CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Nov 1919, p. 1

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1"IBER. 1 E I1NDEPENDEN LAECUNYIDEENDENTe Con;;|-'"Big eea" WAUKEGAN WEEKY SUN VOL. XXVU.-NO. 47. BIXTEEN PAGES. LIRERTYVIrLLE, L AYE COUNTY ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, N-OVEMNBER 20, 1919. ONE TO EIG HT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANO]ît WllY NOT SELL THIE BEER RUNNERS PAY SEES SCORES DIE COMMISSIONERS MAN WHO HELPED B RPRDT mnuch nt i. palatability and la ul ai BEER AND BUILD FINES AND ARE RE=I LIKE RATS IN THlE n'. APP0INTED FOR BUILD STATION DIES ANSWER MANY PERn known to chmtists, lits pod roio R0AD THRIJ ZION?' LEASED FROM JAIL STREET-OF CHOLERAI T "fat aesiula11m° "II E. SKOKIE DIST. Frank Pa 3 .:1-ars old, ý! SONAL QUESTIONS d tion recently. Thre shor Of 1- ta Iora d - m r po( ialla sugar has fdeviflopeýd a mar 1: for t.Isl i This is the Question Asked in ne runn, who wprlacein ilil, Lake Co. Young Man Back af - and the, recent prohibil jon At. t Tll 'igfra Census Enumerators wiill Ask Waukegan; Proposition county Jan l II at iday On a falr ter Nearly Two Yearsof "i' !"1 jhflbleboite te îdActn aken in County Court' rheumnatn ai ntd hiiib in 1 ?ead of Each Household Sons esoal. °¤" "s f' t o oe Service in China. ufaictur-. NMaitt ugar Isire n thRfeene oNeMIorsn* oHere 32 Questions. Soun s Reson ble. men i have beenrir-el;azId on fpaynwnt of 1froi th, samne grains as h bii. i aml aDrainage District. rtrv o hcg o fin,,, of $If)()and costs, JameI yan 1 itbemad-e frome corn or potafIý, orliaIN Hewas Ime r deitfth sh1 SMILES BY CHIEF BECKERanMss hnhdbenrrin< WAS UNDER QUARANTINE plant vontaining starch. nil o elin aro.,. contratirl io ARE TO START IN JANUARY ;ti( M .is 1irlltsbal l fiiarain, ,unti rIecenIIy in the m nuh. c MANY ESTATES TAKEN UP. e'"nra' eethos,, o---. Wakean N v -3 in court last saturday and askedfor a beeýr, can bce usld now to produ matmu M a pe setr sadlowII Whetn thre consus manivisits your STATE FAVORS PLAN -~ otnac.Thyweeual opro To sf-emI n walk ;abtiwli tr11 , sugzar sirupTh, EatSoi rIag it n em anonhah a nhmei anay t' oghust tbecame known today that Super. ,bail at once, how Ivrand weýrde i h andp the fi.wt.erle4 <a ae tbe ri ae r 1. arIsonand Niithns marbes t haustvyouewill call himt visor Bairstow, chairman of the rMadl remanded t o the custf>dy of the.. shriff. eonstruggle ffoi orp oth anbeuldadiren w *:zun 1 conosines ao en ppit-Sen lig shoNead exeni ha% nqiitveprsnyo eeImt co mtews srosytaking upiLate at nighit they vobtained bailland, then roli over o(n the ir backn nt ai fri 1auacue1U oa t ' taIn l ThIiý wasdone in counity court u o sain n i rnt.Amesionbth e l r e absoltelyn the matter of asking Judoe Edwards point the process for make tIl MondP- igesi, uio land Iiamp rant. J u iestilo n u that o are fri. n tautoe h aeo h ote n wlr rleased. noth mniciappearedin t hi - c bca eso sugar sirup is, the samne as . 'll 1-n"'l:slurvived by his widow. Jareur like other censuses, workys are nbth Cases I(moirs thetibeler) in the Zion col.. irit f court this morning,p Ie;l !m n ht yael rpadayug for maing ber. Evaporatniii asi, i ynr: ht ndWl cidrn sn ter he rohr šg to stop with questions as to age, iection In order to raise money to- guilty and were finised $1% a nd cost iiot it . hI s oug a i s oral. lw it rincipal additional Aequipaif. to liam Huhn iand one sster. jnationality and occupation. You wll ward building the road through Zio.Î I hypad rl Jam; !, altiof Antiochi, Who qI re ybeeis oh e at An unusuially large numiber oflt cases have ,;t fesIIu p n yuowdn an at- It ei sadthey could raise $5,00O-on Gus I hmlan and Binjaminriizi!