LIBERTY VILLE. INDEPENDE NT LAME COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake Couniy's Big Weekly 1T. V1VYTT -K" la L V ro fo.. d PrARTJTWu bIBERjWAY VILLE 1,NDEPENDENT. NOVEMBER 6, 1919-. lINTED MEN recent- g Up tbe ederrnted savingi sble re- districts unization f ents of aIllihnois She bas cts. T: irst, ns. 110w- EL Day; itir. Mra. 3. Cook; Elehior, o Ervie. tirteenth. 1; Titan- laimyra; Johnmstn, s. lia-iy tan>' peo- *opri dur- arent-ow w*. "Buot rrg' cam- i [part ini mot oniy 'Il trlit ta tii hrave s 01117 a nistaken,. la make -,han the amen tb. Sjob of iruans.l .E DAY >ATES INANCE mnd $1000 iid $1.000 es. Tirai and tiri acul. Botir restins la aecquty. 3hamu buS .8 as "the berl Bool- e Saventir anizatton. why IbIS 't fluctua- Moent v»- Ys' notice. LI income. cent. maturIng aafety as lates gov- r ire purr ,final and ý1,0O cer- thraugir art crtf- n lonsy be r Savings 'etMon- tr-rttd only r atine ai ir," of tirE r'crrds are fîmutune le filled witu sr-its of Trear-ury tutînat ions ivIugs cen. )i-ru a 1,00Q Ttre price t~tItnla 'ort ia 2c Qflo cerititi- S44. Tire I NEED- AST E.D of-.Waste bat Amrt.l 0 Worthr of e ounce ai [n t-rc of 3t-fica, thre uday. An --i as ail I --Lake Co's. Grea test Store For Women i' Chi)dren- Announcing a Sensational1 Special Purchase- ýa1e of 365 Silk and ýWool Dres-sesli Included Are Sizes For Women and Misses' Six beautiful styles are pictured. but of course liere are -dozen of others equally as attractive in a .omplete variety of wanted colorings, with fashiona- le new modes of trimmin g. kfaterials Are- -wool serges -tricotines -s*atins -aqilk crepes -and various combinations Values up to 27.50 $1650 Avery fortunate transaction on our part afforcls you womnen of Waukegan and vicinity an opportuni- ty for decidedlv advantageous dress purchasing, such as is flot likely to occur again in months. Wl WeI Give S. and IL. Tradinîg Stamps, FOUR PAGÈs $1.50 PER YEAR fIN ÂDVANOE. wm wiwmoLuwmo ,*:he Beçt S&Ore on theNIO Vthffiwore \Ve Cuive S. and H. Tradinsg Starnps. A Timely'Selling of Fine Coats, at Special Prices N hcocieuded that the Cirristian E A ln fln lD SCIENCE IIEALER Science ifoks are thrBOND ISSUNeE 5IU~UD~I ~ SES ME BERSIIIP name, have bt-eu 8ricken off the Tie oisUe o ne hlin FORST RT N6SU T eIl t recaiied thit Neubauer sued for lar., for goori ronds carried flIer-onai lheaiing treatments' he gave counry Tuer-day by a vote of 5155 ro Miss ( ondel who rufered fromn can- 159f). flg ,r;ct-r it smol tem came in tire Thet otal vote in Lake county, lrrk- îC8e, uChrist ian Science Officers Ex- absent ..î thod, gixen whitie lie was ing merVrr vote ln Waukegan 1., fol- plain That Such Litigation i Cicao and tire patient in Liberty- Iows: YS N Fofets Riht. ville; tiat Miss, Hart sias thre traint-d S N tO Miss Dlisy Hart, ri. us, and O SïR TO Men _._........_2826 1.7,2 Fred Neuirnue Christian Science Wc u............. 9?2 439 "'elrviolated tht- iuiles of theTtl.......... 3758 20M,î ~b1nNiIi[ c ca Of Se IIOL :7.. Chrisîtiain Scinechurch and teevQuetIion 21 f iM biought expulsion 1 to Dmnselves whn O Men ......... 6 57 549 uu l tt-pywent into theut-c.unsto collect ATW 2517.........386 1'l I*Iflof Lbertyvilie 1Question 3 331tii WtI In coui-t fast week a juy wade n _ ......_2751 1 5 131 $1.000; and gave Neubauer $*i% after meting to bc ht-Id(atlitr11ertyvilie Total ........... 