CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 10

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w TisnITTcrV-TT ir.~T.tlmtJ-I irMT-TtDQflA v ýVFùnFu la;t11(). IV 1N O- IMFliV. Y.1V LLLrJ L5. UfEJ- J2j I V 2JidlJ.jD.K Lmý la, Ipl, Likertyville Ina 6etAI3~M4~L1>WiFN IÀCS WILSU IL1C ,~ jgjke County Indepedeni - Waubhegan weeky SmuN UNI) BREÀKINÙi > RNK~LWE>MITfEE PLAÀNNEJ) YLT>IEEh pRINGFIELD, Ili., Oct. 26-Tise statement of tise Prestident makes tise You ve ot o ad it her j' notingin he eut uk- isue lain. Wben a speoWlabteireat conflicta witi tise InternasU . H0f Youvege toad iti.tise people, as a whoIo, the former mueist give way. The êtrike, no wa bu vrerVoliva. The fudt' t »M O _ __ sidering changing the nMo,»e mon to V In prom stillE Tt Ib Police; Had sioutit, hsasnieen tise mont powertul 'Busiffess Men ,Had Made Ail It tise finiti e !lbr toeIa- beodail question anda.yoy ai p41O 1 ,et. provo Ita conpditions. 'on s iePlans to be at Train But thse overseer wa tlleiudest #étte get it oudk 9: nf. trilce affectesi directlv onîv tise em- wer UreIAastt . Ployr.'tise public couldi net object. system. There is no such aa nîmol Ile ou Ot&ty. __E a EC h hétne olsrkhwvr at that if it is Voliva's touai, why npt É»ite Wtow010ý X ONE I13E a$ scAE, rik aans te mri pbWOULD PR9VENT MEETINGS reality with the Mianqer dgZion dfty POwhl*cbh ordin ily lie. . Ctyofko& 5man niM e ZOv ý la tactk it s llkoly tisat tise pu4likI It bocsme known today that Watt- wudb ae o31a i a-h suffer more tisan the opersators 2ea aliit b lad a real excting would be àken to EIOSU a cty cf lov' pBCO ~Three saloersfotp. the Gat I.alces tienisélires. Wiseuever aay erg=.titeSna isn Myr >ne ftav*l a9ttlu> were, ppced. under or- Imation, whether of capital or laitor, tm udy-w ao ail T collectesi lmyhm and turued over te mut.t the @9?Ioe. late Tiassiai night iecomes no powerful ans te lie able te onôtNda te caine te Wau- to- sicelis es rgt- us ae ooedoi acbrs o a gve o withhold frontise public )iegat edliver i addregma tatise ta tie it eareot er fl ugarY hygaetertise irmeaities of lite, aucis Orgats- wire iU.llJstrikers. Had Ifitnet been The reporstofpttheurolice Théy gae tiseiration muet corne under tise centralt for tisa insistent argument agaluat ____ __Th rpot o tsaplie agaraen a s f*no;rgws: to! tisengoverument. Otherfficietise U" ~ ~ lp~ justice of tise police. and i lbéarian Wi~MMMWhippm, nd gei17.oftegvrmn. Ohwste (IItAsta 15PER irrqiHaîpliandaacagesi le.part becomtes greater tisaithtie wisole. a ut twebt*-tlve business men wiso - -Loise-EL0h4.agd s.If tise only alternative te a strike isappenesi te assemble in a local ;' Luthr,.N Oi$"ace IL r lckot b suh anorgnistio laplace Saturdày aftertot' wotsld have I NCREASE TO NOR Tise yesig ladies of Hily, IamtllY 1Two, othte men, accordig fte o ohatbthea ognsaini IN OEA ET O T Ichurch arepla*tiii t.g o , "4a 117Od'.