CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Oct 1919, p. 4

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Urf r ~;jetyaîfctdepen Iènt TETRII 0 C:~g~ ndp~nk~- Waukegan Weeky Sun CIIRISTIAN SCIENCE Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange, AK Eat.ra at Pjr, at , ititrtyvliie, Ill., a. Second Clat4a Mail hiatter TlU A À iC ARGEII Offl isI Publication for The V-illage of Libert'vville.- Officiai Publ ication for Lake County Board Uf SupervisrW Proceedînga imed Ewry Tiur>da> AIv -rilui tàtt Madie Known on Api li 0011f sueSCRIPTION PRICE. 91.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVT'C Wi. J. SMITH .................... .................................................. ltO 0. . SMITH ...................................................................... Manager -WU..M. ECKHAFOT ........... ........................................ Local Maniager URIGHBORLY KINDINXS8 AND CONSmEERÂTION. Just now we hear news dispatches from Cuba stat-. tgthat there is so much sugar that they are even stor- fm t ini the school houses. They have so much they do iMo know what to do with it, yet we here ini the United States are payig a big price for sugar and even then can- naot get it. In fact the people here are suffering sever1l as a resuit of a shortage of sugar and Cuba bas her ware- homes so fùu that they overflow. Now if it was the casel 61 Cuba suffering for sugar or anything else which we lad ini abundance or even ini linitecl anount in this coun- try, we Amerfcans would be stinting ourselves and a na- tiôu.wide crusade would begin of self denial anid commit- tees here and there would be working their heada off to <et the sugar down where the poor unfortunate Cabans Mre. % f 1 Isn't it about time that some of the other countries think something about our needs and our desires and wants in this country? They neyer have and judging by Ouba's situation today with reference to sugar they have no desire to do so. We could go down and fight for Ouba's independence and release from the yoke of tyran- nsy but Cuba now prefers to let her sugar go to the sea nther than send it over to this country where there is auch a shortage that people are suffering. "SINGLE TAXERS"1 AGAIN AT WORK. The Single Taxera are again at work with the Ini- tiative in Caifornia and have used it constantly in Ore- Son, Washington, Nebraska, Missouri and eswee lavato iprove moral condition.- hav" -' en the estri- CWa target for the unlixmted referendum in rnany states. Al this has been under I. & R. provisions for more re- 4trieted than the ultra-radical dose prepared for Illinois votera. In ten years it is estlmated Cook County Winl have more votera than ail the reut of the State. Under this Prpuomd SaOok County Would run the State. The Illinois CuAlutural, Association had this in mmnd when on Sep- -tâmber 24, they paased resolutions declaring that Initia- #»v and Referendum would be lad for the farmer. Down- almt folks should bear this in oind. They" should vote sonm both Questions One and Two on Noviîiber 4th and 4bold vote "No." Otherwise enough Convention dele- '0"te may be pledged te this iniquitous proposai te put ftl tto the new Constitution.T15»_ EXPENSIVE PICNIC PARTIES 11» edkSW alquotation hfimd&a HWdhand Park Pr... 'hum the UÔi.1 argument" for tie. forest presrvemovemet iLake Conney: . . At the. saine ine, more and moreeople every year are-coming in matois from thç<iat ity ta sSel the shade and quiet af the woods iii Lake Caunty, ar ta eat their lunch boude ane of Lakoe Countys fifty or more beautifulkes.', Ncmiwvo dnt blame ti".preo-it i. pùdin thi. spot, BiIds.d Paak, whure auetie " losAot kywurd and per. moe dew . ar"tocatie s su& a point " t i s lar fod, orllAwe! ciia.. to breath., not being used te sué Imugh81ty aim \ And so we expent thm to favot tii.fwres p»sev.or anyubig " ~that Cai.for tii.oexnlture of momleT for the. fou s due have morem on.y tan th.y knOW "ht 1 &wi&.but, You wnotice ,.»Ymwe're te b. ask.d te pmd a Luge sum of momqt, Pm"vdoplace for chicagoan 40i~*i sum ad e.ttI." uhes--nd at a cast to us ta= pay- ars of from $95,0S0 to $100,000 a yms. Lut dem eat th*i lum"s.