CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Nov 1919, p. 2

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~- r.11FRq'VV1jE TNEÉENDENT. TBIIREDAY. NOVEM13ER 13, 1919 :'wo. 15NEW CITIZEN! ýWERE MADE HIi IN LÀST TWO1 Waîîkegan, blaturalizatiofl pap.'rs were lb 116 allens at Waukega n W( aud Thureday of thi., week. et *bout one tiundred and fi the examinatiln' Tbost, wtt Vuas this turne have bopen& atudy mnore. ýSonie had thei ,oeatnued wie an investig Mme. Notices were sent out toa to apar and take the ex bvt ffty are al en enemniesz 'it intl the peace treaty ho The. notices were sept out h goverument suit a countertîls der. Pour Laite county nmen wb la the world war were grante, abtp papers Tbur5day, ail ti ties exainatifln. etc., beini by the govertuiett because aftvloe overseas. *Tbelr naineq: lames H. Caple. fariner ai Josephi Bertuils, farinera *Elof H4. Oisofl carpenter at lonhart Lehinati. farinera Opportufl'ty. but ýt- EjThe pagt year hass larce increase in the ber of Electric Wm Machines, Electric and Vacuum Clean use in homes. ÇTloe reason is easil derstood. They a ber Savers. 1 Theé'Wisbing Machin the work. You nee watdhit. The V Cleun« demanda on jougudeit. No P tio. usrequired wbi me the Electrk km dim enoime it to the We un thm ai. S Motly Pajuileni, Public Service of Nortbem lml If. BNIRSTI "Cemeteuy Work 0o Descriptioni 1 orspoufdsnoe DI. 1. L. TATI 009» laFn uelHi" si u.uu:-1 b 80 a"d 7 'oIu.s-n Brodwaly.o DR ..P. DUflI 1o,- VCTEEINART Sulu &UAU? BlrAT. TUTU làb.rtyls. jins ELHANAN W, C Attorney.t.La 0fr.. ab Home, Cook Ae.. LIBtATYVILLE. LYELL H.Mo ATTOILKY.AT-Lr Lue mBaidhui 'WL MAC GU 'l'OBJET AT hertyvowl, ini f uou88 TIIAT BRUNDiE FOR UNIVERSAL TRAINING. WORST UpIIEVkL Rad Charge of Twenty Mile A~ IET ERE LETER TOWELCH; Sector of Front For One OF ÀLLT1E O DAYS ORDERS NOT KEPT- Month of War".' OME THtIS VEAR Waukegan. Nov. 10. LNo. S. Major General Bailoua. who had gatdCopy of Letter Written on Beer cthar'ge f a 1tvo Mile sector of the Cincinnati Scientist Deolares front for one month Of the vorld var, Paet ar Prprgfo letinesday Truck Case Shows Intent vas n Waukegan today and vastin- lnt ar Pep igfo A total OfAtre-eea. t'lUVed by a Sun reporter. He bas Terrible Storms. ifty tnoir o o rney_______ l. sent 37 yers In the' United States e did nof armY Up to vithin three weeks prier aBked te WERE NOT CARRIED OUT tû i-s-nd tof the v-ar. tus ranit vas SUNSPOTS TO HAVE EFFECT Pir cses hat o oneof thse highest officers i ýgation lae Blo!the next to thse command-in- ACncnaiaerfrGntde B loeisa .letter wrltten by clii. f At that lime ranits of a few ContaInti aptofniehuacedte about !00 Attorney Generaf Edward Brundage of otîser officers vere raised. He served otiethsaonhn riceel Lminatton Illinois to States Attorney James 0. overseas sevetu mouilhe. ing of atmcepiseric conditions whIch and muet Weicb and pertaining to the reasona- A brief summary of Geocrai Bal- thi, scountry is te face tiis year: s ratified. bic disposition of thse beer trucks seiz- loua's overseas service, as told by bima- )efore flic cd in the Zion City raidse. It là this self, foîiovs* Sctentstfees storin