- P01100 ex ar;rete-d bly Polceitan the eatnpulsery arbltration of dlffer polmet MyorasSiou itedri n CIIIA4IOTEACIERSMonda), eveing. Progressive sunco tylm ob -el i#y totere aro! tioe ngagesi l sucis ital u bnde bin tiatlise qould itet bc allQw- will lie playesi andi a programnt reiller- Street. !to4eàtjaBoot s pta~- itiat extent will have ta camie. e aaekt h tiesa ln Tiseg te aloyl at the' time1he made Tisose leaders o! labor wiso meen nd Themenbrsofth tacer'a i eb rithse aroste. WbiPen andi Clark vere snch a suggestion wltis the threat o! h atr wsthruhy-ds -Dance comrittee of Distrtct 64, Northi; tise Orsi tobe sarreetesi. Thil s agweauarked fo0h tsxcis cwilib tac.t isa ovetllng at tlhe Cali-aot f labor. A era strike wotld mnen,trent men lunlbusiness andme snu dm iCiicago. heis a specai meeting t tise cgeoutera.i ricl cisaisbers. Tfis e c ic iier tisen returnesi effeitt, an effort te sitistitute soviet ý«trn icç; hyasmdtetu uentantnsotti o g as il tised teh Attouney Joteph JdriE as i eth»ff &4 t uof hefor tise duiy constibuted autisority of attitude tiet thue pro munt aut-<f- Fra Altmul egvealtetahrsbsns ierna n EJari Tueaa ato Is» Ia ' bý ro!tise selandi. Tise peoisie are nlot >'t town speakers cotme to Waukegan n In the Central aid Soutit chools a 15 Tuca W flllan o fl Cstae, a IZs roady te abandon tiseir forte Of gev- -Ffor = ibloter purpeetitan toa tir up 8 bcr cent increase in salar>'. Thsetin- d a@aaigabg n iwraIl eicl er m Sucis as îeen.ellaab At the tise re tisat many of The immm is these two Narth Chicago tera ontt eies linafr Uueniitaosiostriu I' lîlinco i lllci-<perate vîti tise President ta tise extent o!lits power tise or ers are gettlntg reasy ta go ise Il nw b $10 amonh. t th en tht is peplesha ne oufr.bark ta thilg Iol]. Theretore the coi Tlacot vii11wo ief$100agemois.weeks. Dr. A. E. Budde ls cisa(rmaRmait IIy fin#com4bcted. a Sçat-ch~ ~,j ats adta t epeualntstr _______ buaineas -men ihall concluded fileat a coc Thi laflt awoderuil lrgesaary of the entertaiifmlei l oltitii..- e tise result tisat te founrd Ohsla iidintg by any mrant. e t least compares Joeh Nwait Racine, sited yen- ln a sised. He took thse sailor ta ltheiur fAfl kdecisive waytohute ilide tise matter are favorabi>' vitit salaries pgld teaiersta y 05 Mehom ofbisfather-in- poUe stalion ansi rotw-ned r * .. *u.. s-a.. Wealdlise te preiient t ter meetngs bot, i aiier cities. aw, John Mancittaka, Lincoln sti-set. af tise sea conte vason isalag, n muÀI rfu or.Teflue fc uf Tise teacisers of tiseNorth,,Ciicago ' ials ia ieehdbe nts rilles tae1reetit tise meeting front Central achoclapetiticues tise boardl of lPeinerai vîli ise iels idaymarruig ittatng ta u terisaileeen ani vbfl , 1 Lfltl jIj going on caissesi tissvigilence cern- edcto o nices tts atat 9 ciOck îfro~nt tise Lthuanîsin $lerbtI5LIcWA ecPd wiè O CINQ TRIX . sittee -siicis wasalinOat fomtd, te il madtertbon fochar ln.rBuriaetatheacine.Obis vas being taken ta tise station. board meeting, tise mte min e- hrh aiaetRcn.T tteetes;d ntPoset inake lis plans. terr si u tse taciera an i fi anc ô s5t<p pe<db>y orsinary obstacles v svirtas EThispe i va i--em ite ,wih pa e tIcttisee-mVE P RwSuI haete i b>nis ac it t a L c h sitmna ia dete theie ssn a o g e y iel ' vie a m tomittie ,sudnuL poerytse icrTeee- HV UPS IsAKN niiî ae ud u tse aci tsteta enlat gieasufe -ovvr bwrdsn«ai ug ery tiseltuent ut b n arr e titin dl netspeify he Piiihtde Sun Titesday but hapenesi te