CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 12

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?kA(F. rOUR. LTBERTYVILLE INDEENDENT, TfTRICDAY, NOVEMBER 131-1919. _____ IAnnhrersary Sale! Boys' Ovrcoats Boys' Overcoais made of hea'Vv wei,.IIt fabries iu fa;le.vnix- 'turcs, sizes 10 to 17 years. Regtlar$l.( Values' wvhile they is- t during tie Annive>r- sary$59 Sale$59 Boys' Suite Boys' sýuits made of fancy Cheviots, hom e- spuns and cruns Sizes 10 to 18-vears - Values up to $12.0. Special for tic Amiîi- versary Salewiî thev last $ 5 at .. .... $75 BOYS' SUITS With two pair Pants Boys' Suits ilu fliv popular îvaistline ç .Men 's Clothing Ig am Men's and Young Men's Suits- Mlixtures and Blue Serges Values up to $3500. $25 -J~11 4lo of suits presents i ery unusual v~alues for men or y oung men -%who le- quire regular or stout models.'ilu e is a .odseleetion of Fancy mixtures andi Mue serges in al simes. ~-Men's and Young Men 's Suits- Values -up to $0.00. AUl MW mmes h i $35 This lot of suits ceannot be duplieated for ývalue, style or quality. There arc for styles t for young men and business men in a good 'I ~selee.tion of materials. $350 OVERCOOTS-$25.001 Oîîe lot of mon 's anid îounlg 14iîs Overcoats. Regular $35.00 vaiues. Speeial for the $25000 Annîiversary Sale ...... $4!5.00 OVERCOATS - $35-00 Tlhis lot of men's and youlng Men's Overcoats takes in the bet- oer grades. Values b 4.O t the veîrv special pi-ire of :%5 for the Anîîivei'sasy Sale. $15.00 RAINCOATS-$98 One lot of Raineo'its, îcgular $15.00 values. -Special foi the Annivcrsary saîle. $9.85 Enih ....................... $4.00 WORX PANTS-$2.65 One lot of men's work Pantqs Regular $4.00 values. Special for thleAnmiversary Sale $265 pair ........................ Anitiversary Sale of- .MEN'S FURNIS14INGS Winter Underwear Mon's fleece lined shirts anid drawers. Speeial for the 85C Annivorsarv Sale, eaeh. Sweater Coats Meni's livavv swveater coats.-- Regular $7.5(i values. Spieial foi- the Aniversary Sale $485 each .............- C....1. . Wool Underwear Me4ou's ivool shiî't" a:i h'aîil ' Sppeially puiced foir the S'W. avl $ .45 Union Suits Mens heavy flecceed union Suits. Regular $2.9-5 values. Spe- eial for the A i ersary $1 .65 al, Men's ]Pajamas Moen's- flanuciotte Pajamas andl iiighit shirts. Spocial for $1~9 Aninivorsary Sale. WVork Bocks Menis ieavv% work socks. Sue- i-'l for the Anuiversary 19C SaIle, P air ............. ........-.. Collerall Âprbna Women 's percale Coverall Aprons in a good selection of liglit and dark p4fttrns. ".,0 value, special for the Afnmversary Sale ..... 1.48 MAIN FLOOR Speeialsý! Kid Gloves WVoren"s Kid Glo'ves in tanî, blaek or whiite. -Regular $2.25 value. Spècial for thc Annivcrsary-' Sale $ 1.19 pair .................... Suedetex Gloves Womren"-. Suedetex Cl)ves in tan or îvhith'. A ' glove yon ean îvash. Regular $1.25 val- tie. Special for theAnivr saiy Sale .5 pair ................. 5 Taffeta Silk Fine quality 36-ineli taft'eta silk in -.1l1colors. Berular $2.50 vaiue. Speeîil for the Anniversary Sale $ 6 wir t . ............... 1 6 For the Annivcrsary Sale ire 'vili offer a choice lot of Silk Wool and Cotton Rein- nants at One-Third Off. .Fancy SMlk Odd lot of faney silks 36 ineheswide. Values lii)t(> $3 Special for -the An- 1.35 niversarv Salé yd.. DresGoods Wool and cotton dress goods 36 inches ivide, values up to $1.50 yd. Special for 89C. Anniversary Sale vd Bilk Velvets Good qujality silk veivets 118 inches 'vide in al ooloîs.- Regular $2.00 value. Speeial for the Anniversary~3 Sale, yard. .. Corduroys 32-ineli Corduroys in ail col- ors. Regular $1.50 value. - Special for the Anni- 98cw versary Sale. id........ Dark Percales 36-ineh Percales in a good seleetion of dlark patteimfs. Reiar 35e vaiues. SPevial for the Annii'ersary 25c Sale, yard .......... .. Liglit Percales ,36-ihpercales in a good seleetion of ligit patterns. Regular 30e values. Special for the Anniversary 23c Sale' yard ............... Dreas Gnghama 27-inch Gingliams in a goo'l selection of stripes a n (1 plaids, liglit and dark colors. Regular 35e values. Special for the Anniversary 25c Sale, yard ............... rancy Gingham Fine quality 32-i ging- harns in a good selection of plaids and stripes. Reguilar 50c value. Special for' the Anniversary Sale 35C yard. CahToweling Gond quality crash towelin1g 18 inches 'vide. Regular 35c- values. Special for the 22c Anniversarv Sale yd. Cotton Rose Womeon's hlaek cotton hose. Regullar 35e value. Special for the Anniversary 29c Sale pair .................. [ I I I I z i Flannelette Kinionas W omen's heavy weight 'flannelette Kimon ).. Regu- lar $2.00 valuie. Sueceal fver the Anniversary $1 48 Sale ...... .... .. .. Z satin camisoles ' Washable Satin Camisol Regular $2,00 valuesl. 