vave. Great nding or- letter which te the baisis for thse entire "I vent acroas about,,July 20 and upheavel to. "core in Ilecember aya situation that has devclttp*d as flic re- look my men lto intensiv.e tratning Porter. By Prof. Abert P. Porter. ho qerved suit aoftise release of truckts by the for one nantis and then foloved the Noted Sunisot, forresat. ýd citizen- tae'5 attorney office; it la tiiis Jet- usual routine, being ordered f0the O sit aernggrun fcx cchniclCSl .rta isbenue sa ie- front line trenches. 1 beld a tveoty- tg waived pianation of bis course in scttling for mile seter of the front off StC Die mighty planeta. sucis as ias net been Bof their c and costs witi Use av-ocra<of the froan Auguat 20 to Septamber 20. seen In a score of centuries. tise Lnit- beertrucks. i l this letier which Mr. "I vas then ordered to thse Argonne ed States'. next December viii bie Brundage adtrits bie vrote suggcsting frspirt h ateo h r ,Antiochit'leroper cours;e, but uakes the ad- gonne. the movement and thse battlie setb h ottrii et et Round dition In is satement ta Tise Su occupying about twenty daya. cataclytim experiecrd since bumain 1 hut ne naturaity. of course, fet that "nOcoe,1 s d.-,o ganiisOyhea.t vili e caiied by fw , ,a.' r Weicb wauld carry thse cases for O coe 0m iiinaanhsoybgn if Area. mIly iirough the e'urt rather than etrdtefotuetecss ot tisroughbiesav-n office roins vithout of Metz, on tise Mozele river. i1iseld 1Iunsogeat wsuospotionbreco.hA - tresnting fthe malter to court. belti ides of the rier. and the churcish n 1 h' i e iiie t b This iq the letter whirh Mr. W'elih spires of Metz were in sight from my: naked eye. Itince msen firat began fo m nin up expiained v-as tise basis for is setti.'- comananding post. maercr f et isnpot bas mient vif h t.heer truck ownere, but "I was tssigned ta and took rm been large enOugh to lie scen without ":, le id etcae t dscoseunilmand of* the Sixtb Arniy orps October teado instrinini ii. This ane fi.Brundage gave h., consent, Mr. 2. vhidi 1 continued to coîîmand un- ilb.Tesnptta iia , . . s position bcbng that itv-as a tii after fixe close of tihe var. vi e h tnptta iia personsi i. iii r and cîuid lie prinied "'OnA year ago Sunday nigif, at pear December h.' i7ib. 1919 wiii onil v-th Mr. rundiges permission. about midigit. 1 rer. ix d orders frmnslbe a vert vaund in the ide ai the suni 5r lrndage. in vicv af tihe sensai arnisy hfiadquarterx. ly tuiephone to0 t viii be a giz:întlr expostion oif t r dectîveiopmients. poronsily sentI make an atturck v-iti the Sixtit orps lmn ae eDe udeso seen a iThse Sun a coisy of the itter vitictu t 7 o'ciack tbe foilowing morning. laig aeseain hurd o appears below. <The atorney gener- My corps forincd fihe extreme, riglit thou~.satids of miles ouf into space. e num- al 'fetr appear., in botd face type oifflihe Anerican arnsy. Tise Frenchs, It wili bave a crater larp enougis fi Shing anituemseintti face type bie- Thirty-third corps, coninsanded by enguif the carts, mach as N'esuviîîs f S lî,w each of Mr irundage's paragraphe Generai e Corenvas onaurortbatlan ros'15 The Suns deductions): did not participate In tise battle. mgtegsfafobl September 18, 1919. 