CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 3

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1 , ,q . - - ' - '-"- -i ý -ý-- - --, )ý- ',>1- . ý k LIBERTYVIIL INDEPENDEN4T, THU-RSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. WIIITMANOTED t:<nl conentio. I :oc:: l ~NO 'DAYLIGIIT SAVB HNSEGR 4j5 . <lauIsses whieb marked the turnlng HAVINJ, C S1INDÈER, BE iS fiîr Whtnian suffeed eav flan-s OTIIERHA E CR C point, or at least thre flrst turning MEpoint, in hig career. POORiIOUSE ilI a te wyearis be became a book- C TL Iu PIPA POORHOUSE HOME Waker, and tben embam'ked upon I ES D P LA iwindle<s whlch grew In ize andi "l' Ol ad tred" ayeMan ope untîi they became unprece- The' Watik4-gati Cham ber of (îm Boomed for Vice Presidency rFsrthe first flftes'n years of.his. e~fY rp nulect<esi Who Made Millions, of a erlime. although arrelstid mor(,e lakP't. n Io I 'in the gentiment on! than fitty ties. the Proposition of Puttîng t.. a *. t, Hetotalesentences amounted te here th iayligit Sav '4' tjn SWINDLED ZION WOMAN? more than eghtY Years, of %%hich bis'a, ,erved three years In wldely ieparat- 'While the' majority of loca l u Roc h' tei, N. Y., Oct. 20.-Ao- dtrmdetst o ha een 'oheard btez Zo J.- Wliiit cia, ut one time the' oa (hicago-Regulation of the' livel of press. themsclels" on the' matter au-ý spectactîlar and ,u'cessful confidence Laite Michigan by the Construction Poar teohi- la favoir of thi' plan ani mari ait l -si-r -s inler In the U. S.,of a systpim of gates in the' Niagara tnday aplpiied to the authonIties ot ani St. Lawrence rIveras-hould h WOu Id llke te se.. itl'ut into effeci bis «id honi' town, Da,îusvile. near'titdî'rtaks'n ai once and tni-e i-hse'. <h y atupear to hé duhlilu. «s b bers', for admiision to the county of i?( proiject should be horni by. whstlier ilt woqidi a 0k out su 1 . poor fîaiit. ie1- 61 y.'ars l.' sanitary district of Ch'iceago, ac- fa<tirity mul#sc Ithe Plamp plan wer. ll1<t id. tbrough with every..'îrding to a repo<rt or thi' l.,k,. lev,,l ,fiîig and .an t a re.'t." the'frailIand ofr 9Etsi c! hi' .,ani,:ir.% ditris'tt U41(- g"-nî'r l <hi igh'ul, th), s't W hiti'. liali "t 'did nan i-a î,airîsd. '"and tisrît'l'.' i v if <'hicago h lai , b ' <' i- i'd 1il.' I,,. i s.out «<y days os ar loy lropo'-al that tilis' ii<n of! Cok talitix tue a,. w r at siomçe 1,ng<lî iand Moy '11,, ioun,î can.îri'ing Evanston, XViI- qths' , ,, at 9,1iof <o 1) cî:r,.; ' w ý'Wi <1 i i. .i t i.'<nie a million- m<etute Kî'nlAorsi. Wý'înnf'tka, -ub- esil 1 o the s'îty ounî'îî t1ý, r,.'IiiIi't aire. a'ti h oug1l e. 'ri inaller liard 'Woods and t I tîrieose t h irawi foitjo- tuni ' a iawy.'ei igymian. fri Cooîk <'quily adji u-ar-l,,tii tip «itale î Mn<,a aleader 'onjjb a U-' r1lu til rtiriî.uil h In cin fli ni glities <f national mag- 1g"- ted goi c nni'ri laI unit to lii'-ilj 'The e t' <y c-111,iiil h er' ' a a niluil. ail iiaiuv tirni',a coirvct. i"H ails )Esinston eolintv, wae niad, i' ,qu' s*laI an 9rîlitr i.n'hir-eî M 1,.10N\ IN 0OWN ltl(IIT Xuiina ai Ii.' nion mering o!f Th', il) .