&long"u he d.road, ike yodu and I do-nd thus avoid another Mig t«i bfrdn on Lake .couaty fdi WITH TRE PROPOUED I. doR., CRICAGO WILL BOSS STÂTE. One of the good thinga downstate vants -out of the Convention is a limitation upon Cook Couty'a repre- muntation. Supposig ve got it, and the people approve it, and lt vasini the Constitution. Suppose through the pro- .Pomsdeasy-going, Chicago brand of I.&aRIL which is to, Mevoted upon on November 4, that 190M00 Chicago vot- era sgned a petition te repeal thIat limitation vithin a few jura. Right now it would be nip and tuck te <et the downstate votera to the pols te, defeat this repeal. In -aVe or ten years. the case would be %,opelesa as by that Unme Chicago viiieasily outvote the rest of Illinois. vote "No" on Questions One and T-vo. seenethîu of an Imputaton. A eli-kuovu surgeon vau peforu. bi tgas Oleraton on a patiept uhen à lm. started nt a warebouso amem the OM IsdlIumnting the whole oper-ai »atér& Raving fin-lied. the' soo tgtfel te the nurse sud sairi dryll: «I 4Qm ,gautos. I notice the patient la cow IM t&. 1 bll you baS hear dieu '*toea u"& I1don't vantbina te tbluk e5iomdam sa't been a asmtel' OiSlo! ofSpoole. mm armp-'Wbene diri mm d e stylo etMler nev htr l-rn. Elal- 'Tbat's a problem . h. bougt t ltb tho, mooty vbie ber hustisad bor. rowed ri Sn ber mdce, 'ute baSovns t ln a poker g<es frth ber brother. te vhem sho bad loan" t séortly mte ber mther baS takea It from ber t&' theo peketa mài limast t.bhW ta - -bd Tie- question whetber a Chîristian Science practitionor bas a rtght la charge for "abaent treatment s" and "1prayer treatments' arase ln a.Çane heard ln county court taday and the Coutcome- no doubt 111 be a precedent ln law governinth iis important quesion. And wîether a man clabsîng te ho a practttianer has rtght te charge a persati for "absent treatments" when hi-s far awa>' andi dos it o! hifit of ovn volition whenever hi' feels Ilke 16 Iîts question taisela involveri lin t'- lie-tring mi -Question. The case la one wiîerein Doiasy Hart, a trained nursea andi Fred Nov- bauer. a Chritian Science practltltner bath or Chicago, have aued. the exec- utar of the estate ef Elizabeth Condeli or i.bertyvlle, who died same timo ago of cancer. The nurse fileri a da&im for $5.000 agatint the estato. ber admiasion being that sha vorked at the Condoîl borne only from Jttly 2, 1917. ta Auguat 26th. asme year. or. In ailt aoven veeks. Ate-r the case vas ln coturt Miss Hart reduceri ber dlaim ta one for $420, or aevon veeks at $60 a veek. Newbauer put in a dlaim for soven visita la the Condeli home when lie persanallir 'treateri" MisanCondaîl; andi $225 for 'absent treatments" he gave- ber whtle' lie was in Chicago, his rate be-me- $1 eac-lin ail. he thas clakns >f0 have given Miss Coude-lt 225 treatrients. daine- so wtîeuever hi' felft she neederi one or tva. Atty. Jolin pop e for the defenqe hari lan intereqting litiie- witll Uns. Vance, tals of Chicagoa, a pructitlone-r of the- rom 8O~ 191,. bif t fanTWtosmzndt$sle asaurlng. . On Oct. 19, Mr. Merrick sent the foiiowlng telegrani to Secretary Dlan- loin: Chicago and entire middlie west tee-I that Great Lýakea naval training eta- tions ln our country and iliat Il shoutri continue- ta ha naintaineri and opera sted o n'a large andi cotiipreheutsive scale. Ilistory