CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 8

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- at- ~ î~'Ti'f'VVTT.T.R ~ ~ jBarains! Ç.ucty Farms--Large lpmu-Suali Farms -Farms 50141 fuirÇash ... Farma Sold cM SmadliPayments.-Farms fo*i nvestment. ýý8ty1-houtand Dollars ($60,. MO) t. Assist in Financing ..Farm Deals-Improved 1ý Land the Saf est and -" tInvestment..Farming a Most Profitable lndustry. îNewe i. the hstory of the United 'SMUs did brin products command sucli Never i. the iistor>' of the worid was the per c4Ma of food products so low. SMy Ob lst of bargains; then write obe fer dffled information concerning *xy1n w'uick yeu are interested. ~.F. M. IHARDING ^8EJAW Phone 184-J ILLINOIS 3 -280'acres, 4 miles from Grayslake and 5 UtSes rom Lberfyville; leve?strong, ,,po6iCtie soit; al, except one acre, cul- 11,usd; cemjpIete set of buildings, or- cbard, gaet road, near school. $5,500; cash ,l«»;, balance quarterly paymenfs çf $125 ecdi-Sold. 23-lU acres, 4 miles from two railroad towns, en gravel road; good land; 100 Ir= in higli state of cut ivation; 20 acres , ,asture that could be cultivated; 20 acres Olu timber pasture; complete set of dairy 1ý«fldings, al painted and ln good con- M.Ion; east front door overlooks a beau- IMfu country. $f50 per acre; $3,000 will Imndle the deal. '%-O acres. 5 miles f rom town, on liard rond 80 rods f0 school; good average 401; yen tiled and cultivaled, except 18 acr of pasture land titat can be culti- Yfflte; coniplefe buildings, including silo; ý Und la most excellent stafe of product- iemes. $125 per acre. A money maker. - 4-120 acres, 1 mile from inland -town, 5 iles from Graysiake. Ymile trom , Chool; good, strong, smooth land, tiled _ad cultlvated; new 8-rooni bouse; large .-bmr, bick silo, deep well. $160 per S-13> acres, 2 miles froni Area ver>' best of black soni; ail cltivateti and~ Ms fait uldings,. 180per acre. -810 acres, I mile rou Lake Villa, on, Crand avenue; gev, modem 6-roou y, flae-far, po.ntty bouse, gar- i pr ivute valer vorks, fine abade s U fne home. $7,00.-Soiti. 7?-0 acres on Mivaukee avenue, 24 Mlles irom Chicago; -oo, couplete etofudings; ver>' bestof soit. $250 pot acre; eas>' ternus. 8-100 acres, 80 roda off Belvitiere rond, 29 miles trou Onaysiake, 80 acres ievei .landi, cultivai-ad andt ileti;. 20 acres fine .$lmber pastufe,, seeviceable buildings. 1ÜW per acre. 9-160 acres, 2 miles fron Area; best of black land, tleti anti csltivaled; lange, ýYmoderu bome; extensive ouibuildings. $180 per acre. 16400 -iii mutile tire deal anti accore a deeti. Balance, long lime ai- 5 per cent. Imuediafe posses- sion, crops, stock anti implements ai j;ý ve reasonable anti easy terms if de- Oi32acres, 2 miles irom Graysa leo gooti, rock roati; ver>' besi of back lnd; 25 acres cliivaleti, 7 acres pas- ture; coaplete set aI buildings, iu gooti kundition. $2W per acre.r 11-160 acres, 2 mniles fromn Grayslake; fine, back, prairie land,,'tioroughy 1Round Laite, were auelte lu the houe of JI5!52LJ Mr aud Mr@. H. E. HIick, Sonda>'. Me. andi lira Dan Radke and ROT. Mn. and Mira. Floyd Carr vae bore Baumner and wile of Chicago. vloted over Sonda>'. MI@@ Emuma. Radke, Wedneida>' and R. A. Campbell and R. E. Malman Thuriday of0flat vool. were hoqtnesviii ton lunChcago 1fon- MI@@ L. Boueovas a Waukegan vlotor day. Saturday. Mir. and 1frm. Emîli Dahmo wete Chca- Missaes Edtb anti Anne Wrtz @Peit go voltors Monda>'. Bonda>' vitha friand lu Wilmette. Howard L. Flirer wae a Waucouda Mir. anrd Mr@. Baba motorèd trom buoiness visitor. Ttiaday. Loubard andi viafied at the Hanr>' H. E. Maluan attendad tire annual Urahhe home.1 meetIng of the DeSmet Quarts 1Tile Co., Lelle Beckwlth and LJouis Huoon called at thir Chcago office ou Monday. Hie ou frands lu %hi@ vîintty the