-kI ' ju ,returnd Iirom rvc in 1ugar rup lac o-w r ta nup nd iso dofprmobfifi theore w, i l ene n ing thea the sale of the bottles andcases. Judge n ., ilr the(, Asiatic cholra Mal ua oplose mthbate1,court àMonday. Thwfollo1wing at im yu ae inleWmarid r Edwards is said to think favorably of bothi wlrefined1 $1 fil and rsts in ,i* mr ll.1 ie aple sirup. It canbi n 1, -d for ls fcss i sple yC u 1wido er and it might also makte the pisan, inlview of Mr. Bairstow's cuit court last Saturday allin wr. .1 poa ( l iecto aukegan ,vrything that cane stvar i- m li Cle Lmew A. H end . li)things easier if you learn the valus, assurance that state h;ghway officiais noandl tte oyo h heu o eths iznhpp-fo. Il lits use on til,-F taeofl'triithll'lsd'n haepromised him that if afn s we hywr nbet py L rnr w ibh ban raso ofntuituie scovei"t a, i nistato dichaged.Wauegalwil hae t."sandfor started here, thrait the state Ill meeths hnrbe dica rm te ilt., :j tuost exxcellent sub , fcr AddIiional bond in the sumn of $2. t- e inqiithess m n hrl ItI with an tequai amount and thus the in the day thIy managed to0 rii e he ar v. Mr.IaI eis tdi frn th le fr- tblt. l whenl sugar i o oh h prov'iintheesttt'failli1M.aller Janutary 1. according to present road in Zion can be finishedpeio tI.ffns n er ishr e e in ( obf r 1917.and was dis- i o nypovdsse n tan o l anisftewrh ev , Thtat lhe confiscated br+,r al Zion fromt th, county jail, chiarged two years later to a day .eqa to sugar in food daui F or y .fhisi safse neaeytt eaone Citye, i i, besold and the mrt e. Following is an additional li.'t of! Hel wail sent to Jefferson Barracks cookniro. and a t p rpo n ta, ý' leof Mary A. or ison. Will be Heard in County Co r , h ing li crtinifIsexpla ed road thronthsat- Iid o iL"ai 1rrne wh per< ncony o heetP i ntoi ugar in.,conniencesnd o I (IuryA.Njonri on & Wll ecme r 8 out uth.theoreptile hane teyhadetenIyear the suggi-il nfi il-o County Clerk court to day and p1leaded gI teach wfitalhe Iwas trnsferrefd to China' , i btil is superior for someuwbe Letters of administration issuied to ao h edo veyf'nl ilb Lýew Heno!Il · by two out Of town being fineid S5100and ctili jNo Te l heehf'1n cause il will not crystll z1,r 111.. .se about 32 questions. The mois meniner.· a ontrctin f h init o Ten si, wer here - aroline Mitchell in estate of Georgel The report of the commissioners ap- sent out on-the work will have thellr roas CIAR ES . R AN.manedforel onts a a emer f -E .Mithil ' pointed to spread the assessment in the instrifictions, and with a little coopera- "Zion City seems Io Ibe having a di- LEO, KUElFN. n aýr CAEESD Y e = "p=°1o""° roceedings of the vIliage for a stolm tion they will get alongr nicely. It wiff fiul tmefianin is od roos. AN KLLR.saewa. nl furmebes f3i Estate of Grace E. Palmrton closed water sewer impFovement,--was ÍÏled in tk rmtowes1 iot tion "lne of the men sa id. "In fact, It LAURENCE SCHRIERIDEIL rgmn scubdtotecoea.I n dmnsrtr icagY the office of the Clerk of the County heony s e ia asoad thrchances ofarpaing CHRIS AICHROTH. wasl this regiment instead of the ma- RECMN Si WIlI of John George Spoerlein ad- Court on Monday, and was set for hear ten years. nly a fracti nofteqe& eir $Ilmatt .reetie There are still a numbe-r of b,,.r- in lohe ays.. which got into a fracas1 mitted to record and letters testamen-in De mbr8h Teco isoes tosto eakdths ieowv , "W h ouldenttite.go ln ornigcases to be disposed] of, but' th runti n t. trnpr, LOA RC R sed: fo Jaobbat. o 1 Edwhave been busy getting up the ssess were Put to familyheldsIn other bold a sale and ispolieof the confis- State's Attorney Welch is confident oeo h ebr ftergmn .Wlhfldadstfrhai ment rol] and report, showing the des-er eated beer instead of turing lit Into that the big