IIBERTYVILLE EDEPENDENT, FiIt1SDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919 RUJDY MOIST AIR FURNAC1S LbryileN w _________1_____________ - IL. THE RUJDY DIVING FWJE FURNACE I PIPE AND PIPELESS AGood Furnace. Instalied Right, It Is a Good Heating Plant. We Know IJow to Do Thtis ISchanck'Hardware Co. Prepare for Cold Weather Men's 4-buckle, ail- rubber ,.Nrctics 'Men's 4-buckle cloth top Arctit-r, $3.50 - - $3.50 Mens l-buckle Arctics $2.25 - $2.50 - $2.75 Men's Felt Slippers Mens Felt Shoes Ladies' Felt Slippt rs - - - - $2.00 - - - $2.00 to $2.25 RLAY N. SMITH LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. IFriday and Saturday SALE! Pot Rost, per lb. 25c Mutton Stew, breast, per lb. 12C Mutton Shpulder, per lb. 25C O8scar Mayer approved Hams 81b. to 12 lb.. average, lb. 30C Pork Loin Roast, per lb. - 35c Marston Buckwlieat, 10-lb. sack - - -90C 24-lb. sack - - $2.10 Jonat~han Apples, per box $3.50 E. H. CORLETT 1Libertyvilie ALEX FELDMAN TELEPHONE 307-J LIBERTYVILLE, ILL 1 Pay the HigIest Pricea for Junk and, Old Autos Automobile Faits for Sale Churc/z rdeces Stephen Urtran spent Sunday with friends in Chic.agr,. P laurl lt-rt roi 1: tA.lirlrrrî a - bu-i ie'r r ,- , Ihraun VI rdnrr-day : A daiirh-ir w:1 or rrn ci M. - <t r r r "rall t rtraIrj,-r lui- sstr-r. l' « oIJI e -Snrrlth rt Arra, ronî Mrs. C. 6.Elweil vritedSunday with her grandparcnt-r, 1'4r. and] Mrs. E. W. Z larkhurst. ZMiess ate C'arroll bas returned frrrm a mont's visit wtb relatives in Cin- I innhti, 0. Mrs. Annra McLaughlin and ason, tUves trere. Colo). Mrs. Ford was forinrr-rly MissI At present manual training- oi .n ý ni Mrc WllamWbgams ntrtinngTrîlie Keileref Libertyvîie. trergfctr that stands rret. tri rur her neice, Mrs. 1. E. Brown cf Bloom- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F Warren and, ' Stho, an(] it promrinsstf, bor-n ington, 111 daughter, Barbara of Waukr-gan - and crrt-inr.ng]y rirportarnt. Mr. and Mrm J. C. Res have re- Mr. and Mrs. James McAte-,nf Chicago, WM. WIFtT/. turned fryrm a frour weeks trilp in tbe were Sunday guests of 1 -art rs r-aster-n states. Gog .Cooper. WN,,v-Mo. 1'21 vrrn-tr Mrs Chrle F Grenwod ef fo JaesS. Brown and fairuly have contribute snajrpy jorle, frrr the 192) Mrr-,(hrlr-s .there-nwer, left or - -Nausrlu',. Gre them to, anynieeri er Omaha, Nebr -(,rn Sunday, te sîrend a ve eth perEi-,r flat and c h nulstf.yorl-o rîrsna mrrth aitb ber siter. Mr. and rs. S. E. Matto. 'naît erocuîry .fteana tf, I l'srqt.eja tePoiecottage on ()r,.harr, tire, tive rrr the jolieerditrrr. The-Sauler, NIr.anrd Mrr. Jrohn Imxrrn bave gn hhteyvctdrneeds yn'ur suprport 1 cet Ibuty C> -1 s to Cor-ado, where thr-y ex pect tt,, makc your best! Enlrut an a bo,r-rier nr', their future--hoe,. ,ud Meure la laid us for - presrit i- it tri~. wrth a telr n on bis band. Il'. recently______ Mr-. and Mtrs- J11n Wr-lrh, wbrr have ',1 n rtrmitted to a surgir-ai prat ,, n isort airent thr- ja-rîta,,mrnth-,in Vrrmornt eiet , ealetrru,-I . trjOFtý-ICAt.CCUNG11 n-4IOCEE0INGS mni Rit, ý-Island arr' again at home. ini a fr-w days.