CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 6 Nov 1919, p. 7

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LIERTYVILLE INDEPENY, THRSDAY, \ VE1M BE R 6, 1919. rage _____________ ant lait Friday evening. Chope. H.APPENINGS AT Mr. and Mrs. David Kerr, wi,ù have Many acre oiut Sunduy to church tc been et tl.e James Kerr home the past bld Rev. Safl'ord goodiîye. epahe twî, nonths, returned las;t week wo ther 1 his farewell sermon and tiaitiscîf four home in Couneil Bluffs. lchildren and îone united wîth the church. Mrs. Fred Harili, ahi, is in the Oak Rev' A. W. Sall<îrd left Mtinday fr his P. E. HlDEURANDT, Cor. 'Park hoa1ital, la recot ering nistely from future htîme ut Wheatîîn, 111. . .... hZr ecent op~eratie ui. The <tîmmunity social will lie held Ordeti laken for Job Work. Mrs. R. E lluýSsy was tuken tui the Friday, Niîvembtr 14,. it the homi î,f Advertising rates on application. North Chicagoi htspitul in Chicago lat IMr. and Mrs. Jit- Clark east of Mill- == __ 1week Friday fier an tîperution for up- burn. D)r. an rrlMs. 8briîgicr 'r tertiit f 1-1î t pendicitis and ut lasi. reports was doing The Ladies' Ail stîciety will hold their son, Torri ruCii, frt , ,verr:il;. îîv as well as could lie eapected. bazaar Noveunher 7, ut the ehurcli. Mr@.. Struîiiers. - biîttieiîra biacý R. A. Doîuglas came home Saturday The Dodgî' antd Hockaduy achool willl returotlug Mond:syt,> sttîy tîlI the rital situation lu cleured eleet officers antI votc for a location ut 0. Il. Hîotil iliîîtîîi.y wert' sîti, e cul, a lîttie. the Hockuday schittl Saturday, Nov. 8. tains lstii îhi , .,,y ,.Dont forget. Mri aird Mr-. t-i tî k ,a.r art t-ttrr A NT I 11 _-~ _________ talniig th,. foi<', ' aiu.i.w i- ditî .... ---------- GURNEE MiNSs iiiltsii iiuîiuî a. Mis. Mary King was an Antiocli Mrs. Raîpli Cbttenden enitertuîned a vlsltlng relatives i're laët weeli visitor. few ladies ut carda Thursday afttrnoo n. Mr Finit i a oe, Pester' ariiiiàz Mr. and Mms. l)iier Cubbttn4 of ,Mca. Rette Ray and Mc. and Mrs. Hf. the Ch-ugo viitorg Wediii-dav Wuukegan, Nere btivreMînduy. B. Fast spent Wedneuday in Chicagot. Miss tfes.ft.iltati ' lt t i, Miss Shirley llcîtt was a Chicago Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McClure of Chica- viitetl iîir - lt-,i. jo.. l't st-r, la-tliassengers Sturtuy. go. spent Sunday ut hoîme here. W odl<.-<v, tilltiriiin Whitti,. .ti iît' M14TJ. Weber atdîtihluiren oif W auk e- Geo. Daîziel and sister were Chicagot s8u(alîtt gan, spent Sunduy a îth relatives here. viittîrs Tliursday. Mi Iltmtîti-srt'î til .i i i tht lu t.'r Ntrris IPro(itoti8 loading hîs furciture A basket aocial was given ut the rîst' tattrsinto a car fr <'hetek atld he and Mrs. churcli Saturday nîglit by the Bi-y Mr. Brittentil ttil rla rt'9-119 iirtît1'octor will lcuve -bortly for that place Iscosuts. more ttrisî-iM( H.. WIli ttrd tu make their home. Several curload8of feed were unlouded miii iht'ri' iM~isLi-nella Taylor was a Kenosha here la8tweek. J 151 tel iti . in autheuinla ri Oh '.' ivisi tir Sunduy. The dance ut the hall Friday night totetgiitts.l'iiie , tt'irrg ttri Misses Vera and Ruth Kinrade, aho was largely attended antd antther aili unti 14-tk 1heri itîir. have been emltiyed in Lilertyvilie for b,- gîven next Friday. The Ytîung - several acekas stent Sunday aith thir 'Adams îorche'stra furnishes the muait. LAKE V ILLA I lart'nits. Mrs. Hi-Selle tif Chicagot, haIteen "' ~~~'" M rs.. ifrney Trei gir anti dauglir- r,.'