3654 1912 Buot, onder heading or the 'Chiil-hrw i esa mons rning Tn Fran Witmn' oT Elipe BUI1I1TRINI an Science Publication for IIllnois, cntuto erntato n 7akWimnof ieukiene 405 rhma Hall. Chicago" under cnt -io.IIh afternoon tht-ersnd Elam L. Clarke fWurgî PAR. WELCH'8 STATEMENT date of Nov. 1, in a porsronal lu trer ad- ;viii b (a ictur bv flr. W.A. Fai - Reî)ubliecan nomInees as deIegar tf a o ýoIowJg he haresdi-esmed to flice dilr or tire ùaîîy of thç» Chicago Tribune staff, an au Itire congre.rsional, convention. %vere! !olowig tre haresmade m Sun. rt-ad ru, demncnirtr on or tire I j îorlty on bt-aur and sanitary cou- etected byi a substantial majrurir>, AeLandis' court on Wednesday, 1 rsiaîScience wor -iin.Tren--igpoies tbu' officiai re-portsafrom al aiýl arts lige foi- er a d M s on ' oft lttr mnrst interesting ci ie Lak~e co tunty indicate that tie $ l pape- if lie badl a mtatement ta Editor Sun: far:<0,, i(liruad bond issue was carrird ry ike to Ladkn county foks, ln vit-W of -Tihe suit brougtrt agarnst three- Thre du rnonstratiol v il constat 0or a large- mriority whiie the prop,-.1 en place aiica g -eo. ins ht rate Of Mi'rrrElizaibeth Condeii for thet îrrsanttng of în: roisrd methods titon betabtish a Forest P-g-t i Mrn plce n 'ragoircid:n,-I fee, waswiroi unwrion oingsehool woîk. Childi-en wtll Lak<e rorrotyapp-ai-s to bave ter't l My Welhr-eaid i tie t att medand in dirrr t dîraberitenre toi be on irtnd ro remonstrate te sys- dtt-aît-r tvan equiiliy large miajor- beU1mI my k ttr,-savie me 55 10botir there, fir-and tire spirit ofthrie tms oftri r teaches.Trecnrtirue- itV Tiere are Indicatio'r ir-at tlrr tony ar i al . mas4 IY ue fte lrsinSi ion wook also sirould triove in ,-re- proposition providng for a rtare w'iIl Wrey A aofre litaui ofGi-s a n ui l'é- , utrcir rug-a'.sr.i 1deui v.itir tltcuse of a initiatiNe and referendum wa1, c1r 68cott. 1itar a-tkrd 'îier Wtd- On pages 46 andi 47 of the- Manual sanri box andtihie making of lurne Tr Pvrt lo tdco- dA"y nirght if tiret didnt thirnk 1rtf th- Mrtterturrir. Thre First desîgns. Tevt ntr o o ilrrî tk a .4tatî-,îurnt- c9vrirng ail Cirurtît0ut Chrt',t, Scitntist, ln liostrî n. 'iî:rans for merly war lrealth in taka- cuunty Tuer-day fio I tiings tiraIt-ar' berIr rarn. iut Massachursetts, suintarr te foilov. mg <nrmIsriotar of Chictago andii eî Wr'rn 92 iy ad vrsr-d tri, U)at, . rt Andi1 4jo 'r r, I r v. h r cli ap[i mes to ailt h .itit tn 1 - r-' <ion ailtinat ris rertaîn ng tri Clar-ke, 3310. 111:to1 b. iini) own rît tirîti,> r-i-mg .nr.r-Ierltir Thte h.riher't are f03 tunal. Bai-ber. 1(114t. ilIia. grrl trii r ra-ie A niember of tire Morer ('iurch n-rn il 1 ri acra aîhrGiîtorv. 711. 114f1ai- ' r-haheiiloh ll nor.1unner iraiablnable cri-tutu oanrtc. iWagn"er. 926. Ilf :r*, h_______________ be crcuilHautndowski. 772. .Ieport -nà 'Wrie vou tiubirotnafed to -stances, sue iis patin o eoesIn McHenry county the- vote oriîtIle pearin1 frdrrai cort n em-dt-rri> "'of ias'nent for said members piaclîce T e.Bb' îtebgrs i- Mir. *rlir N An Arr>. on p-naît>' of discipline and iabiiity to ToTk Vbl icu iet men, 160 Oad ehTurNOir> hdavei dirits îirname iemoved from nember-t Anyone ivbc abrs îried It knîrws Itlbe W itae. 160. thtie huiearint- *ri itri ite treIribt-forei-t"btAt',o rt-shalh rea.jonably reduce adifficuit trrsk tri take in iniloor pie. 1Barber, 465. - Landis andi idvtard me ru be hirt prce in cironic cases of recovery. lui-e Of a tit CIC ciilr.di By puiing1 The talais for lie two big coonties.,1 ~~lbut 1i1wa-tit rrdered i ioaandi