CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 14

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t T.TRP.DR.VVTrr.u. TfXPD sWPFàD . iTRTPSDAV. PAGE SM IJ&.. .4 JM.LS 14.yV .Aaa1 . MAYOR IJOAN DEFENTS ADDRESS w aukegan Nov.12. The Sun is ilad ta print tho COM mfunication below from Z., rDarne W. Hoan cof Mil-aukee becautse lnot the Mayor cap ains hie positionMor mattce of vital inerest te Waukegan and wltîch Ite declares The Sun's in- formant of Monday erronèquely im pressed upon readers of The Sun. The Sun furthler would add that had il been possible to have a reporter al tha moetîng. an exp.-riençd newapap or man would have "covered" tht mayor'a talk, but because officilalsof the strikera' union have hung up tc. ephone recivcra and otherwlse refus- ed to give The Sun information rela t ve ta their side When il waa sought It would have been even hazardous tc - apzrtcr there tb "cover" th, meeting. i-in ot oniy prints te mayor'! r bl bu, but is glad to note tai t1if. iî-n ihat te lati. ,-,inn: crvditud Io hlim weexaggi.r a.tcilandi noî ilt nted ta bc nieani St - 'informiant oi The Sun deducieti Ow-,Ver, in ibis connection, Thte Sur, t nijit furter aiti cvcn thaugh il r*tsthle tlaroîs comtmunitioniii batit il x s a tutegoue conclusion tha i vkut 11,rpi afrot lntended for ftic purpoîte cfi conciliating the relationý uroy !) îraimdn beiween te wirt v.-, iýdtoi rîkerý, but apparentlr- lopip, ofstimulating and furiher rn u o the rapidly decreasiflg unmiai i n itbçlocal strike.-Ed- lOTý p«A he trult tai ln te struggues o!f~A -~ viii îug ciasa4, netîter Republittant CAP ,)r iieaocratic parties baci a kiudiy ",rtl tartem, thaI lhey vsere lu' J]B nanceci sud expreaseci te viahfitlat .wmeutint'ttereitîs only. ancidtaIttey 1 oo sitoulti tecome conads ofIti usd1 thalt tc only remedY vas le brouIt ap thei' ecouamic urganiza it.u vithi politicai organrizatian of te vorksiig~ peope fanrte purpase of electiug pub .itts. su itu scouitisec la fil Ibal Size ir lt-gaI rigitis vere proteclet aucid liai suchi occurrences as happeneel inj .-auegan wviir were uttei'ly iiiegPl' wauld not hatpîten again, as tor in- tance, te arrest cf a clllzcfl of yourt -ommnilt and'ti nîuing hilî:unîler A lotds w ithout auy charge tcing fileti K againat hlm, Furîber on, yau stlate. "He ridicilicc 'lac idea of peopl' af tiis cuuntryl sending foodstuffs 10 Belgiuin andti otut The er places vuiere people arc larvin. BlSatct tnisting taI foodtulfs ouglitl ta be ji ii'uy kept back itere ta leet te stars iug lu dally titi country.," Tiis is utterly false. I cîlte titi ual ridicule,. Wiat I diii s~ a .' l' eo uit te Society' folks are bllaily feec-di uità lng te iungry ansutarulng of otiter opera countre~, viîcîtis adirable, boltlitai eru , la atout hume e turneti aur atlen' planu, lion 10 te tutgi'y of Ibis cotutry. thiis I'. Edior, if you vaut tIse aulhorit iy i of tIs condition. I refer yOu ta lthe;demI: )epartneut oaI Laor,vitose bulletli bcen .lîow a million anti ane-itaîf childi'ef Sunt n Amnerica are underuioutisitid auci use t u1ffering froua.mai nulrîllun. The figitI incri, if testrikers ila 10 asalat lu rcmeciy- mat n7. sucit conditions and miaking fi P0S :ThE ible for te steel vantera of titis 'elgit 'ountry la taireteirchilcren out 0 o! t' Ilis dais of thase vita are underteci. fore, Tbey dieserve te praise andi admira- 'ion of every bancal AmendaI) citizen' ag The Mayor'a 1 etel' thier on YOtî state. u nat ov un 'r , Milvaukee, Wis.. Nov. Il. qîkeci lite taI vault te run eu t i e Ediior Wt'aukcgan l)aily Sun. own by te auttoritiesu lu fa.'t. ite whicl Dean St: fulit edeition of yaur Pia -utlt te hmpisoned. es-en Ibougit ier per, Tite VWiukegau Daly Sun, of Mou mî gitt te a Mayor Of saine city like ea day, Nos citer lotit. 