>ounil ut ol I;t i'.,i t AI'oJ. Wh i tmn, a gi aduste of l"<li înilurs'au of Pu blic Effi- liatiii,,ru '<1< . atid %orth a il- n,-y' tî<' id is, it"iy <'îii ('huen- ntl., i.. ; r th, piroposîitîion,'î .I Ii l 24, ji îoneî'o'f the 0<0-t rsiiiaikahii' MiIvls it.' 'sr a brs'verý a'ill uis'.' <ii tialil< ailiis.piiiçis'd. oný liiti,-r -ntffi'P,, i' t h i Planiihofflil 'Ic. 's i i' cfp,.i' llý hi pert-oil eharrii ans i-lunr iI'o-s i n, o. ilw . prohiiin "f1c1 in(iiîhîîiîiadn1, -ei.. i l i itîîni'w <îîi<tuni- 1rirfî,t<'i' tii t'r, or usithîi ten davF throi îh'o ii tio' iie the ' <i. r 1," t' t. . it " " it . vi y filnî- N aeilîî tb,' ir.iin f,-. t<s. a ittout <ail ilia i a X'uki'g'in that iaîîi cl i ,,, Il 1a ,1inol ,uru<i aidbut liiNîari- sll. îr'i<'n' siui ii' lreaii' 1. jh ra h.f- o i S i-i plan. tii in1ýa < < rn o h C îe etis w n h wy1 loiiot<po-i d upîn ail %aho irrus.ted i ts,.ii",.ilIo aillI t.. dî'rnoizeI Olninen'Oi .'Ti'i'ci;.n' aroti AsothCinedrl r'i cehart hi<.i i'n l j,..i1 t iî-If a*.-lie ti'rioeid1No..j. t.n thi' d<r îban sut hi' ifi11r, c ci Ih, "a îîa' ii lt bon rroo.k":elî h". aýitîd r.ý'iliin n,ory nilt'.i At thesre meetings <osen -',ii'sts fi Ttrvii'i'i'ît hi- arsîr iitil th.' ________________ unilir.t,.nlngs unie's., ha < .id I d4aUaa PrObleme affectii, <.and Il ît-t 'riiiito.n Itiiannr.uncs d' he. lia.i i n u<rjouiii'd hy moni'y, GOVT. RELEeASES LANDO i lîr '"'fi<iowed <1<.. came ts,____________ îî< lii 4t <i r 'ait lits pri'dicaiî'nt, arîd - t ime andlitucliîi eapid piotucutionl Irs'a4 li'arnî'd idus'l1thath,. gov for, sss i lb.varraitizing for halliembument lia- rî'in.îiîO'b d il'. I. teon TWO BU66IES RUN C I E E B C M in stIIn!..- ahrýh as 51.0,ail tif the ('bliav,, Ti lî'î<ton andi Chicago C I E E B C M a-hi L h h,ýfi' îîle. .l atidari' Co., nil Lpa'si er (lard Twen1Y Yi. r'- ag., ahs'n arrested Iin, Wîrk'< pri.pîrtv In Ncrth FChicagoî IN Englaiîl. tt. i a ionfidence caiiipaign i Thý1qs ftepoýryeprd IT W U O O whi0'tlei ie.itida îroîfr icx months l ctoer htan ofpen ppict s xthedO WOA T M : S C L PI NE R tri hs, Kiiigdom. W'%htoian OetolSOCIAL Pmd uprî the l'ut'lbave $1900000 on de- properîv was retîtrned te the owners. BILES IN WVAUKEGAN - pi<sit liillrltieh iaving Institustions. Wauksigan and North Chicago peoéri__ NWOR1K. ZION C'ITY FRAUD Ilte, wboseli property was, selzed Nov-iW'liuiezan. Ot lis Men and Women Form Good Fel. Chicago. sia-in recent years ths'î i'mbt'r 4, 1918, by presldential pro- [The usual order or éernts was re- Scene of iîîlior uperationi by tie ags'd1 claMution are 00ow hopeful that th ier.e audyngtwe w ci osi lbTgte ne c rock.,:and In March, 1914. hé wae ar- l giernznent will return ths'ir laind. The' dents betweeo horses and boggies andi re.sts'd on a charge ot suwndling ai sesiztire by presidential proclamation atooitibles took place in hoth of Y. W. C. A. Leadership. Vos, City wonian out of $2.500. Includfosaicone verl vaitiable proper- abirh i iwsas tht' horse andi buggy fi wal, <itown that hé liaed taken af ty aund maniiionc. Th !nitowing iv a I xbiu'b roiiidpd wlth the' auto. Both Thie Ooos lloei l ismd Job as a ss'h 1 i eaecher In ZiuflCity list of proprty iler who were af- 1accident.. took place on McAlister av- Floml 'îl a ad to btild up tht' chemi' hy wh ch le fe toi it'e seizure ofthne land uses] ennt'rnper Ravine avenue. ltsappearance in Socety In llîngeiow, ei'etddfau svra f helad yron Husteti of 2300 Elim avenue, China. bopti 0 efrudsevra otth ted-In building up o!f Great Laites and Zion. stopped hisS automobile on Me- It began witb the dertire of a pro- log resident s of the commulty. a-ho n»ay receive their property l>i.ik A0traeu.Aotti iegosisyugCieodco ogv Other charges against Whitman In wti sItlme olep, venuetcb.rt've inginie sleYugCieedco eg Chicago Includeti the' defraudlog othCiltzCni'Pnoy a it acre, buggy. Hvenvt'- a-as aopnInd bbis Cnptltepcai 'rs Strattord, Annex andi other hotels and olt ad atshl ce bgy e a coDne yh$iOPtitI sellyteCr& the' forgery of many checs tor amall Charles Nel Estate, 10 acres. William Bolanti. Tbey admit that tien», one bealtbtul forti of scdai in. amounto., Mm,. M. Sheridan- they hat i vsiteti Kenosha andi vere tereose. In bis early nianhooti Whitman Wm. Mihaeu, 15 acres under the Influence ot liquor. The Channels for a good, clean, odial was sent by bis father te Minnesota Alfred Pearson, 14 acres buggy crashet I nto, the' auto. cauzing 1f. among Chine.. people are vory to look aftler large lumber loterests David L. Nes.l. 6 acres. consilderable damage. lirniteti. UnitU recSdty becoming a which the family held Ihere. Grace Noeler. 4 acres. Levenvlch a-as arraîgnet in police Chrimtian often osant cutting onosel! The youg man provred hinissîfca- Mary Jameson. 4 acres. court tbis norning andi vas tinetioffoiCe reni nirltvs pable f romt theu outteet and within four C'hicago Tille and Trust Co. 5 acres $7.40. Boanti paid a elmilar fro oes re eand i fsatvel. years was one' ot the' weaitby and In- Liu.AlnHaes10cr. In addition te his fine Levenvich wa-ý aiseo rom fens am ' n etha Lieu. AlenH.&nes IoïýrS. bliged te Day $5 for medicai atten- Au for joint nmeetinofgmm isandi mous- fluential men of th state. He paisi IRobert Blehop estate. 76 acres. tion anti $100 for damage to the en-a-ehl, uch s thing va, no~e heaa'd bls tather Ilberally for ail of the' Charles S. Dewey, 80 acres. auo tndceloity holditlngs and teneen buminesma Warren Herrick, 36 acres, "Me for the water wagon now," ho The Young doctor's pge ot baving thna lion dlclnears hm.or Wm. Duddles. 