CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Oct 1919, p. 9

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-,.'. s,.. TYVILLEINENDT ~Mo 1-RTY 94DEPEMDENT Lake Cousnero Big %eekly WAUKEGAILWEEKLY SUN [~. RXVJ1.-NO. 43: P/sEL 1' WO LIBeItTYVILLE IDPN ET CTOËER 23, 1919. SIX PAGES TION0OF A ~O~ROADS PLAN lJI'TO VOT3RS kty Wiii Be Many Years hlng Good Roads if Pres- 1, eMBond Issue Fails. 110 ADVANTAGE TO CO. rb question of pravidIng a gaod S* et cfard rmaisln Lake county kuarely Up ta the votera. I tbep prMen bond issue carrnes at Ioe er electian this county wlll IV* lIn few yeard, a complets sys- * c durable hard surfaced roado. ta ros ealready completed, under construction and thonse goe, we w Il bave approinately jmlle of ba.rd roads ooverlng ev-1 rtery of travel ln thi" county. e'h resulta of the inat few YeSrS re shown the enormous ailvantages goi moais Io Lake county, coin- m'claly. educationaliy, economicftlly id notlally, WIth gaod rosie cornes 0«easdl turlot tavel, more accesgl- jjuiarkets. Improved methods of hportation and greater recreation ltiun for te peope Ingeneral. Veproposeil program of construc- hprovides for work on eleven df- St ou'ts prpvlousiy desimnteil as o4" highwaye. Under the state- I plu te expense of road con- e iIea over tbese moutes ls ta bel ~m ontly by the clate anil the pty. Each year a portion of the, Iiobie fees ta set utile ta be di- praportionateiy among the coun- o f the state as the state's Sharel 8teAdRoad Çonstruction. Thisa louas. n ths cin y, to about $15,-! eInlhlffa uorder tu avait itself bI fundte citY muet add a Ps m brngig the approxxlmate ,ir=dapropriation under Ii 10 3000 Bt at th. prement pf labot and iniaerials It requires 5uy tbls amount of money on con- bsUct &n il concret e orote tal adsurfaced road. At th4s Fewe would be years ln obtaining, omrbensive aysîem of higbwaysq. L'be iaw, however. provides for the Îinlg of bonds by the counities ln hevent the roads are desireil faster the yearly allottment dif Stute- hihnds Wl!! permit. The county! aI tiien eventually gsi Ibhecone-, ff refund irom tbe state, Pr b other ~th e eeunty would ad% ancethlie 'aV shate for tba work. eaisng Uhe importance of abtain- k lie roadsslit the fear future the, ocf Supervisor decided te, pro- ,to the people tat bonds be lo- to 1 defray tbe expense of cou- eution and assure tbe public of the rnsla a few years Itlah piainly tbefl. a question of get- M« the roads now or waitng an in- Ofinite nu:nber of yeams for tbem. a.county can not afford ta mise, :7e opportwily ai obtaining these bads Dow. eu ONWORTHI 0F PAVÀ INi TO BE PUT IN JIERE IN SPRING ACT1, ORt FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE When on November 4 you go to the. polae to'vote nd you certainl SHOUL go, just remember that Lag. county is far behid aubercount i hei mater of roadeanmd that improvemnof.1r". enhances the. value of anl propeutym the. coimtt nd accordingly put i a vote FOR the. R@nIBond issue and ,..1i.. tht you are doing something to bonedit YOUR OWN woperty. At thei» mae ie wiien you are doig thot, do not over- lokthe ittie bellot which mils for an expression of voters on the. matter Of "1ceeatiog the f orest preserve in Lake county.", If yenà vote FOR "ha question or if you do NOT vote AGAM # ~, you are HELPINC5 PUT ACROSS the. biggest menace m the. maler of rausig taxes mn Lake County tint HAS EVER confrouted voters la short, uplest you DEFEAT this plan to have a forest biggest singe piece of expense ini years te corne hhat bas ever preserve, you are foisting on Laike County tax payers tihe been put on the counly. Extensive roud buildfing programs wili'Iemok 1k. 30e as comp6redto eveupaol expeadtures pot- sible by a forest preserve park proposition. la short, if you wal