Y(OL. XXNII.-- NO. 46 SIXTEEN PAGES. - LIrBERTYVILLE, L AKE COUNTY, ILLIXOIS, THUIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 ONE TO EIGH T. '-,1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ,1 TWETYFITHM . NEEDS AFINITY FOR 0L N~ EALE)A L . TWETY=FFTH N- i HIS 400 YEARS OF LIFEM , to depose, the sultran, of.i T 'oi hasTALE. NIVERSARY OF AR-- Nb 'loTO BELui itliiERECte- il;ED (lieh OF V0TES CAST INII,ý n mih lol ,,!I.. 1arr-di ed hre today. fVTSCS PH ANAGE OBSERVED E THROUGH AKEC. EIGHT BEO ZR1N tED YEETO INDIANAPOLIS, NoV. 11.-"We art, American ct n an ogeiy e AY1NWI MON TA NA- .an,.d we would not undertake to fight the government," decIa» MisLcyJdo, onctd E G n okStrsaiEason-mOfiilVoeSos htte e J L Lewis, acting president of the United Mine Workers, With Home for Quarter , nllnliSu o o ak il e Htie today and the entiro tt cov. Bond Issue Crrijedby at t mi announcing thec agreement early today t alOftec SCentury, Retires. i " t ""l'" first to be Completed. . 2IYa( ýs'l'lt -om1«leI Big Majority., strike. We have decided to comply with thecourt's mandat, -_ Elt nothing but raw b _t.t! .1 I,,Ire ,-,î I, -ipertuese r d but We shall do so under protest. That is all 1 can say nOW, hion--y and ohn ilecr. N1 r-h IS THE FIRST IN THE U. S. "", " "ats f ' t WILL STILL RENDER AID ' ' i>1Jr Iurair (-Ut ' 1,Imý,coal sulti lis reportedFOESTRESEVE I LOS iwaenn.A ur blaord onýtru .tion hasbegn Evn. h"but fthe statte - ,Washington, Nov. 11.-President Wilson and the achdi I. Ifin l.Il i son ' he first soundeýid molnoracil lowbypi st 1tabeso ith i3tration will take immediaesesfrrOeigngtalD W auke(gain. >% , i ,. ý . ,, I r ,ý w , rl Illa*- ' muriI:t i;n Amierica. e li O.votNbNpreino: -Iast >i Lke ciounty ne on foianivesar o am mana un0- -o a a r nd m te nea' L last Tuiesday on the mulion ,dIh;tr between the miners and the operators when the strike leader Deere rhanage atl lla l u ff , Ic Ilro u w 'h mau,, iand lof Hle h1-« rilroaId let ioward the fd rat: roilbition a n!;,iin ;, 1 bond ei u n te frstpov O fcalyYV Om le w t h C u tO de ,i as"a yi.I erday ,i o(ne Cofilthe mosit en- . n n tuah iIim1,i i.I? l:iIara, :acrossthe M r.%I propos 14jil ,1.atýea l o ayu o ec ito W r h tmh :er'o ficas " . th llt su. ' . esshI u !l!of iw,-anl- Thr, o yearsi, romt!,>, !" ýII-i Slha phi loo- ' iy n Im hr com pany, over l' riflthee lcalretuart s ' 1)1Dond F r a l O a u O e ep f WO d t a h ier fili M nuai'ý Homerri, <, F-,Il rat- , jpoli- r jiAw we an ! i -IlIn ail ý ('l'a il ,dy erear aneissule ir.e-r , Voted to call off the coal strike. e-d theroe. Abouit 2II0 Iwere served with ny inl lIth- wor bil iad a_ 1 a wleM - 11 , , Iiî , . sterin ,mi,,n of F rA'i F rA' ,! ni !o ,' r r 1 a ir a ha!!lc Ic t ls ( nter, thtr to , For r-ilicat ion 499 R H nton 3 3 2 12,1 ý ý ý iýI',:'ýMiirandivli 1,, ndustrial UniedSates. The coal strike will be called off, S ~GR T. L AKES lAS cIRABBTl ,1 SEASONlu ^i' itn 4f 1ý: ,Ater an all-night session a roupof fi- score men,--ai _- ý - 1,---rr.etSect on Arangemen a BBTS NiNewp Iýor1 . 