filreofnithe waere-elacteti director and treaorer waak. and reporte the tuie prospecteofn the Five latifea from tbis church attended coilpn> ver>' encooraglng. A (b par the Sunday 'ebol onOvention a% Autioch cent dlvtdaud vas :deciarad on the pre- lat week snd ýepors anuunosal>' fine fred sockrithe payaient of whlch wfli ire meeting. dafaniti outil Msrch 1, 1920, on aceont hIlion 'agneo Payne opent a dooPle oi of extensive improvemaul o ta haadded days 1:1A res lat week wlth lira. Irvinrg to the plant dorluk the naît few montha Payne. Ihir capaeit>' being taxad at the praoant 1ev. %oitaiJ a candidate tram the tinre wlth aidera booked oufflieint un Chcag, Semînar>' preacheti here Bonda>'. kaep tha faetgir> rufng full blast ion Ail sained t he aisofled sud hope hae the naît threa monthe. A uaw dryiug May ha given a eaul. room ie ta ha added, a large cerent snd Mie 110h>'Kuebker of Chicago, pet sand hîn le ta haerecteti and an auto., thre Week-endi aI home, matie convayor will carry t-ha material Mi@@ Emma Grabhe wao a Libertyvîlla direct to theailirer. The praduct la vfetor Mon da>'. C metng wflhuveraal favor aud anobher DIAM UD LKE Jyear a large Improvement will ha oeen ____________LAKE _ both lu thea ize of the plant and tIre 1fÎ r. sd Mro. Geo. Rs>'@ptit lat Tuas- large lncreaoed otput. day wth relatives at Libertyvililî. -- -"-' Z R 1 H Mfr. aud Mho. Robat Rouesanad daugh. L.AXE Z C ter su M. atilir. Lro' Knaorint Wm. Ankele and family hava movad Sudi>' wlth Mfr. and Mrs. Heur>' Mill$ nto rarna at the Ficka building. and faml>'. Mr. lhnd Mrs. A. Hoeft loft Thursday M. and lira. Auguot Stoari> andi graul for Wisconsin where they expecita daoghit.r, Mînle, vsitad lir. and lino. rern for some trne. Wur. Stoeep au Frida>', 1ai week. M. and Mrs. Albert Prehm will reside À iew of the larilea ai the commuit>' in the 0. Frsnk resideuce. met at tire chorch lagt Thureda>' sud C. Jackal bas sald hie property ta cleaned It. 'ihauks to lire'ladiao. L Walbaum. M. and Itro. laytou Rotchings aud - Wm. Hartmann bas moved to thé daughter vlitted 1Mr. asugd on auyla>bhilding owned by Wm. C. Bicknsse. a ne eveniug laut veek. P. Young and E. Frank made a busi- Week-eudtisnatons ai the J. W. Hotch- ness trip tu Waukean Frida>'. luge vero: M. andlMr@. Barry Wells !àr. and Mes. EtiBrsnding and Emmet aud ea. earlve.Branding spent the waee-end witli Mr. Roi. Foôter matie oaveral catils lu tbis and Mrs. H. Branding. vicinit>' lait week., Miss Mabel Helfer is spending a weaky Bonda>' ihool at 1:30 P. M. chutahit, hcao oerice at2:3. verhad' nged10 Mr. and Mes. A. Kirchbaom spant attend. Sonda>' with the latter's prrn~ Mir. andi Mr@. J. W. Hatchlngoeul BThe Evangelicaljehoreh isbeing giveir Sanda>' evenlng vlth lir. and M r@. Wu.auecotfpatb>P.Y ng Edwartia. a _______of _____ P Yong Heu-'Luibke viltei@ ulsfter, lira. OIURY rFred Lnbkeuan Bonda>'. Lens Fehlman. uee Lents, wau born -I I 1 l PRAIRIE VIEWI 11rry suad Win. Kuodier and Frank Holtswety. r c 1elrstor luit Monda>' Initindl of Battis Holie amprlnted ln Our lm$ laune. [dlle Hutcbhgioneaa Wtaconsan1,i41. tor oi deltact wektuaasaleof Hui. etelms. lire. W. Stmnell, lira. Koten, Dorotby Fry', Mra J. A. Muaon wer. on the. alling flot wlth aivers coldi thst vas trou on@ te, tins dey@ "vacatIon," the. doctor vas ealled for J. A. and Vernon Muaon, ail are convaleaing. lira. 8. E. Keedier and 0loloe al@o Mrn. andi lire. J. A. Maou, ers ciy violtori Frlda>'. Mir. and Mr@n. Oharîsi Horaehberger and Mir. andi lra. Reraehbenger, Br., of Long '3rove, viaited wlhh Dan Heraehherger Sonda>'. 