LjIBERTYVILLE D PEffNDENT, TIIIRSDAYt. NON'V'I-B13i :,, 1919. PAIGE TITREE. F I I mi I I E k' p lu b il h 0< p 's lu r. .4 n a' I M N 'I I I n N e 'O 'q p b e lu a Oc p 'p mi p I R g Le la g R 's 's i p 's p s M 0< i hi I lU bu N TYPS MFACES SUN IN CHINA ___ LCRAS MSUKEPICIC ALARE PAIROLS) miLiai Il GI ge o CLs" is H Royaly Engaged ln Peace Britain Already LoigIt i Every Arnrican. Conference. Future. ýoaIlty t la a Tort, of the HlgIest athering of a Century Ago Had LittlO Nectistity of Havlng Force te Guard Mener, Though A archlstic *no. Thought of the Welfare of thei Country's Maerchant Ships n the mies of AIl Socety I"Conmon PeoPe"ý-GenersiI C:cuds Against Sudden Attack WOillDeny l. Round of Jollity. la Pojnted Out. t!be average Arnerican'a understand- A Frencht wrlter, M. Adolphe Adorer, The Tillich paper Telegroaf report-' ai itewor "oureoi" a rll.~-reînnrks n te Tempîjs Chtbit sjl.the enial uton Novemnber l11 airplanes gn ofth wordm"onurygois"I rep« ka!ser sauely towiqt awaîy n Amer- droiîp. eil os on rievnle nt Swal- sed ramtOt Cootrynewpapr ogen centreeftltre 14laitlte OkeliîOOd lmen, wlicre teex-crown prince of ced looinarype cu:tryou ani er ofny disturbancelit tric Versailll, c(irîîny lOs toylttg.i ae inonarines~peh "ouen'tconference comîparable to flitI81 No suggestion Os made nst10tte' ila Thpri e word. 5er as ur ienn wku ulolpilei§cnl>a roWipnatiotiity of the airpianes. excepl itY >M io .1 ThIQWIL" orasl Elbea. Nor la rtue sînosphere of the the îîaren.thetcnl remnarkie hat -Swfa!-1 p"e la Ste typograpitleal senne (sud tw conferencesthiesautle.Thie coîl- ,,pui s <iii>' 111'voiles froînt Ie lGer- Opaunced "burJoice"), ln. *ylofly grems et Vexn;î In 1815 wais aIlet, iimari frotier. The report dues flot, ~ wit tuslcll and sck ~ e erjenal round of (lances, cOinersand îîîînî:uo . any casuait!es nir doos it P.For the ternilnnfils European, mnusemensîs wberefl "filie kaisers sAny lios.- lin ex-prince bore hiiself ~senne;5 eignifyng a tt5dlhg iid- crimes itave eat aupal iver Ver uider lire. though il woutd have iteen th11e average Amercan bas sailles. The Olîgate', of the deît: il, eoretîîîg 10 have lnown, sIni'e. ii-: w«r hallBan7 use ait a». bocause lie cratic nainiîs uare iOuiltiiig the vlebiiiis corlîng tu poi)ular report, lie lias Iliîd ,never been sware of any s-kdl- Of te kaiser. There Osaino diiziiig, tno previoum experienne durlng the a or I itessifocatifthe W ord a il1out off rAslect for the deuil" of being undier fre, liavlng left ail If h knos th wor et il lt itwasiot like tihal a hunîred and tu t heGrml-'ano oîe, anly through hîs reading of Euro- 1 four earsagoc>t tiobue tsrlun capital. l lelho gtitecertîn andon fodder," *jn bocks or papers. In lils cour-lt wa nepd j st ries f fetsbilsahci ie a ekesi u cUîî sal stroeate ea on ust age quels, routa, drives und bilîlîîg par- The report la vagute In rboextreie., wBu trw OtOs o now nde usage.trugi Ies. Notewortliîy mong ulliers 'îs> 4 but n ietîter or jtol truc. Il sugge-tS ButacksIo boisiefaii md Srts- 1general plice,- %vital Ainericans vairons exitlng possiblilties n Ithe a peepie uo mi he elemandSots. iwould cai a Dulcit' dinner-iollnnc-d futuvre. Plracy and siiîugglinig by air-ý ~ls, pele pon Ii thr q n Anote by a ball. The prîce of the dineltiui r oîiuil5nt1 i v elet excpt heirqwn Anohertickets s'as Oiree Iiuilsnd ducats,.îek d,. fcuswieil uoea rd.ln tirrhostile and liting mBenne, ifljIlrosi len flor~ infi get îto the 0 ous, vtieai urpe fiagrantly mlue.Inare'eib iThe Orceslvltrtbe s lnstil armed. and the German army o brumoins te trading middle. signeil on bîîyiig an Immense sllvecc gnbe apc fwleswtotaF a ctizen. Ancently. il ncludcd lm u h oyspcee tJr- e i salm. tlesnîiail asdecded10than for Borme Ormgn sirmen Who bd lived n comfortnbie bouses. Th'e use tliteul fur rauaning te Ct&rLtÂfl dîsaprovn e ii leaed rewnriesove rd dislinguisheg certain PeOPIe irons sia.