'Tise ensuing battie began ane year Vioient Dsturbances lers i H&n. James G. Wetch. aaysedymrnn hocok Sncb a suraspot v-ut lie rick enosughi Statels Attorney of Lake County. and confioued untiiil1oclocit the foi- In eiectrie magnetîceocnrgy te Jing Waukegan. Iffinoîs. tusving :xornitîg, v-hen, as ail the worid thec atmoapbere of aur planet into a I erSr knaws, flic armistice v-as signed and! Yyu- esterda- In a conversation tin ati firing cc ad. We ioet evraI bun- disturbances vwithout precedent or ml n- ry office, ynou asked me wtsat myi dred otohtri tis final batile.' parailel. Tisere wilii te Iurriranes tre La- views were on thse question of destroy. Mjo ailoua te niw ini charge of lgtnnclsilrns tw inig autotrucks, service-cars, taxis and u amy recruiting servi-oý in Chicaîgo. plesur caa wici hae ben eizd c sate fit o ui arrag abutbe veeks before the earth will re- i In yOure coart ishhe c cftrn sport. 300 bundremi repruifs a nînnthf are se- gain Ifs normal weat'ier conditions ting iuntoifn iquor contrsmy to the cured in Chicago. and there viii aisoe iigant'c lava e does ipoiiose e Search dS ezr The major general vas asked v-batý eruptians. great earfîuquaukca, ta ssy d onlY Law.randion$efzu lihs opiniso vwas in regard to univral 1 nothing of oodil and feartul cold. scuum wThe auto-cars and auto-trucks that mlitary training for young meos of the Al eir SOU Um wewem discuasing wretiose that country, and lie empiatically deciard AmteWr ily that isipw 1-' s-"ibv your officre in . lat c tfrhining voulie b<'0, i'ry 1 make titis. startiing propisecy vifl prepara- L.a ý ,-c'j-i *' c er 1,h iv> c 'r, c - - rv , mth , t Itise youtb an faci ths tnadextre ta beensrely ..ensationaI aii intheuleasin fRousf .1iso. Ian" se as ti.'re la any coca- larmling. If Je mcrely because my CDyu Recelver in tise United States District titu as -o 'iversal îniiîtazy training study ot planeta bas recaied certain li other Court. ..f the drivers et tise trucks Lý nefitian-thue cour'îy," hie declared. resuits lUs mathemnatical certainty ne ho iicis have been seized *Ince tise 2181:t We shoild bave men trained for var, ta o Yt o ulewre day et Auguat viii go betee heC un.jt as ve bave traincd tire aînd police tsfInvs. ayu10levre ty Court of Lake Coufity and piesd departmeof s." said thse major general. Ittidranlce fot' great and tremendous guilty, and will pay a fine et net lem_____ iinga are goitug toeisapen. Prom De- tisan $100.00 or up te tise maximum penalty, as thserate justlfy, and tisai EA cember 17 te December 20, 1919 and ri ail of tise parties Interested conisent SCII'ENCE flLiJLR affervards perbapa ton. Tiscy are thaftishe court Issue an erder destroy thUe simple yet astounding farts lita theinfoxgr..tînq liquor soired, n.tri-h~N I enable te make flua propisecy The Co dinq thse bffMd sud casnd vwIi O3S A- EB iIdlIlLUSJLEU planta in tiseir orbite swing hn great enter lnto s bond, vît ieecUfity te hoW?' lisiaot iesn byaehn approved by you, conditiofied that ths.isaaot h nn he r ik boi autocar wnt be ga dfoun- FO)R ST RTI'W SITIIed to the esunand to each other,by tiquor, i sugget tisat you moike sUCh visge compeling forces counterMef 0w aseulement. 