1fr. and Mra. A. C. Rici2ardo and Mie@ Wakefield viol ted at Gleuvlew 8unda>' tartrnoon. lia Laura Sprague 'vlsiteil frieudo bere Monday, returuing to the city Tuesday. Esther Knopt apent Sunday at homne. çlMr@. Edi>' was a cli>' vlsitor the firt of the weak. j Mr. and Mr@. W. locklipad drove wlîh 1 NI. Luber to hie future atuàtititrell, l.,returulug b>' rail Saturdav eymnl[Îg. C'harles Krueger andt faibl> speut lt.e evonlng ai the F. SiicdiS hoiue ,atur. qew buildings. M310peu acre. $500M day. vNIi baitue tne deal. Mes. 1)l Btsanibsl,-r, unI iliîerty>ville. F. M. HARDIN'G, 'rame vlaltlîg relatives Iîr- aisnack. S Ares, [l. Edua Kruager, oaCIeIlu.agai, Suiday,i riib ber uraibar, Nraj. Erizia tKrueger. lire. Lesle éHutilaingosud i'Iuldiri oVlI@4ed Mesj. Elizabethr Whiney' Tueotay. îles. F. Segmîller ant i uaî>, of taiiir. ÂX ni the market for nia, villiti htie loar, Idra. W. Rh-sari- two good Lake Coun-t hlr an d tintil>'asd otiier frienda irare ty farms-one of 4 t o a t ue' dayo lait tiielk.1 acresand ne u tc)30 lir'%.Hutchinga, ai lnvev, mutdlire. acresand ne upto ,, L . TrIi.. "' rea, ulitied itunthie Joe. acres& Wai-t good sou î -:1 1 a, li sataraa> and builings anld nurtI"a'r cao a gîratoraiber surit be prier . ý, tiglîtftor cash, a Laa, I t,.pasu icw eks. a.J a'atVcaJr., snt . Xzran basiness and u. Su r.a.. ofa rtn, iLoung Grave, not a broker. Il u!r. n'i, i tireh@W Sianclifi home BRADO B. DAL[E le iaWUODjJ 718 Chamber COMMerce ['I(iIg airted uradaf' ai utlaul.'r re CHICAGO jxi,' inrae tI lcu :1 uýp, pa Mcr Id Mm. il. J. r 'Flo ieîd ________ - ".t ar Ira> w Iti nlite- i ir lgton. RaieIlth aad irfly t-'uSpent 'Fe Polls h iolau>'. thea. O ariendaiut tiaýrri r, Iofndgi odlueraiilrai i> Iai pa¶tbla Mr. ara~'ii.naa 'tnron o! )gU rç.prv;the wfîl uo. Pmith re ' u' aluy. WarR ( e siati rtf r ziurp nt i tr . Mcauni IMrs H J. 'n maleranid son, asaIian-u. tîl Wpeoff thi,- s--I anise.Sunattîu. tilt ari no1811i tîbi qr u-,I ils,. u. iie Wlis suec o oeir' anr daWit. A litla vinega r iîle<îta Sanda>'. 40 WIlimake sabirt. ean. dry>' i-dr1)bIL Murphy returnet lSaturta>' .inau.Fnighiant Sumel, virea@aire isiiet t- for aenral di vavlb relative.. laiSaIL. j B.AMrlinant i alter, Mie.inu o ShÉiermerville, Ill., on December 5, l!Sha~vmamarriedti taHenr>' Fehl- nan of Long Grove, ou March 17, 1875. Tii.>' ve.bleaaed vitieigtciffriltre of vho;m liree tiet i lueary yôutirT. Sire oniteti viti lie Evarlgelical cirurel lu ber youth andi relaineti ber faitli an. trope all througb lite. She vas knovi for ber sympatietie dispslaitlon, aft.: sierificing ber ovn bealih and lime tc administer to tire vantmof otieru.Shi vas a kinti ueighiror anrd friend.. She leavea 10 mosnrn tire aorrovlnî bubanti, une mon, Gilbert, of Loin Grove; four daugbtarm, lira. Auguati Landau, of Long Grove; lira. Oriolo Hyde, of Portlandi Oregon; Edna an( Mary aI hume; une half-brother ai-r four sialera. Sire dieti Septamber 30, 1919, aget 63 years, 9 monlis, anti 25 di>'s. Funeril services vers e ti Octaben 2 lu tire Evangelical Lulieran churcir s Long Grove; 11ev. Raten of Praieli Viaw, offieiating iu tira Engîlsir an, 11ev. Kakirrennar of Long Grova, iluthd German languaga. Intarmentvas mat- in tira Evangelical cemetar>' sautir o Long Grave. CARO 0F TIiANKS. Wc wiairta'extend.sincere tiranke t, ail who so krndi>' assisea us ln ou lr.'ravêetnt. -ý, j Henry Faîirnan anti FamiIY. 1fr. ariri Mes. Y. C. Jacob@ auteriaini sixty gueýsir ai a larîuil>' reunirîn SundaN ia rolijar of itoir soir, Frank, vh rcceritiy retnuut from fareiiai service. hie. G.'argr Onoinrari cao the gueo of ire uabilie reti)Ièasoo aI 11e Iian'É Fritia>'antitsaturia>'. huauri-sCari Opeabi ont Rodai-p Busrber anti ban>' ai Clsa o Pen Frits>' viti ris. E. Il. Johnsou. Roniayne Strykarertrpkttira veek-et wlth is Iefamil>' ut T. J.naak. MaisEleanrarranti .eanettaPuuat tiaretira' -week-end zuests o!flMr. an lire F. H. Meyer. Mies Maria Ituper niChîicuagor, wasil week-end guet ofNMr. soi]lire. Geoni hies lurahces Bfedar@tadt iaprut Fr day anti