38 acrem. saidi grlmly. a club where mon andi their wvve ESCAPES PENALTY 15 YEA'S Eda-arti Masterson, 120 acres. Tony Pregocki of North Chicago mlght mom" together te enjoy a gooti He wa-i' îected te the' stalle senate MJ. Philipe a-as driving in McAlister avenue Uime wllb eiîbnither vam duscenrageti In th early eighlles anti became Jennie Sayler, 32 acres about 8:30 oclock Saturday night and snlffeid at. However, a fev people chaairman o! the' Minnesota Statle Davis Watklns Machineny Co., 2 'wahen osepb Grennes of North Chîca-aredthepoer nteca.f democratlc organrization. He ran for acres;. go Came with a hors. andi buggy are eh lnesI h the position o! mayor of Duluth and S, B. Harper, 25 acresi andi Crasheti loto him. The hors.» scalitrouswdu.W . .sc a-as defeated. but a-as boometi for Brown Portable Elevatlng Co.. 2 cu considernbly. The case lo e t 1 etmartes agneed te help make the club thevie reldnc i 188ani asacres. handieti by tht' North Chicago author- aR Oucre55. tevc rIdncIn18an a 1liie S. At tiret the' neetings of the club aW~i 18cý C .mm-Ls apply Cyou cver expet- bodied motion, iLvor rý-J iC701nCESv. gl'..cci ';xcc,.r.c3 ycas l? vrt'. cbtaut QC cu:-" C.omzl j p!easýat lcigaretly cdý to tht' inost fastidiouý l:b1--ealy ,éi attc P0 ~.apackage ctZarette coztenînocnt beyoi' ann:thing nu'ceu 1 Yi otaneyer tasied aucl a fll- -'c ,-i-qaldneaa; serc"a refreahinîg, appetizing " The more Cneis you amoke the 'a h -C.1:e!s mec-c"1a &'f'a- a -you f'nd se fascinat irn!L<'-,i e½t1 o rt blend of choicu ï urkmls'a and 'e J z .cl=sa by then%&le.snai.; seen'> crsonal taste unsonnany waysI n.spe.-mnt cigaretty nfer-tusutc or <u- -~~ ti v'...ics Cannela particolanl" clesinublo e ~ ýs "-moko-rs. And, you anîruk'ŽCar'tia2 'z VI r inws<-s, for tbey nyever tî-2 your fi4ý.... tastol Yurax"y er ctt cigarette satisfaction thrat inake9 i -~ Cnrnetssoatt-ricfi.r, F -' 1 "-- Lze that th. valcuei, in b e cigarettes .94 and do neot expect preum2u.; or cou-. ponsl - Compare Camelua with any ciga- V rete ini the world alt &ny <once!1î G -'e'd cnn WW...nJ r'ousn " 'q' thic -t..i - tCe h. h-., u ot.*.Pppy eb. - ILJREYNOLDS TOBACCO COUPAN ~Vnto-~acN. QC. STUDENTS REAM AT MEETING as taken an active part it the Studenta' eamn aI a Y. W. C. A. atudent conference. rom aI parte cf China corne logether te 1the future of China. GENTILES AID IN APPEAL FOR FUNDS ALL CREEDS JOIN IN AMERICAN JEWISH RELIEF CAMPAIGN FOR WAR SUFFERERS. LLINOIS' QUOTA IS $1,5M0OOO Campaign ln This State to TaIs. place October 26 ta November 1. New York.-(Speciai Correspon&i once.)--Catholles anti Proteatants are a-orking ant i glviol help the ALmen-. cao Jewlsh Relief Commttee, anti othor Jt'aisbund-ralaing organisa- tlons. ln their serles o! atate campaigne lu raises 85,000.000 aith vhich to feeti the starvlng a-ar victimeain Europe anti lessen tht' suffering theoee dernl tht' coming year. Non-sectarlanism marks the 3ewisb effort tbers, met as Il dos te réwb disetibution o! relief fonds anti roUe! supplies beyond the sei, 'Whatever value my name bas 1 lenti Il gladly anti aith more titan ordinary heart for'tho psrtlcuiar serv- Ice asee,' wrote mhe avvereoo T. . a-or. laught'd at by outsiders and the Shmnnon, o! the Roman Catholie a-boit' affaîr coosisiereti a joke. Howý Church o! St. Tbdtnas