0W(la tuis paragraph if la note! tILt Christian Scence Officers Ex. eacit other and hold esel other in Mr Bunag slî tatth mUhse plain That Such Litigatîlon teli regular petit. Sunpot cue ois trucks argulddlie given back s eolidtoin vienever tv-o Panota visait enter a bond. properly gecured,. vIsci Forfeits Rights. te wcnIa umuretiemnonyer usIng tise _____ntp such postions bat they Pull te- Strucita gain. for tise trsuspottatiofl ot gother on thse sungter ta conJunc 19 inteietiss uwonr. 'ris. fat la tiLt IT IS NOT PARDONABLE tien or on tisaunisaid.1.e ofUse Mu thim reçde show tiLt ne sucb bond or' i positon viii Use smnlb.- Wsfeil ise 4à ise sUggeted. end A reesn Mainthirunte tmecauses thrs athe settlat tiers vwui Miss Dà"yBat, rqw asMd hesu a estoatplde t ntltt. W-s'et the mon »1112nthe P red Neubuer. Cisrh stln elme_ tM*à sJsla. 'hum UtaMthl eniàis iseaer-, vilated tise .rWooe g« tise o* tete p 'ein hirin voicazces 1r*OcilOPPOf t lis Ay. Gn- VU Cbrtia" Udeu* chiiii'ffl4 tbreby *hi&is v-MIal&a usaPOt. »Ilt - . flbrougt expuleleate i srn viso Fisea.s X»d«& tu. toritCases The 60 U*tn u slU par o5t tbey v-et law e h. coutst euolec ini tatheautpîer eof uir ui solicpt« adlltiah cnu lth. est etrMise »UlsbetiCo- sgse anid don. r l et vlud«eies otber pianoie as v-eU. * t poegete 1» Oed by the court crtt .. q al~j~ y wsid TWor,,Panta i W d eff t <'ho e Wu«mt oft te OumS iamise Eeç't 8;76 et . ase 0- eres e ail spot and a scaB1 mm I t e Saocutitfl s& bad bOeu$1.080;mas gmv01 amebaer $Bia&Z 'reli a @aro"e 1 ------- et uem curtnd the coontie soed for 4«0 *>.Ci-Ilte.feniak*re 5 T7 &la sem one, .0 a tietacts v-oyesatledtlu Cileffe tlan Science Pblton for flhlois, deed. laRt on DOMbe 17. 1919 ne w u.uOd. Pape-s) 406 Orchetrà all*, Cbibeao.". tinder lm etisa soyiea planhA-i i hl ttl I getebytise ve ms nrnnth dateeof1Nov. 1, la a pepouMalleter ad. 1a.'riag vii ait! tO a P lu. yeur effleers seisi àa sven4elstruck tresseil te tic cAter of tic Dalyontési.Tm JB >P tePar,'i dan eght.totruck. The defelui. Sun, rend ibis dencialjor esut " v- em*liUet Pi""etaze vhlci Do. ats. la tUres. ecessse u oid psr a formeir Christian Soience voniteMtise migitest 915.1tis oe iti the $MM OOfine. Wb* heretis Ol'c tsmsfle Neubater andt MimaHart: men poverful pull. - oe the Case are suels tisai Yeu thinit Nttr Sun: Six in CenjunctiOfi ,prn,- fiu'.t boutisi be Ienieirny, lt le aiU -file suit brouuit agsM»t tee s- Six ef tien. Meroury. Mars, Venus, rigit ta aceepi à 8100.00 fine, fate ofUlmMiaUiabetis Condeil for ORON. (un ibis pwragnepis It la Dotiet tise practluee"m tasas» ieUy uv-ar- Jupiter', Saturn, &Lad Nysture v-fil b. S Atenes' Goeralm sali thst visontie rââeta sd la direct tisobetiliçce 10 la cojunction grouPedt ogehisi clrcumstaces perin$tisd. theSMalles boUs tthe lettor and Use spiit ef tise Tb. assliie»d, la the narre Moi. ttone abul SOw OUM 50»d8-dtsciplwry rules etthUs.CistatisaSeI F 1- . cept W$8100.00 fine. Tise recrds show eue*c iurcis. Iii f2 erfl - ieO :02Y that ali cames v-oe siovuw nOmcy- On pages44 sud 47 of tise Msnnal the suitDreettly epoeltoeontiug 1t1 .O~Y because il wve riue!