.isiticîg lier daughtcr, Miss jeiSelle. onie Lee Cratz of Nitîl Chicago, fspcn t Itea cI spe-nt Satucday in Chiiagît. of tht' hîglchî,îinstructttrs, Sunday with relaitîsîs litre. Miss Marie oai . f (;rayslake Ppent Sunday ait?, Mît'. 1'. IL Avery. Nrman a n~eî,~ td 1',î ri EFumes wen week-end guîî-s., f Mrs. Zieglera Antiîeh. Mrs. Getirg, Itinian spent a couîil days last w- .k î ij at F. R. Shr iiaas i Chcago la.i Wedin!sday iii 'I tur,(ay. Clitril li aiof Naywood, spentz few; day.4 last aîîk vîth ,Mr. and Mrs. J. Atail. Mr. an'] MrA. Albert Kappîlt and family .wr'Sunda iî wth Mr. atd %r. Bun Sutnnier., ttWaakegar. Mr. and Mc,,. F-. M. Ilionliln erit-i tain--d I- , luif fri,11tits u îa. Mi Hi garJ, ai, h us i ,,n a't I.- Fret] Haîtiliii li t t., î ,,îî it-d 1:,-r dau>zhîi r' i,,. ýt Chicago Mini a,-. Mr. and] Nîr-.. XiIIVi-lier retutii la-kt w,'î'k fru a s;,.tn ai-eks auto trip in the issi, itiiuding j.,ints in Maire, Massachuýt,-.t ar Niew Yoi, k, bt-id.à Philad elph.a and Washington, 1). 4 -« John Na-Ir wasin Oak Park Surida and rpent the day aith hîs dasightetr' Mrs. Il aiin t the hospital. Mr. Webier vimîttd hs daughter, Mrs4 Huwsey ut the hosîital in Chicago Mon. day. 1'. T. Fitwier (in Nontlay eveing entertaineýj fthc liuntss mten rt a turkey dinner t the Keller restaurant ad all surely diii amprle jusace tw the lxiuntifui spread. Abouat twenty-fi've men were presen t. On next Sunday, Rcv. Kelly of Chica- go, will speak at the church here at il o'clock. Mr. Kelly bas been lier. before and ail who have heard hic are anxious wo hear him again. Keep in mind the movies at the churci on Friday evening. Mrs. R. R. Sherwood was in Chicago un business luit week. P. L. Lund wuain Chicago laut weei to aie his son and wife, who hada narrow escape from injury or deatl when their ato went wrong on the way home front Lake Villa laut week Sun. day. Mr. and Mia. Chai. Keller entertied several friendsait c"ai t the rota ta P. E. HILDE~BRANDT DRIIGGIST Special Sale Tis Week Palm olive 1Soap' thyme29 Cakes Zo.........29 PIIYSICIANs' PRESCRIPTIONS Careflly ComFounded THE REXALL STORE GRAYSLAKEs ILLINOIS R. WENDLAND GROÇERy AND MARKET DEALEIRIN r General Merchandise STAPLE AND FANCY GIROCÉRIES DRY GOODS, FNOTIONS BOOTS AND SNOEB MATS AND CAPS tIOSIERI Country Produoe Dought aid sold Phone 107-J nJJIOo, Miss Marjuirit- Brandi a a (ýhi,;Igo A niumier tf farmer-m atientiet th.- e ,paisenger S1tturtlay. -n - lSu ihgli tredt tleîcsale ut Li.lrtys ilt" Miii Aimna Lams-n isus takn Ilu- Tnurstuy. mi' day.1fr. Jlrnr..n lumtntunrt d h ýr Normcian Sit neiîluijrg rcently ptrc t troubla Lit' Luttniti>. Sn a vas t,-1i , cha-tet a ForIm. iurînug car. the M cAiItaîtr htutilital. Vs U ittjL. Wr. I.rctitr r-ur nidlfnr irali- le Mîn,cîylifi rut ng a Itici-auic îe c:tu-,n n mtirn buu tung tc p lat N ja.lit- a-ua ttc imiiu. S lu"iý, uti' 'u .11li suffemeil twoîfî - iug s i îî tl.e trip st t la test cm-la rt. ,but thiik uif ;.i tht' gaie Nra. Ila-i',-i;c- gan u'.cittt%',,tutti W. 1). Washltur c usýýai Ch'lit.igc a sttitk i'Iindtu - t-u t-1,r >uic u ni]viuutrur luit Satirlay. lia-tiand, i .