20_4 1 inthe View of the goveernment, Virtually held the imdu*bt ? ý 'lî1ý ,T , o. lFox Lak,- & Nor lo!-n PENS•0T2ER1 -NTut"re of the co""try, p°s•ib'y the destiny ofthe --tio Wi 'L'7 ýf, ý o;[,:!I!93 :;" I7 palm, decided to mrake peace between labor and the goverow F R0 M OVERSEAS 'f'X -"-n ,ING SEASON 0N "i·k.Vla .lt 11tc !1 . - .. f . 1,'iýn r.wI- n i ,rdarvA-n 1x 5 1 ", Thenestern sky was br'ighitening 10tiro'clock this morning approved the th |I 1th dA ri -e 'aILu;^* .1 4 21 11 1,hin ofl iiais of 1lle United Minei of tire court's order. W ou n ed hile w it th e t w ih a l su fi e m -iber l1st. H eretofore he g a, on auonn ;ýie t i1 . 116 30 _1 _12 4 y ste day, fina y voted to, r i n< an po aind., N ov. 11.-U ni% 1 1tý ! W o nded W hit with the - l ._i i ,n trck nwhlcl Iilr k e bih cuc eIlL 1'.ý.ztý:,i!1-I i 'LL Nl( h i,',;': away openCri on SepIt. 1,E ,t th., WaukL-en 2 s8 1 23 31 -,r1 .o d fl.th stike ore w ih a ser e*ofithe lUnited Mine Workers o 1 Boys in France. ..1 1f, oZeLnIdi--,e .!, oft tie hnine ri W, i manlWIkIan l,,,ii3 - 7,1', 2X 3:: !l Ihundreds of iitosands of inrs tol America resesading the strike orde 1 ýxabe 411he m nIvl),r o testate :nad ;a shoI r r't'a- ,\'ý'iukL n;it4 15 l16 56 1 9 abandon their work Nov. 1, in compli- ofl(Octý .15. HE ECEVE MA Y ONO S the contracts frte f n i l il,- ( l e ary. In past .yearoI there w' aukIýgan 5 _.44 14 1- cI 5:3 ince wNith tho, mandate issued in fed- Atresfrtemnr rm. nonitroirnand two Chicago firme, wa"'ni l mts eto h-nme f ak lgn 6827.11 7 9ra5cortherSauraY.totry to have the order in the maI10 1 __ - ! ~~~hýt han i Lranted i contra(cts for 1rabbits thfait coufldtbe kjIied, but thiis Wakeani .95 30 19 127 Time, strike recall musIt be dis- by 6 o'clock this evening. The actiI Gre.at Lakes has a fi-,hting chaP oii .filrtions Of Ithe line yearil the,-law specifles a daily l ]imit of Wau*iikegaý;n X -. 83 29 41) 87 lpa ,hed to 4,000 local organizations was taken fopllowing a session of t»' caltn. , %"WIths en,11days " Ir.l Huxtable ;wni. The eason closes Jainuary 31. WýýaukIgan f)9 . 44 43 26 85 beflore 6 1p. m. today and the printed tgeneral connittiee ofsjmeninum MISSLUCY JUDSON i n htet"ee hepn" ih ad today "', the steel towvers will bie it i slegal to Bell rabbits in 11 ýii Wukegan 10 ... 43 32 20 65 text of the recall must be submitted to which decided early toda to compi Who retires&from superintendency of -the doughiboys.KHle ls now at the pilaced ilos r fthe foundlati(mn work., nois after that date, no marier where Wiaukegan 11 ... 68 82 39 131 Judge A. B. Anderson, who issued the with the mandate of the Court sb11,11111 S Lake Bluff Orphanage After 1ith regiment Knights of Columbus Thlis monorail sysiItem has been Ithey "were killed. The ulse of ferrets Waukegan 12 -. 31 159 . 32 213 mandatory Injunction against the un. tant Saturday affecting 425,0Men. Tet-veYas but helIping the1 sailors with the imaproved so thatit i uprortfor hunting rabbits in prohibited. Waukegan 13 - . 