get influeutial office isllder put in bis airesi.but It s geneally uneratoos h tin Idée@.of tise pea coats. Que o! tise sailorsto that lb was is tise netghberisocd ef 20 hia@MonkAlenfils Aut ors This lied hsisa a ice sentiment as carrieu out tseir plan. Hovever, hg vas flot1 te 25 per cent. White on PedeUanTours Ovin li-hait1aotmaske EOye o thitprsa pocketl delaTitist e f hae Tise teacisers are velI satatifed vitis tise Cohntri>Roada. beotimaids out or a piecae& t î IrIL ont iy tise etupri ote epe ssIf aeisar In decuorlgtsih e pfe- vn thse increase allovesi b>'tise board, -9g0o48, evientîy dut fi-cmtishe seeve <tomp asyansi ni rinsi ceu if Ametings e!itat sortalsi se pro-b Sli luiThever. - l i îttIe ulterary 'af a sweater. Tvo sita isasi een -Lc ti hegat a*nToda>' at il o'clock tise agent sand felt tise> vers mnaldng a iistake b>' CU Harvy Bddleomcharmanof he Tister dav y:igre Ineut]luaEtfor tise yen. Itfv as a »t anO ot fr tegatLwýn-ltighfamtg etnsg na finance commttee. tated today flitatSn Francisco, Belley' MOi-si viltes lisj vear. Forest. Lake Bluff, Great Lakes way Express Cu., ttrned their boweEi vithout r-,otesi, but that lite ret It e uh eceso h ot colddSnFacsoBleiIbai nes1 Ti' téiteds ta tise easb. and Mr. J. F. vas netthlie proper thiîn for tise husi- la tie t eacieso! iseSutis scbor d d- nFac c biein siy I The isi-e youths vero arraignesi Waukegan, Zion City .Racine, ansid -etai feîipaerfrts1Oil e escomte aaeacsab flot equant a rase. b s eebard de- maire or etai ta s Co ralna aUtkssss -butors Polic Maglatmate Walter Tay'-Usent over Milwaukee at vinicis Eter retalofrdpYrfrthsu'%n m'sc mIe ttk uhabt cidsi n ncras va nceaai>',onsa> ta anctiser:îton Titeir cses vere set for iscar ise vil1 landi at tise Nev Butler field, of iur dcad blerces and thse iaPPneas decisive action. tise ntcnesivrnecordtionsbsokenntn iseli ni bvsetrl'dcl i i aeo untc iig odtoss*rn- I Iear yots have bogist nantemO' itg Nov. 22, et 9 a. m. Bondls vers nuise miles f rom the ioS district. the cilles retur--1 fluehalh ndeiatvis eni l e -nibcdluna eia15 per cent lit wage. bile. 1 suppose tiata tise end o! thon@ lIxes i at$1,ffl cach. . On boaard tise big atrliser i-rs yl lec htwe earvr nWu celebrabesi vallis cf yourL" le sonne Millvaukee ansi Chicaga Ricc- cutture Progres. kegan Mayor Hoan o! Mlwaukee "Ntn i, a* h el fte IG ARMISTICE DAY pwpprsn is-Ruth Veliva. I Tish,> su -cris-e 1inîIded teîlavas flot met at tise depol b>' acdan- 0FaNet teilvastieyrpl no!tiswtse tc etu tii iseeisaevdetcinitttee viiis val te aee that lites di SPIEED ur %~~~i-ter asidrestes. "It ouI>' extendi- daugiter o! Overseer V'oliva o! Zion teTlifl.:iithrlevinentdlvrandrs nifauen ie TO E R3(ULA ED tisemn. ttt'soBAtS1sO Icg , CiLty; Jasper H. DePew, item eseort; filtisif it n- igrccssoi ln rile>e! oftise »Mete italieali akg 11HOW's t______________________tse crew of tise ship.incinsling Capit. F1111au I '.1.I aQfi-9 T 80, Q L ED Wehl, 1 have hall my machine more lier, vIdeciswau giret a bilg encore. Alfredi W. Lar son, Piuot Chailes CoxI en tuit) f-r îroitdil. ansi latterx th thon Mx menthe. 