hbelp lee ae down thi. year and for evey yearoit to eternity,tiduing to do sto vote against thisforest pre- served movenit. There is no real eedî for dIis fore»t preserve. It is fur- there by a few mhdv"dulswbo have aestiietic idesa and who daim to have a Ionglng for "rnig with nature" n ..ts orfiWi stale. Weil,, iraail right te M0GLE -witi nature, but +en it oastii.m tax payers of Lite County on ti. very us 1 i w5o a year te do it and tien goes upwards until apoint where nobodly now can predîick loks, ta th t ink.PREITY EENSIVE NATURE STUDY which a few are tryig to foist off on the. tax payers of titis county. Probably i your localiy you have heard NOTHING1 i favor of the. movement. And tint is wiere the danger exista. It is one of those things, which essy be slipped over andi then the. taxpayers continue payig the. price oni te eternity. It is just as important for the. tax payrtevt AGAINST this forest preserved movement as it i o hm to vote FORît he road bond issue.I fact, while tbis state- ment is a very rsal one, it is our belle! tdut it is MORE IMPORTANT t. 'ote against titis forest preserve thon for tiie other for the. simple reason tdut it wiIl bring an expense on the. tax payers of the. county which cannoi ho estimated at this time ind whkh neyer can ho resented once duat the- &istrict is alkowed te ho created flie time teocta . now, on Nov. 4, and beat tbis foresi preserve or IF YOU DON-P-wlionthe. taxes mie applied for. the. forest preserve maintenance anid as hum"fed of acres oe tait.. over and psid for out of youw poalcet, yen ahould for- ever afte,%acb holdjoum'' about the bjmping of taxes. I our Opinion and it is àwnerely f oaided on sincerity in evem'y respect, titis forest preserve movement is the. most aburd, the most expensive, the. most uincalle for of any dtnhia ever been 1unched in the. county. And the. sad part of it le that no matteriiowmuch we might disite it, aft.r it get establislied tiiere would b. no oppor- tunity cf pullihig it back. It wil mil on 1ke tihe river forever WIfl4OÜT A STOP. - Yen ii..i no argument for this f ore«t preserve exceptiqg tint it will furniah a pace for Chicago autos te ii old piyd parties, est tiisir lunches, etc. It's pretty expensive * în grounds for Lake County ;ax payera te assume, andi, 1'kean automobile, it ISN'T THE ORIGJN4L COST, but i'. the UP.KEEP tint wiil dig hile tth. tax payer.' pocitets as tipie goes oh. t r I t I s i 2 B le-Different ImprÔvements gpe-us Sil e Launched as Socin. itS E otenit ta accept minimum fines. But as Weather Permits. F C O IS I 3tbs ha net had th desiredafet take a chance- an dhave not prof ited *JORITY TO BE CONCRETE TO MRFIT 10 Paw na mae r eeoncy we IAre goit hnor epeiene. we areni ta4 te get this situation lit Waukegln The avig Pogra maý-doutan d North Ch icago cleared up at r next year Pragam arr e b :th 0F T[iIEIR PROFT once and de are going ta turn ail pt extensive the city has bad. No~ these cases avec te the federal gov- thaunin diferet paingordi erment. s tta nie iferet atingami-State Factory Inspectors Turn 1rFoIllwIng is a list ofthe concerna ges have been pa.sed by thtclty Na sof iltrsOe which have paid fines as a resuit af ind are ready tn go lnto county couit Nmso iltr Ov helateat descent b>' the.-Mate ln- for anla appr*'sl. Il then w!!! Lit: to FederaI Dept. spectors wbo are Mtil at work here: ossibe taawa« the contractit and Branlslaw Zhyinski $11 and cas. tar 8iewl¶ !putig nltep Johnson Sprlng Cushion Co.-125 *g as soon as the weathc-r wilî Per- TO CHECK CHILD LABOR suid caste. iît ln the spring. M . Alehuier C-$1O and caste. ýTh. estlmated test of thte vn Fansteel Producte Co.-$10 and buprovernents nfotmapped o ayng Through te activit>' af deput>' costs. 