20 131 34 158 loinofficials, inltheUnited States Dise- CallgoOrdderé"Good Faith EffeMM eon at non adna1 $,0 a by ntetrenches. Too, he's mal- b or iet A vraes eed eneighboring states@asoopens to- Shileds 1 ...-..... 62 23 60 46 ty-two hoursfrom the moment of the order as a "good faith etf fnotoe realized fornthedsup rt of1000the 1bo-Ifredmn g tehlueacets oreixt iet.per hourailge main- morrow on fur-beaing animals. Those Shields 2 ............ 50 15 62 21 issuance of the order. The tUmeori ply with his mandate. The texlt òft" tit t or ire supo rf th d à ' 11 w ith te ds ame r pidytheb at te t a i ie e rs a r t o e a iht who trap in this aete should bear n Shields 3 .-- .._ 56 39 26 73 inally set was 10 o'clock today, but order follows:ý t1v1 iesna es ysa doughboys took to him. He seemsPassengers and will be suspended by m ind thant the new laws require that Shields 4 ..........-.106 19 133 31. the govern-nent and court later agreed, "Indianapolis, Nov. 11, 1919. ' A2o'oc Bsh Nchlnto p ovt every one with whom twelve wheels. This will lunify the sveryfrapper muste have a trapping Lib'ville 1 ..... .... 72 57 47 114 te moene the timie u, to allowi the "Tc the officers and members etf1 he2 clc iho ihosn omesin'otac.I sCali od itiuigiswih vrthe license; the ordinary hunting license Lib'ville 2 ..........100 77 54 152 -minera seventy-two hours to comply -United Mine Workers of America:' a e on The n treitm toS,,et George T. McCarthy, who until rfe- length of the ocar, and thus thecr does not cover trapping. Thecost of a Lib'-ville 3 .......... 43 19 5 75 with the order."DaSrsndBohr:I e ,, r ieHuei*'Bso Nco-Icently has been stationed at Gen- will tràèvel more smoothly The de.rpiglcnet esdnso h rmn ......4 7 6 13- Radicale are Overruleddenetthmaaeisudn sof Chrisatnatio toBt nima eral hospital No. 28, at Fort Sherl- viee beinz attached as a rim t h state is $1, which includes the clerk's Wauconda ........ 166 24 64 189 The decision to recall the strike or, 8 by the United States court, distri,( lati f th risin e a <ln, sncphis etur frm Frnce heel wil mae th opra~ion ef fe. Those under 16 Must have the Cu ba ................ 57 27 26 70 drwsrahdsotyatr4a . of Indianapolis, Judge A. B, AndU S re on ho e ng wu Iav e uv n e and Germany. the cars absoilutely noiseless. There write osn fpreto urin Ea........ ý.............. 90 2 2 13after seventeen houilrs of debate, in peiigteudesge hrb ý crme to tenrosncaen Chaplain McCarthy went overseas ilbàojradn irto before a license wIll ble issued. Vernon ..._....- ... 90 66 19 187 which atimes it was gravely doubted vise you that the order of Oct. M ,dk di reesnfluncthefo résMltanwith theý"fighting" seventh, regulars wilNotOnlyjaasngeo iraL1rion.W.Deerfield ...... 122 9 71 79iftemdreeeetaonth recting a cessation of coperations in tw them divrep.Accodi t he of th.. U. S. army, ln the early part Passenger service between Evan. Deerfield 1 ........ 