1919,. >00 iatsuilyaokee." Sucit a staleetil l tgit- 1tel featuned an tte front page an aruicî' lgel s ud mcIf su is se n I beaiuliti. "INFI.AMMATORI' AIL reatly' dainagîng > you bell.vedg DRESS DV HOAN", "Wisconsin May ',d ta print il tecause yueiv IThte1 or lterii's I)rogrcu's tin U. S. br 'rk te statements of youn Inforan, ini.l a lai men", wbiclî article cotains so man) fairuesa, you ahoulti say 50 and ac- f Iell lieu.anci libel.,tat I fint it necessar. -ordingly vlitdraviis accusan. pa*, 10 deutanit lIt i'. u plutfitis saae . iese are ail lte flsehdods lu inte ment oau lite trüi np~agu oi yoor papet trticle wh'b 1 Sball t lte lime tO port wit thlie saine lrumincuce as that ai isk you totawithcit5w. i v tice rfcredtoan wih te ain aurs very truly. fore Bize type in iliii.' adlsie or 1 shah tiDNILW. Mayor. e calnPelil t taegard your refusai a.Myr a ni. eviicuce liai tt-earicle you publisb l ed vas lrintet i wtl malce sud tai "BIG BILL" HAYWOOD CO MI N bt yott intcndedth ie litel Tite Sun vas informeci Wcdneiay bc rE In te first article of yaur palier yot ttiA arrange neuts arc bielg maie by I Say, 'Titat te gaive jusittekinti af i the local trike comntiItt lto ntg ta doaIF taIt inu>ofIttc agitatora vtre look '.'aukegan, next Suuday "Big Bil" chtat Ing for and anxlotis ta itear vas quit. Heywood, secrelary of te . W. W., a crcE evîdet tram the socîferaus citeerint tan vba bas been mare canapicuous tin a udhiaudcIappitsg tiat folioved hiia n ubis vork thItanany otherma inlute sud marks wbicit vere directdlet tard a nîniedi States .and Jeremiait O'Leary, uatio -stiack an tte governinent, ou Olti a colleagite of Hayvood. vito bas been itrcu Glary anti on anytiing pertaining t conaiplcuaus Ibrougitoul lite country. nos. lav and order." 1 vaut tuaai', M Accordlng to te report. titese tyti pnes iEdîtor.ilitaIt 1matie no allack wvitlmen are la give nddressesaia somte stali aven on tite Goverument duriag my ;pot viticit Ja yeît te selecteci in te wvi adirtsa. Whal I dit vas ta sitov or cily. One repart la tatItil as Itat lapai lu titir truc ligit. te faciiat bot a bail near aae of te public eitoils. ly Io *te i.emocratc anti Reputlican parties Thte Sioveule Hall la engageti for same fic , are «triving la atiminisîci' aur gaseruý otiter purpose tat ciay. Titis may a ti mnept la the bestaIfteir ability lu mean taI Wantens' Hall vilI be te Sun *thse ltereat af a clase, andt Iat ciasa icene of tite Haywuad-O'Leary meet- tii tIge monieti aîlgarcity of tiis nation. ing lu case Il la actualiy iteld. Capa Au ta y<ur siatemeul Ibat I1:made The Sun's infor maoton came Os'er ve1 suy remarli direcîed lovard au attack te(.telephone framn a local voman vito a pa on derîding ld Glory. tese 10 a j3la qulle versec lu dev elofimenla in te son mosl damnablei lihel, and you saal cet "ommunlly. In grat alanau thesitel- cdie laily b-, hilu! acceunlabie unleBsaIbiS farmeci The