*1 VILLAGE 0F- L'BOITYVL.ýE MIr. andi Hi en ry \VanPtrw hav eU ri,-1t arî i.,' ýnr-h r-r r' >.1r. r,,re t>ir ilir meeting rof the-t ru.stpe-s of rr.turnr-,tfr,,m a tw, , rrk svtrt wth MsGr - i!tj.,ii* ithe vi uýge rtf.î ,jj,-, yvi r- Il, r I N mn - thr-ir raughter at Nandan, N. 1) î. - ,'tr1 irog' ,%t ' ririen, rber :, 1919. i'rert-rt, I- rit niJ.i. rt, W-rt nesd#ay %1trîrrrr - lurohrnIorse; trust, rs rol lins, i.1rr-tr MIr. ain, 'trs. tRay N. Smrth and ,;,,dtm %-on firit Irrizn- r. i-Jrrir-'Glug iur.trogW gî r-hildrrn wrre guy sts. Sunrtay et AI, Lai r ev --ond. nui t irs IolrrirSiiv ani . NîrnutmHart1,urrigbrighrttir-, Gunthrie ar-d lamiy f \Waukegan. Jr -,nîrslaton nte wrrt- ed.Mn r-r t y rl6,g - 'rI.-rrI ,-- .1n.r-tr-.is 1,i'l tt Carrr c ril î~,fi i,-trsecrrnd-d try tCoins, tîat irrrntes Ire f irr ,. i S r arr,-k i itr r- v',-1 r1s, ar icinn n --r r 4r i, k--ri - i n. aîrîrerd as read. Aye- Crirns, IEle rr ',rrr-rn rrirnr ,-,N-mrir -. jr-r rt,-4 ,-rved-rt trthei'Ardiittrilrrir(!nwrrth.Croldinug, Hart, Lange, Wr-gbt. A -r'-n wrvirn irua' Montir-r-lo, Wis.,- jr -r-n riing rofThurériar .5 n rrrtr-r20. t'ar-ried. 2 ,, 2,t,, NIr. rnd 'tr,,. Claude- ri,îîr're, lîke al.Lrerturrour Myn CerRa and treasurer's reprrrt fur %l ,-îrfii, -. r rmer r -,dentsof Liberty- bnti urier-rty, ît a iliibu r'%.In- nulit..4(icLober 1919 vrie-reirî. Mrvvd try v .~ t a.tic jWrighit secornded try Ellmworth that tire tir'fart t, ',e aeterlinck's tamcous VrArn-eand nepper !, foîr - v-nr . , ~rrsrrts br- accr-pted and placet]onrirlue. irtaY *'beBt :o Bird, " a hich nil rcîSî ire! lu - -'îr-r-vn tt, giverniin Ayes- Cuc31ns, Ellsworth, Cotding, Haurt, Àrrarri twr nrghur. t riday and Saturday Irra-' 'hall, Wadewortlî tri av -%'ent- Lange, Wiýght. Carried. et rLu,- we-kThre admission art ewuil N'rnrr . tlF19il,,-li, ,, The totlowîng bruls were rt-ad. 10i anît 20 cents. 46-I1 Mill1 rer-k emotprv e.rr-alrn.,'Irer- jArt trruckman, street wurk....$1 50 fr0 Rtelativr-s bave received word cf the- r- NIrrrell'm orehestra. Admiissiornr 1 00 George- Triggs, stre-et wrrrk ...129 95 deatb cf Frank Fox, at bis borne in, p-erni, Supper 75 cen-itsm John Brixon, street work ....19 20! Wintbrop, Ioa, after an ilînesof lMr@. F % iltard aWas burt qaite r ad'y J iranai, dr-aying ................t1 50 severat years. Be was a cousin cf thi t.,omr-ýring(Tlrur@da% arnlie tir-se J. B. Mcrse Cc., mdise. ........... 6 0 Mrs. Alice Nichotas and Miss Luettlasir,-%nmc drrvrr,2, bi-carnre Irihie,.-,'anidAtKlbasa-y. ....8 01 Palmatier and bas visited in Libertyvillel turner] rgai nit rtly thtsrn-'e w&n, îr-own Bersey Mfg Cri, repair for meter 2 75 several tîmes before bis ittesss. rto he1ngecîig aHlarr . W. Smith, 2 days pumping 5 W1 lir.Joer-esup-,insendernî îthe Lincntirtrp r,! Ier ir-ari. Dr. Mtartin a-nsear-rrtrrt Libertyville garage, fireman lIbatitauqua a Abit-hbas tiren absrrrtud arit feundir] neeesoary 'otaktnt- a-r--r, practîce ........................... 