1 f ijstt nauto,-l iu întroducinsg 1ev. J. Latiermanit, and ivie. Tise nov famous "Log 9f lut"o Spîislcv hie Arnica. Tience Rts *siee 5Home le Reetor"d II~ iiJRIt IjU .A U moile tesa fine thlng te tells yeo te enext speaker, Ce. Smiths tolie! tise Lawson airliner" vElalein h luîi -i -cu-e nolalsstt Tb@seoitesof tise amous French No nome place liSe tise Marin il~les visesetise gteat verkldense under tire b>' tise viitten n Use air on a tYPevie > A. 1). athrcdh Tise cty council a! Nortis Chicago you cais go aindi guia goosi lt. eai'cisaplains, and Inlformi eheEdgar W. Croft, Zion nevaPaPerMaIL._________ Raynsouarsd at PSUq ha. been reopeis W tien agaînat tise North Shore electrist do net necessmely w alk hecause UseY in ibis capacity overseas ansi vas "A airlmner leavee tise grannd asUnd It Anther OrigOnlauofDIXe. hbetn Bailly neglectasi. but isan been -e-- thé.eréeal isneat te Ced cisapuaiu." Tis centains ail tise events of interes5t f ieCvivrteed a natse etr iehnel zailroasi cempan>' foi- tisecarelefs write, nor do tise>'wrte bei!l5 xrsInvsteecsoifr ml ia cui iiel earas veIl7- es' he !CNvlOwreldvil t ioedsiiBl pa<t te vitit lia mannier b insîchIs scars are operatesi l ocsof o a sta dcr iion o!tise aier as el 9wthievd4« CIL' btrn>'M. C. Docker hva in-tell yen that waiking, even ienbO- a Re pplaurd tse i su- aesript-<~ iono te Cenrf ias 1power ta issue papen atoney. pro- paintei blue end tise Originl ak Cai- atuctes ta Siav up an qsdinance reg- duit Street in tovit, Io insçcrtils. liter hiiI viich tise vri-eus organizatiefla nov coveresi about 1,000 milçs in tise ridesiquantitica o! hiWsmoisi o!ftci ings and du-rosi dtapestt'L*a decoratlis ulatiug te epeed that cars tay>'PUBa woulsi seen as If a wvi-ter'5legs. mos- consiucted verk averseas. He spake o! bilg Lavacu airliner and iis-,Log of ioliiti-dénomination, isevug tise Fresnchtise aparîment vitere Balac vraie Wie ovri-crassing on bise eatlino and pi-e- Ing teadil>' andi ris>timically,. ptimp tise critcsme that are bulng utade b> tise Lawson airliuer" lias novbll. word "Dix" On tissu baicks. This masteriperps. sent tise ordinailce et tise next regular out cf ieluier conscousnens id"@~ met' vio serred overseas andi told e! cone famous. Tise Indianapmolis moue>' bécamre popular. accei-diflg te on tise table Stands this e l cin meeting. Crossinga iaving a gate or that erentuall>' gsi upon thse printeilctise circutistauees visicis causeS cer- Neya pisotegrapit h Ue origInal type- *itis tiscor>', Lonisiana visa refus-ced eoffee-pot fi-rn t Icitisemillier vas a vabeismaut will nt lie Incitded, ln page. itain corganisattona te be C5tlsd. Tise, wn'tteu cop> o! tise log ansi rau ifte as tse landio! tise "DxlsY vent- vont ta refresh it sisei. for Balzac tise ordinance. La sagayon nibrovn sas différientt organizations at tise outset two corsecutive detys. Tise Chicagao nl>'tise terretvas roaaîesed te ln- vas aaiht' ritker et ceffet. Ols Tise accident visicis eccurreti at tise a ii- lien Hawthsornfe vas aI m onde tise fatal mistake a! atteptisgAmertcan aise prints thse log regulai-- lude ail of tihe sontherisstateS voosicutsansi original Prilittsg PMOfs Cyclone station Sunila>'afternacli, . baoneallniryrolu 1a ta Locouduet vos-k s!ngI>, instuasi