Sun litsite taci been I artic'c is printeti lu full as requested- . lkiug la a couple af forttgn vamen of n 'l'i 1I made any reioarks direclet a3n ttc aouih ide, anti th'y tlaidlber(It lorîarti au atlucck or auyting or every- tut Ilsyvocc and OLeany vere coin- ta ting prainiug t olav u ancioren l2 iug berlinexl Sunday. These vain, ta -ln lite sani;e caligory. i aav no anE sbd expiaineci seemeci greatly coudera Ipapi leavng ti' halviticit leacis me to10-d and lneatec inluthe tacttaI te 'are beitese litI >'ur vitale stany la port nolariaus leader of te 1. W. W. vas PS fiction. 1I u'uicialy complimfented th( couîlug itere sud shtowte Waukegan striking stel,l orkers on teir cri*sîikers thit uci t atentioin. deavar la preserse te peace sud par Thte vaman in queston t atedth iat tlcuîlarly cduu.'etlidtit t ail lm ie it aci sentîa telegrain on Tuesday ant i uidcr ail îprovocations tbey sitaulci ta Ciief BreniSat aoflite Chicaga De- ne" r s lNolutethtîe lav or take part lu pertinent o! Justice. asklng hlm vity au>-vilenut du ninstrallan, evcntn lita'bpermtledHesywooci, o'Leary sud pr0os d tÇ10 tii0u, tus lias heen tie ti'aier speakerstato e delisering adi- ca:,ç in iion s trkes litere th fin- dresses ha titis section viten filtre are svui, t. d, îj1 s antIirelings of te so mani' strikes ln pragreas. ba - --a I ii- ieutrat,-Iy tîrreti up lite aiso enaleavareci ta gel in Iour.b trauLu *u nd justiufiIlthie binig uin tit Stlte's Attoruey Weld tolaf c of lrccj.;ianttainfluence public cpinvitetiter ho voulci permit Hayvoodi ti-iii' ut i 'liarkuttg mn. sud O'Leary îa camne ta Wauk-gau In u' ilt1il dpuuiraflitof our arli Sondai' In ese titey itaciactuaIly uiti'- t . oi: ' -Altci iitting far eu plana ta do SC nu;;u' nul ltarng IldtiGlory andt it r,:, iIo:tutrît or goserument n thitsfetNt prcit cautt'r> titi fuiluti right anti lefI, te fetNtApeled rcu,' in trutett autîti cthelit eting Tstenil o! centiles. Lueille's mtit., fcaiilî aiif I1' r.'nained lie uiglit Plnt'ed 81Khxarge uîursbialîaiv an top *get ! .-, iitu itible ity .liallenging of litrcr trb(Ilycake. I'hnlitle Ilit, Milxîouk,- tussor la proue te Doria relurnei frtti ite psrl bier r* nutitit- ,-tI io îtn lia' m'as -iaklng." mother stitti: t. 1.lil yau ail bave I1t t a lî tuustutemettit e de- a joi' gooil tiumnt unci te replied: nit-(!ln tii uit tutale ilîtal i titi nul ycs. ail bîutte cake. Oit. mater. O'1- t.ton, - il iii' ovrtmel liIcake lookeci e bail,. mat 1k. a luit ..";!, (1, b ft i îtriglit. -ee'tieteri.a, Il lîîuî i tt11e Iaîubetnnea t a ur l'îu iia t uuî-'n îuhe'curse ]oin l." cf tu-i addures'- ite tacki'd troug. ________ Ma: sor Ilutuut. tuntuns other Itugs. salti fintit durtug te îasît ienty yrars or Catti.Est "Rubter Cakes.% mura-. utigos crinent, suhetb-r il vas Experinuenta tutIl ingupore a55,0 s repulicl. a'utocratieic or tînytlîiug abovn taI a feedlug caike for cattle else, ha- tioni' sut tbutg tur île surIt- sud ater stock con lie produced fnom lng men.' I tht sil Iliutt hu ei.uI ueuIthlie esidue ef Para rubiterseceti aller licti'ilu ttii tV ~ lu tl, tht jOTlie extraction of an ilhcamparag ta- enire t utt-a- i! i ii, u II llteap- -vorsaNj VUtilinseel Cil parent rrulî-nna orut oiuuilta,.,, uull- c n anald t t.. t a 'iî's -i Ilt i nileild ui Yotu lau i-t 'ic.