$100 a»t tislle orthe~Motiur Cisuris. T'risc ret tu, oppostion glgantlc lae ". vtheti v-a noisd o wv- « asghven a fine Cisurcb of ChisIt, Sllutl5t. i Slusoeten, biuge platilet Uranus. thse ual Po, above tsai.) Massohausetis, appeans thse telowlng cet u uebetv-een Ui'Lfl'5, âs b nfej nthe.motter oetttese eszure et tise rails -iicis applieste m&U Chistnl~uitocm a ILLINOIS Ab Oliver truick. v-hicS v-s seusi tise Scietiste: Use otier six planets 101111Pierce Use .. **ý seon te,1 ugeot he tor .ls -'A member of Use Motier Cisurcis sua ie a mlglity spea. Recels' be e sttempttIn hetcae, ndtist %hall net, u pertiroeiable cireufl fue Our oui rtis t. entaiete RRLS v-tismlet Onu ans ider of court destroy. stances, tue bis patient for recoveryi v- Ing tiat truck, of payment for sait nember',practîe W& a t an angle of nearly 90 d1, Illinois (This parsgrapis shows thse Attorney on penalty et disciplineansd llabllty te greau ta full force of a monster cleu 9.Generi sali theiAise Slver truick have i. noms remeved frea amemboer-tricot dlsturbsi5ce &ai itl lapinitu asic. Paoo. », shosîld not lbe repiset. yet Silver's shhp. Aiselise ebaîl ressonably reduce acthvlty on v-bat tc, us viii ie the truckt WAS releasi.) lits price Ilucirenlc cases of recovery, "rrnc s u ii ------ In relerence te tedssto t the and In cases1viser. hoe bas nt effectedat et orizn fth*&n.i IFF'LN. flfie-en tr,,'rkç tisati nv-btseps a cure. A christ" an et lte a bu- Tisas t means we shall 9et tisefl LAW. session ef Robert £. Wilson, Receiver, manitarlan; lie Je benevolent, ferglv- strength of tiese toriwien Use sun- 11.If 5111--rurke are turned bachi te lng. long.suff.ring, and seekel te over. spot je t its voret before tis e callOd noIs Eari W. Casperson, Constablie et Lake.I came ûvii vlhs go.' îg sebv a ie1 i 0- r _.-tj, fie Sheriff, v-e viii cen. "Sincayaly yotlrs. Iglae ae a iet i on fer &boeut tise preper dispoition eft tie LEZ WHITE, Sucis s close trouping of plaisets has ~~ya rolling 'i bet on em ithà the nctional joy moke R LLNG your own cigarettes with Prince Albert is just about as joy'us a sideline as you ever carried around ini your grip 1 For, take it at any angle, you neyer got such quality, fiavor, fragrance and coolness in a makin's cigarette in, your life as every "P. A. home-màde" will present you 1 Prince Albert pute new arnokenetiona under your bonnet!1 It'asos delighf fui oled into a cigaretfe--and, so easy te ral! And, you just taise to if like you been doing if since away beek 1 Yeu see, P. A. ta crirnp cut nd a cinch to handie i If stays put -and you don't Jase a lot when yeu atart to hug the paper &round Mhe tobaccal1 You'Il lilte Prince Albert in a jimmy pipe as mucis as yeu do in a homne- olled cigarette, fo! Bite and parch are cut ouf by aur exclusive patcnîed process. You know P. A. is the tobacco that has led fhree men ta arnoke pipes where one was îmoked before. Yes air, Prince Albert blazed the every turne you fil) up 1 And ioecy -.d bàeg.. tidy .