-ç,q n Biirlînry. aîiât lt cO gnýeal n are rolved maiies. front lbe nobillty, flic gcntry --'rue dintîrie wnqsei-ved ut trio Aus- hIî n conlrevlin tliee or nt leantl lie upper gentry-on tegr ih thefuonmaerr aý nke film enperor. ta Paint Ont trie le basnd, and frontcounry peope i rge. obtflcfne ons îrer.d fYnn, efinrnt îîîarki; on lteir machines, IfY ed oortow laores o th oter.celebrîties. locluding ailthie klngs and igit above tie ciouda mb o ltanît, Os the sauene as"burglier" or citizen, omperîîrg prelonlt, t ownnta lige dv pnbsriiec ill ri Mt Shakespeare uaed "citizen" la ex" table sahpd1 ke til brseshoe. Nover nliurbomsine ndy foredsit retn- o ,tir te snome sones, ,sBwheu lie lid Sacniany crowned bonds@aseld- nglsdciiendbiedcilneo ikea Jaques speak of lb. deer bled before a single board. At des- activ-e service at that, sucli actionI eeping eiong "full o! Poature," as sert a page, carrying a vermilnîplîat- In lImbes of y ipcesuilraid wou at and greaay cllîzens," or when ter. wenl aronîd and colected frîrinn ie f ec uc adswud «i enieploylng the ward adjec-eascii gueit the thlree goid ducats, The bp less easy. Ail alrdromes and teir tel ne we do "bourgeois." deciares glatit king of Wurlîeînberg vailty irpinnes will of coUIle oroglstcred; ot sit e la*nlt se, citizen a wantoil rnmmaged titrough hbis pociiela. Te tbe moscînents of aircraft wiOli oeaven ta se<'llte0 <ie gi*e sick." In Mol, te deliglit ef everybiody he could not more strictly under observation titan sa "Bourgeois Gentilhiommie," the. 'ame the price.' The eniperor ofiRus tose of seagoing abîpa. for lte simple alng of te word Os dramatlsod 10 ia lent lim enoîugb to puythe bill. teson tOatl Ieir periods of absence ,comedy ofthîe allempled evolutioni "Soie timue atterward fie questior front terra inma are necesaartllY nuci dten accompliihed> of the "citizen" of rcstictîng royal prerogatI'ea caiite brlefer. do te "gentleman." But ail tilae up beicîre tite conference. Thie king Morenver, air pirates could nover .e and anelient meanlng Ios wept ut WurttemuOerg flew Inlo e rage nu" stop a comîmercial airpiane and cati A.de by te boluitevlst, Whto mukes juupcd le bis foot. But bisi enîîrniîus on it tu "stand and deliver." Titey le Word signify ail people but hlm- patinîl caugliltitiller flictalbe, whuîli coutd never gel away witb booly. and if. For hMntiers are ln lte woid up«sîl, vit books, palier$. IliNNeilgth lerefore titeir orierationa could unir it te proietaulat worier, the nooey- anl aii. There mos an uprour of lie destructiv.e and flot profitable. ait Industriel wage-recel7er. on the longliter. The kinîg called for bis es iBut one mtat nul overiook lte pus- te band, and te "bourgeois" on te cort andIeil On n fret for Stuttgaîrt. sliîty tat a power as evil i sposed ber, und lie mares teitated clamaI- ipit tihe ms% of one- king wis Oîrdly and reetteas as Germany waa n 1914 ralan Oclude czars and kînga, lorc itf'- i suIt a gtiiering. TOhe mîglit suddenly itegîni a systematc it-1 obics, maSrcheurOs, Artisans. evec cuîfercîîlce Ioqts none ofut is apletidor teck on ailîte alrcrafý of a rivai. The gfflte-al Who have aMwnflated ibereby. ,experienîces ofthIe pant warn us tIolie few tulles or marks, andWito hope "Onîe e'>.ning. On aori, 1915, the cautlous n lte future. Vther lnduslry 10 accutoulate a few i ~~î~gave a gre.rîOhall. Talivrand, Is-f l elte tank of lte royal air ore. aliiysso ini cual, was not n evl- force te guard tae air mrCiantien We are, then, ln Amerie, ail haur dietîce. Welington wa absent. So o! Brilaîn. For years Ihir work maY Rals-excopt a few agtators on tbe îîas efrîii.Wlial coutr(]itave he as booedless ae was the work of sol aide of New York and other cen- Oîîîtîîeo-l? At lest te maraclînll Of te navy trom Navariflo to 1914, but taà of Imported dlascontent. Frotn,,],O,%irtz4-nt)tirg camne eut ufthte lin- thte navy was needed at lest, and Il 'ion down la tb. pooreat former, . p.ni:ît îiiiîuilîers. 