- ,*If s au usuta li. MHorseInhale Saffke, battle. you silu 1 a -i-î: f tr ti- i Hanse, lutoned IltbArgentinse an. gaulacti labor. .ou sIjj> tut. taugit tio avoiîl a p'tiXaouuasueu itat etkte r ziiii1 .oiv, Nvn.-1 i tu te native aniutslis itua naluraliy by Urge' tuhe rklu. It-,liuk Ioi teeei'oi't'ig tem t tai le aittake ros ad vin Ii r lI-.l lîi i .îi- luut- i uruig ipei of thei 5i't. Win tevitale fuiuor o.,>ginizecl laor.D.iaW&re a Tide<y> St*e. Yoa lfuriber eta' .- ontinuung, The John Psucolpit once tieaeunbed Dpla- B un's Iaformant cai:'His 'sole ball'sere as os sae at. Inig fonr cjaMaIl vtas alang a une tf enc.aurarung sedi- et louv tide snd tbrce tiIit igh id11" -vdition andi eacauragtng disiuol aty 10 te governtenî." Tiis la a cotueutpti- bie ansder and ibel and1ci vto taadd Q Nlbf Wla To. Leu* - tai I uttereci no yard vlicit voulti Ttaanr#' He o" encourage sedition or dia5lo> aty llte lieu-se'a C V '" '- gavenimna. Sucit remants as titese 1lwbr nitsdb WLd ame eltiter bitter malice tovard me or prtI iathe rade'q "Gadi: e r ">,, are pinted wvils lhe grasseist negli- g"'fitlt thse "Isigit,, criia eh gence. In elilser case tedaniae onl .rul'"-cudue Chraulcee tu te saine unlesretr9cteci. Cgotinuin8. you 557, Eveny emart Wl01Vqqude ufo ite madle, every ibe ho reudereti, sem- la jaffl ,4ii4wu eaOuïs ojMi ed tg 1» t~anBeniaVor 10 tir up surface cf tbç ~groulîcindilis pro&. 4Mai ard giat claie feeling." Tiis I1 net. ail minerai deposita baing gog- WIUo ' OW@& 1Iendniored toi point ernmenl prapetr. NOT BRINQi al CiIANEIES ALL IN FEW MINUTES eof New "Sun" Depends on Ability to Find and Instali Press. KES SOME TIME TO DO Il Waukeran, Nov.1. 111 Sun bas beard a number nf in- ies w here readers bave wondered Te Sun bas flot increased iIn size y since ils merger witiThte Ga- Lople sitould understand that In a alib tis kind a COM-Pfleft change iu tion cannot be n'ate by any pa- unless s tePa therel-otehave been ted a 1long lime In advance. in case, the merger af The Gazette ýThe Sun came about very suid- ly and no preliminary stepsa it nmade witicit would enable The ta have installed and ready for thte new :nachinery necessary la 'ase the -ize of lte paper toa8 ueral extent. le capacity of The Sunsa press is t pages. The capacily of Tbe Ga' e'a press was elgbî pages. There- ?,in order to, run MOR~E titan eilîi ae anY day it always has been nec. rY for Thei Sun and Tite Gazette te lteir paper throug thlie press e with thle neceasary "al;uffinga", 't ltakes lota of lime. Thus witen- Iwe ruil more titan eight pages, il a lte papera. Accordingly, lthe :)-ai natura]ly ta "-get away" with lit pages a day ratiter titan go be- id tite press capacilY. Now, titen, eSun is already taking stepa to geî àrger pressa-onâ whîcha will rua Ive, fourteen, Mteen and twenty ,es, as the occasion requirea. But, we went on the market today ana rhased a new pres lafiltitis bill ould Probably be JuIy or lasýer be- e uch a Press coulai be instailed. know of one case where a mnan liat ïw press rdered last sprîng down itullue, Ilinois. and Only recently told Tite Sun bis press would not ready for use before next July. tis easy to seecitow people cannal Dprehendth ie changes of the meý iical equipment ta bandle an in- aed size paper. This la one of lt ngs ltat cannot be done in a iturr] 1especialiy in view af lte labor ail Ln it la xaigity dllflcull 10 gel es and get Il