Saturda>' lu Chicaga, wbera s] bas takei a large mueic claso. Raviln ail hermechalars bar. durng tieres eai the vol. liMra, C. Stryker ai Whaeliig, lo apan Ing tir eeal with ber son, J. A. Stryla- 1Me.mnidlira. Occam iBeechramropai Sonda>- In Elgin. Tlaa boy scouts wl-h thae maote H. Mc-Ioweil, 'viii tale a bta toamii 1apaudth le nigbi on the Suppiadtale fani Frîda>'. F. H. Meyer recels-ad a wirelees@ meosak asent on Otictben 14, from thelraou, Lieu Alvin Meyer, who iras hean lu forali servIce sînce Auguet G, 1918, aayiug1 rvoult lant lu Nov York on Octohar 1 Later iravlng word tram Camp Merri eaylng lae vaulti praceedtoi Camp DI '1. J., for irls tiacirarga. IHavas St first"bayaenlng the, service, gafug1 ttiret aIoflicera training camp at Fc I 'uheridan M ay 15. 1917, and the lai bey t0 get homo. Frank Peterson, wha la serlouoly iii ait hie home, lqetsîll about the Rame. A nuré.e furnlahed b>' the 1. 0. 0. F. la haiping Mi-s. Peterson ta car@ for hl m. On Baturda>' avoulng the Young tol@ gave UmaEmHma Niergarduer a surp rime Party'. F. H. Mayer la cloiug ouf hia leck. amith businoss, and will takre a Posiionl with the Dayton Uowd Mfg. Co., of Qutncy, lit.,th tire ftn November. # 1ev. torg of Newton, Ne., lmsopeuding oeveral dayeata J. L. Vettr'., on hl&i retnrn hi wilfe wllil accompauy hlm. Mfr@. Mamie Borg had beau visting at ber father'a home for the lasî iz week. F111>' R. N. A.& and M. W. A'@ Rave Mfr. and Mns. Ezra Fritsch a Part>' lu the tortu of a surprise on Thuroda>'. Mn.. C. H. jahmoton has bought the. George Dieek home and wlll takelpoaoeoq- aWon Iecember lot. George Dieck bas purchaoed a home at Lake Bluff, ha belna emplayed at Lake Foirest. 1frs W. P. Ctier entertained twenty ladiesofa the Prembyterlau church ai the Mîsolanar), meeting on Thursday'..alter- 'Iaon. lMr@aIe>er ir,-ided, lirs. Aun ealling for tira alaiakililuabandllng. The Maîilcan question willi ha the lait of il tha groat question@a ta will ha anovereti. Thepe ara, roughly. soure ai the thinge ha mot doal with aud no ane eau forecat what othera us>' ariase d-rring the néit tour yoara. According to the salons, the path aheati ai the neat Preident la nat ane @et vi th primroes QUITTERS9 .SATS WILSON 0F FOES PRESIDENT FIQiITINQ NARD FOR LEAQUE REVEALS A NEW SELF. PACT OR A WORSE WAR Thousandi Acclalm Mn. Wiiaon In the. MIddI. West on Most impor- tant Tnrp of Hl* Public Coreer. Sherman led the devoutionals ant is (13y 9 MOUNTr CLEMitNS NEWS M. Crawford, a ituî'eîinary arrrung tire BUREAU.)1 Indians ai Idabho, wlaîîlit ir ('hicago au a Kansas Cii-y. Mo., Sept. 6.-It 1f3ai forlAogir, gaveas ver>' interestingitalk on Dow kinti ot Woodrow Wison thait is bar srork. Idditle Western caunte>' la obsanvitrg Tire C E. ai the, l'rertivtarian church ash" poedeolwa- irets i> hai Ibirmonlal iueleit mauig atieasthfe greatesi joorue>' of*b lia bel thir onhlyI)uinèi eetug nd Nu langer leahec ainiply arr rloqtrant 1social ut lbena)irîuaailahuueou Fida>' rur or a profoutrîlthînker wiir figil evenp~. deami. The presidentba ha.,eomeaa realfIghie'i' lu nel, bis crusîrle for >the adoption ofthi-la penlce treal>'. vitir IwAsnrNQTON NEWS IN BRIEF e enu oNais ntd( A Itermbflnni crowd rot l,rfOO Iu St. The American Legin. tire arganiza. Louis Frida>' rose anti cheerat for tien of soldiars, sailons anti marines, more thun a minute tvheu Me. Wilson viricir bis for is abject tire holding deaignateti as *'quittera" those anetie together of the men lu tire years ta ufthtie laugue vira hava hee'u holding coma on the same order as the G. A. R., 1 u lis adoptilon. A mlieti assemblage uow bas heutiquarters lu a large offitce of mare ibsu 12,000 lu Indianapoli on building ou Pennsylvania avenue. A the pracedlug nigirt roarati approval tmammoth ir on thefront of the boild-- viran