th. Apoatie, tu ever, tht' members kept on meetinig, Chicago, ln accepting a place on the first St ont' flouse anti then at another. Jt'wish Relief <'ampaigni Committe. Lu Soon tht' mec col over the feeling o!f taI cttY. etrangenesasnt slnnltng ouI wth their «'Inimy work during the a-ar 1 have wlvseso,on Tîîî's.l,îy esening for a met aune more deiot'd, mors conscien-. friende bhomei' "t.i'wornen begen te tilousîîr moîre Iiispiriiîg tian the men eijcy the' otti ztund ta take part ln o! sour race aod creeti. I esetem fi the ds'îs'i--an Intelligent part, as ont' o! my pieculimr piviieges Ibat too--mucli t..u i.usurprise of their fbua- tis enuc tuuîare îvurking ln 'Chicago bands. on tltis uruise 'ie unesîoîgst the very The menuli ir <tj grea-. Tht' citl.'â r deareit mf r<îy frieods. fanes'icgînt,î. Ii-,'i;u]î. At fi rs ltre <is- "'Iiisti lase a raîher huîsy lfe, 1 cusl.isui i. ' htct ' vnluha ljshaiilibe pii-taed also to gleanytIbm. fortlei to liYor'.Jie i liaIi i glît be delliaîuuied of for liett tai.'.urrio'd on In Clirese 1 ni e. 1. . ri.. iglu 1 arn a c'ompara- s« in lstritîr. < f H1',e5 ot'mncoulsi un- dc'rsuuuurîîattîlt ..'t'irt. t.nny of lie tii stý iii <iai,. 1ihalt e glamdtiigis'. soffe'irs ticg t.i 'ptly for adoisvlinun.mne t' iii utiof riyinc-î.îe sîîcii .ai The ii-nI. "c ruinilging hlnm lu a <el '.i.ati"' uts il. rqthet'm a trille, frleridlî'.1 ' t t il oeuh fatull% tir- all I eitin î'uiu <'t reoîrd o! opinion iof got helr i v a pu y olie ou. 'tetia uîIl <ii «. mndi tei sabout your cria- anolîreir t'L'i P, *- t h-caie soonre 1s"' , antir t bu 1 ' v. siii.Ilt bm o tai tae imgiiug a lelter vlth the state- tIino, wvs- 'r'i j (scparately tbree ts'fiitl'lvtii-i a Jea-, but"an olti. T'iniity ' 'n1i _, 'ri tht' montb nsi on - sorti-ltt <ilsitarî tuian misslOnsry ltitef.,uumt i tii- lity riet togetlier foîr a -i t;t.i i.". .1. S. Murroa-, of Atoka, joint s... s- ia special progrmnu. i tkltiliiuiiia, aîud'. : "Your (lotila My Studfiet i . us, rittrnt.d from Arpin'.;..î' ,'ur t'athuer my F'athen; your cao sutnd.CetituiillnvýIegs's, en olti Ittti' people lire nuy istera people; youir dlîist ch,0irt' tsI i s iîrtis'uiimly Inter- 1lretii u.are' nus' lrethren.'5 Anti slong estel un '.î- '-on <unlIuiiism wiîb lis îiiestige he sent a corîhrîhu- antiCu i'.ui',t<irchants, rallroad lion tif i-ne tuilrtl- hcl larea. fid o\, psit.'t viiiaha compose the 'Th,-"'etivti ues froi'points %ideui nnc's i i., tIi'n. The îvoîueu ar yiioftesrtshw are sîtl i i W '.iy astutttaîkîn nt' toi tt r'tîmuîo!h'sprtbon front of -S.,, ît,, p'unli'but mnry of 1the- .oîîntry user. them. î.- o. u f grea't, exesuh is '1Tie aîîi 'lfor faildlis n llinocuie wil ahltt i .1î"i"r !ei'Sùy>rsh"1'p. y lie i1ii'the <teck o! October 24 t. are ail ma i1 i d."('Ileuir thînkiru tii4m~ i a eîtrh vîthtnt'. 