3 0 h9 ther li-rpatti 'liudicat,. undn-r &î trsitr-tire tathe -wrrnd. S. P. Ev ilsizer. labor on ights. 5 90i nai,- rf tiripttiLlitrliiCtimituq.e, GeogePnitîc Service Co, Madza lampa 1 691 naineof Chutauu", GorgeBond, femmerlya resident cf tPubliecService Co, streettîigbting 142 81! wad a crter,. at this office W editeday. thia city, but a-ho with bis wife ad son D. S. Limberry, salary---------....85 01) Bis obt-t in riting Lrbertyvttle wire rcecentty moved ta St. Paut, Minn., John Lester, tenIr-t paper--------t.. 1(J0 Io asc-r-itala a-titht-r or Drot tire PFoPIi- arriver] bere, Tuesday morning for a John Lester, speciat police-.....6 10 r,! Ltrersyviltle waurîed the Chaiutauqia brief business visit. He la desi»gni"ng J. A. Treptea-, satary------------....25 10 undr-r the new orgarization. Atbugh architect trox a large contracting firm, Pete Moore, care et park-......50 10 tire rt-ident poprirtin wats tht-se bis speciat line beiiig batik buildinge andt Fire department practice--------...8 50 llîtautsuquas, the businese population 111 bis duties take hlm a wide ecope of the Moved tiy Godng seconded by Coltinas upposer] ta ».. This le targely due ta country, bath in tie Unitedi States and that the bitastic alowed and warrants the tact that the business men are alwajea Casia. tic drawn on tbe different funds. Ayes- r-f t holding the basg alter the.. Chautau- Collins, Ellsworth, Golding, Hart, tuas bave tions. The local commîttet jeII OE ane rgt.Crid alwas slw lare.înnbur»ing %hem for .. HIGH SCOO NTE Lng, rihtus.red the expenses, that thsy are kînd enough ________________ Moved tiy Wright seconded by Colline tu crarry lxxa rier t10 ngtlel venture Mr. Swift's Present in0 th. Sehool.J.A rpoVlaeCrk toain nns.. a *fouSseau Deu.ali L' i i e i e ie 't - n Phones 339-340 %ho I,ntp" aur 'bis service. Spelal muai.. Pn.acî.ng 7:80) p. um., topie ()f sermon, ~Crîag- lîtr "Thepaetor wtt! sprak (Itiriei4ta,, Errif-avor 6:45 p m., topic, CCri-.'p -r-1 Itna" Leaders, WIlson Olen_ .1rif ai-r] Jaek Aietn. l'rar-er aiee'rag, Wdneoday, Nov. 19, *îîri S'omie Dont' fi-on the Book af It'. 'Nscout- Triesday evr-alng, Nov. 18, nit th ie r-Irî-; Camp Fl-e GI-lsata the 1lv-rr pîscîteo Frtday sevenlng; Mr,. MIiiti,r moriter; Srs FIera Durand, argauret. Wciir-r'% s seonar1 socîety will meeS Tîrurrdav af>r-.î,aîn, Nov. 20.. Leader, %Ir-.. Ju tis Tce1îiow; Hotte., lire. John 'tlncurrir-k. Prusbtertn. ' Keep Dorknobs Tlgt. Bunday sebo 10 a. m. Doorknob screws otten work Olt &Mm freschIng If a. m., topte Of sermon jtte iclnc oi. emof. Thfu? b e CifTh Quetion of an Analone World anti pieventeti by removlng tom e OU lb. Anwer.'" R.v, Mr., KeUowell of covertng thein with glu. and .erewiug Dourfisld Preshyterian chureti wllomupy Ihem hack tato lace. over ther,- in a bordy te sec Our boys defeat their. ani wc- did not g' n vain. Last Frietay