1-e spoke a few wouid lbe very rait ta declare ltat the id Inciudlog Morgan and Rockefellert ot-b- ,t ol. Cen- Intimântes nito darPd royal air force wlO nover agaîn send id te man wbo sella apples îand -î1î-ss iii, Nnîpoleoli lad escnpcd à ina down n haines- muges front a Jandeart. we are notit- ruon. 1:1i:1 vois%,eaetpring I.yons. We muât romaIn prepared on land. ig but bourgeois. 1 lsank lhee, Jew, -TOîi swuing open anîl tbe em- on ltae ses and, lent' but not toast. Ia M leathlsg me that word." "Bot- pre'. i- --1sIni lie crin nf Emperor Ite nir-London Mail. kils" bas heceme a ternu af lte ATh,'i. On came te king of_________ lgest itonnir. Il represents Aicrl- l'ruî.îi it!wtth Oe FEmpiosa Elizabeth. Lfe of a Collier. s' triumpitant struggle wllh 1the in s'.0!?.if ibe gvnî,rîciemotlouu te A Scoîllihcorrespondent ofthle xrces of nature. progrsi %%ii rrIed nut. Thte conter- Yorkshire Pont living n a colilery disl- etî"e uas oisîr, but flie kloga danced trier. wrlles: Theo sentimental PUtY ex- Multiplie@ Capielty of Phone Wlres. OD enîled on te "pour devil Who nover An achlevement more extraordinary secs te ligitIaf day" iu shoot rubiial yfr thtotn making tivo blades etof____ and Witen utlored by union leaders le 1855 gros' wbere une gres' bcfore, Os Credit Out of Favor. merely clap-triip. I meel plenty o! our M sendlng for live leleplione conver- A dteai ut colured engoncera Wito loi-ai minera comlng home dally bce-4 isions slmnltaneoously over one Paitrisere %%orking on filic ronds n lte vi- tween îwo and tree n the afternooci. t res w'iere but one conversation cifity utflloucq sîcre groIîuing aetlite havLng-dune titeir shifltfront, 7 a. m-. nuit! liavel before, seys Popuinr ie- loing otrs, flics setiretisals and the nnd probabiy earned $5 Inilte Wales Magazine. Tite 00w Invention bctpy Tt egait oir enîe If you stopped on. of4 is makes l possible 10 @end 40 tel.-lie, e, sald : ,,ut tiîiîîk utfîni, lbetrfiesenmen lu commiserale wlitinil ympb messages. imîîtîneously over cri-.it yuu ge.' ei camle te on Mas 'dreiadful" employmenl, ho ke pair of wlres, or tlîey can lie used aniwer. *"Dt'a ail we do get-credt.wol starc et yen n amazement. and part for telepiîonlng and n part Neyait sec ne cash around ite."- Wsonder witat on earth you werc tlOk-4 Wtelegtaphlng. Ton conversatloni American Leglon lVeeklF. ing about. AI a smoking concert soie an b. carrlcd ou. uver two pairs of montits ago one o! our minera sang a Ire& wild formerly could b. used Song caqled "Down la the Mine" Il ir a maximum o! tbree conversations Loa1 WilReéredrlrew a i urid pîctura of a mlzcr's lfe, q uqit offt o 1e so-calOed îîiariloin ilt'arIsOns ivii 0nse off itoîor encl one lne referred le bis "boilln: frnlt." Tests coering soveral weeko épquented 00 francs tu enach relua- for a haro existence." The minerai Ive been made o! the system un a lve Whto ab#iibned froin ntiencllag is reBrpd wllh Iaugbler, n whlch lte laltimore-Pttsiturg lIne and have ftinerol. One poor relative lnslsîed songer jolned. isen pronounced succesaful ln every ou foiiowing te deceased la te lovel Counter-Ciaîm. 