-'it I u ir .Jothln Fi ;tu-r Fced (i tiittgs i. au lulu b, iut ugulut TFi- An1,ut t 5it d S. cii i te stauîtin aCtec the uccriet ti ut uit-tk '- gui. Id liadix usr-'i - tv. l rcujAit it rît r -Mc. Bttgùr tut Cra,. Lakeu je-nt ChitagiT 'I 1,. > . setîiv acerai da3 s hrt lu-t ut-k su t h ii f. A. n,î'- 'ji.- ruj ijVdauigltuir. Mrs. Wintec and ther Irinudu. r- :I~ 'iît rui htc;.gui. V l"fi 1I. t k 'til al I atisýn ir imtgi - . t isiîted ii ihargé- il tht riacuu,'t uati '- father uni] sister uiter Stinilu - abse, u. O. I-F.litittenqin na-ta Ciitt.gti liucui -r %Ic. und Irs.c-,l.iuti" -It,-r di ri nects situc lat FridIaj- '.5.ut tttut SunlivVan uîîung.i itui-'-. tru furinî'd J it cflrk taiii ut ar.. i-i -.. w.sîc firthe hi S-u'*cntertair.ýnt faut 'taituzen ct-c( t' , pr, ti--m ýeseniný,. tNurict'uufir. tTht'luadies art- uuganîzung a uic5teton SJ. G. E.1'uemkv and a if--->f Ciaî.Bridge club. An auuiany mnens ptk - otîthrie week-cnt aîth te latter ' iclub ail i doultle-ss pc ng au ituoithat ,% l-irents, Mi. and Mrru. 1). I). Ca,nîu,ell. aIl litelli shtrten the wurtecc r, 'rrccBeeie and daugliter, - - - IlIster, acre Chicago passengera itatur- L _____________ i. d la m Ilay dajprcaýAt Mm. und Mmc. Cllahun vs istet Mc. Wiliaml{rdalranhuauncuscl te and Mcs. VanHaecke, Sunday. Flîtrence hictgan anti the Mary King Raymond Amnanc batl a birtliday purty ýg îiroiPe't ,n XVictoria strict. Satumday eveeîng. Hattie Amunn anti ýy lImer 'tit-kîti lias uîcîe1tcu a luttai t)otliy Hpeydecker came out frum 11 tiorait itie Starulard 0liiCt., tii tuke Wucin Il upr the Grayclake route. Mi- SticeUes M. und Mrs. Bull acnis-et Saturday oe aul i nve hisfumivy thece souin. Mr. and Mca. Wjliglrnutict ,jniglit. Mca. Bull a-mu make a sisit of Kenosa, Sunduy. I e.ilrmtrdt sevemal weeks. Edwamd Kneseîy from Wiscunsin lu it Waltetr King of Chicago, waus lere v iiting bis mother, Mrs. A. Suhling.j -e Sturday.% He report that has ister, Roaie Josie in rn IraSimuns has purcliaseti the Ruben mamried. Jonelroue o Vicani ftret.John Peteraon anti Mra. Buchanan ut! IChas. Sibley' George Wagner utf Waukegan, visiteti at Amannas Sunday' ýhAntioch, atd Ge4¶ige Graner of Kenoaha. evening. motaredt t Milwaukee, Monda>'. Ruth Knox spent the week-end vîit ro W. J. Chirin, vite and son, Willard Shirley Thomas. made a trip ta Kencsha, Sunda>'. A ccv vas tound caught in the tence, kr Mn. and Mns. John VanPatten vent drawned in the river. a ta, Chicago Monda>' ta apend a tew daya. Oe lt on n i ahrdL ~ Jon Hoan ad Croly Qamnti erethe achool bauéie Frida>' evening. Thosee ky narried Thurada>', Octaher 30, b>'te who wisited vire biindedfelded and led 1-Re. Gangster of Waukegan. They leftb>' ghaste bhrough thre dark dfefl for --Colorado ta apend their veddlig rgoibiww eec he ad id trip. Tise> vill vimt Mr. Hora's oncle witit a ghost,'feit of a. ghoo's heant, a t tat phace. brais'.and pot of gold. A few ver. L. M..Balrt Feltitarnof Wookatock, but given an airship ride. Latinai retarta- fou'marhy ef titis place, ia ver>' iii at tira d tate achooh