1. t Iau5i liiave rugreat lmt- enni' en(t'ttsfuttuire. Tbey diecusm A Mother's Ativice. amnîg îu'i'.s-gnoup meetings 111 Il~i,'re ' il umst-n et truie pbiiosophy thetr v.i. -I"titrcbie, the' lack ù, int tnlufiin uven of tht' peasant amosemeytlufîr Ci'tituse wom'npoeil i classs-tb.'ughIlitle ephiln-%ophZ that serviceNssi i. s'iifi.toi. ]lais forn the, hon eitt-IJY <egetrv'nittest; no t tsa. rorpbaoag.'. e'0.t' isakillg. typet'ofcIn bIvanr, iiri's. by %fule. F'elorchenko, atoves. btîî,y i ils. tiQlates iet a-e recul io! a mîii.ilena-ho toltisYhat mnt nd 0lui P I îtîv suti esoa e wprefilue parting wamrds o! fils Mother -oiuld iii ir Is', ieîiy a groitp oni ienlie wav i'slled 10 leave hl@ home: a-omet> guîlis'rm.'ttoguther aîîy place iI Ormte etfru i.Icm Amertîs orIl 'eln 8gIýfon tit iatoryvanut oasew. t came Teso i'aI Part owieecln e~-jforu h'fctratiIeea-r e en over tu ii h tas, whlcb et t irai a-rie ysn og u ie astotiti lu.' euhr ('inecgeîîntmeum "lienysn eg u i.m but alilctil tI-s 11i1) tpvitlî great zest1 Ihat your l. iuny not seem long toi after the ttrst i venlng. And th etr snygte cie.'" vives enjt. y It jemt uig greatly. Couttd a botter sermon b. preacluet ital Airierican picutcs are the latest tr fewsr vords? thtng whilcl< thb@club 1bas trieti, anI they are a grest etuicces. A Chriit' i Grand Olti Man of Liberty. play la hetng phauuoeel noir. Çharie.s Carroll o! Curroliton, Md,. a-as tht' signer o! the Declaratlon of Independence a-ho lvetf longenit arter July 4. 1776. He aurvivedti btii X> VTU mcepencern icade li. Vember L%,1332 'fi ______________ Page Thr* $17291 IS RAISED FOR ORPIIANAGE BY TAG DAY MONDAY XX'uke.ui t) < ~ A hartufil report bias been cIra.. Yi'utrday %%s .tht' An tunal Tag I)ay for the Chi drens Bcîîefit League otr ' t<o thile xtent that the fundS ('hicago. atddtuhiirhs. Ths' <criitor5- ta tir' a'4 during the' Am.rcM> In aîîd around W'auitegan %vas li- - tui-h Relie! Drive, are te be uese ed ho Laks'Bluf!! Orphanage. AI-' Ihotighl n.atructions a'ere not gîsîýn faJ ii a r purtiogs other than a-bel> urtil toci lait, for any pubiieity or tIti'.rcallYir 'arersigned for. In tait, advertî, $172.97 sas securî'd tol rp'it'. havi, gine- so fair that ln oz theîîrphun kiluî ýs aituake itif!. The csu it bis hen stuted that the tuigglng thi., sear isa,.put upon thet' - uuouldir.i of th(. Epsîorth League at Watiukegan t .'lir(iws rnay use part et the laut nmontent andi the'Orphanage tht' tin.l <o huill a oesynagoge. I'. thei' <ehî-r t.' tht.. atruotnt becaiîe in Waokccan. they threw <.tic' sloto the elier- Teftto h itp nt h gs-icy, '-onu.' ssorkiug ail day. Only a Th 15to ii ,urc eIa b few t<iggi r, oullld c sîeuirs'd on sncb blinfy isi to bc ii'eI <o aid the ont. ahoit tait..'.anid p"cil r.'i rd ehould fret c in the si-r azone in Europe. It c mi nade .of tuvu-r fuTafg,.s ~ - l .rati rm ut ptr gens and linounts cvil-cted ivi-re a is.' huan tt' <nonwal gotoal fol lo'.si riit n h nnywl ot ir. R l .I1 Ed'.s aid.. 3.14 j <"hisses vof peopli Who lire sufferlng '<lis. E. 3. EUs .. . î- 17,'i !