'ayv. grave: and her royalty s'es rewardetL A nctvel plea 'vas put forth hy LIe. feor by a Mel'il lbs'Ol lte d1> fur Sgurdion, an Icelander, describ- Froni $100,Ot00 $ *,000,00. conseil loftIthe realdue ot, bia lai-p ed ns an accounltant, 'Wite Whoscommit- Industral miracles are being pet' fortune te tbose relatives who Ver* tell for triai lte Guildhall, London, prmed le thee conversion 10 a Peace vrersce ot' sacrifice te 9W fmanesch iarged wit embezzling money be- of a clieical pants establlkedO loaglng to bis emplepers. Wien the os war purpases. Tiis lte opinion chie! hookkeeper o!flte &m w'as called I a 11gb official wbo ln uti close louch Suggestlsle Sîgus, ta the colora. Slgurdsan waa engaaed lt tsat foulure ai reconstruction. Rail'vay stations la Sweden a% ai 112 a wveek, and Iter il 'vas dis- >espite the lugenully being dlupiayed whicb mania are served are Indicented tvrdlaIstlruosidlse IX fndlng poace uses for ellice plants. b> te simple but auggentAve iitue perd loto lte bank titanihall been re- bars are snme establshments whiicit of a crossed knifo uand ferk oppoosite celved. Questioned. ho agreed taI M' Dot1 adaptable te sncb conversion. tb tioienaine o!ftsestation n tleb. & b" nagîabout $1.000 for lis ow'n 4l B conaequence their value bas de- tIr-te table. purposes, and afler arrent added: 111 preclaled lremendousîy 'vt the pass- have a hevy counter-cliit against aIngothse war's aecegsstlea. luan 0h50rIeliga ongmntoc 11e aplant Wbîdcoal oet$ ,0 WAubla We. .t tmforlncitn aHeung in 10 o i-rgu ~se ofred fr asiefat ~ThseChlnese have obtained mî oroy. O vnt05 0aru i':cure ferndsal Enifeorg i$r6gi0hi00,00n0ar.sa-nw ,ls ftilttby not keeping n sufficuont chieck aver 1,000' yenrq. '3ne ef tle mont onselm h ir o hnd fildedhhlm lu fautons sveila in extrtence Oslatat n aI sitoir dmaes a, nnd tllhouai. .~-.aptsn Reg Feel< Recrd. Grenelle, hnnftie oitskirts of Paris,leOnfrdmgsaantIm glrielslghest officia crt a r osrif.. ng- _wlere OIe uvter la brouglil front aa As th Parade Passed. .Reahuy Sniall FiaIs. Tel i lSi55uamisuchl i psed sîiII er lit-st 'iiglit lOt ai ertit onnaciper, Rnd Ont ri-lsitOttg Some Of the 'vundlrr if Oier trtiti. t-ciîrked : "IVliyAîtîrt :iinia, lt i-, liasi wse re ause ntail %.ý ontitit it qlui- fuu tgetlier. Maîuiia 1t11ti Isi i-l tP, ilii- Cii-st liaI and d dsiy su Were Hearty Eateu-s. Many greut inusli'îi eitahosers lied exceiitiotiaily large aîuîîcîlîcs. WlIcn Hitîiîel dinedîl Onne nI a re-saurant lie usuîIIIy tonk thîe îrecîînîiîn of urder- !Dg a tntai fonrttii. Iisîyîiîî, yeb more î-vutat-inusu, usas kiiiuun 10 con- sfîril ru l c a t îsvtuiibae sutIe- Oild lise 'ut-diisiiysi ppti tes. Nir. ichard Guelduer of Belvîde re ESCAPE~S SItOTS lt-cif..UcHlias ts'o ssteca, ledlvig antI Eni-a, 'vito werk et Alshulei'e UtDC ASýSÂC ON Goedner r;iurnied rom France in YLL~EA J, SIOT ON etitenliet-. buititis tefoi-nlla thei'regt utat- arny bas nolt ex.m lied sm lie is s fl o i ti ty. LIUY N ETRNcerlcecned over tUs conditinnt uti at-suOy ute se]t y t fi Geo. Goeldner, who Once work- liard tu shink bat lie coul ias-' t It-i tus entu -seven tuonth flse srvit-e ed for The Sun, has Lung "euu kS'it-i and esuape unlinrt,bu Peneratd byBulet. wîUnluî le injnred saitortly Ofter ilst ar-, Peneratd byBulet. risva0 home i d aL9o wbic dong lur:- toisuis hecountry. 'WAS DOING DUTY AT A MINE , _____ Ce(~oige (oîOicî'r, su fît u itn a lad, Same 0!d Circut. suas en,. 