roota vhere ttie sciool vriting, doctars have bien unable ta children amisitid by Clara VanHanck déterminé ber trouble. Ceestia Young, gave a. pleaiing pro- gram vich included fainies, elves aid MILLB3URN black cats. Ducking for apples a ifohowîd by a chaieaubside aliter te Mr. frene Tayler, née Stewart, af ghotas. Atter ail had partakren ai a Lily Lake, Ill.. épent everai daym vitit lunch consiiting of pumpkin pie, sand- her father, aise, Lyburn piid Roma wichtes and doughnuts; fortuns ver. Stewmrt of Chicago, pent a few days drawn aid rend b>' titi itchea. The,- vitir their fater, A. H. Stewart. evening'a enjoyment ciosed with the Mine Saraht Brove o! Wadsvortit Virginia reel. vicinit>', visibmd Mrà. D. M. White for the week-end. Etlqtiette of WaliIng. Mr. aid Mns. J. M. Canon aid Mr. Wiin In titi streit, aspeciall>' in aid Mrm. James Campbell o! Gurnie, da>time, a lady la net suvlroaed to attended citurch ber. Suntta>'. - taire a gentleman's am, Dnleai ohé - ! l latnirnior eldent>', titoug isaniay Mr. aid Mr. W. J. White of Wauke- properl>' do so et nigirt When walk. gant, attended church Sunda>' and called log villi Ivo ladies a gentleman nia>' on relatives. walk onthtie cutsilte, or tirs malte, er, George Cnockett o! Chicago, spent ratiter, the ide fron i tiithe ca ite week-end et E. N. Cannon'a. liéat guard bis companion or compan- Mc. and M&. E. N. Cannon attended tons trom obstacles or danger. It la the funerah o! Mr. Robinson nortir utflot gourd torm 1to e a ladys am, Zion, Wednesday. Mn. Robinson in tire unleslu aaiel er ln ,ome va>'. husliand of Muoriel Cannon Robinson. Lincoln Edrum, nephev of Mna. Bhg Gil for That. James Jamieson ut Missouri, apent tire TiraI tootir vas cearlaini>' annoying. pat veek with bia aunfi. àMiss C-, thea primer>' rooni teacirer Mca. Lizzie Stewart anti daughtar, of tire A- scirool, put ber ftnger Mrs.Glays mesof Grne, wrefnto ber mamth tu dlacover lte cause Mcailadyn vsAes of Grneevers thbiaennoyance. Cille, a blinght- Milleucviars ofKndaa, is. pe taceti hile PuPîl, notlng tire act sud Beie Tuaxut enohaWia< aentdenl>' auked., "Teachen, bow ld ara tSuntay vitit the home toîka. yonr' Chiooslng to ignore ii mpert- IMca. E. A. Mrlin ia on tire ick liati nence aIe matiot ne ater. Hi was with a nervona break down sud has eanuotlu lie dauntUI however. Witti an traineti nursç. expression of scora ire «nId: .1 know Mr. andi Mca. Eti Druce of Grayalake, YeUre ovîr twenlb'. andi joat tink h ahi!l calleti on Mr. and Mna. Wm. Bonner, Oucktng yourtr inger,'» Sianda>'. Mra. John Banner and Mrs. W. M. Opbîmstlc 'Thought. Bonner and sent, Reoy arrivoti home from Tite"'laero lttîti bis amord agéanat Nebraska, Saturday. tite enemy >' ta reslsteth, but no somer - A. H. Stewart old bis farm to Carl tees ire Uauiit titan hi la satlafied._ '"000 SAVE CHINA ýSÈEKS À DIVORCE FROMFRIENOS'l'FROM SçTEPBROTliER; SERIOUS CHIARGES humiii tl iin W i itors ( aidl hiiiiiin, Zcli i a' n ; imîîil iii-. tig oftif 1 m ettîters t i l d- .-t, i -i Jiîuaiy unîd si ould have tfi hianin eul h nt's tr itsflowed the' ploîs 'It4 cake Rend hoe. la mî- i ioî,îhai tarait'r uîi-m lîý. 0,iii h t if at-bd lot heen aile te do ti o... h l tacitrierni a igîîtî- .a* I wtîtil ave o t.i .ho tt fSenator McLumber Protests k li1'a i 'uiaiii îhtdb Child Wife Questions Léyalty DUf r i it i lut tîititiroiir l 'lse' Senate Against Shantung i 0f Her Armny-Oficer QUITl tteri thet1"îi n mtiinrî .