9 cia] for the Ann iver- sary Sale eacli ......... B &GINS- Tues., Nov. i1i Twenty-two years of truthful dealings with our patrc The growth of our business bas been enormous,-and it is.1 two years of successful business by this stupendous me its matchless opportunities in ahi sections of this great stoil I Anniversary Sale of- Wonien' s Sùits "j' 19.75-29.75-39.71 T IIEE tbree groups of suits specially priced for theAu xiversary Sale present ail thc very newest style s iniWo ineliî's and Misses' Suits. The materials Are al wool Ainrin Poplin, Wool Velour, Broadcloth, Poiret Tills ani, rUie(thiles. There arc styles and sizes for every type of fg tice so vou are sure to find just what you 'vant here. Special Showing of Furs Seflshowing of the very newest styles in Fur Scarf: Muffs and Coats for the Anbiversary Sale, at îuusually loi prices. *Anniversary Sk IWome Lot This lot (if dresses are -V'alues p)t(> $2.W.OSp Annvcî.saî irSaleut ...... These dresses are mu Satinîs, Jersey s and Trii Lot Tliese higli grade il They are made of beautil cotines. Valnes to $50.0 Anniversary Sale at ..... àle of- MesI eillde Of gooc eeially priced t2-1ÇI $35 and $40 i mde of fine qi ceotilies in ail or thc Annivei di-esses presen ifi satins, Chi )0. Special for AnniversaySl c -at 58 WO0M EN 1S8Beautifufly trinmned Rats in a large selec- - tion of styles and colora. Val- uet up to $10.00. Special1 for3 ~thADnverarY $5.85 q SaeTrimmed -Hats at 2.95 one lot of Wonien's Trinimed Rata; ail good styles; valiges up to $6.00. Sp.- cial for the Anniversary Sale$29 at ..................... au kPetticomr Jersey silk Peftcomfi anud long bloomers minal colors. Regular $6.00 value. "pei-l for the Annivcr- $498 sary &-.le -..... .. ti V union suite Woenen's extra Ibeavy fieeced union sults - high neck, long aleeves. anicle jength. Dutch neck. elbow leeve. and anirle iength; aiso 10ow neck, -aleevelessaund ankle iength. Regular $2.25 value., Special for the Anntvesary Sale, Anniversary Sale of- BOY'S CLOTHING 1i1odels with WlIeRal around and 2 pai' (,' pants. Size 9 to 18 vi:i -Special for thecAi)- uiversary $12.50 Sale pr Boys' Walats Boys' K. i E. fast color w-aists in al l1Z 1 os. Sold everywhere for $1.50. Our prie during tic Anni- versary Sale WJ Boys' Sweaters Boys' heavy sweaters In gray and maroon with siiawl or Byron collars. Sizes 26 to 34. Regular $300 values.- Speclal for the -$19 AnnlversarySale.I.9 -Boys' Caps Boys' caps in a good as- sormment of colore; ail sizes. Regular 50c values. Special for the Anniversary i Sale each ....... A1 C Anniversary Sale of Fait Footwear WOMEN'S SHORS Wonien's Chocolate Vici Kid Shoes with Cuban heels and welt soles. All sizes and widths. Regular $7.00 values. Special for the Anniversary Sale $495 pair ....... ........... ....................... GIEIJ3 SROES Girls' Vici Kid lace shoes wvth white b)11k tops, solid leather soles' and licols. - Sizes 21/2. to 7. Regular $5.00 value. Special for tfie Anniversary Sale $295 pair ........ ..... ...... ................. lEIBSU' BROUS Misses' high grade tan, lace shoes, pony eut. Sizes 11½ to 2. Regular $4.50 values. Special for theAnniversary Sale $2.98 pair .. ....................... ... .......... BOYS BROUF Boys' and little gents'1 gunnietal shoes 'n Blucher or English lasts. Naied or sewred soles. Solid leather licols and solos. Sizes il to 131,4o. Regular $3.50 values. Special for the Anniversary Sale $ 0 p~lr. INFANTS, SHOEB Infants' patent leather shoes with eloth tops and hand turned soles. Sizes 1 to 5.- - Regular $125 value; special for the 85C Anniversary Sale, pair ................. . WOMEN'5 BLIPPERS Woinen's feit slippers with leather or Com.fy doles; ribbon-trimmed, colors: blue. erav, brown and maroon' aIl sizes. Regular e2.25 vàlue.-ýýpecial for the $ .9 Anniversary Sale, pajr ............ Anniversary Sale Blouses Beautiful new, plaid silk. Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses in ail the Nvanted eolors and sizes. Values to $10-00.- Special for the. $575 Aiiniversar.NSale,ecdi.......... ýww -W ------------ **M lb4 v qwwýwlw b 9 1 A-&IAýý ---------- wý

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