dettniteiy shows that tre-at Lakes naval training station provideri a miaximîumî nuni ler of me-n wltb thse high--tit ecentage of ph>'- aical abilit>' dut log war Lime, and lhat condition ahaîuir be recognlaed. "In prevlous communications you have algnifled your intention to re- tain andi maintain Great Lakes Naval Training Station operatedNon a large acale. Preseut news reports ludicato poaibilty of other plans. We strongly protoat any change frocn your former expresseri attitude. Please lot un bave your pretient views on this matter'" To this vire lMr. Daniela replie4, "No plans have aven heen /donsid- ereri. Great Laites Traning Station la ane Of tise moat Important institu- tions of the xavy, andrisit contribution of service durlng the war is unparal- leled, and va should continue It upon a large $cale, and In peace require- ment, Iltulaqulte as Important an lu war." KENOSMAJUDEE IIOLDS SON MUST SUPPORT MOTIlER Ruling in Kenosha Co. of In- terest Here As It Sets Pre- cedent for Others. Mr Pope &s4kî-d lier what sort o!f IT BEARS ON LOCAL CASE trotiment Mitas Conde-il rece-Iveri freini Ne'vbauer. that t". ho' a-ki-d ber ta h'-cause of sirmît,'î tir hetween the explain exftctl>' wbat lie ditri for th(e Kenosha case- and (ni fht am ae up patient. .lunWanikegan sonrti iti go exlept-F .A esuent treatne-nt.' replied Mns. ing that the Waukcgqn case- was e-y- Vance. e-n miore pronoiinceui be-ause' the mea "Weil."' said rilt. Pope. "What do ther lire-s here rather lb-m tn a for- you mean? Iiow do) thtîv enforce- this elgn country the article iîe-ow froin trealment on a patient?' me- as it rioeq that i- pcourti hold ta -No forci' at aIl." paid the ornanfi Kenosha is of local 1hte-rest. show- Quizacri farther. ahe Insîsteri IL va> son 18 responsible for a parent'a nereiy a sent lrayer. keeping: %,,î Nqw, no ftoatlog about In the 'ruat a man nust lakieCar'. of hisç clouris in ethera i matters." salit tlb> mollier and ilat îîroiiîrlv wlîich be attorne-y. 1-ere la a man who ta su a, ma>' be sold ta psy for the cot,t ing an estafe for a material thing. f- of hem maintenance, va. ite deii,,ti i $25 a treatment-just uhat diri ho d3 f Jîtrie Ielden inthie Ken-tî to earn hatfee achUrneliecame .nCotînt>' Circuit Court w hon lie hunded ie Condoîl home" down a deciston for 11,. itaintiff In the' ,lit vas allant prarer.' sairi the suit of Bruno Rizz.j igin;tFranciscot wttp% Ti' .--alehino awanilinz the' ftaintIft datn-c q t- ifor lise îlantîffs. hrctage3inte'amount of $4M,. represent-p out f rooî irVaince t tii-dî-ciaraîiofIlng the amount claimeri by ltizzo forj that Christ was the fisst man v1ha 1 the support o! the mother of the de-t actually practiceri Christian Science, fendant froin 1917 ta 191!) et the ratet ad ahe clalmeri ho gave absent af eight dollars a week. hratesd he sicksd lahe sari bUnr It was ont of thetoast un-aal civili 1 ýheaed he ICI an lae ad bindactions ever board in the Circuit Court sud raisei the detil. of Kenoaha county. Way back In 1917. "But dîr ieh charge for these ser- Caîchino, who was Iien a resident o! vices?" asked Mrt. Pope. Kenosisa, brougbt bis mother. tîfLir "No. He diri not." saîri the vltneaa. aevenamntsof se-e here treim ltaly Newhauor test ifieri that ho vas firta dwe h a bogtit h calied ta the Candell home b>' Mila, acdunhe gan rmiget ata the Hart. uho, besldos being a traned voulri provîde for lier support. Ltf- nurse. also vas a Christian Scientiat. rh iapae n i rsn Attorney Orvis sînce ieavlng Wou- wet- e aatpared ndbis prse i( kegan bas joined the Christian Sci- her t-e oth ae humenofn The n- ence falth, sud accordingî>' much lu-tervntotehm o!Ra ai t ay he ha, ince been resldlng at that terest centered in the hearing t pla an it Ia rieclareri that Rizzo