58 13 61 19 miners' officials would be able to bituminous coal fields of Our jurisdw e~~~~~~ -rioce. co n oieo h war. He participated in the ston and northerly points not now Ileerfil 2 ........ 33 0 60 vroepesr rmterdcltion, ls withdrawn and canclled spa a tuhth nycutrbattles of Rembercourt, Villes en- adefluately served by railroads wil . I)'eerfieldi 2 .. ...f3 6 97 17 element whicle de:nanded a showdown"Yusraenly mnfuence éavala le atedthe p r nmo. Haye, Boise-le-Petre and in the be established and the line l istdeDeerfield 4 ......_ ý55 9 142 1 n fgtt h iih ndfac Wli Geen, secretary- treasuren metrt lcedcid nePtivendle sector. He holds the hon- velop a business in shipping dairy W O6ES-IDFR Deerfield 5 .-.ý.... 32 5 6 States District Judge Anderson at "John L. Lewis, president.Il byethe Orphanage at Lake Bluff. or of being the first senior chaplain and farmi products, stone and gravel -erfel-6..4 One mav' sk i itwrtrtermthre statle of Illinois, and alo and other materials from the north- D IKIGRELB ERfin nmaer. we.re612 4 141an fortaheimony andt eergy>1 it n r Luenbuthe first chaplain to errepart ot the salate down to Chr.Defed .ý.. 33EN0S4A8T OTAKE 1adasmia u er wee ---- d takies to support such an institution?j Receives Croix de Guerre During the tenyar ha-h Total. .. ... 3691 1457 2184 4615 EOR month. Use of kerosiene toc start11114 Utere is, te answer; ln Its twenty. lemtwt oeo tetaeisfmu amfenlerd susped Listen, feHlows!How would you and r playing of children with matçbwl five yeasof serviie the Lake Blufflof thewrbth nmbaftetadehid « moo rai ws noeron ispn Westlike to have an opportuniftetodrink1 caused the most fatalities. I. Orphan a fee hle o1-the lini s. lHehas many stories to PruIlsia. pior i-to the United States,omeraertte"essthn'0 m 0B00ST Crlsns------ "' 70I1--an one of the-e havé beent tell errneiga ela ayetac notewrteewsntoehall per- Cent cent" kind, but Pres0ponsible for fire Jloss ln a majorlWf courntedamnonig I the "hah bandits"- coical. Ali of an army ChaplainS a sinjOacident and nont a passen- beer containing not less than 2.71- IrVERDIC cases Trhis icne -i and youthful lawbreakes tat udern work ls not behind the lines. He is ger .c, riploye was injured on thepecnt IN ASSESSED VAL-s. %t etec ----'*- 2r yerif g o ttt 3 ecn usually in the Chick of thre fighiting road Pretty fhine, ehi, but whiat would youl rubbish, faulty heating plats,4111 ofa lle rimnalr i ou prson. Tey wittthe me.e CapainMcCrth's hefirt .tio ofth lie wll e hin ifthiloferwaspreentd, n- itWon b T ooW uktan "*eelitriewrin an ihes hgowTfne u t orfomsofte recewas such as to win commen- litn) nI ,ig and will s5erve 69on th op of -z .youwretreceive.pay UVE OF LAKE COUNTY y .w-mn of themn have been mar- dations fromi many oilicers of promiti-, ;flaks and summerOi resorts fo h r o o hs IsntaWdwsPoalilon c n r ied atthe Orphanaige itself; hy ceitheallcdforces; this, foi -- ---- -joke--i tis wht L:really goingrir to9, ---d w Po abyW ttG ar tIchrl bsnes en su enet