tirapresfdent, refarrIng ta trae iug aid, "W stati ogeirertirn; am5e ohstructionlsesoft iha league, de- iiistnd W to together ov." weflot! thram ta"put uit on ahul Up." chat- willstad tgeter ow.lengedt trm ta produe aometlriug a8 gooti or btter, if tire>' dfinot vit Tire Wsr departmeni is wll satiaflet to accalat tht. Plan 9t Prevendt ta"f0 t ith ils campaigu for secoring voiuntar>n hure vaa. recruits. Its success t. lu direct cou- Belon, lthe St. Louis ciraiber of trust t ha pour rasuits obtainat b>' ith e pupfiufala edaibt Navy. Enlistment pipera hava beau litas a "chran anti consltitton for a receiveti tram more than 120,000 men nev eysterm for the wtft-d," a s>'Wtenl vira have enlisteti voluntaril>' ince demiguedti 10prefunt virab>' proleet. n recruiling bedIn isat Fabeuaey. Ilfng lire veak, viro have lvijabasn bringa lia regular am>' fow up ta lie lie cause of vars; a iyntem emUre. a- treugli il as iefore tire var. AtlIy eotradictory bte eoltipoUilfa Limportant factor Jn the recruitiug eau- 07«MeDOf lie vorIti. ign han been lie intucementa off areti Il vaufor lie upe of aieodi for practical education it lie uchoole vi>' lit Arnerica elitéredt trS oTI r atabliahedeta several of telalrge couflet, Mr. Wilson renrlnded ble Id camps. This dvantage in offened, men RemeRe.H deaMiaded tb knov cI n Of(sl-yer efismen aswél asthre tis opyonati by lie>' vonît kee l r !oe>'i uismn a èiast.a out of var ite>' falie tu 10 ie put r >'aar m~in theliretpal pel 10prolet lie ve" - H~1m recafedt liepledtiha rt ai Anmer. le Ueb u h l ateBp fýb lck mada, liat wve ionid bave aaubm Uni >' o. 1h aidbiltuihîi o uMia illehugrest pec± Tirasreferrng lu Nar>' ara e îug idoue ava>' vltb mi hen iii. virWo nov oVppoetire legne, ho I nieulnaas bicomusohiolote. Tie I.>' al nd: "Tire>'are absolute1 contemipt- toila w i-be aametatiaiela their entilng. 1h10 quittera If tira>' ton't Sef lt leTbrea are nov marlot fur tdestruction ganre lirnaigir."Amaica vWi e de- td anti one b>' ana thop viii hacome langera spîaed, suspecteti ant isltruafletunu ifor the coaat tielenaahabatee. Tira leus ir goes farvart ivtli ber bar- Iova, Iudiana snd Mainuaee hava gain, tire president ititeti lu tire B. rocanti>' bauaplacedt 1 f 1 1 Uoî Lnis apeecIr. and auhriyha n.., , h Ta al af tire objectons btiah aut auiroît> ha bau rîuetib>'tir ongua, Mn.' Wilson offared axplani- 2,Secrelar>' of tb. Navp farno tie thne eo"nsa tati ssflasl his audience. Tir. aIen tau ad oue@ ockvae il viiibeemucii discusseetarticle 10 titinnu îe selt a&Jno or e >'aeamain, ha salti, fiai-Americaus vanîr ifrom the guna luaonaeaifsire big comot aven have i-o aend troupes arosa tir leforta. For the firletif me lu the tirrtruc- seas to Sdizh other nation's botlos Jti-ln of s battieahip lu til manner. areo- Indaad, witil a langue, tire would bo f planes wiii ha usati s ',apatt*rs" ta nu more bei-îles, ha aîplaîued. At radia ta tira tort i-he ae\sct rauge ta ha least tire pofflriit>- was ver>'ramets. u@edforfirng he uao.No ermssin u casa a nation refusedtiet agnee lmseeifo rn e n.Noprislnetirrta anbilratiori or discussion, Il te eeiet fomCaures l mi-onIe haoui-awed telaItheb preiteut oa- destruction ai aid naval vessiqes, tire plImneti. Il voolt ha economIcal te entire maîtar reotîng lu the bande of tha andi sociali>' hoycr ttien 1,> iha resi of ir Sacretar>' ni the Nav'. thie vorîti.andti -is punlshiûenit hb As te Japan's iholding of tire Shat- ,,Coogress Knows What is in Store for turrg perr4nsiita, the prueldant saIt, ho t he Next President. agreedtei-o îlt ouI>' becausa Engiand Th icsJna e rtilniltm anti Frane. Iry ae"ret ireuty. bcd given car a awayoa bnorla sbjat iha tertltry i-rJupon. But ha ves ,d er i alaysa lvarse -abectlu the sure, lirasaîdti tit Jupan vonîti 5ail@h y, cloak orne anti caninliteaomrneauirbas promist.