169,000. Three are ta be of brick, tate factor>' inspectors. a number of Ch icago Fruit and Vegetabie lite others beng concrete. The Waukegan and Northt Chicago manu- Store-$25 and costa. ,,trea be paveil ad the estimated fact,îrers hate been taken intocue- Dickerson F'aundry Co.-Ji and bS folo:tndy during the last severai iayBs. ckC.-2 .'Conter street and Oakley avenue charged with itavlng violated te tenl coats. inLokCo-2 tp be javed -wth brlickaM an estima state law b>' emplaying cild labor. BurtnLus.-10aicsa coaSt of $16,446. Invariabl>' these conceros bave been Davis - Watkiits C.-$10 and , ]ourti t sreet ta be paved witim fined ln amaunts rnging from $5 caste. #»lck; estimated test $14,936. and casts ta $25 and cests. Goelltz Confectianer>' Co.-$1O and SBelvidere andJasnatet < But. unfortunatel>' for lbemn, the cosa. ho pave wth brick at an estimatea prosecutian la not to cesse Ibere. W. Nelson Machine Co.-$1O0 and but of $60.980. 1 H. Smit, one af the deputy Msate coats. (Juminvngs avenue te be paveil witli factor>' Inspectea, who, hi camnpan>' concrte; etimated cost e27420. with Albtert ltostenkawskl. anotiter The FIret 811L tll street, Liberty' street, Mc- deput>', have been mking th arrestit, jinley avenue, egrge avenue anti asys that. acting on arders fromn the Tite Onst slk was made 2000 B. 0. Caroline Plac e, b.pavd wiîh col,. chief factary Inspecter, h. la turning by the wlfe af a Chînese empaer. «to; estimated cout $69471. aver ta the departmeit te name.ý Arstotle, lua8MO B. C., Brt ntmentions Browning avenue to be pavedl wlth oi those wito bave been flned bers, silk among te Greeki. Thte manufta. ncrte;estniaed olt$6.17. andi the plan le te re-arreet themn ture of 811k was csrled on in Bld!>' orete: stede-t outrsîee6.617.immedlatel>' on charges af havlng vi- lu the twelflh centunry, ]ster spremdlng sr treet. tBeward street. Center taee h Fdrl aoraaltea ly>. Spain andlthe soulh af ý'etAhsrtad ideada- This la a mach mare erons matter. .Frnce. It was nat manufacured in 1i ad wih conreteafor te federai la.w pravides Ibal ar'ouî ,lta be pvdwt Oceea conviction the violator shal be com- Enelnd before 1004. tan tlmateil cot Off $61.685. MrIght treet (Sherian road pelled ta farfit te tbe govemument coIn; lte en per cent af titeir net earnlngs for leGdmr &"on) Lncln (Tenth te Helta ite ear, sobased n their nceme ta >i,) to e ' i wth coberete; 9 tatement. If te> negledted to file Olinese gardeners MOUMetlulat aelcont $57,637. ., an income lax scitedule. au additional stlettefl of lin>' meh Ofrmîs ta poilu .Uighth street (west of Lincoi>I fine of $1.000 leltnPOsd. 3ust like real plants, adtltrain sl âAspstreet (Tenti te CUmting , - Up ta tb present lime w. have flve qverreens te grow 1no OVeS' iMa No ey atreet and Niuth(IàqSU30ln bbeen lncllned t show Ientency" -Mr. statuett.. The vines ins gpdxo04) ta be Paved wlth Ofoceete Smlth salil. 'WituIl appeared thelinO oetrbe for lh* eIitWêt.u Mae.timated cot of$4. 1 violations were nat wliful, w. were 1 e Whitte - fan m id' XliiS $êt m Ia hrmithe tmuIUVW. 1q Il Rerne-mbert,,he Starving People of Europe! Oct. 26th to Nov. lst Lake County Has Been Assigned- a Quota of $2,7,000.00O Toward the National Fund to be- Used to Aid the Distressed of the Starving Mul- titudes Abroad No creed, no color, no class considered in this ]audible movement which is furthered by the A nca-eW .Relief Committee. Little chilIdren and old 2é~n and women are éstarving and have no clothes nor footwear while we in America are prospering. Let's help them -give them a share of our plenty!1 'Do .Your Bit!t -between October 26th afld November lst. Contribute to, your - committeeman as generouslyý as possible-but, every littie bit is ac- ceptable., The nickel of the school- children will help a starvirig mouth of a child in Eufope. It's aiion-sectarianmove, it's.just humanitarian, that's ail: Hear the cry from Europe! It rings throughout the ears of the world, espcýaU the land ýofplenty, America.. unuwWHAT DO Yt)U SAY? 