o! join- y dratewlsii h gre h visen Josephs Petrosisns vas stfltck l______acoutrrndlaterPo@______thr ndw- ol f vn tise vlB.lza n Ldeia graren i by acar nd iraclou1Y eeape ol hom lnFordam. hapene teH s talit madie a bgbit vEUs tise en- ohinese Mui bJswrttefl. Etnntd deatis areuses tise ire o! tise cit>' dada. lhe acempanyiitg isin. but wv a iYlug tire audience, and esps-cially vitis tise Csns ul afo iiin ie Maie ansiHelen vere playing isonne shie loyed filonchave bis eenilatited Aldrma Mcear, vselives near ver>' utt, ter' tise son of tise tamous saliers vise servesi everseas. word emsica net tefaos agsee a, ienIuiJThe bt..Tse'tises-e. tise Cyclolte station, staterlfpat tise ac- Nntisaniel aeemsd ta leiIn wht OUi- Curlain 9:15. atclrynxoseas thugwihBlzcndt11W cudent vas c4used b>'tise carelessitesso glaS old tahi-omles rail a "brown Song-"*Star Sp-angled Baner- have been preservesi, but tise music were nuLetlcîlr>'eiti 0 e o! North Sisore enuployes- He ex- stldY.' IntraduCtoi-y address-COI. A. V. bas been handesi devis fi-cm tatlner te ber flb int>'a. andsialt> saIsi, "Well. oo 1i-ugt isdt Bîar usesi 10 gtOCrdiOS- plained tltat Petroshius hasi stoppesi , O! a suilden ite left my aide andi Sruiison for generatlens that go fai- bacS y!)-u cleau ite mnlsi andi ttîis o'cur aierwe nprlnt edt5 his mchineta alov a ortibnu ere up a bypat tlsrongbtise Addres-H. E Rompel before tise day efthLie troubsadours. 1iu-tu~f5iaiaAga. Iclei car to poeaansi thus bis view o! tise vomis, sprInglng u ftice istlsîdt, I Communit>' singitgled b>' N. E. Wien rousic la ploaei t hlepl ayei- f .IwLch Sabisatit Matons of lmp@ltlo& west track, vas 115 ansi ie starteS iSeadhi.ote ~wmn tesIte nn, coi-dIng te thq mmoer>' cf tise mti- 1Tise lewisitSabisitis ttriuent e. "ctgoaIhveaie he admets tise tracks ansi a south hiourid ramete Larîng tiowu agate, apologizina - Croup o! sougs-LitUian Gorisaniciliansindbis blies o! ntemreitlon. A nest an ln-day, iseanse tejews, lr1 h tiee.quftem ofetan heur te se Urs. car crashrd intÙ flm. *If is aistoitti>'for i- s sUsdeis fienS b> aaylng: Mumitit> Beriice Roemer Routlinger, musiien raries tise performance as tise ancient Greeks, began liseur day WaLdaot'. Ev mu11ci: lonUM vi1i I a disgrace te tise city o! Norths Chcan "I sav a itaîf-fermes idies floatirtg accompanit ,g et ~jutîgemnttdictai-es. a niWdtise a îîsteî lte uiie rîbave te waltr h te aliov cars 10 pass crossings t in l ra ae ure.e tne n e tstrso m mauner," Aisis--mnan M,arn dec;irrid.about anditouglt IvWeald citase t sisres-Judge Claire Edwaards trintgs, reeds or bras mn>' break ln! mai lite fbr nildniigit, as vo do, "Icat tonl Fm0,or. Hego "M Eas-h mcniscr o!fte councilicitcdrspe--Soya. Tt vas a mtitiical ides anà nsi sjtrtutmental--Tise Misses lfapke. et aumoat any follow th nise t iteet mans. bus>'. cific inlaiitci-. w-Ii-i-e near accidenIt utgit one. I have if nov tndil'mro-< Vocal sole-Hugis Claire DioSet - " ou'îy mind iudiag 0«1»l a have occurrei vaIsast ine- crsui , lng tg put Llt 1ao-.snIySye , anist. "nedi voli, irs. air. Wad due ttc cars. speedingraver crossingis-, 1'Henry->'Lewis andi David Grahsamt Fort Sheridani Orchsestra. ,, le5!Ui.cisarman