majority of them will be succumbed to exposure. The Japanese December 1, 1919. criptiorr-of each person' property and bntoaiyadocptc bno diffi ulty In dispos r wou ldta dispfosed of without being obliged to go at Nagasaki claimed the soldier had Sortagggof g M ad thg Inventory approvei nsatie of Al- the amount of their asessment, and past censch us tineroda but " goo pic, ndth mneydeivd o ril.died of the cholera and the transport ma E. Knight- notices have been mailed to each pro- census of 1920, as it· will be know& omd thiesande ounle orethan aSherman was held In quarantine for Sact n * Pie Inventory approved In estate of perty owner giving himtitilainformation. will be more comprehiensive. Iitsathe lenough tto build a good rond thronglhsitendasnovEg ae ake. ary oan. prismn apo The total amontiof the estimate for deir o te ovenmntinso the City. What could be easier'" ST IGN M T R -°'-.--1ee --o the eensus, to grslher fiact nv• Tmoid",.e'dekrc Nsfofpoic f SRM N IO O OÀ I ISUGAR RELIEF POSSIBLE e"n etate o m . HMilengrand thetimpavemna nwu $1,72h0,had e obtainednothatrythis aorm VoaCty meined wntohm eprdidonsy EILELWSRs-e-- a c- o----isoners have -wsrded to the Investigations for the welfare of t• wmbtientl y oibme ds not sntend ÀW R S arl an id int .opetsof Final account and report approved persons whose private propertyIl be genmerai publie. toch bte derienfthy e plesuremofhnelp- a sugaress, egglesa wner. in estate of Cornelius Oison and dis- tknfrargto-a n 10 o When the enumerstors stat e». Ing to open bottles and osee the amber \OF. ouewiewhohasben wr.triuinordepredI • t fSr-cmisinr' sad exvassing Waukegan thei wHilaskques-i liquid trickle down the gutter. CNL NCE ried oiver the sugar situation, ls hav- Ivnoyapveinsteofarcmisoeran xpanses tdons ranaging from the age of, th ing difficulty In purchasing eggs. The ab Jane Barbour. makling a total of $9811,382.00 to be 'youngest daughter to the. pern vi Final account and report In estate assesed. Of tis amuint $6102.24 is Ited, to the value of his l1atest aut> JAIL BEER TRUCK . 1 dhc e":" "°°a ü eledinUse of $S00,000 Subway In.- as. theproverbiahens' el.aFewnf butionmereded.enaproe adi trfi ,ad tbalancevlb ied Te questions, which arle intendedtil W stadefgCossigcaoPetanaofsheators hve tem nosock Inventory and appraisement approv- bring out data about the increas'of MEN FØR FAILU E -:acquamanent PlanA is Opposed.Il and where they are purchased ousid edAmi o oi swoettlevilage.On ti asish timkdaiedh oo n important sectionc folcl the price ranges as high as 75 cents. right of action for $800 In estate of cSt will be about $1.40 per front foot, about their parents;filliteracy;schloot TO PRODÙC FINE II"nume rae"lilefû TO CONFER WITH BASSETT Soaeeg ucae t h trsOt ilr or $70 for a fifty foot lot, and the attendance; dwelling places,boW If engine number ls destroyed re-1 bring as high as 68 cents. Wisconsin Account and report approved in es- property owners will have ten years irli n and what sort; number of fami- moedcvrd lee rdfcdThe question as to whether Downey eggsare about th bstthrait can be ®nentf yilan dowp rinaprvwhcto·ayhiih5per cents; svoting and milaig &t Number of Beer Runners Ar-l an custodian of machin, is conNiet. Crossing. near the naval station, ls to purchased at the stores, and the Ie ed In estate of Addle B. Himrod. interest un deferred installments and it ages, and comparison of numbers bl raigned in Court; Several *tu"' m e thakenotand imposa ho 1Uito trw-9taken up witbAdmirandfo teieced teIupl. eree for sale of ral statle entered is felt that this will not be a greathard- tween certain ages. PI ed uil a Ithe n nuer nsset Tursay y Carls asselWith eggs as high as they are atin estate of James Nielson.. ship