1ot ut 1i i thc e -fi linic;tl (le- 'Miîmber fOie us fstsu ut-tss iîartietnt oihSun, vis tino ni the firsf Waucegau boy~s Oo s lanti-er for, serv ice 111th e t-;gu a arm and was twii 5enty ses un nionthsus tîso Th.i Yoling mninpassa' d fiîru fle twsenty si-sen inontits of service osires W if iiut îmeetiing tni nies Provid îence diiE'cted fliat Le usa-r f0 escapie belîîg hltin iiEuropîe butf Olal lie tinud recfise Ilurles fîn a shor aff"r r- ft tiong frm overseas ith ie chat ,; b'ut sf000 -uile filthe servee. Il fiappelied flinit on last Thursday ai ('lothier, W. Va. Goeidner, 'vîo i, a nueniber of Conupany K, 61tf div isia, s'as shot f bru tile riglit ltiag wviile oni duly ln Vîrginia.wfoere fOhe gos ernnmeiî . gent (ronos to pre- serve ordor St a mine. Aceording 10 a 0cr fer received hy bis parents yeafeýrday. Goeldner nos' i in nthe hospita31 andO h l Iting is set-y ladly Onlnred.lie saYs be bas great dilllcuifs- in lireatin;-, and fi-ar., sire beld thuýý- y iay prove Goeldnei is the sitof iifr. and1 te unîii)r elt1 iti tl i Cui t' slio susuîdirs i'oitît idile 1;tus jt - tbe sfliow- begiiis.iaiisrO'jîîi lot tlii- audienice- cattiiig 'Ai-fiitil bert. scOere are yoii. A nditI is the policemnntells, liel Ictaii on :utu11.1i she lien 15 up fie plioieîîsî find for wlg andî petlicoirîs coie off iiist i lte reil larnel ogadsuxucO sfciu't îid or a lady cllier, ntffr til? Weil. sie la sîlîl tliere-Everybody's Maigazine. DescrOplive Power. "Now." asted a teacher. 'wito con tell me s t u n ayater ls?" There 'vas eillence for a moUlent. Then IlOtlOe Bily ralacil bhis baut]. "I know 1" ho triuîinpfisitty nnounced. "An oyster ia a fis-h ulit lite a Dut!1" Teuephonge Periacope. "Sunny corner oubsil- suite, five rooms, Con tic seen iy lîhone atter 7 p. m. Bay 316 1 -Vncouver(B C.) P'rovince. * - Il - O - "Good-WiII BIldrs EVERYBODY OONNECTED WYTH 1HE orth Shore Gus Company, from the presidont down. is engaged in the work of Buil4Àng Good-wifl. Every busi- ness man knows that Good-will toward a campany is that company's tower 'of strength. We want our customers to know that we rook upon their good-will in-that light. NOW THAT MANY 0F OUR YOUNG MEN ARE HOME fram the war and' back on the job. we have re-organized our new business departanent on a bauis of good-will building. It is our purpose through this departiment to call on each of our cuistomers at their homies-. In this way wo want to inquire if there is any- thing we can do to improve the service in each home. PLF5ASE GIVE OUR REPRESENTATIVE A FEW MINUTES of your time when ho cails. You will find it well worth while. Ho wIll ask if you ha#vé any complaints. Ho will inspect your gas range. water heater. gas iron. and oth- er appliances. He will niake any simple adjustments that znay be needed to in- sure best service from your appliances. If vou are wastlng gas ho will show you how to save it. If repairs are needed he will, on your request, see that they are taken care of at the cost to us. IF YOU ARE NOT USINOO THE MOST ECONOMIIOAL and efficient appli- apçee the new, business man willL-tell you anything you want to know about the groatèr convenience and cômfqrt of more modern types. Ho will not try to sell you 8om0b1n yo don't need. His job is. first, to Invite your good-will toward the comnpay by making it easy for you to get the gas service you want. ' IEiZRTING THE APPLIANCES sold at our offices we have one point in Dlindabove everything else,-YQUR GOOD-WILL.' We will not knowingly seli. appliances that ýmake trouble for the consumer. Such- appVances coat us money as long as they romain in use, bec ause it is expensive for the conipany to take cars of comiplain~ts coniing froni th em. We do not say that-,the appliances sold by us are the o4gy good oues of their type. But they a're the BEST. We know. We hi%'#e all kinds on our linos. Our records show which appliances givo the least trouble and the moat satisfaction. North Shore Gas Comupainy Offices:-Waukegan. Lake Forest. Highland Park. Winnetka. Libertyvifle. ALL SHANoUAI.-Hm are two particul*i'ly good typesOf aifces "me la China, tb.e siowalk lOY inercliant a&Bd the 11W. girl iz' gaLt dres.