'ETN A E i ttle girl, you lok go @mailM SV E A I SDont you wear no cothesat aI al 2 - ~ ~Dont you wemr no shimmy ah3tt7ilUfI ÀD#HTTED TO.-PRO--Dan't yoa wear no petîy skirt a eFO..USÀYT DM.ITTI3D TO Just yaur corsets andi ya fetal et IIR D Y T BÂTEB ON M# D A int yoru got no unti:rclfSM at, W n O ST B N S U W by your clothea la maie of gauze ? afternoon of Miss Hiazel Nolan, one- Largesi was that of Joseph 0. Little girl, your sapeiders show af W«ukegan's is tattt opular anti Plan is To Make an Intensive Hubbard of Lake Forest, When 1he sunlight plays çn you. most promlnent young women, came Drive TWoughout the -Being $140,00. Dont you wear no nadervet asokte tîre cil>'. Miss Whn yaiago ouI fuI!>' îresse? hNolanreceiveil fatal tines whenout --Why yau want ta show your limb, lIer srail waS fraclUreil by aIlj-F - Mandait waa quite a day luin o't know-ie It a whim? Pelles' blade on an airpian at lte R EIORTS ARE FAVORABLE Proite cout îat Waukegan, as a Do yaa want te catch the eye Culs sigfojasnrt f numer i wîîswer tatenUp nti0f ver felowpusiit b>? town. The Young woman bildJuat A meeting le taeite held ai Watt. e(!mjtpàht,~ 0pratter. Titere r'Litle Dear. no loyer vante a girl cmltdasceea lsIwttcouda lomarrow ae tct iehte princi- allerprbst. aters Te argesý Who neyer wears no underclothes. Lieut. Dwl«ht Morrow of Waukegan. pal purpose wlll lie la boost te miý- Wit admiepbd ttbprba es At P.r- -SeIected. ofliciaI tester for the Curtis com- liait dollar road bond Issue witich wili est tusp D estbacnsit A of Par.laty inthlie clty. be voteil an Ngvemt-,r 4. Il la est1fi etat costte f 10,00 ÀVYToSÈL cMIss,,Noian, luco. a>'wlbber plannei 10 waze mn intensive cam- worth ai real emtale and persontal T '4 humn, Miss ýHazel Clarke. daughter paigit, aitd hl several of these properî't lte value of $40,0010. NA V IaiD .Clrdael tevaio meetings itefare.election day. Follorwing le the reî"ort of wort Lia' Efielld WNeditesday aftemnoon andi re- Tbose wbo are promotlng te cam- don, Nfoday s gumiHende: *II CIT "ID Ced Ilermirl t-iso b nake flghtîspalgit do nat belleve titat fit il! ne- ty itdîyas autltîi > CU4 O S iliLeu.Momw.<uirq mucit argument ta persuade vol- tilla J,.$rs0famiat n t ami Il was decîdeil Ihat Misa Nolan era (bat lte bond tesue should pes, laWlla J .mt, uli dîi-should ite ji frot f h.She as the neei ai gaod roada ha#-.ieeak Istrata,,In estate et Maraoop Gror-mk Ie flgt. rcgnized iu Lake--count>' for mafly ean, ,leceased. -W~ashington, Oct. 21. -AivIsed climbed m In t te machine and Vasa rs.aS ilv> dprmn Estate of George Bowling closp httenv'deprmu a u e taîelina,îc.SeIen waslas nov placed Ils stamp of apprùval Wil!!or Elanzo Tyner of Highîland serve 9000,000 poanide of sugar, Sec- warnedei iat alter the flightt IwaS on te proposition and aIl litailla Park. adlmltteil ta probate. and let rtary Daniels tada>' lntimatei ltaI over site shoul remain lu hiem seat necessar>' ta make a big system ai lei's etap1snary Zm edto Fi, lie woli release aite-thîrd af. tbe until Len Dalley, manager for the improvei omie possible lealte officiai Trut sd Svine aniof hicgostock, or 3,000,000. poaise, for publie 1 Curtis people, unbackled the slrap. sanction aiflt vatera. iTrusta-d vale f s tBae 11of u i a scl, ta elieve the situation re-uting A few moments laler the airpiane Tbe Waakegan Cliamber af Con" %time-dvain orestfront a0)11ilon-wide shortage0flte,cimbed lto 1h.. air and san was nierce h&4 laken mach interest It Petilion for probate ar viii of " commadît>'. saaring ovrTth cii dv. As the plane thtie proposition and lias