wberein thoetpointa are Involveil lac ien an iertesm aeta which ma>' etabllah precedento an toe a ien ta erth easa e r toa the rlghtn o! Christian ScientiSta to lho has givntl termmeso chare fr teir"abenttreatmnuts." bis famlr. Efforta ta locate the son charg for isti "atetasd deman<l that ho properly ip- ad other aorta o! treatinettn port hiastuothar, have been futile andi _________________ atter a long search Attorney' Arthur Albt-echt brouglit thse action luth GILA AIS~I 5 Circuit Court. Whileth so ul M AT S s S A. ot ho locater i t van dscovered tisat lie A ¶~ N ohad ptopertyIn taY lé Tiur~ TO vould ri p-ade sufflclettaopsy (the TION O M M IN eaim, tfom the support of the matber an sd thteasuitvas brought. Cachino rrs ~ RT~iUneyer f lIed an>' anever ta tht suit. ffiL&ÇjIwÀl uqESIZ With the jurigment of the Circuit This is the Assurance Sent Court of KenoBha count>' tht attor- to Waukegan by Josephus Itle consul sud ho a lh askeri Danlels, Sec'y of Navy. to aid lu maklng a 1ev>' on property pROTST owne bYCaîchino In Ital>' snd It la WAUKEGAN SENT blPROTEST thauh ev i wl SICRETARY DAiIELS' TELEORAM he Possible te colleCt tht amount of Te W. C. Hollîstor. the jedgment It la declarori that lira. Washlngton, D. G., . 22. alchino la not able to provide for W. C. Mollister. bier owu support and it la probable Chamber of Coi iowe. that ahis nil be cared for b>' ltlzzo Waukegsn, Ill.:- ý or an Indefinite perlori. The valut No plans have aen boomn conald- ted «xoept te continue Giret kes o! thtept-operty vhich la ta be dlaim- Training Station se ont; of the n-i- ed under tht jurigment given out on Impfftint Institutions of the Navy. fi-ida>' la not known, but it ma>' ho Its contrUibution of service durlng the couiderably grester than the amount war la unparalloied'aid we wilI con- dem5iided to settie tht diaIm tinue It upon ne large a scsie ne peace requlreete jumQfy BC C E OI J08EPHSUS DANIELS Bosrlo.g ont thse statemont ln Wod- BC C EC M1 nesayevein'eSun -regardilg UilBA disposition te ho made of the Great À X N Q ' - Lskoa naval training station, the Chalnber o! Commerce recelveri a toi- Jouphus Daniols, socretar>' of the iJEALERS PLEASEI) avy, stating thst the station vill con-- tinue to maîntan lits vartimo ase. Declares Use of Two-wheeled Reporte have bhotru lae that yneAd oHat thoeo anucuateto i " ConveyneAd oHat lng the it Ie of tht station. The WSui- -As lau . kegan Charnbes- of Commerce. througb As laue Ita secretary>'. . c. ollister. vls-odHLED K P WN FU Mfr. Dentelai maklng a strnunous Ipro- EPD K P WN FU test. That tht entire mldvest fels that The bicycle has gradually corne Great LAkes should ho maintained as bsttk Into lits own. DealrsInlutise ont of tht largo naval trminfl sta- tva>-vheeltd convoyance admit there tions ila tho country and that It shouud bai fot beon the. demafld for bicycles Continue ta he malutalued ad oper- la a great nian>' years that ls belag ated on s largo sud compreoosive *sonn t pimcent. Men, vomen, boys îcale van thi test of the tsogram and girls alike are goiug back ta the sent b>' Serrttary Hollater. . Id methoil of propulsion, a la blycit. The Sun on Woduesday vas able That this là a fact la evidencod ta Quoto an officiel fromn tht naval wbenover ont drIvots Jutei the colin- station, vba asserteri that the. station tr-y vhere there la a concrete rondl. ;neyer woulri retuma to a pr-var bas- You wilI setn long Unes of bicyclias, Is. He saîi arrangements vould ho mnnvomen and cblîdren, uhereas op enmade ta ktep the quota o! mou In ta a year or no aga. a mnsaor tSPt- traning at the station et from 20,000 ciall>' a voman on a bicycle van a to 25,000. rare thlng. Dariils' statement Positive It ln generally concederi that a Per- That tht Gieat Lakea