our light wright teamn def-ae( Elhustby a score et 7 to 6. W l RAYMONDtOUL D. - 'lUT'A - jJ NLrruai Training- W 1alter Wutirte 554ot ",, rrl~in Zanual trrinng -r a f-w rcourse in- 8undav V1eittivi reltlvgw.11,he - î 1tr,ducr-d nu, ueur tligh nr-holthis year.1 %tIr. Fr.t (irabbtir *.rt,r,. .1 %, is Thr-re are for clar-.se,,; rtthis errUrse Sarh cudFY f Aea wek-al instructed b Pofllawk -- ah end. euryo!Ara,'-- u r---clasconsists of tirot. bey.,jTh classes extend t%%o trrty minlutes-',poriods: Dr. C. B. Otney bas ren-I a part et nlnt.Fu prosawe r Miss Clara Miler's home un NMilwaukee nIegh torprrtaw-cac spent in mechanical drawing and the avenue. rerpaining six pierirris ai,- rpr-ntin bu-nch Tu-eday nîglit to attendI a -rof ! Ui Such things as Irrerreholdpes.bo,k- Cou rt ofet a il ofwtiich î li -r rofrhe! fîracks. tabarr-t.,, %heeltrarrows, 'trjr illrtgn-s. stools, fr-rn table-s. ian,, 1,ncheiand 5fr.and Mtr«. John Sirydiiii, Jrr at- waste paper baskete, have ben made f tr'r,ded a card part.v at the lbruw r- r îrthus far. an,,! Mtr lRobert ,1Luis on Saturrtay jAIl the articles r-ar-h itudjent makes r-v-nrnrgarc bis prcviding he pay4 for the A dau'gbter was born Odeur-r 25, te material he uses. The-iaerial s flot Mr . and- Mrs.- Roy Ford -rf Je ffer son, expensive. year the guarantor. have had to Pay tromn $3 to $4 lux order tu meet the local obligations,. whtch they cbeurtully Rive when called upon, burt tht. uboutd b. attended to tmmedtately alter the Chau- tuque, elos, Dot wat&lna tiree or tour montbu beloreu uaktrrg this aisceament ne was the r-a-e this yrar. Th. tefiderit population ehould lakte IbIsChautauqua contraet under adverttbemeub and try It out th moelvec and we feel sur@ that they could brtng is to a aucoseful year Mr. Jones wit! b. lu Llbertyvtlle agaln ID a few weeka and would 11ke .uggee. tlona on thî@s ubject. Liberty Theaitre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 14 and 15 MAETERLINCK'S "The Blue Bird" SUNDAY, NOV. 16 WALLACE REI>b- "Alias MikeMoran" Thurdy a large picture was present- ..,bb cho by Senator Swifb. A short prograin wss prepared. The students sang a number of gongs lenj by )Ir. Walker. Some of bhe members of Ni». Hoffman'e Public Spaak classes were on the progrhin. Chartes Jedlicka gave a short talk on -Lincoln as an Ideal Amnerican", Esther Hodge read the sbory "'He Knew Lincoln"' by Ida Tai-bell; andi Lorraine Hubbard readtheUi poem by Nicholas Vachel Lmndsey "Abraham Lincoln watks at Mîdnigh. " This wae followed by a speech by Senabor Swift belling of Lincoîn'a tife andi Iomething about the picture. We are certainly pleaseti wiUi Aihe picture andi wish to tiantc Mr. Swiftb for lb. It atde eo much tb our Asaembly room and wben we look at Ibis picture we cennot hetp thinking of Lincoln him- self. ALMIA CEUuaCHLL. Football Review. Soon after achoot began our boys were out iegutarty practicing foathat. Our teins fett that, since bhey had with them two human earth