-.d t'n., 5...I- -I.momd ..'t h.if p ..d t,hmmn. a-th tm.t. p.. f. th..' he.p. Pra..c.Atrmm 0.mch f., dmor. 1 R. J. Reynolds Tohacce Compay Ws.5...N. C. Donald Roslan mappet eut Use vmm' course for tise Norfhmoer club, vhhch s loctet a littie souCis et the Bob club at Mfghlatut Park. Tise club recently acqured some atti- thonal acreage and nov- isas 160 acres, ",hicb give It amîple room for a full Bell 1~ Systcm championship course. Work en cdemi' loig the land aireati' las been start- et and viii continue au long a- thse weatiser permits. A number ot nev- mcm bers bave beeu tiiltin lu. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS L clThcgoe le h n Meute roier 29, 1919iLo a Ch ag T lph n MueIt. Brady ta C. E. Austin v-t $10, lots 24 and 25 block 6 ')c.'riield Park. Di rectorv Lucy' van Pîs-chu-ckit osoephine Baulernfeint vd $1200,lat 7 Miller's Sub.isun Sectian 16 Grant 'rwp., Oeil. DIcitand vile to Harriett 1'. ' G est1re s S o Jeboinsiow dt$10, lois If, 17 ent 18 é s t P r s So n block 2 Deerficut Park. Lake Ce. ate Bank te, A. Ginele' v-icmsud vite v-t "50, lots 39 antd3» bI&7 Washburn Park. No. Cicago. N tf odyi o r b u NEtoJ. e EJ; Lehainn te Risle B. N tiyus odyiyuarab t IHueker, v-A $1000. part lot 1 blocks A. Oo'oiseVill1a19to move, or if there are any A.J. relier andt -I t .il3. Planu sud v-lt. v $10. lot 5 Fsltntsr's Lake oter changes that should bce made *CitiserinsBab. W. A. Nicbnu anA v-tetc. eM. W:. ~ ini your telepbone listing. Rabbi»s v-A 810.lot 8 bleck 3 aux tland -adjetlag Woolrldge'a Sub.-Liberty-f E, . onha ad il t TonaâTelephone 9903 rester v-t $10 lots 7r'.asu 76 Green Bsey Add. I*a Forest.. - tn N euf' erso and t busisaudtot i) Mary 'r. Rovan v-t $1, lot 7 blas.c1 Park Add. WaUkeg5S. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY Octeiser 30, 1919 Auguet Binteldt te ChasaniaiNnfeldt v-A $800 loti 4muelAt'.Suis, on Lake ImarIe.11 .' 1 C. A. NewcombIs r. te Guis Euer _______________________ delt $175, lot 4 blockt 7 Wasbumn Park, NorthisCcago. . . tan sud vite v-tl1500. lot 20 anA EC Ubertyvifl v- $10, N filetat lot 3 »g im& 0 . James te Rutis C. Dnnsw hait lot 21 bleck 44 Wasbburu Park bloec 7 Làbertyville. icomb v-t $10. 5W 60 test ant part Nu Nort Ciid8o.Aloi Smiresutndvite te JesePh OSMi 87 12 tetlot 8blei29 HigislandtPk. C. L. Win"y te IU A. Willams v-t v-t$l , 4 acres la NW qulaterSec. r H. U Hall aut vite te C. LWood 10, lot Il Proo10lrsSuis Graslanke. 81 Uiberi't7IU Tv-p v-t $10. lot 3 and W 25 feet lot * JshMeyer sud vite te Catsolci L H0,pari Eqr teG.r.NEBqabrurv-A bloci 29Laie fBluff. 119BIahp et Obleago v-t14. oets 15 st$0,arnd1qatr Bqa'trSc 191 24WLUOomdaLTov-nship. Oc- abr 31.18 Dreyer'm Bui. Noth Chica.go. Wm. Baeon Jr. te G. F. Gortiier sud le C. G. Bas.wanA vite te Helen 1 F. H. Dsrtlett an tv-lt. te G. 1J. DU ln v iteA 1, NMliaitlot Il Baden's Suab. Lener v-d $10. W hail! lot il block 10 1ant vitedteet $10, lot 46 bleck 1 Fhlut t L Jen Laie. L=imor Att IllgtgsaumiPark. J. T. Mulins te F. G. Zahnle anut Add. .to RavindL HighlIants ila Rg' Anna C. Lavis te John Raipis Md le vif. v-t 106800, 166 acres lu Section»i lansd Part. v-tc, v-t $3250 N 40 fait lot 14 blok ~ 2.S su 10Fromnt T-pP. H. Baruett sud vite te Michael Exuoor Att. .Highlanid ParI. Le W. J. Shea and v-le f0 W. E. aud 0ev-enta teet S699, lot 22 bloci 6 E. W. Gavin t .F eslstC Pearl M. Green v-t $10, lot il Blotg- Rtaylnla Hîgiiants. Highlant Para. M. Fhck v-t $1, Part lots S. 4 sud 5 'etf's Suis. Waukeegan. . Roella A. Ceeu sud bussiant te Bd. block 33 Orhgnal Waukegau. 