-ajoiy l r mnmnt raY. Husband. NICiKi CARTER; .-.mam tii ir t. art.. are In lt.h- uk,' aie1 __________ LI4I utît'y r he nion, ha-i tb hau AGAI?(ST INTEREST 0F CHINA'SA'U THAÎT H E BEAT HER INSTRUCTIVE BOOK<S % ilart tprd riuiu..ut fuitre ti v.iitnti, ,l .e lie Chiairges or aniioert'clegs s snsîs- lin i ii ttis-tbat i1i ii'.nt Repubilcan Snator Asserta That ;.ttîa atiî re t<int;ined i i oua M gzns oding tîdii-ut iof living. Jîîî-' t As 1t ponants of the Peate Treaty le cîrc i PtilElin circuit court nt t Librarians of Country, til 'le tii, huughi- ttIiu al the Senlate Are 'ry-i-ng Waukegan lôday by %Mrs. Edna C. t JJui<~ ThyLicateI>U liir te Kilt t Adiams agaitat hler huianit iAlbert Are Mrelîuar it i iretfa e iil,.1' iu itioil ýC. Alime. The blli relates that theyMoe P uar cillnfifcet *t'gîitea N'lt'ilnzton. Aug. 21tSitr~ were marrieti Ni '2s1:11 ý7.,antI ilveil - -bett feiti, luit th-t' . Im <'îiiiiitr, for 20 yeurs itttt ri ea together until Octi1t of the. came THE OLD FAVORITES PASSE ah-ail frcîler, rii - or,.as tor fritaNorthb lhota. ti ia speeoll ID in ra. Adams says chat ahe lita stofp - g« în tit'-si-mte tîîday. 'iiîgthaut the ma- Sîster' or ber iiusli;nil liiishe ,Nlrk C'arter anti lt-.scJamés are no Croit, lt te' tii Jîir.ty <f the foiirt'î.n ittittiuconta'wais but 17 year-îndtht' says rchat niorfi, ii- ovslberes. meart the lsartue as al. t. t- tel1 rai; In i trlto kliii tthet-iittresry Adamsa aman 0ft iiIli t stais, ae ,14ile-r i h ouhoar oo- h oi1 bt and tie Leugue of Sîiis S.'aaforduui lbec to i-a' ihoi,'ailjoin are c faoi-if ThtIbebisc wî'îes'cry lototft %viriiasvuli - Mt"iniiuer spoike arter liri. sec-ond ilhart ai a mouchera-ity. wiî i î-lie waaa afin lit,-i ut nîiiiînairoi nu longer u,,.Tlen it was - oi' fi rpare liceacli with the kloiiiti iof the an offict i aitar <cmv catii tf-- I tutu scliorilbev, und scf- -eàiq àI i trayo h eaeAdanîsi. aî-cortiing ti tht- i hai g, binlifir andtti îutu-iîi ncenrnagazlnt'îraiie arini.j *t sie fc'a3'ut te cCle<iiii it eeon for- of hbi Wire wa a... lucifl-or sîIlte tif rt'eforni i rit toi ici med-,! î'titi e B atlloni.CiiW it unt it it ur lu eign relations. Ili tht' risent trearh Ciathouglitîor t-tilt, .ndlin ur-clin.Wt'ckliitA rcci t-ilchange lias ci-e belleit tif a dîttcti Ph pt-i pi.6bonrie, Senator MeCurnher tteialone with <idtinot bele vitltuniIll olie(t il te juei- i ctaing public, duc- the' lari neis t-nuiut .sp' ment.à tht' supporters tif thei t rt-a t.r antI cm tral lt-il lit- ttuîn niaiiuirî - -I,- e i het 1I ta v: i. ia t-rattteiIeu tw t5 s gni ist tire muijorl t' ofi ifi colriiti i sut th.- tîli flot beli' t- Intîtmari i2we. h- 1, w a iir ftru h tlfi e - c.. t bia %%hiIli vocri ta atri ke oi i aitn anndi utA.s a ruina. iut'ne. ah t .