naval tr5a- sou uho dose considerablt blcYcllflg ing station la stil Inl goori;standing dovlopa tise muscles andi orgmns lu Washington la sbovilu a telsgri.m vhlch roquire physical traiing. And tocelved firn the seretAq of the therofore thoir health aas.Arois18 navy by Hart-y 1.. MerrIck. preeldent botter. t0f tht Chicago Assocation of Oom- A local dealer la bicycles deelaies luerce. Reports badi t that the aorth that !oolvng thé fin eplLomlO lut short Insttution via to be out Soya. fai, a physiclin lu suOh1o City. W v10 in qulte a bicycle- fan -2hmub.1, kept1 a careful tai>on SMt>cases -ùt nte-and- ho deciared afterwards that not one o! those persans usari a bicycle. Ac- çordlng ta thte sane dealer, durlng tbe fu epidemnic lu Waukegan, there van not a single case- of a person who vas sick who iode- a muotorcycle-. The at-au- WANT. ADS I j RATES-10 Cents, Lia. Each Insertion. 20 cout, MahmumCharge metla tbat riding motorcycles I-i jusI ss m :m ss..eee as bealtby as rtdlng bicycle-s.*1 u L E T E + F0OR RENT-40 acre farir.. Inquire Ç3 One ri-ason for the return of the bi- Independent office. 42-3 cycle 1.4sait] tealbe that as a toWnFOR I _________one ot o gradually geta more paving, the ci- FOR liALE-Cboice reaidatin.lots tei300 cycle la more adaptable te, the coui- McKinley Ave lMr@. 0Grime, 124 Ne-Toà cur lieind fat2office tiâna andi people are beginnlng te FOR SALE- A well located, nearly 44-5 finri out that flot only doea It benefît ne - thoroughly modern, 7 room tie their health, but that they con get nl betvl;tobocafmcr e.+ MS E L K OU &roundi much quicker thau wating for in_____________loks____cr___. M CILL "O B atreet cars, taxi-cabs, etc. Possession any time. F. M. Harding, -%«E-..11yaé rlvr o In driving toKenoahia and cven to Area, 111. Phone 184J. 4 WNTOBo016tfr oroer u thse aouth, oapecially on a Sunday, It uIle work. Appiy iPublic Service Co., in an intereeting thtinq tbese daya te 80R SALE--Eigbt roon, modern bouse; Liberti ville, Ill. 44.2 aese the long lino of bicyclista out for very fine location; bandy te> town. A îî <1 a apin. it reminda one of thé tises real b*rgain; avery Irnprovement. (lood i R SALE-We w ih at Graotaae yeaa ao wen icyleacam fîat.terme;, prIcé attractive. (live me a wlth a Caload ot potatoes sb>lUt cbance aooshown ouctcles cnambotiaetudOSturday or Monday.tPrie $1 Ou per wlien tuere were bicycle races,,cen- carnceaurashouwîîyen t it,ân aime ad uhIoto a; 16 eîeei t1r>' tours. etc. The queation , a Le Bluff, phone 816. V. W. Burria DeBoer Bros., Casala, Wisconsin. 44.1 cenitury run to corne back aa a reault 38 ORlLitroaoWacninht of a revival of bicyclr O AECr'dficni ht FOR QUIOK SALE-lu Lîbertyiîlla. potatoen at Libertyville this week. 8 ro(in&nodern bouse; 100 frelt front- E. W. Lawrence. 44-1 Our War With $pain. tagp; close ta elactrie ad team road On thse IRti of Aprîl. lAPS. thse Unitedi Vert âine- 84 500. V., W. Borris. Lait FOR SALE- Fout-roll Appleton abreri. States senate and the bonse of repre.- Bluff. pwoue 81 6- 38-tf der, la good running tirdar. Cha@. sentatîves declared jointljr that the i-ae on ey nGptodtbîn o bdia, Grayalako, iPhone 10-lt 2. 2t Cabans "are and of a rlght ought tu, at prIce.frtrm 25>00O. $8,000, $4,000; WANTED)-%Women and girls te do be free and lndependent" ad emprw- $4.700. $6,000, $7.500 to $8,500. Ail presing on sprîîns. Stewdy Work ail ered Prealdent McKinley te use themodem, nicely locateri. will e picaeri land and noval forte, of the United t'oshowanytime. EdwinAuotio. Phono ypar round. Appt>' M. Almhuie ,-. l 'States te ther utmost capacit>' te car- 16. North Shore lis office'.. WANTEO,-.Jsult.r. AppiyStizjo)eaph's ry the resolution loto effect. Thia reso. FOR SALE-Rjo Grandie Valley of ciiur<-b, Ltciv-e31-tf lotion constltuteri aur declaration 'of1 Texan. Irrigateri lands that beat the- WANTED-Ml.