is on thelesid krnes both happen cet nelman-Edward Arml- 1Board or Review Completes ;upreme ourL . s ri ice fi It thfiHom eshows 4,ori d i, % o s apture l,) TPYAlstr , by '_ inot a' ttraliger nWr Tdy100Pret Kenosa iNov.11).Tht a aNW EFECIVE st ,rg ~ tn ostandteeor killed on teabd territory. Gen.Wa-a H i:snth'e plY nof Boost in Waukegan. péral w1;)(ýi he madi 1 the su;tprenIie who balse seýrved their country faith-, - Lra Illicm t fte French iarmyi tSCO RTýhe ,Anti S m - 1 'I:ituo and Ihas:been e o u r t fromt JuIL e Elwot ful .inrm ndnv. O hs 7(who IIwas thle Ltot gerair:; teenter'm d h. uny na1u N RE SE VE, M L I l." "ehh"nadecision in oit ulg i mfen 1tv:Il wer,, seýri(.iily , wounded, , lt, wav a uto 'b h h nhhrwr of ina ic - t cii, crretout Hoorotonofferal by O E 3 MILI Ný 1wth yanerneysi - O D EN RC , Lone si 'o i , i r e Iil.,h ,- lit - Iral months it n a Ger- 1g9overnmrent to decoraf- l·.,her M- ili.,n.',)% Lake Idiq ic toset-sh_ 1te iel eT-N I-n 1ji0 Sunr- - man tir.i,,n, Ione ýserved as "Y" scre. Caráv, , i oe fth 0ao rix den-h r iuilar isane Ar . Thl- Lak o u intyboard of review, dy fermnIya uy nth se o tary ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, aj(; \taksDos o r-Guneshereeve ae tobarl ninssso fr h Msdms -rnBilSit f au il rovides that Farmem' alivs-of lioembercouiL.t (Gen. l'ershing also KI nos. i s., Nov. 8.-- NMargaret ke1h k a.n ia 1" iyofl M usqt can1dle llE gs . Mi T" lucy Judson0 n, h i of ein st conitend1ed Father 1et arthy by Si i mi1littStrn adf a h i two Waukle , r runa m - o b en siÎcI ta i in n that rd , oth assesse dvauons ofw- i n. rn diby i , lmIlhB foreSelinglhem hil-- TAIr ý %prsentngJim1w th4t11chpwai';,inlwdowsof r n ho m t t l in. 'It,. - wil be ai fica ,q,.qed vi t a s < o -ase is 1hw oult!ýreI 'hof i).ilthre S lin h tuin fr urero eniri w rcos. F re 3eaty isoe jrisi heatu b l e lit 0on part adß t ie f \*i,'Iian a an La e coun t lias ah n o au_ _ ra n rrn avfair a s-h-ertoe a itewrto I h f r th iaddlriiiini r o aesi ar I Th', n ,ic( ofjuldenBelen came I L PROVIDE INCENTIVE, sible. qSl fiha e-ostablished her home lit the battlle of Vlle-en-Hlave, he from ithe city of Kcrnoshia as r-com - ' " ' n '-') will bol placed. ur , l.ý ,,i tiiiexp enss (sorsrpie o.it1ofcilswi1a n . arr tt usiainll sm.e%,ral shrapnel wounlds, pIn Ilfor thIli,-iability of Ithe City fr , n b i e %:s, 2 h 15f; ýa , "ounsuv Ti,, Good rgg bill. providing for th» Mo ln moth rsofr. famniliostthe inkte -one cbreaking his right armi . He wa.; , h b a b at ) il h, irhluI h-nlihtunless thx.etin T1Ia o f orthre county asi fixie a rd piinn e: b rls 1calling e ggyfr eso y selv Clntiledto a rest after raisingil lee t se nty b ng. r ebi y ilb 'ilen i rdof rev\ie-w his year wa f that JII Ie lIhlen'qOpinion fi; l lt hnd r ti desh- r icand th l ci ng of f ar ,,il o ,fu o fie isJuintl n with influenza. IHe was rsta- fth,, n wil ý r :1lof the riie. , ih li w I:cohol cOnntenit -,n ras1f rcice i±mlaase.J* -n ln ,ii ah o tan r hasi -!rid 4 fo r -. r for fan average1 l,,lý$ I))ovIer last year.10 hi lfs.td ntede ¥ c m fetv y tra . fniy o 1 o ot rp ope'c i iond at Fort Sheridan as soon as ! Ju h hh' l l,'IIIn Iha.