' Jno. R. Robert- la NE quarter of sei son properly for $137 50. twp. BARRINGTON- Fred Lohman ba't the Edward T. Martin property on Franklin street for $1900, CUBA TWP. John F. Hollister bought 80 acres ia N. %V. quarter Sec. 25 and 40 acres ta S. E. quarter Sec. 24 tram Clarence H. Pedley for $4000 and gave back trust deed for $4.000. RAi ESTATÊ TRAN SFERS OCTOBER 8, 1919 D. A. Hlnderberg and wife ta Non-* na F. Rasmussen, WI) $6000. N 20 acres of SE quar. NW quar. sec. 17. Deerfield twp. J. D. Bray and wtfe ta C. 0. Travis. àWl) $4000. lot 22 Buena Park tnause 36 W. Antioch twp. R. 0. Samuelson aud wife ta L. H. Daggett and wlfe, Wl) $1000. lot 10 S '1 bih 77 Highland Park. John Lancaster la Elizabeth Moore.- Wl) $1,8W 8 acreu 8W quar sec 26, Libertyvtlle twp. E. B. Doolittle et ai la Margaret LVasauW: 810. lots Il andle-8 Proctor's euhGraj'sMske U. Fortune and wff. ta Joe Neyer Wl) $10. 8W cor Water Bt. and Sher- tiSsu rosi, Waukegnsud 8 lobs la North Chicago. OCTOEE 9. 1919 it Androw Wolffad wife la Ia lt t H. Douglas, WD $10. lot ô Wolff's Hotele euh ot Sand 141». Master la Cbancery la, J. A. Jadrich doel779.27, lois 41 and 42. bih 11, Dreyer'. euh North Chicago. 8C. A. Newoib r. laoilantn Serk- owski and wlte. del $150. lot 44 bIh 44 Washburu Park. North Chi- Traini Florence K. Cah ad busbaud la conne M. L. and Marions 8& Straus, WI)»l.5 $18,000. lot 8. Carolyns mb HighladoI. Park. o il Arma G. Miller and husba tecov Robert Duncan. Wl> $10, lot 84 Mil-i Ife$'.«bulila»0 le0Grant tep. Umnua Lladotrom adh baau l John sad H161=a olary. WI) $19000. lot 18 11k 8. Durera South Bide Sub. J.UILGridleFs&" wife . A. and Bouse N. Cran., W» $10. lot 6 11k 2. L v kP*urat aad CmualaghbWa euh <if Bluffy OCTOBER 10, 1919 haif h( Chrutapber Derby and wtt., ta Helen iL. Datby,, Wl il. lot 87. Rs- ,hisMonol t otMoDal. WDTra $1000. lots il and 12, bi 15, North Master la Chaucery olakeC State Bank, Seéd $1471.28. lois 38 snd 39. bIh 7, Wmsbura Park, North Chiago.cI .1. E. Fltnan sd wilet0Autan C Boinai, 'Wl $290)0, N 60 ft lot 13, Tif- fany and lranaile'e uh Waukegan. Eshtate af N. A. Steele decessed ta A mans Ii1- among men! the grume posettbsvol -a tbsydfily - -m the amspte yea-M e bg in from the bilaosas sitb emp a"ye lag *0tâe durne nd admkldgy ce yaurbit mip- >'oM dshp 1Eveay ocemnhba Uaffl Situ ship malng fSt MM pot Worth oe=& If Yacsve aMW CRSU nyou fur s faS lUfe--jain, sud color efl your ycer ahoad with memori«of a thinP Worth mdm-silb knowl- edgc Worth havin--wth ensuer.. banutble fund of ma talcs sud ddvmbum D icked up asiore and nm Sthat sifimaie yau a Il& - - mm tauW copy. Work--ure, suds àsussea k 151.. uegme.. PIayP-soIlratber.stbumb or m Whso bsasbosto Ph>y Tbmascorades 0f yomucamy lu te m t hen Is omds<of cru* soeid cille.. et boascinu guns, of owathlng .ca-oeds yau viff uarwith th=c. sud tSwa never die assy. Ad wiceu you csue home. yoult faca liesabre wlh Level eye- for Uncle Samn usinambu e.1 r.iiance as weli a self-respect. The Navy bualida ugt mn»- no moilycoddks. montf, r o~. Elsant opçoehzutiOs fer avo. IonS elauaat poecuvisite&.Mualaslatii.GooS <caS feu atdmadb ow a arnseosrsemne statîýIln.y= do4 anS ne. whomo tb. mac"al cuîa" 14iaMlt.aFr Shoive off!1 -Join the and wifp to Fred 3 block 3, Effle U. S.Naar. 6. 1919 Id wtfe, ta Gen. 1 a ýlots 3 and 16. Le and 10ace ection 2,Ao hopersL Attention S.ave Time A void Dely To Chicago tie heart of thie business and shopping district convenient ta 1î, Thestres, Stores, Depots, Eîtc. .Every 30 Minutes i leave Libertyvill every baE out frorn 6:32 a. m. to 12:32 a. mi.. Dting Bt Làke Bluff with lirnited and express trains froni 6:54 a. n. 54 a. ru. Trains operate into and around the loop, stopping at Mitent ý"i."stations. Service to Milwaukee eLibertville fron 7-02 a. ni. ta 10:02 p. mu., connecting at Lake w'ith lirnited trains hourly froni 7:23 a. m' ta 10:23 p. mi. and every ,our an Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays. Iins Leave the Chicago Loop District for Lake-Bluff every 30 minutes. lcago North Shore& Milwaukee R, Re' ~uLibertyville Ticket Office Phone- Libertyville 74 I - Ils *.pda limai Cq<da mile HaIyesm.~~.5sdcins. tassU b 0155 Se pff -,r, -,t,

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