quickly. Thte Sun ie wlooking around trying 10 locateà Ps witit the hope or gettîng it in. lied as quickly as possible, an( in ltat ta clone the size of ltb Per wIl be increased PrOportionate to te business demand. Naturally rdemantis for aicvertlsing space ti >wn of titis kind are large and Ti icannai itelp but accept te aciver ing Subnutted ta it. Until our preai paciiy la taken care of, of course SwiIl flot be getting out lte kindo aper we plan or itope ta gel out s n as ibis condition bas been rern led. t lyn't a case of citoice, il 15 a t'as necessity, and aur readers are as] to be patient wîit the realîzatio at we are mtoving as fast as posaiti make Thte DallY Sun lte kîndci ter we want ilt t be. }Iowever. titer .tiings whicb are beyoxsd pbysick islibilltles and tia lo oee ofhbem. -and Thanksgvi corne to BLU.MB] Best Furniture Stc new Kitchen Rani SWaukegan. NOVEMUER 13, 1919. &gq pajors ai 2 'clock. Mire. J. T. John- A OOMRDY 0Fep noftsO Walkegan 4rmQ ec stli ~ AIJ&EU 1~ ~ AL ~ and Emana Johnson wlil enter: Jh .DvscfCeead * urglng bis taatler ta appri-eoild Davis. - cQN L C L o.Jh .Dvso Ceead . ltargibg li- obtaîneci unyune - - "Bre~tinc l sis wî e uaonepitew of '.lrs. Martin Kilbune, aI false prelensea. The local Police guit Titecasecf iancs Dotinck, ait Elile only two morc days. IBelvidere street. the young m!an 'aba lu touch it vti Clevelj~nit olice. legec inoter aette Wire Mill. vas net The regular ntonîhly meeting of he arenuphca elatdm oileon v ion "(0m. forwn lrais'a itehe lee for titie mornlng ln circuitcourt, but lt.elWomian'a City clutir vil be helci1 CaeceWteiatmoiemy->Oulae o 'lrta"sllitesu.le vas continued viten word vas receîv. ThaUrsday aflernoon aI lite Citsnbcr lery came la Waukegsn Wednesday land chief la0Davil. e Ldii5. l ed tat tty Jon Mtze ofChiago 01Cffusece ooni u 2:0 oclok. rom Cleveland andi straigltteried out vas iplaceel in artest and wltcn a;ked vita représentealier, lanIl. Washington. ..-rangres;vas te 'wiole situationi. wy a o WiliamLaiewio I chrgd wthaskvd yesîerday its Secre't'r.' linilîs Aller an eplanalan ta te Sun It "You sold titat car - ta etzel for ha.-u atte, vtods is ltrubsse , iti1,1 aku jierutanent i te va" 1(gli'stîtlon seema as ihougi lte reasan %Vetze1' mney I tnt ilstolo n cr ataail." vas placed an trial today. but ait ad-'1 %itereby litniaral -.sorts w 1,i-iî1 ansd Davis gui, lmb sucit a camedy *'etzeI? VetzeI, in Fîcîrîiu" Why, >Ournmenl vas takçn untîl homgrraw; i;cd wthilaflve-usîle zono ofn"Vyof errors whlcit requlîed in Ine are lisre, Isoldthlacr lo Vî/e yadrclin hp n ohr»Iý1of bath ..der mîsappreitenslon of lt thuiîyula o tl'iCr marning eaus fler a jury b nc e topn- ta camps. Operation ofIlite war- 1fada by 2poUce ar Jaoicsonvillie.Fa. Davis tittn exîilali'iiiiit ti'e('lve- elici beatse f lffculy n sttngtinte ilia 50nouccessful itn 1 and Cleveland, vas because Dvslandi police ltaI hli' acittalili aitisolil lte 'atneases ber.. lng vilce' aboui, nayal statil i that teé hall ton many automobiles. Welzel a Fart inl Watîki', 'n witen Wilia Ats ofth Sa' cicila ceasurý hual4 t.'ntsd'-t' aIernînnlent Iavisadmiltedti ltIon Sept. 9tilt ie vas here an leîîtporat3business.. lion departinent, subatitteilIoarin pel'- -'deal xu;e, te recreîory wi'ate lai b ooaFriat aWIe.I epetbr iwv" i'iii l ation ê.ieJn eAibr#siai Br Let ni r . ; uni