-r, retruILu.Of tiod .0 otu antis ai the Capitoi. Favorite sons longue oppiina"nt9 mo posa as Chine' anti dark lioroeas nonau aquai race at trieutsirn tflairanrattr, lire inquired: te timasi, ba- corinug down tu brai, taclin, itov'(Io bhey eTp-et teingel Shantung the wiseairr's are liraI about asm mch ai Irack for Chiuîr If net thrrough the dsa as trome vira do "it proiess lau know league? WouJi tlpy go te wur for i? h omach. Ail ara agreet, h'uwever, uponi Acc-isIng t1orm of f'eîrrng tha rr- il an ir t andti -al 1fa iaIthre naît spoualbilit s if tiraer-Iua, bire dmant. pocidnt wIlhv oeoftegets ed-'"If "ou are CliInuis frienifs, obould PreitnYeui hva am oth geaeot ' ansd rri 'rTiats Dot tîE rd lelma te @ulve b t Ihave anar fallan lind o' Anierciiura1 irati." Agalu ilu tir the lot of a chia! Exetotive oi Ibis crowd rasa- andi ciaer-eni. mNation. Nana cealie thid better tran The presîdani- eflained Americal d thurea vIa are caliedti pru to do0 Ieir ued for Irqungi-art of i-ha fugue hb' part lu traritrng Juao ta caver the pro- cause of!buinressiireaseuns, but sal 11a blemei-bat biaearisan ita fa1, Itlmlethey came st lu bis mInd. lHe sait! l 'go admi-ied withoot rearvation tirai the cnc-lusiouunt St. Louis: "If tiream i.pras ni adimointation aucouutereritno enrgetirera %,ilho Ireutire vengetil man>' dificlot situatirmns duriug the war provIdencesî of Goti,anuother struggiE lid andt t tire Preeldentl badt he country>'n vbicfî net marel>' a favirundme ai ug ffly dt he bck,:dvncig l a owýtirousarîts ot Ainerîcns viii bave tI r of ll Iii al avulgl o> die, but as uran>-millions asema>' t aipaci uraisux la meat anti vanqoioh'tira necessar>' ta accompIlsr tira final free eoamun taa. >et tiaiptathe tnylng timeatdom> ofthefie -rii" id of i-ha parioti, tire Preoidet bas onad More flan 100.000 persons lietuai - r. tîtue for receatiou anti ptasure. But streets of fie Mrseouri metropoils ar ut lpoollg haait Ib ilucharge ai the tire ureldani andtishiepart>' pusse coutv'afaire nownathat many menthe jtirrougir, and a wiiva ut ehears markeÉ el willilio raqulredtet any'where near salve bis progre&r. Ai- i-Ie luncireon etIvil d 0010e rut the prablêeoupon vwhicb the>' hae eroke irbtve aatidas fie "bonu ' factor ofthtie wori-d" sund agatn 48 th, m ana onoat vonk; ibencs the cnlsin«greatait citizen of tire vorld.L" tiratirhe next occupant ofthelb. e heevauing ire spoke to 6000 at Ilq àg Bous. vili havesa full mmauna of ork, ColIseum, said on tira prevluui nigh, it. worri, cm?.. aund responsibilittiee. Ha te Ivice i-bat mcm> lu tire IndiainapoM i-n vîli ha coufranteti vilh the tasIk a! Collaeumtte hfcbhoIredrove t ll. ire uuIing a country' @pli% mb man>' ival ldve mitas of cireeriug crovtis.HM lom 5. facions, emei, pulIug lu a direction liub fer la a triumph. It caiculatta hbineft l Capital anti x. leblrqueaiijus vwlîlhavlthu@tu>toeveral Thon. ire yaars. Tire irgh cool of lvinrg murt alr Even île- raaia;usir thfnka tIce b& 10 deflulteiy sield. (Greatluiternati anal fOre hohitqis lao! tan sor>'ho mai urt question@ vIli ho couitauti>' arlailg, lt-Boston Trairscrlpt. _ BRED GREAT, MEN ltallan City of Florence May CIaim High Honor. DEACON KUETLER 'WANTED TO PÀY FOR OTIIER CORN Blrhpioe f Mny f ToseWho Whle efforts axe eing matie 10 Birtplae o May c Ties.Wh.keép quitp the statue of theDescon Rank, in illiectuel Aiiity and Pu c e asaa to brenh Achivemet, ar/Aove h@ va. charged i wtir sealing corn ai the Reat of Mankind. Jiones' place. ht develop tlirai a uew At first thougrlit one would lie, apt angle r0 tira case deveIcsý.ed lunZMon to elflrrî for Lifflon. t grern-reutroP- on Thurlida>'. Simon Roup, son of oit,. t-ha bruir of haivinjtgîveir hlrth former Eidfr Roui? or Ziôn, was tûil- to thre greiitêst itltii' a f ftle worid's lug about Zîonu oday. that