on anyone, as the property will bie -ast wne, he rmuI apply o ounty supe-rintendent of highways, to- this time time of the year Waukegan taAcou ni.a d epoarovdm s benefited in value more than the coot of MANY R ECEIVE PAPIERS SOE O IG C ARGS ary f stalle for il numb ril gether with the higbway commission- dealers predict that the prIce per dol- Inventer% approved In estate of the improvement. SOMETO FGHTCHARES The speed limit has bee raisei ï a offtit- The o Shie d an illter en this winter will be close to a dollar. p. Smih It is believed by the village authorities Federal Natuiealization Exam- Saýýtu*tday Novemiber 15. 1919 .foras5t ml ou naefrence was that it was dpecided to Sugar conditions remain about the East Skokie Drainage DIstrict- or-ththecnrtwilbltfolssneHreTdyaíPs- Two convicte beer runn-rs who lic highwal rseOf a corporatk koop th.e crossing close for thI pres-isame as they have beýen In Waukegan, ganize and Hiram W. Ferry, Andrew than this estimate, in which case pro- leHr TdyaiPs- were ~ ~ ~ ~ i unabl tolroducither fins im n s lt xci Prei se selden ept eprsfo hiaota 9T W ile and Wm. Huhn appointedi perty owners will receive a rebate one 0 er o r ntb p a n tuk. -t o n n s n Icy cents per Poundit is being charged In comm s mr tbihproftof heiv hir assmn.Wakgnad e1onyain $1,000 eah, er e locked up in tIli Hgh ay ot, 1s ha1nr, rlock> which hfoid the ai. in placei in somte storesteelT epiefee sipi e at fCthrn carthy 1 While there iwas some opposition to w o sre i h1old wr h cont ai t akea tdy n i u isdiction may l ace ai(.iltn ebargo cn eoendragsfrm13cns o15cnswth fld n a o hain o. 7 teiprvmetaNtepulch.r g.n jri17. m oes sjecie such rinwai teylolmpy hIr on crtI n od æ oThe ý i parlial m rec. nil]%comn- an occasional report fthat higher price -i sblee htteewl eliteo atilrwr oa hn te I l sorprod :itr hi*ondIsmaýn. S-vpraI rond1 rin- Is l-tedlai uhwa un der il t he raliilr'oad ino opposition to the improvemnent whlen were mis (It*ofthe country bee rnnrsapeaedincortandup tnn e f Tra.e" OTtrack- Iat a co(st t$ snTitisub11- aebigcag I E F R P S L it cornes up for hearing inh le I ut, %oih 1w, foughit on ih,,nlpliaof Iiity Nilr i ni l No) person ui lws ut nt-ow eyH: n'a i temajority art Ilo anxious to get!t i r. cot ( WOR nPaOSTAraLnturly $100 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i a i i Th o in ah , hud drv a moftesubf- sugar, however, filait they are willng Curas i eazeitht tisnee- l maili cr amle to MWaukegan rage] et an$-,,landi $60, comlpnied by a b1 niarnt M ,c i l oer te o ayth hYhr pic wthutma - ary to take, cart of ithe surface .water 1 ;,fi d ein :he fi derail build- The fU whe dfn Itsw,,.- r-1 1>17 suby hemiy rpat-.ngmuh o aco plaLint. Dealers are ihtet n donn rprt n ig w o xm eltecsso raigne Il Iincolnriloiday: l persoi meni IIlnditwas for this reason n m chofi that . .order Ito prepjar,ý for the paving o n mn 3a o w oedsru NHNSTETS-Chagenolle pros vIwil, inlan imtoxicate'd ""n11 a si' a h eo nhaving, difficuHy .vin ,,It(ing suffict 1 Mlakeae wh h tt. T e fmilh a ftectzn edI b h e stI late's anornoiIy' on the liaIlu l ft 2o fi ni, an n jui This gate recently was torn dowvn fby 1sugarl to supply aitcustomers, and heavy 1ra in we d thiisspring -and1 faIl Trie s ro a U- qhowing 11ha1 Stein hfas be,,,n 1 in an telle ornot excehntg iNy II, hiil cionnoissione on thle when they digetlalittle they sell der ew yw i hnie itisc inan ,ayum for tflw last thrfee -"No motorist shoui fl h rud tha th. lrm i lhad nool Iom toa atm . R - alC rir t e ev u -also have cin\vitwed miany thait som o esdec akn or . monthl AtI the timeOf !his arrest hisltn fhe m r n rnign .