witcltçr alarteci fa rl'lrda. Il was ladiietituai tte, ar utn,îuuîsIion ns TuT dyuesd sueessaya enoe Bosarn gite I it alrut i tts arlta Wzlaaspndcie, A. hutieGi l 1' aineli ptino!s Jaw. o rMoer. soapîtal. beith atrit n car bedli tozl hae a regular frotaitolu Juty. v ben!;ý) Artneshpad camrougtoteaia n 'Te cdance gîven at the Parlait1 lîcense tag from Illinois. len te car In te meantime, Wiîael, llîinklug fin shpe nc cae et o tse naei-H9Ise lasI evenlng by tite Loyal 1tey found a card betongine la lDavis ihat Davis ittd eliPppetitînt' over on asti rsîngessîîly. Hociay. unceporte"clubin lucelebratin of Amitie ay frd because Wetzel bai no nunaber biihall wirt'd bis fit ltt:randtI li as reting asilytoday "Unce 1311," a. lagely itlened, aout 10 co. ha « nufPtuee ofr.eapoliche ah.itcal olicehall veiI0 iuelndlu or "Dad" Arts, Iana veteran nevapaper ies beung present. The acksonville police wireci ta citaîn lDavis. TVilatitit iîcîtwv'i man In Waukegan. fis matty frieudi Tite Wanen's Foreign Mssianary C ltveland police inîîulrlg atrIieelo yli'utlt o Ot wili be ga 10 kdnlow taI te passctiScet ftc ogegtas ctrli a-a aacetidé t at vr tentoBu thale Iutilu. 'Iflt 'bt'c ibrougi te operation sua nicely. Sceyo h ogeainlcuih a-st scran; ':n. u le a , ,tt ek tis il meet iomorrav afternoon viit haci a F'ordistoientra'm im. loi; up witht h" 1,01.'cii l"eafl A marriare license vas iscruedttsMs .R(clotl 2 iyo t rt oue rfreit ier" lts aslei iu'rr'Itr% i. alternoon to William Il. '.1ones of tite r.JR.Sofr,51CatnS. Teploerfre lirn-he cnstë iie .a Fr:Natinal Bank, anci Miss Nauni Mrs. G. M. Kiebie yl leaiite teet. carda. ' founci ltaIbis car it u lti Neablît. ipg. Sure eltoOgh t lere lya a i'tilin atolen and taIiie Ladlutl. ..t Anthony Smit, ,12 Sautht Lîlca 13t.. WV. J. Allen, president of lte NorlttIl., a car ownecl by JaiteJ.. n.svia alter car iter aîndl tli'utrt t. \Vait1- vas fineci $5 and cuits lu Police Muîg- iaeSntayDsrc.acopneiiaci ben stalein.lite mYaery lton kegan vitere l in S 'îîîutI'rllt l by lProf. Barlaw or te Illinois sIgle: e-ltsrl x;asoe it ezl istrate Taylar'a court todav. Ho vaut vate uvy e adyfrNvYr as solve- sryva astln ll NlSI arrpecd about a week ago on coin- carrleveancivirec bac lu ack- tfor tit'weoYork-ttwtitiiI lt stii plaint of L D. joii-e. vito alci ittil l.k ugelail peralnlg 10a l,.o 1i a car criven by Sînit craheitit o eewtge dlspaoal plant -ltitreference sthsli eyt oinWt ato iuît ' roucar aiol.'it.ia itilu 1of litîs machine. wl estwuto applylus the ideasltote local dos-ITbey Informed imtt'hy ,.Idii Dalla. brc or so titittiitît df-llbit erIr..,n "firokt e ssit viib hwatitsprobiem.biia suta. wbicit bla be ty ffo e l o .,ter kil it Elite only tl isoluretiuys. ScIuttuliers. ceetraling Artnl-tlcn Euclid beacit., Clevelanid, Jol, 0. Ater lte ws t g..: ,i- ttwever. Mrs. Stewart. vife of, Cal.Stewart day. but a linugebonfir. uilt-' sirel Iocepeaec oia', ormlea er20a.tîiut tu ci t ' , ~~~~ ~ ~~a Atterberrys corIur lute Tkte*Ii y DavisaioSpfleI- rv frteswrctaghnlouad Ciicago, lansisiting lu Waukcg.în tu- nir-l. The lire 'lp.'rtnî"at 'sus suin- te Soult ta face lte tiief. WelzeI wts t. ilî'ui.s(i'tl ut!t,l day. mûcuei. De purehas,-d bis ticket. lie 'sas ittndeci bis Frd.trtl D s t-.iLa-,) re- Wt'iliam Arîz, on, ruile. an lu Mc- Mru. Titomas H.' McCaun, 329 Oak airiiady io tart. leaseciand caume <uotr] \.'