Kîretier genluses. came teo bhaei-oup hume on M-Iday Amnug other grenr Londo<irr the aud coufeesedti the Eider Raup fiha, foliowiug righli e i-l,: FraislsB- ho hati taken cOru trom the Roup fieldi cou. piilitlopee ind e':ylb:Span- svr ger. Jorisurr, bMibon urnd i .s orid- o0sveaioccasions, tblat ha bari knownuanihoiurrail p.irr; Hogat, rbPiaced hlnluitIs Paiclels andi waikea Turner. Wibt.'t. ,filinl.aundl Holtuin hbrme with it antisccorrlingly be nov Hut, artinsewiinee ncbilevinenis &M'il begacti forgivenes.e snd/affered te psy nclieby a it tîl,- îrlulf i tle;for the coru bu hadl talen. Tblî,ane Fox, 'litl'nnhl f1em,î'ra.îîclîl.stiitî-smtn as.;icar-cll'yjouîe'; bas nual yet who have liiîlueucril tire buildinug o0 b,-ntid ,lla en otn empire; Iaaall kfoa, tire iivelist; nti .,i îatlreî otue Furdayutirilii~l,. ~.,,;t, fli îdl,- l day hi':oie Justice Smnala- unti ainu>-otîrirt. Ail iheme wirîîil inu stand tri tihe very froint ratisîk rf grerit- nues, Sortier of .lîeù , k lti al ARMORV CONDEMNEO Barcon, towpriug sIrove their foibow men irlike rîraurtain ffparie ntnougmie- aukegau Oct, 18. 1 ille. Asl a r".uli or the visit ta Wau Ilii, r. -ilîîftn wîriil b ililetdi > I kegarn on Maonda>' of sute Ire mar- stand n, o t'hie ,-lini-i a? l'is . .tiret- I hai. Gamher and a.4grtant, tha' 'îu- i rg 5 arliit£I ,, t,,t, aa ai i rtursk'-- 'rn armorv Lias bren r ordemued und i nVîl i S. SaietUt,(>SliiitIo JuISiIfy Iainid, acroîrding ta preil lut louai a latter fis Ireist.1-ie ro 'h,I 1 ýi 'an u ouiid pî arr1 1),pîtt a1.. i ive ti)m<rr fro rni t he lire quemtion: 1 ir fie tni"amiy ,, g,, Iiiar4ttaal ordî-ring lhe Ouiildinrg lm- lu thîr i- ,t? li"ar If ri 41111Plit i el ad:b'yPut aura di.u'ueeandtar ona to ad- rrîl'I blia aiero f'tIhaerMore I [rn dow n. miodern ir ty. sr liaru util y ru tinl ieîrL 'fIai' ,uih wall, Rit s iacalled, bais t.qîaatl?' 1 teen bluidg ont for a long lime, lu Then Abtlra s wulil trifiuliefir laieItc h uliglc eudcae sfc veice trir lrotaet, altfate a trulong fc h uliglisiýndcae lII t fh-erins wuria, tai re fi ariaraI tirh e atfe b>' cty ecr î er l)oiiti it, model'.of aIttl'.aiîurîrne ln rart maanY t1Iares. Now cornes tire ointe and ItuIr> sur i îi,h.IltýIljY andritrchi- officiais andi haîr verdict ls finai. teeiire. *Thre sar>' yle owued b> a stock But theretu ilirîrotîrer comptiutor eCompany- sud was eroctet i an>' yaars ahi. d mn paed t tu ndol n th-coi- ugo as headquarters <or tire oid bat- or evan Itoule, lules a sîrat] place. tac>' C. Tira ei>' la liteFbr-r<-t hbas bacnuose<i for cornunit>' native Cil>' af Srrvrraroln. of l'ra An- e' ente. lu tact, la the oniy p lace of gelîco. of Donatello. of Brttii,-ili. ufthtIe klnd availablua for surir purposes. Leonanelo fia VInci. cf the rîighty MI- .The war rormnmiity service useti fi cbael Angelo. tira glor> of Iie mgeansd for dances for tier0 ilors durring tire u1 MUi seu-ding aires; Florence, tire aanev ltyI asbnuer City' of Bteca.ccio, the fi-han of nove-wrauavuatl bsbeuod talnta of Machlavelli. vhoae ver>'nom for uch affaire. The Imm ediate clos- Ila a proveeli. anti cg tie timons Me.- ug of uhe armor>' wIll ramova front d ICI; yen, anti Iatl>', Florence tii. dtp tire cormunil>' a building which bas of~ Danethte fi rit both lu finie anti tllied an Important place hare. position of tht. gloionnigiaz> of'lTie ortier of tbe stite marmiral la 9 eanaruof theetirat ragnitudea. intaresulng espeelaîl>' lu viev, o! the Hoy aucl a emai place ever gave fd ia r otii10 fla à hirh Iruonsaman>' miglit> son& o c t tM.IoWt okasml t goaulinone of the standingluzzl sia tandi hot a naval sation angineer P etireduI-y anti auvirnmmnt anti du-nerpnti>' declaret tire building 0. K. it ealion. Whtiriezd snDt Glasgov bréed i Chiet McDermett ir as exPectantiî tgentumemi Nobuti>' lovi. Duirtng a avaîling