ý liled ln th 11 ,I , lii"lýi m i,-T llvalue of \l"V' ikegar . a!h, eihii ty of wiate l n ee m al ilnd All dealv e s o rbuy.fo h l dren, !)trhliu :b-1 thre wonderful l iv- ras able to continue his welfr f e f lthi 1it cou It, u o ýel ai d el'by the assessor tha gt t oegie.o hi r- doeram eut thrm rcat ilg f s im e h ug th r • Comimissioned Captain at.r nI ,for Q,,, city to set aiidle the a, 1tted to whil) P4 I ,The assOssevalvilua--n 'lorthejradta h r aer o o trgto ideals c rys;Tæ -d in the(,brams an -He w s 'omms.ioneinlMa-191lverdicIa theJur, i theisme!del1hýý board of review , m ln1 i cnit;""h"cor" e orenewl an ni a ilY. Alt,111 veil o hl e nd atl i rr of ymng 1,eo l . aFirst lieutenant in the Amierican elsion. el r ar-llt , rol ( ia jud-,,menIt I I 1 1 b ý .t m an increase of $3,- w: . ý 0ill not dhoturth e lijiff ningof Io u ' ýO I.iI- my e!,, r-kr; w ý,' o , c*ar nrîi of$. .:,,t, %Inh uy or sel, eggs f Veriy se hth eIrrew rd.. .h is È a iincreaseof rnear i ofrmyetbi'dta u:oi hrm rhnts or dalli or bu MiessMaison Miss Judson's rrht yrmy nd in October of the a ee for i,1 1iIiIn1ý fim k. ing with the \ .I, ý l t',fn '-ed per cent t ýif lrl y t ; e cure d WhentheiI!r . or et ner c ni h ya bo uyfo had eler hs.o gvntpthe erw scommIissiioned a capta n, 1verdict of l1h jury. r -,nIl]'ume, , Tv h ,lirsp ,inshwsent ti u æ n N å to u 5 ene ee work. limder lh-r lphysician's odes , hl eoe ing from ias. lH.holds! In Ilu nItelour hld tat or , o m he b r s p o.shep,au,et c.im-, -- meto l h ::rii ste m N n hE :nal and 1w1 sspend the coing yarwih th rnkoIcptm tp! sent. 'lthe qu'-tion ýtl i an\awer; tO wh!ich - , h! o getriý: he tr t the ,i of he 'ur to detirmiti:eIwh--· Ilirol Y T law rovde tha "lly.emp he prnt n er/--111o 1 lit spirung into ipopularity wt he teaton folawit apojcerI'ohavnefa eid• -1as«u y bly u ecade b h irtrc nussad oteooe fo l te 1wiere paýirt;tiul--ily quii ons tO be aIn- es -Il, I ,r lr of th, Patriots N . A sse a. ts1 o lert:tterhmo m hvs Ould p a nyfr t heA ýLAKE COU TY MA R NS .osPil0.; by foundling the Joan of swered by a jury. :Futi.d" nd ',l-cme known as.the13 8285 law r weer, dto r uire the cl,our to 11. An egg cid avndlg orito halt0 ý, . DOWN 'EX-KENOSHA S ERFF Arc ]Dattailion, a womnan s religious - - -)1hr;"e fth ee unes"- n uain "fri Iir,ý ( the verdicte placed Anûii neycs feg _.-- -1orgýanizationl, which lhas grown rapid- p' Ir o he " 'noto us.un...Jdg.. doa gveu9ju yar cnded Former Sherff Matt Mungen of ,.u tsoI M ' :e ,11m ilte city where S 5 . 11720 me, nt of $8,000 found by thre jury."ThedIvision requitres that Kýncsh1a, i tS.Cteieshos. Wiivlin Fîrat'ce, Father McCarthy Reurning to their Jo s , 'ýrii\ - l,,I %i from ithe gifla of . . t .. candle..at..the7far-n.( It i * p. ital. Kenosha, la suff,,ring from ld l nass lnnfthe Cathed,,ral of Dem-l- -_ i, th ,H .Shlatte S flons. 