.u'tuIo *Alisier itosptai,ettinîug alng verty tre,îr, arrîveti honte yestrt1y aller a lunlte meanllme, a vire came laatriaghten hIle utattir oui *st isfaclorlly. short s isit vîtt lier son, Thoumas, Jr., - tF7is vas tite cuIde-I anti rtwezt day whoInal atteuding IlliloLs lUniversity. of t seasion, te mercury being dawn T' m'a3 injureci in a football acrim- ta ta 28 mont of te. day. But the vicimage aginet lthe varally teani a week w as qo titing tat il mall ti. I1e ago, tut vas able ta take litîs place lu nîi ca lden titan il reall> vai,. tite, llnetîp Monday. Troop 6, Boy Scouts. vili bave a Mrs. J. P Fendricit, EvaSeville, Inti. ___ Icamp lire tomorrow (Thursdayi eve's. la sisiting ln Waukegan for a fev Y ning. Ail members of te troopi are'cisys. Her ituaianti la tite owner of a Ac i n Sl L. requealed l te presenl. if possible. aIilarge mntufaclurlng tobacco concerta i te Pariait Hause at 5 o'ciock. Titose ai Evansilile.________________________________ Il who are detaineci may coule direct t0 C. Gommera, McAilaer ave., frac- te camp site au Grand ave, ravine! tureti iis arm i ocay, crauking a Ford~. 1 i .'illi at publie auction at '.'hat is knowli as; al tte folt of Hickory treet. Eact Jullua Rabiing left laday for Flortda Iman la ta bring bis own rations for 10t spendtIhe wînter. tl e.Civle am oae t uppfer. vbieh villilte cookee aven lte' Lieut. Bringiturat aoflte naval ata- te(io le'iiramlceu il.îil'sisî- r camp lire. Bacan.,'seiners or reci bats lion.,vita farmeriy liveilu Waukegan îcttfar'tî,2mls ot f<îîîuî ti )tpotues, bread andi butter. citeese andi bol lalely bas reslidec inluChicago, is eto arnoi,: ie ot i crackers. Bacit fellov viii praside mavine iis famlly m tte hoffîcers' uies oîl f'Lh tv li. S e>tî'tliI .ti )t himself vilh a cufi. plate. kîtife. fork quarter4ataIthe satian.-mie otofLbr vle.S esa-sot1 an su poon. Supper vilI be serveci ual, ûrdy vnngi teCrita -laler titan 6:30 p. m.' i siayevuig l lteCitisoa Res'. Reuben L. Br,-eti of Chicago ýchurcb a reception viii hi' belli for Swiîî present pans for.ite future i' employes of te American Can Coin--f t- tite meeting of te o. ogregatioual, paay. a new concerta viticit bas re- 'T a cently locateci lu Waukegan. Furtiter. a rei toulgbt, caUetS for lie purposeI the reception is litravu open ta any T hursday, iN ov. 20,1 9 in af laklng action upon the resiguallan.1nwcmr n Wakgn n f a of tite pastan. pI tted-w0tthe Idelu of tkegn, sd l 1-laoa sI10sioupanti'lieit dao tyn a18 H ead Live Stock id "roke Blssom" wil le sbwn make evenybody ciasaed as strangers le ai Elile anIs' two more days. gel acquainleci. Secretary H-lolister e- Tite eekiy lunch-on of te Rlail aofteCitamiter cf Comm:erce, John S. 14 ('oNvs, 4 ilorses' 10 Milk ('oxvs, IBul.: 1~ YSi-cliona viii te ielt iIoiarrcw noan et Clarke of lte clty acitoals, 1. L. Rogers in tIti- Cita'i'i'ien tiI'Coicie.ofaItute iigit scitool, Mire. R. D. Wyn îuonth Heifers, 35 tons Tiîngothy IIay' in barii, 1 le tii'irgî' OIson, Sr., La rpurreti of tite clty club and Mrs. A. E. Brave S1sel i - boueaftei a ten 'isys' bu' lfte Wmnsclub, anci a represen- Sa î pand IIav, 1 Staek Stîaw,',2(x)ltsheli p lii. M.ton, l'a. ttttive aoflte Rotary club ylt lite Oats. t. "Broaken Ilossoons'" vii lie ésitow speakers for te evening. A very en- if ai Euit' only t.o tmore