-i, i, t I fît- it Countlry arn' ii ciii im ,t h'rrtt'l l. fî i i ii« . Inse'cî 'Cliinu' ntri t i - "t,-setions glati-ced auts mni n d il tif- it ii -t M , Nr-. i . ut, lfcomb. i l ti f thfe rîw i a i tii îftcI-. . k nt 1 awar-u itg the Slinttîi., t-t.uIsti. nioth rcot-itt . Iti Ad. il i 1 i r t îîiîfirîn's il- artnit-nt of it' ('ficien litter. t- d t.13 tiithe tri <j tri t t tirf cils cont- tht', plaint i t kitt Ilira ry, ba~s rî<i chîta îtt"poune lua i.thi -. of ilipir l ttt'ti iitr, ait t rin Iiitt ti f ifa in ,Y u g rt-ail,r.r-, oaing heut'ri-, ct, mskkt . f:ttfiimr Atianms, h-t - i i i til i.n tt i i fi t ý r -rjut istiefion. )o'ii t e i f d ii, iloti.5C itia ifib, iiîy gi-t ttic tril Iliiirri;tugi T'ii tisbo3-s want cow ir c-for St 'ifi eParnt - . e li69B.17 sî --uiirîe t?'askeil Si-i - fitfiil titi noci liaot- -r T pInte lrprose it Trt lieain lit-eni- ut (Chicago iirttit i the--- iipart ocatiîniîialhtfiiigfih t n islàt *logj '-c . ~~~~~~niiutî. s1w tîîîl iç. iiritilfi-crtr- - t.fik-,u-fng chat forniidabletrnt for '< ,th in'tf- otire c r tielitith-' «ini tIe j îti- t fiat h t ii tt liut. i n an.titting to whlîivunî-n-ciiitson thf, l'i ca I lh -g Vltei tel 14 fiîi-.rhie 10 this tri-> i Tt Is tut ,rt ini.iriutuît-aitd ti t, , irl fi i trt tif tt itt g sni c ' i . ii Tfit u tiiii flo.eedil i t , it- éua olî .:tiin in a poîsititorn t, ru- -i'clnnt, ,nit ted tet, anil î-,qj î ii, 0 i r a.. ilta -lh in boît rle astifor lbooik, on fur tc. %L < i it i-4à il-5 I suirlîîr fl ahtit-inîu,îe ' bcb tr s v fît litir i .,~ engnetering. fort t rs anti larnîtar. iontiierut, deituiîàtevil t .. @u6 ceirteii d10 owi t ait'ti.cti i t-tairîotndfarce."il"e i tytnt hei- sreltus. tlt ae ii n li u s -ie e (1,,. T Ila t f0 creîtt,'t c-- -t 1 -tîr 1a Shi' saîid Ilafiat -l Ii - ý , tir le sti)iiituriîn and i-toffant- it uiltr )g tuf Cltnty nt tptt stItiechtIliîiiii lut iili -. --- e Boys Dont Read WaVr Books ~ t u itiitu ste,~ lt hoirof thi te It3-. 'lotot u trwil- i e e i 'Inîe le - inteciii iandi ci' t ut îîtt n a tr ainatntlu rtsigi Sw Atatowetti ae i it ; t-, n(i] fiik- licistontil cx îeriîru if nura , ii ile - i i ts. e e1itîll ever lie strrnîk e ak t cai îîîî i- uh-Oiint-îft'nli actihliot X s î cWroilithîîî-oralciataCIrioeiee -ts-aisi~t~sraa% f nitr'r',tsof hiatarn hy ti elharinruanti t hi' gui <-inî i n aSoei-unî tti in ttii(- carii <aya oftirtle recen t- anidp-tas i., ' e l t i ng.u sa.-u- ai-I i(i(ifiit't, htiriht--n iloîtpanif i clieinb»- Sintt "Is it an nsct ofcfrtu-tîfrf-nîf .lIp ttt ii. - t t -t f-uit lier ul ultie a ,t or ot titis. ruina i .tu, tit' i en d 8 et-it iiitrie. fThtoti loi trai e 'tadC-h<'ina or a tiii-ru-fttuu imut, 'hoe ht-s ite sithit liliail for* iit.tarief tif itypewofuAlexander in fIeit nulti r r'iit ?If tl iîiisiis-nitchiititc ideas ad fas social fi ut *tftets-i tAîxaîir )ic helong i i.tîvIF44,,6 s-à anti fa.ît' cttritî itindiiitse liy Frineit A ('olmlins, ui &re nîd irallenieu, bte1 tfi'dt- int iJuthe n t i-, întàitw itu(r 'l*waiosqi, y' fi -Ai'inti, n' ('iera Muin." ant "i "XX'iut"mî,d iito a ai .mIl uie, ýa itie l <I nglt- li i cil,î it.f, hai 1-r antiti li,' ina i it aabtlantdtonti csi f)t-riitr-" Seches et a il sortsa-tfîe tri mite ificit ssr~~ L alt iris-e taiun itut tif c i % i :i 1 r ila-th tait-Y erîu h i m e ît'>- tii e t o outtof laev' 1h' trolil si-ir nti 'itut --ir1tuf1-tr . S'tti i l.,t- itwili-ii ng un \Marsha;ll- Y l'ait t-1 tititit utlanta)3-'-atitfv lIt' t tit'orIent%*tif-d -cir t fier .tty.tnd. crut ing focrtilvintticc anti eat'iloial tmtibyl î î~' ~e ____Iboorieti__,rlie._1 ,1'xploits, leuriili lie lilicary Ioi cover cuuirtry dio cuii-antlut. Iboasoi, ew byItI4a aneits, r h1o (lia îlif,-rcnt fî d. isone iiîeory for flihe 0So uchr a gîtait SS fiur ad vsa1 wlt a.'