-toeo te prahto apub i w a i enilwtho d uMhaI 1toIb.,taken to art rI n :ic fcr pecliaractions attract-d the atten :,r atenan dports from Cicago are totethe effect stantial Increases as Result away l t s nrm,il: aare and tverd iw ,'ilmri i to )elaipse, to- ,;on ofih Rth athorities.qr oarssdtata de u- htmilosof pounds of beet sugar o e e ea a . waters in (lt, ilall as the o nt n rofa am- GU NIH AN -Fined $10A and n th,·winlter or poI sibla t oter art, on thle way Iere This is expected.__ drains are indeutet carry off- the hiaV ýqt i', nIcs -ostsan<l ivmnint e utodpy. of K VIaA ns. thIe sub ay m y'otb ôa- orelieve thie situation consi derably Wh l cinrg thlt new fIedeni, ini in mnany iv a-es it stands in " I.I h<isheri fftwhen he a nal o a.cesi.ble and it then woueld be destra. 1e a 1qsulb Ia d ini .re... judge BENJA M!N PHYZITAKE - Fined ble to u÷ thie crossinig. it is because and cau,ýla reductionin prige. telwpaesre onr n elr S00 ami! costii; eiven into fthe culstoi o hi at htth i bwaydepart- 1rla i fth le bu o ehavecontened n r lnsapeae of the shi ff whe ew sual oment fd oes m Ishthe road Ot be ý \ýl have a lfo od forI)]e tht inly 1part Iof the iimprovemnrt 61,I i W \p :uns and piy. Ilod . maefl d any steps to I H AN A K1,ý1l I i l iuli shouild belt itin at the rs ttim, w r etdto the offic of the cir- LAW INCyl SCTTfUfRIETER P iddo this Iwll ,- foughth ficaiaioth m h btthei,- best engineering authotrities r c ' i-ete to u hi a I nei IIlla ITh ke \IlaTownship Com. iral 1 as it ce eu wed the high1 POUŒ AREstFAC, and- fi-i-,-i-an ofi0 m ot alion was fotrmalil way oMlil "o t1mum M and 1 , many;, hI e cheaper ,,tandibttras 1',yte ,Iad rin a lIle, guly n w sr n d nhad o fficIrs wlere ele :i te ntersu pan._."thewlt. iide' i lw auk %aenlueas Ae ahr S:LeIcI. North Chi- -\'MresdIlviiiidef.A. L. IDewerh e plrsi veeple elasi auilveu n eatc . HE MA T N MNIPid a \iepednW . ádPy1olicemllo l a Hihbind Pak a0 l l e t itiIllw iln i ul If sameol, asthl srfce water wetiofr'1, %a row%,kt North ChI- A GIS C T A ElP ad a in og S r r, .. l pr are in a bit of r i i dýicament. Recent and i rj jli;lò le:i w I i l wak,,eu un t htsnete..ti - l'ati :1 fi Tqretsuri l.IH. StrattonivyFort gSihr an ;auithorities raild a ;,: I hat i,% av frmo ja 1 . Frank liItti, i Ili lnd L,. $101 ndcots andaim n coavstnsi.cead oanwdbrrllofwneawen.wla b amiffctveIwllan-hv t b tke creofGare gofi.-o P k LENR-FERCKlM w meil, f. K f na NEW SUBSTITUTcey raskidlth Ilpolice to keep ti el i ,,i4ehas e;l& Mic;IWakoga of me $1 y0an id ts. 1 Public ServiceP--Fraink M. Hiamlin. at the station. After being held there Cites been a8sse edhigher lper ftront foot thian t id ;,.Iohnson:. North Chicago. Jmest r yn andcur itsMossn uad mne J.J.Barnsýta1ble for a whnó e i tswithin began .\u l t bntin i rd i th thre residenceproperty, as iscuilmary. ery'Jlet !!had1ak foared n tis on nd hP ln Streeits and Roads-G . rORi USEIN U tH'OMnEan vr nc'i pem oian ftela r oWith thre puItti iofthis imiprove- uaoA vn.lnvle obtain ailawyer The unhadlbiee nt commnunity A'arnÔ -rg w ie thebreswudexvd.Rv en r ie.\r Gaystaled "to'ment, Libertyvil! wid bring itlf up t aioZnCiy n Ar b l ap e- 1 slitrwood. enue oficlrsisaythey/.can (do nothing day thail guaanl sthe f ol)lowin ..«Pal er ak a dictedIi+ II , bthd eeç he pp- omnsInyulWr .r just as Sweet, Just as Whole- nt e ownro h ie r a nre- e h eryslr the standard i all imodern cViticaadlsassaais ykga 000 Iininbail fxid by thi-court E an3d.;S me. S1ane111 et ai there 8 isno videne he tried to!,i>,,, for th 1O nw reelin fin,,villages by takm (-areo)f lits storrn, e rmanded to the custody vof the AINlrtisinig and ITtiqlity Pranl selJ.lit Ilhi enietewnee- 00t L0: 10trio h e surface and loverillow waesTn i Th RI ev . cowllof Deerield Pre*

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