cisYs. joyable eveptv,& in bçlUg planneci and ___________________________ 's The case agaiusl Josepht Hncyntan everybody la cordially htvited. n_ of Kenosita. aliegeci beer runuuûr, %vasi il vas letarreel today Ibal Helen F dismiss"d l oday viten il vas sitovt Usseti. daughîer of Mn. and Mrs. S. FR e an- of te machine% laken. vas marrieci la Davidi Evenlîl, LakeDe'igC nBi er(ha'iii('ii îl lo- St. Margarets Guild ici iioltian Geneva, Oclober 20. __1 IeigCr idr;Ca po riBhl un ah -day meeting Titursday. iteginuinc: villa Mai' returneci iastoIiglitIfr011 ù-1il lef al 10 o'ctock. A bat lunch wii' hc Taronto, vit thlie remamua af bis five m c' .,.ilvLae;Deig1-otla ~î;' Of serveci by a commitlee. year aId grandson, son cf George. Thte j nev; Johin Deere Daimn 5-foot Nl()Wel.i', 14' re Thte Ladies Aid of tite Sîveditit boy dieti af dipittieria. George, la man- ai Littieran citurch ityl italt a meellit ager for te Blatebfond Cal! Meal Co. iIay Rake; Chamn4pion 412 ft. Mýow('lr î-sîîl Tithaday alteruacu iln tite citurtit lu tiein new plàût* àt"'6éitnld Corn Planter; Puliverizer; Grain Sùeet'itu; Grass M FROST 18 H0 TREPll ng is near, it wouId %be a very good time to ,ERG'S, Lake County's Largest, Oldest and )re, and select a new Dining Room Set or a ge or Heater. Twenty years in business in Ilard Coal Ilcater CoIe's is the best I-Tot w~ith Magazine I'eedcî'; Seeou isplay of Blast stove made. Sec E~uioînial t Np(at.OOM-% this stove and -be con- Quiekheating faeilities. FURNITURE vinéed howv good it IS." Delivery made ally 18-incli Oak Stove 50 011 Heateri k day before Thanks- Burn any fuel, a $21.0 beatirng at a $ 9 giving. stove for $14.»"5 spf*-iaI pjie ~of *only ....... ... Large f3tock of Comforts, Blankets and Bedding- The Home of the Heater - and Range. Krothkr Way Sagless Spring'; mi' Stone; Hay rack; 2 Wagons, on '2-iuh aîîl mie' inelh tire; 18 Milk CSaus, uiearly ne"'; Lawuîluwr ncarly new; 23-Giai. Stone Jar; 130 <;I tîe.a' Steel Water Tank; 4-ineh Beit, neaix't.N Set ofi Dump Boards; Scythes, Shovels, Forîks, ît'I new~; Ia.v Fork, Rope, Pîîllev's; 2 'Setsi Wirk 1:11-' *ness; Pair (1ollars; 3 Single Haruess. ofii - ie"'; 18 GTraiSacks; W'11haro' ;11*1îl. uîîw\\: Vise, nearly ne"'; 3 Buggies, one top: Plair IHtîI Slcds; Single Cutter; Sulky Spring T4îîîti lîlîi- vator; Single Cultivator; Iron Kettier (oiiî SIîîS- ci'; Faîrning Mfiii; 1 Team Scoop S 'npe:2 Nil1k Wagons, iîarly iew~; 1 Potato îk'r: Ius Wlîiplctecs;400-lb). Scalvs; Wovî'i \\ iii' strt'ti-1î- (r, upa".li new; Trou Mfaul; 2 Post \îîgers. JOHN CHEVALIER, Prop. Ire ru abbc, Auctioneer John Ron~ue, ('lîîk -I UIE3 50WELL NOW" -Say'tliotuands, of users of the Globe Ea-Ltinie. 'MTe most modern and highly perfected Far-Plîtuie On the market. FIREC DEMONSTRÀTION Mr. M. W. Hatires, an expert froin the Ear-Phone f4Ictot"y', wviI be with us for three days, Thursda.v, Nov. 20, Friday, Nov. 21 and Saturday, Nov. 22, with a full i une of hearing aids. m-le-ill fit mou so vuteari 1 hear. E»ALLS 131q08. Jèlewees and Opticàaüs. Optical Dept. in charge of a Registered Optometrist. .An Alcazar Combina- 'tion Coal and Gas Stove is the most sim- ple stove to opera te. Use "&me oven for 'efther gas or coal. See It Tomorrow. rà.L- LN ffl géL%ý.L y JL El %J L»J ".C% y, r1à & r4 lm oirqr

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