.g ch-nge'Anot!tîr suggestion lis that te 8urdayeerrnois.idtievarbtinl~ CliA~ iiiu~iu.~Ut is iracf n csponîtibie. lfaring ex- Tetaucta that tii' y havre tu US om they owii milice t%-ar ft,, trive jiprpui iro antilt( t ianerlt rigt oiii of'China. tri peeînt Jaan c Irom,'rn aa« entli'vauie unct'tîity of fiction to ab 8ath than ti (I i. î ldeaa IdIng oîîch îose cîgitra wttic4 thp theIItfl ~ ficblazing mayligt-riotfTact. utt h. eut u ii0c1ce. other enti nations of the wocilhavei lard nrwspaiuî rjo( , ,1Stam bafr :ùrtifvlarga or surahareiiurr.'inniug ri :î-ic'îvei aiethe hare paimîndaie - PITAI. ASSN.,WAS1IINfiTON NEWS IN BRIEF toitimitant chu:teiii nf.lrmaalý t fecence Witehnthuacelaof thre 01t(l ir l,\isti-r 1Hopituil ussecloin el(hi-hi i terestm of tii fucren arectiet mors thouantls rut waleu word. l'ospthu tht.While tlity iii, stiiy t-v.ening at flic Nu.ts' homte jbelnrg iutecîuoedet ly tire Stnators anti Washngton, wait ihavese M ellre ea 'lnientiy conîeler a joint agcet"f tl,(foiloa'ung tesolioo aas paied t-it. tprer.eritatrvua wiîîîfîulînwed tht' votat- @tte lu the Union. Clr.rab absa. g'ilh fthe otiier great Whitfe nations et Be it ci -oived-tchat fîy the Jarre lIonut facmiu iii tifre tlîey wutreet upon on Sundayé at tie Capital %ams flic wocld ta shield the gneater whfrîtic.Xlisttc Itosltiaassociation chat a pltcleo hýbli tin ncpwb f&lctrhrilrî races fnîîm anihilation tlsey saouldth le corpomate nuie of sailtiassoctia- pîttiiat,!wu' nidfitrl aaipoal'irîel.adî en' omïanas ta demti ta difend thire Bon lie clangit ii 'Xicuomy Mitoritl the al icuieas. There are tmai>'la anirqueoiun tt iinfrp@h rsM infeelor Yeloa-races whtch lirrectilr lispirol sssoi'ai on' anuCti lItfur- 1oaie, yet lit dues flot ilean ta csy Imleon tIre wattttIl natt ,1vlsseU< ta be go iurferton 10 us as te lie unfIr 11,rresoîrlv lchar ic fiabluildinîg tfluet tic awmakecs wvoho liaves oufben langean uaB t f1 1adîerîimitsg 0PM to aso-,lt.Witth. ectoî n îthe' tremîsea nosw,îwed farmir,îs.are nnmtrdful tai lia tanra' aDewepapers lmu ued lu <Lmis 880 "Elîer s viI blngbathJapn -by saad associaitiiîon nSheridaln co ud.lterestio. but If la true that leglolatara edîtlons ot pal <'ne, iit wbilumat h and China mb t tis League of Nations, fDantc"J'arre NcAlsier building" anid who have hbien lainers bave a better DollaslB e ia retard àtgSma whlch hy thie ver>' termesoo!fils pro- that a portrait of Jante McAlister hoe underttidlnld of whal the lainier needài nornlag servieu. fislons wili comPel Japan te returnefa China attlte Germen rlghts acquicedf b~Japan, Dot ont>' lie continet but b>' titi oletun agreemesnt triade b>' ber ti China berseif. or' you vill drive Japan oiut of thîs tr«aty 'viain mimeUNED18é ylo nut lie bound by, J>aoblIgations whlch site woild eaunte b> jola the longue, and wbsre mite vM ieb hold- MICH1I6AN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY lng the Germau berrlbor>' and