ln cases wirere ire bai; not effected'lire subject leuat-a n îny wrndov, but r ti s r s anfollow.,.Insuring Whitmanr -a (,ur,. A Christan lit a bu- Mtonth ie direct sunlghtî,mnd wlirh a a uri Clankeq election: E'prtir:' ont sou rbnk yorî otinitarran, ire is bt-net olent. fargiv- sireet fixlit o ne srrle. iiglu enoogb W%'iriian, 4032. [d itomt no trnie in honing a rtutti- ng. long ',uffeing. and sr-eks 10 ai-t-r- go thînt il t adi hnîrve te sbec Clai-ke, 4300. Mt lu Lakr' iimn u-ni rly ' crm il r-rvlwir good.' bt-ad, gnon ret-si trrît [e l1titne*ni. If tlarbr'i-. 1430. Mr. 'Weleit "Tireir- i-tit a s-otariy "SinereIy yours. tire chllîtirls on tivîr'titrr, fite siteet Dot-counltv, tIre otirer cooty in Dg tat connecîs nie wit an) irr- LEE WHIiTE. viîî bcitigir enouglit iIrovu oetw th d bits'rrct, gave Calr and Whitman - - __________ - Chistran Science ('onîtittet- on i'ubim- chairs, about 3 ruil moer Barrber. tire demo- &*'11Da., on lrate irOVIUJ r t rîofor Illinotr- ." crat. Women's FinefWinter Coats -$23.50 Women who are looking for value-rather 'than price will- take advantage of this Coat Sale at the above price. They may be offered elsewhere for less, but the niaterials would haeto be inferior, and they would flot be a barjinatw price. Rubin garsuents are known for their quahity so why take chances. rlhlse ai- e Vry ]îaîdsuuiîe witer otats iii pît.terjals' of velotir, pont Jol,, pluitîses. ' (l ozeils ofthe flc coieest st *vl's are to be had for Wtinçrî and Misses iii lîlatf-k aîail 11flic -'ollar l-siades that ar'e in v~oguie. Large shawvl collars, new s1lil eiIuffs. Nrltcd effevts. luidsoiiîe 1v Iined, collars îî4ay l)C worîî lîigh or Il)\\rt 1-vial value this is the best coat offer of the season. Priced at $23.50 -and short plush coats $47.50 A u irslipnierit of the popular short voats- hruîigs sons eceptionally I îtlî rr 'îîatioîis iii fi e îlislî' aîtl md alstnîie Behîring eal.iLarge 6ý)'î)sU_11 et diaris, iiiîîg of~ fille Soi satini and fait( *v si]ks. Belted sty les are invlîîdled, andr thte iiittlîi'ttbrprice at whieh %WC have nîarketl theminstîres their instant approv- vi1. Ste t Use toiiorrow s1>cially 1)1 R tl rt $47.50. -the,.big dress sale at $24>5 Aliîtlei iiew lot of thiose heaîîtiful (dresses at this price are ready for this w'ek'sslling. Shown in riels satis, v'ellouî, sergeÉ, tricotinies, cr-ai-ii(ruse, i-el- (liii tIv lainle, beaded gcmrgette, etc. Afiiie range of the niost 'vatited colors ais weil as lîlaek are inclîîded, «iiiav ;reliaîidsoniely eiîbrojdcîcd, ettlers cleverly bîiîtoîi tijiîtînd and ticeî reinin the same $24075 -and skirts at $5 Tis is a wieek of wondes fui skrt' valIîes anîd it is likeiy to he suture timîe luefure even we ati -ive sut-h lia gahîis ii woinen 's Iîaîdsomie VOU 111.% ItV(li(>osertheil i plaids' si lks, eiîees, plaiti ag»1 faîe.v. pIetyt or1 sives are to he had. a1 ic(' saliît's 1l111as high as18$16.t). l>riî-ed svhîle tlî<rv hast, ehloice$5 --peticoats at 1.98 A fortîimate purelhase bin îgs us a lot of pettieoats to be sold at a -,pe- eial1 prive. Cotton taffeta top, with liottoiiof (changeale silk in a large assoî-tîieîit of very liandsoîîîe colors. W~ithîoît d)ubt tihe big- a g<rst petticoat bargain of tihc entire ycar at. 19 A special lot of Woqiien's dress aprotîs'iii light and (lar Iratterîls; neatly trùined wiith ric-rac braid, good qualit% îna teî-ia in all sizes; prieed foi tus w'eek at ehioice '7' -r- -- -.i WAUKECAN W'F-RKLY.qi IN 1