o tegreusie ommttes v-clu acquaîntesi Surlug tise latter ye5i-5 Taps Bttse m(lrsofIt co e itse i l f thir ive, bth ooklon waks isenung plans tes- lmprovIflg thse golf _______ etathrswih ltci1wo-Adrssincubes- aB o! tiseU U M N commltT E tee f he eunty 1lb.l se ndthr e MAY CONDEN ofitu;rl vey eyan oteSlng1 alksTH BAQUTlitks. I voutilidu rteisemp PIftIpainei tisent. While tise>'valkedte>' -Tise f Ia i5ts t <'tf tise armistice day hitu nov-. if a mllion dollar' voie at TKA IL I N LIU jtaiSed ansi in the case e! Phitllips It ceélébrations book place at tisé Baptttas.-:man . ge-Rural: TRunLTrIN vsN.0cfu tiS lt ev eSciturcis, viere a banquet vas seirveS i elitePlayera' tea11» i-turmed silr nisisa OWiNED Y MOKKUW clubwin Ors.amtcypark, flot'far fronein A ~"À politicilaaS 5s1statu it Of A oïeusfo a pread ajbte-gus-e istupriceheuc _____Phllips' houle te NneteuithStliestnd rîsi var reterans b>' yeUngladies o o, re!kdth uefeltcne and te I'erty-ecou<ltreet andsibacS Wanhegaa. - "gIt eysy," reJoiaed Benater At tîci North isirago rouns-il Mou- agais, alwaysalsong dingy' olsi I'uith Aler- the banquet a I*tter, vhie "'à- etun. -" ,ou in a daites- ccda i-onua commnica~tion pree= mn sls willing te gliitdv t Sa nglta amnntda o vs i-e aenue Soinethmes vo etilsi titretil)vas vi- tt liy Iomer Dabtilue5s-to Ont o! tlse Norli thiore centeer'associa- jilong as fer as FIfty-niatb Street andc issparenta thç day liefore lie eigai"d lri-eoV"aand huletAt fo,, wbutlie tin egmsig is cnSteno!Ititjthen over tise Centrai park petits. In Lisefatal'alrisianle tattie, W" srend: rgds'ai bis Coslutr'qhl# 1t eu." sttie, rugitar nii nof t ai- Pbllllps talli me that but for hl&s A letter fion Ms. and iMrs. Dalsylager _________ î: rcksHe a Ske fin haiencoatU ik5h eyr Iud have beun able Liasting tise esmlers ef- tise Poat for Wist LWlft!"ar tio tis srs i msic a t is tawrite bis nords. lnsmittg tise.osgni4atBCtl' tur ooh ab Itnpaseble for bollh auto i-s!! c andi uneir uelovesi son vas aise reand. Sentnt the timate we n mporab- teaning n vet wcstbcr He a atesi1i Si-lain Flgit&asg Rat& CoI. A. V. BSiths gave a short taIS vote ln1Iolie takren, lo ie dseins ment- tisat out of! ban îersons attenS ig InEngiains, vîsere tise scarcil>' et, expiainlng tise purpof thUe AfflXV bhm~ier hteodE te vote on thiter can Leglon. - Bide of tise ýQuestion andi arranges al burials ai Norbh'Shore c n cIcry re- foodi duiing thse vii- vasa muui o- i pI"vl En Ia u iesc ,: celvesi a liaS irnsr-. -on o! the' ciL, serions tatter fisluIntissceuni, We plan e lçeep a re tise ntemory WlwihimTbteheScn due Ltatise poor ttoroughfare leasing tise>' have been gîvung mucis moe-aO! ever>' mean in Lake esunt>', w4o Iç- - eilater aprees te refrain frnt m ot- t. tise melleusesStlleevenn tisesesuO *ing, «ng aut aécùmrnàdaion te thse Brsi. tetecmti.Tecmuia iontetion tkesrs ourvn ts i-'llIn tco so l xi ofed. cu- Tt e etl htfnli esI v. as accepteS ansi placer] on tileS anspisdatIlisto!ei-usoansia cenceis ' tise cit>' ciei-S instructe-site nati!y Mr. erdtoqorasana oceeTee.rsu * ï,nehrvte1 Western Liat tie t-cet wouid be lm~- rn ens Ela coining lnio geiterisi usef THOUGI-T HC.O*U.S.4EWT EAT cim a. th e