îrt lly in Eutrope Who are in Mis . FraTi . MBray g îjns'cîl ef!ood, etothint', etc. No dis- 0ts . XW Me'Il. 5 11i uieircu 1- ho be muide ln extendlng MlvEa Edwlards 6 Oi4<le belp. 75,flflh orphans are saidte t Yul,.$1 727 hi dy'lng and pining for heip In that Theue pi-opte msh te>lui biily wj ni eki ilcour- ' nd Waukegan tlianuk ail oi î,îut luou. for thu ut gen atil Liike ('oîioy bave heen called irîsand hca'ly -upport <n thetue tîl.i.nlu irse- $27,1000 aslils mark ln uta, %Nh. ti. î<any l'ails frhîrlelp ili- natîicnaldriv'e. i n 'tluh ii 'di ii'- c'.<'.vi'ry test tli.".e littie foilles %It iouî ans 'o ecannot realize h6oa s 055 hoilue of îir osen. lu inttr- tho,î"uoîiiu o! perucns are euf!erine j i-sting- stunIYlyn pschoIogy I a at<h so nuu'ov untotti privations in Euro",' t lu'faie, ut t lii' aar nus gii'c-rs. Il .1 i te pp n iia d w rs livipelil tai nia yi'ar nmore tfiie avilI i h rtetlia'aiw rs t.,u gis. n four ps'rfi'eing anud lu" tîgth- t.iritv soe genorui in ti<is country It ,'iiig i,(i.sganizatii.n. "i. a., tbough tht' time le here - ahen iaid shoulîl bc extendeti and a len people here ahould be villiqg,7 $109MO SUIT IS to shart' with those a-ho are inn ue% cqu1,nua1u >m5,di ra à U dure noi.s, SEQUJL lO LCRASH AT LAKE FOREST m. H.lusses andthiv tl usscy I.unihisr company o! Waukcgan andi Lýake Fioresh, together wllh Cornelius Trowhridge, were nameti defendants t. i $10,o d iamage action iuarted in cncut court today. Tht' plaintiff l Ns-wton Pûrry o! Lake Forest, manag- er of tht' J. A. McCoy and Co. hank- lot' concern o! Chicago. Penn- clains.s damages for personal Injuries recelveti In an accident aI Lake Forest about two yoars ago. An automobile crashet Itoo a team oa-ned by tht' Hussey Lumber com- pany. The horses ran avray anti 0crashed mbts ah automobile lu vbieh Perry *as dlv'ing. One o! the horses a-as kîlleti anti the' other was lojuret i bIy. Perry was hurt and hie automobile dan- ageti considerably. The damage nuit le tht' outcame os tis accident. GARY DEMANDO OPEN 0 SMOP; FEARS UNIONS Washington, D. C., Oct. 020.-Re- afirming lis refusai to negotiate wit h representatives of labor Dallon not employes lu the' plante of the U'nited StM 15tee corporatIon, El- bert H. (larry, charman of the' cor- Poration's board of directore,In- formeti Chairman Lane of the a- tIonal lndustrWa conference, anti Frank Morrison, seerescary of the American ederation ot Labor, today that he voualti ot recede from bts stand ton the open shop. fiM, GanraMii.uîndsrstood e> have t'!pressed fear o! the co(nscqiif'tce o! turther recognition of luibor an- ions. TIi e fet'r ht <is an riouns met oiu tein.lîial <,1coferoesnci' <e' oained t t, be dcsloîîed. Mr. Cary-ha.. preparu-ija statoi'nt whili lis-e xIl I o l. iali' in <'.t1 naitiontiorfLis suc. on th(î î'iliteiic coîie - II, for d 'io IVES UP$O,6 JOB FOR PULPIT BETTER'N GOLD X, disiiii rg--r for the Illinoi l'if,. h.'-l rine" asnpqîs' l. B mninil,-.n eiîartî $1t,00il,O asar. Au'. xtor ý'f LIs"' L'iki Fiiri < XNliii, odh,t C'hur-i h tIi>I ls' s' . Siua t I'rmn Iîiiîtil,, 4 c a i n a i5' t a r. 