commainIcat- le>' Jalef cf Hghland Park. flti Federal contra! aofte sugar crop came down sud settleil graceftally aot ed villa varions parts of lte cosanti snd set for- bearing Nov. 17. I'l4î., pposeî loas> befote lte Senatel the grotinl Il was seen Iliat mîisa urglItg a vote l. favor of the bond 1-f ttprs testamentar'* isu<d t bagricaultarai commilîce b>' C. A. Nolan was l flsheil wllh pIeasur'ý and issue. Elam L. Carke It thOt estate 01 Spreckles. a New 'York refluer. Vito emettieneiL. Sfhe -i- -y %W.,t From lte favorable repartaslitaI Mari. Pice, deceased.' -. lamed govemumeullal Interférence tbe warning ta remain it lier geat,'came fromt ail parts of lte couZY L%,'r" Of idmnhtration batct!-for tif e,'-'tidu sugar s.,ualltii. aniasltd owfrsequci>I 5 fîtia hnla a 1 la Cîayton K. Werden in te estate 1Titere là no shartage,« be said. al-- ue Pvîhlgcl nditlet, i . t eason te fear thamt lte me@s- of Hcnry C. Werden of Waatconda thoughi the sappl>' le *'dfiIocated.'; nn apwJ po ohe ofbtekl6 s aeppng unma>'net ie pussed.- Bond $30.000.Ilie chargeil there bas been hoi it y f or the apon n itievnalae ________ Le.tttffe cli adinnipgm'Vito ï-uedover the country' andi mai western l b rud 10 aueneL oweInthe calait- heet sagar graVera veme witholding The Prolseller sVilI vas revolving or Geûorge M. How, ar Ravînia. Bond the crop tram tbe maret. He T. eNrIN6 Wiil of Fmma Johnseon or Waut sugar f rom the Philippines were bm- te air #hitdtduIaPeIv. Mfts ClarkA'" l £IDI'IIC EE E kegan admiîted t4 probate, snd loti- ng beld In New York by speculalors. watt ai baud already la clîm ito ber V fR4JIIVL I. Itera testamentar>' isoueil to EaU! seat from the rear af the machine Joltason. Bontd $200. African PigmMel as Misse NoMni leapCd down. Tite n. untitrdo' ak Tie istriit leodous ~latter Y'ougwoma appameuti>' did Dave r. N. J.. Oct. 2.-Alfred T. Wil!!or Jase-lt. ibrdo ae Th itre Hrdtj 2Oyaent o ce -e.roPeller inli er eager. Itiigllng. head af Riugling Brothers, Ftoresto, admitteil t0 probate au4,,Iel mgo. descnibeil tbe Afrienu p1gieSites baib. lnx oetcircus owneris. dled at hie Oak Ridge hèe testamentarit' issutd (ojaact viicit ite located nesithe.Source Of was stracit davu. -estate toda>'. Ne vas 56. Mr. Ring- Wataon Hubbard. Boand $80,000. tellng was bom- In McGregor, La., andi lel.. Flerodotu.foi' once, tld A cal! was sentl mmfflately foi at uri ve yhswdw a n __________thte trahi, for Il laellitaI stregloit tutu Dr-. flourley ati the Welzel and la surlve b>' hins w h baisni a mode n explorep hatve found Ibeun. ta the aviation field et bremkneck tairtes aîeswl l i Dage i mI> U sil. Stne> ecrbe te s tvlghrg Spoed. WIbin IVten minutes aftir thte show business. (la.. when lu liquilot., vi!! nt tomaclis and shtulegs, tsud as "jeup- the accieut baipeited the victlm va-. i xAîfred T. igllirtg slefrit ai expiais. A tank wviîcit practicall>' lug about Ilke grasalÏoppen." tOue ounlin vay ta a hospital. ___ Imt .,w % nd ;s ful! of a&Irull b. mlxed - pecîmenlite smuw won afu -g..u ltrom the ver>'titrat lb Vas gseau Mr. Riitgling vasait uncle of Mrs. w iit a certain, ainont Wt gas Tapor. Young woman, titre. -Incites short of taIlitem injuries were fatal. le'. Wl!! Putuam. former!>' Mies Golimar, go conans a Ver>' etlIOWtIy*Mixtur 'ffet in biegit. «IM fct1ydesîli whlch occureil a few minutes -ar WauàPgan, naw af Chicago. The Il s ii.emt> gi 15k hi± a awau Ifosuil udof glsenig leeitusbâfame 6 'clOck Vas not unIOOked George (lolmar fanohy i>'ved home for Tt e te eptygra t».Itg l alaysfody.wb à a sly ergn ee e for, even totg Il tceéas a chock conte >'ema. Mn..Golmar la a sculer of odygetm bepdl, a sg ees ". te relatives an fMonds, aoflte Ringlînga. - -« ----------- »" . *t.,)U PEU YEAU IN ADV"dZ

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