quaices aud -a human bullet, nothing would stop Uiem. And they surely have shown tbat it wss true.. Oui- first game waa with Wanconda - ontbier owntied. It wasa hard game, but L. T. H. S. came bonne es the victor. Our nex t game was with DesPlaines. DesPlaines is aur greatest rival in foot- bail anr] naturatty everyone felt prend of aur team wben tbey sent DesPlaines 0 home witb a score of 13-0 in oui- favor. Etmhurst had sncb a lighb footha» I teapi that Mr. Ray sent in the boys eof, the second team. They defeamed Eln. hurat 6-0.1 %On October 24th 0cr team psa*19 Wauconda on Liber-ty FIelti. It wae î one of the hardest contester] gaines eof Uius season but our boys trinmphed over ivery difficulty andi sent Wauconda's boum home with Uic short end of Uic November 4th we playeti Deerfltd's light weight teain. The scinoot wenb ADJUDICATION NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that the subscriber, administratrîx of the estaie of George W. Mitchell, deceased, will attend the county court of Lake county, at a term thereot to be holden at the court bouse ini Waukegan, in said county, on the tirst Monday of january next, 1920, when and where gII persons having claims against said estate are notîfied and requested to present thie same to said court torkèdjudication. CAROLINE MITCHELL, Administratrix. Waukegan, Ill., November 10, 1919. 111 VA/ [ERE ARE YQUR LUABLE PAPERS? We have jus-, installed in our Safe Deposit Vault 36 NEW, Heavy-Type Construction SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. Would you i-ot be wise to secitîre the use of, one of these Boxes in which to keep y9urt, notes, deeds, insurance policies. abstracts or other valuables? Cali andi sec th,-m. For your LIBERTY BONDS our SA"FE KEEP- ING PF.PARTMENT service is best. THIS s' rvice is free. The First National Bank of Libertyville, Illinois RESOURCES 0F MORE i]HAN HALf A MlI!,:iN DOLLARS IA1 'h Whether your building irequirements are large or smail, regardless of you r plans and ideaà in this line, aur experience is f reely at yaur service. If you tell us what ypu want 10 isccomplislî. often ti'mnes we can suggest plaK's for savi ng you money and serving your purpose bettor. Whether you buy of us or flot, wîr want everyone in this county, who has a need in oui- une, to corne ta us freely for building ativice. I.. t.. TELEPHONE- LONG DISTANCE 54J HARTMANN HOUSE HENRY HARTMANN, Prop- WHEELING, ILLINOIS On Milwaeke. Avenu. ladependent Classulied Ads Pog. Ask ang uur 0f < For the Colder'D'ays Nice Knitted Wo-ol Caps, Bonnets Leggings and Bootees Children's Black Worsted Stockings. sizes 6j, 7. 7à. 8. 8j, 9 and 9k, Extra Value, 50 Cents Ladies' and Children's Underwear, in both Union Suits and Two-Piece Garments., W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY, - Phone 29 W. dose Thursdy nights st 6:00; Saturday aight et 9:00; al other nlgbtsa t &M0 for ai.. 1~ BULKLEY BLOC K 1 p*ý. 1 ut t le q a ti 22 hblae f»m Chia@