1,.....910 h t t e aite r o Tt a dayl - . sllghtInijries which- he received ,-I my%, This is the sRame cathedral Pittsbut i The FI l sti L st cu.1.ý ' son by moý, R ningH. . Seicatte ofSan, s (ý. 1207 ........ 1500 1 ggs fic, h-eran ows h at they af$ Tupsdey evening jstbefoe igh t h the samte altar and commruinion .e pt. -. At the Oend of ft: fil hje Conrnl curcrofKen- ilart ales..... 6G07 ........ 530 Il-uall fomhilt.The tmerchant Lfal.when h wsstuk oyrnfaut- t hchJoan of Are, the French w1 t ,sim td iat30 hao ,àtiý on t he vce cofn iti .,a r Ilp 4782166 . . .... I reiq Iuil% red by law ltpy nyfr 0 mnobil ý driven by Charles Colby of f re-,ine or any yearsacto, was chie. ]men werefille in the ind:ustry nut ,,i ..ro' a . z o t uniett.oprecdinl A'uomobisf.or 69......11111ggs Rtll'1, Ill., a1n plOYee of the Nash enr Sh w s bon n 1412 ,and M jplye. Smee Ibt in'l he o regular semon of theservice. W ...., .... 220-e ojet f h lw 1t lotors company. The former hdfcrsee butteya 42 47about i†(n s, trikebreakers ha \ e iýrdelr( ta hlee & iIl- m-ch.., 1860 1 ......ý. . 129(l.--_. an incente 1arm Icitote r 1* and isrsos, Peter, had been driving; yearsago.) 1 empi]O'1 lo inildthroughoult i 1n o t e o"kei upi u f Pans .... 20 .... 1037)5 ie-l--i-Ilinos fr te m nth ter care o fa prm fod e ly a long the GOneIva mad lIn an automo-------- _ _ 1 ûtnry, letousands of strik atn pianadbensure o ,h as .... 36a9 ..... ... 244117 o f r, os iIm lo1919, thomd$1.3 feggs. f Dd rdul Ibile and thy ad toped th ca. NTCH ROB ER AG IN BUS T . s ethat-nm nt-n1h .1tatin y-mm-Annote. grs. ... 1 ....... 0-, odigt ereotofSa e ggFire1- Th thie r audgen waled arund. - -mbtino Iow rl i f50 ler enti h s o h i s itgreation aby Pateco nt iht . 1 ...... 24350 of shatýl inhr. 119,tabelI. ? h i thisr a WC OB E S G IN B 8m ette district00 park... com... ý0 Po)!(iigIl lý,refrto Sae Ie the car just as the automobile driven ,avleIlN v.2-T eCentral na o1s e nd fhsi1tercte h e mo a .. 30 ........ 725 d r aIl, W 97 foriteptembembr.T ilaa, ers hav tdsrc t o inh y ob am ln ad h as b n tWetLbnoId,.oren Onty two stelceters O the , re y adritld him of the changed 11 ho y rcodton ee sa fIhllt ate SVtmai b forme aaee.Coberprtdnh a.bosn h aetiepst autrobd' many pliticins or thes caIan 805forhe mnthsof eptmberthi l d e n t t b o thc he o l i c a n d h e T heri al o ottt c o n siWs t e d o f s e v e r a l t o u a datto s t . e n i h 9 w e h sin? e l h r e s h e y e r frh ihi3 8 w e e a i t.h v e T h F t e e l d et h e sheif, ut e asnotdeaiedby olar nLiery onds;1 P-iottsbhe Libertyilcneedt rcon nENDENk ralh111,0I01 emens answer:t 153 rnresenta'ttves from' beer caused by carelWest0Bidker1 of htlewol rbby h adîpsaesap S and oheru valsuabesty heLsout 1y 5,itrca Ilentr. wetge ag e st M. 7e. it 1 R y ,dýd 1 TT VILL INDEP N'DENT la Lake Count ý's Big Weekly al LAY£ CO UIMIT INDEPEMEW WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN tid CvSWm Gred« " od« Weekhes in tmaq CombîW ry