senée ns fb9tb 1Usd vetesi proveil as isoo as Possible. , -utgoir~giet Bri-Eatu,a-ch'vl m OItDii. LtCs ý em. I.oisutsatrs eau, Tise bipon the rairoadsit ach' leeP tise grain n good condition Sud Lthon bectissent If the>'21ieh wîtuiWa TvcnLy-secod treet. visicis ta thise iInierlor o! use crib la lîni t cfloulsi have e fSud a nov borsa FRILLS MD VIWJ~ AVI tItulLpe Ccli ~aeIi li ôr?1 O theat~ <~~ viday t 44 cistiar f dt th@ irjge Colonial coi1ar- Jst béioW Filleit I$co lieatt s e ir o( sscif-mateitai. Thistuée t rîts Il. at thse of tisç V marot o forai a vat. Tise frit ;,.sàtqd otito'te lare la picoted af j,» d.g ansi flishe- out th t -.11eftithe C~I)Iar. Citchen nilsidens are great .00011 mte 100 feet toits and 250 feet wi14, ,d ln Deansark, Engiandsi.Stiand. race and lus parts of Europe. NoMb )à South Arderlea andi AuttraMIL "Y amn suppososi ta o hereCase mOB of praelstorle pestioda, andi ar* oppoffle chiqly of nyster, pertwixskie. ,kle snd imussei sheila. In thien, re foijus i ispleinentnst o od. sign. ane. f apinsalstnd ecinders- Mcelainiu, Geysatre. la a word. thse wbqie secret of 110 :qrmnttest geyser Ilas In a snbterraim- ILI reservoir. thse contents of wbll!b re forced ont by steant expangiofi 0v- ry tinte It gts fOued p. Thse YellOw. re part ila s regim uhich -lt » ry Io 'ng aUnwas flercell voLtnlP. Stisat roie It has ceasesi to pluJ au jamingpartbut localilY Uhe cartisi is m at « tr aait , tiE . A very lIte.. his~L raj Dot far beneh stise plat- frequented by touris. ad thenC@ gderivO itihe ot tisat causes tise out- orats of the geysers uh, se Careful, Giril Girl b% %cll. Ili. plskaf ig t, l u t li .. i « l'.r y . w e rs e v e i t g eqa nslie hsIr 14 lhlsnning. Oh. eau jthing hle Itaarts our incocet "la tutissi uiaustrried l inuisre titan t~t.>fl' Ii s' r4 eveising dis thIi los îinltir lIN a moral lepert? twille 1iniare -lires-torshave &DY- uIng tle) s cii il.- larry leon Wison ntri tir.* 'turd1i Eteniog Pont Th.ese cool. long nigista are a'atren- sous sirain on Yottr battery-tert have us keep It FULLY UEIAltGED sn that it wili give You snaPPj tatt and plenty of light. OUR cltarglng is the wot-Il o1 skii ed ipeclta, usaing tise beat oZ rond- tnt equipment iLsi a service tiat, pROLONGS youç battÇqrys lfe, ftepairig andi cIsrgtng of ALL MAKES. OOLWýLL STORAGE BÂATTERY QW3 lie a Uls m~esqeýet 'j jw >Z'. THE E-Z-M-T Ind0oiCloset Odorleas SanitarY - Gem Proot No Pluimbilg- No Oeapool Attacs to stove pipe iolei. Ftor particularse all Pihone 2087 DR. A. G. CAMPBÈLXJ 171 Notis Av»., Wastkgaa- lyS at Yoyr Service l Two Hours TMme Noter, Tise are Oce tt seul lier baS a beai hental 1 But IlbIh le abtacli ilet>' e prd.iln Il pflagran ~nesa id liesi ord dîsti -or st let Me hanS lni tise s p.Ssuaki Mury tise "11- Ji wceplng ygen, s canlngc ,cosuedy tten mc- Moe tise Ine andi pie b>' leword .1!. For th tiePi E Indu Me bsand,. tier, ni poe., We as-s 0ois-elx ,Wilson d bds unclu mmS tise s-ages f bS but hs Olm beaeh gisent 1 ba'. trio kmultupli An adi Wy fairtil as gi-c lesendi MIons a 00 vires leulsi tra àIs. rnak tleepr bayc a wlin ýer ma E-ent a1 core 1 FRM AND FRW E

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