'ýt th tht iv. . E i oi tîiî ii a l:s cli. n Io tii c<î la t 14 ilii.' i. ii lie' 1.- r pe Ii . ii i-r.-. iiî h, . b saq o'i5. r u t îs'Il. oî'î.i i'hih I lis <'.4.1 tiai in: goldît" t .jSuad'ay iii<r<î't, Mr. EdInu otîs eoS O it ilIpreaîcIu aI t i g 'Li .. t"onec 5iletbg<dl.s1tChurch. * SB1 - A KEus BALs»fcuGj CANDLES USED TO KI3EP RATS FROM THE DEMI, More Ihan 100.000 candles andia fequal number of boxes cf m&tehm" were aanong tht' supplies recently asm» by Ainenican Jea-lsh Relief agemtà troin Paris, to tht' destitute Jeva Ci, Polanti, ln order te enablo theme mtps. lng People te conform bt tdlr ancl**4 creei of lIghtilng Sai'batb caadhîý. a-hile they si a blesaing. An8ertea »JeWIsh relief vorcers there riq ithat tbie candiea ver. usedti tokZe th rets aa-ay frmin the deed, la t1h cellare a-ber. deatitute Jevlah rofu. ge l ive. 'Only the rai .9are. oct ýinrgr ho gays tut :sssmt jumt rOU1mW 'id by the Ar-. siz evish F~sIe4 Conunîtte. The appuil for funtis lu this statp a-ni tako Place the lant veek la 09. lober 'ahen 81,500,000 a-lb. rS&i' eti Every City anti coumty lu those wll be organized for tblm bumouk tari-an ppeal for fundtis Wb. u«Ml l aliding the unfort.unato sufdfere s111.. the a-ar zones. DRIM ROFII TRUCKS TAXE CoIAmCg,« ]JECAUSE OF RUTJN Tthe ar r-t 'If îdditonaI heer rua- îrî'u' kt Zion City 'he latter part of iit wme'k bhc.eriouit" ct'tstaté,- tuent that tht-II u usîiggling traow s'as ln fuit s3u ipg despite thes tact thft a linge otni Ir 0o r tregts a . iiien malle.A tusnnîi rocks 'thé tut'tient t a!ui.ti re t play lluu'ir i 1:iii 1 - Y o I- i. in i 1- The vi '.r,,i. 'tir lùchance Ibis' I 1ir ',ituie tif îti but ame ,4illiizt o t;tr.. I L... g l.î. ii-e L th IL Iluiil percentage o! alerhol coin- ttt .1., 'i'..i.t,IYnu ii .ny pries l, d ý1 'i su it. . id i-k fuir il. As 'i r".f Ls I hI i' tr are 'svillJing io '.,- iai.ului. ;Lr n au<.nusuaity- t' ot.' iii ii lnyz ciaeiia. "l'rst ri vevrs.i.'it'ttat if thoy,. Tih'îe ticO<r "-iis-us.s'rr nuitt if (tlsy ael'. 'IM. <Ioc(Io rIîti<u n, lii alie ihese' zlsI01 IIII lui. î , pr- iosiding thsli su'e'r' nuit mirui '.' ,lut ti. a-us v' of I tut- îÀ'rýlais l Cru iii.g ii of 'iiiking tde. t4eqsinud it he ' <1n, w tho are ss i!liug i.. Lae'.au î. an d there - <tri'te , i ih-'iii 1t c-leur> op à 4tr 't f uu i i t iî l' ZDON PROBE COST CASE BEFORE THIE SUPREME couR qjmriiugfi ld IIin.,oct. o.-The ta* junttic.tî casie O!f ialter Gr6eelI6ll e 7,ion Cîty vtareetrain Atîdituar af Prn le(- AccouIlnts Russel anti State Tnissl curer Sterling froro pay!ns the voUQW ers for the expenses O! TYPeOE City investi gation Commission et= Legisiature. a-as arguod ln thc preme court todaY by AttornO? lF' Strucknîan o! Chicago for «à flelti Ho ciaimeti that the in-à lion a-as purt'Iy political o» ea»&E tht' Goneral Aaselbly had wn tt7 tao 'tier. The ,case jsppeal4 ro.ti MISREPRESENT flE FÂCTS AS TO TUE RELIEF: DRIVE :i . 1 ý- -- - - ý ï

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