tirautle uaralral'a lattai 14pertoti of twn irnudreti yaars noem vhichin ladue uo arriva iomorrow vith * vas a forcing b.d for sopreurne acirieva- formai ortiar. * ment. Dorng Ijiai-tinr tire lîttlityl' _________ a8 brokre ail records. andleul anti mod- t- erntand lit te ard iraneTW OOerFORT a eimpttioirla o@pinsgtrout vho ahali W Of F R 1- tgke 5w5>' be r .own of laurel. IERD N P nuit HMm Rogalar NesSahaiN PÀ lil lo .ald lirat lie native in lIndis la« W uleuarabutreul> TIENTSDECORATED l a i ata S bu m m i: ou r hoa est o ei Col. W . N. Bipirmi, comm a udt i oil it n ertan n off icer at Font Sheridan boepftai. dec- 10~ ~ ~ A latiloi.AnEngilir englacer orated uvo patienta vîtir Distix- )t hd au avkvard exparience of tis gulireti Service mallais yasierda>'. id vhoueneeeing a 100.foot stln polo Sergt. J. P. MeSonla>' of Cirippeva le vlti the aid of about thirna-' tves Fallu. Wl... ai-ho wvuntiai continued a- andt ir minimum of taekle. Tiha polo to lead hie pa-onu lntire face o? ter, e6 vas lalfvway op vran the aircadman" riflc machine guru fira near Poncirra Lt futinratedt lit lbwus tifnaer lime. On- France.,301>' 30, 1918. re-nainlug vwith e.' t Iml th t eperate entreatlei, cou- lira man.anti directIug tireir ativance M y e LOttin> thre pole corne dow a awarded hlm the Croi de Guerre for »%n tbotigh ft had taken several houri1 his brai erY. to get It Into tbis position. Car>. lHarlow B. Emerqanf !Saglfr aw, Mich., in an attack on Hill1 212 was Present and ProipetWe. î ceverely wotinded but contlnued to June la the circih montb--aiso the lead hies squad until ordered to the rnth of somne orie-rng affaira tha re a r. EIdving reached bis objective, tend te cireuses Inter-Boston Tran. lie. admtnter"d tlr'tt aid Io a number script. 1of wounded cornradv., eailesv.sly ex- script.po.,lng hiimeel! to further danger. 41~ miles northwest of Libertyville and 11 miles east of PhillipS' platform, sale commencing at 12:30 p. m. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER l1,1919 Twenty-One Head of Live Stock: Eight cows, new milkers; five heaci of heifers. Four head of horses, In- cluding team of mares weighing about 2,700 pounds and two colts, 2 and 3 years old, broke. Three brood sows; two shoats. 80 Barred Plymouth Rock Heris and pullets. Grain and Feed: 400 bushell of oats, 100 bu@hels of barley, 10 tons of timothy hay and 100 shocký' of corn. Macbinery, Implements, Etc.: Deering corn binder, McCormick grain binder and mower, seeder, plows, ha,- rows, cultivators, rake, 4_.wagons, corn planter, lîay rack, bob sleigh. extension larer, caîdron kettle, tank heater, grindstone and other articles too numrerous to mention. Sums of $20 and under, cash; nsuma over $20, a ciodit of one year wvill be *iven, purchaser exe- cuting appro e an - kable note nearmng interest at the rate of!68% per annum from date belore removing property. JOffl FLOUSE,Ctionik . WM. T. HATHORN _ ont Bi BIG AD be questi 6* et hi ficreIy i e, luafg of dura &1 tier.(t W undar arten>' o %e rasoir ae ahovu gwd rua4 %e prope q provida! pit route@ s9t4M bli se joint] aI>'. Ea »mobilea ed propa: g o! tire rotul f thia fond e aom b it o! labo; wriy til mei- aine i raile Ifr mmprebe sAng o! 0 yant il in i-he Y, 9, fonds, aid lien If refond ws mai-t f a ne1 tirah d 10 de uctton ai a"ti la a f t laplaît Lg tharo, 9 oppaetL da nov. PAVII IN]1 i-r' Tira pai !r nexi Oit extai ea titan Iras han' tid are 1cal ir fiuai 68salre ti Lart tire1 gg as 500 ilt lu tire Th, estl uprovaunt 69,00(). i. otirer r-sls ta est foliom -Center >be puave Rd ceitc -S'ourth nrId; es Belvidair 0 pave I lit o! $0 Cumin >ncrele; 'Utice 0 cie>' ai anollue h rete; eat Brovufu ~tiirea tract, As We. 10 1: *aBcoln;) 1sa) lu eiaet 1 a 1 11 ', ". ta Il

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