ait bthe Gerian Interues ib>'thse tigitt of con- ' DIETROIT qUent; and Witth the bruie word 91 China a. eu vositer wgly te the.JOHN HODGE isritManager, At'.Di ver>' tîmît of aubJugation o! ail th. O N~e- -t- Chnie territor>' ot nove witin tihe aphers cof Influence of oetier Doyens. ' muton ta a griarant>' b>'ail lte vortd that not nc iii> viiJapan. ratura ta China what German>' wrested frortDear Sir:- ber la 18918. but hencifortit and %aD rn hels ite yasyu ie-okhsbe long as thus laeattrai lai at nocie brD rigteatffte yer yorIewok asb nation aohatl rab China cf oaseminc f shped and dotermined. If you have prepared well, y,;rîr future lier tirrîtor>' or'exerclme anj, contrat over ber people lnconslstmfnt wlit îtpe holde înany gaod things in store. Indveneciani The matter of insuring your life leail-important Tulhis you Senator MrCunober titan racîltadth ie know. When you acquire the property which you ft'el will bo hiatory etffthe severaoi treati under which Japma 100k over te Germen sufficient, you will go to an attorney, sit down, and quietly and rtibtu la Shantung, pronising te ri- deiberately make your wili. But your Life Insurance 18 of more mtoe.thenra luChina. He thona «all: 'lBy tis amendment yen ddeara tilac importance; your will simply distribnteil, but your Pollcy provides. - Jartan cannot lie trusted te keep saCreil You may xnake your will at any timt, during yuur naturitl life, but ber Word, given nulot uf teChina but aime givre ta thre Uniiad States and the time tto take Life Ins-arance ie when yoiu can get lit. Impaired svery titller Important nation b>' reit- risks are Bot wanted. Lot your Life Insrance Salesmilr quietly ofr'ated dîclurations. ~Thirer. La but ona honorable, upigiri and sit down with you and tell hlm what you want the insarance to trort natcore 0 of ss ri b> att irs accomplish. Let hlm be yo!ur insurance attorney and advîsor. lie China ad Japan. Lt China kosoep ber treaîyciven JaPaur an opportualty te do has mnade a stiudy of the buoiness and eau explain how înisur<ne) lutitah* sibas ritedged ber nationaliroter to do-seau. iIs aLtempt in, jugtisiu wili serve you best. No higher compliment can be paid you'thaix Country Itta wan tirJapari: deteat ttiIs proposoit amsndmeant wi ar rosatarta bis desire to interview you, for yotî are supposed to be of Sound oursoerivs thers igir te autui ainatireh. itween china and Jartan Ld mâs.jet savXicit hi'alth, with a good fml eod and of gw eanding among atreaty marie duriag thers trasmslo!baettis btwlien aur co-heliigsrmintaad Jatransmn irsiore vse, ntrerrd fote 10tire WL!; britns your fellow mn Your Life insutrance should not be neglected. a and Cina Intel IbIs wonhd Ietriue.i - n ssure Ls the sunceahi ri" ertoer- If you are in the market for more insurance, peaI ei r liner tatan l keep ber pllghted faillit, aid assures future protection "On tire otrer irand farce thts brsarch of 'ustrl,- cotraci hy China; drive Jarrarsout of theirs ruy lagrue iry ltasuifiris honhonun: noeleere front hec trai bly flirat hreakng It youn- JOHN HODG*E, District Manager. selves and theneby Insasihng hsr la.irer Lchina ,1 si omd Trc tre t 1LAKE VEL&A e 1

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