1'Stella Valkenaar and husited nt wvatid WenliUng et ailv-t $10. lot lu Afret Aima ant vife te A. K. Barr Lo Josepiine M. Pope w d $1, lot 16 Lak e rent-v-t $10. lot 9 anA E hait lot 10 block le block 10 Fox Rhver Spimngs. M Piit . C. Rogers aundvliatW B. B. Truie 59 Norths Ciclago. John Griffith anA vile t v-td 1w $1. lot 14 block 2 Rogers Att. M. Boysen eutdv-f. ta Peter 5v-an- and J. P. Casperson v-t $10. lot 7 (e Waukegan. son aud vile v-t$9000, tract et landaun Nh2 8 feef) block 2 Harder Jr's Suit. I Helen L. Fraism te lira. H. S. Sand- Safh Pit8oxLie sLakte Forent. iberg v-t $300. lot 1 block 1 Marshsall- November 5, 1919 Josephs Zatitali and vile ta j. D. 1taie Suis. Long Lakte. - Tisomas Pester eut vite to E. J. Willams and vife v-t $10 lot 15 Ôradyl E.1. Williaaznsdwvifs teD. R. au Monaisan Sm. v-t $10. lot 16 Green Bay' n, & Hallavell's Int Suit. Waukegan. , W. E. Dram v-t il. lot 3 County Clent Att. te Laite Foenet. la John Arco and vife to Sandi Be-r-'Suis. AntiOcl. Walter McNlclols et al te Jane Me. ic manti at vile wv-td$900, E 37 1-2 teet J. D. Willilams and v-fs to EEie B. Nicios qct $10, 50 flest on E aide el W 538 test S hall lot 25 Mears Sub.' Page v-t $26812. pari lots 13 ant 14 Mutun ave' on Crookeit Laie. Rigitv-oat. ibockt 63 HiglandPark. Oliver Clubisomu ant vite te Mas t. k-Navember 1 1919 Novemiser 4, 1919 Labden eut husissut v- $10, lot la of Catherine Guerin fa 1B. T. Krisian I. C. Griffts aut vIte ta Stephen Village of Antiocis. tu aut vile v-t $10. W g0acrmes SW quar- Colte-y. v-t $4000. loi 39, <ex W 40 It) Emma Stanclîffta Bela 8. PIffa v-t fs er Sec. 2 ,lhbertyvhilm'.j Roge Terpce Suis. Laite Forent. . $1, S 60 feet W 100 tait lot 10 block Cara A. Gray and hisbandtot Elam Chiscago 'rIfle and Trust Ce. ta .H 1 Piret Att. te Nortis Site Waukegan. th L. Clamke v-t $10. tract orf lant In SW. Ross test1., lot 1 block 17 iCllogg»S C. G. McCautiess sud v-île te C. 0. 0'- quarter Sec. 27 Warren Tv-p. Suis. Wînthrop Harbsor. Braluard v-t $10, lot 4 block 1 Wihý lis J. E. Worsv-lck ande t -fste Marge L. V. Lue-k an-vitfe ta W. J. Aiti5tÀ tlngton's Suis. Round ILais. ,tnet L, Wiutiate v-t $3500. lot 14 Wood' v-t 6.00. NE 40 acres et 8e6tOO 7 Rebert Selter aut vite te Hattle bine Park tu Sec. Il Autioci Tv-p. Freinent Tv-pl. Koopv-t $300o lot 9sSeltes Suisou Fasnai'L. Quayle sutdisuebandtote W. j. Aflaunute L V. Lusk v-t$5025 GrniclAie.'* James >and M. A. Davtsou v- $10. lot 83 1-2 acre-. lu sec. "5 Freinent Tv-p. Rebeft Boter efid 1vite to W. Q 111 si Grson Bar Att. Laite forait. Novonibor 6, 1919 Merlsen v-t $300, lots3 Saele' Suis. Loo Eistsaan d -tte te B. V. Kris 0 . AK Wfibt sd vite te Village -tOn «QnlÀs lIeM iý * und frai 1:31 eus-m n inai the' resil tise and thse * andl con * tait, dit terri a fû en t t bat i ls naft - torts I rosi r- er- smokesport wiU ripple your way

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