-i or P nintl, takeordars war against Spalo.- worid for ricliness offosol and ail year aumonicfrîtis d . egand o for the round limate. Ten cuttinga of Alfalfa i-atluleuaraîîicsd his.y. full Ilinafor in one ear. 20 bushlli ofpotato mciie..wotnen, fivi iziildr.î mnae TKILK RIERS ~ tiOn yer. M>buselsofpîaoes eartiing, caves ntioii; eccrji dy us TR CK D IV RS 8 bushe-Is of corni and 10tons of cabbage A hiaî,z for agi-ults m. r.Ueun- Iront the oame acre. Figure that up. neî.'eeary Writ.- the Internatlonlà But grapte fruit be-ats thcrn ail for okii& SIlt. SNorf4t(#,. n. l'a. 1Wi12 TOWT AS YLtake yiu dom n and hack for P$d j 1DELAY S TH l5 EA R AREDAGR PAYMEN T 0f FINE two wccks. John Il. IloIeî, 907 Otiu intitutions & lndiiî,trl'. Deuipt. 4, lion BEÀildin,,Uhtcge,1. . 11,f Reprtd tatArrriemetsFOR SAE- lllinois farm at a l-arpin FOR SALE-Nll)mîiiiirniîtiie, raIe, Have Been Made for Dijs- price. We have 275 acre.i in j~tre toi iiiîr-iiîdeiendent posing of Beer Cases. acoul ntY II. -Th aa ls ixJ ai)ri ith I ii-43 2 goç.d ibut îid aet of buildings an d iuch WANT ED,-A do 1t'-' r g. I)iJta- $200 SAID TO BE THE PRICE O f it in r( Ail of thie landrisl hiigh and dry. l-eeid a 1lt of big oak âaîd t f,ýuf~ c-l . d-1) V. liliani WIilant, Th in uoobl ruk hih;hickorysanw timrbt r. 1This would make l'iiiiic i52 -1 4:1-b f Tho e iz ai toobitracilts he , !a fine- hrne as it a g iid4tîck asduri ainl WANTEO AT ONCE-lt'v for ilivtrv wer rezei a Zin uir-wfui thy fat-a. If aoid hy Nov. Ist, î>eso ibsrth. ity. ri ii h can bc had and morne go<î irîk work. Appiy lr-rhptit iieltv.-ry Ce. or lieer tr iy adw 'c lwiil go with the farm. Iti s xî,n'ri-nt.ed 1 *_1 41 32 haq hi-rn said ail alnng. inight b" for have- of (verything. It id only four WATD (î- il ýren-u d ,Itroy,,,I, probabiy wil 1wtCtû ni iles eiast of Simpson (on :.the . C. upou the paymrent of fine-s byt'y l onI. ones 97ttsBulig rk. Aply fix îr ()ctoter -1 4,C, ownems andi drivers. At le-ast il is Chicago. Ill. 42tf1 Kliehauer. 43-tf 4ind tiiat such an arrangeme-nt ha".; ____________________________________ hefpo ircheri between the own.-rs of the machines and thie attorn--y1 unhil after the repart la rettîrneri taliigatiore- lthb-rs plan tii ma._e-a generals office. The arrangem-nt.* id'yv or tomnorrbw. Thos'- li'î rýir-n lîflît. Pnii-ivotring te test. the- ceti il i. sailli. 4, that $100 each bcie. dii dicteri thon will lie givent1 o,1-1h' tîýutiolity or the Seardli an'd Sei-, b>' the driver andr owner of the truck tuiiy of pii-altig -uto .f ndi iair fiT]am . I fact, tt, riply brn-f was this la addition ta the ýRoSi ing 'lie fines. tlled wtth 1h' stisrenie îourt at The Cases of ail tue beer trutck Sortie o! thc men arie sa;d te have- Springfil-d todlay tiy a1torný-.4 or- mnen hmn been 'placed before the , ijpHiçid therrielveg as belng ready j 0w- te-er tniok men, iucluding At grand jury. Ju6t ho wmany fnd- te enter pIésaof gulit>, rallier that lîrtiey Orvin of .Wauklegan. Th" monte wiil bie ra'urned flont koown haNee wlt- taucka tieri up longer . rultng la ex-Pecte-taitîwthilà a 'se, k I. The Everton the Biggest Phonogaph Value You Wer e Ever Offed Universal Toue Arm Plays Ali Records A consignment of these machines lias just been placed on display in aur show room. While they last we are ail ering these machines at Prices that have neyer before been appraached for this high-grade phanograpl. Large Size Small Size - . - $105.00 - . 90.00 -These machines must be seen and heard ta appreciate the value. Corne in and have a demonstration. QIEO. B. MASON LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS

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